Docs: Better orgnization of instance discussion
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / pod / perlboot.pod
694468e3 1=head1 NAME
3perlboot - Beginner's Object-Oriented Tutorial
7If you're not familiar with objects from other languages, some of the
8other Perl object documentation may be a little daunting, such as
9L<perlobj>, a basic reference in using objects, and L<perltoot>, which
dbe48302 10introduces readers to the peculiarities of Perl's object system in a
694468e3 11tutorial way.
13So, let's take a different approach, presuming no prior object
14experience. It helps if you know about subroutines (L<perlsub>),
15references (L<perlref> et. seq.), and packages (L<perlmod>), so become
16familiar with those first if you haven't already.
18=head2 If we could talk to the animals...
20Let's let the animals talk for a moment:
22 sub Cow::speak {
23 print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
24 }
25 sub Horse::speak {
26 print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
27 }
28 sub Sheep::speak {
bb32c4e1 29 print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
694468e3 30 }
32 Cow::speak;
33 Horse::speak;
34 Sheep::speak;
36This results in:
38 a Cow goes moooo!
39 a Horse goes neigh!
40 a Sheep goes baaaah!
42Nothing spectacular here. Simple subroutines, albeit from separate
43packages, and called using the full package name. So let's create
44an entire pasture:
46 # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
84f709e7 47 @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
48 foreach $animal (@pasture) {
694468e3 49 &{$animal."::speak"};
50 }
52This results in:
54 a Cow goes moooo!
55 a Cow goes moooo!
56 a Horse goes neigh!
57 a Sheep goes baaaah!
58 a Sheep goes baaaah!
60Wow. That symbolic coderef de-referencing there is pretty nasty.
074a7adc 61We're counting on C<no strict refs> mode, certainly not recommended
84f709e7 62for larger programs. And why was that necessary? Because the name of
63the package seems to be inseparable from the name of the subroutine we
64want to invoke within that package.
694468e3 65
66Or is it?
68=head2 Introducing the method invocation arrow
c47ff5f1 70For now, let's say that C<< Class->method >> invokes subroutine
694468e3 71C<method> in package C<Class>. (Here, "Class" is used in its
72"category" meaning, not its "scholastic" meaning.) That's not
73completely accurate, but we'll do this one step at a time. Now let's
74use it like so:
76 # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
77 Cow->speak;
78 Horse->speak;
79 Sheep->speak;
81And once again, this results in:
83 a Cow goes moooo!
84 a Horse goes neigh!
85 a Sheep goes baaaah!
87That's not fun yet. Same number of characters, all constant, no
88variables. But yet, the parts are separable now. Watch:
84f709e7 90 $a = "Cow";
694468e3 91 $a->speak; # invokes Cow->speak
93Ahh! Now that the package name has been parted from the subroutine
94name, we can use a variable package name. And this time, we've got
84f709e7 95something that works even when C<use strict refs> is enabled.
694468e3 96
97=head2 Invoking a barnyard
99Let's take that new arrow invocation and put it back in the barnyard
102 sub Cow::speak {
103 print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
104 }
105 sub Horse::speak {
106 print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
107 }
108 sub Sheep::speak {
bb32c4e1 109 print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
694468e3 110 }
84f709e7 112 @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
113 foreach $animal (@pasture) {
694468e3 114 $animal->speak;
115 }
117There! Now we have the animals all talking, and safely at that,
118without the use of symbolic coderefs.
120But look at all that common code. Each of the C<speak> routines has a
121similar structure: a C<print> operator and a string that contains
122common text, except for two of the words. It'd be nice if we could
123factor out the commonality, in case we decide later to change it all
124to C<says> instead of C<goes>.
126And we actually have a way of doing that without much fuss, but we
127have to hear a bit more about what the method invocation arrow is
128actually doing for us.
