small efficiency tweak
[scpubgit/stemmatology.git] / lib / Text / Tradition /
9463b0bf 1package Text::Tradition::Stemma;
3use File::chdir;
4use File::Temp;
5use IPC::Run qw/ run /;
6use Moose;
7use Text::Tradition::Collation::Position;
e05997e2 8use Graph;
9use Graph::Reader::Dot;
9463b0bf 10
11has collation => (
12 is => 'ro',
13 isa => 'Text::Tradition::Collation',
14 required => 1,
15 );
17has character_matrix => (
18 is => 'ro',
19 isa => 'ArrayRef[ArrayRef[Str]]',
20 writer => '_save_character_matrix',
21 predicate => 'has_character_matrix',
22 );
e05997e2 23
24has graph => (
25 is => 'rw',
26 isa => 'Graph',
27 predicate => 'has_graph',
28 );
30has apsp => (
31 is => 'rw',
32 isa => 'Graph',
33 );
35sub BUILD {
36 my( $self, $args ) = @_;
37 # If we have been handed a dotfile, initialize it into a graph.
38 if( exists $args->{'dot'} ) {
39 my $reader = Graph::Reader::Dot->new();
40 my $graph = $reader->read_graph( $args->{'dot'} );
41 $graph
42 ? $self->graph( $graph )
43 : warn "Failed to parse dot file " . $args->{'dot'};
44 }
46 # If we have a graph, calculate all the shortest paths between nodes,
47 # disregarding direction.
48 if( $self->has_graph ) {
49 my $undirected;
50 if( $self->graph->is_directed ) {
51 # Make an undirected version.
52 $undirected = Graph->new( 'undirected' => 1 );
53 foreach my $v ( $self->graph->vertices ) {
54 $undirected->add_vertex( $v );
55 }
56 foreach my $e ( $self->graph->edges ) {
57 $undirected->add_edge( @$e );
58 }
59 } else {
60 $undirected = $self->graph;
61 }
62 $self->apsp( $undirected->APSP_Floyd_Warshall() );
63 }
9463b0bf 67sub make_character_matrix {
68 my $self = shift;
69 unless( $self->collation->linear ) {
910a0a6d 70 warn "Need a linear graph in order to make an alignment table";
71 return;
9463b0bf 72 }
910a0a6d 73 my $table = $self->collation->make_alignment_table;
74 # Push the names of the witnesses to initialize the rows of the matrix.
75 my @matrix = map { [ $self->_normalize_ac( $_ ) ] } @{$table->[0]};
76 $DB::single = 1;
77 foreach my $token_index ( 1 .. $#{$table} ) {
78 # First implementation: make dumb alignment table, caring about
79 # nothing except which reading is in which position.
80 my @chars = convert_characters( $table->[$token_index] );
81 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#matrix ) {
82 push( @{$matrix[$idx]}, $chars[$idx] );
83 }
9463b0bf 84 }
910a0a6d 85 $self->_save_character_matrix( \@matrix );
9463b0bf 87
910a0a6d 88sub _normalize_ac {
89 my( $self, $witname ) = @_;
90 my $ac = $self->collation->ac_label;
91 if( $witname =~ /(.*)\Q$ac\E$/ ) {
92 $witname = $1 . '_ac';
9463b0bf 93 }
910a0a6d 94 return sprintf( "%-10s", $witname );
9463b0bf 95}
9463b0bf 96
910a0a6d 97sub convert_characters {
98 my $row = shift;
9463b0bf 99 # This is a simple algorithm that treats every reading as different.
