$! and $1 are PVMG(), but their content is undefined when peeking
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / pod2man.PL
4633a7c4 1#!/usr/local/bin/perl
3use Config;
4use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname);
3b5ca523 5use Cwd;
4633a7c4 6
7# List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to
8# generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you
9# have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not
10# %Config entries. Thus you write
11# $startperl
12# to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}.
3b5ca523 14# This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file.
15# This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives.
16$origdir = cwd;
17chdir dirname($0);
18$file = basename($0, '.PL');
774d564b 19$file .= '.com' if $^O eq 'VMS';
4633a7c4 20
21open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";
23print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n";
25# In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction.
26# You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables.
28print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!";
5f05dabc 29$Config{startperl}
30 eval 'exec $Config{perlpath} -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}'
9741dab0 31 if \$running_under_some_shell;
5d94fbed 32!GROK!THIS!
4633a7c4 34# In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction.
36print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!';
cb1a09d0 37
9741dab0 38# pod2man -- Convert POD data to formatted *roff input.
0e4e3f6e 40# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008 Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
9741dab0 41#
3c014959 42# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
9741dab0 43# under the same terms as Perl itself.
9741dab0 44
45require 5.004;
47use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
48use Pod::Man ();
49use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
51use strict;
46bce7d0 52
59548eca 53# Silence -w warnings.
54use vars qw($running_under_some_shell);
46bce7d0 56# Insert -- into @ARGV before any single dash argument to hide it from
b7ae008f 57# Getopt::Long; we want to interpret it as meaning stdin.
46bce7d0 58my $stdin;
59@ARGV = map { $_ eq '-' && !$stdin++ ? ('--', $_) : $_ } @ARGV;
9741dab0 60
3c014959 61# Parse our options, trying to retain backwards compatibility with pod2man but
62# allowing short forms as well. --lax is currently ignored.
9741dab0 63my %options;
bc9c7511 64$options{errors} = 'pod';
46bce7d0 65Getopt::Long::config ('bundling_override');
bc9c7511 66GetOptions (\%options, 'center|c=s', 'date|d=s', 'fixed=s', 'fixedbold=s',
67 'fixeditalic=s', 'fixedbolditalic=s', 'help|h', 'lax|l',
68 'name|n=s', 'official|o', 'quotes|q=s', 'release|r:s',
69 'section|s=s', 'stderr', 'verbose|v', 'utf8|u') or exit 1;
9741dab0 70pod2usage (0) if $options{help};
72# Official sets --center, but don't override things explicitly set.
73if ($options{official} && !defined $options{center}) {
74 $options{center} = 'Perl Programmers Reference Guide';
cb1a09d0 76
59548eca 77# Verbose is only our flag, not a Pod::Man flag.
78my $verbose = $options{verbose};
79delete $options{verbose};
b4558dc4 81# This isn't a valid Pod::Man option and is only accepted for backwards
82# compatibility.
83delete $options{lax};
3c014959 85# Initialize and run the formatter, pulling a pair of input and output off at
86# a time.
8f202758 87my $parser = Pod::Man->new (%options);
f1745d4f 88my @files;
89do {
90 @files = splice (@ARGV, 0, 2);
59548eca 91 print " $files[1]\n" if $verbose;
f1745d4f 92 $parser->parse_from_file (@files);
93} while (@ARGV);
3c014959 94
9741dab0 95__END__
cb1a09d0 96
9741dab0 97=head1 NAME
cb1a09d0 98
9741dab0 99pod2man - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
cb1a09d0 100
0e4e3f6e 101=for stopwords
bc9c7511 102en em --stderr stderr --utf8 UTF-8 overdo markup MT-LEVEL Allbery Solaris
0e4e3f6e 104
9741dab0 105=head1 SYNOPSIS
cb1a09d0 106
bc9c7511 107pod2man [B<--center>=I<string>] [B<--date>=I<string>]
108 [B<--fixed>=I<font>] [B<--fixedbold>=I<font>] [B<--fixeditalic>=I<font>]
0e4e3f6e 109 [B<--fixedbolditalic>=I<font>] [B<--name>=I<name>] [B<--official>]
bc9c7511 110 [B<--quotes>=I<quotes>] [B<--release>[=I<version>]]
111 [B<--section>=I<manext>] [B<--stderr>] [B<--utf8>] [B<--verbose>]
0e4e3f6e 112 [I<input> [I<output>] ...]
cb1a09d0 113
46bce7d0 114pod2man B<--help>
cb1a09d0 115
9741dab0 116=head1 DESCRIPTION
cb1a09d0 117
9741dab0 118B<pod2man> is a front-end for Pod::Man, using it to generate *roff input
119from POD source. The resulting *roff code is suitable for display on a
120terminal using nroff(1), normally via man(1), or printing using troff(1).
