Was replaced by ODBC.pm and ODBC/DB2_400_SQL.pm
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / t / 90join_torture.t
ae515736 1use strict;
2use warnings;
4use Test::More;
5use lib qw(t/lib);
6use DBICTest;
e083fb1e 7use Data::Dumper;
ae515736 8my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
6a3146aa 10plan tests => 18;
00a80124 11
12my @rs1a_results = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('cds', {title => 'Forkful of bees'}, {order_by => 'title'});
13is($rs1a_results[0]->title, 'Forkful of bees', "bare field conditions okay after search related");
ae515736 14my $rs1 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ 'tags.tag' => 'Blue' }, { join => {'cds' => 'tracks'}, prefetch => {'cds' => 'tags'} });
15my @artists = $rs1->all;
16cmp_ok(@artists, '==', 1, "Two artists returned");
18my $rs2 = $rs1->search({ artistid => '1' }, { join => {'cds' => {'cd_to_producer' => 'producer'} } });
b253a82b 19
20my @artists2 = $rs2->search({ 'producer.name' => 'Matt S Trout' });
21my @cds = $artists2[0]->cds;
22cmp_ok(scalar @cds, '==', 1, "condition based on inherited join okay");
4e460493 24#this is wrong, should accept me.title really
cd40c868 25my $rs3 = $rs2->search_related('cds');
9755b3df 26cmp_ok(scalar($rs3->all), '==', 27, "All cds for artist returned");
6a3146aa 27cmp_ok($rs3->count, '==', 27, "All cds for artist returned via count");
ae515736 28
29my $rs4 = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({ 'artist.artistid' => '1' }, { join => ['tracks', 'artist'], prefetch => 'artist' });
30my @rs4_results = $rs4->all;
ae515736 32is($rs4_results[0]->cdid, 1, "correct artist returned");
34my $rs5 = $rs4->search({'tracks.title' => 'Sticky Honey'});
35is($rs5->count, 1, "search without using previous joins okay");
08a39415 37my $record_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search(undef, { join => 'cds' })->search(undef, { prefetch => { 'cds' => 'tracks' }});
38my $record_jp = $record_rs->next;
39ok($record_jp, "prefetch on same rel okay");
b7439887 41my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find(1);
42my $cds = $artist->cds;
43is($cds->find(2)->title, 'Forkful of bees', "find on has many rs okay");
45my $cd = $cds->search({'me.title' => 'Forkful of bees'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' })->first;
46my @tracks = $cd->tracks->all;
47is(scalar(@tracks), 3, 'right number of prefetched tracks after has many');
4e460493 49#causes ambig col error due to order_by
b7439887 50#my $tracks_rs = $cds->search_related('tracks', { 'tracks.position' => '2', 'disc.title' => 'Forkful of bees' });
51#my $first_tracks_rs = $tracks_rs->first;
08a39415 52
48c9af02 53my $related_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ name => 'Caterwauler McCrae' })->search_related('cds', { year => '2001'})->search_related('tracks', { 'position' => '2' });
54is($related_rs->first->trackid, '5', 'search related on search related okay');
4e460493 56#causes ambig col error due to order_by
48c9af02 57#$related_rs->search({'cd.year' => '2001'}, {join => ['cd', 'cd']})->all;
59my $title = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('twokeys')->search_related('cd')->search({'tracks.position' => '2'}, {join => 'tracks', order_by => 'tracks.trackid'})->next->title;
60is($title, 'Forkful of bees', 'search relateds with order by okay');
cd40c868 61
4e460493 62my $prod_rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->find(1)->producers_sorted;
63my $prod_rs2 = $prod_rs->search({ name => 'Matt S Trout' });
64my $prod_first = $prod_rs2->first;
65is($prod_first->id, '1', 'somewhat pointless search on rel with order_by on it okay');
d0609d74 66
67my $prod_map_rs = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find(1)->cds->search_related('cd_to_producer', {}, { join => 'producer', prefetch => 'producer' });
10481a5d 68ok($prod_map_rs->next->producer, 'search related with prefetch okay');
d0609d74 69
4e460493 70my $stupid = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('artist_undirected_maps', {}, { prefetch => 'artist1' })->search_related('mapped_artists')->search_related('cds', {'cds.cdid' => '2'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' });
d0609d74 71
4e460493 72my $cd_final = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search_related('artist_undirected_maps', {}, { prefetch => 'artist1' })->search_related('mapped_artists')->search_related('cds', {'cds.cdid' => '2'}, { prefetch => 'tracks' })->first;
73is($cd_final->cdid, '2', 'bonkers search_related-with-join-midway okay');
d0609d74 74
e083fb1e 75# should end up with cds and cds_2 joined
76my $merge_rs_1 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ 'cds_2.cdid' => '2' }, { join => ['cds', 'cds'] });
77is(scalar(@{$merge_rs_1->{attrs}->{join}}), 2, 'both joins kept');
78ok($merge_rs_1->next, 'query on double joined rel runs okay');
80# should only end up with cds joined
81my $merge_rs_2 = $schema->resultset("Artist")->search({ }, { join => 'cds' })->search({ 'cds.cdid' => '2' }, { join => 'cds' });
82is(scalar(@{$merge_rs_2->{attrs}->{join}}), 1, 'only one join kept when inherited');
83my $merge_rs_2_cd = $merge_rs_2->next;
ae515736 851;