Updated for MakeMaker 5.21.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / perl5db.pl
a687059c 1package DB;
d338d6fe 3# Debugger for Perl 5.001m; perl5db.pl patch level:
5$header = 'perl5db.pl patch level 0.93';
7# Enhanced by ilya@math.ohio-state.edu (Ilya Zakharevich)
8# Latest version available: ftp://ftp.math.ohio-state.edu/pub/users/ilya/perl
10# modified Perl debugger, to be run from Emacs in perldb-mode
11# Ray Lischner (uunet!mntgfx!lisch) as of 5 Nov 1990
12# Johan Vromans -- upgrade to 4.0 pl 10
13# Ilya Zakharevich -- patches after 5.001 (and some before ;-)
16# This file is automatically included if you do perl -d.
17# It's probably not useful to include this yourself.
19# Perl supplies the values for @line and %sub. It effectively inserts
20# a &DB'DB(<linenum>); in front of every place that can have a
21# breakpoint. Instead of a subroutine call it calls &DB::sub with
22# $DB::sub being the called subroutine. It also inserts a BEGIN
23# {require 'perl5db.pl'} before the first line.
25# Note that no subroutine call is possible until &DB::sub is defined
26# (for subroutines defined outside this file). In fact the same is
27# true if $deep is not defined.
29# $Log: perldb.pl,v $
32# At start reads $rcfile that may set important options. This file
33# may define a subroutine &afterinit that will be executed after the
34# debugger is initialized.
36# After $rcfile is read reads environment variable PERLDB_OPTS and parses
37# it as a rest of `O ...' line in debugger prompt.
39# The options that can be specified only at startup:
40# [To set in $rcfile, call &parse_options("optionName=new_value").]
42# TTY - the TTY to use for debugging i/o.
44# noTTY - if set, goes in NonStop mode. On interrupt if TTY is not set
45# uses the value of noTTY or "/tmp/perldbtty$$" to find TTY using
46# Term::Rendezvous. Current variant is to have the name of TTY in this
47# file.
49# ReadLine - If false, dummy ReadLine is used, so you can debug
50# ReadLine applications.
52# NonStop - if true, no i/o is performed until interrupt.
54# LineInfo - file or pipe to print line number info to. If it is a
55# pipe, a short "emacs like" message is used.
57# Example $rcfile: (delete leading hashes!)
59# &parse_options("NonStop=1 LineInfo=db.out");
60# sub afterinit { $trace = 1; }
62# The script will run without human intervention, putting trace
63# information into db.out. (If you interrupt it, you would better
64# reset LineInfo to something "interactive"!)
68local($^W) = 0;
69warn ( # Do not ;-)
70 $dumpvar::hashDepth,
71 $dumpvar::arrayDepth,
72 $dumpvar::dumpDBFiles,
73 $dumpvar::dumpPackages,
74 $dumpvar::quoteHighBit,
75 $dumpvar::printUndef,
76 $dumpvar::globPrint,
77 $readline::Tk_toloop,
78 $dumpvar::usageOnly,
79 @ARGS,
80 $Carp::CarpLevel,
81 ) if 0;
83# $prevwarn = $prevdie = $prevbus = $prevsegv = ''; # Does not help?!
85$trace = $signal = $single = 0; # Uninitialized warning suppression
86 # (local $^W cannot help - other packages!).
87@stack = (0);
89$option{PrintRet} = 1;
91@options = qw(hashDepth arrayDepth DumpDBFiles DumpPackages
92 compactDump veryCompact quote HighBit undefPrint
93 globPrint PrintRet UsageOnly frame
94 TTY noTTY ReadLine NonStop LineInfo
95 recallCommand ShellBang pager tkRunning
96 signalLevel warnLevel dieLevel);
98%optionVars = (
99 hashDepth => \$dumpvar::hashDepth,
100 arrayDepth => \$dumpvar::arrayDepth,
101 DumpDBFiles => \$dumpvar::dumpDBFiles,
102 DumpPackages => \$dumpvar::dumpPackages,
103 HighBit => \$dumpvar::quoteHighBit,
104 undefPrint => \$dumpvar::printUndef,
105 globPrint => \$dumpvar::globPrint,
106 tkRunning => \$readline::Tk_toloop,
107 UsageOnly => \$dumpvar::usageOnly,
108 frame => \$frame,
111%optionAction = (
112 compactDump => \&dumpvar::compactDump,
113 veryCompact => \&dumpvar::veryCompact,
114 quote => \&dumpvar::quote,
115 TTY => \&TTY,
116 noTTY => \&noTTY,
117 ReadLine => \&ReadLine,
118 NonStop => \&NonStop,
119 LineInfo => \&LineInfo,
120 recallCommand => \&recallCommand,
121 ShellBang => \&shellBang,
122 pager => \&pager,
123 signalLevel => \&signalLevel,
124 warnLevel => \&warnLevel,
125 dieLevel => \&dieLevel,
126 );
128%optionRequire = (
129 compactDump => 'dumpvar.pl',
130 veryCompact => 'dumpvar.pl',
131 quote => 'dumpvar.pl',
132 );
134# These guys may be defined in $ENV{PERL5DB} :
135$rl = 1 unless defined $rl;
139&pager(defined($ENV{PAGER}) ? $ENV{PAGER} : "|more") unless defined $pager;
140&recallCommand("!") unless defined $prc;
141&shellBang("!") unless defined $psh;
143if (-e "/dev/tty") {
144 $rcfile=".perldb";
145} else {
146 $rcfile="perldb.ini";
149if (-f $rcfile) {
150 do "./$rcfile";
151} elsif (defined $ENV{LOGDIR} and -f "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$rcfile") {
152 do "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$rcfile";
153} elsif (defined $ENV{HOME} and -f "$ENV{HOME}/$rcfile") {
154 do "$ENV{HOME}/$rcfile";
157if (defined $ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}) {
158 parse_options($ENV{PERLDB_OPTS});
161if ($notty) {
162 $runnonstop = 1;
163} else {
164 # Is Perl being run from Emacs?
