Upgrade to Unicode 4.0.1
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / unicore / Properties
99598c8c 1##
2## This file created by ./mktables
3## List of built-in \p{...}/\P{...} properties.
5## '*' means name may be 'fuzzy'
8 \p{ASCII} [[:ASCII:]]
99598c8c 9 \p{Alnum} [[:Alnum:]]
10* \p{Alphabetic} [\p{L}\p{OtherAlphabetic}]
11 \p{Alpha} [[:Alpha:]]
5beb625e 12 \p{Any} Alias for \p{Any} ([\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}])
13 \p{Any} [\x{0000}-\x{10FFFF}]
7be0dac3 14* \p{Arabic} Script 'Arabic'
15* \p{Armenian} Script 'Armenian'
99598c8c 16* \p{AsciiHexDigit} Extended property 'ASCII_Hex_Digit'
5beb625e 17 \p{Assigned} All assigned code points
7be0dac3 18* \p{Bengali} Script 'Bengali'
99598c8c 19 \p{BidiAL} Bi-directional category 'AL'
20 \p{BidiAN} Bi-directional category 'AN'
21 \p{BidiBN} Bi-directional category 'BN'
22 \p{BidiB} Bi-directional category 'B'
23 \p{BidiCS} Bi-directional category 'CS'
24* \p{BidiControl} Extended property 'Bidi_Control'
25 \p{BidiEN} Bi-directional category 'EN'
26 \p{BidiES} Bi-directional category 'ES'
27 \p{BidiET} Bi-directional category 'ET'
28 \p{BidiLRE} Bi-directional category 'LRE'
29 \p{BidiLRO} Bi-directional category 'LRO'
30 \p{BidiL} Bi-directional category 'L'
31 \p{BidiNSM} Bi-directional category 'NSM'
32 \p{BidiON} Bi-directional category 'ON'
33 \p{BidiPDF} Bi-directional category 'PDF'
34 \p{BidiRLE} Bi-directional category 'RLE'
35 \p{BidiRLO} Bi-directional category 'RLO'
36 \p{BidiR} Bi-directional category 'R'
37 \p{BidiS} Bi-directional category 'S'
38 \p{BidiWS} Bi-directional category 'WS'
39 \p{Blank} [[:Blank:]]
7be0dac3 40* \p{Bopomofo} Script 'Bopomofo'
41* \p{Braille} Script 'Braille'
42* \p{Buhid} Script 'Buhid'
43* \p{CanadianAboriginal} Script 'Canadian_Aboriginal'
99598c8c 44 \p{Canon} Decomposes to multiple characters
5beb625e 45* \p{Cc} Alias for \p{Cc} (General Category 'Cc')
99598c8c 46 \p{Cc} General Category 'Cc'
5beb625e 47* \p{Cf} Alias for \p{Cf} (General Category 'Cf')
99598c8c 48 \p{Cf} General Category 'Cf'
7be0dac3 49* \p{Cherokee} Script 'Cherokee'
99598c8c 50 \p{Cntrl} [[:Cntrl:]]
5beb625e 51* \p{Cn} Alias for \p{Cn} (General Category 'Cn' [not functional in Perl])
99598c8c 52 \p{Cn} General Category 'Cn' [not functional in Perl]
7be0dac3 53* \p{Common} Script 'Common'
99598c8c 54 \p{Compat} Compatible with a more-basic character
5beb625e 55* \p{Co} Alias for \p{Co} (General Category 'Co')
99598c8c 56 \p{Co} General Category 'Co'
5beb625e 57* \p{Cs} Alias for \p{Cs} (General Category 'Cs')
99598c8c 58 \p{Cs} General Category 'Cs'
7be0dac3 59* \p{Cypriot} Script 'Cypriot'
60* \p{Cyrillic} Script 'Cyrillic'
5beb625e 61* \p{C} Alias for \p{C} (Major Category 'C')
99598c8c 62 \p{C} Major Category 'C'
63 \p{DCcircle} Compatible with 'circle'
64 \p{DCcompat} Compatible with 'compat'
65 \p{DCfinal} Compatible with 'final'
66 \p{DCfont} Compatible with 'font'
67 \p{DCfraction} Compatible with 'fraction'
68 \p{DCinitial} Compatible with 'initial'
69 \p{DCisolated} Compatible with 'isolated'
