Tidy the "does not map" message for non-characters
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / vms / perlvms.pod
e518068a 1=head1 NAME
3perlvms - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
a0d0e21e 6
748a9306 7Gathered below are notes describing details of Perl 5's
8behavior on VMS. They are a supplement to the regular Perl 5
9documentation, so we have focussed on the ways in which Perl
105 functions differently under VMS than it does under Unix,
11and on the interactions between Perl and the rest of the
a0d0e21e 12operating system. We haven't tried to duplicate complete
748a9306 13descriptions of Perl features from the main Perl
a0d0e21e 14documentation, which can be found in the F<[.pod]>
748a9306 15subdirectory of the Perl distribution.
a0d0e21e 16
17We hope these notes will save you from confusion and lost
748a9306 18sleep when writing Perl scripts on VMS. If you find we've
a0d0e21e 19missed something you think should appear here, please don't
9bc98430 20hesitate to drop a line to vmsperl@perl.org.
a0d0e21e 21
4e592037 22=head1 Installation
24Directions for building and installing Perl 5 can be found in
25the file F<README.vms> in the main source directory of the
26Perl distribution..
e518068a 28=head1 Organization of Perl Images
748a9306 29
e518068a 30=head2 Core Images
748a9306 31
32During the installation process, three Perl images are produced.
33F<Miniperl.Exe> is an executable image which contains all of
34the basic functionality of Perl, but cannot take advantage of
35Perl extensions. It is used to generate several files needed
36to build the complete Perl and various extensions. Once you've
37finished installing Perl, you can delete this image.
39Most of the complete Perl resides in the shareable image
40F<PerlShr.Exe>, which provides a core to which the Perl executable
41image and all Perl extensions are linked. You should place this
42image in F<Sys$Share>, or define the logical name F<PerlShr> to
43translate to the full file specification of this image. It should
44be world readable. (Remember that if a user has execute only access
45to F<PerlShr>, VMS will treat it as if it were a privileged shareable
46image, and will therefore require all downstream shareable images to be
47INSTALLed, etc.)
50Finally, F<Perl.Exe> is an executable image containing the main
51entry point for Perl, as well as some initialization code. It
52should be placed in a public directory, and made world executable.
53In order to run Perl with command line arguments, you should
54define a foreign command to invoke this image.
56=head2 Perl Extensions
58Perl extensions are packages which provide both XS and Perl code
59to add new functionality to perl. (XS is a meta-language which
60simplifies writing C code which interacts with Perl, see
2ceaccd7 61L<perlxs> for more details.) The Perl code for an
748a9306 62extension is treated like any other library module - it's
63made available in your script through the appropriate
64C<use> or C<require> statement, and usually defines a Perl
65package containing the extension.
67The portion of the extension provided by the XS code may be
68connected to the rest of Perl in either of two ways. In the
69B<static> configuration, the object code for the extension is
70linked directly into F<PerlShr.Exe>, and is initialized whenever
71Perl is invoked. In the B<dynamic> configuration, the extension's
72machine code is placed into a separate shareable image, which is
73mapped by Perl's DynaLoader when the extension is C<use>d or
74C<require>d in your script. This allows you to maintain the
75extension as a separate entity, at the cost of keeping track of the
76additional shareable image. Most extensions can be set up as either
77static or dynamic.
79The source code for an extension usually resides in its own
80directory. At least three files are generally provided:
81I<Extshortname>F<.xs> (where I<Extshortname> is the portion of
82the extension's name following the last C<::>), containing
83the XS code, I<Extshortname>F<.pm>, the Perl library module
84for the extension, and F<Makefile.PL>, a Perl script which uses
85the C<MakeMaker> library modules supplied with Perl to generate
86a F<Descrip.MMS> file for the extension.
e518068a 88=head2 Installing static extensions
748a9306 89
90Since static extensions are incorporated directly into
91F<PerlShr.Exe>, you'll have to rebuild Perl to incorporate a
92new extension. You should edit the main F<Descrip.MMS> or F<Makefile>
93you use to build Perl, adding the extension's name to the C<ext>
94macro, and the extension's object file to the C<extobj> macro.
95You'll also need to build the extension's object file, either
96by adding dependencies to the main F<Descrip.MMS>, or using a
97separate F<Descrip.MMS> for the extension. Then, rebuild
98F<PerlShr.Exe> to incorporate the new code.
100Finally, you'll need to copy the extension's Perl library
101module to the F<[.>I<Extname>F<]> subdirectory under one
102of the directories in C<@INC>, where I<Extname> is the name
103of the extension, with all C<::> replaced by C<.> (e.g.
104the library module for extension Foo::Bar would be copied
105to a F<[.Foo.Bar]> subdirectory).
e518068a 107=head2 Installing dynamic extensions
109In general, the distributed kit for a Perl extension includes
110a file named Makefile.PL, which is a Perl program which is used
111to create a F<Descrip.MMS> file which can be used to build and
112install the files required by the extension. The kit should be
c07a80fd 113unpacked into a directory tree B<not> under the main Perl source
e518068a 114directory, and the procedure for building the extension is simply
e518068a 116 $ perl Makefile.PL ! Create Descrip.MMS
117 $ mmk ! Build necessary files
118 $ mmk test ! Run test code, if supplied
119 $ mmk install ! Install into public Perl tree
c07a80fd 121I<N.B.> The procedure by which extensions are built and
122tested creates several levels (at least 4) under the
123directory in which the extension's source files live.