165 $emacs = ((defined $main::ARGV[0]) and ($main::ARGV[0] eq '-emacs'));
166 $rl = 0, shift(@main::ARGV) if $emacs;
168 #require Term::ReadLine;
170 if (-e "/dev/tty") {
171 $console = "/dev/tty";
172 } elsif (-e "con") {
173 $console = "con";
174 } else {
175 $console = "sys\$command";
176 }
178 # Around a bug:
179 if (defined $ENV{OS2_SHELL} and $emacs) { # In OS/2
180 $console = undef;
181 }
183 $console = $tty if defined $tty;
185 if (defined $console) {
186 open(IN,"+<$console") || open(IN,"<$console") || open(IN,"<&STDIN");
187 open(OUT,"+>$console") || open(OUT,">$console") || open(OUT,">&STDERR")
188 || open(OUT,">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
189 } else {
190 open(IN,"<&STDIN");
191 open(OUT,">&STDERR") || open(OUT,">&STDOUT"); # so we don't dongle stdout
192 $console = 'STDIN/OUT';
193 }
194 # so open("|more") can read from STDOUT and so we don't dingle stdin
195 $IN = \*IN;
197 $OUT = \*OUT;
198 select($OUT);
199 $| = 1; # for DB::OUT
200 select(STDOUT);
202 $LINEINFO = $OUT unless defined $LINEINFO;
203 $lineinfo = $console unless defined $lineinfo;
205 $| = 1; # for real STDOUT
207 $header =~ s/.Header: ([^,]+),v(\s+\S+\s+\S+).*$/$1$2/;
208 unless ($runnonstop) {
209 print $OUT "\nLoading DB routines from $header\n";
210 print $OUT ("Emacs support ",
211 $emacs ? "enabled" : "available",
212 ".\n");
213 print $OUT "\nEnter h or `h h' for help.\n\n";
214 }
217@ARGS = @ARGV;
218for (@args) {
219 s/\'/\\\'/g;
220 s/(.*)/'$1'/ unless /^-?[\d.]+$/;
223if (defined &afterinit) { # May be defined in $rcfile
224 &afterinit();
227############################################################ Subroutines
229# The following code may be executed now, but gives FPE later:
230# BEGIN {warn 5}
232sub DB {
233 if ($runnonstop) { # Disable until signal
234 for ($i=0; $i <= $#stack; ) {
235 $stack[$i++] &= ~1;
236 }
237 $single = $runnonstop = 0; # Once only
238 return;
239 }
240 &save;
241 if ($doret) {
242 $doret = 0;
243 if ($option{PrintRet}) {
244 print $OUT "$retctx context return from $lastsub:",
245 ($retctx eq 'list') ? "\n" : " " ;
246 dumpit( ($retctx eq 'list') ? \@ret : $ret );
247 }
248 }
249 ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
250 $usercontext = '($@, $!, $,, $/, $\, $^W) = @saved;' .
251 "package $package;"; # this won't let them modify, alas
252 local(*dbline) = "::_<$filename";
253 $max = $#dbline;
254 if (($stop,$action) = split(/\0/,$dbline{$line})) {
255 if ($stop eq '1') {
256 $signal |= 1;
257 } else {
258 $evalarg = "\$DB::signal |= do {$stop;}"; &eval;
259 $dbline{$line} =~ s/;9($|\0)/$1/;
260 }
261 }
262 if ($single || $trace || $signal) {
263 $term || &setterm;
264 if ($emacs) {
265 print $LINEINFO "\032\032$filename:$line:0\n";
266 } else {
267 $sub =~ s/\'/::/;
268 $prefix = $sub =~ /::/ ? "" : "${'package'}::";
269 $prefix .= "$sub($filename:";
270 $after = ($dbline[$line] =~ /\n$/ ? '' : "\n");
271 if (length($prefix) > 30) {
272 print $LINEINFO "$prefix$line):\n$line:\t", $dbline[$line], $after;
273 $prefix = "";
274 $infix = ":\t";
275 } else {
276 $infix = "):\t";
277 print $LINEINFO "$prefix$line$infix",$dbline[$line], $after;
278 }
279 for ($i = $line + 1; $i <= $max && $dbline[$i] == 0; ++$i) { #{ vi
280 last if $dbline[$i] =~ /^\s*[\;\}\#\n]/;
281 $after = ($dbline[$i] =~ /\n$/ ? '' : "\n");
282 print $LINEINFO "$prefix$i$infix", $dbline[$i], $after;
283 }
284 }
285 }
286 $evalarg = $action, &eval if $action;
287 if ($single || $signal) {
288 local $level = $level + 1;
289 $evalarg = $pre, &eval if $pre;
290 print $OUT $#stack . " levels deep in subroutine calls!\n"
291 if $single & 4;
292 $start = $line;
293 CMD:
294 while (($term || &setterm),
295 defined ($cmd=$term->readline(" DB" . ('<' x $level) .
296 ($#hist+1) . ('>' x $level) .
297 " "))) {
298 { # <-- Do we know what this brace is for?
