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[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / perlport.pod
e41182b5 1=head1 NAME
3perlport - Writing portable Perl
e41182b5 5=head1 DESCRIPTION
b7df3edc 7Perl runs on numerous operating systems. While most of them share
8much in common, they also have their own unique features.
e41182b5 9
10This document is meant to help you to find out what constitutes portable
b7df3edc 11Perl code. That way once you make a decision to write portably,
e41182b5 12you know where the lines are drawn, and you can stay within them.
b7df3edc 14There is a tradeoff between taking full advantage of one particular
15type of computer and taking advantage of a full range of them.
16Naturally, as you broaden your range and become more diverse, the
17common factors drop, and you are left with an increasingly smaller
18area of common ground in which you can operate to accomplish a
19particular task. Thus, when you begin attacking a problem, it is
20important to consider under which part of the tradeoff curve you
21want to operate. Specifically, you must decide whether it is
22important that the task that you are coding have the full generality
23of being portable, or whether to just get the job done right now.
24This is the hardest choice to be made. The rest is easy, because
25Perl provides many choices, whichever way you want to approach your
0a47030a 26problem.
28Looking at it another way, writing portable code is usually about
b7df3edc 29willfully limiting your available choices. Naturally, it takes
30discipline and sacrifice to do that. The product of portability
31and convenience may be a constant. You have been warned.
e41182b5 32
33Be aware of two important points:
35=over 4
37=item Not all Perl programs have to be portable
b7df3edc 39There is no reason you should not use Perl as a language to glue Unix
e41182b5 40tools together, or to prototype a Macintosh application, or to manage the
41Windows registry. If it makes no sense to aim for portability for one
42reason or another in a given program, then don't bother.
b7df3edc 44=item Nearly all of Perl already I<is> portable
e41182b5 45
46Don't be fooled into thinking that it is hard to create portable Perl
47code. It isn't. Perl tries its level-best to bridge the gaps between
48what's available on different platforms, and all the means available to
49use those features. Thus almost all Perl code runs on any machine
6ab3f9cb 50without modification. But there are some significant issues in
e41182b5 51writing portable code, and this document is entirely about those issues.
b7df3edc 55Here's the general rule: When you approach a task commonly done
56using a whole range of platforms, think about writing portable
e41182b5 57code. That way, you don't sacrifice much by way of the implementation
58choices you can avail yourself of, and at the same time you can give
59your users lots of platform choices. On the other hand, when you have to
60take advantage of some unique feature of a particular platform, as is
61often the case with systems programming (whether for Unix, Windows,
62S<Mac OS>, VMS, etc.), consider writing platform-specific code.
b7df3edc 64When the code will run on only two or three operating systems, you
65may need to consider only the differences of those particular systems.
66The important thing is to decide where the code will run and to be
0a47030a 67deliberate in your decision.
69The material below is separated into three main sections: main issues of
7ee27b7c 70portability (L<"ISSUES">), platform-specific issues (L<"PLATFORMS">), and
b7df3edc 71built-in perl functions that behave differently on various ports
e41182b5 73
74This information should not be considered complete; it includes possibly
b8099c3d 75transient information about idiosyncrasies of some of the ports, almost
b7df3edc 76all of which are in a state of constant evolution. Thus, this material
e41182b5 77should be considered a perpetual work in progress
cc07ed0b 78(C<< <IMG SRC="yellow_sign.gif" ALT="Under Construction"> >>).
e41182b5 79
e41182b5 80=head1 ISSUES
82=head2 Newlines
638bc118 84In most operating systems, lines in files are terminated by newlines.
e41182b5 85Just what is used as a newline may vary from OS to OS. Unix
b7df3edc 86traditionally uses C<\012>, one type of DOSish I/O uses C<\015\012>,
e41182b5 87and S<Mac OS> uses C<\015>.
b7df3edc 89Perl uses C<\n> to represent the "logical" newline, where what is
90logical may depend on the platform in use. In MacPerl, C<\n> always
91means C<\015>. In DOSish perls, C<\n> usually means C<\012>, but
92when accessing a file in "text" mode, STDIO translates it to (or
56d7751a 93from) C<\015\012>, depending on whether you're reading or writing.
b7df3edc 94Unix does the same thing on ttys in canonical mode. C<\015\012>
95is commonly referred to as CRLF.
31bb23b1 97To trim trailing newlines from text lines use chomp(). With default
98settings that function looks for a trailing C<\n> character and thus
99trims in a portable way.
5b3eff12 100
101When dealing with binary files (or text files in binary mode) be sure
102to explicitly set $/ to the appropriate value for your file format
103before using chomp().
b7df3edc 105Because of the "text" mode translation, DOSish perls have limitations
106in using C<seek> and C<tell> on a file accessed in "text" mode.
107Stick to C<seek>-ing to locations you got from C<tell> (and no
108others), and you are usually free to use C<seek> and C<tell> even
109in "text" mode. Using C<seek> or C<tell> or other file operations
110may be non-portable. If you use C<binmode> on a file, however, you
111can usually C<seek> and C<tell> with arbitrary values in safety.
e41182b5 112
113A common misconception in socket programming is that C<\n> eq C<\012>
0a47030a 114everywhere. When using protocols such as common Internet protocols,
e41182b5 115C<\012> and C<\015> are called for specifically, and the values of
116the logical C<\n> and C<\r> (carriage return) are not reliable.
118 print SOCKET "Hi there, client!\r\n"; # WRONG
119 print SOCKET "Hi there, client!\015\012"; # RIGHT
0a47030a 121However, using C<\015\012> (or C<\cM\cJ>, or C<\x0D\x0A>) can be tedious
122and unsightly, as well as confusing to those maintaining the code. As
6ab3f9cb 123such, the Socket module supplies the Right Thing for those who want it.
e41182b5 124
125 use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
126 print SOCKET "Hi there, client!$CRLF" # RIGHT
6ab3f9cb 128When reading from a socket, remember that the default input record
b7df3edc 129separator C<$/> is C<\n>, but robust socket code will recognize as
130either C<\012> or C<\015\012> as end of line:
e41182b5 131
132 while (<SOCKET>) {
133 # ...
134 }
b7df3edc 136Because both CRLF and LF end in LF, the input record separator can
137be set to LF and any CR stripped later. Better to write:
e41182b5 138
139 use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
140 local($/) = LF; # not needed if $/ is already \012
142 while (<SOCKET>) {
143 s/$CR?$LF/\n/; # not sure if socket uses LF or CRLF, OK
144 # s/\015?\012/\n/; # same thing
145 }
b7df3edc 147This example is preferred over the previous one--even for Unix
148platforms--because now any C<\015>'s (C<\cM>'s) are stripped out
e41182b5 149(and there was much rejoicing).
6ab3f9cb 151Similarly, functions that return text data--such as a function that
b7df3edc 152fetches a web page--should sometimes translate newlines before
153returning the data, if they've not yet been translated to the local
154newline representation. A single line of code will often suffice:
2ee0eb3c 155
b7df3edc 156 $data =~ s/\015?\012/\n/g;
157 return $data;
2ee0eb3c 158
6ab3f9cb 159Some of this may be confusing. Here's a handy reference to the ASCII CR
160and LF characters. You can print it out and stick it in your wallet.
74555b7a 162 LF eq \012 eq \x0A eq \cJ eq chr(10) eq ASCII 10
163 CR eq \015 eq \x0D eq \cM eq chr(13) eq ASCII 13
6ab3f9cb 164
165 | Unix | DOS | Mac |
166 ---------------------------
167 \n | LF | LF | CR |
168 \r | CR | CR | LF |
169 \n * | LF | CRLF | CR |
170 \r * | CR | CR | LF |
171 ---------------------------
172 * text-mode STDIO
b7df3edc 174The Unix column assumes that you are not accessing a serial line
175(like a tty) in canonical mode. If you are, then CR on input becomes
176"\n", and "\n" on output becomes CRLF.
6ab3f9cb 178These are just the most common definitions of C<\n> and C<\r> in Perl.
522b859a 179There may well be others. For example, on an EBCDIC implementation
180such as z/OS (OS/390) or OS/400 (using the ILE, the PASE is ASCII-based)
181the above material is similar to "Unix" but the code numbers change:
74555b7a 182
d770bc45 183 LF eq \025 eq \x15 eq \cU eq chr(21) eq CP-1047 21
184 LF eq \045 eq \x25 eq chr(37) eq CP-0037 37
74555b7a 185 CR eq \015 eq \x0D eq \cM eq chr(13) eq CP-1047 13
186 CR eq \015 eq \x0D eq \cM eq chr(13) eq CP-0037 13
188 | z/OS | OS/400 |
189 ----------------------
190 \n | LF | LF |
191 \r | CR | CR |
192 \n * | LF | LF |
193 \r * | CR | CR |
194 ----------------------
195 * text-mode STDIO
6ab3f9cb 196
322422de 197=head2 Numbers endianness and Width
199Different CPUs store integers and floating point numbers in different
200orders (called I<endianness>) and widths (32-bit and 64-bit being the
b7df3edc 201most common today). This affects your programs when they attempt to transfer
202numbers in binary format from one CPU architecture to another,
203usually either "live" via network connection, or by storing the
204numbers to secondary storage such as a disk file or tape.
322422de 205
b7df3edc 206Conflicting storage orders make utter mess out of the numbers. If a
d1e3b762 207little-endian host (Intel, VAX) stores 0x12345678 (305419896 in
b84d4f81 208decimal), a big-endian host (Motorola, Sparc, PA) reads it as
2090x78563412 (2018915346 in decimal). Alpha and MIPS can be either:
210Digital/Compaq used/uses them in little-endian mode; SGI/Cray uses
211them in big-endian mode. To avoid this problem in network (socket)
212connections use the C<pack> and C<unpack> formats C<n> and C<N>, the
213"network" orders. These are guaranteed to be portable.
322422de 214
7a4d2905 215As of perl 5.9.2, you can also use the C<E<gt>> and C<E<lt>> modifiers
1109a392 216to force big- or little-endian byte-order. This is useful if you want
217to store signed integers or 64-bit integers, for example.
d1e3b762 219You can explore the endianness of your platform by unpacking a
220data structure packed in native format such as:
222 print unpack("h*", pack("s2", 1, 2)), "\n";
223 # '10002000' on e.g. Intel x86 or Alpha 21064 in little-endian mode
224 # '00100020' on e.g. Motorola 68040
226If you need to distinguish between endian architectures you could use
227either of the variables set like so:
229 $is_big_endian = unpack("h*", pack("s", 1)) =~ /01/;
4375e838 230 $is_little_endian = unpack("h*", pack("s", 1)) =~ /^1/;
d1e3b762 231
b7df3edc 232Differing widths can cause truncation even between platforms of equal
233endianness. The platform of shorter width loses the upper parts of the
322422de 234number. There is no good solution for this problem except to avoid
235transferring or storing raw binary numbers.
b7df3edc 237One can circumnavigate both these problems in two ways. Either
322422de 238transfer and store numbers always in text format, instead of raw
b7df3edc 239binary, or else consider using modules like Data::Dumper (included in
83df6a1d 240the standard distribution as of Perl 5.005) and Storable (included as
241of perl 5.8). Keeping all data as text significantly simplifies matters.
322422de 242
979699d9 243The v-strings are portable only up to v2147483647 (0x7FFFFFFF), that's
244how far EBCDIC, or more precisely UTF-EBCDIC will go.
433acd8a 246=head2 Files and Filesystems
e41182b5 247
248Most platforms these days structure files in a hierarchical fashion.
b7df3edc 249So, it is reasonably safe to assume that all platforms support the
6ab3f9cb 250notion of a "path" to uniquely identify a file on the system. How
b7df3edc 251that path is really written, though, differs considerably.
e41182b5 252
4375e838 253Although similar, file path specifications differ between Unix,
b7df3edc 254Windows, S<Mac OS>, OS/2, VMS, VOS, S<RISC OS>, and probably others.
255Unix, for example, is one of the few OSes that has the elegant idea
256of a single root directory.
322422de 257
6ab3f9cb 258DOS, OS/2, VMS, VOS, and Windows can work similarly to Unix with C</>
259as path separator, or in their own idiosyncratic ways (such as having
260several root directories and various "unrooted" device files such NIL:
261and LPT:).
322422de 262
263S<Mac OS> uses C<:> as a path separator instead of C</>.