70 \p{DCmedial} Compatible with 'medial'
71 \p{DCnarrow} Compatible with 'narrow'
72 \p{DCnoBreak} Compatible with 'noBreak'
73 \p{DCsmall} Compatible with 'small'
74 \p{DCsquare} Compatible with 'square'
75 \p{DCsub} Compatible with 'sub'
76 \p{DCsuper} Compatible with 'super'
77 \p{DCvertical} Compatible with 'vertical'
78 \p{DCwide} Compatible with 'wide'
99598c8c 79* \p{Dash} Extended property 'Dash'
822ebcc8 80* \p{Deprecated} Extended property 'Deprecated'
7be0dac3 81* \p{Deseret} Script 'Deseret'
82* \p{Devanagari} Script 'Devanagari'
99598c8c 83* \p{Diacritic} Extended property 'Diacritic'
84 \p{Digit} [[:Digit:]]
7be0dac3 85* \p{Ethiopic} Script 'Ethiopic'
99598c8c 86* \p{Extender} Extended property 'Extender'
7be0dac3 87* \p{Georgian} Script 'Georgian'
88* \p{Gothic} Script 'Gothic'
822ebcc8 89* \p{GraphemeLink} Extended property 'Grapheme_Link'
99598c8c 90 \p{Graph} [[:Graph:]]
7be0dac3 91* \p{Greek} Script 'Greek'
92* \p{Gujarati} Script 'Gujarati'
93* \p{Gurmukhi} Script 'Gurmukhi'
94* \p{Hangul} Script 'Hangul'
95* \p{Hanunoo} Script 'Hanunoo'
96* \p{Han} Script 'Han'
97* \p{Hebrew} Script 'Hebrew'
99598c8c 98* \p{HexDigit} Extended property 'Hex_Digit'
7be0dac3 99* \p{Hiragana} Script 'Hiragana'
99598c8c 100* \p{Hyphen} Extended property 'Hyphen'
101* \p{IdContinue} [\p{ID_Start}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}]
102* \p{IdStart} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}\p{Lm}\p{Lo}\p{Nl}]
103* \p{Ideographic} Extended property 'Ideographic'
822ebcc8 104* \p{IdsBinaryOperator} Extended property 'IDS_Binary_Operator'
105* \p{IdsTrinaryOperator} Extended property 'IDS_Trinary_Operator'
1911be83 106* \p{InAegeanNumbers} Block 'Aegean Numbers'
99598c8c 107* \p{InAlphabeticPresentationForms} Block 'Alphabetic Presentation Forms'
108* \p{InArabicPresentationFormsA} Block 'Arabic Presentation Forms-A'
109* \p{InArabicPresentationFormsB} Block 'Arabic Presentation Forms-B'
110* \p{InArabic} Block 'Arabic'
111* \p{InArmenian} Block 'Armenian'
112* \p{InArrows} Block 'Arrows'
113* \p{InBasicLatin} Block 'Basic Latin'
114* \p{InBengali} Block 'Bengali'
115* \p{InBlockElements} Block 'Block Elements'
116* \p{InBopomofoExtended} Block 'Bopomofo Extended'
117* \p{InBopomofo} Block 'Bopomofo'
118* \p{InBoxDrawing} Block 'Box Drawing'
119* \p{InBraillePatterns} Block 'Braille Patterns'
822ebcc8 120* \p{InBuhid} Block 'Buhid'
99598c8c 121* \p{InByzantineMusicalSymbols} Block 'Byzantine Musical Symbols'
122* \p{InCherokee} Block 'Cherokee'
123* \p{InCjkCompatibilityForms} Block 'CJK Compatibility Forms'
124* \p{InCjkCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement} Block 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement'
125* \p{InCjkCompatibilityIdeographs} Block 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs'
126* \p{InCjkCompatibility} Block 'CJK Compatibility'
127* \p{InCjkRadicalsSupplement} Block 'CJK Radicals Supplement'
128* \p{InCjkSymbolsAndPunctuation} Block 'CJK Symbols and Punctuation'
129* \p{InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA} Block 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A'
