better error messages when xsubpp fails to find map for a particular
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / perllexwarn.pod
0453d815 1=head1 NAME
3perllexwarn - Perl Lexical Warnings
5a3e7812 6
4438c4b7 7The C<use warnings> pragma is a replacement for both the command line
0453d815 8flag B<-w> and the equivalent Perl variable, C<$^W>.
10The pragma works just like the existing "strict" pragma.
11This means that the scope of the warning pragma is limited to the
12enclosing block. It also means that that the pragma setting will not
13leak across files (via C<use>, C<require> or C<do>). This allows
14authors to independently define the degree of warning checks that will
15be applied to their module.
17By default, optional warnings are disabled, so any legacy code that
18doesn't attempt to control the warnings will work unchanged.
20All warnings are enabled in a block by either of these:
c47ff5f1 21
4438c4b7 22 use warnings ;
23 use warnings 'all' ;
c47ff5f1 24
0453d815 25Similarly all warnings are disabled in a block by either of these:
4438c4b7 27 no warnings ;
28 no warnings 'all' ;
0453d815 29
30For example, consider the code below:
4438c4b7 32 use warnings ;
0453d815 33 my $a ;
34 my $b ;
35 {
4438c4b7 36 no warnings ;
0453d815 37 $b = 2 if $a EQ 3 ;
38 }
39 $b = 1 if $a NE 3 ;
41The code in the enclosing block has warnings enabled, but the inner
42block has them disabled. In this case that means that the use of the C<EQ>
43operator won't trip a C<"Use of EQ is deprecated"> warning, but the use of
44C<NE> will produce a C<"Use of NE is deprecated"> warning.
46=head2 Default Warnings and Optional Warnings
48Before the introduction of lexical warnings, Perl had two classes of
49warnings: mandatory and optional.
51As its name suggests, if your code tripped a mandatory warning, you
52would get a warning whether you wanted it or not.
252aa082 53For example, the code below would always produce an C<"isn't numeric">
54warning about the "2:".
0453d815 55
252aa082 56 my $a = "2:" + 3;
0453d815 57
0453d815 58With the introduction of lexical warnings, mandatory warnings now become
59I<default> warnings. The difference is that although the previously
60mandatory warnings are still enabled by default, they can then be
61subsequently enabled or disabled with the lexical warning pragma. For
e476b1b5 62example, in the code below, an C<"isn't numeric"> warning will only
0453d815 63be reported for the C<$a> variable.
252aa082 65 my $a = "2:" + 3;
4438c4b7 66 no warnings ;
252aa082 67 my $b = "2:" + 3;
0453d815 68
69Note that neither the B<-w> flag or the C<$^W> can be used to
70disable/enable default warnings. They are still mandatory in this case.
72=head2 What's wrong with B<-w> and C<$^W>
74Although very useful, the big problem with using B<-w> on the command
75line to enable warnings is that it is all or nothing. Take the typical
76scenario when you are writing a Perl program. Parts of the code you
77will write yourself, but it's very likely that you will make use of
78pre-written Perl modules. If you use the B<-w> flag in this case, you
79end up enabling warnings in pieces of code that you haven't written.
81Similarly, using C<$^W> to either disable or enable blocks of code is
82fundamentally flawed. For a start, say you want to disable warnings in
83a block of code. You might expect this to be enough to do the trick:
85 {
86 local ($^W) = 0 ;
87 my $a =+ 2 ;
88 my $b ; chop $b ;
89 }
91When this code is run with the B<-w> flag, a warning will be produced
92for the C<$a> line -- C<"Reversed += operator">.
94The problem is that Perl has both compile-time and run-time warnings. To
95disable compile-time warnings you need to rewrite the code like this:
97 {
98 BEGIN { $^W = 0 }
99 my $a =+ 2 ;
100 my $b ; chop $b ;
101 }
103The other big problem with C<$^W> is that way you can inadvertently
104change the warning setting in unexpected places in your code. For example,
105when the code below is run (without the B<-w> flag), the second call
106to C<doit> will trip a C<"Use of uninitialized value"> warning, whereas
107the first will not.
