Extend might_have test with ideas from zby
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / t / 96multi_create.t
33dd4e80 1use strict;
af2d42c0 2use warnings;
33dd4e80 3
04ec3909 4use Test::More;
fe8cee09 5use Test::Exception;
33dd4e80 6use lib qw(t/lib);
7use DBICTest;
e5b05576 9plan tests => 89;
04ec3909 10
33dd4e80 11my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
c45f4e10 13# simple create + parent (the stuff $rs belongs_to)
04ec3909 14eval {
c45f4e10 15 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create({
04ec3909 16 artist => {
17 name => 'Fred Bloggs'
18 },
19 title => 'Some CD',
20 year => 1996
21 });
c45f4e10 23 isa_ok($cd, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD object');
24 isa_ok($cd->artist, 'DBICTest::Artist', 'Created related Artist');
25 is($cd->artist->name, 'Fred Bloggs', 'Artist created correctly');
27diag $@ if $@;
ab4b097b 29# same as above but the child and parent have no values,
c45f4e10 30# except for an explicit parent pk
31eval {
32 my $bm_rs = $schema->resultset('Bookmark');
33 my $bookmark = $bm_rs->create({
34 link => {
35 id => 66,
36 },
37 });
39 isa_ok($bookmark, 'DBICTest::Bookmark', 'Created Bookrmark object');
40 isa_ok($bookmark->link, 'DBICTest::Link', 'Created related Link');
41 is (
42 $bm_rs->search (
43 { 'link.title' => $bookmark->link->title },
44 { join => 'link' },
45 )->count,
46 1,
47 'Bookmark and link made it to the DB',
48 );
04ec3909 49};
50diag $@ if $@;
52# create over > 1 levels of has_many create (A => { has_many => { B => has_many => C } } )
53eval {
ab4b097b 54 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
55 my $cd = $artist->create_related (cds => {
56 title => 'Music to code by',
57 year => 2007,
58 tags => [
59 { 'tag' => 'rock' },
60 ],
61 });
04ec3909 62
ab4b097b 63 isa_ok($cd, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created CD');
64 is($cd->title, 'Music to code by', 'CD created correctly');
65 is($cd->tags->count, 1, 'One tag created for CD');
66 is($cd->tags->first->tag, 'rock', 'Tag created correctly');
04ec3909 67
04ec3909 68};
69diag $@ if $@;
fe8cee09 71throws_ok (
72 sub {
73 # Create via update - add a new CD <--- THIS SHOULD HAVE NEVER WORKED!
74 $schema->resultset('Artist')->first->update({
75 cds => [
76 { title => 'Yet another CD',
77 year => 2006,
78 },
79 ],
80 });
81 },
82 qr/Recursive update is not supported over relationships of type multi/,
83 'create via update of multi relationships throws an exception'
ab4b097b 86# Create m2m while originating in the linker table
87eval {
88 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
89 my $c2p = $schema->resultset('CD_to_Producer')->create ({
90 cd => {
91 artist => $artist,
92 title => 'Bad investment',
93 year => 2008,
94 tracks => [
95 { position => 1, title => 'Just buy' },
96 { position => 2, title => 'Why did we do it' },
97 { position => 3, title => 'Burn baby burn' },
98 ],
99 },
100 producer => {
101 name => 'Lehman Bros.',
102 },
103 });
105 isa_ok ($c2p, 'DBICTest::CD_to_Producer', 'Linker object created');
106 my $prod = $schema->resultset ('Producer')->find ({ name => 'Lehman Bros.' });
107 isa_ok ($prod, 'DBICTest::Producer', 'Producer row found');
108 is ($prod->cds->count, 1, 'Producer has one production');
109 my $cd = $prod->cds->first;
110 is ($cd->title, 'Bad investment', 'CD created correctly');
