Add tests for
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib /
a0ed51b3 1package utf8;
3my $DEBUG = 0;
4my $seq = "AAA0000";
6sub DESTROY {}
8sub croak { require Carp; Carp::croak(@_) }
10sub SWASHNEW {
11 my ($class, $type, $list, $minbits, $none) = @_;
12 local $^D = 0 if $^D;
13 print STDERR "SWASHNEW @_\n" if $DEBUG;
14 my $extras;
15 my $bits;
17 if ($type and ref ${"${class}::{$type}"} eq $class) {
18 warn qq/Found \${"${class}::{$type}"}\n/ if $DEBUG;
19 return ${"${class}::{$type}"}; # Already there...
20 }
22 $type ||= $seq++;
24 my $caller;
25 my $i = 0;
26 while (($caller = caller($i)) eq __PACKAGE__) { $i++ }
55d7b906 27 my $encoding = $enc{$caller} || "unicore";
a0ed51b3 28 (my $file = $type) =~ s!::!/!g;
9fdf68be 29 if ($file =~ /^In(.+)/) {
a72deede 30 my $In = $1;
9fdf68be 31 defined %utf8::In || do "$encoding/";
a72deede 32 if (exists $utf8::In{$In}) {
33 $file = "$encoding/In/$utf8::In{$In}";
9fdf68be 34 }
35 } else {
36 $file =~ s#^(Is|To)([A-Z].*)#$1/$2#;
37 }
886ba366 38
39 {
0064a8a9 40 $list ||=
41 ( exists &{"${caller}::${type}"} &&
42 eval { $caller->$type() } )
886ba366 43 || do "$"
44 || do "$encoding/$"
45 || do "$encoding/Is/${type}.pl"
46 || croak("Can't find $encoding character property \"$type\"");
47 }
a0ed51b3 48
49 $| = 1;
51 if ($list) {
52 my @tmp = split(/^/m, $list);
53 my %seen;
db376a24 54 no warnings;
a0ed51b3 55 $extras = join '', grep /^[^0-9a-fA-F]/, @tmp;
56 $list = join '',
57 sort { hex $a <=> hex $b }
58 grep {/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/ and not $seen{$1}++} @tmp; # XXX doesn't do ranges right
59 }
61 if ($none) {
62 my $hextra = sprintf "%04x", $none + 1;
63 $list =~ s/\tXXXX$/\t$hextra/mg;
64 }
66 if ($minbits < 32) {
67 my $top = 0;
68 while ($list =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\t([0-9a-fA-F]+)?)(?:\t([0-9a-fA-F]+))?/mg) {
69 my $min = hex $1;
70 my $max = hex(defined $2 ? $2 : $1);
71 my $val = hex(defined $3 ? $3 : "");
72 $val += $max - $min if defined $3;
73 $top = $val if $val > $top;
74 }
75 $bits =
76 $top > 0xffff ? 32 :
77 $top > 0xff ? 16 :
78 $top > 1 ? 8 : 1
79 }
80 $bits = $minbits if $bits < $minbits;
82 my @extras;
83 for my $x ($extras) {
84 pos $x = 0;
1fef36c7 85 while ($x =~ /^([^0-9a-fA-F\n])(.*)/mg) {
a0ed51b3 86 my $char = $1;
87 my $name = $2;
88 # print STDERR "$1 => $2\n" if $DEBUG;
89 if ($char =~ /[-+!]/) {
90 my ($c,$t) = split(/::/, $name, 2); # bogus use of ::, really
91 my $subobj = $c->SWASHNEW($t, "", 0, 0, 0);
92 push @extras, $name => $subobj;
93 $bits = $subobj->{BITS} if $bits < $subobj->{BITS};
94 }
95 }
96 }
98 print STDERR "CLASS = $class, TYPE => $type, BITS => $bits, NONE => $none\nEXTRAS =>\n$extras\nLIST =>\n$list\n" if $DEBUG;
100 ${"${class}::{$type}"} = bless {
101 TYPE => $type,
102 BITS => $bits,
103 EXTRAS => $extras,
104 LIST => $list,
105 NONE => $none,
106 @extras,
107 } => $class;
110# NOTE: utf8.c:swash_init() assumes entries are never modified once generated.
