Re: [PATCH] pod/perluniintro.pod (removes unnecessary UTF-8 references)
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / perlunicode.pod
393fec97 1=head1 NAME
3perlunicode - Unicode support in Perl
0a1f2d14 7=head2 Important Caveats
21bad921 8
c349b1b9 9Unicode support is an extensive requirement. While perl does not
10implement the Unicode standard or the accompanying technical reports
11from cover to cover, Perl does support many Unicode features.
21bad921 12
13a2d996 13=over 4
21bad921 14
15=item Input and Output Disciplines
75daf61c 17A filehandle can be marked as containing perl's internal Unicode
18encoding (UTF-8 or UTF-EBCDIC) by opening it with the ":utf8" layer.
0a1f2d14 19Other encodings can be converted to perl's encoding on input, or from
c349b1b9 20perl's encoding on output by use of the ":encoding(...)" layer.
21See L<open>.
d1be9408 23To mark the Perl source itself as being in a particular encoding,
c349b1b9 24see L<encoding>.
21bad921 25
26=item Regular Expressions
c349b1b9 28The regular expression compiler produces polymorphic opcodes. That is,
29the pattern adapts to the data and automatically switch to the Unicode
30character scheme when presented with Unicode data, or a traditional
31byte scheme when presented with byte data.
21bad921 32
ad0029c4 33=item C<use utf8> still needed to enable UTF-8/UTF-EBCDIC in scripts
21bad921 34
75daf61c 35The C<utf8> pragma implements the tables used for Unicode support.
c349b1b9 36However, these tables are automatically loaded on demand, so the
37C<utf8> pragma should not normally be used.
21bad921 38
c349b1b9 39As a compatibility measure, this pragma must be explicitly used to
40enable recognition of UTF-8 in the Perl scripts themselves on ASCII
41based machines or recognize UTF-EBCDIC on EBCDIC based machines.
42B<NOTE: this should be the only place where an explicit C<use utf8>
43is needed>.
21bad921 44
1768d7eb 45You can also use the C<encoding> pragma to change the default encoding
6ec9efec 46of the data in your script; see L<encoding>.
1768d7eb 47
21bad921 48=back
50=head2 Byte and Character semantics
393fec97 51
52Beginning with version 5.6, Perl uses logically wide characters to
53represent strings internally. This internal representation of strings
b3419ed8 54uses either the UTF-8 or the UTF-EBCDIC encoding.
393fec97 55
75daf61c 56In future, Perl-level operations can be expected to work with
57characters rather than bytes, in general.
393fec97 58
75daf61c 59However, as strictly an interim compatibility measure, Perl aims to
60provide a safe migration path from byte semantics to character
61semantics for programs. For operations where Perl can unambiguously
62decide that the input data is characters, Perl now switches to
63character semantics. For operations where this determination cannot
64be made without additional information from the user, Perl decides in
65favor of compatibility, and chooses to use byte semantics.
8cbd9a7a 66
67This behavior preserves compatibility with earlier versions of Perl,
68which allowed byte semantics in Perl operations, but only as long as
69none of the program's inputs are marked as being as source of Unicode
70character data. Such data may come from filehandles, from calls to
71external programs, from information provided by the system (such as %ENV),
21bad921 72or from literals and constants in the source text.
8cbd9a7a 73
c349b1b9 74On Windows platforms, if the C<-C> command line switch is used, (or the
75daf61c 75${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS} global flag is set to C<1>), all system calls
76will use the corresponding wide character APIs. Note that this is
c349b1b9 77currently only implemented on Windows since other platforms lack an
78API standard on this area.
8cbd9a7a 79
75daf61c 80Regardless of the above, the C<bytes> pragma can always be used to
81force byte semantics in a particular lexical scope. See L<bytes>.
8cbd9a7a 82
83The C<utf8> pragma is primarily a compatibility device that enables
75daf61c 84recognition of UTF-(8|EBCDIC) in literals encountered by the parser.
7dedd01f 85Note that this pragma is only required until a future version of Perl
86in which character semantics will become the default. This pragma may
87then become a no-op. See L<utf8>.
8cbd9a7a 88
89Unless mentioned otherwise, Perl operators will use character semantics
90when they are dealing with Unicode data, and byte semantics otherwise.
91Thus, character semantics for these operations apply transparently; if
92the input data came from a Unicode source (for example, by adding a
93character encoding discipline to the filehandle whence it came, or a
94literal UTF-8 string constant in the program), character semantics
95apply; otherwise, byte semantics are in effect. To force byte semantics
8058d7ab 96on Unicode data, the C<bytes> pragma should be used.
