-P on VMS. Evicting sed
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / vms / test.com
a0d0e21e 1$! Test.Com - DCL driver for perl5 regression tests
e518068a 3$! Version 1.1 4-Dec-1995
bd3fa61c 4$! Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu
d9ae6319 5$!
a0d0e21e 6$! A little basic setup
7$ On Error Then Goto wrapup
e518068a 8$ olddef = F$Environment("Default")
84902520 9$ oldmsg = F$Environment("Message")
e518068a 10$ If F$Search("t.dir").nes.""
11$ Then
12$ Set Default [.t]
13$ Else
14$ If F$TrnLNm("Perl_Root").nes.""
15$ Then
16$ Set Default Perl_Root:[t]
17$ Else
18$ Write Sys$Error "Can't find test directory"
19$ Exit 44
20$ EndIf
21$ EndIf
93d6612c 22$ Set Message /NoFacility/NoSeverity/NoIdentification/NoText
d9ae6319 23$!
491527d0 24$ exe = ".Exe"
25$ If p1.nes."" Then exe = p1
26$ If F$Extract(0,1,exe) .nes. "."
27$ Then
28$ Write Sys$Error ""
29$ Write Sys$Error "The first parameter passed to Test.Com must be the file type used for the"
30$ Write Sys$Error "images produced when you built Perl (i.e. "".Exe"", unless you edited"
31$ Write Sys$Error "Descrip.MMS or used the AXE=1 macro in the MM[SK] command line."
32$ Write Sys$Error ""
33$ Exit 44
34$ EndIf
3eeba6fb 35$!
36$! "debug" perl if second parameter is nonblank
38$ dbg = ""
39$ ndbg = ""
40$ if p2.nes."" then dbg = "dbg"
41$ if p2.nes."" then ndbg = "ndbg"
a0d0e21e 43$! Pick up a copy of perl to use for the tests
8713643e 44$ If F$Search("Perl.").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Perl.;*
3eeba6fb 45$ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]'ndbg'Perl'exe' []Perl.
59d8d783 46$!
47$! Pick up a copy of vmspipe.com to use for the tests
48$ If F$Search("VMSPIPE.COM").nes."" then Delete/Log/Noconfirm VMSPIPE.COM;*
49$ Copy/Log/NoConfirm [-]VMSPIPE.COM []
a0d0e21e 51$! Make the environment look a little friendlier to tests which assume Unix
3b558104 52$ cat == "Type"
ff0cee69 53$ Macro/NoDebug/NoList/Object=Echo.Obj Sys$Input
a0d0e21e 54 .title echo
55 .psect data,wrt,noexe
56 dsc:
57 .word 0
58 .byte 14 ; DSC$K_DTYPE_T
59 .byte 2 ; DSC$K_CLASS_D
60 .long 0
61 .psect code,nowrt,exe
62 .entry echo,^m<r2,r3>
63 movab dsc,r2
64 pushab (r2)
65 calls #1,G^LIB$GET_FOREIGN
66 movl 4(r2),r3
67 movzwl (r2),r0
68 addl2 4(r2),r0
69 cmpl r3,r0
70 bgtru sym.3
71 nop
72 sym.1:
73 movb (r3),r0
74 cmpb r0,#65
75 blss sym.2
76 cmpb r0,#90
77 bgtr sym.2
78 cvtbl r0,r0
79 addl2 #32,r0
80 cvtlb r0,(r3)
81 sym.2:
82 incl r3
83 movzwl (r2),r0
84 addl2 4(r2),r0
85 cmpl r3,r0
86 blequ sym.1
87 sym.3:
88 pushab (r2)
89 calls #1,G^LIB$PUT_OUTPUT
90 movl #1,r0
91 ret
92 .end echo
59d8d783 93$ If F$Search("Echo.Exe").nes."" Then Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Exe;*
ff0cee69 94$ Link/NoMap/NoTrace/Exe=Echo.Exe Echo.Obj;
a0d0e21e 95$ Delete/Log/NoConfirm Echo.Obj;*
3b558104 96$ echo == "$" + F$Parse("Echo.Exe")
d9ae6319 97$!