6ab3f9cb 265The filesystem may support neither hard links (C<link>) nor
266symbolic links (C<symlink>, C<readlink>, C<lstat>).
433acd8a 267
6ab3f9cb 268The filesystem may support neither access timestamp nor change
433acd8a 269timestamp (meaning that about the only portable timestamp is the
270modification timestamp), or one second granularity of any timestamps
271(e.g. the FAT filesystem limits the time granularity to two seconds).
74555b7a 273The "inode change timestamp" (the C<-C> filetest) may really be the
95a3fe12 274"creation timestamp" (which it is not in UNIX).
495c5fdc 276VOS perl can emulate Unix filenames with C</> as path separator. The
277native pathname characters greater-than, less-than, number-sign, and
278percent-sign are always accepted.
6ab3f9cb 280S<RISC OS> perl can emulate Unix filenames with C</> as path
322422de 281separator, or go native and use C<.> for path separator and C<:> to
6ab3f9cb 282signal filesystems and disk names.
e41182b5 283
a1667ba3 284Don't assume UNIX filesystem access semantics: that read, write,
285and execute are all the permissions there are, and even if they exist,
286that their semantics (for example what do r, w, and x mean on
287a directory) are the UNIX ones. The various UNIX/POSIX compatibility
288layers usually try to make interfaces like chmod() work, but sometimes
289there simply is no good mapping.
b7df3edc 291If all this is intimidating, have no (well, maybe only a little)
292fear. There are modules that can help. The File::Spec modules
293provide methods to do the Right Thing on whatever platform happens
294to be running the program.
e41182b5 295
6ab3f9cb 296 use File::Spec::Functions;
297 chdir(updir()); # go up one directory
298 $file = catfile(curdir(), 'temp', 'file.txt');
e41182b5 299 # on Unix and Win32, './temp/file.txt'
300 # on Mac OS, ':temp:file.txt'
d1e3b762 301 # on VMS, '[.temp]file.txt'
e41182b5 302
b7df3edc 303File::Spec is available in the standard distribution as of version
d1e3b762 3045.004_05. File::Spec::Functions is only in File::Spec 0.7 and later,
305and some versions of perl come with version 0.6. If File::Spec
306is not updated to 0.7 or later, you must use the object-oriented
307interface from File::Spec (or upgrade File::Spec).
e41182b5 308
b7df3edc 309In general, production code should not have file paths hardcoded.
310Making them user-supplied or read from a configuration file is
311better, keeping in mind that file path syntax varies on different
e41182b5 313
314This is especially noticeable in scripts like Makefiles and test suites,
315which often assume C</> as a path separator for subdirectories.
b7df3edc 317Also of use is File::Basename from the standard distribution, which
e41182b5 318splits a pathname into pieces (base filename, full path to directory,
319and file suffix).
19799a22 321Even when on a single platform (if you can call Unix a single platform),
b7df3edc 322remember not to count on the existence or the contents of particular
3c075c7d 323system-specific files or directories, like F</etc/passwd>,
b7df3edc 324F</etc/sendmail.conf>, F</etc/resolv.conf>, or even F</tmp/>. For
325example, F</etc/passwd> may exist but not contain the encrypted
326passwords, because the system is using some form of enhanced security.
327Or it may not contain all the accounts, because the system is using NIS.
3c075c7d 328If code does need to rely on such a file, include a description of the
b7df3edc 329file and its format in the code's documentation, then make it easy for
3c075c7d 330the user to override the default location of the file.
b7df3edc 332Don't assume a text file will end with a newline. They should,
333but people forget.
e41182b5 334
ec481373 335Do not have two files or directories of the same name with different
336case, like F<> and F<>, as many platforms have
337case-insensitive (or at least case-forgiving) filenames. Also, try
338not to have non-word characters (except for C<.>) in the names, and
339keep them to the 8.3 convention, for maximum portability, onerous a
340burden though this may appear.
dd9f0070 341
b7df3edc 342Likewise, when using the AutoSplit module, try to keep your functions to
3438.3 naming and case-insensitive conventions; or, at the least,
dd9f0070 344make it so the resulting files have a unique (case-insensitively)
345first 8 characters.
ec481373 347Whitespace in filenames is tolerated on most systems, but not all,
348and even on systems where it might be tolerated, some utilities
fe829689 349might become confused by such whitespace.
ec481373 350
016930a6 351Many systems (DOS, VMS ODS-2) cannot have more than one C<.> in their
433acd8a 353
c47ff5f1 354Don't assume C<< > >> won't be the first character of a filename.
fe829689 355Always use C<< < >> explicitly to open a file for reading, or even
356better, use the three-arg version of open, unless you want the user to
357be able to specify a pipe open.
0a47030a 358
fe829689 359 open(FILE, '<', $existing_file) or die $!;
0a47030a 360
6ab3f9cb 361If filenames might use strange characters, it is safest to open it
362with C<sysopen> instead of C<open>. C<open> is magic and can
c47ff5f1 363translate characters like C<< > >>, C<< < >>, and C<|>, which may
b7df3edc 364be the wrong thing to do. (Sometimes, though, it's the right thing.)
fe829689 365Three-arg open can also help protect against this translation in cases
366where it is undesirable.
e41182b5 367
ec481373 368Don't use C<:> as a part of a filename since many systems use that for
8939ba94 369their own semantics (Mac OS Classic for separating pathname components,
ec481373 370many networking schemes and utilities for separating the nodename and
08fef530 371the pathname, and so on). For the same reasons, avoid C<@>, C<;> and
ec481373 373
e1516da7 374Don't assume that in pathnames you can collapse two leading slashes
375C<//> into one: some networking and clustering filesystems have special
376semantics for that. Let the operating system to sort it out.
ec481373 378The I<portable filename characters> as defined by ANSI C are
380 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r t u v w x y z
381 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R T U V W X Y Z
382 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
383 . _ -
08fef530 385and the "-" shouldn't be the first character. If you want to be
e1516da7 386hypercorrect, stay case-insensitive and within the 8.3 naming
387convention (all the files and directories have to be unique within one
388directory if their names are lowercased and truncated to eight
389characters before the C<.>, if any, and to three characters after the
390C<.>, if any). (And do not use C<.>s in directory names.)
ec481373 391
e41182b5 392=head2 System Interaction
b7df3edc 394Not all platforms provide a command line. These are usually platforms
395that rely primarily on a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for user
396interaction. A program requiring a command line interface might
397not work everywhere. This is probably for the user of the program
398to deal with, so don't stay up late worrying about it.
e41182b5 399
c87488a3 400Some platforms can't delete or rename files held open by the system,
401this limitation may also apply to changing filesystem metainformation
402like file permissions or owners. Remember to C<close> files when you
403are done with them. Don't C<unlink> or C<rename> an open file. Don't
404C<tie> or C<open> a file already tied or opened; C<untie> or C<close>
405it first.
e41182b5 406
0a47030a 407Don't open the same file more than once at a time for writing, as some
408operating systems put mandatory locks on such files.
73e9292c 410Don't assume that write/modify permission on a directory gives the
411right to add or delete files/directories in that directory. That is
412filesystem specific: in some filesystems you need write/modify
413permission also (or even just) in the file/directory itself. In some
414filesystems (AFS, DFS) the permission to add/delete directory entries
415is a completely separate permission.
417Don't assume that a single C<unlink> completely gets rid of the file:
418some filesystems (most notably the ones in VMS) have versioned
419filesystems, and unlink() removes only the most recent one (it doesn't
420remove all the versions because by default the native tools on those
421platforms remove just the most recent version, too). The portable
422idiom to remove all the versions of a file is
94bb614c 424 1 while unlink "file";
73e9292c 425
426This will terminate if the file is undeleteable for some reason
427(protected, not there, and so on).
e41182b5 429Don't count on a specific environment variable existing in C<%ENV>.
0a47030a 430Don't count on C<%ENV> entries being case-sensitive, or even
4a0d0822 431case-preserving. Don't try to clear %ENV by saying C<%ENV = ();>, or,
6be8f7a6 432if you really have to, make it conditional on C<$^O ne 'VMS'> since in
4a0d0822 433VMS the C<%ENV> table is much more than a per-process key-value string
e41182b5 435
c73b03b7 436On VMS, some entries in the %ENV hash are dynamically created when
437their key is used on a read if they did not previously exist. The
438values for C<$ENV{HOME}>, C<$ENV{TERM}>, C<$ENV{HOME}>, and C<$ENV{USER}>,
439are known to be dynamically generated. The specific names that are
440dynamically generated may vary with the version of the C library on VMS,
441and more may exist than is documented.
443On VMS by default, changes to the %ENV hash are persistent after the process
444exits. This can cause unintended issues.
d1e3b762 446Don't count on signals or C<%SIG> for anything.
e41182b5 447
448Don't count on filename globbing. Use C<opendir>, C<readdir>, and
449C<closedir> instead.
b8099c3d 451Don't count on per-program environment variables, or per-program current
dd9f0070 452directories.
b8099c3d 453
c87488a3 454Don't count on specific values of C<$!>, neither numeric nor
455especially the strings values-- users may switch their locales causing
456error messages to be translated into their languages. If you can
457trust a POSIXish environment, you can portably use the symbols defined
458by the Errno module, like ENOENT. And don't trust on the values of C<$!>
459at all except immediately after a failed system call.
3c075c7d 460
a10d74f3 461=head2 Command names versus file pathnames
463Don't assume that the name used to invoke a command or program with
464C<system> or C<exec> can also be used to test for the existence of the
465file that holds the executable code for that command or program.
68fb0eb7 466First, many systems have "internal" commands that are built-in to the
467shell or OS and while these commands can be invoked, there is no
468corresponding file. Second, some operating systems (e.g., Cygwin,
469DJGPP, OS/2, and VOS) have required suffixes for executable files;
470these suffixes are generally permitted on the command name but are not
a10d74f3 471required. Thus, a command like "perl" might exist in a file named
472"perl", "perl.exe", or "", depending on the operating system.
473The variable "_exe" in the Config module holds the executable suffix,
68fb0eb7 474if any. Third, the VMS port carefully sets up $^X and
475$Config{perlpath} so that no further processing is required. This is
476just as well, because the matching regular expression used below would
477then have to deal with a possible trailing version number in the VMS
478file name.
a10d74f3 479
480To convert $^X to a file pathname, taking account of the requirements
481of the various operating system possibilities, say:
7ee27b7c 482
a10d74f3 483 use Config;
a10d74f3 484 $thisperl = $^X;
68fb0eb7 485 if ($^O ne 'VMS')
486 {$thisperl .= $Config{_exe} unless $thisperl =~ m/$Config{_exe}$/i;}
a10d74f3 487
488To convert $Config{perlpath} to a file pathname, say:
7ee27b7c 489
a10d74f3 490 use Config;
68fb0eb7 491 $thisperl = $Config{perlpath};
492 if ($^O ne 'VMS')
493 {$thisperl .= $Config{_exe} unless $thisperl =~ m/$Config{_exe}$/i;}
a10d74f3 494
7137b697 495=head2 Networking
497Don't assume that you can reach the public Internet.
499Don't assume that there is only one way to get through firewalls
500to the public Internet.
932f293e 502Don't assume that you can reach outside world through any other port
503than 80, or some web proxy. ftp is blocked by many firewalls.
dbc6a9ce 505Don't assume that you can send email by connecting to the local SMTP port.
7137b697 507Don't assume that you can reach yourself or any node by the name
dbc6a9ce 508'localhost'. The same goes for ''. You will have to try both.
932f293e 509
86feb2c5 510Don't assume that the host has only one network card, or that it
511can't bind to many virtual IP addresses.
932f293e 512
513Don't assume a particular network device name.
7137b697 514
dbc6a9ce 515Don't assume a particular set of ioctl()s will work.
7137b697 516
517Don't assume that you can ping hosts and get replies.
dbc6a9ce 519Don't assume that any particular port (service) will respond.
