A yet more-smarter parser for SQLA::Test - any smarter than that and we go skynet
[dbsrgits/SQL-Abstract.git] / t / 04modifiers.t
e5360be4 1#!/usr/bin/perl
3use strict;
4use warnings;
5use Test::More;
6use Test::Exception;
7use SQL::Abstract::Test import => ['is_same_sql_bind'];
9use Data::Dumper;
10use SQL::Abstract;
a8b90cb7 13Test -and -or and -nest modifiers, assuming the following:
e5360be4 14
15 * Modifiers are respected in both hashrefs and arrayrefs (with the obvious limitation of one modifier type per hahsref)
16 * Each modifier affects only the immediate element following it
17 * In the case of -nestX simply wrap whatever the next element is in a pair of (), regardless of type
18 * In the case of -or/-and explicitly setting the logic within a following hashref or arrayref,
19 without imposing the logic on any sub-elements of the affected structure
20 * Ignore (maybe throw exception?) of the -or/-and modifier if the following element is missing,
21 or is of a type other than hash/arrayref
a8b90cb7 25# no warnings
26my @and_or_tests = (
27 {
28 where => { -and => [a => 1, b => 2] },
29 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? AND b = ?',
30 bind => [qw/1 2/],
31 },
32 {
33 where => [ -and => [a => 1, b => 2] ],
34 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? AND b = ?',
35 bind => [qw/1 2/],
36 },
37 {
38 where => { -or => [a => 1, b => 2] },
39 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? OR b = ?',
40 bind => [qw/1 2/],
41 },
42 {
43 where => [ -or => [a => 1, b => 2] ],
44 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? OR b = ?',
45 bind => [qw/1 2/],
46 },
47 {
48 where => { -and => [a => 1, b => 2], x => 9, -or => { c => 3, d => 4 } },
49 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? AND b = ? AND ( c = ? OR d = ? ) AND x = ?',
50 bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 9/],
51 },
52 {
53 where => { -and => [a => 1, b => 2, k => [11, 12] ], x => 9, -or => { c => 3, d => 4, l => { '=' => [21, 22] } } },
54 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? AND b = ? AND (k = ? OR k = ?) AND ( l = ? OR l = ? OR c = ? OR d = ? ) AND x = ?',
55 bind => [qw/1 2 11 12 21 22 3 4 9/],
56 },
57 {
58 where => { -or => [a => 1, b => 2, k => [11, 12] ], x => 9, -and => { c => 3, d => 4, l => { '=' => [21, 22] } } },
59 stmt => 'WHERE c = ? AND d = ? AND ( l = ? OR l = ?) AND (a = ? OR b = ? OR k = ? OR k = ?) AND x = ?',
60 bind => [qw/3 4 21 22 1 2 11 12 9/],
61 },
e5360be4 62
a8b90cb7 63 {
64 # things should remain the same as above, hashrefs not affected
65 args => { logic => 'or' },
66 where => { -or => [a => 1, b => 2, k => [11, 12] ], x => 9, -and => { c => 3, d => 4, l => { '=' => [21, 22] } } },
67 stmt => 'WHERE c = ? AND d = ? AND ( l = ? OR l = ?) AND (a = ? OR b = ? OR k = ? OR k = ?) AND x = ?',
68 bind => [qw/3 4 21 22 1 2 11 12 9/],
69 },
e5360be4 70
a8b90cb7 71 {
72 where => [ -or => [a => 1, b => 2], -or => { c => 3, d => 4}, e => 5, -and => [ f => 6, g => 7], [ h => 8, i => 9, -and => [ k => 10, l => 11] ], { m => 12, n => 13 }],
73 stmt => 'WHERE a = ? OR b = ? OR c = ? OR d = ? OR e = ? OR ( f = ? AND g = ?) OR h = ? OR i = ? OR ( k = ? AND l = ? ) OR (m = ? AND n = ?)',
74 bind => [1 .. 13],
75 },
76 {
77 # while the arrayref logic should flip, except when requested otherwise
78 args => { logic => 'and' },
79 where => [ -or => [a => 1, b => 2], -or => { c => 3, d => 4}, e => 5, -and => [ f => 6, g => 7], [ h => 8, i => 9, -and => [ k => 10, l => 11] ], { m => 12, n => 13 }],
80 stmt => 'WHERE (a = ? OR b = ?) AND (c = ? OR d = ?) AND e = ? AND f = ? AND g = ? AND h = ? AND i = ? AND k = ? AND l = ? AND m = ? AND n = ?',
81 bind => [1 .. 13],
82 },
e5360be4 84
a8b90cb7 85my @nest_tests = (); #can not be verified via is_same_sql_bind - need exact matching (parenthesis and all)
87my @numbered_tests = (); #need tests making sure warnings are emitted for modifierN (will go away in SQLA2)
89plan tests => @and_or_tests * 3;
91for my $case (@and_or_tests) {
e5360be4 92 local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
a8b90cb7 93
94 my @w;
95 local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
96 my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
e5360be4 97 lives_ok (sub {
a8b90cb7 98 my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
e5360be4 99 is_same_sql_bind($stmt, \@bind, $case->{stmt}, $case->{bind})
100 || diag "Search term:\n" . Dumper $case->{where};
101 });
a8b90cb7 102 is (@w, 0, 'No warnings within and-or tests')
103 || diag join "\n", 'Emitted warnings:', @w;
e5360be4 104}