130=head2 The extra parameter of method invocation
132The invocation of:
134 Class->method(@args)
136attempts to invoke subroutine C<Class::method> as:
138 Class::method("Class", @args);
140(If the subroutine can't be found, "inheritance" kicks in, but we'll
141get to that later.) This means that we get the class name as the
dbe48302 142first parameter (the only parameter, if no arguments are given). So
143we can rewrite the C<Sheep> speaking subroutine as:
694468e3 144
145 sub Sheep::speak {
146 my $class = shift;
147 print "a $class goes baaaah!\n";
148 }
150And the other two animals come out similarly:
152 sub Cow::speak {
153 my $class = shift;
154 print "a $class goes moooo!\n";
155 }
156 sub Horse::speak {
157 my $class = shift;
158 print "a $class goes neigh!\n";
159 }
161In each case, C<$class> will get the value appropriate for that
162subroutine. But once again, we have a lot of similar structure. Can
163we factor that out even further? Yes, by calling another method in
164the same class.
166=head2 Calling a second method to simplify things
168Let's call out from C<speak> to a helper method called C<sound>.
169This method provides the constant text for the sound itself.
84f709e7 171 { package Cow;
694468e3 172 sub sound { "moooo" }
173 sub speak {
549d696a 174 my $class = shift;
175 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
694468e3 176 }
177 }
c47ff5f1 179Now, when we call C<< Cow->speak >>, we get a C<$class> of C<Cow> in
180C<speak>. This in turn selects the C<< Cow->sound >> method, which
694468e3 181returns C<moooo>. But how different would this be for the C<Horse>?
84f709e7 183 { package Horse;
694468e3 184 sub sound { "neigh" }
185 sub speak {
549d696a 186 my $class = shift;
187 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
694468e3 188 }
189 }
191Only the name of the package and the specific sound change. So can we
192somehow share the definition for C<speak> between the Cow and the
193Horse? Yes, with inheritance!
195=head2 Inheriting the windpipes
197We'll define a common subroutine package called C<Animal>, with the
198definition for C<speak>:
84f709e7 200 { package Animal;
694468e3 201 sub speak {
549d696a 202 my $class = shift;
203 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
694468e3 204 }
205 }
207Then, for each animal, we say it "inherits" from C<Animal>, along
208with the animal-specific sound:
84f709e7 210 { package Cow;
694468e3 211 @ISA = qw(Animal);
212 sub sound { "moooo" }
213 }
4dfdcbc9 215Note the added C<@ISA> array (pronounced "is a"). We'll get to that in a minute.
694468e3 216
c47ff5f1 217But what happens when we invoke C<< Cow->speak >> now?
694468e3 218
219First, Perl constructs the argument list. In this case, it's just
220C<Cow>. Then Perl looks for C<Cow::speak>. But that's not there, so
221Perl checks for the inheritance array C<@Cow::ISA>. It's there,
222and contains the single name C<Animal>.
224Perl next checks for C<speak> inside C<Animal> instead, as in
225C<Animal::speak>. And that's found, so Perl invokes that subroutine
226with the already frozen argument list.
228Inside the C<Animal::speak> subroutine, C<$class> becomes C<Cow> (the
229first argument). So when we get to the step of invoking
c47ff5f1 230C<< $class->sound >>, it'll be looking for C<< Cow->sound >>, which
694468e3 231gets it on the first try without looking at C<@ISA>. Success!
233=head2 A few notes about @ISA
4dfdcbc9 235This magical C<@ISA> variable has declared that C<Cow> "is a" C<Animal>.
236Note that it's an array, not a simple single value, because on rare
237occasions, it makes sense to have more than one parent class searched
238for the missing methods.
694468e3 239
240If C<Animal> also had an C<@ISA>, then we'd check there too. The
dd69841b 241search is recursive, depth-first, left-to-right in each C<@ISA> by
242default (see L<mro> for alternatives). Typically, each C<@ISA> has
243only one element (multiple elements means multiple inheritance and
244multiple headaches), so we get a nice tree of inheritance.
694468e3 245
246When we turn on C<use strict>, we'll get complaints on C<@ISA>, since
247it's not a variable containing an explicit package name, nor is it a
dbe48302 248lexical ("my") variable. We can't make it a lexical variable though
249(it has to belong to the package to be found by the inheritance mechanism),
694468e3 250so there's a couple of straightforward ways to handle that.
