Added result_component_map option to Schema::Loader::Base
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader.git] / t / 23dumpmore.t
71130750 1use warnings;
605fcea8 2use strict;
ff746964 3
71130750 4use File::Temp ();
5use Test::More;
605fcea8 6
71130750 7use lib qw(t/lib);
8use dbixcsl_dumper_tests;
9my $t = 'dbixcsl_dumper_tests';
a4187fdf 10
71130750 11$t->cleanup;
a4187fdf 12
6dde4613 13# test loading external content
71130750 14$t->dump_test(
15 classname => 'DBICTest::Schema::_no_skip_load_external',
16 warnings => [
17 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::Schema::_no_skip_load_external to directory /,
18 qr/Schema dump completed/,
19 ],
20 regexes => {
21 Foo => [
22 qr/package DBICTest::Schema::_no_skip_load_external::Foo;\nour \$skip_me = "bad mojo";\n1;/
6dde4613 23 ],
71130750 24 },
6dde4613 25);
27# test skipping external content
71130750 28$t->dump_test(
29 classname => 'DBICTest::Schema::_skip_load_external',
30 options => {
31 skip_load_external => 1
32 },
33 warnings => [
34 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::Schema::_skip_load_external to directory /,
35 qr/Schema dump completed/,
36 ],
37 neg_regexes => {
38 Foo => [
39 qr/package DBICTest::Schema::_skip_load_external::Foo;\nour \$skip_me = "bad mojo";\n1;/
6dde4613 40 ],
71130750 41 },
6dde4613 42);
71130750 44$t->cleanup;
73099af4 45# test config_file
71130750 46{
47 my $config_file = File::Temp->new (UNLINK => 1);
73099af4 48
71130750 49 print $config_file "{ skip_relationships => 1 }\n";
50 close $config_file;
73099af4 51
71130750 52 $t->dump_test(
1a8fd949 53 classname => 'DBICTest::Schema::_config_file',
71130750 54 options => { config_file => "$config_file" },
73099af4 55 warnings => [
1a8fd949 56 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::Schema::_config_file to directory /,
71130750 57 qr/Schema dump completed/,
73099af4 58 ],
59 neg_regexes => {
71130750 60 Foo => [
61 qr/has_many/,
62 ],
73099af4 63 },
71130750 64 );
c9cf9b4d 66
71130750 67# proper exception
1a8fd949 69 classname => 'DBICTest::Schema::_clashing_monikers',
71130750 70 test_db_class => 'make_dbictest_db_clashing_monikers',
71 error => qr/tables 'bar', 'bars' reduced to the same source moniker 'Bar'/,
c9cf9b4d 72);
c9cf9b4d 74
71130750 75$t->cleanup;
c9cf9b4d 76
71130750 77# test out the POD
79 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
80 options => {
81 custom_column_info => sub {
82 my ($table, $col, $info) = @_;
83 return +{ extra => { is_footext => 1 } } if $col eq 'footext';
84 }
85 },
86 warnings => [
87 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
88 qr/Schema dump completed/,
89 ],
90 regexes => {
91 schema => [
92 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
93 qr/->load_classes/,
c9cf9b4d 94 ],
71130750 95 Foo => [
96 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo;/,
97 qr/=head1 NAME\n\nDBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo\n\n=cut\n\n/,
98 qr/=head1 ACCESSORS\n\n/,
99 qr/=head2 fooid\n\n data_type: 'integer'\n is_auto_increment: 1\n is_nullable: 0\n\n/,
100 qr/=head2 footext\n\n data_type: 'text'\n default_value: 'footext'\n extra: {is_footext => 1}\n is_nullable: 1\n\n/,
101 qr/->set_primary_key/,
102 qr/=head1 RELATIONS\n\n/,
103 qr/=head2 bars\n\nType: has_many\n\nRelated object: L<DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Bar>\n\n=cut\n\n/,
104 qr/1;\n$/,
c9cf9b4d 105 ],
71130750 106 Bar => [
107 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Bar;/,
108 qr/=head1 NAME\n\nDBICTest::DumpMore::1::Bar\n\n=cut\n\n/,
109 qr/=head1 ACCESSORS\n\n/,
110 qr/=head2 barid\n\n data_type: 'integer'\n is_auto_increment: 1\n is_nullable: 0\n\n/,
111 qr/=head2 fooref\n\n data_type: 'integer'\n is_foreign_key: 1\n is_nullable: 1\n\n/,
112 qr/->set_primary_key/,
113 qr/=head1 RELATIONS\n\n/,
114 qr/=head2 fooref\n\nType: belongs_to\n\nRelated object: L<DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo>\n\n=cut\n\n/,
115 qr/1;\n$/,
c9cf9b4d 116 ],
71130750 117 },
c9cf9b4d 118);
71130750 121$t->append_to_class('DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo',q{# XXX This is my custom content XXX});
f812ef60 122
9de8c789 123
71130750 124$t->dump_test(
125 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
126 warnings => [
127 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
128 qr/Schema dump completed/,
129 ],
130 regexes => {
131 schema => [
132 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
133 qr/->load_classes/,
a4187fdf 134 ],
71130750 135 Foo => [
136 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo;/,
137 qr/->set_primary_key/,
138 qr/1;\n# XXX This is my custom content XXX/,
139 ],
140 Bar => [
141 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Bar;/,
142 qr/->set_primary_key/,
143 qr/1;\n$/,
144 ],
145 },
a4187fdf 146);
a4187fdf 148
71130750 149$t->dump_test(
150 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
151 options => {
152 really_erase_my_files => 1
153 },
154 warnings => [
155 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
156 qr/Deleting existing file /,