7ee27b7c 521Don't assume that Sys::Hostname (or any other API or command)
dbc6a9ce 522returns either a fully qualified hostname or a non-qualified hostname:
523it all depends on how the system had been configured. Also remember
524things like DHCP and NAT-- the hostname you get back might not be very
932f293e 527All the above "don't":s may look daunting, and they are -- but the key
528is to degrade gracefully if one cannot reach the particular network
529service one wants. Croaking or hanging do not look very professional.
e41182b5 531=head2 Interprocess Communication (IPC)
b7df3edc 533In general, don't directly access the system in code meant to be
534portable. That means, no C<system>, C<exec>, C<fork>, C<pipe>,
535C<``>, C<qx//>, C<open> with a C<|>, nor any of the other things
536that makes being a perl hacker worth being.
e41182b5 537
538Commands that launch external processes are generally supported on
b7df3edc 539most platforms (though many of them do not support any type of
540forking). The problem with using them arises from what you invoke
541them on. External tools are often named differently on different
4375e838 542platforms, may not be available in the same location, might accept
b7df3edc 543different arguments, can behave differently, and often present their
544results in a platform-dependent way. Thus, you should seldom depend
545on them to produce consistent results. (Then again, if you're calling
546I<netstat -a>, you probably don't expect it to run on both Unix and CP/M.)
e41182b5 547
b7df3edc 548One especially common bit of Perl code is opening a pipe to B<sendmail>:
e41182b5 549
b7df3edc 550 open(MAIL, '|/usr/lib/sendmail -t')
551 or die "cannot fork sendmail: $!";
e41182b5 552
553This is fine for systems programming when sendmail is known to be
554available. But it is not fine for many non-Unix systems, and even
555some Unix systems that may not have sendmail installed. If a portable
b7df3edc 556solution is needed, see the various distributions on CPAN that deal
557with it. Mail::Mailer and Mail::Send in the MailTools distribution are
558commonly used, and provide several mailing methods, including mail,
559sendmail, and direct SMTP (via Net::SMTP) if a mail transfer agent is
560not available. Mail::Sendmail is a standalone module that provides
561simple, platform-independent mailing.
563The Unix System V IPC (C<msg*(), sem*(), shm*()>) is not available
564even on all Unix platforms.
e41182b5 565
a81e5e2e 566Do not use either the bare result of C<pack("N", 10, 20, 30, 40)> or
567bare v-strings (such as C<v10.20.30.40>) to represent IPv4 addresses:
568both forms just pack the four bytes into network order. That this
569would be equal to the C language C<in_addr> struct (which is what the
570socket code internally uses) is not guaranteed. To be portable use
571the routines of the Socket extension, such as C<inet_aton()>,
572C<inet_ntoa()>, and C<sockaddr_in()>.
6b2463a0 573
e41182b5 574The rule of thumb for portable code is: Do it all in portable Perl, or
0a47030a 575use a module (that may internally implement it with platform-specific
576code, but expose a common interface).
e41182b5 577
e41182b5 578=head2 External Subroutines (XS)
b7df3edc 580XS code can usually be made to work with any platform, but dependent
e41182b5 581libraries, header files, etc., might not be readily available or
582portable, or the XS code itself might be platform-specific, just as Perl
583code might be. If the libraries and headers are portable, then it is
584normally reasonable to make sure the XS code is portable, too.
b7df3edc 586A different type of portability issue arises when writing XS code:
587availability of a C compiler on the end-user's system. C brings
588with it its own portability issues, and writing XS code will expose
589you to some of those. Writing purely in Perl is an easier way to
e41182b5 590achieve portability.
e41182b5 592=head2 Standard Modules
594In general, the standard modules work across platforms. Notable
6ab3f9cb 595exceptions are the CPAN module (which currently makes connections to external
e41182b5 596programs that may not be available), platform-specific modules (like
6ab3f9cb 597ExtUtils::MM_VMS), and DBM modules.
e41182b5 598
b7df3edc 599There is no one DBM module available on all platforms.
6ab3f9cb 600SDBM_File and the others are generally available on all Unix and DOSish
601ports, but not in MacPerl, where only NBDM_File and DB_File are
0a47030a 602available.
e41182b5 603
604The good news is that at least some DBM module should be available, and
6ab3f9cb 605AnyDBM_File will use whichever module it can find. Of course, then
b7df3edc 606the code needs to be fairly strict, dropping to the greatest common
607factor (e.g., not exceeding 1K for each record), so that it will
6ab3f9cb 608work with any DBM module. See L<AnyDBM_File> for more details.
e41182b5 609
e41182b5 610=head2 Time and Date
0a47030a 612The system's notion of time of day and calendar date is controlled in
b7df3edc 613widely different ways. Don't assume the timezone is stored in C<$ENV{TZ}>,
0a47030a 614and even if it is, don't assume that you can control the timezone through
c87488a3 615that variable. Don't assume anything about the three-letter timezone
616abbreviations (for example that MST would be the Mountain Standard Time,
617it's been known to stand for Moscow Standard Time). If you need to
618use timezones, express them in some unambiguous format like the
619exact number of minutes offset from UTC, or the POSIX timezone
e41182b5 621
322422de 622Don't assume that the epoch starts at 00:00:00, January 1, 1970,
c87488a3 623because that is OS- and implementation-specific. It is better to
624store a date in an unambiguous representation. The ISO 8601 standard
625defines YYYY-MM-DD as the date format, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS
626(that's a literal "T" separating the date from the time).
627Please do use the ISO 8601 instead of making us to guess what
628date 02/03/04 might be. ISO 8601 even sorts nicely as-is.
629A text representation (like "1987-12-18") can be easily converted
630into an OS-specific value using a module like Date::Parse.
631An array of values, such as those returned by C<localtime>, can be
632converted to an OS-specific representation using Time::Local.
322422de 633
19799a22 634When calculating specific times, such as for tests in time or date modules,
635it may be appropriate to calculate an offset for the epoch.
b7df3edc 636
19799a22 637 require Time::Local;
638 $offset = Time::Local::timegm(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 70);
b7df3edc 639
19799a22 640The value for C<$offset> in Unix will be C<0>, but in Mac OS will be
641some large number. C<$offset> can then be added to a Unix time value
642to get what should be the proper value on any system.
322422de 643
644=head2 Character sets and character encoding
ec481373 646Assume very little about character sets.
648Assume nothing about numerical values (C<ord>, C<chr>) of characters.
649Do not use explicit code point ranges (like \xHH-\xHH); use for
650example symbolic character classes like C<[:print:]>.
652Do not assume that the alphabetic characters are encoded contiguously
653(in the numeric sense). There may be gaps.
655Do not assume anything about the ordering of the characters.
656The lowercase letters may come before or after the uppercase letters;
b432a672 657the lowercase and uppercase may be interlaced so that both "a" and "A"
658come before "b"; the accented and other international characters may
659be interlaced so that E<auml> comes before "b".
322422de 660
661=head2 Internationalisation
b7df3edc 663If you may assume POSIX (a rather large assumption), you may read
664more about the POSIX locale system from L<perllocale>. The locale
665system at least attempts to make things a little bit more portable,
666or at least more convenient and native-friendly for non-English
667users. The system affects character sets and encoding, and date
668and time formatting--amongst other things.
e41182b5 669
c87488a3 670If you really want to be international, you should consider Unicode.
671See L<perluniintro> and L<perlunicode> for more information.
11264fdb 673If you want to use non-ASCII bytes (outside the bytes 0x00..0x7f) in
674the "source code" of your code, to be portable you have to be explicit
675about what bytes they are. Someone might for example be using your
676code under a UTF-8 locale, in which case random native bytes might be
677illegal ("Malformed UTF-8 ...") This means that for example embedding
678ISO 8859-1 bytes beyond 0x7f into your strings might cause trouble
679later. If the bytes are native 8-bit bytes, you can use the C<bytes>
680pragma. If the bytes are in a string (regular expression being a
681curious string), you can often also use the C<\xHH> notation instead
2575c402 682of embedding the bytes as-is. (If you want to write your code in UTF-8,
683you can use the C<utf8>.) The C<bytes> and C<utf8> pragmata are
684available since Perl 5.6.0.
11264fdb 685
e41182b5 686=head2 System Resources
0a47030a 688If your code is destined for systems with severely constrained (or
689missing!) virtual memory systems then you want to be I<especially> mindful
690of avoiding wasteful constructs such as:
e41182b5 691
692 # NOTE: this is no longer "bad" in perl5.005
693 for (0..10000000) {} # bad
694 for (my $x = 0; $x <= 10000000; ++$x) {} # good
696 @lines = <VERY_LARGE_FILE>; # bad
698 while (<FILE>) {$file .= $_} # sometimes bad
0a47030a 699 $file = join('', <FILE>); # better
e41182b5 700
b7df3edc 701The last two constructs may appear unintuitive to most people. The
702first repeatedly grows a string, whereas the second allocates a
703large chunk of memory in one go. On some systems, the second is
704more efficient that the first.
0a47030a 705
e41182b5 706=head2 Security
b7df3edc 708Most multi-user platforms provide basic levels of security, usually
709implemented at the filesystem level. Some, however, do
a1667ba3 710not-- unfortunately. Thus the notion of user id, or "home" directory,
b7df3edc 711or even the state of being logged-in, may be unrecognizable on many
712platforms. If you write programs that are security-conscious, it
713is usually best to know what type of system you will be running
714under so that you can write code explicitly for that platform (or
715class of platforms).
0a47030a 716
a1667ba3 717Don't assume the UNIX filesystem access semantics: the operating
718system or the filesystem may be using some ACL systems, which are
719richer languages than the usual rwx. Even if the rwx exist,
720their semantics might be different.
722(From security viewpoint testing for permissions before attempting to
723do something is silly anyway: if one tries this, there is potential
724for race conditions-- someone or something might change the
725permissions between the permissions check and the actual operation.
726Just try the operation.)
728Don't assume the UNIX user and group semantics: especially, don't
2edcc0d9 729expect the C<< $< >> and C<< $> >> (or the C<$(> and C<$)>) to work
a1667ba3 730for switching identities (or memberships).
732Don't assume set-uid and set-gid semantics. (And even if you do,
733think twice: set-uid and set-gid are a known can of security worms.)
e41182b5 735=head2 Style
737For those times when it is necessary to have platform-specific code,
738consider keeping the platform-specific code in one place, making porting
6ab3f9cb 739to other platforms easier. Use the Config module and the special
0a47030a 740variable C<$^O> to differentiate platforms, as described in
e41182b5 742
b7df3edc 743Be careful in the tests you supply with your module or programs.
744Module code may be fully portable, but its tests might not be. This
745often happens when tests spawn off other processes or call external
746programs to aid in the testing, or when (as noted above) the tests
c87488a3 747assume certain things about the filesystem and paths. Be careful not
748to depend on a specific output style for errors, such as when checking
749C<$!> after a failed system call. Using C<$!> for anything else than
750displaying it as output is doubtful (though see the Errno module for
751testing reasonably portably for error value). Some platforms expect
752a certain output format, and Perl on those platforms may have been
753adjusted accordingly. Most specifically, don't anchor a regex when
754testing an error value.
e41182b5 755
0a47030a 756=head1 CPAN Testers
e41182b5 757
0a47030a 758Modules uploaded to CPAN are tested by a variety of volunteers on
759different platforms. These CPAN testers are notified by mail of each
e41182b5 760new upload, and reply to the list with PASS, FAIL, NA (not applicable to
0a47030a 761this platform), or UNKNOWN (unknown), along with any relevant notations.
e41182b5 762
763The purpose of the testing is twofold: one, to help developers fix any
0a47030a 764problems in their code that crop up because of lack of testing on other
b7df3edc 765platforms; two, to provide users with information about whether
0a47030a 766a given module works on a given platform.
e41182b5 767
7ee27b7c 768Also see:
e41182b5 770=over 4
7ee27b7c 772=item *
774Mailing list:
776=item *
e41182b5 777
7ee27b7c 778Testing results:
e41182b5 779
e41182b5 782=head1 PLATFORMS
784As of version 5.002, Perl is built with a C<$^O> variable that
785indicates the operating system it was built on. This was implemented
b7df3edc 786to help speed up code that would otherwise have to C<use Config>
787and use the value of C<$Config{osname}>. Of course, to get more
e41182b5 788detailed information about the system, looking into C<%Config> is
789certainly recommended.
b7df3edc 791C<%Config> cannot always be trusted, however, because it was built
792at compile time. If perl was built in one place, then transferred
793elsewhere, some values may be wrong. The values may even have been
794edited after the fact.
6ab3f9cb 795
e41182b5 796=head2 Unix
798Perl works on a bewildering variety of Unix and Unix-like platforms (see
799e.g. most of the files in the F<hints/> directory in the source code kit).