252The easiest is to just spell the package name out:
254 @Cow::ISA = qw(Animal);
016e9c56 256Or declare it as package global variable:
258 package Cow;
259 our @ISA = qw(Animal);
dbe48302 261Or allow it as an implicitly named package variable:
694468e3 262
263 package Cow;
84f709e7 264 use vars qw(@ISA);
265 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 266
2ee409f9 267If the C<Animal> class comes from another (object-oriented) module, then
268just employ C<use base> to specify that C<Animal> should serve as the basis
269for the C<Cow> class:
694468e3 270
271 package Cow;
272 use base qw(Animal);
2ee409f9 274Now that's pretty darn simple!
694468e3 275
276=head2 Overriding the methods
278Let's add a mouse, which can barely be heard:
84f709e7 280 # Animal package from before
281 { package Mouse;
282 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 283 sub sound { "squeak" }
284 sub speak {
285 my $class = shift;
549d696a 286 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
287 print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
694468e3 288 }
289 }
291 Mouse->speak;
293which results in:
295 a Mouse goes squeak!
296 [but you can barely hear it!]
c47ff5f1 298Here, C<Mouse> has its own speaking routine, so C<< Mouse->speak >>
c98e0e85 299doesn't immediately invoke C<< Animal->speak >>. This is known as
300"overriding". In fact, we don't even need to say that a C<Mouse> is
301an C<Animal> at all, because all of the methods needed for C<speak> are
302completely defined for C<Mouse>; this is known as "duck typing":
303"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck"
304(James Whitcomb). However, it would probably be beneficial to allow a
305closer examination to conclude that a C<Mouse> is indeed an C<Animal>,
306so it is actually better to define C<Mouse> with C<Animal> as its base
307(that is, it is better to "derive C<Mouse> from C<Animal>").
309Moreover, this duplication of code could become a maintenance headache
310(though code-reuse is not actually a good reason for inheritance; good
311design practices dictate that a derived class should be usable wherever
312its base class is usable, which might not be the outcome if code-reuse
313is the sole criterion for inheritance. Just remember that a C<Mouse>
314should always act like an C<Animal>).
316So, let's make C<Mouse> an C<Animal>!
694468e3 317
c7b05296 318The obvious solution is to invoke C<Animal::speak> directly:
694468e3 319
84f709e7 320 # Animal package from before
321 { package Mouse;
322 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 323 sub sound { "squeak" }
324 sub speak {
325 my $class = shift;
326 Animal::speak($class);
549d696a 327 print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
694468e3 328 }
329 }
c7b05296 331Note that we're using C<Animal::speak>. If we were to invoke
332C<< Animal->speak >> instead, the first parameter to C<Animal::speak>
333would automatically be C<"Animal"> rather than C<"Mouse">, so that
334the call to C<< $class->sound >> in C<Animal::speak> would become
335C<< Animal->sound >> rather than C<< Mouse->sound >>.
337Also, without the method arrow C<< -> >>, it becomes necessary to specify
338the first parameter to C<Animal::speak> ourselves, which is why C<$class>
339is explicitly passed: C<Animal::speak($class)>.
341However, invoking C<Animal::speak> directly is a mess: Firstly, it assumes
342that the C<speak> method is a member of the C<Animal> class; what if C<Animal>
343actually inherits C<speak> from its own base? Because we are no longer using
344C<< -> >> to access C<speak>, the special method look up mechanism wouldn't be
345used, so C<speak> wouldn't even be found!
347The second problem is more subtle: C<Animal> is now hardwired into the subroutine
348selection. Let's assume that C<Animal::speak> does exist. What happens when,
349at a later time, someone expands the class hierarchy by having C<Mouse>
350inherit from C<Mus> instead of C<Animal>. Unless the invocation of C<Animal::speak>
351is also changed to an invocation of C<Mus::speak>, centuries worth of taxonomical
352classification could be obliterated!
354What we have here is a fragile or leaky abstraction; it is the beginning of a
355maintenance nightmare. What we need is the ability to search for the right
356method wih as few assumptions as possible.
