VMS POD updates: perlport.pod, vmsperl.pod
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / vms / ext / Filespec.pm
748a9306 1# Perl hooks into the routines in vms.c for interconversion
2# of VMS and Unix file specification syntax.
28b605d8 4# Version: see $VERSION below
bd3fa61c 5# Author: Charles Bailey bailey@newman.upenn.edu
b1a8dcd7 6# Revised: 30-Oct-2007
748a9306 7
8=head1 NAME
10VMS::Filespec - convert between VMS and Unix file specification syntax
12=head1 SYNOPSIS
14use VMS::Filespec;
17f28c40 15$fullspec = rmsexpand('[.VMS]file.specification'[, 'default:[file.spec]']);
748a9306 16$vmsspec = vmsify('/my/Unix/file/specification');
17$unixspec = unixify('my:[VMS]file.specification');
18$path = pathify('my:[VMS.or.Unix.directory]specification.dir');
19$dirfile = fileify('my:[VMS.or.Unix.directory.specification]');
20$vmsdir = vmspath('my/VMS/or/Unix/directory/specification.dir');
21$unixdir = unixpath('my:[VMS.or.Unix.directory]specification.dir');
b1a8dcd7 23$case_tolerant = vms_case_tolerant;
24$unixspec = vms_realpath('file_specification');
25$vmsspec = vms_realname('file_specification');
748a9306 26
29This package provides routines to simplify conversion between VMS and
30Unix syntax when processing file specifications. This is useful when
31porting scripts designed to run under either OS, and also allows you
a5f75d66 32to take advantage of conveniences provided by either syntax (I<e.g.>
748a9306 33ability to easily concatenate Unix-style specifications). In
34addition, it provides an additional file test routine, C<candelete>,
35which determines whether you have delete access to a file.
37If you're running under VMS, the routines in this package are special,
38in that they're automatically made available to any Perl script,
39whether you're running F<miniperl> or the full F<perl>. The C<use
40VMS::Filespec> or C<require VMS::Filespec; import VMS::Filespec ...>
41statement can be used to import the function names into the current
42package, but they're always available if you use the fully qualified
43name, whether or not you've mentioned the F<.pm> file in your script.
44If you're running under another OS and have installed this package, it
45behaves like a normal Perl extension (in fact, you're using Perl
46substitutes to emulate the necessary VMS system calls).
48Each of these routines accepts a file specification in either VMS or
e518068a 49Unix syntax, and returns the converted file specification, or C<undef>
50if an error occurs. The conversions are, for the most part, simply
748a9306 51string manipulations; the routines do not check the details of syntax
52(e.g. that only legal characters are used). There is one exception:
53when running under VMS, conversions from VMS syntax use the $PARSE
54service to expand specifications, so illegal syntax, or a relative
55directory specification which extends above the tope of the current
56directory path (e.g [---.foo] when in dev:[dir.sub]) will cause
57errors. In general, any legal file specification will be converted
58properly, but garbage input tends to produce garbage output.
a5f75d66 60Each of these routines is prototyped as taking a single scalar
61argument, so you can use them as unary operators in complex
62expressions (as long as you don't use the C<&> form of
63subroutine call, which bypasses prototype checking).
748a9306 66The routines provided are:
60618c03 68=head2 rmsexpand
70Uses the RMS $PARSE and $SEARCH services to expand the input
17f28c40 71specification to its fully qualified form, except that a null type
72or version is not added unless it was present in either the original
73file specification or the default specification passed to C<rmsexpand>.
74(If the file does not exist, the input specification is expanded as much
75as possible.) If an error occurs, returns C<undef> and sets C<$!>
60618c03 76and C<$^E>.
b1a8dcd7 78C<rmsexpand> on success will produce a name that fits in a 255 byte buffer,
79which is required for parameters passed to the DCL interpreter.
748a9306 81=head2 vmsify
b1a8dcd7 83Converts a file specification to VMS syntax. If the file specification
84cannot be converted to or is already in VMS syntax, it will be
85passed through unchanged.
87The file specifications of C<.> and C<..> will be converted to
88C<[]> and C<[-]>.
90If the file specification is already in a valid VMS syntax, it will
91be passed through unchanged, except that the UTF-8 flag will be cleared
92since VMS format file specifications are never in UTF-8.
94When Perl is running on an OpenVMS system, if the C<DECC$EFS_CHARSET>
95feature is not enabled, extra dots in the file specification will
96be converted to underscore characters, and the C<?> character will
97be converted to a C<%> character, if a conversion is done.
99When Perl is running on an OpenVMS system, if the C<DECC$EFS_CHARSET>
100feature is enabled, this implies that the UNIX pathname can not have
101a version, and that a path consisting of three dots, C<./.../>, will be
102converted to C<[.^.^.^.]>.