299 $single = 0;
300 $signal = 0;
301 $cmd =~ s/\\$/\n/ && do {
302 $cmd .= $term->readline(" cont: ");
303 redo CMD;
304 };
305 $cmd =~ /^q$/ && exit 0;
306 $cmd =~ /^$/ && ($cmd = $laststep);
307 push(@hist,$cmd) if length($cmd) > 1;
308 PIPE: {
309 ($i) = split(/\s+/,$cmd);
310 eval "\$cmd =~ $alias{$i}", print $OUT $@ if $alias{$i};
311 $cmd =~ /^h$/ && do {
312 print $OUT $help;
313 next CMD; };
314 $cmd =~ /^h\s+h$/ && do {
315 print $OUT $summary;
316 next CMD; };
317 $cmd =~ /^h\s+(\S)$/ && do {
318 my $asked = "\Q$1";
319 if ($help =~ /^($asked([\s\S]*?)\n)(\Z|[^\s$asked])/m) {
320 print $OUT $1;
321 } else {
322 print $OUT "`$asked' is not a debugger command.\n";
323 }
324 next CMD; };
325 $cmd =~ /^t$/ && do {
326 $trace = !$trace;
327 print $OUT "Trace = ".($trace?"on":"off")."\n";
328 next CMD; };
329 $cmd =~ /^S(\s+(!)?(.+))?$/ && do {
330 $Srev = defined $2; $Spatt = $3; $Snocheck = ! defined $1;
331 foreach $subname (sort(keys %sub)) {
332 if ($Snocheck or $Srev^($subname =~ /$Spatt/)) {
333 print $OUT $subname,"\n";
334 }
335 }
336 next CMD; };
337 $cmd =~ s/^X\b/V $package/;
338 $cmd =~ /^V$/ && do {
339 $cmd = "V $package"; };
340 $cmd =~ /^V\b\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/ && do {
341 local ($savout) = select($OUT);
342 $packname = $1;
343 @vars = split(' ',$2);
344 do 'dumpvar.pl' unless defined &main::dumpvar;
345 if (defined &main::dumpvar) {
346 &main::dumpvar($packname,@vars);
347 } else {
348 print $OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
349 }
350 select ($savout);
351 next CMD; };
352 $cmd =~ s/^x\b/ / && do { # So that will be evaled
353 $onetimeDump = 1; };
354 $cmd =~ /^f\b\s*(.*)/ && do {
355 $file = $1;
356 if (!$file) {
357 print $OUT "The old f command is now the r command.\n";
358 print $OUT "The new f command switches filenames.\n";
359 next CMD;
360 }
361 if (!defined $main::{'_<' . $file}) {
362 if (($try) = grep(m#^_<.*$file#, keys %main::)) {{
363 $file = substr($try,2);
364 print "\n$file:\n";
365 }}
366 }
367 if (!defined $main::{'_<' . $file}) {
368 print $OUT "There's no code here matching $file.\n";
369 next CMD;
370 } elsif ($file ne $filename) {
371 *dbline = "::_<$file";
372 $max = $#dbline;
373 $filename = $file;
374 $start = 1;
375 $cmd = "l";
376 } };
377 $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*([\':A-Za-z_][\':\w]*)/ && do {
378 $subname = $1;
379 $subname =~ s/\'/::/;
380 $subname = "main::".$subname unless $subname =~ /::/;
381 $subname = "main".$subname if substr($subname,0,2) eq "::";
382 @pieces = split(/:/,$sub{$subname});
383 $subrange = pop @pieces;
384 $file = join(':', @pieces);
385 if ($file ne $filename) {
386 *dbline = "::_<$file";
387 $max = $#dbline;
388 $filename = $file;
389 }
390 if ($subrange) {
391 if (eval($subrange) < -$window) {
392 $subrange =~ s/-.*/+/;
393 }
394 $cmd = "l $subrange";
395 } else {
396 print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
397 next CMD;
398 } };
399 $cmd =~ /^w\b\s*(\d*)$/ && do {
400 $incr = $window - 1;
401 $start = $1 if $1;
402 $start -= $preview;
403 $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
404 $cmd =~ /^-$/ && do {
405 $incr = $window - 1;
406 $cmd = 'l ' . ($start-$window*2) . '+'; };
407 $cmd =~ /^l$/ && do {
408 $incr = $window - 1;
409 $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
410 $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(\d*)\+(\d*)$/ && do {
411 $start = $1 if $1;
412 $incr = $2;
413 $incr = $window - 1 unless $incr;
414 $cmd = 'l ' . $start . '-' . ($start + $incr); };
415 $cmd =~ /^l\b\s*(([\d\$\.]+)([-,]([\d\$\.]+))?)?/ && do {
416 $end = (!$2) ? $max : ($4 ? $4 : $2);
417 $end = $max if $end > $max;
418 $i = $2;
419 $i = $line if $i eq '.';
420 $i = 1 if $i < 1;
421 if ($emacs) {
422 print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$i:0\n";
423 $i = $end;
424 } else {
425 for (; $i <= $end; $i++) {
426 print $OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
427 last if $signal;
428 }
429 }
430 $start = $i; # remember in case they want more
431 $start = $max if $start > $max;
432 next CMD; };
433 $cmd =~ /^D$/ && do {
434 print $OUT "Deleting all breakpoints...\n";
435 for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
436 if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
437 $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]+//;
438 if ($dbline{$i} =~ s/^\0?$//) {
439 delete $dbline{$i};
440 }
441 }
442 }
443 next CMD; };
444 $cmd =~ /^L$/ && do {
445 for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; $i++) {
446 if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
447 print $OUT "$i:\t", $dbline[$i];
448 ($stop,$action) = split(/\0/, $dbline{$i});
449 print $OUT " break if (", $stop, ")\n"
450 if $stop;
451 print $OUT " action: ", $action, "\n"
452 if $action;
453 last if $signal;
454 }
455 }
456 next CMD; };
457 $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*([':A-Za-z_][':\w]*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
458 $subname = $1;
459 $cond = $2 || '1';
460 $subname =~ s/\'/::/;
461 $subname = "${'package'}::" . $subname
462 unless $subname =~ /::/;
463 $subname = "main".$subname if substr($subname,0,2) eq "::";
464 # Filename below can contain ':'
465 ($file,$i) = ($sub{$subname} =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/);
466 $i += 0;
467 if ($i) {
468 $filename = $file;
469 *dbline = "::_<$filename";
470 $max = $#dbline;
471 ++$i while $dbline[$i] == 0 && $i < $max;
472 $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
473 } else {
474 print $OUT "Subroutine $subname not found.\n";
475 }
476 next CMD; };
477 $cmd =~ /^b\b\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/ && do {
478 $i = ($1?$1:$line);
479 $cond = $2 || '1';
480 if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
481 print $OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
482 } else {
483 $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*/$cond/;
484 }
485 next CMD; };
486 $cmd =~ /^d\b\s*(\d+)?/ && do {
487 $i = ($1?$1:$line);
488 $dbline{$i} =~ s/^[^\0]*//;
489 delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
490 next CMD; };
491 $cmd =~ /^A$/ && do {
492 for ($i = 1; $i <= $max ; $i++) {
493 if (defined $dbline{$i}) {
494 $dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
495 delete $dbline{$i} if $dbline{$i} eq '';
496 }
497 }
498 next CMD; };
499 $cmd =~ /^O\s*$/ && do {
500 for (@options) {
501 &dump_option($_);
502 }
503 next CMD; };
504 $cmd =~ /^O\s*(\S.*)/ && do {
505 parse_options($1);
506 next CMD; };
507 $cmd =~ /^<\s*(.*)/ && do {
508 $pre = action($1);
509 next CMD; };
510 $cmd =~ /^>\s*(.*)/ && do {
511 $post = action($1);
512 next CMD; };
513 $cmd =~ /^a\b\s*(\d+)(\s+(.*))?/ && do {
514 $i = $1; $j = $3;
515 if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
516 print $OUT "Line $i may not have an action.\n";
517 } else {
518 $dbline{$i} =~ s/\0[^\0]*//;
519 $dbline{$i} .= "\0" . action($j);
520 }
521 next CMD; };
522 $cmd =~ /^n$/ && do {
523 $single = 2;
524 $laststep = $cmd;
525 last CMD; };
526 $cmd =~ /^s$/ && do {
527 $single = 1;
528 $laststep = $cmd;
529 last CMD; };
530 $cmd =~ /^c\b\s*(\d*)\s*$/ && do {
531 $i = $1;
532 if ($i) {
533 if ($dbline[$i] == 0) {
534 print $OUT "Line $i not breakable.\n";
535 next CMD;
536 }
537 $dbline{$i} =~ s/($|\0)/;9$1/; # add one-time-only b.p.
