perl 2.0 patch 1: removed redundant debugging code in regexp.c
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] /
8d063cd8 1''' Beginning of part 2
13281fa4 2''' $Header:,v 88/06/28 16:31:49 root Exp $
8d063cd8 3'''
4''' $Log:,v $
13281fa4 5''' Revision 88/06/28 16:31:49 root
6''' patch1: fixed some quotes
7''' patch1: clarified semantics of study
8''' patch1: added example of y with short second string
9''' patch1: added example of unlink with <*>
378cc40b 11''' Revision 2.0 88/06/05 00:09:30 root
12''' Baseline version 2.0.
8d063cd8 13'''
15.Ip "goto LABEL" 8 6
16Finds the statement labeled with LABEL and resumes execution there.
17Currently you may only go to statements in the main body of the program
18that are not nested inside a do {} construct.
19This statement is not implemented very efficiently, and is here only to make
20the sed-to-perl translator easier.
21Use at your own risk.
22.Ip "hex(EXPR)" 8 2
23Returns the decimal value of EXPR interpreted as an hex string.
24(To interpret strings that might start with 0 or 0x see oct().)
25.Ip "index(STR,SUBSTR)" 8 4
26Returns the position of SUBSTR in STR, based at 0, or whatever you've
27set the $[ variable to.
28If the substring is not found, returns one less than the base, ordinarily -1.
29.Ip "int(EXPR)" 8 3
30Returns the integer portion of EXPR.
31.Ip "join(EXPR,LIST)" 8 8
32.Ip "join(EXPR,ARRAY)" 8
33Joins the separate strings of LIST or ARRAY into a single string with fields
34separated by the value of EXPR, and returns the string.
38 $_ = join(\|':', $login,$passwd,$uid,$gid,$gcos,$home,$shell);
42.IR split .
43.Ip "keys(ASSOC_ARRAY)" 8 6
44Returns a normal array consisting of all the keys of the named associative
46The keys are returned in an apparently random order, but it is the same order
47as either the values() or each() function produces (given that the associative array
48has not been modified).
49Here is yet another way to print your environment:
51 5
53 @keys = keys(ENV);
54 @values = values(ENV);
55 while ($#keys >= 0) {
378cc40b 56 print pop(keys),'=',pop(values),"\en";
57 }
59or how about sorted by key:
60 3
62 foreach $key (sort keys(ENV)) {
63 print $key,'=',$ENV{$key},"\en";
8d063cd8 64 }
67.Ip "kill LIST" 8 2
68Sends a signal to a list of processes.
69The first element of the list must be the (numerical) signal to send.
8d063cd8 70Returns the number of processes successfully signaled.
378cc40b 73 $cnt = kill 1,$child1,$child2;
74 kill 9,@goners;
8d063cd8 75
378cc40b 77If the signal is negative, kills process groups instead of processes.
78(On System V, a negative \fIprocess\fR number will also kill process groups,
79but that's not portable.)
8d063cd8 80.Ip "last LABEL" 8 8
81.Ip "last" 8
83.I last
84command is like the
85.I break
86statement in C (as used in loops); it immediately exits the loop in question.
87If the LABEL is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop.
89.I continue
90block, if any, is not executed:
92 4
94 line: while (<stdin>) {
95 last line if /\|^$/; # exit when done with header
96 .\|.\|.
97 }
378cc40b 100.Ip "length(EXPR)" 8 2
101Returns the length in characters of the value of EXPR.
102.Ip "link(OLDFILE,NEWFILE)" 8 2
103Creates a new filename linked to the old filename.
104Returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise.
105.Ip "local(LIST)" 8 4
106Declares the listed (scalar) variables to be local to the enclosing block,
107subroutine or eval.
13281fa4 108(The \*(L"do 'filename';\*(R" operator also counts as an eval.)
378cc40b 109This operator works by saving the current values of those variables in LIST
110on a hidden stack and restoring them upon exiting the block, subroutine or eval.
111The LIST may be assigned to if desired, which allows you to initialize
112your local variables.
113Commonly this is used to name the parameters to a subroutine.
116 13
118 sub RANGEVAL {
119 local($min, $max, $thunk) = @_;
120 local($result) = '';
121 local($i);
123 # Presumably $thunk makes reference to $i
125 for ($i = $min; $i < $max; $i++) {
126 $result .= eval $thunk;
127 }
129 $result;
130 }
8d063cd8 133.Ip "localtime(EXPR)" 8 4
134Converts a time as returned by the time function to a 9-element array with
135the time analyzed for the local timezone.
136Typically used as follows:
138 3
140 ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)
141 = localtime(time);
378cc40b 144All array elements are numeric, and come straight out of a struct tm.
145In particular this means that $mon has the range 0..11 and $wday has the
146range 0..6.
8d063cd8 147.Ip "log(EXPR)" 8 3
148Returns logarithm (base e) of EXPR.
149.Ip "next LABEL" 8 8
150.Ip "next" 8
152.I next
153command is like the
154.I continue
155statement in C; it starts the next iteration of the loop:
157 4
159 line: while (<stdin>) {
160 next line if /\|^#/; # discard comments
161 .\|.\|.
162 }
165Note that if there were a
166.I continue
167block on the above, it would get executed even on discarded lines.
168If the LABEL is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop.
8d063cd8 169.Ip "oct(EXPR)" 8 2
170Returns the decimal value of EXPR interpreted as an octal string.
171(If EXPR happens to start off with 0x, interprets it as a hex string instead.)
172The following will handle decimal, octal and hex in the standard notation:
175 $val = oct($val) if $val =~ /^0/;
178.Ip "open(FILEHANDLE,EXPR)" 8 8
179.Ip "open(FILEHANDLE)" 8
180.Ip "open FILEHANDLE" 8
181Opens the file whose filename is given by EXPR, and associates it with
378cc40b 183If FILEHANDLE is an expression, its value is used as the name of the
184real filehandle wanted.
185If EXPR is omitted, the scalar variable of the same name as the FILEHANDLE
8d063cd8 186contains the filename.
187If the filename begins with \*(L">\*(R", the file is opened for output.
188If the filename begins with \*(L">>\*(R", the file is opened for appending.
189If the filename begins with \*(L"|\*(R", the filename is interpreted
190as a command to which output is to be piped, and if the filename ends
191with a \*(L"|\*(R", the filename is interpreted as command which pipes
192input to us.
