replace collation relationships whenever we can
[scpubgit/stemmatology.git] / lib / Text / Tradition /
dd3b58b0 1package Text::Tradition::Collation;
d047cd52 2
910a0a6d 3use Encode qw( decode_utf8 );
4use File::Temp;
bfcbcecb 5use File::Which;
c9bf3dbf 6use Graph;
8e1394aa 7use IPC::Run qw( run binary );
910a0a6d 8use Text::CSV_XS;
b15511bf 9use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading;
22222af9 10use Text::Tradition::Collation::RelationshipStore;
63778331 11use Text::Tradition::Error;
df6d9812 12use XML::LibXML;
a344ffcf 13use XML::LibXML::XPathContext;
dd3b58b0 14use Moose;
3a2ebbf4 16has 'sequence' => (
d047cd52 17 is => 'ro',
3a2ebbf4 18 isa => 'Graph',
19 default => sub { Graph->new() },
d047cd52 20 handles => {
3a2ebbf4 21 paths => 'edges',
d047cd52 22 },
d047cd52 23 );
3a2ebbf4 24
25has 'relations' => (
26 is => 'ro',
22222af9 27 isa => 'Text::Tradition::Collation::RelationshipStore',
28 handles => {
29 relationships => 'relationships',
30 related_readings => 'related_readings',
202ccb18 31 get_relationship => 'get_relationship',
ee801e17 32 del_relationship => 'del_relationship',
22222af9 33 },
34 writer => '_set_relations',
3a2ebbf4 35 );
dd3b58b0 36
3a2ebbf4 37has 'tradition' => (
38 is => 'ro',
d047cd52 39 isa => 'Text::Tradition',
8d9a1cd8 40 weak_ref => 1,
d047cd52 41 );
dd3b58b0 42
3a2ebbf4 43has 'readings' => (
44 isa => 'HashRef[Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading]',
45 traits => ['Hash'],
46 handles => {
47 reading => 'get',
48 _add_reading => 'set',
49 del_reading => 'delete',
50 has_reading => 'exists',
51 readings => 'values',
52 },
53 default => sub { {} },
54 );
910a0a6d 55
4a8828f0 56has 'wit_list_separator' => (
7854e12e 57 is => 'rw',
58 isa => 'Str',
59 default => ', ',
60 );
62has 'baselabel' => (
63 is => 'rw',
64 isa => 'Str',
65 default => 'base text',
66 );
4a8828f0 67
15d2d3df 68has 'linear' => (
69 is => 'rw',
70 isa => 'Bool',
71 default => 1,
72 );
c84275ff 73
ef9d481f 74has 'ac_label' => (
75 is => 'rw',
76 isa => 'Str',
77 default => ' (a.c.)',
78 );
3a2ebbf4 79
4e483aa5 80has 'wordsep' => (
81 is => 'rw',
82 isa => 'Str',
83 default => ' ',
84 );
3a2ebbf4 86has 'start' => (
87 is => 'ro',
88 isa => 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading',
89 writer => '_set_start',
90 weak_ref => 1,
91 );
93has 'end' => (
94 is => 'ro',
95 isa => 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading',
96 writer => '_set_end',
97 weak_ref => 1,
98 );
b365fbae 99
100has 'cached_svg' => (
101 is => 'rw',
102 isa => 'Str',
103 predicate => 'has_cached_svg',
104 clearer => 'wipe_svg',
105 );
1dd07bda 106
107has 'cached_table' => (
108 is => 'rw',
109 isa => 'HashRef',
110 predicate => 'has_cached_table',
111 clearer => 'wipe_table',
112 );
c1915ab9 113
114has '_graphcalc_done' => (
115 is => 'rw',
116 isa => 'Bool',
117 default => undef,
118 );
1f563ac3 119
4e5a7b2c 120=head1 NAME
122Text::Tradition::Collation - a software model for a text collation
124=head1 SYNOPSIS
126 use Text::Tradition;
127 my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
128 'name' => 'this is a text',
129 'input' => 'TEI',
130 'file' => '/path/to/tei_parallel_seg_file.xml' );
132 my $c = $t->collation;
133 my @readings = $c->readings;
134 my @paths = $c->paths;
135 my @relationships = $c->relationships;
137 my $svg_variant_graph = $t->collation->as_svg();
141Text::Tradition is a library for representation and analysis of collated
142texts, particularly medieval ones. The Collation is the central feature of
143a Tradition, where the text, its sequence of readings, and its relationships
144between readings are actually kept.
148=head2 new
150The constructor. Takes a hash or hashref of the following arguments:
154=item * tradition - The Text::Tradition object to which the collation
155belongs. Required.
157=item * linear - Whether the collation should be linear; that is, whether
158transposed readings should be treated as two linked readings rather than one,
159and therefore whether the collation graph is acyclic. Defaults to true.
4e5a7b2c 161=item * baselabel - The default label for the path taken by a base text
162(if any). Defaults to 'base text'.
164=item * wit_list_separator - The string to join a list of witnesses for
165purposes of making labels in display graphs. Defaults to ', '.
167=item * ac_label - The extra label to tack onto a witness sigil when
168representing another layer of path for the given witness - that is, when
169a text has more than one possible reading due to scribal corrections or
170the like. Defaults to ' (a.c.)'.
4e483aa5 172=item * wordsep - The string used to separate words in the original text.
173Defaults to ' '.
4e5a7b2c 175=back
177=head1 ACCESSORS
179=head2 tradition
181=head2 linear
4e5a7b2c 183=head2 wit_list_separator
185=head2 baselabel
187=head2 ac_label
4e483aa5 189=head2 wordsep
4e5a7b2c 191Simple accessors for collation attributes.
193=head2 start
195The meta-reading at the start of every witness path.
197=head2 end
199The meta-reading at the end of every witness path.
201=head2 readings
203Returns all Reading objects in the graph.
205=head2 reading( $id )
207Returns the Reading object corresponding to the given ID.
209=head2 add_reading( $reading_args )
211Adds a new reading object to the collation.
212See L<Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading> for the available arguments.
214=head2 del_reading( $object_or_id )
216Removes the given reading from the collation, implicitly removing its
217paths and relationships.
4e483aa5 219=head2 merge_readings( $main, $second, $concatenate, $with_str )
221Merges the $second reading into the $main one. If $concatenate is true, then
222the merged node will carry the text of both readings, concatenated with either
223$with_str (if specified) or a sensible default (the empty string if the
224appropriate 'join_*' flag is set on either reading, or else $self->wordsep.)
4e5a7b2c 225
4e483aa5 226The first two arguments may be either readings or reading IDs.
4e5a7b2c 227
228=head2 has_reading( $id )
230Predicate to see whether a given reading ID is in the graph.
232=head2 reading_witnesses( $object_or_id )
234Returns a list of sigils whose witnesses contain the reading.
236=head2 paths
238Returns all reading paths within the document - that is, all edges in the
239collation graph. Each path is an arrayref of [ $source, $target ] reading IDs.
241=head2 add_path( $source, $target, $sigil )
243Links the given readings in the collation in sequence, under the given witness
244sigil. The readings may be specified by object or ID.
