Add note about how extends is necessary for metaclass compat
[gitmo/moose-presentations.git] / moose-class / slides / outline
b751d33f 1= Intro (30 minutes)
3* concepts (ala Moose::Manual::Concepts)
5= Classes
7* Making a class use Moose
8* extends
9* overrides/super
10* trivial attributes
11** has 'foo' => ( is => ... ) (ro & rw)
12** no other attribute features yet
13* "no Moose"
14* Immutability
16== Exercises
18* Build a Person class that uses Moose
19** first_name
20** last_name
21** assume both attributes are always provided
22* build an Employee class that is a subclass of Person
23** job_title
25= Roles
27* Making a role
28* roles as interfaces
29* requires
30* consuming roles in classes
31* consuming roles in roles
32* "no Moose::Role"
34== Exercises
36* build a role for Human
37* make the Person class consume the role
38* make the role require a "full_name" method
39* implement this method for Person
40* override it for Employee to include their title
42= Basic attributes
44* required
45* default & builder
46* lazy
8d1ce1d7 47* predicate, clearer
b751d33f 48* init_arg
8d1ce1d7 49* reader & writer
50* attribute inheritance
51* MX attribute naming modules
b751d33f 52
53== Exercises
55* Go back to Person class
56** make first & last name required
57* Go back to Employee
58** make title default to "Worker"
8d1ce1d7 59** add predicate & clearer for title
b751d33f 60** add salary_level attribute, number from 1-10
61** salary, lazy default of salary_level * 1,000, init_arg is undef
63= Method modifiers
65* before/after
66** before for state validation
67** after for additional state changes
68* around
69** modifying arguments & return values
26164c8d 70* method modifiers in roles
71** requiring the wrapped method
72* augment/inner
b751d33f 73
74== Exercises
b751d33f 76= Types
78* built-in types
79* parameterizable types
80* declaring subtypes
81** URI
82** Email
83** class names & role names
84* coercions
65f6c586 85* duck_type
b751d33f 86* attribute isa & does
65f6c586 87* attribute coerce => 1
88* MX::Types
b751d33f 89
90== Exercises
65f6c586 92* Add sane types to all existing attributes in Person, Employee, roles
93* Add an email attribute. Make a new email type that does some minimal validate like /[^@]+\@[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+/
8d1ce1d7 95= Advanced attributes
97* weak_ref
98* triggers
99* delegation
100* metaclass & traits
102== Exercises
65f6c586 104* Make the bank account a proper object and delegate to it for deposit & withdraw
105* Add an overdraft account like in the cookbook
106* Make the overdraft account link bank to accounts which link to it as a weak_ref
107* metaclass & traits?
b751d33f 109= Introspection
65f6c586 111* List of attributes for a class
112** attribute options
113** associated methods
114* List of methods for a class
115** associated attributes
116** check original_package for source of method (did it come from a role?)
117** $method->isa(...) to determine if it's wrapped/augmented/overridden
118* List of parent classes, subclasses
b751d33f 119
26164c8d 120= Tour of MooseX
65f6c586 122* MX::AH
123** delegation for Perl built-ins
124** private accessor with public provides (_options as the attribute, get_option, set_option, options_list)
125** lazy default of an empty reference
126* ::StrictConstructor
127* ::Getopt
128* ::Clone
129* ::Declare
0d769072 130* ::Workers ?
131* ::NonMoose
65f6c586 132* ::Singleton
133* ::ClassAttribute
26164c8d 135= Writing a MooseX Module
b751d33f 136
137== Exercises