393fec97 97
0a378802 98Notice that if you concatenate strings with byte semantics and strings
99with Unicode character data, the bytes will by default be upgraded
100I<as if they were ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1)> (or if in EBCDIC, after a
101translation to ISO 8859-1). To change this, use the C<encoding>
102pragma, see L<encoding>.
7dedd01f 103
393fec97 104Under character semantics, many operations that formerly operated on
75daf61c 105bytes change to operating on characters. For ASCII data this makes no
106difference, because UTF-8 stores ASCII in single bytes, but for any
107character greater than C<chr(127)>, the character B<may> be stored in
393fec97 108a sequence of two or more bytes, all of which have the high bit set.
2796c109 109
110For C1 controls or Latin 1 characters on an EBCDIC platform the
111character may be stored in a UTF-EBCDIC multi byte sequence. But by
112and large, the user need not worry about this, because Perl hides it
113from the user. A character in Perl is logically just a number ranging
114from 0 to 2**32 or so. Larger characters encode to longer sequences
115of bytes internally, but again, this is just an internal detail which
116is hidden at the Perl level.
393fec97 117
8cbd9a7a 118=head2 Effects of character semantics
393fec97 119
120Character semantics have the following effects:
122=over 4
124=item *
126Strings and patterns may contain characters that have an ordinal value
21bad921 127larger than 255.
393fec97 128
75daf61c 129Presuming you use a Unicode editor to edit your program, such
130characters will typically occur directly within the literal strings as
131UTF-8 (or UTF-EBCDIC on EBCDIC platforms) characters, but you can also
132specify a particular character with an extension of the C<\x>
133notation. UTF-X characters are specified by putting the hexadecimal
134code within curlies after the C<\x>. For instance, a Unicode smiley
135face is C<\x{263A}>.
393fec97 136
137=item *
139Identifiers within the Perl script may contain Unicode alphanumeric
140characters, including ideographs. (You are currently on your own when
75daf61c 141it comes to using the canonical forms of characters--Perl doesn't
142(yet) attempt to canonicalize variable names for you.)
393fec97 143
393fec97 144=item *
146Regular expressions match characters instead of bytes. For instance,
147"." matches a character instead of a byte. (However, the C<\C> pattern
75daf61c 148is provided to force a match a single byte ("C<char>" in C, hence C<\C>).)
393fec97 149
393fec97 150=item *
152Character classes in regular expressions match characters instead of
153bytes, and match against the character properties specified in the
75daf61c 154Unicode properties database. So C<\w> can be used to match an
155ideograph, for instance.
393fec97 156
393fec97 157=item *
cfc01aea 159Named Unicode properties and block ranges may be used as character
393fec97 160classes via the new C<\p{}> (matches property) and C<\P{}> (doesn't
161match property) constructs. For instance, C<\p{Lu}> matches any
162character with the Unicode uppercase property, while C<\p{M}> matches
9fdf68be 163any mark character. Single letter properties may omit the brackets,
164so that can be written C<\pM> also. Many predefined character classes
a1cc1cb1 165are available, such as C<\p{IsMirrored}> and C<\p{InTibetan}>.
4193bef7 166
167The C<\p{Is...}> test for "general properties" such as "letter",
168"digit", while the C<\p{In...}> test for Unicode scripts and blocks.
cfc01aea 170The official Unicode script and block names have spaces and dashes as
e150c829 171separators, but for convenience you can have dashes, spaces, and
172underbars at every word division, and you need not care about correct
173casing. It is recommended, however, that for consistency you use the
174following naming: the official Unicode script, block, or property name
175(see below for the additional rules that apply to block names),
176with whitespace and dashes replaced with underbar, and the words
177"uppercase-first-lowercase-rest". That is, "Latin-1 Supplement"
178becomes "Latin_1_Supplement".
4193bef7 179
a1cc1cb1 180You can also negate both C<\p{}> and C<\P{}> by introducing a caret
e150c829 181(^) between the first curly and the property name: C<\p{^In_Tamil}> is
182equal to C<\P{In_Tamil}>.
4193bef7 183
61247495 184The C<In> and C<Is> can be left out: C<\p{Greek}> is equal to
e150c829 185C<\p{In_Greek}>, C<\P{Pd}> is equal to C<\P{Pd}>.
