sync blead with Update Archive::Extract 0.34
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / open.t
e8c9ad1b 1#!./perl
4 chdir 't' if -d 't';
5 @INC = '../lib';
e69a2255 6 push @INC, "::lib:$MacPerl::Architecture:" if $^O eq 'MacOS';
bbd5c0f5 7 require Config; import Config;
e8c9ad1b 8}
c0abe5aa 10use Test::More tests => 23;
e8c9ad1b 11
12# open::import expects 'open' as its first argument, but it clashes with open()
13sub import {
14 open::import( 'open', @_ );
17# can't use require_ok() here, with a name like 'open'
217f68ed 18ok( require '', 'requiring open' );
e8c9ad1b 19
20# this should fail
21eval { import() };
7f17c514 22like( $@, qr/needs explicit list of PerlIO layers/,
217f68ed 23 'import should fail without args' );
e8c9ad1b 24
e8c9ad1b 25# prevent it from loading I18N::Langinfo, so we can test encoding failures
e8c9ad1b 26my $warn;
27local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
28 $warn .= shift;
7f17c514 31# and it shouldn't be able to find this layer
99ef548b 32$warn = '';
33eval q{ no warnings 'layer'; use open IN => ':macguffin' ; };
34is( $warn, '',
7f17c514 35 'should not warn about unknown layer with bad layer provided' );
99ef548b 36
37$warn = '';
38eval q{ use warnings 'layer'; use open IN => ':macguffin' ; };
7f17c514 39like( $warn, qr/Unknown PerlIO layer/,
40 'should warn about unknown layer with bad layer provided' );
e8c9ad1b 41
7c0e976d 42# open :locale logic changed since open 1.04, new logic
43# difficult to test portably.
e8c9ad1b 44
7c0e976d 45# see if it sets the magic variables appropriately
e8c9ad1b 46import( 'IN', ':crlf' );
217f68ed 47is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'crlf', 'should have set crlf layer' );
e8c9ad1b 48
49# it should reset them appropriately, too
50import( 'IN', ':raw' );
217f68ed 51is( $^H{'open_IN'}, 'raw', 'should have reset to raw layer' );
e8c9ad1b 52
1e616cf5 53# it dies if you don't set IN, OUT, or IO
e8c9ad1b 54eval { import( 'sideways', ':raw' ) };
7f17c514 55like( $@, qr/Unknown PerlIO layer class/, 'should croak with unknown class' );
e8c9ad1b 56
57# but it handles them all so well together
1e616cf5 58import( 'IO', ':raw :crlf' );
59is( ${^OPEN}, ":raw :crlf\0:raw :crlf",
7f17c514 60 'should set multi types, multi layer' );
1e616cf5 61is( $^H{'open_IO'}, 'crlf', 'should record last layer set in %^H' );
e8c9ad1b 62
bbd5c0f5 63SKIP: {
44cc5a7c 64 skip("no perlio, no :utf8", 12) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
820c63ad 65
24c43532 66 eval <<EOE;
bbd5c0f5 67 use open ':utf8';
68 open(O, ">utf8");
69 print O chr(0x100);
70 close O;
71 open(I, "<utf8");
e111333b 72 is(ord(<I>), 0x100, ":utf8 single wide character round-trip");
bbd5c0f5 73 close I;
24c43532 74EOE
bbd5c0f5 75
820c63ad 76 open F, ">a";
77 @a = map { chr(1 << ($_ << 2)) } 0..5; # 0x1, 0x10, .., 0x100000
78 unshift @a, chr(0); # ... and a null byte in front just for fun
79 print F @a;
80 close F;
e111333b 81
820c63ad 82 sub systell {
83 use Fcntl 'SEEK_CUR';
84 sysseek($_[0], 0, SEEK_CUR);
85 }
e111333b 86
820c63ad 87 require bytes; # not use
89 my $ok;
91 open F, "<:utf8", "a";
92 $ok = $a = 0;
93 for (@a) {
94 unless (
95 ($c = sysread(F, $b, 1)) == 1 &&
96 length($b) == 1 &&
97 ord($b) == ord($_) &&
98 systell(F) == ($a += bytes::length($b))
99 ) {
100 print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
101 print '# ord($b) == ', ord($b), "\n";
102 print '# length($b) == ', length($b), "\n";
103 print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
104 print '# systell(F) == ', systell(F), "\n";
105 print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
