investigage SSimple
[catagits/Catalyst-Runtime.git] / t / aggregate / live_component_controller_action_chained2.t
6df93c61 1use strict;
2use warnings;
3use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
4use lib "$Bin/../lib";
5use Catalyst::Test 'ChainedActionsApp';
22ee7603 6use Test::More;
6df93c61 7
dc8f81e8 8plan 'skip_all' if $ENV{CATALYST_SERVER}; # This is not TestApp
6df93c61 10content_like('/', qr/Application Home Page/, 'Application home');
444e5611 11content_like('/15/GoldFinger', qr/List project GoldFinger pages/, 'GoldFinger Project Index');
12content_like('/15/GoldFinger/4/007', qr/This is 007 page of GoldFinger project/, '007 page in GoldFinger Project');
d4f76f02 13
14content_like('/account', qr/New account o login/, 'no account');
a3a68863 15content_like('/account/ferz', qr/This is account ferz/, '/account/ferz');
16content_like('/account/123', qr/This is account 123/, '/account/123');
d4f76f02 17content_like('/account/profile/007/James Bond', qr/This is profile of James Bond/, 'account');
380d8809 19content_like('/downloads/', qr/This is download index/, 'downloads');
13f911ef 20
444e5611 21action_notfound('/c');
22ee7603 23done_testing;
444e5611 24