393fec97 186
d73e5302 187 Short Long
189 L Letter
e150c829 190 Lu Uppercase_Letter
191 Ll Lowercase_Letter
192 Lt Titlecase_Letter
193 Lm Modifier_Letter
194 Lo Other_Letter
d73e5302 195
196 M Mark
e150c829 197 Mn Nonspacing_Mark
198 Mc Spacing_Mark
199 Me Enclosing_Mark
d73e5302 200
201 N Number
e150c829 202 Nd Decimal_Number
203 Nl Letter_Number
204 No Other_Number
d73e5302 205
206 P Punctuation
e150c829 207 Pc Connector_Punctuation
208 Pd Dash_Punctuation
209 Ps Open_Punctuation
210 Pe Close_Punctuation
211 Pi Initial_Punctuation
d73e5302 212 (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
e150c829 213 Pf Final_Punctuation
d73e5302 214 (may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
e150c829 215 Po Other_Punctuation
d73e5302 216
217 S Symbol
e150c829 218 Sm Math_Symbol
219 Sc Currency_Symbol
220 Sk Modifier_Symbol
221 So Other_Symbol
d73e5302 222
223 Z Separator
e150c829 224 Zs Space_Separator
225 Zl Line_Separator
226 Zp Paragraph_Separator
d73e5302 227
228 C Other
e150c829 229 Cc Control
230 Cf Format
231 Cs Surrogate
232 Co Private_Use
233 Cn Unassigned
1ac13f9a 234
235There's also C<L&> which is an alias for C<Ll>, C<Lu>, and C<Lt>.
32293815 236
d73e5302 237The following reserved ranges have C<In> tests:
e150c829 239 CJK_Ideograph_Extension_A
240 CJK_Ideograph
241 Hangul_Syllable
242 Non_Private_Use_High_Surrogate
243 Private_Use_High_Surrogate
244 Low_Surrogate
245 Private_Surrogate
246 CJK_Ideograph_Extension_B
247 Plane_15_Private_Use
248 Plane_16_Private_Use
d73e5302 249
250For example C<"\x{AC00}" =~ \p{HangulSyllable}> will test true.
e9ad1727 251(Handling of surrogates is not implemented yet, because Perl
0675fa52 252uses UTF-8 and not UTF-16 internally to represent Unicode.
253So you really can't use the "Cs" category.)
d73e5302 254
32293815 255Additionally, because scripts differ in their directionality
256(for example Hebrew is written right to left), all characters
257have their directionality defined:
d73e5302 259 BidiL Left-to-Right
260 BidiLRE Left-to-Right Embedding
261 BidiLRO Left-to-Right Override
262 BidiR Right-to-Left
263 BidiAL Right-to-Left Arabic
264 BidiRLE Right-to-Left Embedding
265 BidiRLO Right-to-Left Override
266 BidiPDF Pop Directional Format
267 BidiEN European Number
268 BidiES European Number Separator
269 BidiET European Number Terminator
270 BidiAN Arabic Number
271 BidiCS Common Number Separator
272 BidiNSM Non-Spacing Mark
273 BidiBN Boundary Neutral
274 BidiB Paragraph Separator
275 BidiS Segment Separator
276 BidiWS Whitespace
277 BidiON Other Neutrals
32293815 278
210b36aa 279=back
2796c109 281=head2 Scripts
75daf61c 283The scripts available for C<\p{In...}> and C<\P{In...}>, for example
cfc01aea 284C<\p{InLatin}> or \p{InCyrillic>, are as follows:
2796c109 285
1ac13f9a 286 Arabic
e9ad1727 287 Armenian
1ac13f9a 288 Bengali
e9ad1727 289 Bopomofo
290 Canadian-Aboriginal
291 Cherokee
292 Cyrillic
293 Deseret
294 Devanagari
295 Ethiopic
296 Georgian
297 Gothic
298 Greek
1ac13f9a 299 Gujarati
e9ad1727 300 Gurmukhi
301 Han
302 Hangul
303 Hebrew
304 Hiragana
305 Inherited
1ac13f9a 306 Kannada
e9ad1727 307 Katakana
308 Khmer
1ac13f9a 309 Lao
e9ad1727 310 Latin
311 Malayalam
312 Mongolian
1ac13f9a 313 Myanmar
1ac13f9a 314 Ogham
e9ad1727 315 Old-Italic
316 Oriya
1ac13f9a 317 Runic
e9ad1727 318 Sinhala
319 Syriac
320 Tamil
321 Telugu
322 Thaana
323 Thai
324 Tibetan
1ac13f9a 325 Yi
1ac13f9a 326
327There are also extended property classes that supplement the basic
328properties, defined by the F<PropList> Unicode database:
e9ad1727 330 ASCII_Hex_Digit
1ac13f9a 331 Bidi_Control
1ac13f9a 332 Dash
1ac13f9a 333 Diacritic
334 Extender
e9ad1727 335 Hex_Digit
336 Hyphen
337 Ideographic
338 Join_Control
339 Noncharacter_Code_Point
340 Other_Alphabetic
1ac13f9a 341 Other_Lowercase
e9ad1727 342 Other_Math
1ac13f9a 343 Other_Uppercase
e9ad1727 344 Quotation_Mark
e150c829 345 White_Space
1ac13f9a 346
347and further derived properties:
349 Alphabetic Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + Other_Alphabetic
350 Lowercase Ll + Other_Lowercase
351 Uppercase Lu + Other_Uppercase
352 Math Sm + Other_Math
354 ID_Start Lu + Ll + Lt + Lm + Lo + Nl
355 ID_Continue ID_Start + Mn + Mc + Nd + Pc
357 Any Any character
358 Assigned Any non-Cn character
359 Common Any character (or unassigned code point)
e150c829 360 not explicitly assigned to a script
2796c109 361
362=head2 Blocks
364In addition to B<scripts>, Unicode also defines B<blocks> of
