use transposition info from CollateX
[scpubgit/stemmatology.git] / t / graph.t
b49c4318 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict; use warnings;
4use Test::More;
5use lib 'lib';
67ecdf37 6use Text::Tradition::Graph;
b49c4318 7use XML::LibXML;
8use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
10my $datafile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
12open( GRAPHFILE, $datafile ) or die "Could not open $datafile";
13my @lines = <GRAPHFILE>;
14close GRAPHFILE;
67ecdf37 15my $graph = Text::Tradition::Graph->new( 'GraphML' => join( '', @lines ) );
b49c4318 16
17# Test the svg creation
18my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
19$parser->load_ext_dtd( 0 );
20my $svg = $parser->parse_string( $graph->as_svg() );
21is( $svg->documentElement->nodeName(), 'svg', 'Got an svg document' );
23# Test for the correct number of nodes in the SVG
24my $svg_xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $svg->documentElement() );
25$svg_xpc->registerNs( 'svg', '' );
26my @svg_nodes = $svg_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="node"]' );
c557b209 27is( scalar @svg_nodes, 24, "Correct number of nodes in the graph" );
b49c4318 28
29# Test for the correct number of edges
30my @svg_edges = $svg_xpc->findnodes( '//svg:g[@class="edge"]' );
c557b209 31is( scalar @svg_edges, 30, "Correct number of edges in the graph" );
b49c4318 32
33# Test for the correct common nodes
c557b209 34my @expected_nodes = map { [ $_, 1 ] } qw/ #START# n1 n5 n6 n7 n12 n13
35 n16 n19 n20 n23 n27 /;
36foreach my $idx ( qw/2 3 4 8 11 13 16 18/ ) {
b49c4318 37 splice( @expected_nodes, $idx, 0, [ "node_null", undef ] );
39my @active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes();
40# is_deeply( \@active_nodes, \@expected_nodes, "Initial common points" );
41subtest 'Initial common points' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 42my $string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the ... of ... has pierced ... the ... #';
b49c4318 43is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right starting text" );
45sub compare_active {
46 is( scalar( @active_nodes ), scalar ( @expected_nodes ),
47 "Arrays are same length" );
49 foreach ( 0 .. scalar(@active_nodes)-1 ) {
50 is( $active_nodes[$_]->[1], $expected_nodes[$_]->[1],
51 "Element has same toggle value" );
52 if( defined $active_nodes[$_]->[1] ) {
53 is( $active_nodes[$_]->[0], $expected_nodes[$_]->[0],
54 "Active or toggled element has same node name" );
55 }
56 }
59sub make_text {
60 my @words;
61 foreach my $n ( @_ ) {
62 if( $n->[1] ) {
63 push( @words, $graph->text_of_node( $n->[0] ) );
64 } elsif ( !defined $n->[1] ) {
65 push( @words, '...' );
66 }
67 }
68 return join( ' ', @words );
71# Test the manuscript paths
72my $wit_a = '# when april with his showers sweet with fruit the drought of march has pierced unto the root #';
73my $wit_b = '# when showers sweet with april fruit the march of drought has pierced to the root #';
74my $wit_c = '# when showers sweet with april fruit the drought of march has pierced the rood #';
75is( $graph->text_for_witness( "A" ), $wit_a, "Correct path for witness A" );
76is( $graph->text_for_witness( "B" ), $wit_b, "Correct path for witness B" );
77is( $graph->text_for_witness( "C" ), $wit_c, "Correct path for witness C" );
79# Test the transposition identifiers
c557b209 80my $transposition_pools = [ [ 'n2', 'n11' ], [ 'n14', 'n18' ],
81 [ 'n17', 'n15' ] ];
82my $transposed_nodes = { 'n2' => $transposition_pools->[0],
83 'n11' => $transposition_pools->[0],
84 'n14' => $transposition_pools->[1],
85 'n15' => $transposition_pools->[2],
86 'n17' => $transposition_pools->[2],
87 'n18' => $transposition_pools->[1],
b49c4318 88};
c2d16875 89foreach my $n ( $graph->nodes() ) {
90 $transposed_nodes->{ $n->name() } = [ $n->name() ]
91 unless exists $transposed_nodes->{ $n->name() };
a25d4374 93is_deeply( $graph->{'identical_nodes'}, $transposed_nodes, "Found the right transpositions" );
b49c4318 94
95# Test turning on a node
c557b209 96my @off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n25' );
97$expected_nodes[ 18 ] = [ "n25", 1 ];
b49c4318 98@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
99subtest 'Turned on node for new location' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 100$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the ... of ... has pierced ... the rood #';
b49c4318 101is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