538 }
539 for ($i=0; $i <= $#stack; ) {
540 $stack[$i++] &= ~1;
541 }
542 last CMD; };
543 $cmd =~ /^r$/ && do {
544 $stack[$#stack] |= 1;
545 $doret = 1;
546 last CMD; };
547 $cmd =~ /^T$/ && do {
548 local($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$a,$e,$r,@a,@sub);
549 for ($i = 1;
550 ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w,$e,$r) = caller($i);
551 $i++) {
552 @a = ();
553 for $arg (@args) {
554 $_ = "$arg";
555 s/([\'\\])/\\$1/g;
556 s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/
557 unless /^(?: -?[\d.]+ | \*[\w:]* )$/x;
558 s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg;
559 s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg;
560 push(@a, $_);
561 }
562 $w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = ';
563 $a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : '';
564 $e =~ s/\n\s*\;\s*\Z// if $e;
565 $e =~ s/[\\\']/\\$1/g if $e;
566 if ($r) {
567 $s = "require '$e'";
568 } elsif (defined $r) {
569 $s = "eval '$e'";
570 } elsif ($s eq '(eval)') {
571 $s = "eval {...}";
572 }
573 $f = "file `$f'" unless $f eq '-e';
574 push(@sub, "$w$s$a called from $f line $l\n");
575 last if $signal;
576 }
577 for ($i=0; $i <= $#sub; $i++) {
578 last if $signal;
579 print $OUT $sub[$i];
580 }
581 next CMD; };
582 $cmd =~ /^\/(.*)$/ && do {
583 $inpat = $1;
584 $inpat =~ s:([^\\])/$:$1:;
585 if ($inpat ne "") {
586 eval '$inpat =~ m'."\a$inpat\a";
587 if ($@ ne "") {
588 print $OUT "$@";
589 next CMD;
590 }
591 $pat = $inpat;
592 }
593 $end = $start;
594 eval '
595 for (;;) {
596 ++$start;
597 $start = 1 if ($start > $max);
598 last if ($start == $end);
599 if ($dbline[$start] =~ m' . "\a$pat\a" . 'i) {
600 if ($emacs) {
601 print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
602 } else {
603 print $OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
604 }
605 last;
606 }
607 } ';
608 print $OUT "/$pat/: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
609 next CMD; };
610 $cmd =~ /^\?(.*)$/ && do {
611 $inpat = $1;
612 $inpat =~ s:([^\\])\?$:$1:;
613 if ($inpat ne "") {
614 eval '$inpat =~ m'."\a$inpat\a";
615 if ($@ ne "") {
616 print $OUT "$@";
617 next CMD;
618 }
619 $pat = $inpat;
620 }
621 $end = $start;
622 eval '
623 for (;;) {
624 --$start;
625 $start = $max if ($start <= 0);
626 last if ($start == $end);
627 if ($dbline[$start] =~ m' . "\a$pat\a" . 'i) {
628 if ($emacs) {
629 print $OUT "\032\032$filename:$start:0\n";
630 } else {
631 print $OUT "$start:\t", $dbline[$start], "\n";
632 }
633 last;
634 }
635 } ';
636 print $OUT "?$pat?: not found\n" if ($start == $end);
637 next CMD; };
638 $cmd =~ /^$rc+\s*(-)?(\d+)?$/ && do {
639 pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
640 $i = $1 ? ($#hist-($2?$2:1)) : ($2?$2:$#hist);
641 $cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
642 print $OUT $cmd;
643 redo CMD; };
644 $cmd =~ /^$sh$sh\s*/ && do {
645 &system($');
646 next CMD; };
647 $cmd =~ /^$rc([^$rc].*)$/ && do {
648 $pat = "^$1";
649 pop(@hist) if length($cmd) > 1;
650 for ($i = $#hist; $i; --$i) {
651 last if $hist[$i] =~ /$pat/;
652 }
653 if (!$i) {
654 print $OUT "No such command!\n\n";
655 next CMD;
656 }
657 $cmd = $hist[$i] . "\n";
658 print $OUT $cmd;
659 redo CMD; };
660 $cmd =~ /^$sh$/ && do {
661 &system($ENV{SHELL}||"/bin/sh");
662 next CMD; };
663 $cmd =~ /^$sh\s*/ && do {
664 &system($ENV{SHELL}||"/bin/sh","-c",$');
665 next CMD; };
666 $cmd =~ /^H\b\s*(-(\d+))?/ && do {
667 $end = $2?($#hist-$2):0;
668 $hist = 0 if $hist < 0;
669 for ($i=$#hist; $i>$end; $i--) {
670 print $OUT "$i: ",$hist[$i],"\n"
671 unless $hist[$i] =~ /^.?$/;
672 };
673 next CMD; };
674 $cmd =~ s/^p$/print \$DB::OUT \$_/;
675 $cmd =~ s/^p\b/print \$DB::OUT /;
676 $cmd =~ /^=/ && do {
677 if (local($k,$v) = ($cmd =~ /^=\s*(\S+)\s+(.*)/)) {
678 $alias{$k}="s~$k~$v~";
679 print $OUT "$k = $v\n";
680 } elsif ($cmd =~ /^=\s*$/) {
681 foreach $k (sort keys(%alias)) {
682 if (($v = $alias{$k}) =~ s~^s\~$k\~(.*)\~$~$1~) {
683 print $OUT "$k = $v\n";
684 } else {
685 print $OUT "$k\t$alias{$k}\n";
686 };
687 };
688 };
689 next CMD; };
690 $cmd =~ /^\|\|?\s*[^|]/ && do {
691 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