246=head2 del_path( $source, $target, $sigil )
248Links the given readings in the collation in sequence, under the given witness
249sigil. The readings may be specified by object or ID.
251=head2 has_path( $source, $target );
253Returns true if the two readings are linked in sequence in any witness.
254The readings may be specified by object or ID.
256=head2 relationships
258Returns all Relationship objects in the collation.
260=head2 add_relationship( $reading, $other_reading, $options )
262Adds a new relationship of the type given in $options between the two readings,
263which may be specified by object or ID. Returns a value of ( $status, @vectors)
264where $status is true on success, and @vectors is a list of relationship edges
265that were ultimately added.
266See L<Text::Tradition::Collation::Relationship> for the available options.
dd3b58b0 269
d047cd52 270sub BUILD {
3a2ebbf4 271 my $self = shift;
22222af9 272 $self->_set_relations( Text::Tradition::Collation::RelationshipStore->new( 'collation' => $self ) );
3a2ebbf4 273 $self->_set_start( $self->add_reading( { 'collation' => $self, 'is_start' => 1 } ) );
274 $self->_set_end( $self->add_reading( { 'collation' => $self, 'is_end' => 1 } ) );
d047cd52 275}
784877d9 276
3a2ebbf4 277### Reading construct/destruct functions
279sub add_reading {
280 my( $self, $reading ) = @_;
281 unless( ref( $reading ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading' ) {
282 my %args = %$reading;
283 $reading = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading->new(
284 'collation' => $self,
285 %args );
286 }
287 # First check to see if a reading with this ID exists.
288 if( $self->reading( $reading->id ) ) {
63778331 289 throw( "Collation already has a reading with id " . $reading->id );
3a2ebbf4 290 }
c1915ab9 291 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
3a2ebbf4 292 $self->_add_reading( $reading->id => $reading );
293 # Once the reading has been added, put it in both graphs.
294 $self->sequence->add_vertex( $reading->id );
22222af9 295 $self->relations->add_reading( $reading->id );
3a2ebbf4 296 return $reading;
eca16057 297};
3a2ebbf4 299around del_reading => sub {
300 my $orig = shift;
301 my $self = shift;
302 my $arg = shift;
304 if( ref( $arg ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading' ) {
305 $arg = $arg->id;
306 }
3a2ebbf4 307 # Remove the reading from the graphs.
c1915ab9 308 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
4e483aa5 309 $self->_clear_cache; # Explicitly clear caches to GC the reading
3a2ebbf4 310 $self->sequence->delete_vertex( $arg );
22222af9 311 $self->relations->delete_reading( $arg );
3a2ebbf4 312
313 # Carry on.
314 $self->$orig( $arg );
7854e12e 316
4e483aa5 317=begin testing
319use Text::Tradition;
321my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
322my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
323 'name' => 'inline',
324 'input' => 'CollateX',
325 'file' => $cxfile,
326 );
327my $c = $t->collation;
329my $rno = scalar $c->readings;
330# Split n21 for testing purposes
331my $new_r = $c->add_reading( { 'id' => 'n21p0', 'text' => 'un', 'join_next' => 1 } );
332my $old_r = $c->reading( 'n21' );
333$old_r->alter_text( 'to' );
334$c->del_path( 'n20', 'n21', 'A' );
335$c->add_path( 'n20', 'n21p0', 'A' );
336$c->add_path( 'n21p0', 'n21', 'A' );
338ok( $c->reading( 'n21p0' ), "New reading exists" );
339is( scalar $c->readings, $rno, "Reading add offset by flatten_ranks" );
341# Combine n3 and n4
342$c->merge_readings( 'n3', 'n4', 1 );
343ok( !$c->reading('n4'), "Reading n4 is gone" );
344is( $c->reading('n3')->text, 'with his', "Reading n3 has both words" );
346# Collapse n25 and n26
347$c->merge_readings( 'n25', 'n26' );
348ok( !$c->reading('n26'), "Reading n26 is gone" );
349is( $c->reading('n25')->text, 'rood', "Reading n25 has an unchanged word" );
351# Combine n21 and n21p0
352my $remaining = $c->reading('n21');
353$remaining ||= $c->reading('n22'); # one of these should still exist
354$c->merge_readings( 'n21p0', $remaining, 1 );
355ok( !$c->reading('n21'), "Reading $remaining is gone" );
356is( $c->reading('n21p0')->text, 'unto', "Reading n21p0 merged correctly" );
358=end testing
7854e12e 361
3a2ebbf4 362sub merge_readings {
363 my $self = shift;
365 # We only need the IDs for adding paths to the graph, not the reading
366 # objects themselves.
4e483aa5 367 my( $kept, $deleted, $combine, $combine_char ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
c1915ab9 368 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
3a2ebbf4 369
370 # The kept reading should inherit the paths and the relationships
371 # of the deleted reading.
372 foreach my $path ( $self->sequence->edges_at( $deleted ) ) {
373 my @vector = ( $kept );
374 push( @vector, $path->[1] ) if $path->[0] eq $deleted;
375 unshift( @vector, $path->[0] ) if $path->[1] eq $deleted;
49d4f2ac 376 next if $vector[0] eq $vector[1]; # Don't add a self loop
3a2ebbf4 377 my %wits = %{$self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( @$path )};
378 $self->sequence->add_edge( @vector );
379 my $fwits = $self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( @vector );
380 @wits{keys %$fwits} = values %$fwits;
381 $self->sequence->set_edge_attributes( @vector, \%wits );
382 }
22222af9 383 $self->relations->merge_readings( $kept, $deleted, $combine_char );
3a2ebbf4 384
385 # Do the deletion deed.
4e483aa5 386 if( $combine ) {
49d4f2ac 387 my $kept_obj = $self->reading( $kept );
4e483aa5 388 my $del_obj = $self->reading( $deleted );
389 my $joinstr = $combine_char;
390 unless( defined $joinstr ) {
391 $joinstr = '' if $kept_obj->join_next || $del_obj->join_prior;
392 $joinstr = $self->wordsep unless defined $joinstr;
393 }
394 $kept_obj->alter_text( join( $joinstr, $kept_obj->text, $del_obj->text ) );
49d4f2ac 395 }
3a2ebbf4 396 $self->del_reading( $deleted );
7854e12e 398
3265b0ce 399
3a2ebbf4 400# Helper function for manipulating the graph.
401sub _stringify_args {
4e483aa5 402 my( $self, $first, $second, @args ) = @_;
3a2ebbf4 403 $first = $first->id
404 if ref( $first ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
405 $second = $second->id
406 if ref( $second ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
4e483aa5 407 return( $first, $second, @args );
3a2ebbf4 408}
df6d9812 409
4e5a7b2c 410# Helper function for manipulating the graph.
411sub _objectify_args {
412 my( $self, $first, $second, $arg ) = @_;
413 $first = $self->reading( $first )
414 unless ref( $first ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
415 $second = $self->reading( $second )
416 unless ref( $second ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
417 return( $first, $second, $arg );
3a2ebbf4 419### Path logic
421sub add_path {
422 my $self = shift;
424 # We only need the IDs for adding paths to the graph, not the reading
425 # objects themselves.
