Version 2.007002
[catagits/Catalyst-Controller-DBIC-API.git] / t / rest / create.t
d2739840 1use strict;
2use warnings;
4use lib 't/lib';
6my $base = 'http://localhost';
8use RestTest;
9use DBICTest;
10use Test::More;
11use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'RestTest';
12use HTTP::Request::Common;
a5949bfd 13use JSON::MaybeXS;
0b0bf911 14
a5949bfd 15my $json = JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 1);
d2739840 16
17my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
0b0bf911 18ok( my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(), 'got schema' );
d2739840 19
0b0bf911 20my $artist_create_url = "$base/api/rest/artist";
d2739840 21my $producer_create_url = "$base/api/rest/producer";
7f3ed652 22my $track_create_url = "$base/api/rest/track";
d2739840 23
24# test validation when no params sent
0b0bf911 26 my $test_data = $json->encode( { wrong_param => 'value' } );
27 my $req = PUT($artist_create_url);
28 $req->content_type('text/x-json');
29 $req->content_length(
30 do { use bytes; length($test_data) }
31 );
32 $req->content($test_data);
33 $mech->request($req);
35 cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400,
36 'attempt without required params caught' );
37 my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
38 like(
39 $response->{messages}->[0],
40 qr/No value supplied for name and no default/,
41 'correct message returned'
42 );
d2739840 43}
45# test default value used if default value exists
0b0bf911 47 my $test_data = $json->encode( {} );
48 my $req = PUT($producer_create_url);
49 $req->content_type('text/x-json');
50 $req->content_length(
51 do { use bytes; length($test_data) }
52 );
53 $req->content($test_data);
54 $mech->request($req);
55 cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200,
56 'default value used when not supplied' );
57 ok( $schema->resultset('Producer')->find( { name => 'fred' } ),
58 'record created with default name' );
d2739840 59}
61# test create works as expected when passing required value
0b0bf911 63 my $test_data = $json->encode( { name => 'king luke' } );
64 my $req = PUT($producer_create_url);
65 $req->content_type('text/x-json');
66 $req->content_length(
67 do { use bytes; length($test_data) }
68 );
69 $req->content($test_data);
70 $mech->request($req);
71 cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'request with valid content okay' );
72 my $new_obj =
73 $schema->resultset('Producer')->find( { name => 'king luke' } );
74 ok( $new_obj, 'record created with specified name' );
d2739840 75
0b0bf911 76 my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
77 is_deeply(
78 $response->{list},
79 { $new_obj->get_columns },
80 'json for new producer returned'
81 );
d2739840 82}
84# test bulk create
0b0bf911 86 my $test_data = $json->encode(
87 { list => [ { name => 'king nperez' }, { name => 'queen perla' } ] }
88 );
89 my $req = PUT($producer_create_url);
90 $req->content_type('text/x-json');
91 $req->content_length(
92 do { use bytes; length($test_data) }
93 );
94 $req->content($test_data);
95 $mech->request($req);
96 cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'request with valid content okay' );
97 my $rs =
98 $schema->resultset('Producer')
99 ->search( [ { name => 'king nperez' }, { name => 'queen perla' } ] );
100 ok( $rs, 'record created with specified name' );
d2739840 101
0b0bf911 102 my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
103 my $expected =
104 [ map { my %foo = $_->get_inflated_columns; \%foo; } $rs->all ];
105 is_deeply( $response->{list}, $expected,
106 'json for bulk create returned' );
d2739840 107}
7f3ed652 109# test bulk create with database error
111 my $test_data = $json->encode({
112 list => [
113 {
114 cd => 2,
115 position => 4,
116 title => "Foobar",
117 },
118 {
119 cd => 2,
120 # set position column to NULL to force error
121 position => undef,
122 title => "Foobar",
123 },
124 ]
125 });
126 #my $req = PUT( $tracks_update_url, Content => $test_data );
127 my $req = PUT($track_create_url);
128 $req->content_type('text/x-json');
129 $req->content_length(
130 do { use bytes; length($test_data) }
131 );
132 $req->content($test_data);
133 $mech->request($req);
134 cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'bulk request with one invalid object fails' );
135 my $rs =
136 $schema->resultset('Track')
137 ->search( [ { cd => 2 } ] );
138 is( $rs->count, 3, 'no records created' );
140 my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
a5949bfd 141 is( $response->{success}, JSON::MaybeXS::false,
7f3ed652 142 'success property returns unquoted false' );
143 like(
144 $response->{messages}->[0],
145 qr/a database error has occured/,
146 'correct message returned'
147 );
d2739840 150done_testing();