124For this reason, you shouldn't nest the source directory
39aca757 125too deeply in your directory structure, lest you exceed RMS'
c07a80fd 126maximum of 8 levels of subdirectory in a filespec. (You
127can use rooted logical names to get another 8 levels of
128nesting, if you can't place the files near the top of
129the physical directory structure.)
e518068a 130
131VMS support for this process in the current release of Perl
132is sufficient to handle most extensions. However, it does
133not yet recognize extra libraries required to build shareable
134images which are part of an extension, so these must be added
135to the linker options file for the extension by hand. For
136instance, if the F<PGPLOT> extension to Perl requires the
137F<PGPLOTSHR.EXE> shareable image in order to properly link
138the Perl extension, then the line C<PGPLOTSHR/Share> must
139be added to the linker options file F<PGPLOT.Opt> produced
140during the build process for the Perl extension.
142By default, the shareable image for an extension is placed
bbce6d69 143F<[.lib.site_perl.auto>I<Arch>.I<Extname>F<]> directory of the
e518068a 144installed Perl directory tree (where I<Arch> is F<VMS_VAX> or
bbce6d69 145F<VMS_AXP>, and I<Extname> is the name of the extension, with
146each C<::> translated to C<.>). (See the MakeMaker documentation
147for more details on installation options for extensions.)
4e592037 148However, it can be manually placed in any of several locations:
bbce6d69 149 - the F<[.Lib.Auto.>I<Arch>I<$PVers>I<Extname>F<]> subdirectory
150 of one of the directories in C<@INC> (where I<PVers>
151 is the version of Perl you're using, as supplied in C<$]>,
152 with '.' converted to '_'), or
748a9306 153 - one of the directories in C<@INC>, or
154 - a directory which the extensions Perl library module
155 passes to the DynaLoader when asking it to map
156 the shareable image, or
157 - F<Sys$Share> or F<Sys$Library>.
158If the shareable image isn't in any of these places, you'll need
159to define a logical name I<Extshortname>, where I<Extshortname>
160is the portion of the extension's name after the last C<::>, which
161translates to the full file specification of the shareable image.
4e592037 163=head1 File specifications
748a9306 164
4e592037 165=head2 Syntax
a0d0e21e 166
748a9306 167We have tried to make Perl aware of both VMS-style and Unix-
a0d0e21e 168style file specifications wherever possible. You may use
169either style, or both, on the command line and in scripts,
39aca757 170but you may not combine the two styles within a single file
1c9f8daa 171specification. VMS Perl interprets Unix pathnames in much
172the same way as the CRTL (I<e.g.> the first component of
173an absolute path is read as the device name for the
174VMS file specification). There are a set of functions
175provided in the C<VMS::Filespec> package for explicit
176interconversion between VMS and Unix syntax; its
177documentation provides more details.
179Filenames are, of course, still case-insensitive. For
180consistency, most Perl routines return filespecs using
181lower case letters only, regardless of the case used in
182the arguments passed to them. (This is true only when
183running under VMS; Perl respects the case-sensitivity
184of OSs like Unix.)
a0d0e21e 185
748a9306 186We've tried to minimize the dependence of Perl library
a0d0e21e 187modules on Unix syntax, but you may find that some of these,
188as well as some scripts written for Unix systems, will
189require that you use Unix syntax, since they will assume that
4e592037 190'/' is the directory separator, I<etc.> If you find instances
748a9306 191of this in the Perl distribution itself, please let us know,
a0d0e21e 192so we can try to work around them.
4e592037 194=head2 Wildcard expansion
196File specifications containing wildcards are allowed both on
07698885 197the command line and within Perl globs (e.g. C<E<lt>*.cE<gt>>). If
4e592037 198the wildcard filespec uses VMS syntax, the resultant
199filespecs will follow VMS syntax; if a Unix-style filespec is
200passed in, Unix-style filespecs will be returned.
aa779de1 202In both cases, VMS wildcard expansion is performed. (csh-style
203wildcard expansion is available if you use C<File::Glob::glob>.)
4e592037 204If the wildcard filespec contains a device or directory
205specification, then the resultant filespecs will also contain
206a device and directory; otherwise, device and directory
207information are removed. VMS-style resultant filespecs will
208contain a full device and directory, while Unix-style
209resultant filespecs will contain only as much of a directory
210path as was present in the input filespec. For example, if
211your default directory is Perl_Root:[000000], the expansion
212of C<[.t]*.*> will yield filespecs like
213"perl_root:[t]base.dir", while the expansion of C<t/*/*> will
214yield filespecs like "t/base.dir". (This is done to match
215the behavior of glob expansion performed by Unix shells.)
