Consolidate handling of "is this a literal" and "is this a value"
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / t / sqlmaker / dbihacks_internals.t
8d005ad9 1use strict;
2use warnings;
3use Test::More;
4use Test::Warn;
6use lib qw(t/lib);
a5a7bb73 7use DBICTest ':DiffSQL';
8d005ad9 8
8d005ad9 9use Data::Dumper;
11my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1);
12my $sm = $schema->storage->sql_maker;
14for my $t (
15 {
16 where => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
17 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef },
18 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL',
19 efcc_result => [qw( artistid )],
20 },
21 {
22 where => { -and => [ artistid => 1, charfield => undef, { rank => 13 } ] },
23 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
24 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank = ?',
25 efcc_result => [qw( artistid rank )],
26 },
27 {
28 where => { -and => [ { artistid => 1, charfield => undef}, { rank => 13 } ] },
29 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => 13 },
30 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank = ?',
31 efcc_result => [qw( artistid rank )],
32 },
33 {
34 where => { -and => [ -or => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' }, 'rank' ] },
35 cc_result => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', rank => undef },
36 sql => 'WHERE name = ? AND rank IS NULL',
37 efcc_result => [qw( name )],
38 },
39 {
40 where => { -and => [ [ [ artist => {'=' => \'foo' } ] ], { name => \[ '= ?', 'bar' ] } ] },
41 cc_result => { artist => {'=' => \'foo' }, name => \[ '= ?', 'bar' ] },
42 sql => 'WHERE artist = foo AND name = ?',
43 efcc_result => [qw( artist )],
44 },
45 {
46 where => { -and => [ -or => { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => 2 } ] },
47 cc_result => { -or => [ artistid => 2, name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' ] },
48 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? OR name = ?',
49 efcc_result => [],
50 },
51 {
52 where => { -and => [ \'foo=bar', [ { artistid => { '=', 3 } } ], { name => 'Caterwauler McCrae'} ] },
53 cc_result => { '' => \'foo=bar', name => 'Caterwauler McCrae', artistid => 3 },
54 sql => 'WHERE foo=bar AND artistid = ? AND name = ?',
55 efcc_result => [qw( artistid name )],
56 },
57 {
58 where => { artistid => [ 1 ], rank => [ 13, 2, 3 ], charfield => [ undef ] },
59 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => [13, 2, 3] },
60 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
61 efcc_result => [qw( artistid )],
62 },
63 {
64 where => { artistid => { '=' => 1 }, rank => { '>' => 12 }, charfield => { '=' => undef } },
65 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => undef, rank => { '>' => 12 } },
66 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield IS NULL AND rank > ?',
67 efcc_result => [qw( artistid )],
68 },
69 {
70 where => { artistid => { '=' => [ 1 ], }, charfield => { '=' => [-and => \'1', \['?',2] ] }, rank => { '=' => [ 1, 2 ] } },
71 cc_result => { artistid => 1, charfield => [-and => { '=' => \'1' }, { '=' => \['?',2] } ], rank => { '=' => [1, 2] } },
72 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND charfield = 1 AND charfield = ? AND ( rank = ? OR rank = ? )',
73 efcc_result => [qw( artistid charfield )],
74 },
75 {
76 where => { -and => [ artistid => 1, artistid => 2 ], name => [ -and => { '!=', 1 }, 2 ], charfield => [ -or => { '=', 2 } ], rank => [-and => undef, { '=', undef }, { '!=', 2 } ] },