112sub SWASHGET {
113 my ($self, $start, $len) = @_;
114 local $^D = 0 if $^D;
a0ed51b3 115 my $type = $self->{TYPE};
116 my $bits = $self->{BITS};
117 my $none = $self->{NONE};
1fef36c7 118 print STDERR "SWASHGET @_ [$type/$bits/$none]\n" if $DEBUG;
a0ed51b3 119 my $end = $start + $len;
120 my $swatch = "";
121 my $key;
122 vec($swatch, $len - 1, $bits) = 0; # Extend to correct length.
123 if ($none) {
124 for $key (0 .. $len - 1) { vec($swatch, $key, $bits) = $none }
125 }
127 for ($self->{LIST}) {
128 pos $_ = 0;
129 if ($bits > 1) {
130 LINE:
131 while (/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\t([0-9a-fA-F]+)?)(?:\t([0-9a-fA-F]+))?/mg) {
132 my $min = hex $1;
133 my $max = (defined $2 ? hex $2 : $min);
134 my $val = hex $3;
135 next if $max < $start;
136# print "$min $max $val\n";
137 if ($none) {
138 if ($min < $start) {
710250cb 139 $val += $start - $min if $val < $none;
a0ed51b3 140 $min = $start;
141 }
142 for ($key = $min; $key <= $max; $key++) {
143 last LINE if $key >= $end;
144# print STDERR "$key => $val\n" if $DEBUG;
145 vec($swatch, $key - $start, $bits) = $val;
146 ++$val if $val < $none;
147 }
148 }
149 else {
150 if ($min < $start) {
151 $val += $start - $min;
152 $min = $start;
153 }
154 for ($key = $min; $key <= $max; $key++, $val++) {
155 last LINE if $key >= $end;
156# print STDERR "$key => $val\n" if $DEBUG;
157 vec($swatch, $key - $start, $bits) = $val;
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 }
162 else {
163 LINE:
164 while (/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)(?:\t([0-9a-fA-F]+))?/mg) {
165 my $min = hex $1;
166 my $max = (defined $2 ? hex $2 : $min);
167 next if $max < $start;
168 if ($min < $start) {
169 $min = $start;
170 }
171 for ($key = $min; $key <= $max; $key++) {
172 last LINE if $key >= $end;
173# print STDERR "$key => 1\n" if $DEBUG;
174 vec($swatch, $key - $start, 1) = 1;
175 }
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 for my $x ($self->{EXTRAS}) {
180 pos $x = 0;
1fef36c7 181 while ($x =~ /^([-+!])(.*)/mg) {
a0ed51b3 182 my $char = $1;
183 my $name = $2;
184 print STDERR "INDIRECT $1 $2\n" if $DEBUG;
1fef36c7 185 my $otherbits = $self->{$name}->{BITS};
186 croak("SWASHGET size mismatch") if $bits < $otherbits;
187 my $other = $self->{$name}->SWASHGET($start, $len);
188 if ($char eq '+') {
189 if ($bits == 1 and $otherbits == 1) {
190 $swatch |= $other;
a0ed51b3 191 }
1fef36c7 192 else {
193 for ($key = 0; $key < $len; $key++) {
194 vec($swatch, $key, $bits) = vec($other, $key, $otherbits);
a0ed51b3 195 }
1fef36c7 196 }
197 }
198 elsif ($char eq '!') {
199 if ($bits == 1 and $otherbits == 1) {
200 $swatch |= ~$other;
201 }
202 else {
203 for ($key = 0; $key < $len; $key++) {
204 if (!vec($other, $key, $otherbits)) {
205 vec($swatch, $key, $bits) = 1;
a0ed51b3 206 }
207 }
208 }
1fef36c7 209 }
210 elsif ($char eq '-') {
211 if ($bits == 1 and $otherbits == 1) {
212 $swatch &= ~$other;
213 }
214 else {
215 for ($key = 0; $key < $len; $key++) {
216 if (vec($other, $key, $otherbits)) {
217 vec($swatch, $key, $bits) = 0;
a0ed51b3 218 }
219 }
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 if ($DEBUG) {
225 print STDERR "CELLS ";
226 for ($key = 0; $key < $len; $key++) {
227 print STDERR vec($swatch, $key, $bits), " ";
228 }
229 print STDERR "\n";
230 }
231 $swatch;