122I<input> is the file to read for POD source (the POD can be embedded in
0e4e3f6e 123code). If I<input> isn't given, it defaults to C<STDIN>. I<output>, if
124given, is the file to which to write the formatted output. If I<output>
125isn't given, the formatted output is written to C<STDOUT>. Several POD
126files can be processed in the same B<pod2man> invocation (saving module
127load and compile times) by providing multiple pairs of I<input> and
128I<output> files on the command line.
9741dab0 129
bc9c7511 130B<--section>, B<--release>, B<--center>, B<--date>, and B<--official> can
131be used to set the headers and footers to use; if not given, Pod::Man will
9741dab0 132assume various defaults. See below or L<Pod::Man> for details.
0e4e3f6e 134B<pod2man> assumes that your *roff formatters have a fixed-width font
135named C<CW>. If yours is called something else (like C<CR>), use
136B<--fixed> to specify it. This generally only matters for troff output
137for printing. Similarly, you can set the fonts used for bold, italic, and
138bold italic fixed-width output.
9741dab0 139
140Besides the obvious pod conversions, Pod::Man, and therefore pod2man also
141takes care of formatting func(), func(n), and simple variable references
142like $foo or @bar so you don't have to use code escapes for them; complex
143expressions like C<$fred{'stuff'}> will still need to be escaped, though.
144It also translates dashes that aren't used as hyphens into en dashes, makes
145long dashes--like this--into proper em dashes, fixes "paired quotes," and
146takes care of several other troff-specific tweaks. See L<Pod::Man> for
147complete information.
cb1a09d0 148
9741dab0 149=head1 OPTIONS
cb1a09d0 150
9741dab0 151=over 4
cb1a09d0 152
9741dab0 153=item B<-c> I<string>, B<--center>=I<string>
cb1a09d0 154
9741dab0 155Sets the centered page header to I<string>. The default is "User
156Contributed Perl Documentation", but also see B<--official> below.
cb1a09d0 157
9741dab0 158=item B<-d> I<string>, B<--date>=I<string>
cb1a09d0 159
9741dab0 160Set the left-hand footer string to this value. By default, the modification
161date of the input file will be used, or the current date if input comes from
0e4e3f6e 162C<STDIN>.
cb1a09d0 163
9741dab0 164=item B<--fixed>=I<font>
cb1a09d0 165
0e4e3f6e 166The fixed-width font to use for verbatim text and code. Defaults to
167C<CW>. Some systems may want C<CR> instead. Only matters for troff(1)
cb1a09d0 169
9741dab0 170=item B<--fixedbold>=I<font>
cb1a09d0 171
0e4e3f6e 172Bold version of the fixed-width font. Defaults to C<CB>. Only matters
173for troff(1) output.
cb1a09d0 174
9741dab0 175=item B<--fixeditalic>=I<font>
cb1a09d0 176
9741dab0 177Italic version of the fixed-width font (actually, something of a misnomer,
178since most fixed-width fonts only have an oblique version, not an italic
0e4e3f6e 179version). Defaults to C<CI>. Only matters for troff(1) output.
cb1a09d0 180
9741dab0 181=item B<--fixedbolditalic>=I<font>
cb1a09d0 182
9741dab0 183Bold italic (probably actually oblique) version of the fixed-width font.