426 my( $source, $target, $wit ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
c1915ab9 428 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
3a2ebbf4 429 # Connect the readings
430 $self->sequence->add_edge( $source, $target );
431 # Note the witness in question
432 $self->sequence->set_edge_attribute( $source, $target, $wit, 1 );
b15511bf 433};
3a2ebbf4 435sub del_path {
436 my $self = shift;
49d4f2ac 437 my @args;
438 if( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
439 my $e = shift @_;
440 @args = ( @$e, @_ );
441 } else {
442 @args = @_;
443 }
3a2ebbf4 444
445 # We only need the IDs for adding paths to the graph, not the reading
446 # objects themselves.
49d4f2ac 447 my( $source, $target, $wit ) = $self->_stringify_args( @args );
3a2ebbf4 448
c1915ab9 449 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
3a2ebbf4 450 if( $self->sequence->has_edge_attribute( $source, $target, $wit ) ) {
49d4f2ac 451 $self->sequence->delete_edge_attribute( $source, $target, $wit );
3a2ebbf4 452 }
453 unless( keys %{$self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( $source, $target )} ) {
454 $self->sequence->delete_edge( $source, $target );
455 }
784877d9 456}
3a2ebbf4 458
15d2d3df 459# Extra graph-alike utility
460sub has_path {
3a2ebbf4 461 my $self = shift;
462 my( $source, $target, $wit ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
463 return undef unless $self->sequence->has_edge( $source, $target );
464 return $self->sequence->has_edge_attribute( $source, $target, $wit );
b15511bf 465}
4e5a7b2c 467=head2 clear_witness( @sigil_list )
3a2ebbf4 468
4e5a7b2c 469Clear the given witnesses out of the collation entirely, removing references
470to them in paths, and removing readings that belong only to them. Should only
471be called via $tradition->del_witness.
3a2ebbf4 472
4e5a7b2c 475sub clear_witness {
476 my( $self, @sigils ) = @_;
c1915ab9 478 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
4e5a7b2c 479 # Clear the witness(es) out of the paths
480 foreach my $e ( $self->paths ) {
481 foreach my $sig ( @sigils ) {
482 $self->del_path( $e, $sig );
483 }
484 }
486 # Clear out the newly unused readings
487 foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
488 unless( $self->reading_witnesses( $r ) ) {
489 $self->del_reading( $r );
490 }
491 }
3a2ebbf4 493
494sub add_relationship {
495 my $self = shift;
22222af9 496 my( $source, $target, $opts ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
63778331 497 my( @vectors ) = $self->relations->add_relationship( $source,
64ae6270 498 $self->reading( $source ), $target, $self->reading( $target ), $opts );
c1915ab9 499 $self->_graphcalc_done(0);
63778331 500 return @vectors;
22222af9 501}
ef9d481f 502
ca6e6095 503around qw/ get_relationship del_relationship / => sub {
504 my $orig = shift;
505 my $self = shift;
506 my @args = @_;
507 if( @args == 1 && ref( $args[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
508 @args = @{$_[0]};
509 }
510 my( $source, $target ) = $self->_stringify_args( @args );
511 $self->$orig( $source, $target );
22222af9 514=head2 reading_witnesses( $reading )
910a0a6d 515
22222af9 516Return a list of sigils corresponding to the witnesses in which the reading appears.
3265b0ce 517
22222af9 518=cut
1d310495 519
1d310495 520sub reading_witnesses {
521 my( $self, $reading ) = @_;
522 # We need only check either the incoming or the outgoing edges; I have
96dc90ec 523 # arbitrarily chosen "incoming". Thus, special-case the start node.
524 if( $reading eq $self->start ) {
525 return map { $_->sigil } $self->tradition->witnesses;
526 }
1d310495 527 my %all_witnesses;
528 foreach my $e ( $self->sequence->edges_to( $reading ) ) {
529 my $wits = $self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( @$e );
530 @all_witnesses{ keys %$wits } = 1;
531 }
c12bb878 532 my $acstr = $self->ac_label;
533 foreach my $acwit ( grep { $_ =~ s/^(.*)\Q$acstr\E$/$1/ } keys %all_witnesses ) {
534 delete $all_witnesses{$acwit.$acstr} if exists $all_witnesses{$acwit};
535 }
1d310495 536 return keys %all_witnesses;
910a0a6d 537}
4e5a7b2c 539=head1 OUTPUT METHODS
8e1394aa 540
0ecb975c 541=head2 as_svg( \%options )
8e1394aa 542
0068967c 543Returns an SVG string that represents the graph, via as_dot and graphviz.
bfcbcecb 544See as_dot for a list of options. Must have GraphViz (dot) installed to run.
8e1394aa 545
548sub as_svg {
0ecb975c 549 my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
bfcbcecb 550 throw( "Need GraphViz installed to output SVG" )
551 unless File::Which::which( 'dot' );
e247aad1 552 my $want_subgraph = exists $opts->{'from'} || exists $opts->{'to'};
c1915ab9 553 $self->calculate_ranks() unless $self->_graphcalc_done;
e247aad1 554 if( !$self->has_cached_svg || $opts->{'recalc'} || $want_subgraph ) {
b365fbae 555 my @cmd = qw/dot -Tsvg/;
556 my( $svg, $err );
557 my $dotfile = File::Temp->new();
559 # $dotfile->unlink_on_destroy(0);
560 binmode $dotfile, ':utf8';
561 print $dotfile $self->as_dot( $opts );
562 push( @cmd, $dotfile->filename );
563 run( \@cmd, ">", binary(), \$svg );
e247aad1 564 $svg = decode_utf8( $svg );
565 $self->cached_svg( $svg ) unless $want_subgraph;
566 return $svg;
567 } else {
568 return $self->cached_svg;
b365fbae 569 }
8e1394aa 570}
b22576c6 572
0ecb975c 573=head2 as_dot( \%options )
b22576c6 574
0ecb975c 575Returns a string that is the collation graph expressed in dot
576(i.e. GraphViz) format. Options include:
b22576c6 577
0ecb975c 578=over 4
b22576c6 579
0ecb975c 580=item * from
b22576c6 581
0ecb975c 582=item * to
df6d9812 583
0ecb975c 584=item * color_common
df6d9812 587
590sub as_dot {
0ecb975c 591 my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
592 my $startrank = $opts->{'from'} if $opts;
593 my $endrank = $opts->{'to'} if $opts;
594 my $color_common = $opts->{'color_common'} if $opts;
b365fbae 595 my $STRAIGHTENHACK = !$startrank && !$endrank && $self->end->rank
596 && $self->end->rank > 100;
6648ee3d 597 $STRAIGHTENHACK = 1 if $opts->{'straight'}; # even for subgraphs or small graphs
b365fbae 598
b22576c6 599 # Check the arguments
600 if( $startrank ) {
601 return if $endrank && $startrank > $endrank;
602 return if $startrank > $self->end->rank;
603 }
604 if( defined $endrank ) {
605 return if $endrank < 0;
f1b3b33a 606 $endrank = undef if $endrank == $self->end->rank;
b22576c6 607 }
67da8d6c 609 my $graph_name = $self->tradition->name;
610 $graph_name =~ s/[^\w\s]//g;
611 $graph_name = join( '_', split( /\s+/, $graph_name ) );
f13b5582 612
613 my %graph_attrs = (
614 'rankdir' => 'LR',
615 'bgcolor' => 'none',
616 );
617 my %node_attrs = (
b8990398 618 'fontsize' => 14,
f13b5582 619 'fillcolor' => 'white',
620 'style' => 'filled',
621 'shape' => 'ellipse'
622 );
623 my %edge_attrs = (
624 'arrowhead' => 'open',
625 'color' => '#000000',
626 'fontcolor' => '#000000',
627 );
67da8d6c 629 my $dot = sprintf( "digraph %s {\n", $graph_name );
f13b5582 630 $dot .= "\tgraph " . _dot_attr_string( \%graph_attrs ) . ";\n";
631 $dot .= "\tnode " . _dot_attr_string( \%node_attrs ) . ";\n";
df6d9812 632
b22576c6 633 # Output substitute start/end readings if necessary
634 if( $startrank ) {
635 $dot .= "\t\"#SUBSTART#\" [ label=\"...\" ];\n";
636 }
637 if( $endrank ) {
638 $dot .= "\t\"#SUBEND#\" [ label=\"...\" ];\n";
639 }
b365fbae 640 if( $STRAIGHTENHACK ) {
641 ## HACK part 1
6648ee3d 642 my $startlabel = $startrank ? 'SUBSTART' : 'START';
643 $dot .= "\tsubgraph { rank=same \"#$startlabel#\" \"#SILENT#\" }\n";
b365fbae 644 $dot .= "\t\"#SILENT#\" [ shape=diamond,color=white,penwidth=0,label=\"\" ];"
645 }
b22576c6 646 my %used; # Keep track of the readings that actually appear in the graph
30ddc24c 647 # Sort the readings by rank if we have ranks; this speeds layout.
