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2b546c01 1<div class="blog">
2<h1 id="NAME">
6e0d970b 3The Future and Beyond!
2b546c01 4</h1>
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769d193e 6<div style="text-align: right;"><i>I do not think about awesomeness...<br />I just am awesomeness<br />n.n<br />--<a href="">KatrinaTheLamia</a></i><br /></div><br /><h3>Updates</h3>Since the last post SDL Perl has seen an increase of interest to both use and contribute to SDL Perl. Before I dig into the updates, I would like to acknowledge them.<br /><h3>Core Development</h3><b>Acme (<a href="">Leon Brocard</a>):</b> Has started to work on the Redesign Effort with me. The help is much appreciated! Enjoy your vacation. <br /><br /><h3>Website and Windows Testing</h3><b>FROGGS (Tobias Leich):</b> Came in as a new user to SDL Perl. And after breaking the redesigned SDL Perl in as many ways possible he has decided to help out on the new site. <br /><br /><br /><h3>Last Legacy Release</h3><br />Ok! Now this weekend hopefully we will release our last legacy release, after this we move on! This release will focus on showing of SDL + Perl possibilities.<br /><h3>Pong + SDL::Game::Rect</h3><a href="">garu</a> has been working on making SDL object extensions that provide a more perly way to use and play with the SDL bindings. To demonstrate the benefits of this SDL::Tutorial::Pong is done and being polished up. SDL::Game::Rect is a peek in to the design and vision we have for SDL down the road.<br /><h3>Design</h3>The design we have settled on for future release for SDL Perl can be broken in to two layers, SDL::* and SDL::Game::*. Previously the SDL Perl library tried to provide C bindings and provide Perl Idiomatic access. This was messy in regards to the single responsibility principle (do one thing and do it well).<br /><br />We have decided to separate these two focuses into the two name spaces SDL::* and SDL::Game::*. SDL::* will provide straight access to SDL's C API, nothing less and nothing more. SDL::Game::* will extend and make pretty unicorns for Perl. <br /><br />This design has already begin to pay of. One major benefit been in the XS <a href="">readability</a>. Moreover since structs are treated as objects, Perl manages their destruction, and deliver less memory leaks.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div></div></div>