0e4e3f6e 184Pod::Man doesn't assume you have this, and defaults to C<CB>. Some
185systems (such as Solaris) have this font available as C<CX>. Only matters
186for troff(1) output.
cb1a09d0 187
9741dab0 188=item B<-h>, B<--help>
cb1a09d0 189
9741dab0 190Print out usage information.
cb1a09d0 191
9741dab0 192=item B<-l>, B<--lax>
cb1a09d0 193
b4558dc4 194No longer used. B<pod2man> used to check its input for validity as a manual
195page, but this should now be done by L<podchecker(1)> instead. Accepted for
196backwards compatibility; this option no longer does anything.
cb1a09d0 197
bf202ccd 198=item B<-n> I<name>, B<--name>=I<name>
200Set the name of the manual page to I<name>. Without this option, the manual
201name is set to the uppercased base name of the file being converted unless
202the manual section is 3, in which case the path is parsed to see if it is a
203Perl module path. If it is, a path like C<.../lib/Pod/Man.pm> is converted
204into a name like C<Pod::Man>. This option, if given, overrides any
205automatic determination of the name.
207Note that this option is probably not useful when converting multiple POD
208files at once. The convention for Unix man pages for commands is for the
209man page title to be in all-uppercase even if the command isn't.
9741dab0 211=item B<-o>, B<--official>
cb1a09d0 212
9741dab0 213Set the default header to indicate that this page is part of the standard
214Perl release, if B<--center> is not also given.
cb1a09d0 215
ab1f1d91 216=item B<-q> I<quotes>, B<--quotes>=I<quotes>
218Sets the quote marks used to surround CE<lt>> text to I<quotes>. If
219I<quotes> is a single character, it is used as both the left and right
220quote; if I<quotes> is two characters, the first character is used as the
221left quote and the second as the right quoted; and if I<quotes> is four
222characters, the first two are used as the left quote and the second two as
223the right quote.
225I<quotes> may also be set to the special value C<none>, in which case no
226quote marks are added around CE<lt>> text (but the font is still changed for
227troff output).
9741dab0 229=item B<-r>, B<--release>
cb1a09d0 230
9741dab0 231Set the centered footer. By default, this is the version of Perl you run
232B<pod2man> under. Note that some system an macro sets assume that the
233centered footer will be a modification date and will prepend something like
234"Last modified: "; if this is the case, you may want to set B<--release> to
235the last modified date and B<--date> to the version number.
cb1a09d0 236
9741dab0 237=item B<-s>, B<--section>
cb1a09d0 238
9741dab0 239Set the section for the C<.TH> macro. The standard section numbering
240convention is to use 1 for user commands, 2 for system calls, 3 for
241functions, 4 for devices, 5 for file formats, 6 for games, 7 for
242miscellaneous information, and 8 for administrator commands. There is a lot
243of variation here, however; some systems (like Solaris) use 4 for file
244formats, 5 for miscellaneous information, and 7 for devices. Still others
245use 1m instead of 8, or some mix of both. About the only section numbers
246that are reliably consistent are 1, 2, and 3.
cb1a09d0 247
0e4e3f6e 248By default, section 1 will be used unless the file ends in C<.pm>, in
249which case section 3 will be selected.
cb1a09d0 250
bc9c7511 251=item B<--stderr>
253By default, B<pod2man> puts any errors detected in the POD input in a POD
254ERRORS section in the output manual page. If B<--stderr> is given, errors
255are sent to standard error instead and the POD ERRORS section is
55595e83 258=item B<-u>, B<--utf8>
260By default, B<pod2man> produces the most conservative possible *roff
261output to try to ensure that it will work with as many different *roff
262implementations as possible. Many *roff implementations cannot handle
263non-ASCII characters, so this means all non-ASCII characters are converted
264either to a *roff escape sequence that tries to create a properly accented
265character (at least for troff output) or to C<X>.
267This option says to instead output literal UTF-8 characters. If your
268*roff implementation can handle it, this is the best output format to use
269and avoids corruption of documents containing non-ASCII characters.
270However, be warned that *roff source with literal UTF-8 characters is not
271supported by many implementations and may even result in segfaults and
272other bad behavior.
59548eca 274=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
276Print out the name of each output file as it is being generated.