193(You may not have a command that pipes both in and out.)
83b4785a 194Opening '\-' opens stdin and opening '>\-' opens stdout.
8d063cd8 195Open returns 1 upon success, '' otherwise.
198 3
378cc40b 200 $article = 100;
201 open article || die "Can't find article $article";
202 while (<article>) {\|.\|.\|.
204 open(LOG, '>>/usr/spool/news/twitlog'\|); # (log is reserved)
8d063cd8 205
378cc40b 206 open(article, "caeser <$article |"\|); # decrypt article
8d063cd8 207
378cc40b 208 open(extract, "|sort >/tmp/Tmp$$"\|); # $$ is our process#
8d063cd8 209
378cc40b 7
211 # process argument list of files along with any includes
213 foreach $file (@ARGV) {
214 do process($file,'fh00'); # no pun intended
215 }
217 sub process {{
218 local($filename,$input) = @_;
219 $input++; # this is a string increment
220 unless (open($input,$filename)) {
221 print stderr "Can't open $filename\en";
222 last; # note block inside sub
223 }
224 while (<$input>) { # note the use of indirection
225 if (/^#include "(.*)"/) {
226 do process($1,$input);
227 next;
228 }
229 .\|.\|. # whatever
230 }
231 }}
234You may also, in the Bourne shell tradition, specify an EXPR beginning
13281fa4 235with \*(L">&\*(R", in which case the rest of the string
378cc40b 236is interpreted as the name of a filehandle
237(or file descriptor, if numeric) which is to be duped and opened.
238Here is a script that saves, redirects, and restores stdout and stdin:
240 21
242 #!/usr/bin/perl
243 open(saveout,">&stdout");
244 open(saveerr,">&stderr");
246 open(stdout,">foo.out") || die "Can't redirect stdout";
247 open(stderr,">&stdout") || die "Can't dup stdout";
249 select(stderr); $| = 1; # make unbuffered
250 select(stdout); $| = 1; # make unbuffered
252 print stdout "stdout 1\en"; # this works for
253 print stderr "stderr 1\en"; # subprocesses too
255 close(stdout);
256 close(stderr);
258 open(stdout,">&saveout");
259 open(stderr,">&saveerr");
261 print stdout "stdout 2\en";
262 print stderr "stderr 2\en";
8d063cd8 263
13281fa4 265If you open a pipe on the command \*(L"-\*(R", i.e. either \*(L"|-\*(R" or \*(L"-|\*(R",
378cc40b 266then there is an implicit fork done, and the return value of open
267is the pid of the child within the parent process, and 0 within the child
269The filehandle behaves normally for the parent, but i/o to that
270filehandle is piped from/to the stdout/stdin of the child process.
271In the child process the filehandle isn't opened--i/o happens from/to
272the new stdout or stdin.
273Typically this is used like the normal piped open when you want to exercise
274more control over just how the pipe command gets executed, such as when
275you are running setuid, and don't want to have to scan shell commands
276for metacharacters.
277The following pairs are equivalent:
279 5
281 open(FOO,"|tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'");
282 open(FOO,"|-") || exec 'tr', '[a-z]', '[A-Z]';
284 open(FOO,"cat -n $file|");
285 open(FOO,"-|") || exec 'cat', '-n', $file;
288Explicitly closing the filehandle causes the parent process to wait for the
289child to finish, and returns the status value in $?.
8d063cd8 290.Ip "ord(EXPR)" 8 3
291Returns the ascii value of the first character of EXPR.
292.Ip "pop ARRAY" 8 6
293.Ip "pop(ARRAY)" 8
294Pops and returns the last value of the array, shortening the array by 1.
378cc40b 295Has the same effect as
298 $tmp = $ARRAY[$#ARRAY]; $#ARRAY--;
8d063cd8 301.Ip "print FILEHANDLE LIST" 8 9
302.Ip "print LIST" 8
303.Ip "print" 8
378cc40b 304Prints a string or a comma-separated list of strings.
305FILEHANDLE may be a scalar variable name, in which case the variable contains
306the name of the filehandle, thus introducing one level of indirection.
8d063cd8 307If FILEHANDLE is omitted, prints by default to standard output (or to the
308last selected output channel\*(--see select()).
309If LIST is also omitted, prints $_ to stdout.
8d063cd8 310To set the default output channel to something other than stdout use the select operation.
311.Ip "printf FILEHANDLE LIST" 8 9
312.Ip "printf LIST" 8
13281fa4 313Equivalent to a \*(L"print FILEHANDLE sprintf(LIST)\*(R".
378cc40b 314.Ip "push(ARRAY,LIST)" 8 7
315Treats ARRAY (@ is optional) as a stack, and pushes the values of LIST
8d063cd8 316onto the end of ARRAY.
378cc40b 317The length of ARRAY increases by the length of LIST.
8d063cd8 318Has the same effect as
378cc40b 321 for $value (LIST) {
322 $ARRAY[$#ARRAY+1] = $value;
323 }
8d063cd8 324
326but is more efficient.
327.Ip "redo LABEL" 8 8
328.Ip "redo" 8
330.I redo
331command restarts the loop block without evaluating the conditional again.
333.I continue
334block, if any, is not executed.
335If the LABEL is omitted, the command refers to the innermost enclosing loop.
336This command is normally used by programs that want to lie to themselves
337about what was just input:
339 16
341 # a simpleminded Pascal comment stripper
342 # (warning: assumes no { or } in strings)
343 line: while (<stdin>) {
344 while (s|\|({.*}.*\|){.*}|$1 \||) {}
345 s|{.*}| \||;
346 if (s|{.*| \||) {
347 $front = $_;
348 while (<stdin>) {
349 if (\|/\|}/\|) { # end of comment?
350 s|^|$front{|;
351 redo line;
352 }
353 }
354 }
355 print;
356 }
359.Ip "rename(OLDNAME,NEWNAME)" 8 2
360Changes the name of a file.
361Returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise.
362.Ip "reset EXPR" 8 3
363Generally used in a
364.I continue
365block at the end of a loop to clear variables and reset ?? searches
366so that they work again.
367The expression is interpreted as a list of single characters (hyphens allowed
368for ranges).
378cc40b 369All variables and arrays beginning with one of those letters are reset to
370their pristine state.
8d063cd8 371If the expression is omitted, one-match searches (?pattern?) are reset to
372match again.