648 my @all_readings = $self->end->has_rank
649 ? sort { $a->rank <=> $b->rank } $self->readings
650 : $self->readings;
4633f9e4 651 # TODO Refrain from outputting lacuna nodes - just grey out the edges.
30ddc24c 652 foreach my $reading ( @all_readings ) {
b22576c6 653 # Only output readings within our rank range.
654 next if $startrank && $reading->rank < $startrank;
655 next if $endrank && $reading->rank > $endrank;
656 $used{$reading->id} = 1;
910a0a6d 657 # Need not output nodes without separate labels
3a2ebbf4 658 next if $reading->id eq $reading->text;
d4b75f44 659 my $rattrs;
30f0df34 660 my $label = $reading->text;
629e27b0 661 $label .= '-' if $reading->join_next;
662 $label = "-$label" if $reading->join_prior;
8f9cab7b 663 $label =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
d4b75f44 664 $rattrs->{'label'} = $label;
0ecb975c 665 $rattrs->{'fillcolor'} = '#b3f36d' if $reading->is_common && $color_common;
d4b75f44 666 $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" %s;\n", $reading->id, _dot_attr_string( $rattrs ) );
df6d9812 667 }
3a2ebbf4 668
30ddc24c 669 # Add the real edges. Need to weight one edge per rank jump, in a
670 # continuous line.
b365fbae 671 # my $weighted = $self->_add_edge_weights;
b22576c6 672 my @edges = $self->paths;
3bdec618 673 my( %substart, %subend );
b22576c6 674 foreach my $edge ( @edges ) {
675 # Do we need to output this edge?
508fd430 676 if( $used{$edge->[0]} && $used{$edge->[1]} ) {
027d819c 677 my $label = $self->_path_display_label( $self->path_witnesses( $edge ) );
f13b5582 678 my $variables = { %edge_attrs, 'label' => $label };
30ddc24c 679
b22576c6 680 # Account for the rank gap if necessary
30ddc24c 681 my $rank0 = $self->reading( $edge->[0] )->rank
682 if $self->reading( $edge->[0] )->has_rank;
683 my $rank1 = $self->reading( $edge->[1] )->rank
684 if $self->reading( $edge->[1] )->has_rank;
685 if( defined $rank0 && defined $rank1 && $rank1 - $rank0 > 1 ) {
686 $variables->{'minlen'} = $rank1 - $rank0;
687 }
689 # Add the calculated edge weights
b365fbae 690 # if( exists $weighted->{$edge->[0]}
e247aad1 691 # && $weighted->{$edge->[0]} eq $edge->[1] ) {
692 # # $variables->{'color'} = 'red';
693 # $variables->{'weight'} = 3.0;
694 # }
30ddc24c 695
508fd430 696 # EXPERIMENTAL: make edge width reflect no. of witnesses
697 my $extrawidth = scalar( $self->path_witnesses( $edge ) ) * 0.2;
698 $variables->{'penwidth'} = $extrawidth + 0.8; # gives 1 for a single wit
f13b5582 700 my $varopts = _dot_attr_string( $variables );
701 $dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\" %s;\n",
702 $edge->[0], $edge->[1], $varopts );
3bdec618 703 } elsif( $used{$edge->[0]} ) {
704 $subend{$edge->[0]} = 1;
705 } elsif( $used{$edge->[1]} ) {
706 $substart{$edge->[1]} = 1;
b22576c6 707 }
df6d9812 708 }
3bdec618 709 # Add substitute start and end edges if necessary
710 foreach my $node ( keys %substart ) {
027d819c 711 my $witstr = $self->_path_display_label ( $self->reading_witnesses( $self->reading( $node ) ) );
f13b5582 712 my $variables = { %edge_attrs, 'label' => $witstr };
713 my $varopts = _dot_attr_string( $variables );
714 $dot .= "\t\"#SUBSTART#\" -> \"$node\" $varopts;";
3bdec618 715 }
716 foreach my $node ( keys %subend ) {
027d819c 717 my $witstr = $self->_path_display_label ( $self->reading_witnesses( $self->reading( $node ) ) );
f13b5582 718 my $variables = { %edge_attrs, 'label' => $witstr };
719 my $varopts = _dot_attr_string( $variables );
720 $dot .= "\t\"$node\" -> \"#SUBEND#\" $varopts;";
3bdec618 721 }
b365fbae 722 # HACK part 2
6648ee3d 724 my $endlabel = $endrank ? 'SUBEND' : 'END';
725 $dot .= "\t\"#$endlabel#\" -> \"#SILENT#\" [ color=white,penwidth=0 ];\n";
b365fbae 726 }
30ddc24c 727
df6d9812 728 $dot .= "}\n";
729 return $dot;
f13b5582 732sub _dot_attr_string {
733 my( $hash ) = @_;
734 my @attrs;
735 foreach my $k ( sort keys %$hash ) {
736 my $v = $hash->{$k};
737 push( @attrs, $k.'="'.$v.'"' );
738 }
739 return( '[ ' . join( ', ', @attrs ) . ' ]' );
30ddc24c 742sub _add_edge_weights {
743 my $self = shift;
744 # Walk the graph from START to END, choosing the successor node with
745 # the largest number of witness paths each time.