217Similarly, the resultant filespec will contain the file version
218only if one was present in the input filespec.
220=head2 Pipes
222Input and output pipes to Perl filehandles are supported; the
223"file name" is passed to lib$spawn() for asynchronous
224execution. You should be careful to close any pipes you have
225opened in a Perl script, lest you leave any "orphaned"
226subprocesses around when Perl exits.
228You may also use backticks to invoke a DCL subprocess, whose
229output is used as the return value of the expression. The
aa779de1 230string between the backticks is handled as if it were the
231argument to the C<system> operator (see below). In this case,
232Perl will wait for the subprocess to complete before continuing.
4e592037 233
234=head1 PERL5LIB and PERLLIB
39aca757 236The PERL5LIB and PERLLIB logical names work as documented in L<perl>,
4e592037 237except that the element separator is '|' instead of ':'. The
238directory specifications may use either VMS or Unix syntax.
240=head1 Command line
242=head2 I/O redirection and backgrounding
a0d0e21e 243
244Perl for VMS supports redirection of input and output on the
245command line, using a subset of Bourne shell syntax:
55497cff 246
07698885 247=over
249=item *
251C<E<lt>file> reads stdin from C<file>,
253=item *
255C<E<gt>file> writes stdout to C<file>,
257=item *
259C<E<gt>E<gt>file> appends stdout to C<file>,
261=item *
263C<2E<gt>file> writes stderr to C<file>, and
265=item *
267C<2E<gt>E<gt>file> appends stderr to C<file>.
a0d0e21e 270
271In addition, output may be piped to a subprocess, using the
272character '|'. Anything after this character on the command
273line is passed to a subprocess for execution; the subprocess
748a9306 274takes the output of Perl as its input.
a0d0e21e 275
276Finally, if the command line ends with '&', the entire
277command is run in the background as an asynchronous
4e592037 280=head2 Command line switches
a0d0e21e 281
4e592037 282The following command line switches behave differently under
283VMS than described in L<perlrun>. Note also that in order
284to pass uppercase switches to Perl, you need to enclose
285them in double-quotes on the command line, since the CRTL
286downcases all unquoted strings.
a0d0e21e 287
55497cff 288=over 4
edc7bc49 290=item -i
292If the C<-i> switch is present but no extension for a backup
293copy is given, then inplace editing creates a new version of
294a file; the existing copy is not deleted. (Note that if
295an extension is given, an existing file is renamed to the backup
296file, as is the case under other operating systems, so it does
297not remain as a previous version under the original filename.)
4e592037 299=item -S
a0d0e21e 300
4e592037 301If the C<-S> switch is present I<and> the script name does
302not contain a directory, then Perl translates the logical
303name DCL$PATH as a searchlist, using each translation as
304a directory in which to look for the script. In addition,
305if no file type is specified, Perl looks in each directory
306for a file matching the name specified, with a blank type,
307a type of F<.pl>, and a type of F<.com>, in that order.
a0d0e21e 308
4e592037 309=item -u
748a9306 310
4e592037 311The C<-u> switch causes the VMS debugger to be invoked
312after the Perl program is compiled, but before it has
313run. It does not create a core dump file.
748a9306 314
55497cff 315=back
748a9306 317=head1 Perl functions
a0d0e21e 318
319As of the time this document was last revised, the following
748a9306 320Perl functions were implemented in the VMS port of Perl
a0d0e21e 321(functions marked with * are discussed in more detail below):
4fdae800 323 file tests*, abs, alarm, atan, backticks*, binmode*, bless,
a0d0e21e 324 caller, chdir, chmod, chown, chomp, chop, chr,
c07a80fd 325 close, closedir, cos, crypt*, defined, delete,
4e592037 326 die, do, dump*, each, endpwent, eof, eval, exec*,
327 exists, exit, exp, fileno, fork*, getc, getlogin,
328 getpwent*, getpwnam*, getpwuid*, glob, gmtime*, goto,
329 grep, hex, import, index, int, join, keys, kill*,
330 last, lc, lcfirst, length, local, localtime, log, m//,
331 map, mkdir, my, next, no, oct, open, opendir, ord, pack,
c07a80fd 332 pipe, pop, pos, print, printf, push, q//, qq//, qw//,
4fdae800 333 qx//*, quotemeta, rand, read, readdir, redo, ref, rename,
a0d0e21e 334 require, reset, return, reverse, rewinddir, rindex,
e518068a 335 rmdir, s///, scalar, seek, seekdir, select(internal),
336 select (system call)*, setpwent, shift, sin, sleep,
337 sort, splice, split, sprintf, sqrt, srand, stat,
338 study, substr, sysread, system*, syswrite, tell,
339 telldir, tie, time, times*, tr///, uc, ucfirst, umask,
340 undef, unlink*, unpack, untie, unshift, use, utime*,
341 values, vec, wait, waitpid*, wantarray, warn, write, y///
a0d0e21e 342
343The following functions were not implemented in the VMS port,
344and calling them produces a fatal error (usually) or
345undefined behavior (rarely, we hope):
35b2760a 347 chroot, dbmclose, dbmopen, flock,
c07a80fd 348 getpgrp, getppid, getpriority, getgrent, getgrgid,
349 getgrnam, setgrent, endgrent, ioctl, link, lstat,
350 msgctl, msgget, msgsend, msgrcv, readlink, semctl,
351 semget, semop, setpgrp, setpriority, shmctl, shmget,