130* \p{InCjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB} Block 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B'
131* \p{InCjkUnifiedIdeographs} Block 'CJK Unified Ideographs'
822ebcc8 132* \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarksForSymbols} Block 'Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols'
99598c8c 133* \p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks} Block 'Combining Diacritical Marks'
134* \p{InCombiningHalfMarks} Block 'Combining Half Marks'
99598c8c 135* \p{InControlPictures} Block 'Control Pictures'
136* \p{InCurrencySymbols} Block 'Currency Symbols'
1911be83 137* \p{InCypriotSyllabary} Block 'Cypriot Syllabary'
7be0dac3 138* \p{InCyrillicSupplement} Block 'Cyrillic Supplement'
99598c8c 139* \p{InCyrillic} Block 'Cyrillic'
140* \p{InDeseret} Block 'Deseret'
141* \p{InDevanagari} Block 'Devanagari'
142* \p{InDingbats} Block 'Dingbats'
143* \p{InEnclosedAlphanumerics} Block 'Enclosed Alphanumerics'
144* \p{InEnclosedCjkLettersAndMonths} Block 'Enclosed CJK Letters and Months'
145* \p{InEthiopic} Block 'Ethiopic'
146* \p{InGeneralPunctuation} Block 'General Punctuation'
147* \p{InGeometricShapes} Block 'Geometric Shapes'
148* \p{InGeorgian} Block 'Georgian'
149* \p{InGothic} Block 'Gothic'
822ebcc8 150* \p{InGreekAndCoptic} Block 'Greek and Coptic'
99598c8c 151* \p{InGreekExtended} Block 'Greek Extended'
99598c8c 152* \p{InGujarati} Block 'Gujarati'
153* \p{InGurmukhi} Block 'Gurmukhi'
154* \p{InHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms} Block 'Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms'
155* \p{InHangulCompatibilityJamo} Block 'Hangul Compatibility Jamo'
156* \p{InHangulJamo} Block 'Hangul Jamo'
157* \p{InHangulSyllables} Block 'Hangul Syllables'
822ebcc8 158* \p{InHanunoo} Block 'Hanunoo'
99598c8c 159* \p{InHebrew} Block 'Hebrew'
160* \p{InHighPrivateUseSurrogates} Block 'High Private Use Surrogates'
161* \p{InHighSurrogates} Block 'High Surrogates'
162* \p{InHiragana} Block 'Hiragana'
163* \p{InIdeographicDescriptionCharacters} Block 'Ideographic Description Characters'
164* \p{InIpaExtensions} Block 'IPA Extensions'
165* \p{InKanbun} Block 'Kanbun'
166* \p{InKangxiRadicals} Block 'Kangxi Radicals'
167* \p{InKannada} Block 'Kannada'
822ebcc8 168* \p{InKatakanaPhoneticExtensions} Block 'Katakana Phonetic Extensions'
99598c8c 169* \p{InKatakana} Block 'Katakana'
1911be83 170* \p{InKhmerSymbols} Block 'Khmer Symbols'
99598c8c 171* \p{InKhmer} Block 'Khmer'
172* \p{InLao} Block 'Lao'
173* \p{InLatin1Supplement} Block 'Latin-1 Supplement'
174* \p{InLatinExtendedAdditional} Block 'Latin Extended Additional'
175* \p{InLatinExtendedA} Block 'Latin Extended-A'
176* \p{InLatinExtendedB} Block 'Latin Extended-B'
177* \p{InLetterlikeSymbols} Block 'Letterlike Symbols'
1911be83 178* \p{InLimbu} Block 'Limbu'
179* \p{InLinearBIdeograms} Block 'Linear B Ideograms'
180* \p{InLinearBSyllabary} Block 'Linear B Syllabary'
99598c8c 181* \p{InLowSurrogates} Block 'Low Surrogates'
182* \p{InMalayalam} Block 'Malayalam'