746 my $weighted = {};
747 my $curr = $self->start->id;
008fc8a6 748 my $ranked = $self->end->has_rank;
30ddc24c 749 while( $curr ne $self->end->id ) {
008fc8a6 750 my $rank = $ranked ? $self->reading( $curr )->rank : 0;
30ddc24c 751 my @succ = sort { $self->path_witnesses( $curr, $a )
752 <=> $self->path_witnesses( $curr, $b ) }
753 $self->sequence->successors( $curr );
754 my $next = pop @succ;
008fc8a6 755 my $nextrank = $ranked ? $self->reading( $next )->rank : 0;
30ddc24c 756 # Try to avoid lacunae in the weighted path.
008fc8a6 757 while( @succ &&
758 ( $self->reading( $next )->is_lacuna ||
759 $nextrank - $rank > 1 ) ){
30ddc24c 760 $next = pop @succ;
761 }
762 $weighted->{$curr} = $next;
763 $curr = $next;
764 }
765 return $weighted;
027d819c 768=head2 path_witnesses( $edge )
770Returns the list of sigils whose witnesses are associated with the given edge.
771The edge can be passed as either an array or an arrayref of ( $source, $target ).
3a2ebbf4 775sub path_witnesses {
776 my( $self, @edge ) = @_;
777 # If edge is an arrayref, cope.
778 if( @edge == 1 && ref( $edge[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
779 my $e = shift @edge;
780 @edge = @$e;
781 }
782 my @wits = keys %{$self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( @edge )};
508fd430 783 return @wits;
3a2ebbf4 784}
027d819c 786sub _path_display_label {
508fd430 787 my $self = shift;
788 my @wits = sort @_;
8f9cab7b 789 my $maj = scalar( $self->tradition->witnesses ) * 0.6;
790 if( scalar @wits > $maj ) {
f13b5582 791 # TODO break out a.c. wits
8f9cab7b 792 return 'majority';
793 } else {
794 return join( ', ', @wits );
795 }
1dd07bda 797
bf6e338d 798=head2 readings_at_rank( $rank )
1dd07bda 799
bf6e338d 800Returns a list of readings at a given rank, taken from the alignment table.
1dd07bda 801
bf6e338d 804sub readings_at_rank {
1dd07bda 805 my( $self, $rank ) = @_;
bf6e338d 806 my $table = $self->alignment_table;
807 # Table rank is real rank - 1.
808 my @elements = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$rank-1] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
809 my %readings;
810 foreach my $e ( @elements ) {
811 next unless ref( $e ) eq 'HASH';
812 next unless exists $e->{'t'};
813 $readings{$e->{'t'}->id} = $e->{'t'};
814 }
815 return values %readings;
1dd07bda 816}
8f9cab7b 817
4e5a7b2c 818=head2 as_graphml
8e1394aa 819
4e5a7b2c 820Returns a GraphML representation of the collation. The GraphML will contain
821two graphs. The first expresses the attributes of the readings and the witness
822paths that link them; the second expresses the relationships that link the
823readings. This is the native transfer format for a tradition.
8e1394aa 824
56eefa04 825=begin testing
827use Text::Tradition;
829my $READINGS = 311;
830my $PATHS = 361;
832my $datafile = 't/data/florilegium_tei_ps.xml';
833my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'TEI',
834 'name' => 'test0',
835 'file' => $datafile,
836 'linear' => 1 );
838ok( $tradition, "Got a tradition object" );
839is( scalar $tradition->witnesses, 13, "Found all witnesses" );
840ok( $tradition->collation, "Tradition has a collation" );
842my $c = $tradition->collation;
843is( scalar $c->readings, $READINGS, "Collation has all readings" );
844is( scalar $c->paths, $PATHS, "Collation has all paths" );
845is( scalar $c->relationships, 0, "Collation has all relationships" );
847# Add a few relationships
848$c->add_relationship( 'w123', 'w125', { 'type' => 'collated' } );
849$c->add_relationship( 'w193', 'w196', { 'type' => 'collated' } );
850$c->add_relationship( 'w257', 'w262', { 'type' => 'transposition' } );
852# Now write it to GraphML and parse it again.
854my $graphml = $c->as_graphml;
855my $st = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'Self', 'string' => $graphml );
856is( scalar $st->collation->readings, $READINGS, "Reparsed collation has all readings" );
857is( scalar $st->collation->paths, $PATHS, "Reparsed collation has all paths" );
858is( scalar $st->collation->relationships, 3, "Reparsed collation has new relationships" );
860=end testing
8e1394aa 862=cut
864sub as_graphml {
3a2ebbf4 865 my( $self ) = @_;
3d14b48e 866 $self->calculate_ranks unless $self->_graphcalc_done;
8e1394aa 868 # Some namespaces
869 my $graphml_ns = '';
870 my $xsi_ns = '';
871 my $graphml_schema = ' ' .
910a0a6d 872 '';
8e1394aa 873
874 # Create the document and root node
875 my $graphml = XML::LibXML->createDocument( "1.0", "UTF-8" );
876 my $root = $graphml->createElementNS( $graphml_ns, 'graphml' );
877 $graphml->setDocumentElement( $root );
878 $root->setNamespace( $xsi_ns, 'xsi', 0 );
879 $root->setAttributeNS( $xsi_ns, 'schemaLocation', $graphml_schema );
bbd064a9 880
881 # List of attribute types to save on our objects and their corresponding
882 # GraphML types
883 my %save_types = (
884 'Str' => 'string',
885 'Int' => 'int',
886 'Bool' => 'boolean',
887 'RelationshipType' => 'string',
888 'RelationshipScope' => 'string',
889 );
891 # List of attribute names *not* to save on our objects.
892 # We will also not save any attribute beginning with _.
893 my %skipsave;
894 map { $skipsave{$_} = 1 } qw/ cached_svg /;
8e1394aa 895
bbd064a9 896 # Add the data keys for the graph. Include an extra key 'version' for the
897 # GraphML output version.
e309421a 898 my %graph_data_keys;
899 my $gdi = 0;
bbd064a9 900 my %graph_attributes = ( 'version' => 'string' );
901 # Graph attributes include those of Tradition and those of Collation.