365characters. The difference between scripts and blocks is that the
e9ad1727 366scripts concept is closer to natural languages, while the blocks
2796c109 367concept is more an artificial grouping based on groups of 256 Unicode
368characters. For example, the C<Latin> script contains letters from
e9ad1727 369many blocks. On the other hand, the C<Latin> script does not contain
cfc01aea 370all the characters from those blocks. It does not, for example, contain
e9ad1727 371digits because digits are shared across many scripts. Digits and
372other similar groups, like punctuation, are in a category called
2796c109 374
cfc01aea 375For more about scripts, see the UTR #24:
379For more about blocks, see:
2796c109 382
383Because there are overlaps in naming (there are, for example, both
384a script called C<Katakana> and a block called C<Katakana>, the block
385version has C<Block> appended to its name, C<\p{InKatakanaBlock}>.
387Notice that this definition was introduced in Perl 5.8.0: in Perl
e150c829 3885.6 only the blocks were used; in Perl 5.8.0 scripts became the
61247495 389preferential Unicode character class definition; this meant that
390the definitions of some character classes changed (the ones in the
2796c109 391below list that have the C<Block> appended).
e9ad1727 393 Alphabetic Presentation Forms
394 Arabic Block
395 Arabic Presentation Forms-A
396 Arabic Presentation Forms-B
397 Armenian Block
398 Arrows
71d929cb 399 Basic Latin
e9ad1727 400 Bengali Block
401 Block Elements
402 Bopomofo Block
403 Bopomofo Extended
404 Box Drawing
405 Braille Patterns
406 Byzantine Musical Symbols
407 CJK Compatibility
408 CJK Compatibility Forms
409 CJK Compatibility Ideographs
410 CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
411 CJK Radicals Supplement
412 CJK Symbols and Punctuation
413 CJK Unified Ideographs
414 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A
415 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B
416 Cherokee Block
71d929cb 417 Combining Diacritical Marks
e9ad1727 418 Combining Half Marks
419 Combining Marks for Symbols
420 Control Pictures
421 Currency Symbols
71d929cb 422 Cyrillic Block
e9ad1727 423 Deseret Block
71d929cb 424 Devanagari Block
e9ad1727 425 Dingbats
426 Enclosed Alphanumerics
427 Enclosed CJK Letters and Months
428 Ethiopic Block
429 General Punctuation
430 Geometric Shapes
71d929cb 431 Georgian Block
e9ad1727 432 Gothic Block
433 Greek Block
434 Greek Extended
435 Gujarati Block
436 Gurmukhi Block
437 Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms
438 Hangul Compatibility Jamo
71d929cb 439 Hangul Jamo
e9ad1727 440 Hangul Syllables
441 Hebrew Block
442 High Private Use Surrogates
443 High Surrogates
444 Hiragana Block
445 IPA Extensions
446 Ideographic Description Characters
447 Kanbun
448 Kangxi Radicals
449 Kannada Block
450 Katakana Block
71d929cb 451 Khmer Block
e9ad1727 452 Lao Block
453 Latin 1 Supplement
71d929cb 454 Latin Extended Additional
e9ad1727 455 Latin Extended-A
456 Latin Extended-B
71d929cb 457 Letterlike Symbols
e9ad1727 458 Low Surrogates
459 Malayalam Block
460 Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
71d929cb 461 Mathematical Operators
e9ad1727 462 Miscellaneous Symbols
71d929cb 463 Miscellaneous Technical
e9ad1727 464 Mongolian Block
465 Musical Symbols
466 Myanmar Block
467 Number Forms
468 Ogham Block
469 Old Italic Block
71d929cb 470 Optical Character Recognition
e9ad1727 471 Oriya Block
71d929cb 472 Private Use
e9ad1727 473 Runic Block
474 Sinhala Block
71d929cb 475 Small Form Variants
e9ad1727 476 Spacing Modifier Letters
2796c109 477 Specials
e9ad1727 478 Superscripts and Subscripts
479 Syriac Block
2796c109 480 Tags
e9ad1727 481 Tamil Block
482 Telugu Block
483 Thaana Block
484 Thai Block
485 Tibetan Block
486 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
487 Yi Radicals
488 Yi Syllables
32293815 489
210b36aa 490=over 4
393fec97 492=item *
494The special pattern C<\X> match matches any extended Unicode sequence
495(a "combining character sequence" in Standardese), where the first
496character is a base character and subsequent characters are mark
497characters that apply to the base character. It is equivalent to
393fec97 500=item *
383e7cdd 502The C<tr///> operator translates characters instead of bytes. Note
503that the C<tr///CU> functionality has been removed, as the interface
504was a mistake. For similar functionality see pack('U0', ...) and
505pack('C0', ...).