373Always returns 1.
376 3
378 reset 'X'; \h'|2i'# reset all X variables
379 reset 'a-z';\h'|2i'# reset lower case variables
380 reset; \h'|2i'# just reset ?? searches
378cc40b 383Note: resetting "A-Z" is not recommended since you'll wipe out your ARGV and ENV
8d063cd8 386Searches a string for a pattern, and if found, replaces that pattern with the
387replacement text and returns the number of substitutions made.
388Otherwise it returns false (0).
389The \*(L"g\*(R" is optional, and if present, indicates that all occurences
390of the pattern are to be replaced.
378cc40b 391The \*(L"i\*(R" is also optional, and if present, indicates that matching
392is to be done in a case-insensitive manner.
8d063cd8 393Any delimiter may replace the slashes; if single quotes are used, no
394interpretation is done on the replacement string.
395If no string is specified via the =~ or !~ operator,
396the $_ string is searched and modified.
378cc40b 397(The string specified with =~ must be a scalar variable, an array element,
398or an assignment to one of those, i.e. an lvalue.)
8d063cd8 399If the pattern contains a $ that looks like a variable rather than an
400end-of-string test, the variable will be interpolated into the pattern at
402See also the section on regular expressions.
406 s/\|\e\|bgreen\e\|b/mauve/g; # don't change wintergreen
408 $path \|=~ \|s|\|/usr/bin|\|/usr/local/bin|;
410 s/Login: $foo/Login: $bar/; # run-time pattern
412 s/\|([^ \|]*\|) *\|([^ \|]*\|)\|/\|$2 $1/; # reverse 1st two fields
378cc40b 414 ($foo = $bar) =~ s/bar/foo/;
417(Note the use of $ instead of \|\e\| in the last example. See section
418on regular expressions.)
420Randomly positions the file pointer for FILEHANDLE, just like the fseek()
421call of stdio.
378cc40b 422FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle.
8d063cd8 423Returns 1 upon success, 0 otherwise.
424.Ip "select(FILEHANDLE)" 8 3
425Sets the current default filehandle for output.
426This has two effects: first, a
427.I write
428or a
429.I print
430without a filehandle will default to this FILEHANDLE.
431Second, references to variables related to output will refer to this output
433For example, if you have to set the top of form format for more than
434one output channel, you might do the following:
436 4
438 select(report1);
439 $^ = 'report1_top';
440 select(report2);
441 $^ = 'report2_top';
444Select happens to return TRUE if the file is currently open and FALSE otherwise,
445but this has no effect on its operation.
378cc40b 446FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the actual filehandle.
8d063cd8 447.Ip "shift(ARRAY)" 8 6
448.Ip "shift ARRAY" 8
449.Ip "shift" 8
378cc40b 450Shifts the first value of the array off and returns it,
451shortening the array by 1 and moving everything down.
8d063cd8 452If ARRAY is omitted, shifts the ARGV array.
83b4785a 453See also unshift(), push() and pop().
454Shift() and unshift() do the same thing to the left end of an array that push()
455and pop() do to the right end.
8d063cd8 456.Ip "sleep EXPR" 8 6
457.Ip "sleep" 8
458Causes the script to sleep for EXPR seconds, or forever if no EXPR.
459May be interrupted by sending the process a SIGALARM.
460Returns the number of seconds actually slept.
378cc40b 461.Ip "sort SUBROUTINE LIST" 8 7
462.Ip "sort LIST" 8
463Sorts the LIST and returns the sorted array value.
464Nonexistent values of arrays are stripped out.
465If SUBROUTINE is omitted, sorts in standard string comparison order.
466If SUBROUTINE is specified, gives the name of a subroutine that returns
467a -1, 0, or 1, depending on how the elements of the array are to be ordered.
468In the interests of efficiency the normal calling code for subroutines
469is bypassed, with the following effects: the subroutine may not be a recursive
470subroutine, and the two elements to be compared are passed into the subroutine
471not via @_ but as $a and $b (see example below).
472SUBROUTINE may be a scalar variable name, in which case the value provides
473the name of the subroutine to use.
476 4
478 sub byage {
479 $age{$a} < $age{$b} ? -1 : $age{$a} > $age{$b} ? 1 : 0;
480 }
481 @sortedclass = sort byage @class;
482 9
484 sub reverse { $a lt $b ? 1 : $a gt $b ? -1 : 0; }
485 @harry = ('dog','cat','x','Cain','Abel');
486 @george = ('gone','chased','yz','Punished','Axed');
487 print sort @harry;
488 # prints AbelCaincatdogx
489 print sort reverse @harry;
490 # prints xdogcatCainAbel
491 print sort @george,'to',@harry;
492 # prints AbelAxedCainPunishedcatchaseddoggonetoxyz
8d063cd8 495.Ip "split(/PATTERN/,EXPR)" 8 8
496.Ip "split(/PATTERN/)" 8
497.Ip "split" 8
498Splits a string into an array of strings, and returns it.
499If EXPR is omitted, splits the $_ string.
500If PATTERN is also omitted, splits on whitespace (/[\ \et\en]+/).
501Anything matching PATTERN is taken to be a delimiter separating the fields.
502(Note that the delimiter may be longer than one character.)
503Trailing null fields are stripped, which potential users of pop() would
504do well to remember.
9bb9d9f7 505A pattern matching the null string (not to be confused with a null pattern)
506will split the value of EXPR into separate characters at each point it
507matches that way.
508For example:
511 print join(':',split(/ */,'hi there'));
514produces the output 'h:i:t:h:e:r:e'.
516The pattern /PATTERN/ may be replaced with an expression to specify patterns
517that vary at runtime.
518As a special case, specifying a space ('\ ') will split on white space
519just as split with no arguments does, but leading white space does NOT
520produce a null first field.
521Thus, split('\ ') can be used to emulate awk's default behavior, whereas
522split(/\ /) will give you as many null initial fields as there are
523leading spaces.
8d063cd8 524.sp
527 5
529 open(passwd, '/etc/passwd');
530 while (<passwd>) { t \{\
532 ($login, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $gcos, $home, $shell) = split(\|/\|:\|/\|);
534.el \{\
535 ($login, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $gcos, $home, $shell)
536 = split(\|/\|:\|/\|);
538 .\|.\|.
539 }
542(Note that $shell above will still have a newline on it. See chop().)