bf99883d 352 shmread, shmwrite, socketpair, symlink, syscall
35b2760a 354The following functions are available on Perls compiled with Dec C
3555.2 or greater and running VMS 7.0 or greater:
bf99883d 356
357 truncate
a0d0e21e 358
35b2760a 359The following functions are available on Perls built on VMS 7.2 or
362 fcntl (without locking)
a0d0e21e 364The following functions may or may not be implemented,
365depending on what type of socket support you've built into
748a9306 366your copy of Perl:
4e592037 367
a0d0e21e 368 accept, bind, connect, getpeername,
369 gethostbyname, getnetbyname, getprotobyname,
370 getservbyname, gethostbyaddr, getnetbyaddr,
371 getprotobynumber, getservbyport, gethostent,
372 getnetent, getprotoent, getservent, sethostent,
373 setnetent, setprotoent, setservent, endhostent,
374 endnetent, endprotoent, endservent, getsockname,
c07a80fd 375 getsockopt, listen, recv, select(system call)*,
376 send, setsockopt, shutdown, socket
a0d0e21e 377
55497cff 378=over 4
a0d0e21e 379
380=item File tests
748a9306 382The tests C<-b>, C<-B>, C<-c>, C<-C>, C<-d>, C<-e>, C<-f>,
383C<-o>, C<-M>, C<-s>, C<-S>, C<-t>, C<-T>, and C<-z> work as
384advertised. The return values for C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>
385tell you whether you can actually access the file; this may
386not reflect the UIC-based file protections. Since real and
387effective UIC don't differ under VMS, C<-O>, C<-R>, C<-W>,
388and C<-X> are equivalent to C<-o>, C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>.
389Similarly, several other tests, including C<-A>, C<-g>, C<-k>,
390C<-l>, C<-p>, and C<-u>, aren't particularly meaningful under
391VMS, and the values returned by these tests reflect whatever
392your CRTL C<stat()> routine does to the equivalent bits in the
393st_mode field. Finally, C<-d> returns true if passed a device
394specification without an explicit directory (e.g. C<DUA1:>), as
395well as if passed a directory.
4e592037 397Note: Some sites have reported problems when using the file-access
398tests (C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x>) on files accessed via DEC's DFS.
399Specifically, since DFS does not currently provide access to the
400extended file header of files on remote volumes, attempts to
401examine the ACL fail, and the file tests will return false,
402with C<$!> indicating that the file does not exist. You can
403use C<stat> on these files, since that checks UIC-based protection
404only, and then manually check the appropriate bits, as defined by
405your C compiler's F<stat.h>, in the mode value it returns, if you
406need an approximation of the file's protections.
4fdae800 408=item backticks
410Backticks create a subprocess, and pass the enclosed string
411to it for execution as a DCL command. Since the subprocess is
412created directly via C<lib$spawn()>, any valid DCL command string
413may be specified.
748a9306 415=item binmode FILEHANDLE
1c9f8daa 417The C<binmode> operator will attempt to insure that no translation
418of carriage control occurs on input from or output to this filehandle.
419Since this involves reopening the file and then restoring its
420file position indicator, if this function returns FALSE, the
421underlying filehandle may no longer point to an open file, or may
422point to a different position in the file than before C<binmode>
423was called.
425Note that C<binmode> is generally not necessary when using normal
426filehandles; it is provided so that you can control I/O to existing
427record-structured files when necessary. You can also use the
428C<vmsfopen> function in the VMS::Stdio extension to gain finer
429control of I/O to files and devices with different record structures.
a0d0e21e 430
c07a80fd 431=item crypt PLAINTEXT, USER
433The C<crypt> operator uses the C<sys$hash_password> system
434service to generate the hashed representation of PLAINTEXT.
435If USER is a valid username, the algorithm and salt values
436are taken from that user's UAF record. If it is not, then
437the preferred algorithm and a salt of 0 are used. The
438quadword encrypted value is returned as an 8-character string.
440The value returned by C<crypt> may be compared against
441the encrypted password from the UAF returned by the C<getpw*>
442functions, in order to authenticate users. If you're
443going to do this, remember that the encrypted password in
444the UAF was generated using uppercase username and
445password strings; you'll have to upcase the arguments to
446C<crypt> to insure that you'll get the proper value:
448 sub validate_passwd {
449 my($user,$passwd) = @_;
450 my($pwdhash);
451 if ( !($pwdhash = (getpwnam($user))[1]) ||
452 $pwdhash ne crypt("\U$passwd","\U$name") ) {
453 intruder_alert($name);
454 }
455 return 1;
456 }
4e592037 458=item dump
460Rather than causing Perl to abort and dump core, the C<dump>
461operator invokes the VMS debugger. If you continue to
462execute the Perl program under the debugger, control will
463be transferred to the label specified as the argument to
464C<dump>, or, if no label was specified, back to the
465beginning of the program. All other state of the program
466(I<e.g.> values of variables, open file handles) are not
467affected by calling C<dump>.