100 # Eventually we will want to be able to specify how relationships
101 # affect the character matrix.
eca16057 102 my %unique = ( '__UNDEF__' => 'X',
103 '#LACUNA#' => '?',
104 );
910a0a6d 105 my $ctr = 0;
106 foreach my $word ( @$row ) {
107 if( $word && !exists $unique{$word} ) {
108 $unique{$word} = chr( 65 + $ctr );
109 $ctr++;
110 }
9463b0bf 111 }
910a0a6d 112 if( scalar( keys %unique ) > 8 ) {
113 warn "Have more than 8 variants on this location; pars will break";
114 }
115 my @chars = map { $_ ? $unique{$_} : $unique{'__UNDEF__' } } @$row;
116 return @chars;
9463b0bf 117}
f6066bac 119sub pars_input {
9463b0bf 120 my $self = shift;
121 $self->make_character_matrix unless $self->has_character_matrix;
f6066bac 122 my $matrix = '';
123 my $rows = scalar @{$self->character_matrix};
124 my $columns = scalar @{$self->character_matrix->[0]} - 1;
125 $matrix .= "\t$rows\t$columns\n";
126 foreach my $row ( @{$self->character_matrix} ) {
910a0a6d 127 $matrix .= join( '', @$row ) . "\n";
f6066bac 128 }
129 return $matrix;
132sub run_pars {
133 my $self = shift;
9463b0bf 134
135 # Set up a temporary directory for all the default Phylip files.
136 my $phylip_dir = File::Temp->newdir();
eca16057 137 print STDERR $phylip_dir . "\n";
138 # $phylip_dir->unlink_on_destroy(0);
f6066bac 139 # We need an infile, and we need a command input file.
9463b0bf 140 open( MATRIX, ">$phylip_dir/infile" ) or die "Could not write $phylip_dir/infile";
f6066bac 141 print MATRIX $self->pars_input();
9463b0bf 142 close MATRIX;
144 open( CMD, ">$phylip_dir/cmdfile" ) or die "Could not write $phylip_dir/cmdfile";
145 ## TODO any configuration parameters we want to set here
146# U Search for best tree? Yes
147# S Search option? More thorough search
148# V Number of trees to save? 100
149# J Randomize input order of species? No. Use input order
150# O Outgroup root? No, use as outgroup species 1
151# T Use Threshold parsimony? No, use ordinary parsimony
152# W Sites weighted? No
153# M Analyze multiple data sets? No
154# I Input species interleaved? Yes
155# 0 Terminal type (IBM PC, ANSI, none)? ANSI
156# 1 Print out the data at start of run No
157# 2 Print indications of progress of run Yes
158# 3 Print out tree Yes
159# 4 Print out steps in each site No
160# 5 Print character at all nodes of tree No
161# 6 Write out trees onto tree file? Yes
162 print CMD "Y\n";
163 close CMD;
165 # And then we run the program.
167 my $PHYLIP_PATH = '/Users/tla/Projects/phylip-3.69/exe';
168 my $program = "pars";
169 if( $^O eq 'darwin' ) {
910a0a6d 170 $program = "$PHYLIP_PATH/$$program";
9463b0bf 171 } else {
910a0a6d 172 $program = "$PHYLIP_PATH/$program";
9463b0bf 173 }
175 {
910a0a6d 176 # We need to run it in our temporary directory where we have created
177 # all the expected files.
178 local $CWD = $phylip_dir;
179 my @cmd = ( $program );
180 run \@cmd, '<', 'cmdfile', '>', '/dev/null';
9463b0bf 181 }
182 # Now our output should be in 'outfile' and our tree in 'outtree',
183 # both in the temp directory.
185 my @outtree;
186 if( -f "$phylip_dir/outtree" ) {
910a0a6d 187 open( TREE, "$phylip_dir/outtree" ) or die "Could not open outtree for read";
188 @outtree = <TREE>;
189 close TREE;
9463b0bf 190 }
191 return( 1, join( '', @outtree ) ) if @outtree;
193 my @error;
f6066bac 194 if( -f "$phylip_dir/outfile" ) {
910a0a6d 195 open( OUTPUT, "$phylip_dir/outfile" ) or die "Could not open output for read";
196 @error = <OUTPUT>;
197 close OUTPUT;
9463b0bf 198 } else {
910a0a6d 199 push( @error, "Neither outtree nor output file was produced!" );
9463b0bf 200 }
201 return( undef, join( '', @error ) );
204no Moose;