9741dab0 278=back
cb1a09d0 279
9741dab0 280=head1 DIAGNOSTICS
cb1a09d0 281
b7ae008f 282If B<pod2man> fails with errors, see L<Pod::Man> and L<Pod::Simple> for
9741dab0 283information about what those errors might mean.
cb1a09d0 284
285=head1 EXAMPLES
287 pod2man program > program.1
9741dab0 288 pod2man SomeModule.pm /usr/perl/man/man3/SomeModule.3
cb1a09d0 289 pod2man --section=7 note.pod > note.7
9741dab0 291If you would like to print out a lot of man page continuously, you probably
292want to set the C and D registers to set contiguous page numbering and
293even/odd paging, at least on some versions of man(7).
cb1a09d0 294
9741dab0 295 troff -man -rC1 -rD1 perl.1 perldata.1 perlsyn.1 ...
cb1a09d0 296
0e4e3f6e 297To get index entries on C<STDERR>, turn on the F register, as in:
cb1a09d0 298
9741dab0 299 troff -man -rF1 perl.1
cb1a09d0 300
9741dab0 301The indexing merely outputs messages via C<.tm> for each major page,
302section, subsection, item, and any C<XE<lt>E<gt>> directives. See
303L<Pod::Man> for more details.
cb1a09d0 304
9741dab0 305=head1 BUGS
cb1a09d0 306
9741dab0 307Lots of this documentation is duplicated from L<Pod::Man>.
cb1a09d0 308
9741dab0 309=head1 NOTES
cb1a09d0 310
9741dab0 311For those not sure of the proper layout of a man page, here are some notes
312on writing a proper man page.
cb1a09d0 313
9741dab0 314The name of the program being documented is conventionally written in bold
315(using BE<lt>E<gt>) wherever it occurs, as are all program options.
316Arguments should be written in italics (IE<lt>E<gt>). Functions are
317traditionally written in italics; if you write a function as function(),
318Pod::Man will take care of this for you. Literal code or commands should
319be in CE<lt>E<gt>. References to other man pages should be in the form
320C<manpage(section)>, and Pod::Man will automatically format those
321appropriately. As an exception, it's traditional not to use this form when
322referring to module documentation; use C<LE<lt>Module::NameE<gt>> instead.
cb1a09d0 323
9741dab0 324References to other programs or functions are normally in the form of man
325page references so that cross-referencing tools can provide the user with
326links and the like. It's possible to overdo this, though, so be careful not
327to clutter your documentation with too much markup.
cb1a09d0 328
9741dab0 329The major headers should be set out using a C<=head1> directive, and are
330historically written in the rather startling ALL UPPER CASE format, although
331this is not mandatory. Minor headers may be included using C<=head2>, and
332are typically in mixed case.
cb1a09d0 333
9741dab0 334The standard sections of a manual page are:
cb1a09d0 335
9741dab0 336=over 4
cb1a09d0 337
9741dab0 338=item NAME
cb1a09d0 339
9741dab0 340Mandatory section; should be a comma-separated list of programs or functions
0e4e3f6e 341documented by this POD page, such as:
cb1a09d0 342
9741dab0 343 foo, bar - programs to do something
cb1a09d0 344
9741dab0 345Manual page indexers are often extremely picky about the format of this
346section, so don't put anything in it except this line. A single dash, and
347only a single dash, should separate the list of programs or functions from
348the description. Functions should not be qualified with C<()> or the like.
349The description should ideally fit on a single line, even if a man program
350replaces the dash with a few tabs.
cb1a09d0 351
9741dab0 352=item SYNOPSIS
cb1a09d0 353
9741dab0 354A short usage summary for programs and functions. This section is mandatory
355for section 3 pages.
cb1a09d0 356
9741dab0 357=item DESCRIPTION
cb1a09d0 358
9741dab0 359Extended description and discussion of the program or functions, or the body
360of the documentation for man pages that document something else. If
361particularly long, it's a good idea to break this up into subsections
362C<=head2> directives like:
cb1a09d0 363
9741dab0 364 =head2 Normal Usage
cb1a09d0 365
9741dab0 366 =head2 Advanced Features
cb1a09d0 367
9741dab0 368 =head2 Writing Configuration Files
cb1a09d0 369
9741dab0 370or whatever is appropriate for your documentation.