748a9306 469=item exec LIST
a0d0e21e 470
748a9306 471The C<exec> operator behaves in one of two different ways.
472If called after a call to C<fork>, it will invoke the CRTL
473C<execv()> routine, passing its arguments to the subprocess
474created by C<fork> for execution. In this case, it is
475subject to all limitations that affect C<execv()>. (In
a0d0e21e 476particular, this usually means that the command executed in
477the subprocess must be an image compiled from C source code,
478and that your options for passing file descriptors and signal
479handlers to the subprocess are limited.)
748a9306 481If the call to C<exec> does not follow a call to C<fork>, it
482will cause Perl to exit, and to invoke the command given as
483an argument to C<exec> via C<lib$do_command>. If the argument
aa779de1 484begins with '@' or '$' (other than as part of a filespec), then it
a0d0e21e 485is executed as a DCL command. Otherwise, the first token on
486the command line is treated as the filespec of an image to
487run, and an attempt is made to invoke it (using F<.Exe> and
488the process defaults to expand the filespec) and pass the
c93fa817 489rest of C<exec>'s argument to it as parameters. If the token
490has no file type, and matches a file with null type, then an
491attempt is made to determine whether the file is an executable
492image which should be invoked using C<MCR> or a text file which
493should be passed to DCL as a command procedure.
a0d0e21e 494
748a9306 495You can use C<exec> in both ways within the same script, as
496long as you call C<fork> and C<exec> in pairs. Perl
497keeps track of how many times C<fork> and C<exec> have been
498called, and will call the CRTL C<execv()> routine if there have
499previously been more calls to C<fork> than to C<exec>.
a0d0e21e 500
501=item fork
748a9306 503The C<fork> operator works in the same way as the CRTL
504C<vfork()> routine, which is quite different under VMS than
505under Unix. Specifically, while C<fork> returns 0 after it
506is called and the subprocess PID after C<exec> is called, in
a0d0e21e 507both cases the thread of execution is within the parent
508process, so there is no opportunity to perform operations in
748a9306 509the subprocess before calling C<exec>.
a0d0e21e 510
748a9306 511In general, the use of C<fork> and C<exec> to create
9bc98430 512subprocesses is not recommended under VMS; wherever possible,
748a9306 513use the C<system> operator or piped filehandles instead.
515=item getpwent
c07a80fd 516
748a9306 517=item getpwnam
c07a80fd 518
748a9306 519=item getpwuid
521These operators obtain the information described in L<perlfunc>,
522if you have the privileges necessary to retrieve the named user's
523UAF information via C<sys$getuai>. If not, then only the C<$name>,
524C<$uid>, and C<$gid> items are returned. The C<$dir> item contains
525the login directory in VMS syntax, while the C<$comment> item
526contains the login directory in Unix syntax. The C<$gcos> item
527contains the owner field from the UAF record. The C<$quota>
528item is not used.
a0d0e21e 529
e518068a 530=item gmtime
532The C<gmtime> operator will function properly if you have a
533working CRTL C<gmtime()> routine, or if the logical name
534SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL is defined as the number of seconds
535which must be added to UTC to yield local time. (This logical
536name is defined automatically if you are running a version of
537VMS with built-in UTC support.) If neither of these cases is
538true, a warning message is printed, and C<undef> is returned.
540=item kill
39aca757 542In most cases, C<kill> is implemented via the CRTL's C<kill()>
e518068a 543function, so it will behave according to that function's
544documentation. If you send a SIGKILL, however, the $DELPRC system
10a676f8 545service is called directly. This insures that the target
e518068a 546process is actually deleted, if at all possible. (The CRTL's C<kill()>
547function is presently implemented via $FORCEX, which is ignored by
548supervisor-mode images like DCL.)
550Also, negative signal values don't do anything special under
551VMS; they're just converted to the corresponding positive value.
4fdae800 553=item qx//
555See the entry on C<backticks> above.
e518068a 557=item select (system call)
559If Perl was not built with socket support, the system call
560version of C<select> is not available at all. If socket
561support is present, then the system call version of
562C<select> functions only for file descriptors attached
563to sockets. It will not provide information about regular
564files or pipes, since the CRTL C<select()> routine does not
565provide this functionality.
748a9306 567=item stat EXPR
a0d0e21e 568
748a9306 569Since VMS keeps track of files according to a different scheme
570than Unix, it's not really possible to represent the file's ID
571in the C<st_dev> and C<st_ino> fields of a C<struct stat>. Perl
572tries its best, though, and the values it uses are pretty unlikely
573to be the same for two different files. We can't guarantee this,
574though, so caveat scriptor.