104UNIX style shell macros like C<$(abcd)> are passed through instead
105of being converted to C<$^(abcd^)> independent of the C<DECC$EFS_CHARSET>
106feature setting. UNIX style shell macros should not use characters
107that are not in the ASCII character set, as the resulting specification
108may or may not be still in UTF8 format.
110The feature logical name C<PERL_VMS_VTF7_FILENAMES> controls if UNICODE
111characters in UNIX filenames are encoded in VTF-7 notation in the resulting
112OpenVMS file specification. [Currently under development]
114C<unixify> on the resulting file specification may not result in the
115original UNIX file specification, so programs should not plan to convert
116a file specification from UNIX to VMS and then back to UNIX again after
117modification of the components.
748a9306 118
119=head2 unixify
b1a8dcd7 121Converts a file specification to Unix syntax. If the file specification
122cannot be converted to or is already in UNIX syntax, it will be passed
123through unchanged.
125When Perl is running on an OpenVMS system, the following C<DECC$> feature
126settings will control how the filename is converted:
128 C<decc$disable_to_vms_logname_translation:> default = C<ENABLE>
129 C<decc$disable_posix_root:> default = C<ENABLE>
130 C<decc$efs_charset:> default = C<DISABLE>
131 C<decc$filename_unix_no_version:> default = C<DISABLE>
132 C<decc$readdir_dropdotnotype:> default = C<ENABLE>
134When Perl is being run under a UNIX shell on OpenVMS, the defaults at
135a future time may be more appropriate for it.
137When Perl is running on an OpenVMS system with C<DECC$EFS_CHARSET> enabled,
138a wild card directory name of C<[...]> can not be translated to a valid
139UNIX file specification when a conversion is done.
141When Perl is running on an OpenVMS system with C<DECC$EFS_CHARSET> enabled,
142directory file specifications will have their implied ".dir;1" removed,
143and a trailing C<.> character indicating a null extension will be removed.
146the conversion routine can not differentiate whether the last C<.> of a UNIX
147specification is delimiting a version, or is just part of a file specification.
149C<vmsify> on the resulting file specification may not result in the
150original VMS file specification, so programs should not plan to convert
151a file specification from VMS to UNIX and then back to VMS again after
748a9306 153
154=head2 pathify
156Converts a directory specification to a path - that is, a string you
157can prepend to a file name to form a valid file specification. If the
158input file specification uses VMS syntax, the returned path does, too;
159likewise for Unix syntax (Unix paths are guaranteed to end with '/').
e518068a 160Note that this routine will insist that the input be a legal directory
161file specification; the file type and version, if specified, must be
162F<.DIR;1>. For compatibility with Unix usage, the type and version
163may also be omitted.
748a9306 164
165=head2 fileify
167Converts a directory specification to the file specification of the
168directory file - that is, a string you can pass to functions like
169C<stat> or C<rmdir> to manipulate the directory file. If the
170input directory specification uses VMS syntax, the returned file
e518068a 171specification does, too; likewise for Unix syntax. As with
172C<pathify>, the input file specification must have a type and
173version of F<.DIR;1>, or the type and version must be omitted.
748a9306 174
175=head2 vmspath
177Acts like C<pathify>, but insures the returned path uses VMS syntax.
179=head2 unixpath
181Acts like C<pathify>, but insures the returned path uses Unix syntax.
183=head2 candelete
185Determines whether you have delete access to a file. If you do, C<candelete>
186returns true. If you don't, or its argument isn't a legal file specification,
187C<candelete> returns FALSE. Unlike other file tests, the argument to
188C<candelete> must be a file name (not a FileHandle), and, since it's an XSUB,
189it's a list operator, so you need to be careful about parentheses. Both of
190these restrictions may be removed in the future if the functionality of
191C<candelete> becomes part of the Perl core.
b1a8dcd7 193=head2 vms_case_tolerant
195This reports whether the VMS process has been set to a case tolerant state.
196It is intended for use by the File::Spec::VMS->case_tolerant method only, and
197it is recommended that you only use File::Spec->case_tolerant.
199=head2 vms_realpath
201This exposes the VMS C library C<realpath> function where available.
202It will always return a UNIX format specification.
204If the C<realpath> function is not available, or is unable to return the
205real path of the file, C<vms_realpath> will use the C<vms_realfile>
206function and convert the output to a UNIX format specification.
208This function is intended for use by Cwd.pm for the implementation of
209the abs_path function with support for symbolic links. It is not available
210on non-VMS systems.
212head2 vms_realname
214This uses the VMS LIB$FID_TO_NAME function to find the name of the primary
215link to a file, and returns the filename in VMS format.
217This function is intended for use by Cwd.pm for the implementation of
218the abs_path function with support for symbolic links. It is not available
219on non-VMS systems.