111 is ($cd->tracks->count, 3, 'CD has 3 tracks');
114diag $@ if $@;
51f30f72 116# create over > 1 levels of might_have (A => { might_have => { B => has_many => C } } )
117eval {
118 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
119 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create ({
120 artist => $artist,
121 title => 'Music to code by at night',
122 year => 2008,
123 tracks => [
124 {
125 position => 1,
126 title => 'Off by one again',
127 },
128 {
129 position => 2,
130 title => 'The dereferencer',
131 cd_single => {
132 artist => $artist,
133 year => 2008,
134 title => 'Was that a null (Single)',
135 tracks => [
136 { title => 'The dereferencer', position => 1 },
137 { title => 'The dereferencer II', position => 2 },
138 ],
139 cd_to_producer => [
140 {
141 producer => {
142 name => 'K&R',
143 }
144 }
145 ]
146 },
147 },
148 ],
149 });
151 isa_ok ($cd, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Main CD object created');
152 is ($cd->title, 'Music to code by at night', 'Correct CD title');
153 is ($cd->tracks->count, 2, 'Two tracks on main CD');
155 my ($t1, $t2) = $cd->tracks->all;
156 is ($t1->title, 'Off by one again', 'Correct 1st track name');
157 is ($t1->cd_single, undef, 'No single for 1st track');
158 is ($t2->title, 'The dereferencer', 'Correct 2nd track name');
159 isa_ok ($t2->cd_single, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Created a single for 2nd track');
161 my $single = $t2->cd_single;
162 is ($single->tracks->count, 2, 'Two tracks on single CD');
163 is ($single->tracks->find ({ position => 1})->title, 'The dereferencer', 'Correct 1st track title');
164 is ($single->tracks->find ({ position => 2})->title, 'The dereferencer II', 'Correct 2nd track title');
166 is ($single->cd_to_producer->count, 1, 'One producer created with the single cd');
167 is ($single->cd_to_producer->first->producer->name, 'K&R', 'Producer name correct');
169diag $@ if $@;
0c9b6ece 171# test might_have again but with a PK == FK in the middle (obviously not specified)
172eval {
173 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
174 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->create ({
175 artist => $artist,
176 title => 'Music to code by at twilight',
177 year => 2008,
178 artwork => {
179 images => [
180 { name => 'recursive descent' },
181 { name => 'tail packing' },
182 ],
183 },
184 });
186 isa_ok ($cd, 'DBICTest::CD', 'Main CD object created');
187 is ($cd->title, 'Music to code by at twilight', 'Correct CD title');
188 isa_ok ($cd->artwork, 'DBICTest::Artwork', 'Artwork created');
190 # this test might look weird, but it failed at one point, keep it there
e5b05576 191 my $art_obj = $cd->artwork;
192 ok ($art_obj->has_column_loaded ('cd_id'), 'PK/FK present on artwork object');
193 is ($art_obj->images->count, 2, 'Correct artwork image count via the new object');
0c9b6ece 194 is_deeply (
e5b05576 195 [ sort $art_obj->images->get_column ('name')->all ],
0c9b6ece 196 [ 'recursive descent', 'tail packing' ],
197 'Images named correctly in objects',
198 );
201 my $artwork = $schema->resultset('Artwork')->search (
202 { 'cd.title' => 'Music to code by at twilight' },
203 { join => 'cd' },
204 )->single;
206 is ($artwork->images->count, 2, 'Correct artwork image count via a new search');
208 is_deeply (