692 open(SAVEOUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't save STDOUT");
693 open(STDOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't redirect STDOUT");
694 } else {
695 open(SAVEOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't save DB::OUT");
696 }
697 unless ($piped=open(OUT,$pager)) {
698 &warn("Can't pipe output to `$pager'");
699 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
700 open(OUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
701 open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT")
702 || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
703 close(SAVEOUT);
704 } else {
705 open(OUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
706 }
707 next CMD;
708 }
709 $SIG{PIPE}= "DB::catch" if $pager =~ /^\|/
710 && "" eq $SIG{PIPE} || "DEFAULT" eq $SIG{PIPE};
711 $selected= select(OUT);
712 $|= 1;
713 select( $selected ), $selected= "" unless $cmd =~ /^\|\|/;
714 $cmd =~ s/^\|+\s*//;
715 redo PIPE; };
716 # XXX Local variants do not work!
717 $cmd =~ s/^t\s/\$DB::trace = 1;\n/;
718 $cmd =~ s/^s\s/\$DB::single = 1;\n/ && do {$laststep = 's'};
719 $cmd =~ s/^n\s/\$DB::single = 2;\n/ && do {$laststep = 'n'};
720 } # PIPE:
721 } # <-- Do we know what this brace is for?
722 $evalarg = "\$^D = \$^D | \$DB::db_stop;\n$cmd"; &eval;
723 if ($onetimeDump) {
724 $onetimeDump = undef;
725 } else {
726 print $OUT "\n";
727 }
728 } continue { # CMD:
729 if ($piped) {
730 if ($pager =~ /^\|/) {
731 $?= 0; close(OUT) || &warn("Can't close DB::OUT");
732 &warn( "Pager `$pager' failed: ",
733 ($?>>8) > 128 ? ($?>>8)-256 : ($?>>8),
734 ( $? & 128 ) ? " (core dumped)" : "",
735 ( $? & 127 ) ? " (SIG ".($?&127).")" : "", "\n" ) if $?;
736 open(OUT,">&STDOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
737 open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
738 $SIG{PIPE}= "DEFAULT" if $SIG{PIPE} eq "DB::catch";
739 # Will stop ignoring SIGPIPE if done like nohup(1)
740 # does SIGINT but Perl doesn't give us a choice.
741 } else {
742 open(OUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore DB::OUT");
743 }
744 close(SAVEOUT);
745 select($selected), $selected= "" unless $selected eq "";
746 $piped= "";
747 }
748 } # CMD:
749 if ($post) {
750 $evalarg = $post; &eval;
751 }
752 } # if ($single || $signal)
753 ($@, $!, $,, $/, $\, $^W) = @saved;
754 ();
757# The following code may be executed now:
758# BEGIN {warn 4}
760sub sub {
761 print $LINEINFO ' ' x $#stack, "entering $sub\n" if $frame;
762 push(@stack, $single);
763 $single &= 1;
764 $single |= 4 if $#stack == $deep;
765 if (wantarray) {
766 @ret = &$sub;
767 $single |= pop(@stack);
768 $retctx = "list";
769 $lastsub = $sub;
770print $LINEINFO ' ' x $#stack, "exited $sub\n" if $frame;
771 @ret;
772 } else {
773 $ret = &$sub;
774 $single |= pop(@stack);
775 $retctx = "scalar";
776 $lastsub = $sub;
777print $LINEINFO ' ' x $#stack, "exited $sub\n" if $frame;
778 $ret;
779 }
782sub save {
783 @saved = ($@, $!, $,, $/, $\, $^W);
784 $, = ""; $/ = "\n"; $\ = ""; $^W = 0;
787# The following takes its argument via $evalarg to preserve current @_
789sub eval {
790 my @res;
791 {
792 local (@stack) = @stack; # guard against recursive debugging
793 my $otrace = $trace;
794 my $osingle = $single;
795 my $od = $^D;
796 @res = eval "$usercontext $evalarg;\n"; # '\n' for nice recursive debug
797 $trace = $otrace;
798 $single = $osingle;
799 $^D = $od;
800 }
801 my $at = $@;
802 eval "&DB::save";
803 if ($at) {
804 print $OUT $at;
805 } elsif ($onetimeDump) {
806 dumpit(\@res);
807 }
810sub dumpit {
811 local ($savout) = select($OUT);
812 do 'dumpvar.pl' unless defined &main::dumpValue;
813 if (defined &main::dumpValue) {
814 &main::dumpValue(shift);
815 } else {
816 print $OUT "dumpvar.pl not available.\n";
817 }
818 select ($savout);
821sub action {
822 my $action = shift;
823 while ($action =~ s/\\$//) {
824 #print $OUT "+ ";
825 #$action .= "\n";
826 $action .= &gets;
827 }
828 $action;
831sub gets {
832 local($.);
833 #<IN>;
834 &readline("cont: ");
837sub system {
838 # We save, change, then restore STDIN and STDOUT to avoid fork() since
839 # many non-Unix systems can do system() but have problems with fork().