543See also
544.IR join .
545.Ip "sprintf(FORMAT,LIST)" 8 4
546Returns a string formatted by the usual printf conventions.
547The * character is not supported.
548.Ip "sqrt(EXPR)" 8 3
549Return the square root of EXPR.
550.Ip "stat(FILEHANDLE)" 8 6
551.Ip "stat(EXPR)" 8
552Returns a 13-element array giving the statistics for a file, either the file
553opened via FILEHANDLE, or named by EXPR.
554Typically used as follows:
556 3
558 ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
559 $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks)
560 = stat($filename);
378cc40b 563.Ip "study(SCALAR)" 8 6
564.Ip "study"
565Takes extra time to study SCALAR ($_ if unspecified) in anticipation of
566doing many pattern matches on the string before it is next modified.
567This may or may not save time, depending on the nature and number of patterns
13281fa4 568you are searching on, and on the distribution of character frequencies in
569the string to be searched\*(--you probably want to compare runtimes with and
378cc40b 570without it to see which runs faster.
571Those loops which scan for many short constant strings (including the constant
572parts of more complex patterns) will benefit most.
13281fa4 573(The way study works is this: a linked list of every character in the string
574to be searched is made, so we know, for example, where all the `k' characters
576From each search string, the rarest character is selected, based on some
577static frequency tables constructed from some C programs and English text.
578Only those places that contain this \*(L"rarest\*(R" character are examined.)
580For example, here is a loop which inserts index producing entries before an line
378cc40b 581containing a certain pattern:
583 8
585 while (<>) {
586 study;
587 print ".IX foo\en" if /\ebfoo\eb/;
588 print ".IX bar\en" if /\ebbar\eb/;
589 print ".IX blurfl\en" if /\ebblurfl\eb/;
590 .\|.\|.
591 print;
592 }
13281fa4 595In searching for /\ebfoo\eb/, only those locations in $_ that contain `f'
596will be looked at, because `f' is rarer than `o'.
597In general, this is a big win except in pathological cases.
598The only question is whether it saves you more time than it took to build
599the linked list in the first place.
601Note that if you have to look for strings that you don't know till runtime,
602you can build an entire loop as a string and eval that to avoid recompiling
603all your patterns all the time.
604Together with setting $/ to input entire files as one record, this can
605be very fast, often faster than specialized programs like fgrep.
606The following scans a list of files (@files)
607for a list of words (@words), and prints out the names of those files that
608contain a match:
610 12
612 $search = 'while (<>) { study;';
613 foreach $word (@words) {
614 $search .= "\e++$seen{\e$ARGV} if /\eb$word\eb/;\en";
615 }
616 $search .= "}";
617 @ARGV = @files;
618 $/ = "\e177"; # something that doesn't occur
619 eval $search; # this screams
620 $/ = "\en"; # put back to normal input delim
621 foreach $file (sort keys(seen)) {
622 print $file,"\en";
623 }
8d063cd8 626.Ip "substr(EXPR,OFFSET,LEN)" 8 2
627Extracts a substring out of EXPR and returns it.
628First character is at offset 0, or whatever you've set $[ to.
629.Ip "system LIST" 8 6
630Does exactly the same thing as \*(L"exec LIST\*(R" except that a fork
631is done first, and the parent process waits for the child process to complete.
632Note that argument processing varies depending on the number of arguments.
378cc40b 633The return value is the exit status of the program as returned by the wait()
635To get the actual exit value divide by 256.
636See also exec.
637.Ip "symlink(OLDFILE,NEWFILE)" 8 2
638Creates a new filename symbolically linked to the old filename.
639Returns 1 for success, 0 otherwise.
640On systems that don't support symbolic links, produces a fatal error at
641run time.
642To check for that, use eval:
645 $symlink_exists = (eval 'symlink("","");', $@ eq '');
8d063cd8 648.Ip "tell(FILEHANDLE)" 8 6
649.Ip "tell" 8
650Returns the current file position for FILEHANDLE.
378cc40b 651FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the actual
8d063cd8 653If FILEHANDLE is omitted, assumes the file last read.
654.Ip "time" 8 4
655Returns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
656Suitable for feeding to gmtime() and localtime().
657.Ip "times" 8 4
658Returns a four-element array giving the user and system times, in seconds, for this
659process and the children of this process.
661 ($user,$system,$cuser,$csystem) = times;
665Translates all occurences of the characters found in the search list with
666the corresponding character in the replacement list.
667It returns the number of characters replaced.
668If no string is specified via the =~ or !~ operator,
669the $_ string is translated.
378cc40b 670(The string specified with =~ must be a scalar variable, an array element,
671or an assignment to one of those, i.e. an lvalue.)
8d063cd8 672For
673.I sed
675.I y
676is provided as a synonym for
677.IR tr .
681 $ARGV[1] \|=~ \|y/A-Z/a-z/; \h'|3i'# canonicalize to lower case
683 $cnt = tr/*/*/; \h'|3i'# count the stars in $_
378cc40b 685 ($HOST = $host) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
13281fa4 687 y/\e001-@[-_{-\e177/ /; \h'|3i'# change non-alphas to space
690.Ip "umask(EXPR)" 8 3
691Sets the umask for the process and returns the old one.
692.Ip "unlink LIST" 8 2
693Deletes a list of files.
8d063cd8 694Returns the number of files successfully deleted.
378cc40b 2
698 $cnt = unlink 'a','b','c';
699 unlink @goners;
13281fa4 700 unlink <*.bak>;
8d063cd8 701
378cc40b 703Note: unlink will not delete directories unless you are superuser and the \-U
704flag is supplied to perl.
83b4785a 7
8d063cd8 706.Ip "unshift(ARRAY,LIST)" 8 4
707Does the opposite of a shift.
378cc40b 708Or the opposite of a push, depending on how you look at it.
8d063cd8 709Prepends list to the front of the array, and returns the number of elements
710in the new array.
713 unshift(ARGV,'-e') unless $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/;
378cc40b 716.Ip "utime LIST" 8 2
717Changes the access and modification times on each file of a list of files.
718The first two elements of the list must be the NUMERICAL access and
719modification times, in that order.
720Returns the number of files successfully changed.
721The inode modification time of each file is set to the current time.