694468e3 357
358=head2 Starting the search from a different place
c7b05296 360A I<better> solution is to tell Perl where in the inheritance chain to begin searching
361for C<speak>. This can be achieved with a modified version of the method arrow C<< -> >>:
363 ClassName->FirstPlaceToLook::method
365So, the improved C<Mouse> class is:
694468e3 366
367 # same Animal as before
84f709e7 368 { package Mouse;
694468e3 369 # same @ISA, &sound as before
370 sub speak {
371 my $class = shift;
372 $class->Animal::speak;
373 print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
374 }
375 }
c7b05296 377Using this syntax, we start with C<Animal> to find C<speak>, and then
378use all of C<Animal>'s inheritance chain if it is not found immediately.
379As usual, the first parameter to C<speak> would be C<$class>, so we no
380longer need to pass C<$class> explicitly to C<speak>.
694468e3 381
c7b05296 382But what about the second problem? We're still hardwiring C<Animal> into
383the method lookup.
694468e3 384
385=head2 The SUPER way of doing things
c7b05296 387If C<Animal> is replaced with the special placeholder C<SUPER> in that
388invocation, then the contents of C<Mouse>'s C<@ISA> are used for the
389search, beginning with C<$ISA[0]>. So, all of the problems can be fixed
390as follows:
694468e3 391
392 # same Animal as before
84f709e7 393 { package Mouse;
694468e3 394 # same @ISA, &sound as before
395 sub speak {
396 my $class = shift;
397 $class->SUPER::speak;
398 print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
399 }
400 }
c7b05296 402In general, C<SUPER::speak> means look in the current package's C<@ISA>
403for a class that implements C<speak>, and invoke the first one found.
404The placeholder is called C<SUPER>, because many other languages refer
405to base classes as "I<super>classes", and Perl likes to be eclectic.
407Note that a call such as
409 $class->SUPER::method;
411does I<not> look in the C<@ISA> of C<$class> unless C<$class> happens to
412be the current package.
694468e3 413
507fa6a5 414=head2 Let's review...
694468e3 415
416So far, we've seen the method arrow syntax:
418 Class->method(@args);
420or the equivalent:
84f709e7 422 $a = "Class";
694468e3 423 $a->method(@args);
425which constructs an argument list of:
427 ("Class", @args)
32914eef 429and attempts to invoke:
694468e3 430
507fa6a5 431 Class::method("Class", @args);
694468e3 432
433However, if C<Class::method> is not found, then C<@Class::ISA> is examined
32914eef 434(recursively) to locate a class (a package) that does indeed contain C<method>,
694468e3 435and that subroutine is invoked instead.
507fa6a5 437Using this simple syntax, we have class methods, (multiple) inheritance,
438overriding, and extending. Using just what we've seen so far, we've
439been able to factor out common code (though that's never a good reason
440for inheritance!), and provide a nice way to reuse implementations with
443Now, what about data?
694468e3 444
445=head2 A horse is a horse, of course of course -- or is it?
447Let's start with the code for the C<Animal> class
448and the C<Horse> class:
84f709e7 450 { package Animal;
694468e3 451 sub speak {
452 my $class = shift;
bb32c4e1 453 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
694468e3 454 }
455 }
84f709e7 456 { package Horse;
457 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 458 sub sound { "neigh" }
459 }
c47ff5f1 461This lets us invoke C<< Horse->speak >> to ripple upward to
694468e3 462C<Animal::speak>, calling back to C<Horse::sound> to get the specific
463sound, and the output of:
465 a Horse goes neigh!
467But all of our Horse objects would have to be absolutely identical.
32914eef 468If we add a subroutine, all horses automatically share it. That's
694468e3 469great for making horses the same, but how do we capture the
32914eef 470distinctions of an individual horse? For example, suppose we want
471to give our first horse a name. There's got to be a way to keep its
694468e3 472name separate from the other horses.
32914eef 474That is to say, we want particular instances of C<Horse> to have
475different names.
477In Perl, any reference can be an "instance", so let's start with the
478simplest reference that can hold a horse's name: a scalar reference.