576=item system LIST
578The C<system> operator creates a subprocess, and passes its
a0d0e21e 579arguments to the subprocess for execution as a DCL command.
e518068a 580Since the subprocess is created directly via C<lib$spawn()>, any
aa779de1 581valid DCL command string may be specified. If the string begins with
582'@', it is treated as a DCL command unconditionally. Otherwise, if
583the first token contains a character used as a delimiter in file
584specification (e.g. C<:> or C<]>), an attempt is made to expand it
585using a default type of F<.Exe> and the process defaults, and if
586successful, the resulting file is invoked via C<MCR>. This allows you
587to invoke an image directly simply by passing the file specification
c93fa817 588to C<system>, a common Unixish idiom. If the token has no file type,
589and matches a file with null type, then an attempt is made to
590determine whether the file is an executable image which should be
591invoked using C<MCR> or a text file which should be passed to DCL
592as a command procedure.
594If LIST consists of the empty string, C<system> spawns an
a2293a43 595interactive DCL subprocess, in the same fashion as typing
c93fa817 596B<SPAWN> at the DCL prompt.
748a9306 598Perl waits for the subprocess to complete before continuing
4fdae800 599execution in the current process. As described in L<perlfunc>,
600the return value of C<system> is a fake "status" which follows
c6966fea 601POSIX semantics unless the pragma C<use vmsish 'status'> is in
1b0c4952 602effect; see the description of C<$?> in this document for more
a0d0e21e 604
1c9f8daa 605=item time
607The value returned by C<time> is the offset in seconds from
60801-JAN-1970 00:00:00 (just like the CRTL's times() routine), in order
609to make life easier for code coming in from the POSIX/Unix world.
a0d0e21e 611=item times
748a9306 613The array returned by the C<times> operator is divided up
614according to the same rules the CRTL C<times()> routine.
a0d0e21e 615Therefore, the "system time" elements will always be 0, since
616there is no difference between "user time" and "system" time
39aca757 617under VMS, and the time accumulated by a subprocess may or may
a0d0e21e 618not appear separately in the "child time" field, depending on
748a9306 619whether L<times> keeps track of subprocesses separately. Note
620especially that the VAXCRTL (at least) keeps track only of
621subprocesses spawned using L<fork> and L<exec>; it will not
a2293a43 622accumulate the times of subprocesses spawned via pipes, L<system>,
748a9306 623or backticks.
16d20bd9 625=item unlink LIST
627C<unlink> will delete the highest version of a file only; in
628order to delete all versions, you need to say
39aca757 629
35b2760a 630 1 while unlink LIST;
39aca757 631
16d20bd9 632You may need to make this change to scripts written for a
633Unix system which expect that after a call to C<unlink>,
634no files with the names passed to C<unlink> will exist.
4633a7c4 635(Note: This can be changed at compile time; if you
636C<use Config> and C<$Config{'d_unlink_all_versions'}> is
637C<define>, then C<unlink> will delete all versions of a
638file on the first call.)
16d20bd9 639
640C<unlink> will delete a file if at all possible, even if it
641requires changing file protection (though it won't try to
642change the protection of the parent directory). You can tell
643whether you've got explicit delete access to a file by using the
644C<VMS::Filespec::candelete> operator. For instance, in order
645to delete only files to which you have delete access, you could
646say something like
4e592037 647
16d20bd9 648 sub safe_unlink {
649 my($file,$num);
650 foreach $file (@_) {
651 next unless VMS::Filespec::candelete($file);
652 $num += unlink $file;
653 }
654 $num;
655 }
4e592037 656
657(or you could just use C<VMS::Stdio::remove>, if you've installed
658the VMS::Stdio extension distributed with Perl). If C<unlink> has to
659change the file protection to delete the file, and you interrupt it
660in midstream, the file may be left intact, but with a changed ACL
661allowing you delete access.
16d20bd9 662
748a9306 663=item utime LIST
665Since ODS-2, the VMS file structure for disk files, does not keep
666track of access times, this operator changes only the modification
667time of the file (VMS revision date).
669=item waitpid PID,FLAGS
39aca757 671If PID is a subprocess started by a piped C<open()> (see L<open>),
672C<waitpid> will wait for that subprocess, and return its final
35b2760a 673status value in C<$?>. If PID is a subprocess created in some other
674way (e.g. SPAWNed before Perl was invoked), or is not a subprocess
675of the current process, C<waitpid> will attempt to read from the
676process's termination mailbox, making the final status available in
677C<$?> when the process completes. If the process specified by PID
678has no termination mailbox, C<waitpid> will simply check once per
679second whether the process has completed, and return when it has.
680(If PID specifies a process that isn't a subprocess of the current
681process, and you invoked Perl with the C<-w> switch, a warning will
682be issued.)
684Returns PID on success, -1 on error. The FLAGS argument is ignored
685in all cases.
a0d0e21e 686
55497cff 687=back
a5f75d66 689=head1 Perl variables
55497cff 691The following VMS-specific information applies to the indicated
692"special" Perl variables, in addition to the general information
a2293a43 693in L<perlvar>. Where there is a conflict, this information
55497cff 694takes precedence.