13281fa4 722Example of a \*(L"touch\*(R" command:
724 3
726 #!/usr/bin/perl
727 $now = time;
728 utime $now,$now,@ARGV;
8d063cd8 731.Ip "values(ASSOC_ARRAY)" 8 6
732Returns a normal array consisting of all the values of the named associative
734The values are returned in an apparently random order, but it is the same order
735as either the keys() or each() function produces (given that the associative array
736has not been modified).
737See also keys() and each().
378cc40b 738.Ip "wait" 8 6
739Waits for a child process to terminate and returns the pid of the deceased
741The status is returned in $?.
8d063cd8 742.Ip "write(FILEHANDLE)" 8 6
743.Ip "write(EXPR)" 8
744.Ip "write(\|)" 8
745Writes a formatted record (possibly multi-line) to the specified file,
746using the format associated with that file.
747By default the format for a file is the one having the same name is the
748filehandle, but the format for the current output channel (see
749.IR select )
750may be set explicitly
751by assigning the name of the format to the $~ variable.
753Top of form processing is handled automatically:
754if there is insufficient room on the current page for the formatted
755record, the page is advanced, a special top-of-page format is used
756to format the new page header, and then the record is written.
757By default the top-of-page format is \*(L"top\*(R", but it
758may be set to the
759format of your choice by assigning the name to the $^ variable.
761If FILEHANDLE is unspecified, output goes to the current default output channel,
762which starts out as stdout but may be changed by the
763.I select
765If the FILEHANDLE is an EXPR, then the expression is evaluated and the
766resulting string is used to look up the name of the FILEHANDLE at run time.
767For more on formats, see the section on formats later on.
378cc40b 768.Sh "Precedence"
769Perl operators have the following associativity and precedence:
772nonassoc\h'|1i'print printf exec system sort
773\h'1.5i'chmod chown kill unlink utime
780left\h'|1i'| ^
782nonassoc\h'|1i'== != eq ne
783nonassoc\h'|1i'< > <= >= lt gt le ge
784nonassoc\h'|1i'chdir die exit eval reset sleep
785nonassoc\h'|1i'-r -w -x etc.
786left\h'|1i'<< >>
787left\h'|1i'+ - .
788left\h'|1i'* / % x
789left\h'|1i'=~ !~
790right\h'|1i'! ~ and unary minus
791nonassoc\h'|1i'++ --
795Actually, the precedence of list operators such as print, sort or chmod is
796either very high or very low depending on whether you look at the left
797side of operator or the right side of it.
798For example, in
800 @ary = (1, 3, sort 4, 2);
801 print @ary; # prints 1324
803the commas on the right of the sort are evaluated before the sort, but
804the commas on the left are evaluated after.
805In other words, list operators tend to gobble up all the arguments that
806follow them, and then act like a simple term with regard to the preceding
8d063cd8 808.Sh "Subroutines"
809A subroutine may be declared as follows:
812 sub NAME BLOCK
816Any arguments passed to the routine come in as array @_,
817that is ($_[0], $_[1], .\|.\|.).
818The return value of the subroutine is the value of the last expression
13281fa4 820To create local variables see the \*(L"local\*(R" operator.
8d063cd8 821.PP
822A subroutine is called using the
823.I do
826 12
830 sub MAX {
378cc40b 831 local($max) = pop(@_);
832 foreach $foo (@_) {
8d063cd8 833 $max = $foo \|if \|$max < $foo;
834 }
835 $max;
836 }
838 .\|.\|.
839 $bestday = do MAX($mon,$tue,$wed,$thu,$fri);
840 21
844 # get a line, combining continuation lines
845 # that start with whitespace
846 sub get_line {
847 $thisline = $lookahead;
848 line: while ($lookahead = <stdin>) {
849 if ($lookahead \|=~ \|/\|^[ \^\e\|t]\|/\|) {
850 $thisline \|.= \|$lookahead;
851 }
852 else {
853 last line;
854 }
855 }
856 $thisline;
857 }
859 $lookahead = <stdin>; # get first line
860 while ($_ = get_line(\|)) {
861 .\|.\|.
862 }
863 6
378cc40b 867Use array assignment to local list to name your formal arguments:
8d063cd8 868
869 sub maybeset {
378cc40b 870 local($key,$value) = @_;
8d063cd8 871 $foo{$key} = $value unless $foo{$key};
872 }
378cc40b 875Subroutines may be called recursively.
8d063cd8 876.Sh "Regular Expressions"
877The patterns used in pattern matching are regular expressions such as
378cc40b 878those supplied in the Version 8 regexp routines.
879(In fact, the routines are derived from Henry Spencer's freely redistributable
880reimplementation of the V8 routines.)
13281fa4 881In addition, \ew matches an alphanumeric character (including \*(L"_\*(R") and \eW a nonalphanumeric.
8d063cd8 882Word boundaries may be matched by \eb, and non-boundaries by \eB.
378cc40b 883A whitespace character is matched by \es, non-whitespace by \eS.
884A numeric character is matched by \ed, non-numeric by \eD.
885You may use \ew, \es and \ed within character classes.
886Also, \en, \er, \ef, \et and \eNNN have their normal interpretations.
887Within character classes \eb represents backspace rather than a word boundary.
888The bracketing construct \|(\ .\|.\|.\ \|) may also be used, in which case \e<digit>
8d063cd8 889matches the digit'th substring, where digit can range from 1 to 9.
378cc40b 890(Outside of patterns, use $ instead of \e in front of the digit.
891The scope of $<digit> extends to the end of the enclosing BLOCK, or to
892the next pattern match with subexpressions.)
8d063cd8 893$+ returns whatever the last bracket match matched.
894$& returns the entire matched string.
378cc40b 895($0 normally returns the same thing, but don't depend on it.)
896Alternatives may be separated by |.
8d063cd8 897Examples:
900 s/\|^\|([^ \|]*\|) \|*([^ \|]*\|)\|/\|$2 $1\|/; # swap first two words
901 5
903 if (/\|Time: \|(.\|.\|):\|(.\|.\|):\|(.\|.\|)\|/\|) {
904 $hours = $1;
905 $minutes = $2;
906 $seconds = $3;
907 }
910By default, the ^ character matches only the beginning of the string, and
911.I perl
912does certain optimizations with the assumption that the string contains
913only one line.
914You may, however, wish to treat a string as a multi-line buffer, such that
915the ^ will match after any newline within the string.
916At the cost of a little more overhead, you can do this by setting the variable
917$* to 1.
