2 # this script must be run by the current perl to get perl's version right
8 use File::Basename qw( dirname );
10 my $file = "META.yml";
11 die "$0: will not override $file, delete it first.\n" if -e $file;
13 use Maintainers qw(%Modules get_module_files get_module_pat);
15 my @CPAN = grep { $Modules{$_}{CPAN} } keys %Modules;
16 my @files = map { get_module_files($_) } @CPAN;
17 my @dirs = grep { -d $_ } map { get_module_pat($_) } @CPAN;
22 my $files = join '', map { " - $_\n" }
25 while(($d = dirname($d)) ne "."){
26 last if exists $dirs{$d};
29 # if $d is "." it means we tried every parent dir of the file and none
30 # of them were in the private list
34 sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @files;
36 my $dirs = join '', map { " - $_\n" } sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } @dirs;
38 open my $fh, ">$file" or die "Can't open $file: $!";
43 abstract: Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
44 author: perl5-porters\@perl.org
46 distribution_type: core