Got blob highlighting working with the ContentMangler.
[catagits/Gitalist.git] / root / fragment / ref / blob.tt2
e172b6b8 1[%- IF is_image -%]
2<div class='blob'><img src="[% c.uri_for_action('/ref/raw', c.req.captures, filename) %]" title="[% filename %]"></div>
3[%- ELSIF is_binary -%]
4<div class='blob'>This is a binary file which won't render natively on the web, but you can get it here all the same: <a href="[% c.uri_for_action('/ref/raw', c.req.captures, filename) %]" title="[% filename %]">[% filename %]</a></div>
5[%- ELSE -%]
b4ecc157 6[%- INCLUDE inc/syntax_highlight_css.tt2 -%]
7<pre class='blob'>[% IF mangled; blob; ELSE; blob | html; END; %]</pre>
e172b6b8 8[%- END -%]