allow COLUMNS to override and silence terminal width, and warn less
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / t / optional_memleak.t
7c40a30f 1use strict;
2use warnings;
4853fb50 4use Test::More;
6 plan skip_all => 'set TEST_MEMLEAK to enable this test'
7 unless $ENV{TEST_MEMLEAK};
7c40a30f 10use FindBin;
a2e038a1 11use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
7c40a30f 12use Catalyst::Test 'TestApp';
7c40a30f 13
15f0ede8 14eval "use Proc::ProcessTable";
9b984642 15plan skip_all => 'Proc::ProcessTable required for this test' if $@;
7c40a30f 16
8a1b06be 17use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json);
15f0ede8 18
9b984642 19our $t = Proc::ProcessTable->new( cache_ttys => 1 );
88e5a8b0 20our ( $initial, $final ) = ( 0, 0 );
8a1b06be 21my $test_data = do {
22 open my $fh, '<:raw', "$FindBin::Bin/optional_stress.json" or die "$!";
23 local $/;
24 <$fh>;
27our $tests = decode_json($test_data);
7c40a30f 28
010c814d 29my $total_tests = 0;
010c814d 30
13af225c 31# let the user specify a single uri to test
32my $user_test = shift;
33if ( $user_test ) {
34 plan tests => 1;
35 run_test( $user_test );
37# otherwise, run all tests
38else {
39 map { $total_tests += scalar @{ $tests->{$_} } } keys %{$tests};
40 plan tests => $total_tests;
88e5a8b0 41
13af225c 42 foreach my $test_group ( keys %{$tests} ) {
43 foreach my $test ( @{ $tests->{$test_group} } ) {
44 run_test( $test );
45 }
010c814d 46 }
49sub run_test {
50 my $uri = shift || die 'No URI given for test';
88e5a8b0 51
010c814d 52 print "TESTING $uri\n";
88e5a8b0 53
010c814d 54 # make a few requests to set initial memory size
55 for ( 1 .. 3 ) {
56 request( $uri );
57 }
88e5a8b0 58
9b984642 59 $initial = size_of($$);
60 print "Initial Size: $initial\n";
88e5a8b0 61
010c814d 62 for ( 1 .. 500 ) {
63 request( $uri );
7c40a30f 64 }
88e5a8b0 65
9b984642 66 $final = size_of($$);
67 print "Final Size: $final\n";
88e5a8b0 68
7c40a30f 69 if ( $final > $initial ) {
0d9dfa69 70 print "Leaked: " . ($final - $initial) . "K\n";
7c40a30f 71 }
88e5a8b0 72
010c814d 73 is( $final, $initial, "'$uri' memory is not leaking" );
7c40a30f 74}
010c814d 75
9b984642 76sub size_of {
77 my $pid = shift;
88e5a8b0 78
9b984642 79 foreach my $p ( @{ $t->table } ) {
80 if ( $p->pid == $pid ) {
fe796093 81 return $p->rss;
9b984642 82 }
83 }
88e5a8b0 84
9b984642 85 die "Pid $pid not found?";