800On most of these systems, the value of C<$^O> (hence C<$Config{'osname'}>,
d1e3b762 801too) is determined either by lowercasing and stripping punctuation from the
802first field of the string returned by typing C<uname -a> (or a similar command)
803at the shell prompt or by testing the file system for the presence of
804uniquely named files such as a kernel or header file. Here, for example,
805are a few of the more popular Unix flavors:
e41182b5 806
b7df3edc 807 uname $^O $Config{'archname'}
6ab3f9cb 808 --------------------------------------------
b7df3edc 809 AIX aix aix
6ab3f9cb 810 BSD/OS bsdos i386-bsdos
e1516da7 811 Darwin darwin darwin
6ab3f9cb 812 dgux dgux AViiON-dgux
813 DYNIX/ptx dynixptx i386-dynixptx
b7df3edc 814 FreeBSD freebsd freebsd-i386
df00ff3b 815 Haiku haiku BePC-haiku
d1e3b762 816 Linux linux arm-linux
b7df3edc 817 Linux linux i386-linux
6ab3f9cb 818 Linux linux i586-linux
819 Linux linux ppc-linux
b7df3edc 820 HP-UX hpux PA-RISC1.1
821 IRIX irix irix
b787fad4 822 Mac OS X darwin darwin
d1e3b762 823 NeXT 3 next next-fat
824 NeXT 4 next OPENSTEP-Mach
6ab3f9cb 825 openbsd openbsd i386-openbsd
b7df3edc 826 OSF1 dec_osf alpha-dec_osf
6ab3f9cb 827 reliantunix-n svr4 RM400-svr4
828 SCO_SV sco_sv i386-sco_sv
829 SINIX-N svr4 RM400-svr4
830 sn4609 unicos CRAY_C90-unicos
831 sn6521 unicosmk t3e-unicosmk
832 sn9617 unicos CRAY_J90-unicos
b7df3edc 833 SunOS solaris sun4-solaris
834 SunOS solaris i86pc-solaris
835 SunOS4 sunos sun4-sunos
e41182b5 836
b7df3edc 837Because the value of C<$Config{archname}> may depend on the
838hardware architecture, it can vary more than the value of C<$^O>.
6ab3f9cb 839
e41182b5 840=head2 DOS and Derivatives
b7df3edc 842Perl has long been ported to Intel-style microcomputers running under
e41182b5 843systems like PC-DOS, MS-DOS, OS/2, and most Windows platforms you can
844bring yourself to mention (except for Windows CE, if you count that).
b7df3edc 845Users familiar with I<COMMAND.COM> or I<CMD.EXE> style shells should
e41182b5 846be aware that each of these file specifications may have subtle
849 $filespec0 = "c:/foo/bar/file.txt";
850 $filespec1 = "c:\\foo\\bar\\file.txt";
851 $filespec2 = 'c:\foo\bar\file.txt';
852 $filespec3 = 'c:\\foo\\bar\\file.txt';
b7df3edc 854System calls accept either C</> or C<\> as the path separator.
855However, many command-line utilities of DOS vintage treat C</> as
856the option prefix, so may get confused by filenames containing C</>.
857Aside from calling any external programs, C</> will work just fine,
858and probably better, as it is more consistent with popular usage,
859and avoids the problem of remembering what to backwhack and what
860not to.
e41182b5 861
b7df3edc 862The DOS FAT filesystem can accommodate only "8.3" style filenames. Under
863the "case-insensitive, but case-preserving" HPFS (OS/2) and NTFS (NT)
0a47030a 864filesystems you may have to be careful about case returned with functions
e41182b5 865like C<readdir> or used with functions like C<open> or C<opendir>.
b7df3edc 867DOS also treats several filenames as special, such as AUX, PRN,
868NUL, CON, COM1, LPT1, LPT2, etc. Unfortunately, sometimes these
869filenames won't even work if you include an explicit directory
870prefix. It is best to avoid such filenames, if you want your code
871to be portable to DOS and its derivatives. It's hard to know what
872these all are, unfortunately.
e41182b5 873
874Users of these operating systems may also wish to make use of
b7df3edc 875scripts such as I<pl2bat.bat> or I<pl2cmd> to
e41182b5 876put wrappers around your scripts.
878Newline (C<\n>) is translated as C<\015\012> by STDIO when reading from
6ab3f9cb 879and writing to files (see L<"Newlines">). C<binmode(FILEHANDLE)>
880will keep C<\n> translated as C<\012> for that filehandle. Since it is a
881no-op on other systems, C<binmode> should be used for cross-platform code
b7df3edc 882that deals with binary data. That's assuming you realize in advance
883that your data is in binary. General-purpose programs should
884often assume nothing about their data.
e41182b5 885
b7df3edc 886The C<$^O> variable and the C<$Config{archname}> values for various
e41182b5 887DOSish perls are as follows:
67ac489e 889 OS $^O $Config{archname} ID Version
890 --------------------------------------------------------
891 MS-DOS dos ?
892 PC-DOS dos ?
893 OS/2 os2 ?
894 Windows 3.1 ? ? 0 3 01
895 Windows 95 MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 1 4 00
896 Windows 98 MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 1 4 10
897 Windows ME MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 1 ?
898 Windows NT MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 2 4 xx
899 Windows NT MSWin32 MSWin32-ALPHA 2 4 xx
900 Windows NT MSWin32 MSWin32-ppc 2 4 xx
7ee27b7c 901 Windows 2000 MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 2 5 00
902 Windows XP MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 2 5 01
903 Windows 2003 MSWin32 MSWin32-x86 2 5 02
67ac489e 904 Windows CE MSWin32 ? 3
7ee27b7c 905 Cygwin cygwin cygwin
e41182b5 906
34aaaa84 907The various MSWin32 Perl's can distinguish the OS they are running on
908via the value of the fifth element of the list returned from
909Win32::GetOSVersion(). For example:
911 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
912 my @os_version_info = Win32::GetOSVersion();
913 print +('3.1','95','NT')[$os_version_info[4]],"\n";
914 }
7939d86b 916There are also Win32::IsWinNT() and Win32::IsWin95(), try C<perldoc Win32>,
917and as of libwin32 0.19 (not part of the core Perl distribution)
918Win32::GetOSName(). The very portable POSIX::uname() will work too:
1d65be3a 919
920 c:\> perl -MPOSIX -we "print join '|', uname"
921 Windows NT|moonru|5.0|Build 2195 (Service Pack 2)|x86
d99f392e 922
e41182b5 923Also see:
925=over 4
c997b287 927=item *
e41182b5 928
c997b287 929The djgpp environment for DOS,
930and L<perldos>.
e41182b5 931
c997b287 932=item *
e41182b5 933
c997b287 934The EMX environment for DOS, OS/2, etc.,
935 or
f224927c 936 Also L<perlos2>.
e41182b5 937
c997b287 938=item *
d1e3b762 939
c997b287 940Build instructions for Win32 in L<perlwin32>, or under the Cygnus environment
941in L<perlcygwin>.
943=item *
945The C<Win32::*> modules in L<Win32>.
947=item *
949The ActiveState Pages,
951=item *
953The Cygwin environment for Win32; F<README.cygwin> (installed
47dafe4d 954as L<perlcygwin>),
c997b287 955
956=item *
958The U/WIN environment for Win32,
cea6626f 959
c997b287 960
cea6626f 961=item *
d1e3b762 962
cea6626f 963Build instructions for OS/2, L<perlos2>
d1e3b762 964
e41182b5 965=back
dd9f0070 967=head2 S<Mac OS>
e41182b5 968
969Any module requiring XS compilation is right out for most people, because
970MacPerl is built using non-free (and non-cheap!) compilers. Some XS
971modules that can work with MacPerl are built and distributed in binary
6ab3f9cb 972form on CPAN.
e41182b5 973
974Directories are specified as:
976 volume:folder:file for absolute pathnames
977 volume:folder: for absolute pathnames
978 :folder:file for relative pathnames
979 :folder: for relative pathnames
980 :file for relative pathnames
981 file for relative pathnames
b7df3edc 983Files are stored in the directory in alphabetical order. Filenames are
6ab3f9cb 984limited to 31 characters, and may include any character except for
b7df3edc 985null and C<:>, which is reserved as the path separator.
e41182b5 986
0a47030a 987Instead of C<flock>, see C<FSpSetFLock> and C<FSpRstFLock> in the
6ab3f9cb 988Mac::Files module, or C<chmod(0444, ...)> and C<chmod(0666, ...)>.
e41182b5 989
990In the MacPerl application, you can't run a program from the command line;
991programs that expect C<@ARGV> to be populated can be edited with something
992like the following, which brings up a dialog box asking for the command
993line arguments.
995 if (!@ARGV) {
996 @ARGV = split /\s+/, MacPerl::Ask('Arguments?');
997 }
b7df3edc 999A MacPerl script saved as a "droplet" will populate C<@ARGV> with the full
e41182b5 1000pathnames of the files dropped onto the script.
b7df3edc 1002Mac users can run programs under a type of command line interface
1003under MPW (Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, a free development
1004environment from Apple). MacPerl was first introduced as an MPW
1005tool, and MPW can be used like a shell:
e41182b5 1006
1007 perl myscript.plx some arguments
1009ToolServer is another app from Apple that provides access to MPW tools
0a47030a 1010from MPW and the MacPerl app, which allows MacPerl programs to use
e41182b5 1011C<system>, backticks, and piped C<open>.
1013"S<Mac OS>" is the proper name for the operating system, but the value
1014in C<$^O> is "MacOS". To determine architecture, version, or whether
1015the application or MPW tool version is running, check:
1017 $is_app = $MacPerl::Version =~ /App/;
1018 $is_tool = $MacPerl::Version =~ /MPW/;
1019 ($version) = $MacPerl::Version =~ /^(\S+)/;
1020 $is_ppc = $MacPerl::Architecture eq 'MacPPC';
1021 $is_68k = $MacPerl::Architecture eq 'Mac68K';
b787fad4 1023S<Mac OS X>, based on NeXT's OpenStep OS, runs MacPerl natively, under the
1024"Classic" environment. There is no "Carbon" version of MacPerl to run
1025under the primary Mac OS X environment. S<Mac OS X> and its Open Source
1026version, Darwin, both run Unix perl natively.
6ab3f9cb 1027
e41182b5 1028Also see:
1030=over 4
c997b287 1032=item *
862b5365 1034MacPerl Development, .
c997b287 1035
1036=item *
862b5365 1038The MacPerl Pages, .
e41182b5 1039
c997b287 1040=item *
6ab3f9cb 1041
862b5365 1042The MacPerl mailing lists, .
e41182b5 1043
7ee27b7c 1044=item *
e41182b5 1048=back
e41182b5 1050=head2 VMS
c997b287 1052Perl on VMS is discussed in L<perlvms> in the perl distribution.
016930a6 1053
1054The official name of VMS as of this writing is OpenVMS.
b7df3edc 1056Perl on VMS can accept either VMS- or Unix-style file
e41182b5 1057specifications as in either of the following:
1059 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM
1060 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" /sys$login/
1062but not a mixture of both as in:
1064 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" sys$login:/
1065 Can't open sys$login:/ file specification syntax error
1067Interacting with Perl from the Digital Command Language (DCL) shell
1068often requires a different set of quotation marks than Unix shells do.
1069For example:
1071 $ perl -e "print ""Hello, world.\n"""
1072 Hello, world.
b7df3edc 1074There are several ways to wrap your perl scripts in DCL F<.COM> files, if
e41182b5 1075you are so inclined. For example:
1077 $ write sys$output "Hello from DCL!"
1078 $ if p1 .eqs. ""
1079 $ then perl -x 'f$environment("PROCEDURE")
1080 $ else perl -x - 'p1 'p2 'p3 'p4 'p5 'p6 'p7 'p8
1081 $ deck/dollars="__END__"
1082 #!/usr/bin/perl
1084 print "Hello from Perl!\n";
1086 __END__
1087 $ endif
1089Do take care with C<$ ASSIGN/nolog/user SYS$COMMAND: SYS$INPUT> if your
c47ff5f1 1090perl-in-DCL script expects to do things like C<< $read = <STDIN>; >>.
e41182b5 1091
016930a6 1092The VMS operating system has two filesystems, known as ODS-2 and ODS-5.
1094For ODS-2, filenames are in the format "name.extension;version". The
1095maximum length for filenames is 39 characters, and the maximum length for
e41182b5 1096extensions is also 39 characters. Version is a number from 1 to
109732767. Valid characters are C</[A-Z0-9$_-]/>.
016930a6 1099The ODS-2 filesystem is case-insensitive and does not preserve case.
