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[gitmo/MooseX-Dependent.git] / t / 03-coercions.t
54f0d8d6 1
26cf337e 2use Test::More tests=>15; {
d1cfb043 3
4 use strict;
5 use warnings;
54f0d8d6 6
d1cfb043 7 use MooseX::Types::Parameterizable qw(Parameterizable);
8 use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Int Str HashRef ArrayRef);
10 use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(
11 InfoHash OlderThanAge DefinedOlderThanAge
12 )];
14 ok subtype( InfoHash,
15 as HashRef[Int],
16 where {
17 defined $_->{older_than};
18 }), 'Created InfoHash Set (reduce need to depend on Dict type';
54f0d8d6 19
d1cfb043 20 ok InfoHash->check({older_than=>25}), 'Good InfoHash';
21 ok !InfoHash->check({older_than=>'aaa'}), 'Bad InfoHash';
22 ok !InfoHash->check({at_least=>25}), 'Bad InfoHash';
24 ok subtype( OlderThanAge,
25 as Parameterizable[Int, InfoHash],
26 where {
27 my ($value, $dict) = @_;
28 return $value > $dict->{older_than} ? 1:0;
29 }), 'Created the OlderThanAge subtype';
31 ok OlderThanAge([{older_than=>25}])->check(39), '39 is older than 25';
32 ok OlderThanAge([older_than=>1])->check(9), '9 is older than 1';
33 ok !OlderThanAge([older_than=>1])->check('aaa'), '"aaa" not an int';
34 ok !OlderThanAge([older_than=>10])->check(9), '9 is not older than 10';
36 coerce OlderThanAge,
37 from HashRef,
38 via {
39 my ($hashref, $constraining_value) = @_;
40 return scalar(keys(%$hashref));
41 },
42 from ArrayRef,
43 via {
44 my ($arrayref, $constraining_value) = @_;
45 #use Data::Dump qw/dump/; warn dump $constraining_value;
46 my $age;
47 $age += $_ for @$arrayref;
48 return $age;
49 };
9c319add 50
d1cfb043 51 is OlderThanAge->name, 'main::OlderThanAge',
52 'Got corect name for OlderThanAge';
53 is OlderThanAge([older_than=>5])->coerce([1..10]), 55,
54 'Coerce works';
55 is OlderThanAge([older_than=>5])->coerce({a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4}), 4,
56 'Coerce works';
57 like OlderThanAge([older_than=>2])->name, qr/main::OlderThanAge\[/,
58 'Got correct name for OlderThanAge([older_than=>2])';
59 is OlderThanAge([older_than=>2])->coerce({a=>5,b=>6,c=>7,d=>8}), 4,
60 'Coerce works';
26cf337e 61
d1cfb043 62 SKIP: {
63 skip 'Type Coercions on defined types not supported yet', 1;
26cf337e 64
d1cfb043 65 subtype DefinedOlderThanAge, as OlderThanAge([older_than=>1]);
67 coerce DefinedOlderThanAge,
68 from ArrayRef,
69 via {
70 my ($arrayref, $constraining_value) = @_;
71 my $age;
72 $age += $_ for @$arrayref;
73 return $age;
74 };
76 is DefinedOlderThanAge->coerce([1,2,3]), 6, 'Got expected Value';
77 }
88f7dcd2 78}