remove some undocumented apis from our tests
[gitmo/Class-MOP.git] / t / 018_anon_class.t
587aca23 1use strict;
2use warnings;
86a4d873 4use Test::More;
871e9eb5 5use Test::Fatal;
587aca23 6
efd3d14c 7use Class::MOP;
587aca23 8
6b96f5ab 9{
10 package Foo;
11 use strict;
12 use warnings;
13 use metaclass;
86a4d873 14
6b96f5ab 15 sub bar { 'Foo::bar' }
40483095 18my $anon_class_id;
d4ba1677 20 my $instance;
21 {
22 my $anon_class = Class::MOP::Class->create_anon_class();
23 isa_ok($anon_class, 'Class::MOP::Class');
86a4d873 24
d4ba1677 25 ($anon_class_id) = ($anon_class->name =~ /Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::(\d+)/);
86a4d873 26
d4ba1677 27 ok(exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package exists');
28 like($anon_class->name, qr/Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::[0-9]+/, '... got an anon class package name');
30 is_deeply(
31 [$anon_class->superclasses],
32 [],
33 '... got an empty superclass list');
871e9eb5 34 is( exception {
d4ba1677 35 $anon_class->superclasses('Foo');
871e9eb5 36 }, undef, '... can add a superclass to anon class' );
d4ba1677 37 is_deeply(
38 [$anon_class->superclasses],
39 [ 'Foo' ],
40 '... got the right superclass list');
42 ok(!$anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... no foo method');
871e9eb5 43 is( exception {
d4ba1677 44 $anon_class->add_method('foo' => sub { "__ANON__::foo" });
871e9eb5 45 }, undef, '... added a method to my anon-class' );
86a4d873 46 ok($anon_class->has_method('foo'), '... we have a foo method now');
d4ba1677 47
48 $instance = $anon_class->new_object();
86a4d873 49 isa_ok($instance, $anon_class->name);
50 isa_ok($instance, 'Foo');
d4ba1677 51
52 is($instance->foo, '__ANON__::foo', '... got the right return value of our foo method');
86a4d873 53 is($instance->bar, 'Foo::bar', '... got the right return value of our bar method');
d4ba1677 54 }
56 ok(exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package still exists');
40483095 57}
587aca23 58
40483095 59ok(!exists $main::Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::{$anon_class_id . '::'}, '... the package no longer exists');
587aca23 60
8a402c9e 61# but it breaks down when we try to create another one ...
d4ba1677 63my $instance_2 = bless {} => ('Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::' . $anon_class_id);
64isa_ok($instance_2, ('Class::MOP::Class::__ANON__::SERIAL::' . $anon_class_id));
8a402c9e 65ok(!$instance_2->isa('Foo'), '... but the new instance is not a Foo');
66ok(!$instance_2->can('foo'), '... and it can no longer call the foo method');
86a4d873 68done_testing;