840 open(SAVEIN,"<&STDIN") || &warn("Can't save STDIN");
841 open(SAVEOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't save STDOUT");
842 open(STDIN,"<&IN") || &warn("Can't redirect STDIN");
843 open(STDOUT,">&OUT") || &warn("Can't redirect STDOUT");
844 system(@_);
845 open(STDIN,"<&SAVEIN") || &warn("Can't restore STDIN");
846 open(STDOUT,">&SAVEOUT") || &warn("Can't restore STDOUT");
847 close(SAVEIN); close(SAVEOUT);
848 &warn( "(Command returned ", ($?>>8) > 128 ? ($?>>8)-256 : ($?>>8), ")",
849 ( $? & 128 ) ? " (core dumped)" : "",
850 ( $? & 127 ) ? " (SIG ".($?&127).")" : "", "\n" ) if $?;
851 $?;
854sub setterm {
855 eval "require Term::ReadLine;" or die $@;
856 if ($notty) {
857 if ($tty) {
858 open(IN,"<$tty") or die "Cannot open TTY `$TTY' for read: $!";
859 open(OUT,">$tty") or die "Cannot open TTY `$TTY' for write: $!";
860 $IN = \*IN;
861 $OUT = \*OUT;
862 my $sel = select($OUT);
863 $| = 1;
864 select($sel);
865 } else {
866 eval "require Term::Rendezvous;" or die $@;
867 my $rv = $ENV{PERLDB_NOTTY} || "/tmp/perldbtty$$";
868 my $term_rv = new Term::Rendezvous $rv;
869 $IN = $term_rv->IN;
870 $OUT = $term_rv->OUT;
871 }
872 }
873 if (!$rl) {
874 $term = new Term::ReadLine::Stub 'perldb', $IN, $OUT;
875 } else {
876 $term = new Term::ReadLine 'perldb', $IN, $OUT;
878 $readline::rl_basic_word_break_characters .= "[:"
879 if defined $readline::rl_basic_word_break_characters
880 and index($readline::rl_basic_word_break_characters, ":") == -1;
881 }
882 $LINEINFO = $OUT unless defined $LINEINFO;
883 $lineinfo = $console unless defined $lineinfo;
884 $term->MinLine(2);
887sub readline {
888 local $frame = 0;
889 $term->readline(@_);
892sub dump_option {
893 my ($opt, $val)= @_;
894 if (defined $optionVars{$opt}
895 and defined $ {$optionVars{$opt}}) {
896 $val = $ {$optionVars{$opt}};
897 } elsif (defined $optionAction{$opt}
898 and defined &{$optionAction{$opt}}) {
899 $val = &{$optionAction{$opt}}();
900 } elsif (defined $optionAction{$opt}
901 and not defined $option{$opt}
902 or defined $optionVars{$opt}
903 and not defined $ {$optionVars{$opt}}) {
904 $val = 'N/A';
905 } else {
906 $val = $option{$opt};
907 }
908 $val =~ s/[\\\']/\\$&/g;
909 printf $OUT "%20s = '%s'\n", $opt, $val;
912sub parse_options {
913 local($_)= @_;
914 while ($_ ne "") {
915 s/^(\w+)(\s*$|\W)// or print($OUT "Invalid option `$_'\n"), last;
916 my ($opt,$sep) = ($1,$2);
917 my $val;
918 if ("?" eq $sep) {
919 print($OUT "Option query `$opt?' followed by non-space `$_'\n"), last
920 if /^\S/;
921 #&dump_option($opt);
922 } elsif ($sep !~ /\S/) {
923 $val = "1";
924 } elsif ($sep eq "=") {
925 s/^(\S*)($|\s+)//;
926 $val = $1;
927 } else { #{ to "let some poor schmuck bounce on the % key in B<vi>."
928 my ($end) = "\\" . substr( ")]>}$sep", index("([<{",$sep), 1 ); #}
929 s/^(([^\\$end]|\\[\\$end])*)$end($|\s+)// or
930 print($OUT "Unclosed option value `$opt$sep$_'\n"), last;
931 $val = $1;
932 $val =~ s/\\([\\$end])/$1/g;
933 }
934 my ($option);
935 my $matches =
936 grep( /^\Q$opt/ && ($option = $_), @options );
937 $matches = grep( /^\Q$opt/i && ($option = $_), @options )
938 unless $matches;
939 print $OUT "Unknown option `$opt'\n" unless $matches;
940 print $OUT "Ambiguous option `$opt'\n" if $matches > 1;
941 $option{$option} = $val if $matches == 1 and defined $val;
942 eval "require '$optionRequire{$option}'"
943 if $matches == 1 and defined $optionRequire{$option} and defined $val;
944 $ {$optionVars{$option}} = $val
945 if $matches == 1
946 and defined $optionVars{$option} and defined $val;
947 & {$optionAction{$option}} ($val)
948 if $matches == 1
949 and defined $optionAction{$option}
950 and defined &{$optionAction{$option}} and defined $val;
951 &dump_option($option) if $matches == 1 && $OUT ne \*STDERR; # Not $rcfile
952 s/^\s+//;
953 }
956sub catch {
957 $signal = 1;
960sub warn {
961 my($msg)= join("",@_);
962 $msg .= ": $!\n" unless $msg =~ /\n$/;
963 print $OUT $msg;
966sub TTY {
967 if ($term) {
968 &warn("Too late to set TTY!\n") if @_;
969 } else {
970 $tty = shift if @_;
971 }
972 $tty or $console;
975sub noTTY {
976 if ($term) {
977 &warn("Too late to set noTTY!\n") if @_;
978 } else {
979 $notty = shift if @_;
980 }
981 $notty;
984sub ReadLine {
985 if ($term) {
986 &warn("Too late to set ReadLine!\n") if @_;
987 } else {
988 $rl = shift if @_;
989 }
990 $rl;
993sub NonStop {
994 if ($term) {
995 &warn("Too late to set up NonStop mode!\n") if @_;
996 } else {
997 $runnonstop = shift if @_;
998 }
999 $runnonstop;
1002sub pager {
1003 if (@_) {
1004 $pager = shift;
1005 $pager="|".$pager unless $pager =~ /^(\+?\>|\|)/;
1006 }
1007 $pager;
1010sub shellBang {
1011 if (@_) {
1012 $sh = quotemeta shift;
1013 $sh .= "\\b" if $sh =~ /\w$/;
1014 }
1015 $psh = $sh;
1016 $psh =~ s/\\b$//;
1017 $psh =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1018 &sethelp;
1019 $psh;
1022sub recallCommand {
1023 if (@_) {
1024 $rc = quotemeta shift;
1025 $rc .= "\\b" if $rc =~ /\w$/;
1026 }
1027 $prc = $rc;
1028 $prc =~ s/\\b$//;
1029 $prc =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g;
1030 &sethelp;
1031 $prc;
1034sub LineInfo {
1035 return $lineinfo unless @_;
1036 $lineinfo = shift;
1037 my $stream = ($lineinfo =~ /^(\+?\>|\|)/) ? $lineinfo : ">$lineinfo";
1038 $emacs = ($stream =~ /^\|/);
1039 open(LINEINFO, "$stream") || &warn("Cannot open `$stream' for write");
1041 my $save = select($LINEINFO);
1042 $| = 1;
1043 select($save);
1044 $lineinfo;
1047sub sethelp {
1048 $help = "
1049T Stack trace.