183* \p{InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols} Block 'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols'
184* \p{InMathematicalOperators} Block 'Mathematical Operators'
822ebcc8 185* \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA} Block 'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A'
186* \p{InMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB} Block 'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B'
1911be83 187* \p{InMiscellaneousSymbolsAndArrows} Block 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows'
99598c8c 188* \p{InMiscellaneousSymbols} Block 'Miscellaneous Symbols'
189* \p{InMiscellaneousTechnical} Block 'Miscellaneous Technical'
190* \p{InMongolian} Block 'Mongolian'
191* \p{InMusicalSymbols} Block 'Musical Symbols'
192* \p{InMyanmar} Block 'Myanmar'
193* \p{InNumberForms} Block 'Number Forms'
194* \p{InOgham} Block 'Ogham'
195* \p{InOldItalic} Block 'Old Italic'
196* \p{InOpticalCharacterRecognition} Block 'Optical Character Recognition'
197* \p{InOriya} Block 'Oriya'
1911be83 198* \p{InOsmanya} Block 'Osmanya'
199* \p{InPhoneticExtensions} Block 'Phonetic Extensions'
822ebcc8 200* \p{InPrivateUseArea} Block 'Private Use Area'
99598c8c 201* \p{InRunic} Block 'Runic'
1911be83 202* \p{InShavian} Block 'Shavian'
99598c8c 203* \p{InSinhala} Block 'Sinhala'
204* \p{InSmallFormVariants} Block 'Small Form Variants'
205* \p{InSpacingModifierLetters} Block 'Spacing Modifier Letters'
206* \p{InSpecials} Block 'Specials'
207* \p{InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts} Block 'Superscripts and Subscripts'
822ebcc8 208* \p{InSupplementalArrowsA} Block 'Supplemental Arrows-A'
209* \p{InSupplementalArrowsB} Block 'Supplemental Arrows-B'
210* \p{InSupplementalMathematicalOperators} Block 'Supplemental Mathematical Operators'
211* \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA} Block 'Supplementary Private Use Area-A'
212* \p{InSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB} Block 'Supplementary Private Use Area-B'
99598c8c 213* \p{InSyriac} Block 'Syriac'
822ebcc8 214* \p{InTagalog} Block 'Tagalog'
215* \p{InTagbanwa} Block 'Tagbanwa'
99598c8c 216* \p{InTags} Block 'Tags'
1911be83 217* \p{InTaiLe} Block 'Tai Le'
218* \p{InTaiXuanJingSymbols} Block 'Tai Xuan Jing Symbols'
99598c8c 219* \p{InTamil} Block 'Tamil'
220* \p{InTelugu} Block 'Telugu'
221* \p{InThaana} Block 'Thaana'
222* \p{InThai} Block 'Thai'
223* \p{InTibetan} Block 'Tibetan'
1911be83 224* \p{InUgaritic} Block 'Ugaritic'
99598c8c 225* \p{InUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics} Block 'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics'
1911be83 226* \p{InVariationSelectorsSupplement} Block 'Variation Selectors Supplement'
822ebcc8 227* \p{InVariationSelectors} Block 'Variation Selectors'
99598c8c 228* \p{InYiRadicals} Block 'Yi Radicals'
229* \p{InYiSyllables} Block 'Yi Syllables'
1911be83 230* \p{InYijingHexagramSymbols} Block 'Yijing Hexagram Symbols'
7be0dac3 231* \p{Inherited} Script 'Inherited'