694468e3 479
84f709e7 480 my $name = "Mr. Ed";
32914eef 481 my $horse = \$name;
694468e3 482
32914eef 483So, now C<$horse> is a reference to what will be the instance-specific
484data (the name). The final step is to turn this reference into a real
485instance of a C<Horse> by using the special operator C<bless>:
694468e3 486
32914eef 487 bless $horse, Horse;
694468e3 488
489This operator stores information about the package named C<Horse> into
490the thing pointed at by the reference. At this point, we say
32914eef 491C<$horse> is an instance of C<Horse>. That is, it's a specific
694468e3 492horse. The reference is otherwise unchanged, and can still be used
493with traditional dereferencing operators.
495=head2 Invoking an instance method
32914eef 497The method arrow can be used on instances, as well as classes (the names
498of packages). So, let's get the sound that C<$horse> makes:
694468e3 499
32914eef 500 my $noise = $horse->sound("some", "unnecessary", "args");
694468e3 501
32914eef 502To invoke C<sound>, Perl first notes that C<$horse> is a blessed
694468e3 503reference (and thus an instance). It then constructs an argument
32914eef 504list, as per usual.
694468e3 505
506Now for the fun part: Perl takes the class in which the instance was
32914eef 507blessed, in this case C<Horse>, and uses that calss to locate the
508subroutine. In this case, C<Horse::sound> is found directly (without
509using inheritance). In the end, it is as though our initial line were
510written as follows:
694468e3 511
32914eef 512 my $noise = Horse::sound($horse, "some", "unnecessary", "args");
694468e3 513
514Note that the first parameter here is still the instance, not the name
515of the class as before. We'll get C<neigh> as the return value, and
516that'll end up as the C<$noise> variable above.
32914eef 518If Horse::sound had not been found, we'd be wandering up the C<@Horse::ISA>
519array, trying to find the method in one of the superclasses. The only
520difference between a class method and an instance method is whether the
521first parameter is an instance (a blessed reference) or a class name (a
694468e3 523
524=head2 Accessing the instance data
526Because we get the instance as the first parameter, we can now access
527the instance-specific data. In this case, let's add a way to get at
528the name:
84f709e7 530 { package Horse;
531 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 532 sub sound { "neigh" }
533 sub name {
534 my $self = shift;
535 $$self;
536 }
537 }
c47ff5f1 538
32914eef 539Inside C<Horse::name>, the C<@_> array contains:
541 (C<$horse>, "some", "unnecessary", "args")
543so the C<shift> stores C<$horse> into C<$self>. Then, C<$self> gets
544de-referenced with C<$$self> as normal, yielding C<"Mr. Ed">.
546It's traditional to C<shift> the first parameter into a variable named
547C<$self> for instance methods and into a variable named C<$class> for
548class methods.
550Then, the following line:
694468e3 551
32914eef 552 print $horse->name, " says ", $horse->sound, "\n";
694468e3 553
32914eef 554outputs:
694468e3 555
556 Mr. Ed says neigh.
558=head2 How to build a horse
560Of course, if we constructed all of our horses by hand, we'd most
561likely make mistakes from time to time. We're also violating one of
562the properties of object-oriented programming, in that the "inside
563guts" of a Horse are visible. That's good if you're a veterinarian,
564but not if you just like to own horses. So, let's let the Horse class
565build a new horse:
84f709e7 567 { package Horse;
568 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 569 sub sound { "neigh" }
570 sub name {
571 my $self = shift;
572 $$self;
573 }
574 sub named {
575 my $class = shift;
84f709e7 576 my $name = shift;
694468e3 577 bless \$name, $class;
578 }
579 }
581Now with the new C<named> method, we can build a horse:
32914eef 583 my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
694468e3 584
585Notice we're back to a class method, so the two arguments to
586C<Horse::named> are C<Horse> and C<Mr. Ed>. The C<bless> operator
587not only blesses C<$name>, it also returns the reference to C<$name>,
588so that's fine as a return value. And that's how to build a horse.
dbe48302 590We've called the constructor C<named> here, so that it quickly denotes
591the constructor's argument as the name for this particular C<Horse>.