77 cc_result => { artistid => [ -and => 1, 2 ], name => [ -and => { '!=', 1 }, 2 ], charfield => 2, rank => [ -and => undef, undef, { '!=', 2 } ] },
78 sql => 'WHERE artistid = ? AND artistid = ? AND charfield = ? AND name != ? AND name = ? AND rank IS NULL AND rank IS NULL AND rank != ?',
79 efcc_result => [qw( artistid charfield name )],
80 },
81 {
82 where => { -and => [
83 [ '' => { -like => '%correct%' }, '' => { -like => '%correct%' } ],
84 { -and => [ { 'group.is_active' => 1 }, { 'me.is_active' => 1 } ] }
85 ] },
86 cc_result => {
87 'group.is_active' => 1,
88 'me.is_active' => 1,
89 -or => [
90 '' => { -like => '%correct%' },
91 '' => { -like => '%correct%' },
92 ],
93 },
94 sql => 'WHERE ( LIKE ? OR LIKE ? ) AND group.is_active = ? AND me.is_active = ?',
95 efcc_result => [qw( group.is_active me.is_active )],
96 },
97 {
98 where => { artistid => [] },
99 cc_result => { artistid => [] },
100 efcc_result => [],
101 },
102 (map {
103 {
104 where => { -and => $_ },
105 cc_result => undef,
106 efcc_result => [],
107 sql => '',
108 },
109 {
110 where => { -or => $_ },
111 cc_result => undef,
112 efcc_result => [],
113 sql => '',
114 },
115 } (
116 # bare
117 [], {},
118 # singles
119 [ {} ], [ [] ],
120 # doubles
121 [ [], [] ], [ {}, {} ], [ [], {} ], [ {}, [] ],
122 # tripples
123 [ {}, [], {} ], [ [], {}, [] ]
124 )),
126 # FIXME legacy compat crap, possibly worth undef/dieing in SQLMaker
127 { where => { artistid => {} }, sql => '', cc_result => undef, efcc_result => [] },
129 # batshit insanity, just to be thorough
130 {
131 where => { -and => [ [ 'artistid' ], [ -and => [ artistid => { '!=', 69 }, artistid => undef, artistid => { '=' => 200 } ]], artistid => [], { -or => [] }, { -and => [] }, [ 'charfield' ], { name => [] }, 'rank' ] },
132 cc_result => { artistid => [ -and => undef, { '!=', 69 }, undef, 200, [] ], charfield => undef, name => [], rank => undef },
133 sql => 'WHERE artistid IS NULL AND artistid != ? AND artistid IS NULL AND artistid = ? AND 0=1 AND charfield IS NULL AND 0=1 AND rank IS NULL',
134 efcc_result => [qw( artistid )],
135 },
8acda57c 136
137 # original test from RT#93244
138 {
139 where => {
140 -and => [
141 \[
142 "LOWER(me.title) LIKE ?",
143 '%spoon%',
144 ],
145 [ { 'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees' } ],
146 ]},
147 cc_result => {
148 '' => \[
149 "LOWER(me.title) LIKE ?",
150 '%spoon%',
151 ],
152 'me.title' => 'Spoonful of bees',
153 },
154 sql => 'WHERE LOWER(me.title) LIKE ? AND me.title = ?',
155 efcc_result => [qw( me.title )],
156 }
8d005ad9 157) {
159 for my $w (
160 $t->{where},
161 [ -and => $t->{where} ],
162 ( keys %{$t->{where}} <= 1 ) ? [ %{$t->{where}} ] : ()
163 ) {
164 my $name = do { local ($Data::Dumper::Indent, $Data::Dumper::Terse, $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys) = (0, 1, 1); Dumper $w };
166 my @orig_sql_bind = $sm->where($w);
168 is_same_sql ( $orig_sql_bind[0], $t->{sql}, "Expected SQL from $name" )
169 if exists $t->{sql};
171 my $collapsed_cond = $schema->storage->_collapse_cond($w);
173 is_same_sql_bind(
174 \[ $sm->where($collapsed_cond) ],
175 \\@orig_sql_bind,
176 "Collapse did not alter final SQL based on $name",
177 );
179 is_deeply(
180 $collapsed_cond,
181 $t->{cc_result},
182 "Expected collapsed condition produced on $name",
183 );
185 is_deeply(
186 $schema->storage->_extract_fixed_condition_columns($w),
187 $t->{efcc_result},
188 "Expected fixed_condition produced on $name",
189 );
190 }