1050s [expr] Single step [in expr].
1051n [expr] Next, steps over subroutine calls [in expr].
1052<CR> Repeat last n or s command.
1053r Return from current subroutine.
1054c [line] Continue; optionally inserts a one-time-only breakpoint
1055 at the specified line.
1056l min+incr List incr+1 lines starting at min.
1057l min-max List lines min through max.
1058l line List single line.
1059l subname List first window of lines from subroutine.
1060l List next window of lines.
1061- List previous window of lines.
1062w [line] List window around line.
1063f filename Switch to viewing filename.
1064/pattern/ Search forwards for pattern; final / is optional.
1065?pattern? Search backwards for pattern; final ? is optional.
1066L List all breakpoints and actions.
1067S [[!]pattern] List subroutine names [not] matching pattern.
1068t Toggle trace mode.
1069t expr Trace through execution of expr.
1070b [line] [condition]
1071 Set breakpoint; line defaults to the current execution line;
1072 condition breaks if it evaluates to true, defaults to '1'.
1073b subname [condition]
1074 Set breakpoint at first line of subroutine.
1075d [line] Delete the breakpoint for line.
1076D Delete all breakpoints.
1077a [line] command
1078 Set an action to be done before the line is executed.
1079 Sequence is: check for breakpoint, print line if necessary,
1080 do action, prompt user if breakpoint or step, evaluate line.
1081A Delete all actions.
1082V [pkg [vars]] List some (default all) variables in package (default current).
1083 Use ~pattern and !pattern for positive and negative regexps.
1084X [vars] Same as \"V currentpackage [vars]\".
1085x expr Evals expression in array context, dumps the result.
1086O [opt[=val]] [opt\"val\"] [opt?]...
1087 Set or query values of options. val defaults to 1. opt can
1088 be abbreviated. Several options can be listed.
1089 recallCommand, ShellBang: chars used to recall command or spawn shell;
1090 pager: program for output of \"|cmd\";
1091 The following options affect what happens with V, X, and x commands:
1092 arrayDepth, hashDepth: print only first N elements ('' for all);
1093 compactDump, veryCompact: change style of array and hash dump;
1094 globPrint: whether to print contents of globs;
1095 DumpDBFiles: dump arrays holding debugged files;
1096 DumpPackages: dump symbol tables of packages;
1097 quote, HighBit, undefPrint: change style of string dump;
1098 tkRunning: run Tk while prompting (with ReadLine);
1099 signalLevel warnLevel dieLevel: level of verbosity;
1100 Option PrintRet affects printing of return value after r command,
1101 frame affects printing messages on entry and exit from subroutines.
1102 During startup options are initialized from \$ENV{PERLDB_OPTS}.
1103 You can put additional initialization options TTY, noTTY,
1104 ReadLine, and NonStop there.
1105< command Define command to run before each prompt.
1106> command Define command to run after each prompt.
1107$prc number Redo a previous command (default previous command).
1108$prc -number Redo number'th-to-last command.
1109$prc pattern Redo last command that started with pattern.
1110 See 'O recallCommand' too.
1111$psh$psh cmd Run cmd in a subprocess (reads from DB::IN, writes to DB::OUT)"
1112 . ( $rc eq $sh ? "" : "
1113$psh [cmd] Run cmd in subshell (forces \"\$SHELL -c 'cmd'\")." ) . "
1114 See 'O shellBang' too.
1115H -number Display last number commands (default all).
1116p expr Same as \"print DB::OUT expr\" in current package.
1117|dbcmd Run debugger command, piping DB::OUT to current pager.
1118||dbcmd Same as |dbcmd but DB::OUT is temporarilly select()ed as well.
1119\= [alias value] Define a command alias, or list current aliases.
1120command Execute as a perl statement in current package.
1121h [db_command] Get help [on a specific debugger command], enter |h to page.
1122h h Summary of debugger commands.
1123q or ^D Quit.
1126 $summary = <<"END_SUM";
1127List/search source lines: Control script execution:
1128 l [ln|sub] List source code T Stack trace
1129 - List previous lines s [expr] Single step [in expr]
1130 w [line] List around line n [expr] Next, steps over subs
1131 f filename View source in file <CR> Repeat last n or s
1132 /pattern/ Search forward r Return from subroutine
1133 ?pattern? Search backward c [line] Continue until line
1134Debugger controls: L List break pts & actions
1135 O [...] Set debugger options t [expr] Toggle trace [trace expr]
1136 < command Command for before prompt b [ln] [c] Set breakpoint
1137 > command Command for after prompt b sub [c] Set breakpoint for sub
1138 $prc [N|pat] Redo a previous command d [line] Delete a breakpoint
1139 H [-num] Display last num commands D Delete all breakpoints
1140 = [a val] Define/list an alias a [ln] cmd Do cmd before line
1141 h [db_cmd] Get help on command A Delete all actions
1142 |[|]dbcmd Send output to pager $psh\[$psh\] syscmd Run cmd in a subprocess
1143 q or ^D Quit
1144Data Examination: expr Execute perl code, also see: s,n,t expr
1145 S [[!]pat] List subroutine names [not] matching pattern
1146 V [Pk [Vars]] List Variables in Package. Vars can be ~pattern or !pattern.
1147 X [Vars] Same as \"V current_package [Vars]\".
1148 x expr Evals expression in array context, dumps the result.