918Setting it back to 0 makes
919.I perl
920revert to its old behavior.
378cc40b 921.PP
922To facilitate multi-line substitutions, the . character never matches a newline.
923In particular, the following leaves a newline on the $_ string:
926 $_ = <stdin>;
927 s/.*(some_string).*/$1/;
929If the newline is unwanted, try one of
931 s/.*(some_string).*\en/$1/;
932 s/.*(some_string)[^\000]*/$1/;
933 s/.*(some_string)(.|\en)*/$1/;
934 chop; s/.*(some_string).*/$1/;
935 /(some_string)/ && ($_ = $1);
8d063cd8 938.Sh "Formats"
939Output record formats for use with the
940.I write
941operator may declared as follows:
943 3
945 format NAME =
947 .
950If name is omitted, format \*(L"stdout\*(R" is defined.
951FORMLIST consists of a sequence of lines, each of which may be of one of three
953.Ip 1. 4
954A comment.
955.Ip 2. 4
956A \*(L"picture\*(R" line giving the format for one output line.
957.Ip 3. 4
958An argument line supplying values to plug into a picture line.
960Picture lines are printed exactly as they look, except for certain fields
961that substitute values into the line.
962Each picture field starts with either @ or ^.
963The @ field (not to be confused with the array marker @) is the normal
964case; ^ fields are used
965to do rudimentary multi-line text block filling.
966The length of the field is supplied by padding out the field
967with multiple <, >, or | characters to specify, respectively, left justfication,
968right justification, or centering.
969If any of the values supplied for these fields contains a newline, only
970the text up to the newline is printed.
971The special field @* can be used for printing multi-line values.
972It should appear by itself on a line.
974The values are specified on the following line, in the same order as
975the picture fields.
378cc40b 976They must currently be either scalar variable names or literals (or
8d063cd8 977pseudo-literals).
978Currently you can separate values with spaces, but commas may be placed
979between values to prepare for possible future versions in which full expressions
980are allowed as values.
982Picture fields that begin with ^ rather than @ are treated specially.
378cc40b 983The value supplied must be a scalar variable name which contains a text
8d063cd8 984string.
985.I Perl
986puts as much text as it can into the field, and then chops off the front
378cc40b 987of the string so that the next time the variable is referenced,
8d063cd8 988more of the text can be printed.
989Normally you would use a sequence of fields in a vertical stack to print
990out a block of text.
991If you like, you can end the final field with .\|.\|., which will appear in the
992output if the text was too long to appear in its entirety.
994Since use of ^ fields can produce variable length records if the text to be
995formatted is short, you can suppress blank lines by putting the tilde (~)
996character anywhere in the line.
997(Normally you should put it in the front if possible.)
998The tilde will be translated to a space upon output.
1002.lg 0
1003.cs R 25
1004 10
1006# a report on the /etc/passwd file
1007format top =
1008\& Passwd File
1009Name Login Office Uid Gid Home
1012format stdout =
1013@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @||||||| @<<<<<<@>>>> @>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1014$name $login $office $uid $gid $home
1016 29
1018# a report from a bug report form
1019format top =
1020\& Bug Reports
1021@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @||| @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1022$system; $%; $date
1025format stdout =
1026Subject: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1027\& $subject
1028Index: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1029\& $index $description
1030Priority: @<<<<<<<<<< Date: @<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1031\& $priority $date $description
1032From: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1033\& $from $description
1034Assigned to: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1035\& $programmer $description
1036\&~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1037\& $description
1038\&~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1039\& $description
1040\&~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1041\& $description
1042\&~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1043\& $description
1044\&~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<...
1045\& $description
1048.cs R
1050It is possible to intermix prints with writes on the same output channel,
1051but you'll have to handle $\- (lines left on the page) yourself.
1054If you are printing lots of fields that are usually blank, you should consider
1055using the reset operator between records.
1056Not only is it more efficient, but it can prevent the bug of adding another
1057field and forgetting to zero it.
1058.Sh "Predefined Names"
1059The following names have special meaning to
1060.IR perl .
1061I could have used alphabetic symbols for some of these, but I didn't want
13281fa4 1062to take the chance that someone would say reset \*(L"a-zA-Z\*(R" and wipe them all
8d063cd8 1063out.
1064You'll just have to suffer along with these silly symbols.
1065Most of them have reasonable mnemonics, or analogues in one of the shells.
1066.Ip $_ 8
1067The default input and pattern-searching space.
1068The following pairs are equivalent:
1070 2
1072 while (<>) {\|.\|.\|. # only equivalent in while!
1073 while ($_ = <>) {\|.\|.\|.
1074 2
1076 /\|^Subject:/
1077 $_ \|=~ \|/\|^Subject:/
1078 2
1080 y/a-z/A-Z/
1081 $_ =~ y/a-z/A-Z/
1082 2
1084 chop
1085 chop($_)
1088(Mnemonic: underline is understood in certain operations.)
1089.Ip $. 8
378cc40b 1090The current input line number of the last filehandle that was read.
8d063cd8 1091Readonly.
378cc40b 1092Remember that only an explicit close on the filehandle resets the line number.
1093Since <> never does an explicit close, line numbers increase across ARGV files
1094(but see examples under eof).
8d063cd8 1095(Mnemonic: many programs use . to mean the current line number.)
1096.Ip $/ 8
1097The input record separator, newline by default.
1098Works like awk's RS variable, including treating blank lines as delimiters
1099if set to the null string.
1100If set to a value longer than one character, only the first character is used.
1101(Mnemonic: / is used to delimit line boundaries when quoting poetry.)
1102.Ip $, 8
1103The output field separator for the print operator.
1104Ordinarily the print operator simply prints out the comma separated fields
1105you specify.
1106In order to get behavior more like awk, set this variable as you would set
1107awk's OFS variable to specify what is printed between fields.
1108(Mnemonic: what is printed when there is a , in your print statement.)
1109.Ip $\e 8
1110The output record separator for the print operator.
1111Ordinarily the print operator simply prints out the comma separated fields
1112you specify, with no trailing newline or record separator assumed.
1113In order to get behavior more like awk, set this variable as you would set
1114awk's ORS variable to specify what is printed at the end of the print.
1115(Mnemonic: you set $\e instead of adding \en at the end of the print.
1116Also, it's just like /, but it's what you get \*(L"back\*(R" from perl.)