592You can use different constructors with different names for different
593ways of "giving birth" to the object (like maybe recording its
594pedigree or date of birth). However, you'll find that most people
595coming to Perl from more limited languages use a single constructor
596named C<new>, with various ways of interpreting the arguments to
597C<new>. Either style is fine, as long as you document your particular
598way of giving birth to an object. (And you I<were> going to do that,
694468e3 601=head2 Inheriting the constructor
603But was there anything specific to C<Horse> in that method? No. Therefore,
604it's also the same recipe for building anything else that inherited from
605C<Animal>, so let's put it there:
84f709e7 607 { package Animal;
694468e3 608 sub speak {
609 my $class = shift;
bb32c4e1 610 print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
694468e3 611 }
612 sub name {
613 my $self = shift;
614 $$self;
615 }
616 sub named {
617 my $class = shift;
84f709e7 618 my $name = shift;
694468e3 619 bless \$name, $class;
620 }
621 }
84f709e7 622 { package Horse;
623 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 624 sub sound { "neigh" }
625 }
627Ahh, but what happens if we invoke C<speak> on an instance?
32914eef 629 my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
630 $horse->speak;
694468e3 631
632We get a debugging value:
634 a Horse=SCALAR(0xaca42ac) goes neigh!
636Why? Because the C<Animal::speak> routine is expecting a classname as
637its first parameter, not an instance. When the instance is passed in,
638we'll end up using a blessed scalar reference as a string, and that
639shows up as we saw it just now.
641=head2 Making a method work with either classes or instances
643All we need is for a method to detect if it is being called on a class
644or called on an instance. The most straightforward way is with the
645C<ref> operator. This returns a string (the classname) when used on a
3e9e48b0 646blessed reference, and an empty string when used on a string (like a
694468e3 647classname). Let's modify the C<name> method first to notice the change:
649 sub name {
650 my $either = shift;
651 ref $either
84f709e7 652 ? $$either # it's an instance, return name
694468e3 653 : "an unnamed $either"; # it's a class, return generic
654 }
656Here, the C<?:> operator comes in handy to select either the
657dereference or a derived string. Now we can use this with either an
658instance or a class. Note that I've changed the first parameter
659holder to C<$either> to show that this is intended:
32914eef 661 my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
84f709e7 662 print Horse->name, "\n"; # prints "an unnamed Horse\n"
32914eef 663 print $horse->name, "\n"; # prints "Mr Ed.\n"
694468e3 664
665and now we'll fix C<speak> to use this:
667 sub speak {
668 my $either = shift;
669 print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
670 }
672And since C<sound> already worked with either a class or an instance,
673we're done!
675=head2 Adding parameters to a method
677Let's train our animals to eat:
84f709e7 679 { package Animal;
694468e3 680 sub named {
681 my $class = shift;
84f709e7 682 my $name = shift;
694468e3 683 bless \$name, $class;
684 }
685 sub name {
686 my $either = shift;
687 ref $either
549d696a 688 ? $$either # it's an instance, return name
689 : "an unnamed $either"; # it's a class, return generic
694468e3 690 }
691 sub speak {
692 my $either = shift;
693 print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
694 }
695 sub eat {
696 my $either = shift;
84f709e7 697 my $food = shift;
694468e3 698 print $either->name, " eats $food.\n";
699 }
700 }
84f709e7 701 { package Horse;
702 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 703 sub sound { "neigh" }
704 }
84f709e7 705 { package Sheep;
706 @ISA = qw(Animal);
694468e3 707 sub sound { "baaaah" }
708 }
710And now try it out:
32914eef 712 my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
713 $horse->eat("hay");
694468e3 714 Sheep->eat("grass");
716which prints:
718 Mr. Ed eats hay.
719 an unnamed Sheep eats grass.
721An instance method with parameters gets invoked with the instance,
722and then the list of parameters. So that first invocation is like:
32914eef 724 Animal::eat($horse, "hay");
694468e3 725
726=head2 More interesting instances
728What if an instance needs more data? Most interesting instances are
729made of many items, each of which can in turn be a reference or even
730another object. The easiest way to store these is often in a hash.
