delete thrdvar.h and move its contents to intrpvar.h
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / Porting /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;
3 use Text::Wrap;
4 $Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
5 my ($committer, $patch, $log);
6 use Getopt::Long;
8 my ($rank, $percentage, $cumulative, $reverse, $ta, @authors, %authors,
9     %untraced, %patchers, %committers);
10 my $result = GetOptions ("rank" => \$rank,                  # rank authors
11                          "thanks-applied" => \$ta,          # ranks committers
12                          "acknowledged=s"   => \@authors ,  # authors files
13                          "percentage" => \$percentage,      # show as %age
14                          "cumulative" => \$cumulative,
15                          "reverse" => \$reverse,
16                         );
18 if (!$result or (($rank||0) + ($ta||0) + (@authors ? 1 : 0) != 1) or !@ARGV) {
19   die <<"EOS";
20 $0 --rank Changelogs                        # rank authors by patches
21 $0 --acknowledged <authors file> Changelogs # Display unacknowledged authors
22 $0 --thanks-applied Changelogs              # ranks committers
23 $0 --percentage ...                         # show rankings as percentages
24 $0 --cumulative ...                         # show rankings cumulatively
25 $0 --reverse ...                            # show rankings in reverse
26 Specify stdin as - if needs be. Remember that option names can be abbreviated.
27 EOS
28 }
30 my %map = reverse (
31                    # "Correct" => "Alias"
32                    adi => "enache\",
33                    alanbur => "alan.burlison\",
34                    ams => "ams\",
35                    chip => "chip\",
36                    davem => "davem\",
37                    doughera => " doughera\",
38                    gbarr => "gbarr\",
39                    gsar => "gsar\",
40                    hv => "hv\",
41                    jhi => "jhi\",
42                    merijn => "h.m.brand\",
43                    mhx => "mhx-perl\",
44                    nicholas => "nick\",
45                    nick => "nick\",
46                    pudge => "pudge\",
47                    rgs => "rgarciasuarez\",
48                    sky => "sky\", 
49                    steveh => "steve.hay\",
50                    stevep => "steve\",
51                    gisle => "gisle\",
52                    "abigail\"=> "abigail\",
53                    "chromatic\" => "chromatic\",
54                    "slaven\" => "slaven.rezic\",
55                    "mjtg\" => "mjtg\",
56                    "robin.barker\" => "rmb1\",
57                    "paul.marquess\"
58                    => "paul_marquess\",
59                    "wolfgang.laun\" =>
60                    "wolfgang.laun\",
61                    "t.jenness\" => "timj\",
62                    "abe\" => "abeltje\",
63                    "nospam-abuse\" => "tels\",
64                    "jfriedl\" => "jfriedl\",
65                    "japhy\" => "japhy\",
66                    "gellyfish\" => "jns\",
67                    "jcromie\" => "jcromie\",
68                    "demerphq\" => "demerphq\",
69                    "rick\" => "rick\",
70                    "vkonovalov\"
71                    => "vkonovalov\",
72                    "rjk\"
73                    => "rjk\",
74                    "domo\" => "shouldbedomo\",
75                    "kane\" => "kane\",
76                    "allens\" => "easmith\",
77                    "spoon\" => "spoon\",
78                    "ben_tilly\" => "btilly\",
79                    "mbarbon\" => "mattia.barbon\",
80                    "tassilo.parseval\" =>
81                    "tassilo.von.parseval\",
82                    "dcd\" => "david.dyck\",
83                    "kroepke\"
84                    => "kay\",
85                    "sebastien\" => "maddingue\",
86                    "radu\" => "rgreab\",
87                    "rick\"
88                    => "rick.delaney\",
89                    "p5-authors\"
90                    => "perl\",
91                    "stef\" => "stef\",
92                    "kstar\" => "kstar\",
93                    "7k8lrvf02\" =>
94                    "kjx9zthh3001\",
95                    "mgjv\" => "mgjv\",
96                    "thomas.dorner\" => "tdorner\",
97                    "ajohnson\" => "ajohnson\",
98                    "phil\" => "phil\",
99                    "tom.horsley\" => "tom.horsley\",
100                    "rootbeer\" => "rootbeer\",
101                    "cp\" => "publiustemp-p5p\",
102                    "epeschko\100den-mdev1" => "esp5\",
103                    "pimlott\" => "andrew\",
104                    "fugazi\" => "larrysh\",
105                    "merijnb\" => "merijnb\",
106                    "whatever\" => "davidnicol\",
107                    "rmgiroux\" => "rmgiroux\",
108                    "smcc\" => "smcc\",
109                    "schubiger\" => "steven\",
110                    "richard.foley\"
111                    => "richard.foley\",
112                    "damian\" => "damian\",
113                    "gp\" => "gerrit\",
114                    "juerd\" => "juerd\",
115                    "\"
116                    => "paul_greenvos\",
117                    "alian\" => "alian\",
118                    "david.dyck\" => "dcd\",
119                    # Maybe we should special case this to get real names out?