1149 p expr Print expression (uses script's current package).
1151 # '); # Fix balance of Emacs parsing
1155sub diesignal {
1156 $SIG{'ABRT'} = DEFAULT;
1157 kill 'ABRT', $$ if $panic++;
1158 print $DB::OUT "Got $_[0]!\n"; # in the case cannot continue
1159 local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
1160 require Carp;
1161 local $Carp::CarpLevel = 2; # mydie + confess
1162 &warn(Carp::longmess("Signal @_"));
1163 kill 'ABRT', $$;
1166sub dbwarn {
1167 local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
1168 require Carp;
1169 #&warn("Entering dbwarn\n");
1170 my ($mysingle,$mytrace) = ($single,$trace);
1171 $single = 0; $trace = 0;
1172 my $mess = Carp::longmess(@_);
1173 ($single,$trace) = ($mysingle,$mytrace);
1174 #&warn("Warning in dbwarn\n");
1175 &warn($mess);
1176 #&warn("Exiting dbwarn\n");
1179sub dbdie {
1180 local $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
1181 local $SIG{__WARN__} = '';
1182 my $i = 0; my $ineval = 0; my $sub;
1183 #&warn("Entering dbdie\n");
1184 if ($dieLevel != 2) {
1185 while ((undef,undef,undef,$sub) = caller(++$i)) {
1186 $ineval = 1, last if $sub eq '(eval)';
1187 }
1188 {
1189 local $SIG{__WARN__} = \&dbwarn;
1190 &warn(@_) if $dieLevel > 2; # Ineval is false during destruction?
1191 }
1192 #&warn("dieing quietly in dbdie\n") if $ineval and $dieLevel < 2;
1193 die @_ if $ineval and $dieLevel < 2;
1194 }
1195 require Carp;
1196 # We do not want to debug this chunk (automatic disabling works
1197 # inside DB::DB, but not in Carp).
1198 my ($mysingle,$mytrace) = ($single,$trace);
1199 $single = 0; $trace = 0;
1200 my $mess = Carp::longmess(@_);
1201 ($single,$trace) = ($mysingle,$mytrace);
1202 #&warn("dieing loudly in dbdie\n");
1203 die $mess;
1206# sub diehard { # Always dump, useful if fatal is
1207# # deeply in evals.
1208# local $SIG{__DIE__} = '';
1209# require Carp;
1210# # We do not want to debug this (automatic disabling works inside DB::DB)
1211# my ($mysingle,$mytrace) = ($single,$trace);
1212# $single = 0; $trace = 0;
1213# my $mess = Carp::longmess(@_);
1214# ($single,$trace) = ($mysingle,$mytrace);
1215# die $mess;
1216# }
1218sub warnLevel {
1219 if (@_) {
1220 $prevwarn = $SIG{__WARN__} unless $warnLevel;
1221 $warnLevel = shift;
1222 if ($warnLevel) {
1223 $SIG{__WARN__} = 'DB::dbwarn';
1224 } else {
1225 $SIG{__WARN__} = $prevwarn;
1226 }
1227 }
1228 $warnLevel;
1231sub dieLevel {
1232 if (@_) {
1233 $prevdie = $SIG{__DIE__} unless $dieLevel;
1234 $dieLevel = shift;
1235 if ($dieLevel) {
1236 $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DB::dbdie'; # if $dieLevel < 2;
1237 #$SIG{__DIE__} = 'DB::diehard' if $dieLevel >= 2;
1238 print $OUT "Stack dump during die enabled",
1239 ( $dieLevel == 1 ? " outside of evals" : ""), ".\n";
1240 print $OUT "Dump printed too.\n" if $dieLevel > 2;
1241 } else {
1242 $SIG{__DIE__} = $prevdie;
1243 print $OUT "Default die handler restored.\n";
1244 }
1245 }
1246 $dieLevel;
1249sub signalLevel {
1250 if (@_) {
1251 $prevsegv = $SIG{SEGV} unless $signalLevel;
1252 $prevbus = $SIG{BUS} unless $signalLevel;
1253 $signalLevel = shift;
1254 if ($signalLevel) {
1255 $SIG{SEGV} = 'DB::diesignal';
1256 $SIG{BUS} = 'DB::diesignal';
1257 } else {
1258 $SIG{SEGV} = $prevsegv;
1259 $SIG{BUS} = $prevbus;
1260 }
1261 }
1262 $signalLevel;
1265# The following BEGIN is very handy if debugger goes havoc, debugging debugger?
1267BEGIN { # This does not compile, alas.
1268 $IN = \*STDIN; # For bugs before DB::OUT has been opened
1269 $OUT = \*STDERR; # For errors before DB::OUT has been opened
1270 $sh = '!';
1271 $rc = ',';
1272 @hist = ('?');
1273 $deep = 100; # warning if stack gets this deep
1274 $window = 10;
1275 $preview = 3;
1276 $sub = '';
1277 #$SIG{__WARN__} = "DB::dbwarn";
1278 #$SIG{__DIE__} = 'DB::dbdie';
1279 #$SIG{SEGV} = "DB::diesignal";
1280 #$SIG{BUS} = "DB::diesignal";
1281 $SIG{INT} = "DB::catch";
1282 #$SIG{FPE} = "DB::catch";
1283 #warn "SIGFPE installed";
1284 $warnLevel = 1 unless defined $warnLevel;
1285 $dieLevel = 1 unless defined $dieLevel;
1286 $signalLevel = 1 unless defined $signalLevel;
1288 $db_stop = 0; # Compiler warning
1289 $db_stop = 1 << 30;
1290 $level = 0; # Level of recursive debugging
1293#use Carp; # This did break, left for debuggin