a0d0e21e 98$! And do it
09b7f37c 99$ Show Process/Accounting
e518068a 100$ testdir = "Directory/NoHead/NoTrail/Column=1"
746380c8 101$ PerlShr_filespec = f$parse("Sys$Disk:[-]''dbg'PerlShr''exe'")
102$ Define 'dbg'Perlshr 'PerlShr_filespec'
3eeba6fb 103$ MCR Sys$Disk:[]Perl. "-I[-.lib]" - "''p3'" "''p4'" "''p5'" "''p6'"
a0d0e21e 104$ Deck/Dollar=$$END-OF-TEST$$
ba553610 105# $RCSfile: test.com,v $$Revision: 1.1 $$Date: 2001/11/13 00:26:19 $
bd3fa61c 106# Modified for VMS 30-Sep-1994 Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu
a0d0e21e 107#
108# This is written in a peculiar style, since we're trying to avoid
109# most of the constructs we'll be testing for.
111# skip those tests we know will fail entirely or cause perl to hang bacause
271404a7 112# of Unixisms in the tests. (The Perl operators being tested may work fine,
113# but the tests may use other operators which don't.)
71be2cbc 114use Config;
cd4070af 115use File::Spec;
71be2cbc 116
1b24ed4b 117@exclist=('exec.t','stat.t');
a0d0e21e 118foreach $file (@exclist) { $skip{$file}++; }
120$| = 1;
60e23f2f 122# Let tests know they're running in the perl core. Useful for modules
123# which live dual lives on CPAN.
124$ENV{PERL_CORE} = 1;
34b5aed4 126@ARGV = grep($_,@ARGV); # remove empty elements due to "''p1'" syntax
61bb5906 128if (lc($ARGV[0]) eq '-v') {
a0d0e21e 129 $verbose = 1;
34b5aed4 130 shift;
a0d0e21e 132
133chdir 't' if -f 't/TEST';
135if ($ARGV[0] eq '') {
91af766a 136 foreach (<[.*]*.t>, <[-.ext...]*.t>, <[-.lib...]*.t>) {
cd4070af 137 $_ = File::Spec->abs2rel($_);
138 s/\[([a-z]+)/[.$1/; # hmm, abs2rel doesn't do subdirs of the cwd
34b5aed4 139 ($fname = $_) =~ s/.*\]//;
a0d0e21e 140 if ($skip{"\L$fname"}) { push(@skipped,$_); }
141 else { push(@ARGV,$_); }
142 }
145if (@skipped) {
146 print "The following tests were skipped because they rely extensively on\n";
147 print " Unixisms not compatible with the current version of perl for VMS:\n";
34b5aed4 148 print "\t",join("\n\t",@skipped),"\n\n";
a0d0e21e 149}
151$bad = 0;
152$good = 0;
d9ae6319 153$extra_skip = 0;
a0d0e21e 154$total = @ARGV;
155while ($test = shift) {
156 if ($test =~ /^$/) {
157 next;
158 }
159 $te = $test;
160 chop($te);
cd4070af 161 $te .= '.' x (40 - length($te));
a0d0e21e 162 open(script,"$test") || die "Can't run $test.\n";
163 $_ = <script>;
164 close(script);
165 if (/#!..perl(.*)/) {
166 $switch = $1;
55497cff 167 # Add "" to protect uppercase switches on command line
44a8e56a 168 $switch =~ s/-(\S*[A-Z]\S*)/"-$1"/g;
a0d0e21e 169 } else {
170 $switch = '';
171 }
9428117f 172 open(results,"\$ MCR Sys\$Disk:[]Perl. \"-I[-.lib]\" $switch $test 2>&1|") || (print "can't run.\n");
a0d0e21e 173 $ok = 0;
174 $next = 0;
3eeba6fb 175 $pending_not = 0;
a0d0e21e 176 while (<results>) {