cb1a09d0 371
9741dab0 372=item OPTIONS
cb1a09d0 373
9741dab0 374Detailed description of each of the command-line options taken by the
375program. This should be separate from the description for the use of things
376like L<Pod::Usage|Pod::Usage>. This is normally presented as a list, with
377each option as a separate C<=item>. The specific option string should be
378enclosed in BE<lt>E<gt>. Any values that the option takes should be
379enclosed in IE<lt>E<gt>. For example, the section for the option
380B<--section>=I<manext> would be introduced with:
cb1a09d0 381
9741dab0 382 =item B<--section>=I<manext>
cb1a09d0 383
9741dab0 384Synonymous options (like both the short and long forms) are separated by a
385comma and a space on the same C<=item> line, or optionally listed as their
386own item with a reference to the canonical name. For example, since
387B<--section> can also be written as B<-s>, the above would be:
cb1a09d0 388
9741dab0 389 =item B<-s> I<manext>, B<--section>=I<manext>
cb1a09d0 390
9741dab0 391(Writing the short option first is arguably easier to read, since the long
392option is long enough to draw the eye to it anyway and the short option can
393otherwise get lost in visual noise.)
cb1a09d0 394
9741dab0 395=item RETURN VALUE
cb1a09d0 396
9741dab0 397What the program or function returns, if successful. This section can be
398omitted for programs whose precise exit codes aren't important, provided
399they return 0 on success as is standard. It should always be present for
a0d0e21e 401
9741dab0 402=item ERRORS
a0d0e21e 403
46bce7d0 404Exceptions, error return codes, exit statuses, and errno settings.
405Typically used for function documentation; program documentation uses
406DIAGNOSTICS instead. The general rule of thumb is that errors printed to
0e4e3f6e 407C<STDOUT> or C<STDERR> and intended for the end user are documented in
408DIAGNOSTICS while errors passed internal to the calling program and
409intended for other programmers are documented in ERRORS. When documenting
410a function that sets errno, a full list of the possible errno values
411should be given here.
cb1a09d0 412
9741dab0 413=item DIAGNOSTICS
cb1a09d0 414
9741dab0 415All possible messages the program can print out--and what they mean. You
416may wish to follow the same documentation style as the Perl documentation;
417see perldiag(1) for more details (and look at the POD source as well).
cb1a09d0 418
9741dab0 419If applicable, please include details on what the user should do to correct
420the error; documenting an error as indicating "the input buffer is too
421small" without telling the user how to increase the size of the input buffer
422(or at least telling them that it isn't possible) aren't very useful.
cb1a09d0 423
9741dab0 424=item EXAMPLES
cb1a09d0 425
9741dab0 426Give some example uses of the program or function. Don't skimp; users often
427find this the most useful part of the documentation. The examples are
428generally given as verbatim paragraphs.
cb1a09d0 429
9741dab0 430Don't just present an example without explaining what it does. Adding a
431short paragraph saying what the example will do can increase the value of
432the example immensely.
cb1a09d0 433
9741dab0 434=item ENVIRONMENT
cb1a09d0 435
9741dab0 436Environment variables that the program cares about, normally presented as a
437list using C<=over>, C<=item>, and C<=back>. For example:
cb1a09d0 438
9741dab0 439 =over 6
a0d0e21e 440
9741dab0 441 =item HOME
bbc6b0c7 442
9741dab0 443 Used to determine the user's home directory. F<.foorc> in this
444 directory is read for configuration details, if it exists.
cb1a09d0 445
9741dab0 446 =back
cb1a09d0 447
9741dab0 448Since environment variables are normally in all uppercase, no additional
449special formatting is generally needed; they're glaring enough as it is.
a0d0e21e 450
9741dab0 451=item FILES
a0d0e21e 452
9741dab0 453All files used by the program or function, normally presented as a list, and
454what it uses them for. File names should be enclosed in FE<lt>E<gt>. It's
455particularly important to document files that will be potentially modified.
a0d0e21e 456
9741dab0 457=item CAVEATS
cb1a09d0 458
9741dab0 459Things to take special care with, sometimes called WARNINGS.
1c98b8f6 460
9741dab0 461=item BUGS
cb1a09d0 462
9741dab0 463Things that are broken or just don't work quite right.
a0d0e21e 464
9741dab0 465=item RESTRICTIONS
a0d0e21e 466
9741dab0 467Bugs you don't plan to fix. :-)
a0d0e21e 468
9741dab0 469=item NOTES
a0d0e21e 470
9741dab0 471Miscellaneous commentary.
a0d0e21e 472
9741dab0 473=item AUTHOR
a0d0e21e 474
9741dab0 475Who wrote it (use AUTHORS for multiple people). Including your current
476e-mail address (or some e-mail address to which bug reports should be sent)
477so that users have a way of contacting you is a good idea. Remember that
478program documentation tends to roam the wild for far longer than you expect
479and pick an e-mail address that's likely to last if possible.
a0d0e21e 480
b7ae008f 481=item HISTORY
483Programs derived from other sources sometimes have this, or you might keep
484a modification log here. If the log gets overly long or detailed,
485consider maintaining it in a separate file, though.
