Commit | Line | Data |
70350518 |
1 | use strict; |
2 | use warnings; |
3 | |
4 | use Test::More; |
5d1fc7dc |
5 | use Test::Exception; |
70350518 |
6 | use lib qw(t/lib); |
7 | use DBICTest; |
8 | |
a47e1233 |
9 | my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(); |
2bb7b40b |
10 | |
66521001 |
11 | plan tests => 18; |
2bb7b40b |
12 | |
58d387fe |
13 | my $cd; |
66521001 |
14 | my $rs = $cd = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({}, { order_by => 'cdid' }); |
2bb7b40b |
15 | |
16 | my $rs_title = $rs->get_column('title'); |
17 | my $rs_year = $rs->get_column('year'); |
20ea4813 |
18 | my $max_year = $rs->get_column(\'MAX (year)'); |
2bb7b40b |
19 | |
20 | is($rs_title->next, 'Spoonful of bees', "next okay"); |
5d62876f |
21 | is_deeply( [ sort $rs_year->func('DISTINCT') ], [ 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001 ], "wantarray context okay"); |
20ea4813 |
22 | ok ($max_year->next == $rs_year->max, q/get_column (\'FUNC') ok/); |
5d62876f |
23 | |
2bb7b40b |
24 | my @all = $rs_title->all; |
25 | cmp_ok(scalar @all, '==', 5, "five titles returned"); |
26 | |
27 | cmp_ok($rs_year->max, '==', 2001, "max okay for year"); |
28 | is($rs_title->min, 'Caterwaulin\' Blues', "min okay for title"); |
29 | |
30 | cmp_ok($rs_year->sum, '==', 9996, "three artists returned"); |
31 | |
66521001 |
32 | $rs_year->reset; |
33 | is($rs_year->next, 1999, "reset okay"); |
34 | |
35 | is($rs_year->first, 1999, "first okay"); |
36 | |
5d1fc7dc |
37 | # test +select/+as for single column |
ae515736 |
38 | my $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, |
39 | { |
40 | '+select' => \'COUNT(*)', |
41 | '+as' => 'count' |
42 | } |
43 | ); |
5d1fc7dc |
44 | lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('count')->next }, '+select/+as additional column "count" present (scalar)'); |
45 | dies_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('noSuchColumn')->next }, '+select/+as nonexistent column throws exception'); |
ae515736 |
46 | |
5d1fc7dc |
47 | # test +select/+as for multiple columns |
ae515736 |
48 | $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, |
49 | { |
50 | '+select' => [ \'COUNT(*)', 'title' ], |
51 | '+as' => [ 'count', 'addedtitle' ] |
52 | } |
53 | ); |
5d1fc7dc |
54 | lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('count')->next }, '+select/+as multiple additional columns, "count" column present'); |
55 | lives_ok(sub { $psrs->get_column('addedtitle')->next }, '+select/+as multiple additional columns, "addedtitle" column present'); |
56 | |
57 | # test +select/+as for overriding a column |
58 | $psrs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, |
59 | { |
60 | 'select' => \"'The Final Countdown'", |
61 | 'as' => 'title' |
62 | } |
63 | ); |
64 | is($psrs->get_column('title')->next, 'The Final Countdown', '+select/+as overridden column "title"'); |
ae515736 |
65 | |
3f6cc7e4 |
66 | { |
67 | my $rs = $schema->resultset("CD")->search({}, { prefetch => 'artist' }); |
68 | my $rsc = $rs->get_column('year'); |
69 | is( $rsc->{_parent_resultset}->{attrs}->{prefetch}, undef, 'prefetch wiped' ); |
70 | } |
cda5e082 |
71 | |
72 | # test sum() |
73 | is ($schema->resultset('BooksInLibrary')->get_column ('price')->sum, 125, 'Sum of a resultset works correctly'); |
74 | |
75 | # test sum over search_related |
76 | my $owner = $schema->resultset('Owners')->find ({ name => 'Newton' }); |
77 | ok ($owner->books->count > 1, 'Owner Newton has multiple books'); |
78 | is ($owner->search_related ('books')->get_column ('price')->sum, 60, 'Correctly calculated price of all owned books'); |