103# Test the toggling effects of same-column
c557b209 104@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n26' );
105splice( @expected_nodes, 18, 1, ( [ "n25", 0 ], [ "n26", 1 ] ) );
b49c4318 106@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
107subtest 'Turned on other node in that location' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 108$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the ... of ... has pierced ... the root #';
b49c4318 109is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
111# Test the toggling effects of transposition
c557b209 113@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n14' );
b49c4318 114# Add the turned on node
c557b209 115$expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", 1 ];
58a3c424 116# Remove the 'off' for the previous node
c557b209 117splice( @expected_nodes, 18, 1 );
b49c4318 118@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
119subtest 'Turned on transposition node' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 120$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the drought of ... has pierced ... the root #';
b49c4318 121is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 123@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n18' );
58a3c424 124# Toggle on the new node
c557b209 125$expected_nodes[ 13 ] = [ "n18", 1 ];
58a3c424 126# Toggle off the transposed node
c557b209 127$expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", undef ];
b49c4318 128@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
129subtest 'Turned on that node\'s partner' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 130$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the ... of drought has pierced ... the root #';
b49c4318 131is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 133@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n14' );
58a3c424 134# Toggle on the new node
c557b209 135$expected_nodes[ 11 ] = [ "n14", 1 ];
58a3c424 136# Toggle off the transposed node
c557b209 137$expected_nodes[ 13 ] = [ "n18", undef ];
b49c4318 138@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
139subtest 'Turned on the original node' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 140$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the drought of ... has pierced ... the root #';
b49c4318 141is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 143@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n15' );
58a3c424 144# Toggle on the new node, and off with the old
c557b209 145splice( @expected_nodes, 11, 1, [ "n14", 0 ], [ "n15", 1 ] );
58a3c424 146@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
147subtest 'Turned on the colocated node' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 148$string = '# when ... ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the march of ... has pierced ... the root #';
58a3c424 149is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 151@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n3' );
58a3c424 152# Toggle on the new node
c557b209 153splice( @expected_nodes, 3, 1, [ "n3", 1 ] );
58a3c424 154# Remove the old toggle-off
c557b209 155splice( @expected_nodes, 11, 1 );
b49c4318 156@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
157subtest 'Turned on a singleton node' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 158$string = '# when ... with ... showers sweet with ... fruit the march of ... has pierced ... the root #';
b49c4318 159is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 161@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n3' );
58a3c424 162# Toggle off this node
c557b209 163splice( @expected_nodes, 3, 1, [ "n3", 0 ] );
b49c4318 164@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
165subtest 'Turned off a singleton node' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 166$string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the march of ... has pierced ... the root #';
58a3c424 167is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );
c557b209 169@off = $graph->toggle_node( 'n21' );
170splice( @expected_nodes, 16, 1, [ "n21", 1 ] );
58a3c424 171@active_nodes = $graph->active_nodes( @off );
172subtest 'Turned on a new node after singleton switchoff' => \&compare_active;
c557b209 173$string = '# when ... ... showers sweet with ... fruit the march of ... has pierced unto the root #';
b49c4318 174is( make_text( @active_nodes ), $string, "Got the right text" );