09c48e64 487=item COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
489For copyright
3c014959 491 Copyright YEAR(s) by YOUR NAME(s)
09c48e64 492
493(No, (C) is not needed. No, "all rights reserved" is not needed.)
495For licensing the easiest way is to use the same licensing as Perl itself:
3c014959 497 This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify
498 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
09c48e64 499
500This makes it easy for people to use your module with Perl. Note that
501this licensing is neither an endorsement or a requirement, you are of
502course free to choose any licensing.
b7ae008f 504=item SEE ALSO
a0d0e21e 505
b7ae008f 506Other man pages to check out, like man(1), man(7), makewhatis(8), or
507catman(8). Normally a simple list of man pages separated by commas, or a
508paragraph giving the name of a reference work. Man page references, if they
509use the standard C<name(section)> form, don't have to be enclosed in
510LE<lt>E<gt> (although it's recommended), but other things in this section
511probably should be when appropriate.
513If the package has a mailing list, include a URL or subscription
514instructions here.
516If the package has a web site, include a URL here.
a0d0e21e 517
9741dab0 518=back
520In addition, some systems use CONFORMING TO to note conformance to relevant
521standards and MT-LEVEL to note safeness for use in threaded programs or
522signal handlers. These headings are primarily useful when documenting parts
523of a C library. Documentation of object-oriented libraries or modules may
524use CONSTRUCTORS and METHODS sections for detailed documentation of the
525parts of the library and save the DESCRIPTION section for an overview; other
526large modules may use FUNCTIONS for similar reasons. Some people use
3c014959 527OVERVIEW to summarize the description if it's quite long.
9741dab0 528
529Section ordering varies, although NAME should I<always> be the first section
530(you'll break some man page systems otherwise), and NAME, SYNOPSIS,
531DESCRIPTION, and OPTIONS generally always occur first and in that order if
532present. In general, SEE ALSO, AUTHOR, and similar material should be left
533for last. Some systems also move WARNINGS and NOTES to last. The order
534given above should be reasonable for most purposes.
536Finally, as a general note, try not to use an excessive amount of markup.
537As documented here and in L<Pod::Man>, you can safely leave Perl variables,
538function names, man page references, and the like unadorned by markup and
539the POD translators will figure it out for you. This makes it much easier
540to later edit the documentation. Note that many existing translators
541(including this one currently) will do the wrong thing with e-mail addresses
b7ae008f 542when wrapped in LE<lt>E<gt>, so don't do that.
9741dab0 543
544For additional information that may be more accurate for your specific
b4558dc4 545system, see either L<man(5)> or L<man(7)> depending on your system manual
546section numbering conventions.
9741dab0 547
548=head1 SEE ALSO
b7ae008f 550L<Pod::Man>, L<Pod::Simple>, L<man(1)>, L<nroff(1)>, L<podchecker(1)>,
b4558dc4 551L<troff(1)>, L<man(7)>
9741dab0 552
b4558dc4 553The man page documenting the an macro set may be L<man(5)> instead of
554L<man(7)> on your system.
9741dab0 555
fd20da51 556The current version of this script is always available from its web site at
557L<http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/software/podlators/>. It is also part of the
558Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0.
9741dab0 560=head1 AUTHOR
3c014959 562Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>, based I<very> heavily on the original
563B<pod2man> by Larry Wall and Tom Christiansen. Large portions of this
564documentation, particularly the sections on the anatomy of a proper man
9741dab0 565page, are taken from the B<pod2man> documentation by Tom.
cb1a09d0 566
3c014959 567=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
55595e83 569Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008 Russ Allbery
3c014959 571
572This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
573under the same terms as Perl itself.
9741dab0 575=cut
5d94fbed 576!NO!SUBS!
46bce7d0 577#'# (cperl-mode)
4633a7c4 578
579close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!";
580chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n";
581exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':';
3b5ca523 582chdir $origdir;