393fec97 506
393fec97 507=item *
509Case translation operators use the Unicode case translation tables
44bc797b 510when provided character input. Note that C<uc()> (also known as C<\U>
511in doublequoted strings) translates to uppercase, while C<ucfirst>
512(also known as C<\u> in doublequoted strings) translates to titlecase
513(for languages that make the distinction). Naturally the
514corresponding backslash sequences have the same semantics.
393fec97 515
516=item *
518Most operators that deal with positions or lengths in the string will
75daf61c 519automatically switch to using character positions, including
520C<chop()>, C<substr()>, C<pos()>, C<index()>, C<rindex()>,
521C<sprintf()>, C<write()>, and C<length()>. Operators that
522specifically don't switch include C<vec()>, C<pack()>, and
523C<unpack()>. Operators that really don't care include C<chomp()>, as
524well as any other operator that treats a string as a bucket of bits,
525such as C<sort()>, and the operators dealing with filenames.
393fec97 526
527=item *
529The C<pack()>/C<unpack()> letters "C<c>" and "C<C>" do I<not> change,
530since they're often used for byte-oriented formats. (Again, think
531"C<char>" in the C language.) However, there is a new "C<U>" specifier
532that will convert between UTF-8 characters and integers. (It works
533outside of the utf8 pragma too.)
535=item *
537The C<chr()> and C<ord()> functions work on characters. This is like
538C<pack("U")> and C<unpack("U")>, not like C<pack("C")> and
539C<unpack("C")>. In fact, the latter are how you now emulate
35bcd338 540byte-oriented C<chr()> and C<ord()> for Unicode strings.
541(Note that this reveals the internal UTF-8 encoding of strings and
542you are not supposed to do that unless you know what you are doing.)
393fec97 543
544=item *
a1ca4561 546The bit string operators C<& | ^ ~> can operate on character data.
547However, for backward compatibility reasons (bit string operations
75daf61c 548when the characters all are less than 256 in ordinal value) one should
549not mix C<~> (the bit complement) and characters both less than 256 and
a1ca4561 550equal or greater than 256. Most importantly, the DeMorgan's laws
551(C<~($x|$y) eq ~$x&~$y>, C<~($x&$y) eq ~$x|~$y>) won't hold.
552Another way to look at this is that the complement cannot return
75daf61c 553B<both> the 8-bit (byte) wide bit complement B<and> the full character
a1ca4561 554wide bit complement.
556=item *
983ffd37 558lc(), uc(), lcfirst(), and ucfirst() work for the following cases:
560=over 8
562=item *
564the case mapping is from a single Unicode character to another
565single Unicode character
567=item *
569the case mapping is from a single Unicode character to more
570than one Unicode character
210b36aa 574What doesn't yet work are the following cases:
983ffd37 575
576=over 8
578=item *
580the "final sigma" (Greek)
582=item *
584anything to with locales (Lithuanian, Turkish, Azeri)
588See the Unicode Technical Report #21, Case Mappings, for more details.
ac1256e8 589
590=item *
393fec97 592And finally, C<scalar reverse()> reverses by character rather than by byte.
8cbd9a7a 596=head2 Character encodings for input and output
7221edc9 598See L<Encode>.
8cbd9a7a 599
393fec97 600=head1 CAVEATS
602As of yet, there is no method for automatically coercing input and
b3419ed8 603output to some encoding other than UTF-8 or UTF-EBCDIC. This is planned
604in the near future, however.
393fec97 605
8cbd9a7a 606Whether an arbitrary piece of data will be treated as "characters" or
607"bytes" by internal operations cannot be divined at the current time.