209 [ sort $artwork->images->get_column ('name')->all ],
210 [ 'recursive descent', 'tail packing' ],
211 'Images named correctly after search',
212 );
214diag $@ if $@;
216# test might_have again but with just a PK and FK (neither specified) in the mid-table
217eval {
218 my $cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->first;
219 my $track = $schema->resultset ('Track')->create ({
220 cd => $cd,
221 position => 66,
222 title => 'Black',
223 lyrics => {
224 lyric_versions => [
225 { text => 'The color black' },
226 { text => 'The colour black' },
227 ],
228 },
229 });
231 isa_ok ($track, 'DBICTest::Track', 'Main track object created');
232 is ($track->title, 'Black', 'Correct track title');
233 isa_ok ($track->lyrics, 'DBICTest::Lyrics', 'Lyrics created');
235 # this test might look weird, but it was failing at one point, keep it there
e5b05576 236 my $lyric_obj = $track->lyrics;
237 ok ($lyric_obj->has_column_loaded ('lyric_id'), 'PK present on lyric object');
238 ok ($lyric_obj->has_column_loaded ('track_id'), 'FK present on lyric object');
239 is ($lyric_obj->lyric_versions->count, 2, 'Correct lyric versions count via the new object');
0c9b6ece 240 is_deeply (
e5b05576 241 [ sort $lyric_obj->lyric_versions->get_column ('text')->all ],
0c9b6ece 242 [ 'The color black', 'The colour black' ],
243 'Lyrics text in objects matches',
244 );
247 my $lyric = $schema->resultset('Lyrics')->search (
248 { 'track.title' => 'Black' },
249 { join => 'track' },
250 )->single;
252 is ($lyric->lyric_versions->count, 2, 'Correct lyric versions count via a new search');
254 is_deeply (
255 [ sort $lyric->lyric_versions->get_column ('text')->all ],
256 [ 'The color black', 'The colour black' ],
257 'Lyrics text via search matches',
258 );
260diag $@ if $@;
04ec3909 262# nested find_or_create
263eval {
264 my $newartist2 = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find_or_create({
265 name => 'Fred 3',
266 cds => [
267 {
268 title => 'Noah Act',
269 year => 2007,
270 },
271 ],
272 });
273 is($newartist2->name, 'Fred 3', 'Created new artist with cds via find_or_create');
275diag $@ if $@;
277# multiple same level has_many create
278eval {
279 my $artist2 = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({
51f30f72 280 name => 'Fred 4',
04ec3909 281 cds => [
282 {
283 title => 'Music to code by',
284 year => 2007,
285 },
286 ],
287 cds_unordered => [
288 {
289 title => 'Music to code by',
290 year => 2007,
291 },
292 ]
293 });
295 is($artist2->in_storage, 1, 'artist with duplicate rels inserted okay');
297diag $@ if $@;
3d8ee6ab 298
04ec3909 299# first create_related pass
300eval {
3d8ee6ab 301 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
303 my $cd_result = $artist->create_related('cds', {
305 title => 'TestOneCD1',
306 year => 2007,
307 tracks => [
309 { position=>111,
310 title => 'TrackOne',
311 },
312 { position=>112,
313 title => 'TrackTwo',
314 }
315 ],
317 });
319 ok( $cd_result && ref $cd_result eq 'DBICTest::CD', "Got Good CD Class");
320 ok( $cd_result->title eq "TestOneCD1", "Got Expected Title");
322 my $tracks = $cd_result->tracks;
324 ok( ref $tracks eq "DBIx::Class::ResultSet", "Got Expected Tracks ResultSet");
326 foreach my $track ($tracks->all)
327 {
328 ok( $track && ref $track eq 'DBICTest::Track', 'Got Expected Track Class');
329 }
04ec3909 330};