902 my %gattr_from;
903 my $tmeta = $self->tradition->meta;
904 my $cmeta = $self->meta;
905 map { $gattr_from{$_->name} = 'Tradition' } $tmeta->get_all_attributes;
906 map { $gattr_from{$_->name} = 'Collation' } $cmeta->get_all_attributes;
907 foreach my $attr ( ( $tmeta->get_all_attributes, $cmeta->get_all_attributes ) ) {
908 next if $attr->name =~ /^_/;
909 next if $skipsave{$attr->name};
910 next unless $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
911 $graph_attributes{$attr->name} = $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
912 }
914 foreach my $datum ( sort keys %graph_attributes ) {
e309421a 915 $graph_data_keys{$datum} = 'dg'.$gdi++;
916 my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
917 $key->setAttribute( '', $datum );
bbd064a9 918 $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $graph_attributes{$datum} );
e309421a 919 $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'graph' );
920 $key->setAttribute( 'id', $graph_data_keys{$datum} );
921 }
f6066bac 922
bbd064a9 923 # Add the data keys for reading nodes
924 my %reading_attributes;
925 my $rmeta = Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading->meta;
926 foreach my $attr( $rmeta->get_all_attributes ) {
927 next if $attr->name =~ /^_/;
928 next if $skipsave{$attr->name};
929 next unless $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
930 $reading_attributes{$attr->name} = $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
931 }
ef9d481f 932 my %node_data_keys;
933 my $ndi = 0;
bbd064a9 934 foreach my $datum ( sort keys %reading_attributes ) {
910a0a6d 935 $node_data_keys{$datum} = 'dn'.$ndi++;
936 my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
937 $key->setAttribute( '', $datum );
bbd064a9 938 $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $reading_attributes{$datum} );
910a0a6d 939 $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'node' );
940 $key->setAttribute( 'id', $node_data_keys{$datum} );
8e1394aa 941 }
bbd064a9 943 # Add the data keys for edges, that is, paths and relationships. Path
944 # data does not come from a Moose class so is here manually.
ef9d481f 945 my $edi = 0;
946 my %edge_data_keys;
bbd064a9 947 my %edge_attributes = (
3a2ebbf4 948 witness => 'string', # ID/label for a path
3a2ebbf4 949 extra => 'boolean', # Path key
3a2ebbf4 950 );
bbd064a9 951 my @path_attributes = keys %edge_attributes; # track our manual additions
952 my $pmeta = Text::Tradition::Collation::Relationship->meta;
953 foreach my $attr( $pmeta->get_all_attributes ) {
954 next if $attr->name =~ /^_/;
955 next if $skipsave{$attr->name};
956 next unless $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
957 $edge_attributes{$attr->name} = $save_types{$attr->type_constraint->name};
958 }
959 foreach my $datum ( sort keys %edge_attributes ) {
3a2ebbf4 960 $edge_data_keys{$datum} = 'de'.$edi++;
910a0a6d 961 my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
3a2ebbf4 962 $key->setAttribute( '', $datum );
bbd064a9 963 $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $edge_attributes{$datum} );
910a0a6d 964 $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'edge' );
3a2ebbf4 965 $key->setAttribute( 'id', $edge_data_keys{$datum} );
8e1394aa 966 }
3a2ebbf4 967
22222af9 968 # Add the collation graph itself
2c669bca 969 my $sgraph = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'graph' );
970 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'edgedefault', 'directed' );
971 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'id', $self->tradition->name );
972 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edgeids', 'canonical' );
973 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edges', scalar($self->paths) );
974 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
975 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', scalar($self->readings) );
976 $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
22222af9 977
e309421a 978 # Collation attribute data
bbd064a9 979 foreach my $datum ( keys %graph_attributes ) {
980 my $value;
981 if( $datum eq 'version' ) {
982 $value = '3.1';
983 } elsif( $gattr_from{$datum} eq 'Tradition' ) {
984 $value = $self->tradition->$datum;
985 } else {
986 $value = $self->$datum;
987 }
2c669bca 988 _add_graphml_data( $sgraph, $graph_data_keys{$datum}, $value );
e309421a 989 }
8e1394aa 990
991 my $node_ctr = 0;
992 my %node_hash;
22222af9 993 # Add our readings to the graph
3a2ebbf4 994 foreach my $n ( sort { $a->id cmp $b->id } $self->readings ) {
2c669bca 995 # Add to the main graph
996 my $node_el = $sgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
910a0a6d 997 my $node_xmlid = 'n' . $node_ctr++;
3a2ebbf4 998 $node_hash{ $n->id } = $node_xmlid;
910a0a6d 999 $node_el->setAttribute( 'id', $node_xmlid );
bbd064a9 1000 foreach my $d ( keys %reading_attributes ) {
255875b8 1001 my $nval = $n->$d;
1002 _add_graphml_data( $node_el, $node_data_keys{$d}, $nval )
1003 if defined $nval;
1004 }
b15511bf 1005 }
2c669bca 1007 # Add the path edges to the sequence graph
df6d9812 1008 my $edge_ctr = 0;
3a2ebbf4 1009 foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->sequence->edges() ) {
1010 # We add an edge in the graphml for every witness in $e.
508fd430 1011 foreach my $wit ( sort $self->path_witnesses( $e ) ) {
3a2ebbf4 1012 my( $id, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
1013 $node_hash{ $e->[0] },
1014 $node_hash{ $e->[1] } );
2c669bca 1015 my $edge_el = $sgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
3a2ebbf4 1016 $edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $from );
1017 $edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $to );
1018 $edge_el->setAttribute( 'id', $id );
3a2ebbf4 1019
1020 # It's a witness path, so add the witness
1021 my $base = $wit;
1022 my $key = $edge_data_keys{'witness'};
1023 # Is this an ante-corr witness?
1024 my $aclabel = $self->ac_label;
1025 if( $wit =~ /^(.*)\Q$aclabel\E$/ ) {
1026 # Keep the base witness
1027 $base = $1;
1028 # ...and record that this is an 'extra' reading path
1029 _add_graphml_data( $edge_el, $edge_data_keys{'extra'}, $aclabel );
1030 }
1031 _add_graphml_data( $edge_el, $edge_data_keys{'witness'}, $base );
1032 }
1033 }
22222af9 1035 # Add the relationship graph to the XML
bbd064a9 1036 map { delete $edge_data_keys{$_} } @path_attributes;
027d819c 1037 $self->relations->_as_graphml( $graphml_ns, $root, \%node_hash,
2626f709 1038 $node_data_keys{'id'}, \%edge_data_keys );
8e1394aa 1039
94c00c71 1040 # Save and return the thing
1041 my $result = decode_utf8( $graphml->toString(1) );
94c00c71 1042 return $result;
df6d9812 1043}
b15511bf 1045sub _add_graphml_data {
1046 my( $el, $key, $value ) = @_;
b15511bf 1047 return unless defined $value;
c9bf3dbf 1048 my $data_el = $el->addNewChild( $el->namespaceURI, 'data' );
b15511bf 1049 $data_el->setAttribute( 'key', $key );
1050 $data_el->appendText( $value );
8e1394aa 1051}
4e5a7b2c 1053=head2 as_csv
910a0a6d 1054
1055Returns a CSV alignment table representation of the collation graph, one
2c669bca 1056row per witness (or witness uncorrected.)