1100Perl simulates this by converting all filenames to lowercase internally.
1102For ODS-5, filenames may have almost any character in them and can include
1103Unicode characters. Characters that could be misinterpreted by the DCL
1104shell or file parsing utilities need to be prefixed with the C<^>
1105character, or replaced with hexadecimal characters prefixed with the
1106C<^> character. Such prefixing is only needed with the pathnames are
1107in VMS format in applications. Programs that can accept the UNIX format
1108of pathnames do not need the escape characters. The maximum length for
1109filenames is 255 characters. The ODS-5 file system can handle both
1110a case preserved and a case sensitive mode.
1112ODS-5 is only available on the OpenVMS for 64 bit platforms.
1114Support for the extended file specifications is being done as optional
1115settings to preserve backward compatibility with Perl scripts that
1116assume the previous VMS limitations.
1118In general routines on VMS that get a UNIX format file specification
1119should return it in a UNIX format, and when they get a VMS format
1120specification they should return a VMS format unless they are documented
1121to do a conversion.
1123For routines that generate return a file specification, VMS allows setting
1124if the C library which Perl is built on if it will be returned in VMS
1125format or in UNIX format.
1127With the ODS-2 file system, there is not much difference in syntax of
1128filenames without paths for VMS or UNIX. With the extended character
1129set available with ODS-5 there can be a significant difference.
1131Because of this, existing Perl scripts written for VMS were sometimes
1132treating VMS and UNIX filenames interchangeably. Without the extended
1133character set enabled, this behavior will mostly be maintained for
1134backwards compatibility.
1136When extended characters are enabled with ODS-5, the handling of
1137UNIX formatted file specifications is to that of a UNIX system.
1139VMS file specifications without extensions have a trailing dot. An
1140equivalent UNIX file specification should not show the trailing dot.
1142The result of all of this, is that for VMS, for portable scripts, you
1143can not depend on Perl to present the filenames in lowercase, to be
1144case sensitive, and that the filenames could be returned in either
1145UNIX or VMS format.
1147And if a routine returns a file specification, unless it is intended to
1148convert it, it should return it in the same format as it found it.
1150C<readdir> by default has traditionally returned lowercased filenames.
1151When the ODS-5 support is enabled, it will return the exact case of the
1152filename on the disk.
1154Files without extensions have a trailing period on them, so doing a
1155C<readdir> in the default mode with a file named F<A.;5> will
1156return F<a.> when VMS is (though that file could be opened with
0a47030a 1157C<open(FH, 'A')>).
e41182b5 1158
016930a6 1159With support for extended file specifications and if C<opendir> was
1160given a UNIX format directory, a file named F<A.;5> will return F<a>
1161and optionally in the exact case on the disk. When C<opendir> is given
1162a VMS format directory, then C<readdir> should return F<a.>, and
1163again with the optionally the exact case.
f34d0673 1165RMS had an eight level limit on directory depths from any rooted logical
1089a9e3 1166(allowing 16 levels overall) prior to VMS 7.2, and even with versions of
1167VMS on VAX up through 7.3. Hence C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is a
1168valid directory specification but C<PERL_ROOT:[LIB.]> is
1169not. F<Makefile.PL> authors might have to take this into account, but at
1170least they can refer to the former as C</PERL_ROOT/lib/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/>.
1172Pumpkings and module integrators can easily see whether files with too many
1173directory levels have snuck into the core by running the following in the
1174top-level source directory:
1176 $ perl -ne "$_=~s/\s+.*//; print if scalar(split /\//) > 8;" < MANIFEST
e41182b5 1178
6ab3f9cb 1179The VMS::Filespec module, which gets installed as part of the build
0a47030a 1180process on VMS, is a pure Perl module that can easily be installed on
1181non-VMS platforms and can be helpful for conversions to and from RMS
016930a6 1182native formats. It is also now the only way that you should check to
1183see if VMS is in a case sensitive mode.
e41182b5 1184
5e12dbfa 1185What C<\n> represents depends on the type of file opened. It usually
1186represents C<\012> but it could also be C<\015>, C<\012>, C<\015\012>,
fa11829f 1187C<\000>, C<\040>, or nothing depending on the file organization and
5e12dbfa 1188record format. The VMS::Stdio module provides access to the
1189special fopen() requirements of files with unusual attributes on VMS.
e41182b5 1190
1191TCP/IP stacks are optional on VMS, so socket routines might not be
1192implemented. UDP sockets may not be supported.
016930a6 1194The TCP/IP library support for all current versions of VMS is dynamically
1195loaded if present, so even if the routines are configured, they may
1196return a status indicating that they are not implemented.
e41182b5 1198The value of C<$^O> on OpenVMS is "VMS". To determine the architecture
1199that you are running on without resorting to loading all of C<%Config>
1200you can examine the content of the C<@INC> array like so:
1202 if (grep(/VMS_AXP/, @INC)) {
1203 print "I'm on Alpha!\n";
6ab3f9cb 1204
e41182b5 1205 } elsif (grep(/VMS_VAX/, @INC)) {
1206 print "I'm on VAX!\n";
6ab3f9cb 1207
016930a6 1208 } elsif (grep(/VMS_IA64/, @INC)) {
1209 print "I'm on IA64!\n";
e41182b5 1211 } else {
1212 print "I'm not so sure about where $^O is...\n";
1213 }
016930a6 1215In general, the significant differences should only be if Perl is running
1216on VMS_VAX or one of the 64 bit OpenVMS platforms.
b7df3edc 1218On VMS, perl determines the UTC offset from the C<SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL>
1219logical name. Although the VMS epoch began at 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00,
6ab3f9cb 1220calls to C<localtime> are adjusted to count offsets from
b7df3edc 122101-JAN-1970 00:00:00.00, just like Unix.
6ab3f9cb 1222
e41182b5 1223Also see:
1225=over 4
c997b287 1227=item *
1229F<README.vms> (installed as L<README_vms>), L<perlvms>
1231=item *
1089a9e3 1233vmsperl list,
e41182b5 1234
c997b287 1235=item *
e41182b5 1236
c997b287 1237vmsperl on the web,
e41182b5 1238
495c5fdc 1241=head2 VOS
9a997319 1243Perl on VOS is discussed in F<README.vos> in the perl distribution
1244(installed as L<perlvos>). Perl on VOS can accept either VOS- or
1245Unix-style file specifications as in either of the following:
495c5fdc 1246
ea8b8ad2 1247 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" >system>notices
1248 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" /system/notices
495c5fdc 1249
1250or even a mixture of both as in:
ea8b8ad2 1252 $ perl -ne "print if /perl_setup/i" >system/notices
495c5fdc 1253
b7df3edc 1254Even though VOS allows the slash character to appear in object
495c5fdc 1255names, because the VOS port of Perl interprets it as a pathname
1256delimiting character, VOS files, directories, or links whose names
1257contain a slash character cannot be processed. Such files must be
a3dfe201 1258renamed before they can be processed by Perl. Note that VOS limits
b449fc5b 1259file names to 32 or fewer characters, file names cannot start with a
1260C<-> character, or contain any character matching C<< tr/ !%&'()*+;<>?// >>
495c5fdc 1261
495c5fdc 1262The value of C<$^O> on VOS is "VOS". To determine the architecture that
1263you are running on without resorting to loading all of C<%Config> you
c997b287 1264can examine the content of the @INC array like so:
495c5fdc 1265
24e8e380 1266 if ($^O =~ /VOS/) {
495c5fdc 1267 print "I'm on a Stratus box!\n";
1268 } else {
1269 print "I'm not on a Stratus box!\n";
1270 die;
1271 }
495c5fdc 1273Also see:
1275=over 4
c997b287 1277=item *
495c5fdc 1278
cc07ed0b 1279F<README.vos> (installed as L<perlvos>)
c997b287 1280
1281=item *
1283The VOS mailing list.
495c5fdc 1284
1285There is no specific mailing list for Perl on VOS. You can post
1286comments to the comp.sys.stratus newsgroup, or subscribe to the general
cc07ed0b 1287Stratus mailing list. Send a letter with "subscribe Info-Stratus" in
495c5fdc 1288the message body to
c997b287 1290=item *
cc07ed0b 1292VOS Perl on the web at
495c5fdc 1293
e41182b5 1296=head2 EBCDIC Platforms
1298Recent versions of Perl have been ported to platforms such as OS/400 on
d1e3b762 1299AS/400 minicomputers as well as OS/390, VM/ESA, and BS2000 for S/390
1300Mainframes. Such computers use EBCDIC character sets internally (usually
0cc436d0 1301Character Code Set ID 0037 for OS/400 and either 1047 or POSIX-BC for S/390
1302systems). On the mainframe perl currently works under the "Unix system
1303services for OS/390" (formerly known as OpenEdition), VM/ESA OpenEdition, or
1304the BS200 POSIX-BC system (BS2000 is supported in perl 5.6 and greater).
522b859a 1305See L<perlos390> for details. Note that for OS/400 there is also a port of
1306Perl 5.8.1/5.9.0 or later to the PASE which is ASCII-based (as opposed to
1307ILE which is EBCDIC-based), see L<perlos400>.
e41182b5 1308
7c5ffed3 1309As of R2.5 of USS for OS/390 and Version 2.3 of VM/ESA these Unix
1310sub-systems do not support the C<#!> shebang trick for script invocation.
1311Hence, on OS/390 and VM/ESA perl scripts can be executed with a header
1312similar to the following simple script:
e41182b5 1313
1314 : # use perl
1315 eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
1316 if 0;
1317 #!/usr/local/bin/perl # just a comment really
1319 print "Hello from perl!\n";
d1e3b762 1321OS/390 will support the C<#!> shebang trick in release 2.8 and beyond.
1322Calls to C<system> and backticks can use POSIX shell syntax on all
1323S/390 systems.
b7df3edc 1325On the AS/400, if PERL5 is in your library list, you may need
6ab3f9cb 1326to wrap your perl scripts in a CL procedure to invoke them like so:
1328 BEGIN
1329 CALL PGM(PERL5/PERL) PARM('/QOpenSys/')
1332This will invoke the perl script F<> in the root of the
1333QOpenSys file system. On the AS/400 calls to C<system> or backticks
1334must use CL syntax.
e41182b5 1336On these platforms, bear in mind that the EBCDIC character set may have
0a47030a 1337an effect on what happens with some perl functions (such as C<chr>,
1338C<pack>, C<print>, C<printf>, C<ord>, C<sort>, C<sprintf>, C<unpack>), as
1339well as bit-fiddling with ASCII constants using operators like C<^>, C<&>
1340and C<|>, not to mention dealing with socket interfaces to ASCII computers
6ab3f9cb 1341(see L<"Newlines">).
e41182b5 1342
b7df3edc 1343Fortunately, most web servers for the mainframe will correctly
1344translate the C<\n> in the following statement to its ASCII equivalent
1345(C<\r> is the same under both Unix and OS/390 & VM/ESA):
e41182b5 1346
1347 print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";
d1e3b762 1349The values of C<$^O> on some of these platforms includes:
e41182b5 1350
d1e3b762 1351 uname $^O $Config{'archname'}
1352 --------------------------------------------
1353 OS/390 os390 os390
1354 OS400 os400 os400
1355 POSIX-BC posix-bc BS2000-posix-bc
1356 VM/ESA vmesa vmesa
3c075c7d 1357
e41182b5 1358Some simple tricks for determining if you are running on an EBCDIC
1359platform could include any of the following (perhaps all):
1361 if ("\t" eq "\05") { print "EBCDIC may be spoken here!\n"; }
1363 if (ord('A') == 193) { print "EBCDIC may be spoken here!\n"; }
1365 if (chr(169) eq 'z') { print "EBCDIC may be spoken here!\n"; }
b7df3edc 1367One thing you may not want to rely on is the EBCDIC encoding
0a47030a 1368of punctuation characters since these may differ from code page to code
1369page (and once your module or script is rumoured to work with EBCDIC,
1370folks will want it to work with all EBCDIC character sets).
e41182b5 1371
1372Also see:
1374=over 4
c997b287 1376=item *
dc5c060f 1378L<perlos390>, F<README.os390>, F<perlbs2000>, F<README.vmesa>,
bb462878 1379L<perlebcdic>.
