Update Makefile.PL
[gitmo/Mouse.git] / t / 001_mouse / 019-handles.t
c3398f5b 1#!/usr/bin/env perl
2use strict;
3use warnings;
cb80a70a 4use Test::More;
7b133c92 5use Test::Exception;
c3398f5b 6
7do {
8 package Person;
cb80a70a 9 use Mouse;
c3398f5b 10
cb80a70a 11 has name => (is => 'rw');
12 has age => (is => 'rw');
c3398f5b 13
a2db83e3 14 sub make_string {
15 my($self, $template) = @_;
16 return sprintf $template, $self->name;
17 }
c3398f5b 19 package Class;
20 use Mouse;
22 has person => (
23 is => 'rw',
24 lazy => 1,
25 default => sub { Person->new(age => 37, name => "Chuck") },
26 predicate => 'has_person',
27 handles => {
28 person_name => 'name',
29 person_age => 'age',
a2db83e3 30 person_hello => [make_string => 'Hello, %s'],
c3398f5b 31 },
32 );
34 has me => (
cb80a70a 35 is => 'rw',
36 isa => 'Person',
c3398f5b 37 default => sub { Person->new(age => 21, name => "Shawn") },
38 predicate => 'quid',
39 handles => [qw/name age/],
40 );
cb80a70a 41
c3398f5b 42};
44can_ok(Class => qw(person has_person person_name person_age name age quid));
46my $object = Class->new;
47ok(!$object->has_person, "don't have a person yet");
49ok($object->has_person, "calling person_name instantiated person");
50ok($object->person, "we really do have a person");
52is($object->person_name, "Todd", "handles method");
53is($object->person->name, "Todd", "traditional lookup");
54is($object->person_age, 37, "handles method");
55is($object->person->age, 37, "traditional lookup");
a2db83e3 56is($object->person_hello, 'Hello, Todd', 'curring');
c3398f5b 57
58my $object2 = Class->new(person => Person->new(name => "Philbert"));
59ok($object2->has_person, "we have a person from the constructor");
60is($object2->person_name, "Philbert", "handles method");
61is($object2->person->name, "Philbert", "traditional lookup");
62is($object2->person_age, undef, "no age because we didn't use the default");
63is($object2->person->age, undef, "no age because we didn't use the default");
a2db83e3 64is($object2->person_hello, 'Hello, Philbert', 'currying');
c3398f5b 65
66ok($object->quid, "we have a Shawn");
67is($object->name, "Shawn", "name handle");
68is($object->age, 21, "age handle");
69is($object->me->name, "Shawn", "me->name");
70is($object->me->age, 21, "me->age");
73 $object->meta->get_attribute('me')->handles,
c3cc3642 74 [ 'name', 'age' ],
c3398f5b 75 "correct handles layout for 'me'",
79 $object->meta->get_attribute('person')->handles,
a2db83e3 80 { person_name => 'name', person_age => 'age', person_hello => [make_string => 'Hello, %s']},
c3398f5b 81 "correct handles layout for 'person'",
cb80a70a 84throws_ok{
85 $object->person(undef);
86 $object->person_name();
87} qr/Cannot delegate person_name to name because the value of person is not defined/;
912fa381 88
cb80a70a 89throws_ok{
90 $object->person([]);
91 $object->person_age();
92} qr/Cannot delegate person_age to age because the value of person is not an object/;
912fa381 93
cb80a70a 94throws_ok{
7b133c92 95 $object->person(undef);
96 $object->person_name();
cb80a70a 97} qr/Cannot delegate person_name to name because the value of person is not defined/;
7b133c92 98
cb80a70a 99throws_ok{
7b133c92 100 $object->person([]);
101 $object->person_age();
cb80a70a 102} qr/Cannot delegate person_age to age because the value of person is not an object/;
912fa381 104
cb80a70a 105done_testing;
7b133c92 106