157 qr/Deleting existing file /,
158 qr/Deleting existing file /,
159 qr/Schema dump completed/,
160 ],
161 regexes => {
162 schema => [
163 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
164 qr/->load_classes/,
a4187fdf 165 ],
71130750 166 Foo => [
167 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Foo;/,
168 qr/->set_primary_key/,
169 qr/1;\n$/,
a4187fdf 170 ],
71130750 171 Bar => [
172 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Bar;/,
173 qr/->set_primary_key/,
174 qr/1;\n$/,
175 ],
176 },
177 neg_regexes => {
178 Foo => [
179 qr/# XXX This is my custom content XXX/,
180 ],
181 },
492dce8d 182);
eac5494b 184
71130750 185$t->cleanup;
187# test namespaces
189 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
190 options => {
191 use_namespaces => 1,
192 generate_pod => 0
193 },
194 warnings => [
195 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
196 qr/Schema dump completed/,
197 ],
198 neg_regexes => {
199 'Result/Foo' => [
200 qr/^=/m,
492dce8d 201 ],
71130750 202 },
a4187fdf 203);
605fcea8 204
eac5494b 205
71130750 206$t->dump_test(
207 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
208 options => {
209 db_schema => 'foo_schema',
210 qualify_objects => 1,
211 use_namespaces => 1
212 },
213 warnings => [
214 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
215 qr/Schema dump completed/,
216 ],
217 regexes => {
218 'Result/Foo' => [
219 qr/^\Q__PACKAGE__->table("");\E/m,
220 # the has_many relname should not have the schema in it!
221 qr/^__PACKAGE__->has_many\(\n "bars"/m,
69219349 222 ],
71130750 223 },
69219349 224);
71130750 226$t->dump_test(
227 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
228 options => {
229 use_namespaces => 1
230 },
231 warnings => [
232 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
233 qr/Schema dump completed/,
234 ],
235 regexes => {
236 schema => [
237 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
238 qr/->load_namespaces/,
f44ecc2f 239 ],
71130750 240 'Result/Foo' => [
241 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Result::Foo;/,
242 qr/->set_primary_key/,
243 qr/1;\n$/,
244 ],
245 'Result/Bar' => [
246 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Result::Bar;/,
247 qr/->set_primary_key/,
248 qr/1;\n$/,
249 ],
250 },
f44ecc2f 251);
eac5494b 253
71130750 254$t->dump_test(
255 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
256 options => {
257 use_namespaces => 1,
258 result_namespace => 'Res',
259 resultset_namespace => 'RSet',
260 default_resultset_class => 'RSetBase',
261 },
262 warnings => [
263 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
264 qr/Schema dump completed/,
265 ],
266 regexes => {
267 schema => [
268 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
269 qr/->load_namespaces/,
270 qr/result_namespace => 'Res'/,
271 qr/resultset_namespace => 'RSet'/,
272 qr/default_resultset_class => 'RSetBase'/,
f44ecc2f 273 ],
71130750 274 'Res/Foo' => [
275 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res::Foo;/,
276 qr/->set_primary_key/,
277 qr/1;\n$/,
278 ],
279 'Res/Bar' => [
280 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res::Bar;/,
281 qr/->set_primary_key/,
282 qr/1;\n$/,
283 ],
284 },
f44ecc2f 285);
eac5494b 287
71130750 288$t->dump_test(
289 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
290 options => {
291 use_namespaces => 1,
292 result_namespace => '+DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res',
293 resultset_namespace => 'RSet',
294 default_resultset_class => 'RSetBase',
295 result_base_class => 'My::ResultBaseClass',
296 schema_base_class => 'My::SchemaBaseClass',
297 },
298 warnings => [
299 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
300 qr/Schema dump completed/,
301 ],
302 regexes => {
303 schema => [
304 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1;/,
305 qr/->load_namespaces/,
306 qr/result_namespace => '\+DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res'/,
307 qr/resultset_namespace => 'RSet'/,
308 qr/default_resultset_class => 'RSetBase'/,
309 qr/use base 'My::SchemaBaseClass'/,
f44ecc2f 310 ],
71130750 311 'Res/Foo' => [
312 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res::Foo;/,
313 qr/use base 'My::ResultBaseClass'/,
314 qr/->set_primary_key/,
315 qr/1;\n$/,
316 ],
317 'Res/Bar' => [
318 qr/package DBICTest::DumpMore::1::Res::Bar;/,
319 qr/use base 'My::ResultBaseClass'/,
320 qr/->set_primary_key/,
321 qr/1;\n$/,
322 ],
323 },
f44ecc2f 324);
c634fde9 325
eac5494b 326
71130750 327$t->dump_test(
328 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
329 options => {
330 use_namespaces => 1,
331 result_base_class => 'My::MissingResultBaseClass',
332 },
333 error => qr/My::MissingResultBaseClass.*is not installed/,
8048320c 334);
f44ecc2f 335
667f1a0b 336# test quote_char in connect_info for dbicdump
338 classname => 'DBICTest::DumpMore::1',
339 extra_connect_info => [
340 '',
341 '',
342 { quote_char => '"' },
343 ],
344 warnings => [
345 qr/Dumping manual schema for DBICTest::DumpMore::1 to directory /,
346 qr/Schema dump completed/,
347 ],
d27f2b7b 350done_testing;