c997b287 1380
1381=item *
e41182b5 1382
1383The list is for discussion of porting issues as well as
1384general usage issues for all EBCDIC Perls. Send a message body of
1385"subscribe perl-mvs" to
7ee27b7c 1387=item *
c997b287 1388
1389AS/400 Perl information at
b1866b2d 1390
d1e3b762 1391as well as on CPAN in the F<ports/> directory.
e41182b5 1392
b8099c3d 1395=head2 Acorn RISC OS
b7df3edc 1397Because Acorns use ASCII with newlines (C<\n>) in text files as C<\012> like
1398Unix, and because Unix filename emulation is turned on by default,
1399most simple scripts will probably work "out of the box". The native
6ab3f9cb 1400filesystem is modular, and individual filesystems are free to be
0a47030a 1401case-sensitive or insensitive, and are usually case-preserving. Some
b7df3edc 1402native filesystems have name length limits, which file and directory
6ab3f9cb 1403names are silently truncated to fit. Scripts should be aware that the
1404standard filesystem currently has a name length limit of B<10>
1405characters, with up to 77 items in a directory, but other filesystems
0a47030a 1406may not impose such limitations.
b8099c3d 1407
1408Native filenames are of the form
6ab3f9cb 1410 Filesystem#Special_Field::DiskName.$.Directory.Directory.File
dd9f0070 1411
b8099c3d 1412where
1414 Special_Field is not usually present, but may contain . and $ .
1415 Filesystem =~ m|[A-Za-z0-9_]|
1416 DsicName =~ m|[A-Za-z0-9_/]|
1417 $ represents the root directory
1418 . is the path separator
1419 @ is the current directory (per filesystem but machine global)
1420 ^ is the parent directory
1421 Directory and File =~ m|[^\0- "\.\$\%\&:\@\\^\|\177]+|
1423The default filename translation is roughly C<tr|/.|./|;>
6ab3f9cb 1425Note that C<"ADFS::HardDisk.$.File" ne 'ADFS::HardDisk.$.File'> and that
0a47030a 1426the second stage of C<$> interpolation in regular expressions will fall
1427foul of the C<$.> if scripts are not careful.
1429Logical paths specified by system variables containing comma-separated
b7df3edc 1430search lists are also allowed; hence C<System:Modules> is a valid
0a47030a 1431filename, and the filesystem will prefix C<Modules> with each section of
6ab3f9cb 1432C<System$Path> until a name is made that points to an object on disk.
b7df3edc 1433Writing to a new file C<System:Modules> would be allowed only if
0a47030a 1434C<System$Path> contains a single item list. The filesystem will also
1435expand system variables in filenames if enclosed in angle brackets, so
c47ff5f1 1436C<< <System$Dir>.Modules >> would look for the file
0a47030a 1437S<C<$ENV{'System$Dir'} . 'Modules'>>. The obvious implication of this is
c47ff5f1 1438that B<fully qualified filenames can start with C<< <> >>> and should
0a47030a 1439be protected when C<open> is used for input.
b8099c3d 1440
1441Because C<.> was in use as a directory separator and filenames could not
1442be assumed to be unique after 10 characters, Acorn implemented the C
1443compiler to strip the trailing C<.c> C<.h> C<.s> and C<.o> suffix from
1444filenames specified in source code and store the respective files in
b7df3edc 1445subdirectories named after the suffix. Hence files are translated:
b8099c3d 1446
1447 foo.h
1448 C:foo.h (logical path variable)
1449 sys/os.h sys.h.os (C compiler groks Unix-speak)
1450 10charname.c c.10charname
1451 10charname.o o.10charname
1452 11charname_.c c.11charname (assuming filesystem truncates at 10)
1454The Unix emulation library's translation of filenames to native assumes
b7df3edc 1455that this sort of translation is required, and it allows a user-defined list
1456of known suffixes that it will transpose in this fashion. This may
1457seem transparent, but consider that with these rules C<foo/bar/baz.h>
0a47030a 1458and C<foo/bar/h/baz> both map to C<>, and that C<readdir> and
1459C<glob> cannot and do not attempt to emulate the reverse mapping. Other
6ab3f9cb 1460C<.>'s in filenames are translated to C</>.
0a47030a 1461
b7df3edc 1462As implied above, the environment accessed through C<%ENV> is global, and
0a47030a 1463the convention is that program specific environment variables are of the
6ab3f9cb 1464form C<Program$Name>. Each filesystem maintains a current directory,
1465and the current filesystem's current directory is the B<global> current
b7df3edc 1466directory. Consequently, sociable programs don't change the current
1467directory but rely on full pathnames, and programs (and Makefiles) cannot
0a47030a 1468assume that they can spawn a child process which can change the current
1469directory without affecting its parent (and everyone else for that
b7df3edc 1472Because native operating system filehandles are global and are currently
1473allocated down from 255, with 0 being a reserved value, the Unix emulation
0a47030a 1474library emulates Unix filehandles. Consequently, you can't rely on
1475passing C<STDIN>, C<STDOUT>, or C<STDERR> to your children.
1477The desire of users to express filenames of the form
c47ff5f1 1478C<< <Foo$Dir>.Bar >> on the command line unquoted causes problems,
0a47030a 1479too: C<``> command output capture has to perform a guessing game. It
c47ff5f1 1480assumes that a string C<< <[^<>]+\$[^<>]> >> is a
0a47030a 1481reference to an environment variable, whereas anything else involving
c47ff5f1 1482C<< < >> or C<< > >> is redirection, and generally manages to be 99%
0a47030a 1483right. Of course, the problem remains that scripts cannot rely on any
1484Unix tools being available, or that any tools found have Unix-like command
1485line arguments.
b7df3edc 1487Extensions and XS are, in theory, buildable by anyone using free
1488tools. In practice, many don't, as users of the Acorn platform are
1489used to binary distributions. MakeMaker does run, but no available
1490make currently copes with MakeMaker's makefiles; even if and when
1491this should be fixed, the lack of a Unix-like shell will cause
1492problems with makefile rules, especially lines of the form C<cd
1493sdbm && make all>, and anything using quoting.
b8099c3d 1494
1495"S<RISC OS>" is the proper name for the operating system, but the value
1496in C<$^O> is "riscos" (because we don't like shouting).
e41182b5 1498=head2 Other perls
b7df3edc 1500Perl has been ported to many platforms that do not fit into any of
cd86ed9d 1501the categories listed above. Some, such as AmigaOS, BeOS, HP MPE/iX,
1502QNX, Plan 9, and VOS, have been well-integrated into the standard
1503Perl source code kit. You may need to see the F<ports/> directory
1504on CPAN for information, and possibly binaries, for the likes of:
1505aos, Atari ST, lynxos, riscos, Novell Netware, Tandem Guardian,
1506I<etc.> (Yes, we know that some of these OSes may fall under the
1507Unix category, but we are not a standards body.)
e41182b5 1508
d1e3b762 1509Some approximate operating system names and their C<$^O> values
1510in the "OTHER" category include:
1512 OS $^O $Config{'archname'}
1513 ------------------------------------------
1514 Amiga DOS amigaos m68k-amigos
cec2c193 1515 BeOS beos
d1e3b762 1516 MPE/iX mpeix PA-RISC1.1
e41182b5 1518See also:
1520=over 4
c997b287 1522=item *
1524Amiga, F<README.amiga> (installed as L<perlamiga>).
1526=item *
d1e3b762 1527
c997b287 1528Be OS, F<README.beos>
e41182b5 1529
c997b287 1530=item *
1532HP 300 MPE/iX, F<README.mpeix> and Mark Bixby's web page
34aaaa84 1533
c997b287 1534
1535=item *
e41182b5 1536
6ab3f9cb 1537A free perl5-based PERL.NLM for Novell Netware is available in
c997b287 1538precompiled binary and source code form from
6ab3f9cb 1539as well as from CPAN.
e41182b5 1540
13a2d996 1541=item *
c997b287 1542
e6f03d26 1543S<Plan 9>, F<README.plan9>
d1e3b762 1544
e41182b5 1545=back
b7df3edc 1549Listed below are functions that are either completely unimplemented
1550or else have been implemented differently on various platforms.
1551Following each description will be, in parentheses, a list of
1552platforms that the description applies to.
e41182b5 1553
b7df3edc 1554The list may well be incomplete, or even wrong in some places. When
1555in doubt, consult the platform-specific README files in the Perl
1556source distribution, and any other documentation resources accompanying
1557a given port.
e41182b5 1558
0a47030a 1559Be aware, moreover, that even among Unix-ish systems there are variations.
e41182b5 1560
b7df3edc 1561For many functions, you can also query C<%Config>, exported by
1562default from the Config module. For example, to check whether the
1563platform has the C<lstat> call, check C<$Config{d_lstat}>. See
1564L<Config> for a full description of available variables.
e41182b5 1565
1566=head2 Alphabetical Listing of Perl Functions
1568=over 8
e41182b5 1570=item -X
b7df3edc 1572C<-r>, C<-w>, and C<-x> have a limited meaning only; directories
e41182b5 1573and applications are executable, and there are no uid/gid
b7df3edc 1574considerations. C<-o> is not supported. (S<Mac OS>)
e41182b5 1575
038ae9a4 1576C<-w> only inspects the read-only file attribute (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY),
1577which determines whether the directory can be deleted, not whether it can
1578be written to. Directories always have read and write access unless denied
1579by discretionary access control lists (DACLs). (S<Win32>)
b7df3edc 1581C<-r>, C<-w>, C<-x>, and C<-o> tell whether the file is accessible,
1582which may not reflect UIC-based file protections. (VMS)
e41182b5 1583
b8099c3d 1584C<-s> returns the size of the data fork, not the total size of data fork
1585plus resource fork. (S<Mac OS>).
1587C<-s> by name on an open file will return the space reserved on disk,
1588rather than the current extent. C<-s> on an open filehandle returns the
b7df3edc 1589current size. (S<RISC OS>)
b8099c3d 1590
e41182b5 1591C<-R>, C<-W>, C<-X>, C<-O> are indistinguishable from C<-r>, C<-w>,
b8099c3d 1592C<-x>, C<-o>. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1593
1594C<-b>, C<-c>, C<-k>, C<-g>, C<-p>, C<-u>, C<-A> are not implemented.
1595(S<Mac OS>)
287a962e 1597C<-g>, C<-k>, C<-l>, C<-u>, C<-A> are not particularly meaningful.
b8099c3d 1598(Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1599
287a962e 1600C<-p> is not particularly meaningful. (VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1602C<-d> is true if passed a device spec without an explicit directory.
1605C<-T> and C<-B> are implemented, but might misclassify Mac text files
0a47030a 1606with foreign characters; this is the case will all platforms, but may
b7df3edc 1607affect S<Mac OS> often. (S<Mac OS>)
e41182b5 1608
1609C<-x> (or C<-X>) determine if a file ends in one of the executable
b7df3edc 1610suffixes. C<-S> is meaningless. (Win32)
e41182b5 1611
b8099c3d 1612C<-x> (or C<-X>) determine if a file has an executable file type.
1613(S<RISC OS>)
47cd99a4 1615=item atan2
519bc777 1616
1617Due to issues with various CPUs, math libraries, compilers, and standards,
1618results for C<atan2()> may vary depending on any combination of the above.
1619Perl attempts to conform to the Open Group/IEEE standards for the results
1620returned from C<atan2()>, but cannot force the issue if the system Perl is
1621run on does not allow it. (Tru64, HP-UX 10.20)
1623The current version of the standards for C<atan2()> is available at
47cd99a4 1626=item binmode
e41182b5 1627
b7df3edc 1628Meaningless. (S<Mac OS>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1629
1630Reopens file and restores pointer; if function fails, underlying
1631filehandle may be closed, or pointer may be in a different position.