910a0a6d 1057
1060sub as_csv {
3a2ebbf4 1061 my( $self ) = @_;
1dd07bda 1062 my $table = $self->alignment_table;
910a0a6d 1063 my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1, quote_null => 0 } );
1064 my @result;
2c669bca 1065 # Make the header row
1066 $csv->combine( map { $_->{'witness'} } @{$table->{'alignment'}} );
1067 push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
1068 # Make the rest of the rows
1069 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
566f4595 1070 my @rowobjs = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
1dd07bda 1071 my @row = map { $_ ? $_->{'t'}->text : $_ } @rowobjs;
2c669bca 1072 $csv->combine( @row );
910a0a6d 1073 push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
1074 }
3a2ebbf4 1075 return join( "\n", @result );
910a0a6d 1076}
1dd07bda 1078=head2 alignment_table( $use_refs, $include_witnesses )
2c669bca 1079
566f4595 1080Return a reference to an alignment table, in a slightly enhanced CollateX
1081format which looks like this:
1083 $table = { alignment => [ { witness => "SIGIL",
4e5a7b2c 1084 tokens => [ { t => "TEXT" }, ... ] },
566f4595 1085 { witness => "SIG2",
4e5a7b2c 1086 tokens => [ { t => "TEXT" }, ... ] },
566f4595 1087 ... ],
1088 length => TEXTLEN };
1090If $use_refs is set to 1, the reading object is returned in the table
1091instead of READINGTEXT; if not, the text of the reading is returned.
4e5a7b2c 1092
1093If $include_witnesses is set to a hashref, only the witnesses whose sigil
566f4595 1094keys have a true hash value will be included.
2c669bca 1095
9f3ba6f7 1097
1dd07bda 1098sub alignment_table {
1099 my( $self ) = @_;
c1915ab9 1100 $self->calculate_ranks() unless $self->_graphcalc_done;
1dd07bda 1101 return $self->cached_table if $self->has_cached_table;
0ecb975c 1103 # Make sure we can do this
1104 throw( "Need a linear graph in order to make an alignment table" )
1105 unless $self->linear;
1106 $self->calculate_ranks unless $self->end->has_rank;
2c669bca 1108 my $table = { 'alignment' => [], 'length' => $self->end->rank - 1 };
3a2ebbf4 1109 my @all_pos = ( 1 .. $self->end->rank - 1 );
68454b71 1110 foreach my $wit ( sort { $a->sigil cmp $b->sigil } $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
eca16057 1111 # print STDERR "Making witness row(s) for " . $wit->sigil . "\n";
1f7aa795 1112 my @wit_path = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end, $wit->sigil );
1dd07bda 1113 my @row = _make_witness_row( \@wit_path, \@all_pos );
2c669bca 1114 push( @{$table->{'alignment'}},
1115 { 'witness' => $wit->sigil, 'tokens' => \@row } );
1f7aa795 1116 if( $wit->is_layered ) {
1117 my @wit_ac_path = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end,
861c3e27 1118 $wit->sigil.$self->ac_label );
1dd07bda 1119 my @ac_row = _make_witness_row( \@wit_ac_path, \@all_pos );
2c669bca 1120 push( @{$table->{'alignment'}},
1121 { 'witness' => $wit->sigil.$self->ac_label, 'tokens' => \@ac_row } );
910a0a6d 1122 }
1123 }
1dd07bda 1124 $self->cached_table( $table );
1125 return $table;
910a0a6d 1126}
1128sub _make_witness_row {
1dd07bda 1129 my( $path, $positions ) = @_;
910a0a6d 1130 my %char_hash;
1131 map { $char_hash{$_} = undef } @$positions;
2c669bca 1132 my $debug = 0;
910a0a6d 1133 foreach my $rdg ( @$path ) {
eca16057 1134 my $rtext = $rdg->text;
1135 $rtext = '#LACUNA#' if $rdg->is_lacuna;
2c669bca 1136 print STDERR "rank " . $rdg->rank . "\n" if $debug;
3a2ebbf4 1137 # print STDERR "No rank for " . $rdg->id . "\n" unless defined $rdg->rank;
1dd07bda 1138 $char_hash{$rdg->rank} = { 't' => $rdg };
910a0a6d 1139 }
1140 my @row = map { $char_hash{$_} } @$positions;
eca16057 1141 # Fill in lacuna markers for undef spots in the row
1142 my $last_el = shift @row;
1143 my @filled_row = ( $last_el );
1144 foreach my $el ( @row ) {
0e476982 1145 # If we are using node reference, make the lacuna node appear many times
1146 # in the table. If not, use the lacuna tag.
1dd07bda 1147 if( $last_el && $last_el->{'t'}->is_lacuna && !defined $el ) {
1148 $el = $last_el;
eca16057 1149 }
1150 push( @filled_row, $el );
1151 $last_el = $el;
1152 }
1153 return @filled_row;
910a0a6d 1154}
4e5a7b2c 1156=head1 NAVIGATION METHODS
910a0a6d 1157
4e5a7b2c 1158=head2 reading_sequence( $first, $last, $sigil, $backup )
e2902068 1159
1160Returns the ordered list of readings, starting with $first and ending
4e5a7b2c 1161with $last, for the witness given in $sigil. If a $backup sigil is
1162specified (e.g. when walking a layered witness), it will be used wherever
1163no $sigil path exists. If there is a base text reading, that will be
1164used wherever no path exists for $sigil or $backup.
e2902068 1165
910a0a6d 1168# TODO Think about returning some lazy-eval iterator.
b0b4421a 1169# TODO Get rid of backup; we should know from what witness is whether we need it.
910a0a6d 1170
e2902068 1171sub reading_sequence {
861c3e27 1172 my( $self, $start, $end, $witness ) = @_;
e2902068 1173
930ff666 1174 $witness = $self->baselabel unless $witness;
e2902068 1175 my @readings = ( $start );
1176 my %seen;
1177 my $n = $start;
3a2ebbf4 1178 while( $n && $n->id ne $end->id ) {
1179 if( exists( $seen{$n->id} ) ) {
63778331 1180 throw( "Detected loop for $witness at " . $n->id );
910a0a6d 1181 }
3a2ebbf4 1182 $seen{$n->id} = 1;
910a0a6d 1183
861c3e27 1184 my $next = $self->next_reading( $n, $witness );
44771cf2 1185 unless( $next ) {
63778331 1186 throw( "Did not find any path for $witness from reading " . $n->id );
44771cf2 1187 }
910a0a6d 1188 push( @readings, $next );
1189 $n = $next;
e2902068 1190 }
1191 # Check that the last reading is our end reading.
1192 my $last = $readings[$#readings];
63778331 1193 throw( "Last reading found from " . $start->text .
1194 " for witness $witness is not the end!" ) # TODO do we get this far?
3a2ebbf4 1195 unless $last->id eq $end->id;
e2902068 1196
1197 return @readings;
4e5a7b2c 1200=head2 next_reading( $reading, $sigil );
8e1394aa 1201
4a8828f0 1202Returns the reading that follows the given reading along the given witness
930ff666 1203path.
8e1394aa 1204
4a8828f0 1207sub next_reading {
e2902068 1208 # Return the successor via the corresponding path.
8e1394aa 1209 my $self = shift;
3a2ebbf4 1210 my $answer = $self->_find_linked_reading( 'next', @_ );
2c669bca 1211 return undef unless $answer;
3a2ebbf4 1212 return $self->reading( $answer );
8e1394aa 1213}
4e5a7b2c 1215=head2 prior_reading( $reading, $sigil )
8e1394aa 1216
4a8828f0 1217Returns the reading that precedes the given reading along the given witness
930ff666 1218path.