1117.Ip $# 8
1118The output format for printed numbers.
1119This variable is a half-hearted attempt to emulate awk's OFMT variable.
1120There are times, however, when awk and perl have differing notions of what
1121is in fact numeric.
1122Also, the initial value is %.20g rather than %.6g, so you need to set $#
1123explicitly to get awk's value.
1124(Mnemonic: # is the number sign.)
1125.Ip $% 8
1126The current page number of the currently selected output channel.
1127(Mnemonic: % is page number in nroff.)
1128.Ip $= 8
1129The current page length (printable lines) of the currently selected output
1131Default is 60.
1132(Mnemonic: = has horizontal lines.)
1133.Ip $\- 8
1134The number of lines left on the page of the currently selected output channel.
1135(Mnemonic: lines_on_page - lines_printed.)
1136.Ip $~ 8
1137The name of the current report format for the currently selected output
1139(Mnemonic: brother to $^.)
1140.Ip $^ 8
1141The name of the current top-of-page format for the currently selected output
1143(Mnemonic: points to top of page.)
1144.Ip $| 8
1145If set to nonzero, forces a flush after every write or print on the currently
1146selected output channel.
1147Default is 0.
1148Note that stdout will typically be line buffered if output is to the
1149terminal and block buffered otherwise.
1150Setting this variable is useful primarily when you are outputting to a pipe,
1151such as when you are running a perl script under rsh and want to see the
1152output as it's happening.
1153(Mnemonic: when you want your pipes to be piping hot.)
1154.Ip $$ 8
1155The process number of the
1156.I perl
1157running this script.
1158(Mnemonic: same as shells.)
1159.Ip $? 8
378cc40b 1160The status returned by the last backtick (``) command or system operator.
1161Note that this is the status word returned by the wait() system
1162call, so the exit value of the subprocess is actually ($? >> 8).
1163$? & 255 gives which signal, if any, the process died from, and whether
1164there was a core dump.
1165(Mnemonic: similar to sh and ksh.)
1166.Ip $& 8 4
1167The string matched by the last pattern match.
1168(Mnemonic: like & in some editors.)
8d063cd8 1169.Ip $+ 8 4
1170The last bracket matched by the last search pattern.
1171This is useful if you don't know which of a set of alternative patterns
1173For example:
1176 /Version: \|(.*\|)|Revision: \|(.*\|)\|/ \|&& \|($rev = $+);
1179(Mnemonic: be positive and forward looking.)
1180.Ip $* 8 2
1181Set to 1 to do multiline matching within a string, 0 to assume strings contain
1182a single line.
1183Default is 0.
1184(Mnemonic: * matches multiple things.)
1185.Ip $0 8
1186Contains the name of the file containing the
1187.I perl
1188script being executed.
1189The value should be copied elsewhere before any pattern matching happens, which
1190clobbers $0.
1191(Mnemonic: same as sh and ksh.)
83b4785a 1192.Ip $<digit> 8
1193Contains the subpattern from the corresponding set of parentheses in the last
1194pattern matched, not counting patterns matched in nested blocks that have
1195been exited already.
1196(Mnemonic: like \edigit.)
8d063cd8 1197.Ip $[ 8 2
1198The index of the first element in an array, and of the first character in
1199a substring.
1200Default is 0, but you could set it to 1 to make
1201.I perl
1202behave more like
1203.I awk
1204(or Fortran)
1205when subscripting and when evaluating the index() and substr() functions.
1206(Mnemonic: [ begins subscripts.)
1207.Ip $! 8 2
378cc40b 1208If used in a numeric context, yields the current value of errno, with all the
1209usual caveats.
1210If used in a string context, yields the corresponding system error string.
1211You can assign to $! in order to set errno
1212if, for instance, you want $! to return the string for error n, or you want
1213to set the exit value for the die operator.
8d063cd8 1214(Mnemonic: What just went bang?)
83b4785a 1215.Ip $@ 8 2
1216The error message from the last eval command.
1217If null, the last eval parsed and executed correctly.
13281fa4 1218(Mnemonic: Where was the syntax error \*(L"at\*(R"?)
378cc40b 1219.Ip $< 8 2
1220The real uid of this process.
1221(Mnemonic: it's the uid you came FROM, if you're running setuid.)
1222.Ip $> 8 2
1223The effective uid of this process.
1227 $< = $>; # set real uid to the effective uid
1230(Mnemonic: it's the uid you went TO, if you're running setuid.)
1231.Ip $( 8 2
1232The real gid of this process.
1233If you are on a machine that supports membership in multiple groups
1234simultaneously, gives a space separated list of groups you are in.
1235The first number is the one returned by getgid(), and the subsequent ones
1236by getgroups(), one of which may be the same as the first number.
1237(Mnemonic: parens are used to GROUP things.
1238The real gid is the group you LEFT, if you're running setgid.)
1239.Ip $) 8 2
1240The effective gid of this process.
1241If you are on a machine that supports membership in multiple groups
1242simultaneously, gives a space separated list of groups you are in.
1243The first number is the one returned by getegid(), and the subsequent ones
1244by getgroups(), one of which may be the same as the first number.
1245(Mnemonic: parens are used to GROUP things.
1246The effective gid is the group that's RIGHT for you, if you're running setgid.)
1248Note: $<, $>, $( and $) can only be set on machines that support the
1249corresponding set[re][ug]id() routine.
8d063cd8 1250.Ip @ARGV 8 3
1251The array ARGV contains the command line arguments intended for the script.
1252Note that $#ARGV is the generally number of arguments minus one, since
1253$ARGV[0] is the first argument, NOT the command name.
1254See $0 for the command name.
378cc40b 1255.Ip @INC 8 3
1256The array INC contains the list of places to look for perl scripts to be
13281fa4 1257evaluated by the \*(L"do EXPR\*(R" command.
378cc40b 1258It initially consists of the arguments to any -I command line switches, followed
13281fa4 1259by the default perl library, probably \*(L"/usr/local/lib/perl\*(R".
8d063cd8 1260.Ip $ENV{expr} 8 2
1261The associative array ENV contains your current environment.
1262Setting a value in ENV changes the environment for child processes.
1263.Ip $SIG{expr} 8 2
1264The associative array SIG is used to set signal handlers for various signals.