99598c8c 232* \p{JoinControl} Extended property 'Join_Control'
7be0dac3 233* \p{Kannada} Script 'Kannada'
234* \p{KatakanaOrHiragana} Script 'Katakana_Or_Hiragana'
235* \p{Katakana} Script 'Katakana'
236* \p{Khmer} Script 'Khmer'
99598c8c 237 \p{L&} [\p{Ll}\p{Lu}\p{Lt}]
7be0dac3 238* \p{Lao} Script 'Lao'
239* \p{Latin} Script 'Latin'
240* \p{Limbu} Script 'Limbu'
241* \p{LinearB} Script 'Linear_B'
5beb625e 242* \p{Ll} Alias for \p{Ll} (General Category 'Ll')
99598c8c 243 \p{Ll} General Category 'Ll'
5beb625e 244* \p{Lm} Alias for \p{Lm} (General Category 'Lm')
99598c8c 245 \p{Lm} General Category 'Lm'
822ebcc8 246* \p{LogicalOrderException} Extended property 'Logical_Order_Exception'
99598c8c 247* \p{Lowercase} [\p{Ll}\p{OtherLowercase}]
248 \p{Lower} [[:Lower:]]
5beb625e 249* \p{Lo} Alias for \p{Lo} (General Category 'Lo')
99598c8c 250 \p{Lo} General Category 'Lo'
5beb625e 251* \p{Lt} Alias for \p{Lt} (General Category 'Lt')
99598c8c 252 \p{Lt} General Category 'Lt'
5beb625e 253* \p{Lu} Alias for \p{Lu} (General Category 'Lu')
99598c8c 254 \p{Lu} General Category 'Lu'
5beb625e 255* \p{L} Alias for \p{L} (Major Category 'L')
99598c8c 256 \p{L} Major Category 'L'
7be0dac3 257* \p{Malayalam} Script 'Malayalam'
99598c8c 258* \p{Math} [\p{Sm}\p{OtherMath}]
5beb625e 259* \p{Mc} Alias for \p{Mc} (General Category 'Mc')
99598c8c 260 \p{Mc} General Category 'Mc'
5beb625e 261* \p{Me} Alias for \p{Me} (General Category 'Me')
99598c8c 262 \p{Me} General Category 'Me'
263 \p{Mirrored} Mirrored in bidirectional text
5beb625e 264* \p{Mn} Alias for \p{Mn} (General Category 'Mn')
99598c8c 265 \p{Mn} General Category 'Mn'
7be0dac3 266* \p{Mongolian} Script 'Mongolian'
267* \p{Myanmar} Script 'Myanmar'
5beb625e 268* \p{M} Alias for \p{M} (Major Category 'M')
99598c8c 269 \p{M} Major Category 'M'
5beb625e 270* \p{Nd} Alias for \p{Nd} (General Category 'Nd')
99598c8c 271 \p{Nd} General Category 'Nd'
5beb625e 272* \p{Nl} Alias for \p{Nl} (General Category 'Nl')
99598c8c 273 \p{Nl} General Category 'Nl'
99598c8c 274* \p{NoncharacterCodePoint} Extended property 'Noncharacter_Code_Point'
5beb625e 275* \p{No} Alias for \p{No} (General Category 'No')
99598c8c 276 \p{No} General Category 'No'
5beb625e 277* \p{N} Alias for \p{N} (Major Category 'N')
99598c8c 278 \p{N} Major Category 'N'
7be0dac3 279* \p{Ogham} Script 'Ogham'
280* \p{OldItalic} Script 'Old_Italic'
281* \p{Oriya} Script 'Oriya'
282* \p{Osmanya} Script 'Osmanya'
99598c8c 283* \p{OtherAlphabetic} Extended property 'Other_Alphabetic'
822ebcc8 284* \p{OtherDefaultIgnorableCodePoint} Extended property 'Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point'
285* \p{OtherGraphemeExtend} Extended property 'Other_Grapheme_Extend'
1911be83 286* \p{OtherIdStart} Extended property 'Other_ID_Start'
99598c8c 287* \p{OtherLowercase} Extended property 'Other_Lowercase'
288* \p{OtherMath} Extended property 'Other_Math'
99598c8c 289* \p{OtherUppercase} Extended property 'Other_Uppercase'
5beb625e 290* \p{Pc} Alias for \p{Pc} (General Category 'Pc')
99598c8c 291 \p{Pc} General Category 'Pc'