177 if ($verbose) {
34b5aed4 178 print "$te$_";
179 $te = '';
a0d0e21e 180 }
181 unless (/^#/) {
6c750130 182 if (/^1\.\.([0-9]+)( todo ([\d ]+))?/) {
a0d0e21e 183 $max = $1;
6c750130 184 %todo = map { $_ => 1 } split / /, $3 if $3;
a0d0e21e 185 $totmax += $max;
186 $files += 1;
187 $next = 1;
188 $ok = 1;
189 } else {
6c750130 190 # our 'echo' substitute produces one more \n than Unix'
191 next if /^\s*$/;
e617780b 194 if (/^(not )?ok (\d+)[^#]*(\s*#.*)?/ &&
6c750130 195 $2 == $next)
196 {
197 my($not, $num, $extra) = ($1, $2, $3);
198 my($istodo) = $extra =~ /^\s*#\s*TODO/ if $extra;
199 $istodo = 1 if $todo{$num};
201 if( $not && !$istodo ) {
202 $ok = 0;
203 $next = $num;
204 last;
205 }
206 elsif( $pending_not ) {
207 $next = $num;
208 $ok = 0;
209 }
210 else {
211 $next = $next + 1;
212 }
213 }
214 elsif(/^not $/) {
215 # VMS has this problem. It sometimes adds newlines
216 # between prints. This sometimes means you get
217 # "not \nok 42"
218 $pending_not = 1;
219 }
220 elsif (/^Bail out!\s*(.*)/i) { # magic words
221 die "FAILED--Further testing stopped" . ($1 ? ": $1\n" : ".\n");
a0d0e21e 222 }
6c750130 223 else {
224 $ok = 0;
225 }
a0d0e21e 227 }
228 }
229 }
230 $next = $next - 1;
231 if ($ok && $next == $max) {
271404a7 232 if ($max) {
233 print "${te}ok\n";
234 $good = $good + 1;
235 } else {
236 print "${te}skipping test on this platform\n";
237 $files -= 1;
d9ae6319 238 $extra_skip = $extra_skip + 1;
271404a7 239 }
a0d0e21e 240 } else {
241 $next += 1;
34b5aed4 242 print "${te}FAILED on test $next\n";
a0d0e21e 243 $bad = $bad + 1;
244 $_ = $test;
245 if (/^base/) {
246 die "Failed a basic test--cannot continue.\n";
247 }
248 }
251if ($bad == 0) {
252 if ($ok) {
253 print "All tests successful.\n";
254 } else {
255 die "FAILED--no tests were run for some reason.\n";
256 }
257} else {
d9ae6319 258 # $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $total * 100);
259 $gtotal = $total - $extra_skip;
260 if ($gtotal <= 0) { $gtotal = $total; }
261 $pct = sprintf("%.2f", $good / $gtotal * 100);
a0d0e21e 262 if ($bad == 1) {
263 warn "Failed 1 test, $pct% okay.\n";
d9ae6319 264 } else {
265 if ($extra_skip > 0) {
266 warn "Total tests: $total, Passed $good, Skipped $extra_skip.\n";
267 warn "Failed $bad/$gtotal tests, $pct% okay.\n";
268 }
269 else {
270 warn "Total tests: $total, Passed $good.\n";
271 warn "Failed $bad/$gtotal tests, $pct% okay.\n";
272 }
a0d0e21e 273 }
275($user,$sys,$cuser,$csys) = times;
c04215f0 276print sprintf("u=%g s=%g cu=%g cs=%g scripts=%d tests=%d\n",
a0d0e21e 277 $user,$sys,$cuser,$csys,$files,$totmax);
279$ wrapup:
23724483 280$ deassign 'dbg'Perlshr
09b7f37c 281$ Show Process/Accounting
e518068a 282$ Set Default &olddef
84902520 283$ Set Message 'oldmsg'
a0d0e21e 284$ Exit