Install DBI as well in Travis
[dbsrgits/SQL-Translator.git] / t / 66-postgres-dbi-parser.t
122353c5 1#!/usr/bin/perl
2# vim: set ft=perl:
4use strict;
5use Test::More;
6use SQL::Translator;
7use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
8use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan table_ok);
0142de97 10maybe_plan(undef, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL');
122353c5 11
12my @dsn =
0142de97 14: $ENV{DBI_DSN} ? @ENV{ map { "DBI_$_" } qw/DSN USER PASS/ }
15: plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test';
122353c5 16
17my $dbh = eval {
18 DBI->connect(@dsn, {AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError=>1,PrintError => 1} );
0142de97 21if (my $err = ($@ || $DBI::err )) {
22 chomp $err;
23 plan skip_all => "No connection to test db. DBI says '$err'";
122353c5 25
0142de97 26ok($dbh, "dbh setup correctly");
27$dbh->do('SET client_min_messages=WARNING');
122353c5 28
122353c5 29my $sql = q[
30 drop table if exists sqlt_test2;
31 drop table if exists sqlt_test1;
32 drop table if exists sqlt_products_1;
34 create table sqlt_test1 (
35 f_serial serial NOT NULL primary key,
a23f9a9d 36 f_varchar character varying(255),
c601ca5d 37 f_text text default 'FOO',
38 f_to_drop integer,
39 f_last text
122353c5 40 );
fd52d7dd 42 comment on table sqlt_test1 is 'this is a comment on the first table';
43 comment on column sqlt_test1.f_text is 'this is a comment on a field of the first table';
c601ca5d 45 create index sqlt_test1_f_last_idx on sqlt_test1 (f_last);
122353c5 46
47 create table sqlt_test2 (
48 f_id integer NOT NULL,
49 f_int smallint,
50 primary key (f_id),
51 f_fk1 integer NOT NULL references sqlt_test1 (f_serial)
52 );
54 CREATE TABLE sqlt_products_1 (
55 product_no integer,
56 name text,
57 price numeric
58 );
c601ca5d 59
aee4b66e 60 -- drop a column, to not have a linear id
c601ca5d 61 -- When the table t_test1 is created, f_last get id 5 but
62 -- after this drop, there is only 4 columns.
63 alter table sqlt_test1 drop column f_to_drop;
122353c5 64];
66$| = 1;
7b1bb658 68$dbh->begin_work;
122353c5 69$dbh->do($sql);
c3919fdd 71my $t = SQL::Translator->new(
72 trace => 0,
73 parser => 'DBI',
74 parser_args => { dbh => $dbh },
122353c5 77my $schema = $t->schema;
79isa_ok( $schema, 'SQL::Translator::Schema', 'Schema object' );
c3919fdd 80
81ok ($dbh->ping, 'External handle still connected');
122353c5 83my @tables = $schema->get_tables;
85my $t1 = $schema->get_table("sqlt_test1");
86is( $t1->name, 'sqlt_test1', 'Table sqlt_test1 exists' );
fd52d7dd 87is( $t1->comments, 'this is a comment on the first table', 'First table has a comment');
122353c5 88
89my @t1_fields = $t1->get_fields;
c601ca5d 90is( scalar @t1_fields, 4, '4 fields in sqlt_test1' );
122353c5 91
92my $f1 = shift @t1_fields;
93is( $f1->name, 'f_serial', 'First field is "f_serial"' );
a23f9a9d 94is( $f1->data_type, 'integer', 'Field is an integer' );
122353c5 95is( $f1->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
96is( $f1->default_value, "nextval('sqlt_test1_f_serial_seq'::regclass)", 'Default value is nextval()' );
97is( $f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
98#FIXME: not set to auto-increment? maybe we can guess auto-increment behavior by looking at the default_value (i.e. it call function nextval() )
99#is( $f1->is_auto_increment, 1, 'Field is auto increment' );
101my $f2 = shift @t1_fields;
102is( $f2->name, 'f_varchar', 'Second field is "f_varchar"' );
a23f9a9d 103is( $f2->data_type, 'character varying(255)', 'Field is a character varying(255)' );
122353c5 104is( $f2->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
105#FIXME: should not be 255?