1634The value returned by C<tell> may be affected after the call, and
1635the filehandle may be flushed. (Win32)
47cd99a4 1637=item chmod
e41182b5 1638
b7df3edc 1639Only limited meaning. Disabling/enabling write permission is mapped to
e41182b5 1640locking/unlocking the file. (S<Mac OS>)
1642Only good for changing "owner" read-write access, "group", and "other"
1643bits are meaningless. (Win32)
b8099c3d 1645Only good for changing "owner" and "other" read-write access. (S<RISC OS>)
495c5fdc 1647Access permissions are mapped onto VOS access-control list changes. (VOS)
4e51f8e4 1649The actual permissions set depend on the value of the C<CYGWIN>
789f0d36 1650in the SYSTEM environment settings. (Cygwin)
4e51f8e4 1651
47cd99a4 1652=item chown
e41182b5 1653
3fd80bd6 1654Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1655
1656Does nothing, but won't fail. (Win32)
3fd80bd6 1658A little funky, because VOS's notion of ownership is a little funky (VOS).
e41182b5 1660=item chroot
e6f03d26 1662Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>, VOS, VM/ESA)
e41182b5 1663
47cd99a4 1664=item crypt
e41182b5 1665
1666May not be available if library or source was not provided when building
b8099c3d 1667perl. (Win32)
e41182b5 1668
47cd99a4 1669=item dbmclose
e41182b5 1670
e6f03d26 1671Not implemented. (VMS, S<Plan 9>, VOS)
e41182b5 1672
47cd99a4 1673=item dbmopen
e41182b5 1674
e6f03d26 1675Not implemented. (VMS, S<Plan 9>, VOS)
e41182b5 1676
47cd99a4 1677=item dump
e41182b5 1678
b8099c3d 1679Not useful. (S<Mac OS>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1680
84d78eb7 1681Not supported. (Cygwin, Win32)
e41182b5 1682
b8099c3d 1683Invokes VMS debugger. (VMS)
e41182b5 1684
47cd99a4 1685=item exec
e41182b5 1686
1687Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>)
7c5ffed3 1689Implemented via Spawn. (VM/ESA)
3c075c7d 1690
0f897271 1691Does not automatically flush output handles on some platforms.
1692(SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX)
fe12c0e8 1694=item exit
1696Emulates UNIX exit() (which considers C<exit 1> to indicate an error) by
1697mapping the C<1> to SS$_ABORT (C<44>). This behavior may be overridden
1698with the pragma C<use vmsish 'exit'>. As with the CRTL's exit()
1699function, C<exit 0> is also mapped to an exit status of SS$_NORMAL
1700(C<1>); this mapping cannot be overridden. Any other argument to exit()
016930a6 1701is used directly as Perl's exit status. On VMS, unless the future
1702POSIX_EXIT mode is enabled, the exit code should always be a valid
1703VMS exit code and not a generic number. When the POSIX_EXIT mode is
1704enabled, a generic number will be encoded in a method compatible with
1705the C library _POSIX_EXIT macro so that it can be decoded by other
1706programs, particularly ones written in C, like the GNV package. (VMS)
fe12c0e8 1707
47cd99a4 1708=item fcntl
e41182b5 1709
016930a6 1710Not implemented. (Win32)
1711Some functions available based on the version of VMS. (VMS)
e41182b5 1712
47cd99a4 1713=item flock
e41182b5 1714
495c5fdc 1715Not implemented (S<Mac OS>, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS).
e41182b5 1716
1717Available only on Windows NT (not on Windows 95). (Win32)
1719=item fork
3fd80bd6 1721Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, AmigaOS, S<RISC OS>, VM/ESA, VMS)
0f897271 1722
1723Emulated using multiple interpreters. See L<perlfork>. (Win32)
1725Does not automatically flush output handles on some platforms.
1726(SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX)
e41182b5 1727
1728=item getlogin
b8099c3d 1730Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1731
47cd99a4 1732=item getpgrp
e41182b5 1733
3fd80bd6 1734Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1735
1736=item getppid
41cbbefa 1738Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1739
47cd99a4 1740=item getpriority
e41182b5 1741
7c5ffed3 1742Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS, VM/ESA)
e41182b5 1743
47cd99a4 1744=item getpwnam
e41182b5 1745
1746Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32)
b8099c3d 1748Not useful. (S<RISC OS>)
47cd99a4 1750=item getgrnam
e41182b5 1751
b8099c3d 1752Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1753
47cd99a4 1754=item getnetbyname
e41182b5 1755
e6f03d26 1756Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1757
47cd99a4 1758=item getpwuid
e41182b5 1759
1760Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32)
b8099c3d 1762Not useful. (S<RISC OS>)
47cd99a4 1764=item getgrgid
e41182b5 1765
b8099c3d 1766Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1767
47cd99a4 1768=item getnetbyaddr
e41182b5 1769
e6f03d26 1770Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1771
47cd99a4 1772=item getprotobynumber
e41182b5 1773
1774Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>)
47cd99a4 1776=item getservbyport
e41182b5 1777
1778Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>)
1780=item getpwent
7c5ffed3 1782Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VM/ESA)
e41182b5 1783
1784=item getgrent
7c5ffed3 1786Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, VM/ESA)
e41182b5 1787
ef5a6dd7 1788=item gethostbyname
1790C<gethostbyname('localhost')> does not work everywhere: you may have
1791to use C<gethostbyname('')>. (S<Mac OS>, S<Irix 5>)
e41182b5 1793=item gethostent
1795Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32)
1797=item getnetent
e6f03d26 1799Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1800
1801=item getprotoent
e6f03d26 1803Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1804
1805=item getservent
e6f03d26 1807Not implemented. (Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1808
47cd99a4 1809=item sethostent
e41182b5 1810
e6f03d26 1811Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1812
47cd99a4 1813=item setnetent
e41182b5 1814
e6f03d26 1815Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1816
47cd99a4 1817=item setprotoent
e41182b5 1818
e6f03d26 1819Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1820
47cd99a4 1821=item setservent
e41182b5 1822
e6f03d26 1823Not implemented. (S<Plan 9>, Win32, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1824
1825=item endpwent
a3dfe201 1827Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, MPE/iX, VM/ESA, Win32)
e41182b5 1828
1829=item endgrent
a3dfe201 1831Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, MPE/iX, S<RISC OS>, VM/ESA, VMS, Win32)
e41182b5 1832
1833=item endhostent
1835Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32)
1837=item endnetent
e6f03d26 1839Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1840
1841=item endprotoent
e6f03d26 1843Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1844
1845=item endservent
e6f03d26 1847Not implemented. (S<Plan 9>, Win32)
e41182b5 1848
1849=item getsockopt SOCKET,LEVEL,OPTNAME
e6f03d26 1851Not implemented. (S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1852
e41182b5 1853=item glob
63f87e49 1855This operator is implemented via the File::Glob extension on most
1856platforms. See L<File::Glob> for portability information.
b8099c3d 1857
62aa5637 1858=item gmtime
461d5a49 1860In theory, gmtime() is reliable from -2**63 to 2**63-1. However,
1861because work arounds in the implementation use floating point numbers,
1862it will become inaccurate as the time gets larger. This is a bug and
1863will be fixed in the future.
62aa5637 1864
e41182b5 1865=item ioctl FILEHANDLE,FUNCTION,SCALAR
1867Not implemented. (VMS)
1869Available only for socket handles, and it does what the ioctlsocket() call
1870in the Winsock API does. (Win32)
b8099c3d 1872Available only for socket handles. (S<RISC OS>)
47cd99a4 1874=item kill
e41182b5 1875
862b5365 1876C<kill(0, LIST)> is implemented for the sake of taint checking;
1877use with other signals is unimplemented. (S<Mac OS>)
1879Not implemented, hence not useful for taint checking. (S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1880
63f87e49 1881C<kill()> doesn't have the semantics of C<raise()>, i.e. it doesn't send
1882a signal to the identified process like it does on Unix platforms.
1883Instead C<kill($sig, $pid)> terminates the process identified by $pid,
1884and makes it exit immediately with exit status $sig. As in Unix, if
1885$sig is 0 and the specified process exists, it returns true without
1886actually terminating it. (Win32)
e41182b5 1887
d0302514 1888C<kill(-9, $pid)> will terminate the process specified by $pid and
1889recursively all child processes owned by it. This is different from
1890the Unix semantics, where the signal will be delivered to all
1891processes in the same process group as the process specified by
1892$pid. (Win32)
016930a6 1894Is not supported for process identification number of 0 or negative
1895numbers. (VMS)
47cd99a4 1897=item link
e41182b5 1898
016930a6 1899Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, MPE/iX, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1900
433acd8a 1901Link count not updated because hard links are not quite that hard
1902(They are sort of half-way between hard and soft links). (AmigaOS)
63d6c08b 1904Hard links are implemented on Win32 under NTFS only. They are
1905natively supported on Windows 2000 and later. On Windows NT they
1906are implemented using the Windows POSIX subsystem support and the
1907Perl process will need Administrator or Backup Operator privileges
1908to create hard links.
a3dfe201 1909
016930a6 1910Available on 64 bit OpenVMS 8.2 and later. (VMS)
62aa5637 1912=item localtime
dc164757 1914localtime() has the same range as L<gmtime>, but because time zone
1915rules change its accuracy for historical and future times may degrade
1916but usually by no more than an hour.
62aa5637 1917
e41182b5 1918=item lstat
016930a6 1920Not implemented. (S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1921
63f87e49 1922Return values (especially for device and inode) may be bogus. (Win32)
e41182b5 1923
47cd99a4 1924=item msgctl
e41182b5 1925
47cd99a4 1926=item msgget
e41182b5 1927
47cd99a4 1928=item msgsnd
e41182b5 1929
47cd99a4 1930=item msgrcv
e41182b5 1931
e6f03d26 1932Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<Plan 9>, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
e41182b5 1933
47cd99a4 1934=item open
e41182b5 1935
b7df3edc 1936The C<|> variants are supported only if ToolServer is installed.
e41182b5 1937(S<Mac OS>)
c47ff5f1 1939open to C<|-> and C<-|> are unsupported. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1940
0f897271 1941Opening a process does not automatically flush output handles on some
1942platforms. (SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX)
e41182b5 1944=item readlink
b8099c3d 1946Not implemented. (Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 1947
47cd99a4 1948=item rename
c9b2b9d4 1949
1950Can't move directories between directories on different logical volumes. (Win32)
47cd99a4 1952=item select
e41182b5 1953
689c5c24 1954Only implemented on sockets. (Win32, VMS)
e41182b5 1955
b8099c3d 1956Only reliable on sockets. (S<RISC OS>)
76e05f0b 1958Note that the C<select FILEHANDLE> form is generally portable.
63f87e49 1959
47cd99a4 1960=item semctl
e41182b5 1961
47cd99a4 1962=item semget
e41182b5 1963
47cd99a4 1964=item semop
e41182b5 1965
495c5fdc 1966Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
e41182b5 1967
a3dfe201 1968=item setgrent
3fd80bd6 1970Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, MPE/iX, VMS, Win32, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
a3dfe201 1971
47cd99a4 1972=item setpgrp
e41182b5 1973
495c5fdc 1974Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
e41182b5 1975
47cd99a4 1976=item setpriority
e41182b5 1977
495c5fdc 1978Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
e41182b5 1979
a3dfe201 1980=item setpwent
3fd80bd6 1982Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, MPE/iX, Win32, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
a3dfe201 1983
47cd99a4 1984=item setsockopt
e41182b5 1985
e6f03d26 1986Not implemented. (S<Plan 9>)
e41182b5 1987
47cd99a4 1988=item shmctl
e41182b5 1989
47cd99a4 1990=item shmget
e41182b5 1991
47cd99a4 1992=item shmread
e41182b5 1993
47cd99a4 1994=item shmwrite
e41182b5 1995
495c5fdc 1996Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS)
e41182b5 1997
47cd99a4 1998=item sockatmark
80cbd5ad 1999
2000A relatively recent addition to socket functions, may not
2001be implemented even in UNIX platforms.
47cd99a4 2003=item socketpair
e41182b5 2004
f38e12df 2005Not implemented. (S<RISC OS>, VOS, VM/ESA)
016930a6 2006
2007Available on 64 bit OpenVMS 8.2 and later. (VMS)
e41182b5 2008
e41182b5 2009=item stat
d62e1b7f 2011Platforms that do not have rdev, blksize, or blocks will return these
2012as '', so numeric comparison or manipulation of these fields may cause
2013'not numeric' warnings.
e41182b5 2015mtime and atime are the same thing, and ctime is creation time instead of
3f1f789b 2016inode change time. (S<Mac OS>).
2018ctime not supported on UFS (S<Mac OS X>).
e41182b5 2019
95a3fe12 2020ctime is creation time instead of inode change time (Win32).
e41182b5 2022device and inode are not meaningful. (Win32)
2024device and inode are not necessarily reliable. (VMS)
b8099c3d 2026mtime, atime and ctime all return the last modification time. Device and
2027inode are not necessarily reliable. (S<RISC OS>)
d62e1b7f 2029dev, rdev, blksize, and blocks are not available. inode is not
2030meaningful and will differ between stat calls on the same file. (os2)
73e9292c 2032some versions of cygwin when doing a stat("foo") and if not finding it
2033may then attempt to stat("foo.exe") (Cygwin)
1fafdf34 2035On Win32 stat() needs to open the file to determine the link count
2036and update attributes that may have been changed through hard links.