748a9306 222=head1 REVISION
b1a8dcd7 224This document was last revised 15-Nov-2007, for Perl 5.10.0
748a9306 225
228package VMS::Filespec;
a5f75d66 229require 5.002;
b1a8dcd7 231our $VERSION = '1.12';
748a9306 232
e518068a 233# If you want to use this package on a non-VMS system,
234# uncomment the following line.
235# use AutoLoader;
748a9306 236require Exporter;
238@ISA = qw( Exporter );
60618c03 239@EXPORT = qw( &vmsify &unixify &pathify &fileify
b1a8dcd7 240 &vmspath &unixpath &candelete &rmsexpand &vms_case_tolerant );
748a9306 241
248# The autosplit routines here are provided for use by non-VMS systems
249# They are not guaranteed to function identically to the XSUBs of the
250# same name, since they do not have access to the RMS system routine
251# sys$parse() (in particular, no real provision is made for handling
252# of complex DECnet node specifications). However, these routines
253# should be adequate for most purposes.
255# A sort-of sys$parse() replacement
60618c03 256sub rmsexpand ($;$) {
748a9306 257 my($fspec,$defaults) = @_;
258 if (!$fspec) { return undef }
259 my($node,$dev,$dir,$name,$type,$ver,$dnode,$ddev,$ddir,$dname,$dtype,$dver);
261 $fspec =~ s/:$//;
262 $defaults = [] unless $defaults;
263 $defaults = [ $defaults ] unless ref($defaults) && ref($defaults) eq 'ARRAY';
265 while ($fspec !~ m#[:>\]]# && $ENV{$fspec}) { $fspec = $ENV{$fspec} }
267 if ($fspec =~ /:/) {
268 my($dev,$devtrn,$base);
269 ($dev,$base) = split(/:/,$fspec);
270 $devtrn = $dev;
271 while ($devtrn = $ENV{$devtrn}) {
272 if ($devtrn =~ /(.)([:>\]])$/) {
273 $dev .= ':', last if $1 eq '.';
274 $dev = $devtrn, last;
275 }
276 }
277 $fspec = $dev . $base;
278 }
280 ($node,$dev,$dir,$name,$type,$ver) = $fspec =~
281 /([^:]*::)?([^:]*:)?([^>\]]*[>\]])?([^.;]*)(\.?[^.;]*)([.;]?\d*)/;
282 foreach ((@$defaults,$ENV{'DEFAULT'})) {
ee1280c9 283 next unless defined;
748a9306 284 last if $node && $ver && $type && $dev && $dir && $name;
285 ($dnode,$ddev,$ddir,$dname,$dtype,$dver) =
286 /([^:]*::)?([^:]*:)?([^>\]]*[>\]])?([^.;]*)(\.?[^.;]*)([.;]?\d*)/;
287 $node = $dnode if $dnode && !$node;
288 $dev = $ddev if $ddev && !$dev;
289 $dir = $ddir if $ddir && !$dir;
290 $name = $dname if $dname && !$name;
291 $type = $dtype if $dtype && !$type;
292 $ver = $dver if $dver && !$ver;
293 }
294 # do this the long way to keep -w happy
295 $fspec = '';
296 $fspec .= $node if $node;
297 $fspec .= $dev if $dev;
298 $fspec .= $dir if $dir;
299 $fspec .= $name if $name;
300 $fspec .= $type if $type;
301 $fspec .= $ver if $ver;
302 $fspec;
a5f75d66 305sub vmsify ($) {
748a9306 306 my($fspec) = @_;
307 my($hasdev,$dev,$defdirs,$dir,$base,@dirs,@realdirs);
309 if ($fspec =~ m#^\.(\.?)/?$#) { return $1 ? '[-]' : '[]'; }
310 return $fspec if $fspec !~ m#/#;
311 ($hasdev,$dir,$base) = $fspec =~ m#(/?)(.*)/(.*)#;
312 @dirs = split(m#/#,$dir);
313 if ($base eq '.') { $base = ''; }
314 elsif ($base eq '..') {
315 push @dirs,$base;
316 $base = '';
317 }
318 foreach (@dirs) {
319 next unless $_; # protect against // in input
320 next if $_ eq '.';
321 if ($_ eq '..') {
322 if (@realdirs && $realdirs[$#realdirs] ne '-') { pop @realdirs }
323 else { push @realdirs, '-' }
324 }
325 else { push @realdirs, $_; }