120                    "perlbug\" => "perlbug-followup\",
121                   );
123 # Make sure these are all lower case.
125 $map{"autrijus\"} = $map{"autrijus\"}
126   = $map{"autrijus\"} = $map{"autrijus\"}
127   = $map{"autrijus\"} = "cpan\";
128 $map{"ilya\"} = $map{"ilya\"}
129   = $map{"ilya\"} = "nospam-abuse\";
130 $map{"philip.newton\"} = $map{"philip.newton\"}
131   = $map{"pnewton\"} = "pne\",
132 $map{"simon\"} = $map{"simon\"}
133   = $map{"simon\"} = $map{"simon\"}
134   = $map{"simon\"} = "simon\";
135 $map{"spider\"} = $map{"spider\"}
136   = $map{"spider-perl\"}
137   = $map{"spider\"}
138   = "spider\";
139 $map{"andreas.koenig.gmwojprw\"}
140   = $map{"a.koenig\"} =  "andreas.koenig\";
141 $map{"japhy\"} = $map{"japhy\"}
142   = "japhy\";
143 $map{"rmbarker\"} = "robin.barker\";
144 $map{"yves.orton\"} = $map{"yves.orton\"}
145   = "demerphq\";
146 $map{"jim.cromie\"} = "jcromie\";
147 $map{"perl_dummy\"} = "nospam-abuse\";
148 $map{"paul.marquess\"} = "paul.marquess\";
149 $map{"konovalo\"} = $map{"vadim\"}
150   = "vkonovalov\";
151 $map{"kane\"} = "kane\";
152 $map{"rs\"} = "p5-authors\";
153 $map{"(srezic\"} = "slaven\";
154 $map{"perl\"} = "spoon\";
155 $map{"rjk-perl-p5p\"} = "rjk\";
156 $map{"sts\"} = "schubiger\";
157 $map{"s.payrard\"} = "stef\";
158 $map{"richard.foley\"} = "richard.foley\";
159 # I assume that Ton Hopsel's lack of e-mail address in AUTHORS is deliberate
160 $map{"me-02\"} = $map{"perl-5.8.0\"}
161   = $map{"perl5-porters\"} = "!";
162 # No real name for these address
163 $map{$_} = "?" foreach ("grommel\", "pxm\",
164                         "padre\", "jdhedden\100" . "",
165                         "nothingmuch\", "bob\",
166                         "bbucklan\",
167                         "bilbo\", "mats\",
168                         "chris\", 
169                         "kaminsky\",
170                         "bonefish\",
171                         "bstrand\",
172                         "glasser\",
173                         "raf\", "erik\",
174                         "jms\", "kvr\",
175                         "perlbug\",
176                         "scott\",
177                        );
178 # We don't have an e-mail address for Beau Cox
179 $map{"beau\"} = "?";
181 $map{"rgarciasuarez\"}
182   = $map{"rgarciasuarez\"}
183   = $map{"rgarciasuarez\"}
184   = $map{"raphel.garcia-suarez\"} = "rgs";
185 $map{"jhietaniemi\"} = $map{"jhi\"}
186   = $map{"jhi\"} = $map{"jarkko.hietaniemi\"} = "jhi";
187 $map{"nick\"} = $map{"nick\"}
188   = $map{"nick\"} = $map{"nick\"}
189   = $map{"nick\"} = "nicholas";
190 $map{"craig.berry\"} = $map{"craig.berry\"}
191   = $map{"craig.berry\"}
192   = $map{"craigberry\"} = "craigb";
193 $map{"davem\" }
194   = $map{"davem\"} = $map{"davem\"}
195  = "davem";
196 $map{"alan.burlison\"} = "alanbur";
197 $map{"artur\"} = $map{"arthur\"} = "sky";
198 $map{"h.m.brand\"} = $map{"merijn\"} = "merijn";
199 $map{"nik\"} = $map{"\"} = "nick";
200 $map{"hv\"} = "hv";
201 $map{"gisle\"} = "gisle";
202 $map{"gsar\"} = "gsar";
204 if (@authors) {
205   my %raw;
206   foreach my $filename (@authors) {
207     open FH, "<$filename" or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
208     while (<FH>) {
209       next if /^\#/;
210       next if /^-- /;
211       if (/<([^>]+)>/) {
212         # Easy line.
