Ignore MYMETA files
[catagits/Catalyst-Action-REST.git] / t / json.t
7ad87df9 1use strict;
2use warnings;
2f7533ed 3use Test::More;
7ad87df9 4use FindBin;
6use lib ("$FindBin::Bin/lib", "$FindBin::Bin/../lib");
7use Test::Rest;
c6c4ff28 8use utf8;
7ad87df9 9
8b010556 10eval 'use JSON 2.12';
11plan skip_all => 'Install JSON 2.12 or later to run this test' if ($@);
7ad87df9 12
d6fb033c 13
2f7533ed 14use_ok 'Catalyst::Test', 'Test::Serialize';
17d910bd 15
c6c4ff28 16my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
2f7533ed 17# The text/x-json should throw a warning
18for ('text/x-json', 'application/json') {
19 my $t = Test::Rest->new('content_type' => $_);
20 my $monkey_template = {
21 monkey => 'likes chicken!',
22 };
23 my $mres = request($t->get(url => '/monkey_get'));
24 ok( $mres->is_success, 'GET the monkey succeeded' );
25 is_deeply($json->decode($mres->content), $monkey_template, "GET returned the right data");
17d910bd 26
2f7533ed 27 my $post_data = {
28 'sushi' => 'is good for monkey',
c6c4ff28 29 'chicken' => ' 佐藤 純',
2f7533ed 30 };
31 my $mres_post = request($t->post(url => '/monkey_put', data => $json->encode($post_data)));
32 ok( $mres_post->is_success, "POST to the monkey succeeded");
c6c4ff28 33 my $exp = "is good for monkey 佐藤 純";
34 utf8::encode($exp);
35 is_deeply($mres_post->content, $exp, "POST data matches");
2f7533ed 36}
7ad87df9 37
838f49dc 38{
39 my $t = Test::Rest->new('content_type' => 'application/json');
40 my $json_data = '{ "sushi":"is good for monkey", }';
41 my $mres_post = request($t->post(url => '/monkey_put', data => $json_data));
42 ok( ! $mres_post->is_success, "Got expected failed status due to invalid JSON" );
44 my $relaxed_post = request( $t->post(url => "/monkey_json_put", data => $json_data));
45 ok( $relaxed_post->is_success, "Got success due to setting relaxed JSON input" );
7ad87df9 481;
10018fb4 49