393fec97 608
609Use of locales with utf8 may lead to odd results. Currently there is
610some attempt to apply 8-bit locale info to characters in the range
6110..255, but this is demonstrably incorrect for locales that use
612characters above that range (when mapped into Unicode). It will also
613tend to run slower. Avoidance of locales is strongly encouraged.
617The following list of Unicode regular expression support describes
618feature by feature the Unicode support implemented in Perl as of Perl
6195.8.0. The "Level N" and the section numbers refer to the Unicode
620Technical Report 18, "Unicode Regular Expression Guidelines".
622=over 4
624=item *
626Level 1 - Basic Unicode Support
628 2.1 Hex Notation - done [1]
629 Named Notation - done [2]
630 2.2 Categories - done [3][4]
631 2.3 Subtraction - MISSING [5][6]
632 2.4 Simple Word Boundaries - done [7]
90a59240 633 2.5 Simple Loose Matches - done [8]
776f8809 634 2.6 End of Line - MISSING [9][10]
636 [ 1] \x{...}
637 [ 2] \N{...}
638 [ 3] . \p{Is...} \P{Is...}
29bdacb8 639 [ 4] now scripts (see UTR#24 Script Names) in addition to blocks
776f8809 640 [ 5] have negation
29bdacb8 641 [ 6] can use look-ahead to emulate subtraction (*)
776f8809 642 [ 7] include Letters in word characters
90a59240 643 [ 8] see UTR#21 Case Mappings: Perl implements 1:1 mappings
776f8809 644 [ 9] see UTR#13 Unicode Newline Guidelines
ec83e909 645 [10] should do ^ and $ also on \x{85}, \x{2028} and \x{2029})
646 (should also affect <>, $., and script line numbers)
dbe420b4 648(*) You can mimic class subtraction using lookahead.
649For example, what TR18 might write as
29bdacb8 650
dbe420b4 651 [{Greek}-[{UNASSIGNED}]]
653in Perl can be written as:
655 (?!\p{UNASSIGNED})\p{GreekBlock}
656 (?=\p{ASSIGNED})\p{GreekBlock}
658But in this particular example, you probably really want
660 \p{Greek}
662which will match assigned characters known to be part of the Greek script.
29bdacb8 663
664In other words: the matched character must not be a non-assigned
665character, but it must be in the block of modern Greek characters.
776f8809 667=item *
669Level 2 - Extended Unicode Support
671 3.1 Surrogates - MISSING
672 3.2 Canonical Equivalents - MISSING [11][12]
673 3.3 Locale-Independent Graphemes - MISSING [13]
674 3.4 Locale-Independent Words - MISSING [14]
675 3.5 Locale-Independent Loose Matches - MISSING [15]
677 [11] see UTR#15 Unicode Normalization
678 [12] have Unicode::Normalize but not integrated to regexes
679 [13] have \X but at this level . should equal that
680 [14] need three classes, not just \w and \W
681 [15] see UTR#21 Case Mappings
683=item *
685Level 3 - Locale-Sensitive Support
687 4.1 Locale-Dependent Categories - MISSING
688 4.2 Locale-Dependent Graphemes - MISSING [16][17]
689 4.3 Locale-Dependent Words - MISSING
690 4.4 Locale-Dependent Loose Matches - MISSING
691 4.5 Locale-Dependent Ranges - MISSING
693 [16] see UTR#10 Unicode Collation Algorithms
694 [17] have Unicode::Collate but not integrated to regexes
c349b1b9 698=head2 Unicode Encodings
700Unicode characters are assigned to I<code points> which are abstract
86bbd6d1 701numbers. To use these numbers various encodings are needed.
c349b1b9 702
703=over 4
705=item UTF-8
86bbd6d1 707UTF-8 is the encoding used internally by Perl. UTF-8 is a variable
c349b1b9 708length (1 to 6 bytes, current character allocations require 4 bytes),
86bbd6d1 709byteorder independent encoding. For ASCII, UTF-8 is transparent
710(and we really do mean 7-bit ASCII, not any 8-bit encoding).
c349b1b9 711
05632f9a 712The following table is from Unicode 3.1.