731The keys of the hash serve as the names of parts of the object (often
732called "instance variables" or "member variables"), and the
733corresponding values are, well, the values.
735But how do we turn the horse into a hash? Recall that an object was
736any blessed reference. We can just as easily make it a blessed hash
737reference as a blessed scalar reference, as long as everything that
738looks at the reference is changed accordingly.
740Let's make a sheep that has a name and a color:
84f709e7 742 my $bad = bless { Name => "Evil", Color => "black" }, Sheep;
694468e3 743
c47ff5f1 744so C<< $bad->{Name} >> has C<Evil>, and C<< $bad->{Color} >> has
745C<black>. But we want to make C<< $bad->name >> access the name, and
694468e3 746that's now messed up because it's expecting a scalar reference. Not
747to worry, because that's pretty easy to fix up:
749 ## in Animal
750 sub name {
751 my $either = shift;
752 ref $either ?
753 $either->{Name} :
754 "an unnamed $either";
755 }
757And of course C<named> still builds a scalar sheep, so let's fix that
758as well:
760 ## in Animal
761 sub named {
762 my $class = shift;
84f709e7 763 my $name = shift;
764 my $self = { Name => $name, Color => $class->default_color };
694468e3 765 bless $self, $class;
766 }
768What's this C<default_color>? Well, if C<named> has only the name,
769we still need to set a color, so we'll have a class-specific initial color.
770For a sheep, we might define it as white:
772 ## in Sheep
773 sub default_color { "white" }
775And then to keep from having to define one for each additional class,
776we'll define a "backstop" method that serves as the "default default",
777directly in C<Animal>:
779 ## in Animal
780 sub default_color { "brown" }
782Now, because C<name> and C<named> were the only methods that
783referenced the "structure" of the object, the rest of the methods can
784remain the same, so C<speak> still works as before.
786=head2 A horse of a different color
788But having all our horses be brown would be boring. So let's add a
789method or two to get and set the color.
791 ## in Animal
792 sub color {
793 $_[0]->{Color}
794 }
795 sub set_color {
796 $_[0]->{Color} = $_[1];
797 }
799Note the alternate way of accessing the arguments: C<$_[0]> is used
800in-place, rather than with a C<shift>. (This saves us a bit of time
801for something that may be invoked frequently.) And now we can fix
802that color for Mr. Ed:
32914eef 804 my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
805 $horse->set_color("black-and-white");
806 print $horse->name, " is colored ", $horse->color, "\n";
694468e3 807
808which results in:
810 Mr. Ed is colored black-and-white
812=head2 Summary
814So, now we have class methods, constructors, instance methods,
815instance data, and even accessors. But that's still just the
816beginning of what Perl has to offer. We haven't even begun to talk
817about accessors that double as getters and setters, destructors,
818indirect object notation, subclasses that add instance data, per-class
819data, overloading, "isa" and "can" tests, C<UNIVERSAL> class, and so
820on. That's for the rest of the Perl documentation to cover.
821Hopefully, this gets you started, though.
823=head1 SEE ALSO
825For more information, see L<perlobj> (for all the gritty details about
826Perl objects, now that you've seen the basics), L<perltoot> (the
890a53b9 827tutorial for those who already know objects), L<perltooc> (dealing
8257a158 828with class data), L<perlbot> (for some more tricks), and books such as
829Damian Conway's excellent I<Object Oriented Perl>.
831Some modules which might prove interesting are Class::Accessor,
832Class::Class, Class::Contract, Class::Data::Inheritable,
833Class::MethodMaker and Tie::SecureHash
694468e3 834
835=head1 COPYRIGHT
837Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Randal L. Schwartz and Stonehenge
838Consulting Services, Inc. Permission is hereby granted to distribute
839this document intact with the Perl distribution, and in accordance
840with the licenses of the Perl distribution; derived documents must
841include this copyright notice intact.
843Portions of this text have been derived from Perl Training materials
844originally appearing in the I<Packages, References, Objects, and
845Modules> course taught by instructors for Stonehenge Consulting
846Services, Inc. and used with permission.
848Portions of this text have been derived from materials originally
849appearing in I<Linux Magazine> and used with permission.