109 sub doit
110 {
111 my $b ; chop $b ;
112 }
114 doit() ;
116 {
117 local ($^W) = 1 ;
118 doit()
119 }
121This is a side-effect of C<$^W> being dynamically scoped.
123Lexical warnings get around these limitations by allowing finer control
124over where warnings can or can't be tripped.
126=head2 Controlling Warnings from the Command Line
128There are three Command Line flags that can be used to control when
129warnings are (or aren't) produced:
131=over 5
133=item B<-w>
135This is the existing flag. If the lexical warnings pragma is B<not>
136used in any of you code, or any of the modules that you use, this flag
137will enable warnings everywhere. See L<Backward Compatibility> for
138details of how this flag interacts with lexical warnings.
140=item B<-W>
c47ff5f1 141
0453d815 142If the B<-W> flag is used on the command line, it will enable all warnings
143throughout the program regardless of whether warnings were disabled
4438c4b7 144locally using C<no warnings> or C<$^W =0>. This includes all files that get
0453d815 145included via C<use>, C<require> or C<do>.
146Think of it as the Perl equivalent of the "lint" command.
148=item B<-X>
150Does the exact opposite to the B<-W> flag, i.e. it disables all warnings.
154=head2 Backward Compatibility
156If you are used with working with a version of Perl prior to the
157introduction of lexically scoped warnings, or have code that uses both
158lexical warnings and C<$^W>, this section will describe how they interact.
160How Lexical Warnings interact with B<-w>/C<$^W>:
5a3e7812 161
0453d815 162=over 5
164=item 1.
166If none of the three command line flags (B<-w>, B<-W> or B<-X>) that
e476b1b5 167control warnings is used and neither C<$^W> or the C<warnings> pragma
168are used, then default warnings will be enabled and optional warnings
0453d815 170This means that legacy code that doesn't attempt to control the warnings
171will work unchanged.
173=item 2.
175The B<-w> flag just sets the global C<$^W> variable as in 5.005 -- this
176means that any legacy code that currently relies on manipulating C<$^W>
177to control warning behavior will still work as is.
179=item 3.
c47ff5f1 180
0453d815 181Apart from now being a boolean, the C<$^W> variable operates in exactly
182the same horrible uncontrolled global way, except that it cannot
183disable/enable default warnings.
185=item 4.
c47ff5f1 186
e476b1b5 187If a piece of code is under the control of the C<warnings> pragma,
0453d815 188both the C<$^W> variable and the B<-w> flag will be ignored for the
189scope of the lexical warning.
191=item 5.
c47ff5f1 192
0453d815 193The only way to override a lexical warnings setting is with the B<-W>
194or B<-X> command line flags.
198The combined effect of 3 & 4 is that it will will allow code which uses
e476b1b5 199the C<warnings> pragma to control the warning behavior of $^W-type
0453d815 200code (using a C<local $^W=0>) if it really wants to, but not vice-versa.
0453d815 202=head2 Category Hierarchy
c47ff5f1 203
e476b1b5 204A hierarchy of "categories" have been defined to allow groups of warnings
205to be enabled/disabled in isolation.