213         $raw{$1}++;
214       } elsif (/^([-A-Za-z0-9 .\'À-ÖØöø-ÿ]+)[\t\n]/) {
215         # Name only
216         $untraced{$1}++;
217       } else {
218         chomp;
219         warn "Can't parse line '$_'";
220       }
221     }
222   }
223   foreach (keys %raw) {
224     print "E-mail $_ occurs $raw{$_} times\n" if $raw{$_} > 1;
225     $_ = lc $_;
226     $authors{$map{$_} || $_}++;
227   }
228   ++$authors{'!'};
229   ++$authors{'?'};
230 }
232 while (<>) {
233   next if /^-+/;
234   if (m!^\[\s+(\d+)\]\s+By:\s+(\S+)\s+on!) {
235     # new patch
236     my @new = ($1, $2);
237     &process ($committer, $patch, $log);
238     ($patch, $committer) = @new;
239     undef $log;
240   } elsif (s/^(\s+Log: )//) {
241     die "Duplicate Log:" if $log;
242     $log = $_;
243     my $prefix = " " x length $1;
244     LOG: while (<>) {
245       next if /^$/;
246       s/^\t/        /;
247       if (s/^$prefix//) {
248         $log .= $_;
249       } elsif (/^\s+Branch:/) {
250         last LOG;
251       } else {
252         chomp;
253         die "Malformed log end with '$_'";
254       }
255     }
256   }
257 }
259 &process ($committer, $patch, $log);
261 if ($rank) {
262   &display_ordered(\%patchers);
263 } elsif ($ta) {
264   &display_ordered(\%committers);
265 } elsif (%authors) {
266   my %missing;
267   foreach (sort keys %patchers) {
268     next if $authors{$_};
269     # Sort by number of patches, then name.
270     $missing{$patchers{$_}}->{$_}++;
271   }
272   foreach my $patches (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %missing) {
273     print "$patches patch(es)\n";
274     foreach my $author (sort keys %{$missing{$patches}}) {
275       print "  $author\n";
276     }
277   }
278 }
280 sub display_ordered {
281   my $what = shift;
282   my @sorted;
283   my $total;
284   while (my ($name, $count) = each %$what) {
285     push @{$sorted[$count]}, $name;
286     $total += $count;
287   }
289   my $i = @sorted;
290   return unless @sorted;
291   my $sum = 0;
292   foreach my $i ($reverse ? 0 .. $#sorted : reverse 0 .. $#sorted) {
293     next unless $sorted[$i];
294     my $prefix;
295     $sum += $i * @{$sorted[$i]};
296     # Value to display is either this one, or the cumulative sum.
297     my $value = $cumulative ? $sum : $i;
298     if ($percentage) {
299         $prefix = sprintf "%6.2f:\t", 100 * $value / $total;
300     } else {
301         $prefix = "$value:\t";
302     }
303     print wrap ($prefix, "\t", join (" ", sort @{$sorted[$i]}), "\n");
304   }
305 }
307 sub process {
308   my ($committer, $patch, $log) = @_;
309   return unless $committer;
310   my @authors = $log =~ /From:\s+.*?([^"\@ \t\n<>]+\@[^"\@ \t\n<>]+)/gm;
312   if (@authors) {
313     foreach (@authors) {
314       s/^<//;
315       s/>$//;
316       $_ = lc $_;
317       $patchers{$map{$_} || $_}++;
318     }
319     # print "$patch: @authors\n";
320     ++$committers{$committer};
321   } else {
322     # print "$patch: $committer\n";
323     # Not entirely fair as this means that the maint pumpking scores for
324     # everything intergrated that wasn't a third party patch in blead
325     $patchers{$committer}++;
326   }
327 }