perl 5.003_05: pp.c
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / vms /
2ab89e18 1$! Brief DCL procedure to parse current Perl version out of
2$! patchlevel.h, and update the version token for ARCHLIB
3$! config.vms and descrip.mms if necessary.
4$ err = "Write Sys$Error"
6$ If p1.eqs."" Then p1 = "patchlevel.h"
7$ If p2.eqs."" Then p2 = F$Parse("config.vms",p1,"[.vms]")
8$ If p3.eqs."" Then p3 = F$Parse("descrip.mms",p1,"[.vms]")
10$ If F$Search(p1).eqs.""
11$ Then
12$ err "Can't find ''p1' - exiting"
13$ Exit 98962 ! RMS$_FNF
14$ EndIf
15$ plevel = ""
16$ sublevel = ""
17$ Open/Read patchlevel_h &p1
19$ pread:
20$ Read/End_Of_File=pdone patchlevel_h line
21$ If F$Locate("#define PATCHLEVEL",line).ne.F$Length(line)
22$ Then
23$ plevel = F$Element(2," ",line)
24$ If F$Length(plevel).lt.3 Then -
25 plevel = F$Extract(0,3 - F$Length(plevel),"000") + plevel
26$ EndIf
27$ If F$Locate("#define SUBVERSION",line).ne.F$Length(line)
28$ Then
29$ sublevel = F$Element(2," ",line)
30$ If F$Length(sublevel).lt.2 Then -
31 sublevel = F$Extract(0,2 - F$Length(sublevel),"00") + sublevel
32$ EndIf
33$ If .not.(plevel.nes."" .and. sublevel.nes."") Then Goto pread
35$ pdone:
36$ Close patchlevel_h
38$ If sublevel.eq.0 Then sublevel = ""
39$ perl_version = "5_" + plevel + sublevel
b82d9e69 40$ If F$GetSyi("HW_MODEL").gt.1024
41$ Then
42$ arch = "AXP"
43$ Else
44$ arch = "VAX"
45$ EndIf
2ab89e18 46$ If p2.eqs."#NOFILE#"
47$ Then
48$ Write Sys$Output "Perl version directory name is ""''perl_version'"""
49$ Exit
50$ EndIf
b82d9e69 52$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/VMS_''arch'/''perl_version'"""""""""
2ab89e18 53$ If sublevel.eqs."" Then token = token + " "
54$ token = token + " /**/"
b82d9e69 55$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define ARCHLIB_EXP" "''token'"
56$ teststs = $Status
57$ If .not.teststs Then Exit teststs
59$ If ! current values in config.vms are appropriate
60$ Then
61$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/VMS_''arch'"""""""" /**/"
62$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define OLDARCHLIB_EXP" "''token'"
63$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
65$ token = """""""""/perl_root/lib/site_perl/VMS_''arch'"""""""" /**/"
66$ Call update_file "''p2'" "#define SITEARCH_EXP" "''token'"
67$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
2ab89e18 69$!
70$ token = "''perl_version'"
71$ If sublevel.eqs."" Then token = token + " "
72$ token = token + "#"
73$ Call update_file "''p3'" "PERL_VERSION =" "''token'"
74$ If .not.$Status Then Exit $Status
75$ If $Status.eq.3
76$ Then
77$ cmd = "MM[SK]"
78$ If F$Locate("MMS",p3).eqs."" Then cmd = "make"
79$ err "The PERL_VERSION macro was out of date in the file"
80$ err " ''p3'"
81$ err "The file has been corrected, but you must restart the build process"
82$ err "by reinvoking ''cmd' to incorporate the new value."
83$ Exit 44 ! SS$_ABORT
84$ EndIf
86$ update_file: Subroutine
88$ If F$Search(p1).nes.""
89$ Then
90$ Search/Exact/Output=_NLA0: 'p1' "''p2' ''p3'"
91$ If $Status.eq.%X08D78053 ! SEARCH$_NOMATCHES
92$ Then
93$ Open/Read/Write/Error=done file &p1
95$ nextline:
96$ Read/End_of_File=done file line
97$ If F$Locate(p2,line).ne.F$Length(line)
98$ Then
99$ Write/Update file "''p2' ''p3'"
100$ Goto done
101$ EndIf
102$ Goto nextline
104$ done:
105$ Close file
106$ Exit 3 ! Unused success status
107$ EndIf
108$ Exit 1 ! SS$_NORMAL
109$ Else
110$ err "Can't find ''p1'"
111$ Exit 98962 ! RMS$_FNF
112$ EndIf
113$ EndSubroutine