this test is not for the regression which you seek
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / t / cdi_backcompat_plugin_accessor_override.t
85781ad7 1use strict;
2use warnings;
3use lib 't/lib';
df3ea11b 5use Test::More tests => 2;
85781ad7 6use Test::Exception;
8# Force a stack trace.
9use Carp;
10$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
13 package CDICompatTestApp;
14 use Catalyst qw/
15 +CDICompatTestPlugin
16 /;
17 # Calling ->config here (before we call setup). With CDI/Cat 5.70 this
18 # causes *CDICompatTestApp::_config to have a class data accessor created.
20 # If this doesn't happen, then later when we've added CDICompatTestPlugin
21 # to @ISA, we fail in the overridden ->setup method when we call ->config
22 # again, as we get the CAF accessor from CDICompatTestPlugin, not the one
23 # created in this package as a side-effect of this call. :-(
24 __PACKAGE__->config;
54bee50f 27SKIP: {
28 skip 'Not trying to replicate the nasty CDI hackness', 2;
29 lives_ok {
30 CDICompatTestApp->setup;
31 } 'Setup app with plugins which says use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/';
8a440eba 32
54bee50f 33 # And the plugin's setup_finished method should have been run, as accessors
34 # are not created in MyApp until the data is written to.
35 {
36 no warnings 'once';
37 is $CDICompatTestPlugin::Data::HAS_RUN_SETUP_FINISHED, 1, 'Plugin setup_finish run';
38 }