714 Code Points 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
716 U+0000..U+007F 00..7F   
717 U+0080..U+07FF C2..DF 80..BF   
718 U+0800..U+0FFF E0 A0..BF 80..BF  
719 U+1000..U+FFFF E1..EF 80..BF 80..BF  
720 U+10000..U+3FFFF F0 90..BF 80..BF 80..BF
721 U+40000..U+FFFFF F1..F3 80..BF 80..BF 80..BF
722 U+100000..U+10FFFF F4 80..8F 80..BF 80..BF
724Or, another way to look at it, as bits:
726 Code Points 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte
728 0aaaaaaa 0aaaaaaa
729 00000bbbbbaaaaaa 110bbbbb 10aaaaaa
730 ccccbbbbbbaaaaaa 1110cccc 10bbbbbb 10aaaaaa
731 00000dddccccccbbbbbbaaaaaa 11110ddd 10cccccc 10bbbbbb 10aaaaaa
733As you can see, the continuation bytes all begin with C<10>, and the
734leading bits of the start byte tells how many bytes the are in the
735encoded character.
dbe420b4 737=item UTF-EBDIC
739Like UTF-8, but EBDCIC-safe, as UTF-8 is ASCII-safe.
c349b1b9 741=item UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF16-LE, Surrogates, and BOMs (Byte Order Marks)
dbe420b4 743(The followings items are mostly for reference, Perl doesn't
744use them internally.)
c349b1b9 746UTF-16 is a 2 or 4 byte encoding. The Unicode code points
7470x0000..0xFFFF are stored in two 16-bit units, and the code points
dbe420b4 7480x010000..0x10FFFF in two 16-bit units. The latter case is
c349b1b9 749using I<surrogates>, the first 16-bit unit being the I<high
750surrogate>, and the second being the I<low surrogate>.
752Surrogates are code points set aside to encode the 0x01000..0x10FFFF
753range of Unicode code points in pairs of 16-bit units. The I<high
754surrogates> are the range 0xD800..0xDBFF, and the I<low surrogates>
755are the range 0xDC00..0xDFFFF. The surrogate encoding is
757 $hi = ($uni - 0x10000) / 0x400 + 0xD800;
758 $lo = ($uni - 0x10000) % 0x400 + 0xDC00;
760and the decoding is
762 $uni = 0x10000 + ($hi - 0xD8000) * 0x400 + ($lo - 0xDC00);
9466bab6 764If you try to generate surrogates (for example by using chr()), you
dbe420b4 765will get an error because firstly a surrogate on its own is meaningless,
766and secondly because Perl encodes its Unicode characters in UTF-8
767(not 16-bit numbers), which makes the encoded character doubly illegal.
9466bab6 768
86bbd6d1 769Because of the 16-bitness, UTF-16 is byteorder dependent. UTF-16
c349b1b9 770itself can be used for in-memory computations, but if storage or
86bbd6d1 771transfer is required, either UTF-16BE (Big Endian) or UTF-16LE
c349b1b9 772(Little Endian) must be chosen.
774This introduces another problem: what if you just know that your data
775is UTF-16, but you don't know which endianness? Byte Order Marks
776(BOMs) are a solution to this. A special character has been reserved
86bbd6d1 777in Unicode to function as a byte order marker: the character with the
778code point 0xFEFF is the BOM.
042da322 779
c349b1b9 780The trick is that if you read a BOM, you will know the byte order,
781since if it was written on a big endian platform, you will read the
86bbd6d1 782bytes 0xFE 0xFF, but if it was written on a little endian platform,
783you will read the bytes 0xFF 0xFE. (And if the originating platform
784was writing in UTF-8, you will read the bytes 0xEF 0xBB 0xBF.)
042da322 785
86bbd6d1 786The way this trick works is that the character with the code point
7870xFFFE is guaranteed not to be a valid Unicode character, so the
788sequence of bytes 0xFF 0xFE is unambiguously "BOM, represented in
042da322 789little-endian format" and cannot be "0xFFFE, represented in big-endian
c349b1b9 791
792=item UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF32-LE
794The UTF-32 family is pretty much like the UTF-16 family, expect that
042da322 795the units are 32-bit, and therefore the surrogate scheme is not
796needed. The BOM signatures will be 0x00 0x00 0xFE 0xFF for BE and
7970xFF 0xFE 0x00 0x00 for LE.
c349b1b9 798
799=item UCS-2, UCS-4
86bbd6d1 801Encodings defined by the ISO 10646 standard. UCS-2 is a 16-bit
802encoding, UCS-4 is a 32-bit encoding. Unlike UTF-16, UCS-2
803is not extensible beyond 0xFFFF, because it does not use surrogates.
c349b1b9 804
805=item UTF-7
807A seven-bit safe (non-eight-bit) encoding, useful if the
808transport/storage is not eight-bit safe. Defined by RFC 2152.