207The current hierarchy is:
209 all -+
210 |
211 +- chmod
212 |
213 +- closure
214 |
215 +- exiting
216 |
217 +- glob
218 |
219 +- io -----------+
220 | |
221 | +- closed
222 | |
223 | +- exec
224 | |
225 | +- newline
226 | |
227 | +- pipe
228 | |
229 | +- unopened
230 |
231 +- misc
232 |
233 +- numeric
234 |
235 +- once
236 |
237 +- overflow
238 |
239 +- pack
240 |
241 +- portable
242 |
243 +- recursion
244 |
245 +- redefine
246 |
247 +- regexp
248 |
249 +- severe -------+
250 | |
251 | +- debugging
252 | |
253 | +- inplace
254 | |
255 | +- internal
256 | |
257 | +- malloc
258 |
259 +- signal
260 |
261 +- substr
262 |
263 +- syntax -------+
264 | |
265 | +- ambiguous
266 | |
267 | +- bareword
268 | |
269 | +- deprecated
270 | |
271 | +- digit
272 | |
273 | +- parenthesis
274 | |
275 | +- precedence
276 | |
277 | +- printf
278 | |
279 | +- prototype
280 | |
281 | +- qw
282 | |
283 | +- reserved
284 | |
285 | +- semicolon
286 |
287 +- taint
288 |
289 +- umask
290 |
291 +- uninitialized
292 |
293 +- unpack
294 |
295 +- untie
296 |
297 +- utf8
298 |
299 +- void
300 |
301 +- y2k
0453d815 302
4438c4b7 303Just like the "strict" pragma any of these categories can be combined
305 use warnings qw(void redefine) ;
306 no warnings qw(io syntax untie) ;
308Also like the "strict" pragma, if there is more than one instance of the
e476b1b5 309C<warnings> pragma in a given scope the cumulative effect is additive.
4438c4b7 310
311 use warnings qw(void) ; # only "void" warnings enabled
312 ...
313 use warnings qw(io) ; # only "void" & "io" warnings enabled
314 ...
315 no warnings qw(void) ; # only "io" warnings enabled
e476b1b5 317To determine which category a specific warning has been assigned to see
0453d815 319
320=head2 Fatal Warnings
c47ff5f1 321
0453d815 322The presence of the word "FATAL" in the category list will escalate any
e476b1b5 323warnings detected from the categories specified in the lexical scope
324into fatal errors. In the code below, there are 3 places where a
325deprecated warning will be detected, the middle one will produce a
326fatal error.
4438c4b7 327
329 use warnings ;
c47ff5f1 330
0453d815 331 $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
c47ff5f1 332
0453d815 333 {
4438c4b7 334 use warnings FATAL => qw(deprecated) ;
0453d815 335 $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
336 }
c47ff5f1 337
0453d815 338 $a = 1 if $a EQ $b ;
0453d815 339
e476b1b5 340=head2 Reporting Warnings from a Module
342The C<warnings> pragma provides two functions, namely C<warnings::enabled>
343and C<warnings::warn>, that are useful for module authors. They are
344used when you want to report a module-specific warning, but only when
345the calling module has enabled warnings via the C<warnings> pragma.
347Consider the module C<abc> below.
349 package abc;
351 sub open
352 {
353 if (warnings::enabled("deprecated")) {
354 warnings::warn("deprecated",
355 "abc::open is deprecated. Use abc:new") ;
356 }
357 new(@_) ;
358 }
6bc102ca 359
e476b1b5 360 sub new
361 ...
362 1 ;
364The function C<open> has been deprecated, so code has been included to
365display a warning message whenever the calling module has (at least) the
366"deprecated" warnings category enabled. Something like this, say.
368 use warnings 'deprecated';
369 use abc;
370 ...
371 abc::open($filename) ;
374If the calling module has escalated the "deprecated" warnings category
375into a fatal error like this:
377 use warnings 'FATAL deprecated';
378 use abc;
379 ...
380 abc::open($filename) ;
382then C<warnings::warn> will detect this and die after displaying the
383warning message.
385=head1 TODO
c47ff5f1 386
0453d815 387
388 The debugger saves and restores C<$^W> at runtime. I haven't checked
389 whether the debugger will still work with the lexical warnings
390 patch applied.
393 I *think* I've got diagnostics to work with the lexical warnings
394 patch, but there were design decisions made in diagnostics to work
395 around the limitations of C<$^W>. Now that those limitations are gone,
396 the module should be revisited.
0453d815 398=head1 SEE ALSO
e476b1b5 400L<warnings>, L<perldiag>.
c47ff5f1 401
0453d815 402=head1 AUTHOR
c47ff5f1 403
0453d815 404Paul Marquess