Skip tests for buggy Spreadsheet::ParseExcel versions (rbo)
[dbsrgits/SQL-Translator.git] / Build.PL
1 # $Id: Build.PL,v 1.13 2007-10-24 10:55:44 schiffbruechige Exp $
3 use strict;
4 use lib './lib';
5 use Module::Build;
7 my $builder = Module::Build->new(
8     create_readme     => 0,
9     dist_abstract     => 'SQL DDL transformations and more',
10     dist_author       => 'Ken Y. Clark <>',
11     dist_version_from => 'lib/SQL/',
12     license           => 'gpl',
13     module_name       => 'SQL::Translator',
14     sign              => 1,
15     script_files      => [
16         'bin/sqlt-diagram',
17         'bin/sqlt-diff',
18         'bin/sqlt-diff-old',
19         'bin/sqlt-dumper',
20         'bin/sqlt-graph',
21         'bin/sqlt',
22     ],
23     requires          => {
24         'Class::Base'              => 0,
25         'Class::Data::Inheritable' => 0.02,
26         'Class::MakeMethods'       => 0,
27         'Digest::SHA1'             => 2.00,
28         'IO::Dir'                  => 0,
29         'Log::Log4perl'            => 0,
30         'Parse::RecDescent'        => 1.94,
31         'Pod::Usage'               => 0,
32         'Class::Accessor::Fast'    => 0,
33         'DBI'                      => 0,
34     },
35     recommends        => {
36         'Template'                 => 2.10,
37         'GD'                      => 0,
38         'GraphViz'                => 0,
39         'Graph::Directed'         => 0,
40         'IO::File'                => 0,
41         'IO::Scalar'              => 0,
42         'Spreadsheet::ParseExcel' => '>= 0.2602, != 0.33',
43         'Text::ParseWords'        => 0,
44         'Text::RecordParser'      => 0.02,
45         'XML::Writer'             => 0.500,
46         'XML::XPath'              => 1.13,
47     },
48     build_requires    => {
49         'File::Basename'          => 0,
50         'File::Spec'              => 0,
51         'Test::More'              => 0.6,
52         'Test::Differences'       => 0,
53         'Test::Exception'         => 0,
54         'Test::Differences'       => 0,
55         'YAML'                    => 0.39,
56     },
57     get_options => {
58         # Where to store additional files such as templates.
59         # TODO: Should be OS dependant. See Module::Build::os_type()
60         install_dir => { type=>'=s', default=>'/usr/local/share/sqlfairy' },
61     },
62 );
64 # Copy .tt2 files in lib into blib/lib
65 $builder->add_build_element('tt2');
67 $builder->create_build_script;
68 print "Now run './Build', './Build test', and './Build install'\n";