331diag $@ if $@;
3d8ee6ab 332
04ec3909 333# second create_related with same arguments
334eval {
2ec8e594 335 my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->first;
3d8ee6ab 336
2ec8e594 337 my $cd_result = $artist->create_related('cds', {
3d8ee6ab 338
2ec8e594 339 title => 'TestOneCD2',
3d8ee6ab 340 year => 2007,
341 tracks => [
343 { position=>111,
344 title => 'TrackOne',
345 },
346 { position=>112,
347 title => 'TrackTwo',
348 }
349 ],
9c6d6d93 351 liner_notes => { notes => 'I can haz liner notes?' },
3d8ee6ab 353 });
355 ok( $cd_result && ref $cd_result eq 'DBICTest::CD', "Got Good CD Class");
2ec8e594 356 ok( $cd_result->title eq "TestOneCD2", "Got Expected Title");
9c6d6d93 357 ok( $cd_result->notes eq 'I can haz liner notes?', 'Liner notes');
3d8ee6ab 358
359 my $tracks = $cd_result->tracks;
361 ok( ref $tracks eq "DBIx::Class::ResultSet", "Got Expected Tracks ResultSet");
363 foreach my $track ($tracks->all)
364 {
365 ok( $track && ref $track eq 'DBICTest::Track', 'Got Expected Track Class');
366 }
04ec3909 367};
368diag $@ if $@;
e5dddc05 369
04ec3909 370# create of parents of a record linker table
371eval {
372 my $cdp = $schema->resultset('CD_to_Producer')->create({
373 cd => { artist => 1, title => 'foo', year => 2000 },
374 producer => { name => 'jorge' }
375 });
376 ok($cdp, 'join table record created ok');
378diag $@ if $@;
2bc3c81e 379
04ec3909 380#SPECIAL_CASE
381eval {
2bc3c81e 382 my $kurt_cobain = { name => 'Kurt Cobain' };
384 my $in_utero = $schema->resultset('CD')->new({
385 title => 'In Utero',
386 year => 1993
387 });
389 $kurt_cobain->{cds} = [ $in_utero ];
392 $schema->resultset('Artist')->populate([ $kurt_cobain ]); # %)
393 $a = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name => 'Kurt Cobain'});
395 is($a->name, 'Kurt Cobain', 'Artist insertion ok');
396 is($a->cds && $a->cds->first && $a->cds->first->title,
397 'In Utero', 'CD insertion ok');
04ec3909 398};
399diag $@ if $@;
2bc3c81e 400
04ec3909 401#SPECIAL_CASE2
402eval {
2bc3c81e 403 my $pink_floyd = { name => 'Pink Floyd' };
405 my $the_wall = { title => 'The Wall', year => 1979 };
407 $pink_floyd->{cds} = [ $the_wall ];
410 $schema->resultset('Artist')->populate([ $pink_floyd ]); # %)
411 $a = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({name => 'Pink Floyd'});
413 is($a->name, 'Pink Floyd', 'Artist insertion ok');
414 is($a->cds && $a->cds->first->title, 'The Wall', 'CD insertion ok');
04ec3909 415};
416diag $@ if $@;
e02b9964 417
418## Create foreign key col obj including PK
419## See test 20 in 66relationships.t
04ec3909 420eval {
421 my $new_cd_hashref = {
422 cdid => 27,
423 title => 'Boogie Woogie',
424 year => '2007',
425 artist => { artistid => 17, name => 'king luke' }
426 };
e02b9964 427
04ec3909 428 my $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1);
f10ac17d 429
04ec3909 430 is($cd->artist->id, 1, 'rel okay');
f10ac17d 431
04ec3909 432 my $new_cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->create($new_cd_hashref);
433 is($new_cd->artist->id, 17, 'new id retained okay');
435diag $@ if $@;
6ede9177 436
437eval {
438 $schema->resultset("CD")->create({
38c03c20 439 cdid => 28,
370f2ba2 440 title => 'Boogie Wiggle',
38c03c20 441 year => '2007',
442 artist => { artistid => 18, name => 'larry' }
6ede9177 443 });
38c03c20 444};