2037Setting ${^WIN32_SLOPPY_STAT} to a true value speeds up stat() by
2038not performing this operation. (Win32)
47cd99a4 2040=item symlink
e41182b5 2041
c73b03b7 2042Not implemented. (Win32, S<RISC OS>)
2044Implemented on 64 bit VMS 8.3. VMS requires the symbolic link to be in Unix
2045syntax if it is intended to resolve to a valid path.
e41182b5 2046
47cd99a4 2047=item syscall
e41182b5 2048
7c5ffed3 2049Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>, Win32, VMS, S<RISC OS>, VOS, VM/ESA)
e41182b5 2050
47cd99a4 2051=item sysopen
f34d0673 2052
dd9f0070 2053The traditional "0", "1", and "2" MODEs are implemented with different
322422de 2054numeric values on some systems. The flags exported by C<Fcntl>
2055(O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_RDWR) should work everywhere though. (S<Mac
7c5ffed3 2056OS>, OS/390, VM/ESA)
f34d0673 2057
47cd99a4 2058=item system
e41182b5 2059
2060Only implemented if ToolServer is installed. (S<Mac OS>)
2062As an optimization, may not call the command shell specified in
b7df3edc 2063C<$ENV{PERL5SHELL}>. C<system(1, @args)> spawns an external
e41182b5 2064process and immediately returns its process designator, without
2065waiting for it to terminate. Return value may be used subsequently
63f87e49 2066in C<wait> or C<waitpid>. Failure to spawn() a subprocess is indicated
2067by setting $? to "255 << 8". C<$?> is set in a way compatible with
2068Unix (i.e. the exitstatus of the subprocess is obtained by "$? >> 8",
2069as described in the documentation). (Win32)
e41182b5 2070
b8099c3d 2071There is no shell to process metacharacters, and the native standard is
2072to pass a command line terminated by "\n" "\r" or "\0" to the spawned
c47ff5f1 2073program. Redirection such as C<< > foo >> is performed (if at all) by
b8099c3d 2074the run time library of the spawned program. C<system> I<list> will call
2075the Unix emulation library's C<exec> emulation, which attempts to provide
2076emulation of the stdin, stdout, stderr in force in the parent, providing
2077the child program uses a compatible version of the emulation library.
2078I<scalar> will call the native command line direct and no such emulation
2079of a child Unix program will exists. Mileage B<will> vary. (S<RISC OS>)
0f897271 2081Does not automatically flush output handles on some platforms.
2082(SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX)
9bc98430 2084The return value is POSIX-like (shifted up by 8 bits), which only allows
2085room for a made-up value derived from the severity bits of the native
208632-bit condition code (unless overridden by C<use vmsish 'status'>).
016930a6 2087If the native condition code is one that has a POSIX value encoded, the
2088POSIX value will be decoded to extract the expected exit value.
9bc98430 2089For more details see L<perlvms/$?>. (VMS)
e41182b5 2091=item times
2093Only the first entry returned is nonzero. (S<Mac OS>)
63f87e49 2095"cumulative" times will be bogus. On anything other than Windows NT
2096or Windows 2000, "system" time will be bogus, and "user" time is
2097actually the time returned by the clock() function in the C runtime
2098library. (Win32)
e41182b5 2099
b8099c3d 2100Not useful. (S<RISC OS>)
47cd99a4 2102=item truncate
e41182b5 2103
6d738113 2104Not implemented. (Older versions of VMS)
e41182b5 2105
3fd80bd6 2106Truncation to same-or-shorter lengths only. (VOS)
495c5fdc 2107
4cfdb94f 2108If a FILEHANDLE is supplied, it must be writable and opened in append
e71a7dc8 2109mode (i.e., use C<<< open(FH, '>>filename') >>>
4cfdb94f 2110or C<sysopen(FH,...,O_APPEND|O_RDWR)>. If a filename is supplied, it
2111should not be held open elsewhere. (Win32)
e41182b5 2113=item umask
2115Returns undef where unavailable, as of version 5.005.
b7df3edc 2117C<umask> works but the correct permissions are set only when the file
2118is finally closed. (AmigaOS)
433acd8a 2119
47cd99a4 2120=item utime
e41182b5 2121
15c65113 2122Only the modification time is updated. (S<BeOS>, S<Mac OS>, VMS, S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 2123
322422de 2124May not behave as expected. Behavior depends on the C runtime
2125library's implementation of utime(), and the filesystem being
2126used. The FAT filesystem typically does not support an "access
2127time" field, and it may limit timestamps to a granularity of
2128two seconds. (Win32)
e41182b5 2129
2130=item wait
47cd99a4 2132=item waitpid
e41182b5 2133
3fd80bd6 2134Not implemented. (S<Mac OS>)
e41182b5 2135
2136Can only be applied to process handles returned for processes spawned
a6f858fb 2137using C<system(1, ...)> or pseudo processes created with C<fork()>. (Win32)
e41182b5 2138
b8099c3d 2139Not useful. (S<RISC OS>)
e41182b5 2141=back
ba58ab26 2144=head1 Supported Platforms
522b859a 2146As of July 2002 (the Perl release 5.8.0), the following platforms are
cec2c193 2147able to build Perl from the standard source code distribution
2148available at
2150 AIX
2151 BeOS
6f683aa2 2152 BSD/OS (BSDi)
cec2c193 2153 Cygwin
2154 DG/UX
811b48f2 2155 DOS DJGPP 1)
cec2c193 2156 DYNIX/ptx
2157 EPOC R5
2158 FreeBSD
6f683aa2 2159 HI-UXMPP (Hitachi) (5.8.0 worked but we didn't know it)
cec2c193 2160 HP-UX
2161 IRIX
2162 Linux
8939ba94 2163 Mac OS Classic
6f683aa2 2164 Mac OS X (Darwin)
cec2c193 2165 MPE/iX
2166 NetBSD
2167 NetWare
2168 NonStop-UX
6f683aa2 2169 ReliantUNIX (formerly SINIX)
cec2c193 2170 OpenBSD
6f683aa2 2171 OpenVMS (formerly VMS)
3ebac25b 2172 Open UNIX (Unixware) (since Perl 5.8.1/5.9.0)
cec2c193 2173 OS/2
522b859a 2174 OS/400 (using the PASE) (since Perl 5.8.1/5.9.0)
70de81db 2175 PowerUX
6f683aa2 2176 POSIX-BC (formerly BS2000)
cec2c193 2177 QNX
2178 Solaris
70de81db 2179 SunOS 4
6f683aa2 2180 SUPER-UX (NEC)
2181 Tru64 UNIX (formerly DEC OSF/1, Digital UNIX)
cec2c193 2182 UNICOS
2183 UNICOS/mk
2184 UTS
2185 VOS
811b48f2 2186 Win95/98/ME/2K/XP 2)
c40b5d1d 2187 WinCE
6f683aa2 2188 z/OS (formerly OS/390)
cec2c193 2189 VM/ESA
ba58ab26 2190
811b48f2 2191 1) in DOS mode either the DOS or OS/2 ports can be used
2192 2) compilers: Borland, MinGW (GCC), VC6
cec2c193 2193
c40b5d1d 2194The following platforms worked with the previous releases (5.6 and
cec2c193 21955.7), but we did not manage either to fix or to test these in time
2196for the 5.8.0 release. There is a very good chance that many of these
70de81db 2197will work fine with the 5.8.0.
cec2c193 2198
8da2b1be 2199 BSD/OS
cec2c193 2200 DomainOS
2201 Hurd
2202 LynxOS
2203 MachTen
2204 PowerMAX
2205 SCO SV
cec2c193 2206 SVR4
2207 Unixware
2208 Windows 3.1
ba58ab26 2209
70de81db 2210Known to be broken for 5.8.0 (but 5.6.1 and 5.7.2 can be used):
2212 AmigaOS
ba58ab26 2214The following platforms have been known to build Perl from source in
fd46a41b 2215the past (5.005_03 and earlier), but we haven't been able to verify
2216their status for the current release, either because the
2217hardware/software platforms are rare or because we don't have an
2218active champion on these platforms--or both. They used to work,
2219though, so go ahead and try compiling them, and let
2220of any trouble.
ba58ab26 2221
cec2c193 2222 3b1
2223 A/UX
cec2c193 2224 ConvexOS
2225 CX/UX
2226 DC/OSx
2228 DOS EMX
2229 Dynix
2230 EP/IX
2231 ESIX
2232 FPS
2233 GENIX
2234 Greenhills
2235 ISC
2236 MachTen 68k
cec2c193 2237 MPC
2238 NEWS-OS
2239 NextSTEP
2240 OpenSTEP
2241 Opus
2242 Plan 9
cec2c193 2243 RISC/os
8da2b1be 2244 SCO ODT/OSR
cec2c193 2245 Stellar
2246 SVR2
2247 TI1500
2248 TitanOS
2249 Ultrix
2250 Unisys Dynix
ba58ab26 2251
2252The following platforms have their own source code distributions and
1577cd80 2253binaries available via
ba58ab26 2254
cec2c193 2255 Perl release
ba58ab26 2256
522b859a 2257 OS/400 (ILE) 5.005_02
cec2c193 2258 Tandem Guardian 5.004
ba58ab26 2259
2260The following platforms have only binaries available via
a93751fa 2261 :
ba58ab26 2262
cec2c193 2263 Perl release
ba58ab26 2264
cec2c193 2265 Acorn RISCOS 5.005_02
2266 AOS 5.002
2267 LynxOS 5.004_02
ba58ab26 2268
2269Although we do suggest that you always build your own Perl from
2270the source code, both for maximal configurability and for security,
2271in case you are in a hurry you can check
a93751fa 2272 for binary distributions.
ba58ab26 2273
c997b287 2274=head1 SEE ALSO
cec2c193 2276L<perlaix>, L<perlamiga>, L<perlapollo>, L<perlbeos>, L<perlbs2000>,
18a271bd 2277L<perlce>, L<perlcygwin>, L<perldgux>, L<perldos>, L<perlepoc>,
469e7be4 2278L<perlebcdic>, L<perlfreebsd>, L<perlhurd>, L<perlhpux>, L<perlirix>,
e94c1c05 2279L<perlmacos>, L<perlmacosx>, L<perlmpeix>,
522b859a 2280L<perlnetware>, L<perlos2>, L<perlos390>, L<perlos400>,
2281L<perlplan9>, L<perlqnx>, L<perlsolaris>, L<perltru64>,
2282L<perlunicode>, L<perlvmesa>, L<perlvms>, L<perlvos>,
2283L<perlwin32>, and L<Win32>.
c997b287 2284
e41182b5 2285=head1 AUTHORS / CONTRIBUTORS
06e9666b 2287Abigail <>,
c47ff5f1 2288Charles Bailey <>,
2289Graham Barr <>,
2290Tom Christiansen <>,
06e9666b 2291Nicholas Clark <>,
c47ff5f1 2292Thomas Dorner <>,
06e9666b 2293Andy Dougherty <>,
2294Dominic Dunlop <>,
2295Neale Ferguson <>,
c47ff5f1 2296David J. Fiander <>,
3fd80bd6 2297Paul Green <>,
06e9666b 2298M.J.T. Guy <>,
61f30a5e 2299Jarkko Hietaniemi <>,
c47ff5f1 2300Luther Huffman <>,
06e9666b 2301Nick Ing-Simmons <>,
2302Andreas J. KE<ouml>nig <>,
c47ff5f1 2303Markus Laker <>,
2304Andrew M. Langmead <>,
2305Larry Moore <>,
2306Paul Moore <>,
2307Chris Nandor <>,
1afc07ec 2308Matthias Neeracher <>,
e71a7dc8 2309Philip Newton <>,
c47ff5f1 2310Gary Ng <71564.1743@CompuServe.COM>,
2311Tom Phoenix <>,
2312AndrE<eacute> Pirard <>,
2313Peter Prymmer <>,
2314Hugo van der Sanden <>,
2315Gurusamy Sarathy <>,
2316Paul J. Schinder <>,
2317Michael G Schwern <>,
06e9666b 2318Dan Sugalski <>,
c47ff5f1 2319Nathan Torkington <>.
016930a6 2320John Malmberg <>