5beb625e 292* \p{Pd} Alias for \p{Pd} (General Category 'Pd')
99598c8c 293 \p{Pd} General Category 'Pd'
5beb625e 294* \p{Pe} Alias for \p{Pe} (General Category 'Pe')
99598c8c 295 \p{Pe} General Category 'Pe'
5beb625e 296* \p{Pf} Alias for \p{Pf} (General Category 'Pf')
99598c8c 297 \p{Pf} General Category 'Pf'
5beb625e 298* \p{Pi} Alias for \p{Pi} (General Category 'Pi')
99598c8c 299 \p{Pi} General Category 'Pi'
5beb625e 300* \p{Po} Alias for \p{Po} (General Category 'Po')
99598c8c 301 \p{Po} General Category 'Po'
302 \p{Print} [[:Print:]]
5beb625e 303* \p{Ps} Alias for \p{Ps} (General Category 'Ps')
99598c8c 304 \p{Ps} General Category 'Ps'
99598c8c 305 \p{Punct} [[:Punct:]]
5beb625e 306* \p{P} Alias for \p{P} (Major Category 'P')
99598c8c 307 \p{P} Major Category 'P'
308* \p{QuotationMark} Extended property 'Quotation_Mark'
822ebcc8 309* \p{Radical} Extended property 'Radical'
7be0dac3 310* \p{Runic} Script 'Runic'
5beb625e 311* \p{Sc} Alias for \p{Sc} (General Category 'Sc')
99598c8c 312 \p{Sc} General Category 'Sc'
7be0dac3 313* \p{Shavian} Script 'Shavian'
314* \p{Sinhala} Script 'Sinhala'
5beb625e 315* \p{Sk} Alias for \p{Sk} (General Category 'Sk')
99598c8c 316 \p{Sk} General Category 'Sk'
5beb625e 317* \p{Sm} Alias for \p{Sm} (General Category 'Sm')
99598c8c 318 \p{Sm} General Category 'Sm'
822ebcc8 319* \p{SoftDotted} Extended property 'Soft_Dotted'
5beb625e 320* \p{So} Alias for \p{So} (General Category 'So')
99598c8c 321 \p{So} General Category 'So'
322 \p{SpacePerl} \s
99598c8c 323 \p{Space} [[:Space:]]
7be0dac3 324* \p{Sterm} Extended property 'STerm'
325* \p{Syriac} Script 'Syriac'
5beb625e 326* \p{S} Alias for \p{S} (Major Category 'S')
99598c8c 327 \p{S} Major Category 'S'
7be0dac3 328* \p{Tagalog} Script 'Tagalog'
329* \p{Tagbanwa} Script 'Tagbanwa'
330* \p{TaiLe} Script 'Tai_Le'
331* \p{Tamil} Script 'Tamil'
332* \p{Telugu} Script 'Telugu'
99598c8c 333* \p{TerminalPunctuation} Extended property 'Terminal_Punctuation'
7be0dac3 334* \p{Thaana} Script 'Thaana'
335* \p{Thai} Script 'Thai'
336* \p{Tibetan} Script 'Tibetan'
99598c8c 337 \p{Title} [[:Title:]]
7be0dac3 338* \p{Ugaritic} Script 'Ugaritic'
822ebcc8 339* \p{UnifiedIdeograph} Extended property 'Unified_Ideograph'
99598c8c 340* \p{Uppercase} [\p{Lu}\p{Other_Uppercase}]
341 \p{Upper} [[:Upper:]]
7be0dac3 342* \p{VariationSelector} Extended property 'Variation_Selector'
822ebcc8 343* \p{WhiteSpace} Extended property 'White_Space'
99598c8c 344 \p{Word} [[:Word:]]
345 \p{XDigit} [[:XDigit:]]
7be0dac3 346* \p{Yi} Script 'Yi'
5beb625e 347* \p{Zl} Alias for \p{Zl} (General Category 'Zl')
99598c8c 348 \p{Zl} General Category 'Zl'
5beb625e 349* \p{Zp} Alias for \p{Zp} (General Category 'Zp')
99598c8c 350 \p{Zp} General Category 'Zp'
5beb625e 351* \p{Zs} Alias for \p{Zs} (General Category 'Zs')
99598c8c 352 \p{Zs} General Category 'Zs'
5beb625e 353* \p{Z} Alias for \p{Z} (Major Category 'Z')
99598c8c 354 \p{Z} Major Category 'Z'
355 \p{_CanonDCIJ} (for internal casefolding use)
356 \p{_CaseIgnorable} (for internal casefolding use)
357 \p{_CombAbove} (for internal casefolding use)