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[scpubgit/stemmatology.git] / lib / Text / Tradition / Parser /
e58153d6 1package Text::Tradition::Parser::GraphML;
b49c4318 2
3use strict;
4use warnings;
b49c4318 5use XML::LibXML;
6use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
9# Takes a GraphML string; returns a Graph::Easy object.
11sub parse {
12 my( $graph, $graphml_str ) = @_;
14 my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
15 my $doc = $parser->parse_string( $graphml_str );
16 my $collation = $doc->documentElement();
17 my $xpc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( $collation );
18 $xpc->registerNs( 'g', '' );
20 # First get the ID keys, for witnesses and for collation data
21 my %nodedata;
22 my %witnesses;
23 foreach my $k ( $xpc->findnodes( '//g:key' ) ) {
24 # Each key has a 'for' attribute; the edge keys are witnesses, and
25 # the node keys contain an ID and string for each node.
27 if( $k->getAttribute( 'for' ) eq 'node' ) {
28 $nodedata{ $k->getAttribute( '' ) } = $k->getAttribute( 'id' );
29 } else {
30 $witnesses{ $k->getAttribute( 'id' ) } = $k->getAttribute( '' );
31 }
32 }
34 my $graph_el = $xpc->find( '/g:graphml/g:graph' )->[0];
36 # Add the nodes to the graph. First delete the start node, because
37 # GraphML graphs will have their own start nodes.
38 $graph->del_node( $graph->start() );
39 # Map from XML IDs to node name/identity
40 my %node_name;
41 # Keep track of whatever extra info we're passed
42 my $extra_data = {};
43 my @nodes = $xpc->findnodes( '//g:node' );
44 foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
45 my $lookup_xpath = './g:data[@key="%s"]/child::text()';
46 my $id = $xpc->findvalue( sprintf( $lookup_xpath, $nodedata{'number'} ), $n );
47 my $label = $xpc->findvalue( sprintf( $lookup_xpath, $nodedata{'token'} ), $n );
48 my $gnode = $graph->add_node( $id );
49 $node_name{ $n->getAttribute('id') } = $id;
50 $gnode->set_attribute( 'label', $label );
52 # Now get the rest of the data
53 my $extra = {};
54 my @keys = grep { $_ !~ /^(number|token)$/ } keys( %nodedata );
55 foreach my $k ( @keys ) {
56 my $data = $xpc->findvalue( sprintf( $lookup_xpath, $nodedata{ $k } ), $n );
57 $extra->{ $k } = $data;
58 }
59 $extra_data->{ $id } = $extra;
60 }
62 # Now add the edges.
63 my @edges = $xpc->findnodes( '//g:edge' );
64 foreach my $e ( @edges ) {
65 my $from = $node_name{ $e->getAttribute('source') };
66 my $to = $node_name{ $e->getAttribute('target') };
67 # Label according to the witnesses present.
68 my @wit_ids = $xpc->findnodes( './g:data/attribute::key', $e );
69 my @wit_names = map { $witnesses{ $_->getValue() } } @wit_ids;
70 my $label = join( ', ', @wit_names );
72 $graph->add_edge( $from, $to, $label );
73 }
75 ## Reverse the node_name hash so that we have two-way lookup.
76 my %node_id = reverse %node_name;
a25d4374 77
78 ## Record the nodes that are marked as transposed.
c2d16875 79 my $tr_xpath = '//g:node[g:data[@key="' . $nodedata{'identity'} . '"]]';
80 my $transposition_nodes = $xpc->find( $tr_xpath );
81 foreach my $tn ( @$transposition_nodes ) {
82 my $id_xpath = sprintf( './g:data[@key="%s"]/text()',
83 $nodedata{'identity'} );
84 $graph->set_identical_node( $node_name{ $tn->getAttribute( 'id' ) },
85 $node_name{ $xpc->findvalue( $id_xpath,
86 $tn ) } );
a25d4374 87 }
a25d4374 88
b49c4318 89
90 # Find the beginning and end nodes of the graph. The beginning node
91 # has no incoming edges; the end node has no outgoing edges.
92 my( $begin_node, $end_node );
93 foreach my $gnode ( $graph->nodes() ) {
94 print STDERR "Checking node " . $gnode->name . "\n";
95 my @outgoing = $gnode->outgoing();
96 my @incoming = $gnode->incoming();
98 unless( scalar @incoming ) {
99 warn "Already have a beginning node" if $begin_node;
100 my $node_xml_id = $node_id{ $gnode->name() };
101 my @bn = $xpc->findnodes( '//g:node[@id="' . $node_xml_id . '"]' );
102 warn "XPath did not find a node for id $node_xml_id"
103 unless scalar @bn;
104 $begin_node = $bn[0];
105 $graph->start( $gnode );
106 $node_name{ 0 } = '#START#';
107 $node_id{'#START#'} = 0;
108 }
109 unless( scalar @outgoing ) {
110 warn "Already have an ending node" if $end_node;
111 my $node_xml_id = $node_id{ $gnode->name() };
112 my @bn = $xpc->findnodes( '//g:node[@id="' . $node_xml_id . '"]' );
113 warn "XPath did not find a node for id $node_xml_id"
114 unless scalar @bn;
115 $end_node = $bn[0];
116 }
117 }
119 # Now for each witness, walk the path through the graph.
120 # Then we need to find the common nodes.
121 # TODO This method is going to fall down if we have a very gappy
122 # text in the collation.
123 # TODO think about whether it makes more sense to do this in the
124 # XML or in the graph. Right now it's the XML.
125 my $paths = {};
126 my @common_nodes;
127 foreach my $wit ( keys %witnesses ) {
128 my $node_id = $begin_node->getAttribute('id');
129 my @wit_path = ( $node_name{ $node_id } );
130 # TODO Detect loops at some point
131 while( $node_id != $end_node->getAttribute('id') ) {
132 # Find the node which is the target of the edge whose
133 # source is $node_id and applies to this witness.
134 my $xpath_expr = '//g:edge[child::g:data[@key="'
135 . $wit . '"] and attribute::source="'
136 . $node_id . '"]';
137 my $next_edge = $xpc->find( $xpath_expr, $graph_el )->[0];
138 $node_id = $next_edge->getAttribute('target');
139 push( @wit_path, $node_name{ $node_id } );
140 }
141 $paths->{ $witnesses{ $wit }} = \@wit_path;
142 if( @common_nodes ) {
143 my @cn;
144 foreach my $n ( @wit_path) {
145 push( @cn, $n ) if grep { $_ eq $n } @common_nodes;
146 }
147 @common_nodes = ();
148 push( @common_nodes, @cn );
149 } else {
150 push( @common_nodes, @wit_path );
151 }
152 }
154 # Mark all the nodes as either common or not.
155 foreach my $cn ( @common_nodes ) {
156 print STDERR "Setting $cn as common node\n";
157 $graph->node( $cn )->set_attribute( 'class', 'common' );
158 }
159 foreach my $n ( $graph->nodes() ) {
160 $n->set_attribute( 'class', 'variant' )
161 unless $n->get_attribute( 'class' ) eq 'common';
162 }
a25d4374 164 # Now calculate graph positions.
165 $graph->make_positions( \@common_nodes, $paths );
b49c4318 167}