1267 12
1269 sub handler { # 1st argument is signal name
378cc40b 1270 local($sig) = @_;
1271 print "Caught a SIG$sig--shutting down\en";
1272 close(LOG);
8d063cd8 1273 exit(0);
1274 }
1276 $SIG{'INT'} = 'handler';
1277 $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'handler';
378cc40b 1278 .\|.\|.
8d063cd8 1279 $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT'; # restore default action
1280 $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'IGNORE'; # ignore SIGQUIT
1284.I Perl
1285currently uses no environment variables, except to make them available
1286to the script being executed, and to child processes.
1287However, scripts running setuid would do well to execute the following lines
1288before doing anything else, just to keep people honest:
1290 3
1292 $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; # or whatever you need
1293 $ENV{'SHELL'} = '/bin/sh' if $ENV{'SHELL'};
1294 $ENV{'IFS'} = '' if $ENV{'IFS'};
1298Larry Wall <lwall@jpl-devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
1300/tmp/perl\-eXXXXXX temporary file for
1301.B \-e
1304a2p awk to perl translator
1306s2p sed to perl translator
1308perldb interactive perl debugger
8d063cd8 1309.SH DIAGNOSTICS
1310Compilation errors will tell you the line number of the error, with an
1311indication of the next token or token type that was to be examined.
1312(In the case of a script passed to
1313.I perl
1315.B \-e
1316switches, each
1317.B \-e
1318is counted as one line.)
1320Accustomed awk users should take special note of the following:
1321.Ip * 4 2
1322Semicolons are required after all simple statements in perl. Newline
1323is not a statement delimiter.
1324.Ip * 4 2
1325Curly brackets are required on ifs and whiles.
1326.Ip * 4 2
1327Variables begin with $ or @ in perl.
1328.Ip * 4 2
1329Arrays index from 0 unless you set $[.
1330Likewise string positions in substr() and index().
1331.Ip * 4 2
1332You have to decide whether your array has numeric or string indices.
1333.Ip * 4 2
378cc40b 1334Associative array values do not spring into existence upon mere reference.
1335.Ip * 4 2
8d063cd8 1336You have to decide whether you want to use string or numeric comparisons.
1337.Ip * 4 2
1338Reading an input line does not split it for you. You get to split it yourself
1339to an array.
1340And split has different arguments.
1341.Ip * 4 2
1342The current input line is normally in $_, not $0.
1343It generally does not have the newline stripped.
1344($0 is initially the name of the program executed, then the last matched
1346.Ip * 4 2
1347The current filename is $ARGV, not $FILENAME.
1348NR, RS, ORS, OFS, and OFMT have equivalents with other symbols.
1349FS doesn't have an equivalent, since you have to be explicit about
1350split statements.
1351.Ip * 4 2
1352$<digit> does not refer to fields--it refers to substrings matched by the last
1353match pattern.
1354.Ip * 4 2
1355The print statement does not add field and record separators unless you set
1356$, and $\e.
1357.Ip * 4 2
1358You must open your files before you print to them.
1359.Ip * 4 2
1360The range operator is \*(L"..\*(R", not comma.
1361(The comma operator works as in C.)
1362.Ip * 4 2
1363The match operator is \*(L"=~\*(R", not \*(L"~\*(R".
1364(\*(L"~\*(R" is the one's complement operator.)
1365.Ip * 4 2
1366The concatenation operator is \*(L".\*(R", not the null string.
1367(Using the null string would render \*(L"/pat/ /pat/\*(R" unparseable,
1368since the third slash would be interpreted as a division operator\*(--the
1369tokener is in fact slightly context sensitive for operators like /, ?, and <.
1370And in fact, . itself can be the beginning of a number.)
1371.Ip * 4 2
8d063cd8 1372Next, exit, and continue work differently.
1373.Ip * 4 2
1374When in doubt, run the awk construct through a2p and see what it gives you.
1376Cerebral C programmers should take note of the following:
1377.Ip * 4 2
1378Curly brackets are required on ifs and whiles.
1379.Ip * 4 2
1380You should use \*(L"elsif\*(R" rather than \*(L"else if\*(R"
1381.Ip * 4 2
1382Break and continue become last and next, respectively.
1383.Ip * 4 2
1384There's no switch statement.
1385.Ip * 4 2
1386Variables begin with $ or @ in perl.
1387.Ip * 4 2
1388Printf does not implement *.
1389.Ip * 4 2
1390Comments begin with #, not /*.
1391.Ip * 4 2
1392You can't take the address of anything.
1393.Ip * 4 2
8d063cd8 1394ARGV must be capitalized.
1395.Ip * 4 2
378cc40b 1396The \*(L"system\*(R" calls link, unlink, rename, etc. return nonzero for success, not 0.
8d063cd8 1397.Ip * 4 2
1398Signal handlers deal with signal names, not numbers.
1400Seasoned sed programmers should take note of the following:
1401.Ip * 4 2
1402Backreferences in substitutions use $ rather than \e.
1403.Ip * 4 2
1404The pattern matching metacharacters (, ), and | do not have backslashes in front.
378cc40b 1405.Ip * 4 2
1406The range operator is .. rather than comma.
1408Sharp shell programmers should take note of the following:
1409.Ip * 4 2
1410The backtick operator does variable interpretation without regard to the
1411presence of single quotes in the command.
1412.Ip * 4 2
1413The backtick operator does no translation of the return value, unlike csh.
1414.Ip * 4 2
1415Shells (especially csh) do several levels of substitution on each command line.
1416Perl does substitution only in certain constructs such as double quotes,
1417backticks, angle brackets and search patterns.
1418.Ip * 4 2
1419Shells interpret scripts a little bit at a time.
1420Perl compiles the whole program before executing it.
1421.Ip * 4 2
1422The arguments are available via @ARGV, not $1, $2, etc.
1423.Ip * 4 2
1424The environment is not automatically made available as variables.
8d063cd8 1425.SH BUGS
378cc40b 1427You can't currently dereference arrays or array elements inside a
1428double-quoted string.
1429You must assign them to a scalar and interpolate that.
8d063cd8 1430.PP
1431Associative arrays really ought to be first class objects.
378cc40b 1433Perl is at the mercy of the C compiler's definitions of various operations
1434such as % and atof().
1435In particular, don't trust % on negative numbers.
8d063cd8 1436.PP
1437.I Perl
1438actually stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, but don't tell
1439anyone I said that.
1440.rn }` ''