106is( $f2->size, 259, 'Size is "259"' );
107is( $f2->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
108is( $f2->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
109is( $f2->is_auto_increment, 0, 'Field is not auto increment' );
fd52d7dd 110is( $f2->comments, '', 'There is no comment on the second field');
122353c5 111
112my $f3 = shift @t1_fields;
113is( $f3->name, 'f_text', 'Third field is "f_text"' );
114is( $f3->data_type, 'text', 'Field is a text' );
115is( $f3->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
116is( $f3->size, 0, 'Size is 0' );
117is( $f3->default_value, "'FOO'::text", 'Default value is "FOO"' );
118is( $f3->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
119is( $f3->is_auto_increment, 0, 'Field is not auto increment' );
fd52d7dd 120is( $f3->comments, 'this is a comment on a field of the first table', 'There is a comment on the third field');
122353c5 121
c601ca5d 122my $f4 = shift @t1_fields;
123is( $f4->name, 'f_last', 'Fouth field is "f_last"' );
124is( $f4->data_type, 'text', 'Field is a text' );
125is( $f4->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
126is( $f4->size, 0, 'Size is 0' );
127is( $f4->default_value, undef, 'No default value' );
128is( $f4->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
129is( $f4->is_auto_increment, 0, 'Field is not auto increment' );
122353c5 131#TODO: no 'NOT NULL' constraint not set
133my $t2 = $schema->get_table("sqlt_test2");
134is( $t2->name, 'sqlt_test2', 'Table sqlt_test2 exists' );
fd52d7dd 135is( $t2->comments, undef, 'No comment on table sqlt_test2');
122353c5 136
137my @t2_fields = $t2->get_fields;
138is( scalar @t2_fields, 3, '3 fields in sqlt_test2' );
140my $t2_f1 = shift @t2_fields;
141is( $t2_f1->name, 'f_id', 'First field is "f_id"' );
a23f9a9d 142is( $t2_f1->data_type, 'integer', 'Field is an integer' );
122353c5 143is( $t2_f1->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
144is( $t2_f1->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
145is( $t2_f1->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
146is( $t2_f1->is_primary_key, 1, 'Field is PK' );
148my $t2_f2= shift @t2_fields;
149is( $t2_f2->name, 'f_int', 'Third field is "f_int"' );
a23f9a9d 150is( $t2_f2->data_type, 'smallint', 'Field is an smallint' );
122353c5 151is( $t2_f2->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
152is( $t2_f2->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
153is( $t2_f2->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
154is( $t2_f2->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
156my $t2_f3 = shift @t2_fields;
157is( $t2_f3->name, 'f_fk1', 'Third field is "f_fk1"' );
a23f9a9d 158is( $t2_f3->data_type, 'integer', 'Field is an integer' );
122353c5 159is( $t2_f3->is_nullable, 0, 'Field cannot be null' );
160is( $t2_f3->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
161is( $t2_f3->default_value, undef, 'Default value is undefined' );
162is( $t2_f3->is_primary_key, 0, 'Field is not PK' );
163is( $t2_f3->is_foreign_key, 1, 'Field is a FK' );
164my $fk_ref1 = $t2_f3->foreign_key_reference;
165isa_ok( $fk_ref1, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint', 'FK' );
166is( $fk_ref1->reference_table, 'sqlt_test1', 'FK is to "sqlt_test1" table' );
168my @t2_constraints = $t2->get_constraints;
169is( scalar @t2_constraints, 1, "One constraint on table" );
171my $t2_c1 = shift @t2_constraints;
172is( $t2_c1->type, FOREIGN_KEY, "Constraint is a FK" );
7b1bb658 174$dbh->rollback;
122353c5 175$dbh->disconnect;
122353c5 176
0142de97 177done_testing();