convert all uses of Test::Exception to Test::Fatal.
[gitmo/MooseX-Types.git] / t / 11_library-definition.t
8af0a70d 1#!/usr/bin/env perl
2use warnings;
3use strict;
5use Test::More;
6use FindBin;
7use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
16ddefbf 8use TestLibrary qw( NonEmptyStr IntArrayRef ),
9 Foo2Alias => { -as => 'Foo' };
8af0a70d 10
11my @tests = (
12 [ 'NonEmptyStr', 12, "12", [], "foobar", "" ],
13 [ 'IntArrayRef', 12, [12], {}, [17, 23], {} ],
16ddefbf 16plan tests => (@tests * 8) + 5;
8af0a70d 17
18# new array ref so we can safely shift from it
19for my $data (map { [@$_] } @tests) {
20 my $type = shift @$data;
22 # Type name export
23 {
24 ok my $code = __PACKAGE__->can($type), "$type() was exported";
25 is $code->(), "TestLibrary::$type", "$type() returned correct type name";
26 }
28 # coercion handler export
29 {
30 my ($coerce, $coercion_result, $cannot_coerce) = map { shift @$data } 1 .. 3;
31 ok my $code = __PACKAGE__->can("to_$type"), "to_$type() coercion was exported";
32 is_deeply scalar $code->($coerce), $coercion_result, "to_$type() coercion works";
33 ok ! $code->($cannot_coerce), "to_$type() returns false on invalid value";
34 }
36 # type test handler
37 {
38 my ($valid, $invalid) = map { shift @$data } 1 .. 2;
39 ok my $code = __PACKAGE__->can("is_$type"), "is_$type() check was exported";
40 ok $code->($valid), "is_$type() check true on valid value";
41 ok ! $code->($invalid), "is_$type() check false on invalid value";
42 }
16ddefbf 45# aliasing test
46ok my $code = __PACKAGE__->can('Foo'), 'aliased type exported under correct symbol';
47is $code->(), 'TestLibrary::Foo2Alias', 'aliased type returns unaliased type name';
8af0a70d 49# coercion not available
50ok ! __PACKAGE__->can('to_TwentyThree'), "type without coercion doesn't have to_* helper";
249888e7 51
52eval { require TestNamespaceSep };
53ok $@, q(trying to declare a type with '::' in it croaks);
54like $@, qr/Foo::Bar/, q(error message contains type name);