106 print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
107 last;
108 }
109 $ok++;
e111333b 110 }
820c63ad 111 close F;
112 ok($ok == @a,
113 "on :utf8 streams sysread() should work on characters, not bytes");
4d70b921 115 sub diagnostics {
116 print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
117 print '# bytes::length($_) == ', bytes::length($_), "\n";
118 print '# systell(G) == ', systell(G), "\n";
119 print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
120 print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
e111333b 121 }
820c63ad 122
4d70b921 123
124 my %actions = (
125 syswrite => sub { syswrite G, shift; },
126 'syswrite len' => sub { syswrite G, shift, 1; },
127 'syswrite len pad' => sub {
128 my $temp = shift() . "\243";
129 syswrite G, $temp, 1; },
130 'syswrite off' => sub {
131 my $temp = "\351" . shift();
132 syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
133 'syswrite off pad' => sub {
134 my $temp = "\351" . shift() . "\243";
135 syswrite G, $temp, 1, 1; },
136 );
138 foreach my $key (sort keys %actions) {
139 # syswrite() on should work on characters, not bytes
140 open G, ">:utf8", "b";
142 print "# $key\n";
143 $ok = $a = 0;
144 for (@a) {
145 unless (
146 ($c = $actions{$key}($_)) == 1 &&
147 systell(G) == ($a += bytes::length($_))
148 ) {
149 diagnostics();
150 last;
151 }
152 $ok++;
820c63ad 153 }
4d70b921 154 close G;
155 ok($ok == @a,
156 "on :utf8 streams syswrite() should work on characters, not bytes");
158 open G, "<:utf8", "b";
159 $ok = $a = 0;
160 for (@a) {
161 unless (
162 ($c = sysread(G, $b, 1)) == 1 &&
163 length($b) == 1 &&
164 ord($b) == ord($_) &&
165 systell(G) == ($a += bytes::length($_))
166 ) {
167 print '# ord($_) == ', ord($_), "\n";
168 print '# ord($b) == ', ord($b), "\n";
169 print '# length($b) == ', length($b), "\n";
170 print '# bytes::length($b) == ', bytes::length($b), "\n";
171 print '# systell(G) == ', systell(G), "\n";
172 print '# $a == ', $a, "\n";
173 print '# $c == ', $c, "\n";
174 last;
175 }
176 $ok++;
177 }
178 close G;
179 ok($ok == @a,
180 "checking syswrite() output on :utf8 streams by reading it back in");
e111333b 181 }
e111333b 182}
d4a42255 183SKIP: {
184 skip("no perlio", 2) unless (find PerlIO::Layer 'perlio');
e111333b 185
c0abe5aa 186 eval q[use Encode::Alias;use open ":std", ":locale"];
187 is($@, '', 'can use :std and :locale');
c0abe5aa 188
d7a09b41 189 use open IN => ':non-existent';
190 eval {
c9bca74a 191 require Symbol; # Anything that exists but we havn't loaded
d7a09b41 192 };
c9bca74a 193 like($@, qr/Can't locate Symbol|Recursive call/i,
d7a09b41 194 "test for an endless loop in PerlIO_find_layer");
bbd5c0f5 197END {
198 1 while unlink "utf8";
e111333b 199 1 while unlink "a";
200 1 while unlink "b";
bbd5c0f5 201}
1e616cf5 202
203# the test cases beyond __DATA__ need to be executed separately
e8c9ad1b 206$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'nonexistent.euc';
207eval { open::_get_locale_encoding() };
217f68ed 208like( $@, qr/too ambiguous/, 'should die with ambiguous locale encoding' );
1e616cf5 209%%%
210# the special :locale layer
b429a72e 211$ENV{LC_ALL} = $ENV{LANG} = 'ru_RU.KOI8-R';
dbd62f41 212# the :locale will probe the locale environment variables like LANG
213use open OUT => ':locale';
1e616cf5 214open(O, ">koi8");
23bcb45a 215print O chr(0x430); # Unicode CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A = KOI8-R 0xc1
1e616cf5 216close O;
217open(I, "<koi8");
23bcb45a 218printf "%#x\n", ord(<I>), "\n"; # this should print 0xc1
1e616cf5 219close I;