696=over 4
a5f75d66 698=item %ENV
f675dbe5 700The operation of the C<%ENV> array depends on the translation
701of the logical name F<PERL_ENV_TABLES>. If defined, it should
702be a search list, each element of which specifies a location
703for C<%ENV> elements. If you tell Perl to read or set the
704element C<$ENV{>I<name>C<}>, then Perl uses the translations of
705F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> as follows:
707=over 4
709=item CRTL_ENV
711This string tells Perl to consult the CRTL's internal C<environ>
712array of key-value pairs, using I<name> as the key. In most cases,
713this contains only a few keys, but if Perl was invoked via the C
714C<exec[lv]e()> function, as is the case for CGI processing by some
715HTTP servers, then the C<environ> array may have been populated by
716the calling program.
718=item CLISYM_[LOCAL]
720A string beginning with C<CLISYM_>tells Perl to consult the CLI's
721symbol tables, using I<name> as the name of the symbol. When reading
722an element of C<%ENV>, the local symbol table is scanned first, followed
723by the global symbol table.. The characters following C<CLISYM_> are
724significant when an element of C<%ENV> is set or deleted: if the
725complete string is C<CLISYM_LOCAL>, the change is made in the local
39aca757 726symbol table; otherwise the global symbol table is changed.
f675dbe5 727
728=item Any other string
730If an element of F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> translates to any other string,
731that string is used as the name of a logical name table, which is
732consulted using I<name> as the logical name. The normal search
733order of access modes is used.
737F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> is translated once when Perl starts up; any changes
738you make while Perl is running do not affect the behavior of C<%ENV>.
739If F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> is not defined, then Perl defaults to consulting
740first the logical name tables specified by F<LNM$FILE_DEV>, and then
741the CRTL C<environ> array.
743In all operations on %ENV, the key string is treated as if it
744were entirely uppercase, regardless of the case actually
745specified in the Perl expression.
747When an element of C<%ENV> is read, the locations to which
748F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> points are checked in order, and the value
749obtained from the first successful lookup is returned. If the
750name of the C<%ENV> element contains a semi-colon, it and
751any characters after it are removed. These are ignored when
752the CRTL C<environ> array or a CLI symbol table is consulted.
753However, the name is looked up in a logical name table, the
754suffix after the semi-colon is treated as the translation index
755to be used for the lookup. This lets you look up successive values
756for search list logical names. For instance, if you say
a5f75d66 757
758 $ Define STORY once,upon,a,time,there,was
759 $ perl -e "for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) " -
740ce14c 760 _$ -e "{ print $ENV{'story;'.$i},' '}"
a5f75d66 761
f675dbe5 762Perl will print C<ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS>, assuming, of course,
763that F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> is set up so that the logical name C<story>
764is found, rather than a CLI symbol or CRTL C<environ> element with
765the same name.
3eeba6fb 767When an element of C<%ENV> is set to a defined string, the
f675dbe5 768corresponding definition is made in the location to which the
769first translation of F<PERL_ENV_TABLES> points. If this causes a
770logical name to be created, it is defined in supervisor mode.
3eeba6fb 771(The same is done if an existing logical name was defined in
772executive or kernel mode; an existing user or supervisor mode
773logical name is reset to the new value.) If the value is an empty
774string, the logical name's translation is defined as a single NUL
775(ASCII 00) character, since a logical name cannot translate to a
776zero-length string. (This restriction does not apply to CLI symbols
777or CRTL C<environ> values; they are set to the empty string.)
f675dbe5 778An element of the CRTL C<environ> array can be set only if your
779copy of Perl knows about the CRTL's C<setenv()> function. (This is
780present only in some versions of the DECCRTL; check C<$Config{d_setenv}>
781to see whether your copy of Perl was built with a CRTL that has this
39aca757 783
3eeba6fb 784When an element of C<%ENV> is set to C<undef>,
f675dbe5 785the element is looked up as if it were being read, and if it is
786found, it is deleted. (An item "deleted" from the CRTL C<environ>
787array is set to the empty string; this can only be done if your
788copy of Perl knows about the CRTL C<setenv()> function.) Using
789C<delete> to remove an element from C<%ENV> has a similar effect,
790but after the element is deleted, another attempt is made to
791look up the element, so an inner-mode logical name or a name in
792another location will replace the logical name just deleted.
3eeba6fb 793In either case, only the first value found searching PERL_ENV_TABLES
794is altered. It is not possible at present to define a search list
795logical name via %ENV.
f675dbe5 796
797The element C<$ENV{DEFAULT}> is special: when read, it returns
798Perl's current default device and directory, and when set, it
799resets them, regardless of the definition of F<PERL_ENV_TABLES>.