6ede9177 445is($@, '', 'new cd created without clash on related artist');
38c03c20 446
f10ac17d 447# Make sure exceptions from errors in created rels propogate
448eval {
370f2ba2 449 my $t = $schema->resultset("Track")->new({ cd => { artist => undef } });
450 #$t->cd($t->new_related('cd', { artist => undef } ) );
451 #$t->{_rel_in_storage} = 0;
f10ac17d 452 $t->insert;
454like($@, qr/cd.artist may not be NULL/, "Exception propogated properly");
bbbf67eb 455
456# Test multi create over many_to_many
04ec3909 457eval {
458 $schema->resultset('CD')->create ({
459 artist => {
460 name => 'larry', # should already exist
461 },
76b8cf98 462 title => 'Warble Marble',
463 year => '2009',
464 cd_to_producer => [
04ec3909 465 { producer => { name => 'Cowboy Neal' } },
76b8cf98 466 ],
04ec3909 467 });
76b8cf98 468
04ec3909 469 my $m2m_cd = $schema->resultset('CD')->search ({ title => 'Warble Marble'});
470 is ($m2m_cd->count, 1, 'One CD row created via M2M create');
471 is ($m2m_cd->first->producers->count, 1, 'CD row created with one producer');
472 is ($m2m_cd->first->producers->first->name, 'Cowboy Neal', 'Correct producer row created');
76b8cf98 474
475# and some insane multicreate
476# (should work, despite the fact that no one will probably use it this way)
04ec3909 478# first count how many rows do we initially have
76b8cf98 479my $counts;
04ec3909 480$counts->{$_} = $schema->resultset($_)->count for qw/Artist CD Genre Producer Tag/;
76b8cf98 481
482# do the crazy create
04ec3909 483eval {
484 $schema->resultset('CD')->create ({
485 artist => {
533292a0 486 name => 'james',
04ec3909 487 },
76b8cf98 488 title => 'Greatest hits 1',
489 year => '2012',
490 genre => {
491 name => '"Greatest" collections',
492 },
04ec3909 493 tags => [
494 { tag => 'A' },
495 { tag => 'B' },
496 ],
76b8cf98 497 cd_to_producer => [
498 {
499 producer => {
533292a0 500 name => 'bob',
76b8cf98 501 producer_to_cd => [
502 {
503 cd => {
504 artist => {
533292a0 505 name => 'lars',
04ec3909 506 cds => [
507 {
533292a0 508 title => 'Greatest hits 2',
04ec3909 509 year => 2012,
510 genre => {
511 name => '"Greatest" collections',
512 },
513 tags => [
514 { tag => 'A' },
515 { tag => 'B' },
516 ],
533292a0 517 # This cd is created via artist so it doesn't know about producers
518 cd_to_producer => [
519 # if we specify 'bob' here things bomb
520 # as the producer attached to Greatest Hits 1 is
521 # already created, but not yet inserted.
522 # Maybe this can be fixed, but things are hairy
523 # enough already.
524 #
525 #{ producer => { name => 'bob' } },
526 { producer => { name => 'paul' } },
527 { producer => {
528 name => 'flemming',
529 producer_to_cd => [
530 { cd => {
531 artist => {
532 name => 'kirk',
533 cds => [
534 {
535 title => 'Greatest hits 3',
536 year => 2012,
537 genre => {
538 name => '"Greatest" collections',
539 },
540 tags => [
541 { tag => 'A' },
542 { tag => 'B' },
543 ],
544 },
545 {
546 title => 'Greatest hits 4',
547 year => 2012,
548 genre => {
549 name => '"Greatest" collections2',
550 },
551 tags => [
552 { tag => 'A' },
553 { tag => 'B' },
554 ],
555 },
556 ],
557 },
558 title => 'Greatest hits 5',
559 year => 2013,
560 genre => {
561 name => '"Greatest" collections2',
562 },
563 }},
564 ],
565 }},
566 ],
04ec3909 567 },
568 ],
76b8cf98 569 },
533292a0 570 title => 'Greatest hits 6',