326 }
327 if ($hasdev) {
328 $dev = shift @realdirs;
329 @realdirs = ('000000') unless @realdirs;
330 $base = '' unless $base; # keep -w happy
331 $dev . ':[' . join('.',@realdirs) . "]$base";
332 }
333 else {
334 '[' . join('',map($_ eq '-' ? $_ : ".$_",@realdirs)) . "]$base";
335 }
a5f75d66 338sub unixify ($) {
748a9306 339 my($fspec) = @_;
341 return $fspec if $fspec !~ m#[:>\]]#;
342 return '.' if ($fspec eq '[]' || $fspec eq '<>');
343 if ($fspec =~ m#^[<\[](\.|-+)(.*)# ) {
344 $fspec = ($1 eq '.' ? '' : "$1.") . $2;
345 my($dir,$base) = split(/[\]>]/,$fspec);
346 my(@dirs) = grep($_,split(m#\.#,$dir));
347 if ($dirs[0] =~ /^-/) {
348 my($steps) = shift @dirs;
349 for (1..length($steps)) { unshift @dirs, '..'; }
350 }
351 join('/',@dirs) . "/$base";
352 }
353 else {
354 $fspec = rmsexpand($fspec,'_N_O_T_:[_R_E_A_L_]');
355 $fspec =~ s/.*_N_O_T_:(?:\[_R_E_A_L_\])?//;
356 my($dev,$dir,$base) = $fspec =~ m#([^:<\[]*):?[<\[](.*)[>\]](.*)#;
357 my(@dirs) = split(m#\.#,$dir);
358 if ($dirs[0] && $dirs[0] =~ /^-/) {
359 my($steps) = shift @dirs;
360 for (1..length($steps)) { unshift @dirs, '..'; }
361 }
362 "/$dev/" . join('/',@dirs) . "/$base";
363 }
a5f75d66 367sub fileify ($) {
748a9306 368 my($path) = @_;
370 if (!$path) { return undef }
491527d0 371 if ($path eq '/') { return 'sys$disk:[000000]'; }
748a9306 372 if ($path =~ /(.+)\.([^:>\]]*)$/) {
373 $path = $1;
374 if ($2 !~ /^dir(?:;1)?$/i) { return undef }
375 }
377 if ($path !~ m#[/>\]]#) {
378 $path =~ s/:$//;
379 while ($ENV{$path}) {
380 ($path = $ENV{$path}) =~ s/:$//;
381 last if $path =~ m#[/>\]]#;
382 }
383 }
384 if ($path =~ m#[>\]]#) {
385 my($dir,$sep,$base) = $path =~ /(.*)([>\]])(.*)/;
386 $sep =~ tr/<[/>]/;
387 if ($base) {
388 "$dir$sep$base.dir;1";
389 }
390 else {
391 if ($dir !~ /\./) { $dir =~ s/([<\[])/${1}000000./; }
392 $dir =~ s#\.(\w+)$#$sep$1#;
393 $dir =~ s/^.$sep//;
394 "$dir.dir;1";
395 }
396 }
397 else {
398 $path =~ s#/$##;
399 "$path.dir;1";
400 }
a5f75d66 403sub pathify ($) {
748a9306 404 my($fspec) = @_;
406 if (!$fspec) { return undef }
407 if ($fspec =~ m#[/>\]]$#) { return $fspec; }
408 if ($fspec =~ m#(.+)\.([^/>\]]*)$# && $2 && $2 ne '.') {
409 $fspec = $1;
410 if ($2 !~ /^dir(?:;1)?$/i) { return undef }
411 }
413 if ($fspec !~ m#[/>\]]#) {
414 $fspec =~ s/:$//;
415 while ($ENV{$fspec}) {
416 if ($ENV{$fspec} =~ m#[>\]]$#) { return $ENV{$fspec} }
417 else { $fspec = $ENV{$fspec} =~ s/:$// }
418 }
419 }
421 if ($fspec !~ m#[>\]]#) { "$fspec/"; }
422 else {
423 if ($fspec =~ /([^>\]]+)([>\]])(.+)/) { "$1.$3$2"; }
424 else { $fspec; }
425 }
a5f75d66 428sub vmspath ($) {
748a9306 429 pathify(vmsify($_[0]));
a5f75d66 432sub unixpath ($) {
748a9306 433 pathify(unixify($_[0]));
a5f75d66 436sub candelete ($) {
748a9306 437 my($fspec) = @_;
438 my($parent);
440 return '' unless -w $fspec;
441 $fspec =~ s#/$##;
442 if ($fspec =~ m#/#) {
a1fc2545 443 ($parent = $fspec) =~ s#/[^/]+$##;
748a9306 444 return (-w $parent);
445 }
446 elsif ($parent = fileify($fspec)) { # fileify() here to expand lnms
447 $parent =~ s/[>\]][^>\]]+//;
448 return (-w fileify($parent));
449 }
450 else { return (-w '[-]'); }
b1a8dcd7 452
453sub vms_case_tolerant ($) {
454 return 0;