800It cannot be cleared or deleted; attempts to do so are silently
b7b1864f 802
803Note that if you want to pass on any elements of the
804C-local environ array to a subprocess which isn't
805started by fork/exec, or isn't running a C program, you
806can "promote" them to logical names in the current
807process, which will then be inherited by all subprocesses,
808by saying
810 foreach my $key (qw[C-local keys you want promoted]) {
811 my $temp = $ENV{$key}; # read from C-local array
812 $ENV{$key} = $temp; # and define as logical name
813 }
815(You can't just say C<$ENV{$key} = $ENV{$key}>, since the
816Perl optimizer is smart enough to elide the expression.)
a5f75d66 817
6be8f7a6 818Don't try to clear C<%ENV> by saying C<%ENV = ();>, it will throw
819a fatal error. This is equivalent to doing the following from DCL:
823You can imagine how bad things would be if, for example, the SYS$MANAGER
824or SYS$SYSTEM logicals were deleted.
4a0d0822 825
740ce14c 826At present, the first time you iterate over %ENV using
edc7bc49 827C<keys>, or C<values>, you will incur a time penalty as all
828logical names are read, in order to fully populate %ENV.
829Subsequent iterations will not reread logical names, so they
830won't be as slow, but they also won't reflect any changes
f675dbe5 831to logical name tables caused by other programs.
833You do need to be careful with the logicals representing process-permanent
834files, such as C<SYS$INPUT> and C<SYS$OUTPUT>. The translations for these
835logicals are prepended with a two-byte binary value (0x1B 0x00) that needs to be
39aca757 836stripped off if you want to use it. (In previous versions of Perl it wasn't
f675dbe5 837possible to get the values of these logicals, as the null byte acted as an
838end-of-string marker)
a5f75d66 839
a5f75d66 840=item $!
842The string value of C<$!> is that returned by the CRTL's
843strerror() function, so it will include the VMS message for
844VMS-specific errors. The numeric value of C<$!> is the
845value of C<errno>, except if errno is EVMSERR, in which
846case C<$!> contains the value of vaxc$errno. Setting C<$!>
4e592037 847always sets errno to the value specified. If this value is
848EVMSERR, it also sets vaxc$errno to 4 (NONAME-F-NOMSG), so
849that the string value of C<$!> won't reflect the VMS error
850message from before C<$!> was set.
852=item $^E
854This variable provides direct access to VMS status values
855in vaxc$errno, which are often more specific than the
856generic Unix-style error messages in C<$!>. Its numeric value
857is the value of vaxc$errno, and its string value is the
858corresponding VMS message string, as retrieved by sys$getmsg().
859Setting C<$^E> sets vaxc$errno to the value specified.
4fdae800 861=item $?
863The "status value" returned in C<$?> is synthesized from the
864actual exit status of the subprocess in a way that approximates
865POSIX wait(5) semantics, in order to allow Perl programs to
866portably test for successful completion of subprocesses. The
867low order 8 bits of C<$?> are always 0 under VMS, since the
868termination status of a process may or may not have been
869generated by an exception. The next 8 bits are derived from
39aca757 870the severity portion of the subprocess' exit status: if the
4fdae800 871severity was success or informational, these bits are all 0;
9bc98430 872if the severity was warning, they contain a value of 1; if the
873severity was error or fatal error, they contain the actual
874severity bits, which turns out to be a value of 2 for error
875and 4 for fatal error.
4fdae800 877As a result, C<$?> will always be zero if the subprocess' exit
878status indicated successful completion, and non-zero if a
9bc98430 879warning or error occurred. Conversely, when setting C<$?> in
880an END block, an attempt is made to convert the POSIX value
881into a native status intelligible to the operating system upon
882exiting Perl. What this boils down to is that setting C<$?>
883to zero results in the generic success value SS$_NORMAL, and
884setting C<$?> to a non-zero value results in the generic
885failure status SS$_ABORT. See also L<perlport/exit>.
4fdae800 886
1b0c4952 887The pragma C<use vmsish 'status'> makes C<$?> reflect the actual
9bc98430 888VMS exit status instead of the default emulation of POSIX status
889described above. This pragma also disables the conversion of
890non-zero values to SS$_ABORT when setting C<$?> in an END
891block (but zero will still be converted to SS$_NORMAL).
4fdae800 892
4e592037 893=item $|
895Setting C<$|> for an I/O stream causes data to be flushed
896all the way to disk on each write (I<i.e.> not just to
897the underlying RMS buffers for a file). In other words,
898it's equivalent to calling fflush() and fsync() from C.
a5f75d66 899
55497cff 900=back
bf99883d 902=head1 Standard modules with VMS-specific differences
904=head2 SDBM_File
270c2ced 906SDBM_File works properly on VMS. It has, however, one minor
4a4eefd0 907difference. The database directory file created has a F<.sdbm_dir>
908extension rather than a F<.dir> extension. F<.dir> files are VMS filesystem
bf99883d 909directory files, and using them for other purposes could cause unacceptable
748a9306 912=head1 Revision date
a0d0e21e 913
35b2760a 914This document was last updated on 2-Oct-2001, for Perl 5,
9bc98430 915patchlevel 8.
e518068a 916
917=head1 AUTHOR
aa779de1 919Charles Bailey <bailey@cor.newman.upenn.edu>
9bc98430 920Craig Berry <craigberry@mac.com>
aa779de1 921Dan Sugalski <dan@sidhe.org>