76b8cf98 571 year => 2012,
572 genre => {
573 name => '"Greatest" collections',
574 },
04ec3909 575 tags => [
576 { tag => 'A' },
577 { tag => 'B' },
578 ],
76b8cf98 579 },
580 },
581 {
582 cd => {
583 artist => {
533292a0 584 name => 'lars', # should already exist
585 # even though the artist 'name' is not uniquely constrained
586 # find_or_create will arguably DWIM
76b8cf98 587 },
533292a0 588 title => 'Greatest hits 7',
589 year => 2013,
76b8cf98 590 },
591 },
592 ],
593 },
594 },
595 ],
04ec3909 596 });
76b8cf98 597
533292a0 598 is ($schema->resultset ('Artist')->count, $counts->{Artist} + 3, '3 new artists created');
599 is ($schema->resultset ('Genre')->count, $counts->{Genre} + 2, '2 additional genres created');
600 is ($schema->resultset ('Producer')->count, $counts->{Producer} + 3, '3 new producer');
601 is ($schema->resultset ('CD')->count, $counts->{CD} + 7, '7 new CDs');
602 is ($schema->resultset ('Tag')->count, $counts->{Tag} + 10, '10 new Tags');
604 my $cd_rs = $schema->resultset ('CD')
605 ->search ({ title => { -like => 'Greatest hits %' }}, { order_by => 'title'} );
606 is ($cd_rs->count, 7, '7 greatest hits created');
608 my $cds_2012 = $cd_rs->search ({ year => 2012});
609 is ($cds_2012->count, 5, '5 CDs created in 2012');
611 is (
612 $cds_2012->search(
613 { 'tags.tag' => { -in => [qw/A B/] } },
614 { join => 'tags', group_by => 'me.cdid' }
615 ),
616 5,
c45f4e10 617 'All 10 tags were pairwise distributed between 5 year-2012 CDs'
533292a0 618 );
620 my $paul_prod = $cd_rs->search (
621 { 'producer.name' => 'paul'},
622 { join => { cd_to_producer => 'producer' } }
623 );
624 is ($paul_prod->count, 1, 'Paul had 1 production');
625 my $pauls_cd = $paul_prod->single;
626 is ($pauls_cd->cd_to_producer->count, 2, 'Paul had one co-producer');
627 is (
628 $pauls_cd->search_related ('cd_to_producer',
629 { 'producer.name' => 'flemming'},
630 { join => 'producer' }
631 )->count,
632 1,
633 'The second producer is flemming',
634 );
636 my $kirk_cds = $cd_rs->search ({ 'artist.name' => 'kirk' }, { join => 'artist' });
637 is ($kirk_cds, 3, 'Kirk had 3 CDs');
638 is (
639 $kirk_cds->search (
640 { 'cd_to_producer.cd' => { '!=', undef } },
641 { join => 'cd_to_producer' },
642 ),
643 1,
644 'Kirk had a producer only on one cd',
645 );
647 my $lars_cds = $cd_rs->search ({ 'artist.name' => 'lars' }, { join => 'artist' });
648 is ($lars_cds->count, 3, 'Lars had 3 CDs');
649 is (
650 $lars_cds->search (
651 { 'cd_to_producer.cd' => undef },
652 { join => 'cd_to_producer' },
653 ),
654 0,
655 'Lars always had a producer',
656 );
657 is (
658 $lars_cds->search_related ('cd_to_producer',
659 { 'producer.name' => 'flemming'},
660 { join => 'producer' }
661 )->count,
662 1,
663 'Lars produced 1 CD with flemming',
664 );
665 is (
666 $lars_cds->search_related ('cd_to_producer',
667 { 'producer.name' => 'bob'},
668 { join => 'producer' }
669 )->count,
670 2,
671 'Lars produced 2 CDs with bob',
672 );
674 my $bob_prod = $cd_rs->search (
675 { 'producer.name' => 'bob'},
676 { join => { cd_to_producer => 'producer' } }
677 );
678 is ($bob_prod->count, 3, 'Bob produced a total of 3 CDs');
680 is (
681 $bob_prod->search ({ 'artist.name' => 'james' }, { join => 'artist' })->count,
682 1,
c45f4e10 683 "Bob produced james' only CD",
533292a0 684 );
04ec3909 685};
686diag $@ if $@;
ab4b097b 687