95a1a48b 810=back
bf0fa0b2 812=head2 Security Implications of Malformed UTF-8
814Unfortunately, the specification of UTF-8 leaves some room for
815interpretation of how many bytes of encoded output one should generate
816from one input Unicode character. Strictly speaking, one is supposed
817to always generate the shortest possible sequence of UTF-8 bytes,
818because otherwise there is potential for input buffer overflow at the
819receiving end of a UTF-8 connection. Perl always generates the shortest
820length UTF-8, and with warnings on (C<-w> or C<use warnings;>) Perl will
821warn about non-shortest length UTF-8 (and other malformations, too,
822such as the surrogates, which are not real character code points.)
c349b1b9 824=head2 Unicode in Perl on EBCDIC
826The way Unicode is handled on EBCDIC platforms is still rather
86bbd6d1 827experimental. On such a platform, references to UTF-8 encoding in this
c349b1b9 828document and elsewhere should be read as meaning UTF-EBCDIC as
829specified in Unicode Technical Report 16 unless ASCII vs EBCDIC issues
830are specifically discussed. There is no C<utfebcdic> pragma or
86bbd6d1 831":utfebcdic" layer, rather, "utf8" and ":utf8" are re-used to mean
832the platform's "natural" 8-bit encoding of Unicode. See L<perlebcdic>
833for more discussion of the issues.
c349b1b9 834
95a1a48b 835=head2 Using Unicode in XS
837If you want to handle Perl Unicode in XS extensions, you may find
838the following C APIs useful:
840=over 4
842=item *
844DO_UTF8(sv) returns true if the UTF8 flag is on and the bytes
845pragma is not in effect. SvUTF8(sv) returns true is the UTF8
846flag is on, the bytes pragma is ignored. Remember that UTF8
847flag being on does not mean that there would be any characters
848of code points greater than 255 or 127 in the scalar, or that
849there even are any characters in the scalar. The UTF8 flag
850means that any characters added to the string will be encoded
851in UTF8 if the code points of the characters are greater than
852255. Not "if greater than 127", since Perl's Unicode model
853is not to use UTF-8 until it's really necessary.
855=item *
857uvuni_to_utf8(buf, chr) writes a Unicode character code point into a
cfc01aea 858buffer encoding the code point as UTF-8, and returns a pointer
95a1a48b 859pointing after the UTF-8 bytes.
861=item *
863utf8_to_uvuni(buf, lenp) reads UTF-8 encoded bytes from a buffer and
864returns the Unicode character code point (and optionally the length of
865the UTF-8 byte sequence).
867=item *
869utf8_length(s, len) returns the length of the UTF-8 encoded buffer in
870characters. sv_len_utf8(sv) returns the length of the UTF-8 encoded
873=item *
875sv_utf8_upgrade(sv) converts the string of the scalar to its UTF-8
876encoded form. sv_utf8_downgrade(sv) does the opposite (if possible).
877sv_utf8_encode(sv) is like sv_utf8_upgrade but the UTF8 flag does not
878get turned on. sv_utf8_decode() does the opposite of sv_utf8_encode().
880=item *
882is_utf8_char(buf) returns true if the buffer points to valid UTF-8.
884=item *
886is_utf8_string(buf, len) returns true if the len bytes of the buffer
887are valid UTF-8.
889=item *
891UTF8SKIP(buf) will return the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoded
892character in the buffer. UNISKIP(chr) will return the number of bytes
893required to UTF-8-encode the Unicode character code point.
895=item *
897utf8_distance(a, b) will tell the distance in characters between the
898two pointers pointing to the same UTF-8 encoded buffer.
900=item *
902utf8_hop(s, off) will return a pointer to an UTF-8 encoded buffer that
903is C<off> (positive or negative) Unicode characters displaced from the
904UTF-8 buffer C<s>.
d2cc3551 906=item *
908pv_uni_display(dsv, spv, len, pvlim, flags) and sv_uni_display(dsv,
909ssv, pvlim, flags) are useful for debug output of Unicode strings and
910scalars (only for debug: they display B<all> characters as hexadecimal
911code points).
913=item *
332ddc25 915ibcmp_utf8(s1, u1, len1, s2, u2, len2) can be used to compare two
916strings case-insensitively in Unicode. (For case-sensitive
917comparisons you can just use memEQ() and memNE() as usual.)
d2cc3551 918
c349b1b9 919=back
95a1a48b 921For more information, see L<perlapi>, and F<utf8.c> and F<utf8.h>
922in the Perl source code distribution.
393fec97 924=head1 SEE ALSO
72ff2908 926L<perluniintro>, L<encoding>, L<Encode>, L<open>, L<utf8>, L<bytes>,
927L<perlretut>, L<perlvar/"${^WIDE_SYSTEM_CALLS}">
393fec97 928