8e1394aa 1219
4a8828f0 1222sub prior_reading {
e2902068 1223 # Return the predecessor via the corresponding path.
8e1394aa 1224 my $self = shift;
3a2ebbf4 1225 my $answer = $self->_find_linked_reading( 'prior', @_ );
1226 return $self->reading( $answer );
8e1394aa 1227}
4a8828f0 1229sub _find_linked_reading {
861c3e27 1230 my( $self, $direction, $node, $path ) = @_;
1232 # Get a backup if we are dealing with a layered witness
1233 my $alt_path;
1234 my $aclabel = $self->ac_label;
1235 if( $path && $path =~ /^(.*)\Q$aclabel\E$/ ) {
1236 $alt_path = $1;
1237 }
e2902068 1239 my @linked_paths = $direction eq 'next'
3a2ebbf4 1240 ? $self->sequence->edges_from( $node )
1241 : $self->sequence->edges_to( $node );
e2902068 1242 return undef unless scalar( @linked_paths );
8e1394aa 1243
e2902068 1244 # We have to find the linked path that contains all of the
1245 # witnesses supplied in $path.
1246 my( @path_wits, @alt_path_wits );
4e5a7b2c 1247 @path_wits = sort( $self->_witnesses_of_label( $path ) ) if $path;
1248 @alt_path_wits = sort( $self->_witnesses_of_label( $alt_path ) ) if $alt_path;
e2902068 1249 my $base_le;
1250 my $alt_le;
1251 foreach my $le ( @linked_paths ) {
3a2ebbf4 1252 if( $self->sequence->has_edge_attribute( @$le, $self->baselabel ) ) {
910a0a6d 1253 $base_le = $le;
910a0a6d 1254 }
508fd430 1255 my @le_wits = sort $self->path_witnesses( $le );
3a2ebbf4 1256 if( _is_within( \@path_wits, \@le_wits ) ) {
1257 # This is the right path.
1258 return $direction eq 'next' ? $le->[1] : $le->[0];
1259 } elsif( _is_within( \@alt_path_wits, \@le_wits ) ) {
1260 $alt_le = $le;
1261 }
8e1394aa 1262 }
e2902068 1263 # Got this far? Return the alternate path if it exists.
3a2ebbf4 1264 return $direction eq 'next' ? $alt_le->[1] : $alt_le->[0]
910a0a6d 1265 if $alt_le;
e2902068 1266
1267 # Got this far? Return the base path if it exists.
3a2ebbf4 1268 return $direction eq 'next' ? $base_le->[1] : $base_le->[0]
910a0a6d 1269 if $base_le;
e2902068 1270
1271 # Got this far? We have no appropriate path.
2c669bca 1272 warn "Could not find $direction node from " . $node->id
910a0a6d 1273 . " along path $path";
8e1394aa 1274 return undef;
4a8828f0 1277# Some set logic.
1278sub _is_within {
1279 my( $set1, $set2 ) = @_;
7854e12e 1280 my $ret = @$set1; # will be 0, i.e. false, if set1 is empty
4a8828f0 1281 foreach my $el ( @$set1 ) {
910a0a6d 1282 $ret = 0 unless grep { /^\Q$el\E$/ } @$set2;
4a8828f0 1283 }
1284 return $ret;
4e5a7b2c 1287# Return the string that joins together a list of witnesses for
1288# display on a single path.
1289sub _witnesses_of_label {
1290 my( $self, $label ) = @_;
1291 my $regex = $self->wit_list_separator;
1292 my @answer = split( /\Q$regex\E/, $label );
1293 return @answer;
b0b4421a 1294}
d4b75f44 1296=head2 common_readings
1298Returns the list of common readings in the graph (i.e. those readings that are
1299shared by all non-lacunose witnesses.)
1303sub common_readings {
1304 my $self = shift;
1305 my @common = grep { $_->is_common } $self->readings;
1306 return @common;
b0b4421a 1309=head2 path_text( $sigil, $mainsigil [, $start, $end ] )
1311Returns the text of a witness (plus its backup, if we are using a layer)
1312as stored in the collation. The text is returned as a string, where the
1313individual readings are joined with spaces and the meta-readings (e.g.
1314lacunae) are omitted. Optional specification of $start and $end allows
1315the generation of a subset of the witness text.
4e5a7b2c 1316
b0b4421a 1317=cut
1319sub path_text {
861c3e27 1320 my( $self, $wit, $start, $end ) = @_;
b0b4421a 1321 $start = $self->start unless $start;
1322 $end = $self->end unless $end;
861c3e27 1323 my @path = grep { !$_->is_meta } $self->reading_sequence( $start, $end, $wit );
629e27b0 1324 my $pathtext = '';
1325 my $last;
1326 foreach my $r ( @path ) {
1327 if( $r->join_prior || !$last || $last->join_next ) {
1328 $pathtext .= $r->text;
1329 } else {
1330 $pathtext .= ' ' . $r->text;
1331 }
1332 $last = $r;
1333 }
1334 return $pathtext;
b0b4421a 1335}
4e5a7b2c 1336
1339These are mostly for use by parsers.
1341=head2 make_witness_path( $witness )
1343Link the array of readings contained in $witness->path (and in
1344$witness->uncorrected_path if it exists) into collation paths.
1345Clear out the arrays when finished.
de51424a 1346
4e5a7b2c 1347=head2 make_witness_paths
1349Call make_witness_path for all witnesses in the tradition.
930ff666 1352
7e450e44 1353# For use when a collation is constructed from a base text and an apparatus.
1354# We have the sequences of readings and just need to add path edges.
1f7aa795 1355# When we are done, clear out the witness path attributes, as they are no
1356# longer needed.
1357# TODO Find a way to replace the witness path attributes with encapsulated functions?
e2902068 1358
6a222840 1359sub make_witness_paths {
1360 my( $self ) = @_;
910a0a6d 1361 foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
0068967c 1362 # print STDERR "Making path for " . $wit->sigil . "\n";
910a0a6d 1363 $self->make_witness_path( $wit );
7854e12e 1364 }
7854e12e 1365}
6a222840 1367sub make_witness_path {
7854e12e 1368 my( $self, $wit ) = @_;
1369 my @chain = @{$wit->path};
15d2d3df 1370 my $sig = $wit->sigil;
7854e12e 1371 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#chain-1 ) {
910a0a6d 1372 $self->add_path( $chain[$idx], $chain[$idx+1], $sig );
7854e12e 1373 }
1f7aa795 1374 if( $wit->is_layered ) {
d9e873d0 1375 @chain = @{$wit->uncorrected_path};
1376 foreach my $idx( 0 .. $#chain-1 ) {
1377 my $source = $chain[$idx];
1378 my $target = $chain[$idx+1];
1379 $self->add_path( $source, $target, $sig.$self->ac_label )
1380 unless $self->has_path( $source, $target, $sig );
1381 }
15d2d3df 1382 }
1f7aa795 1383 $wit->clear_path;
1384 $wit->clear_uncorrected_path;
e2902068 1385}
4e5a7b2c 1387=head2 calculate_ranks
1389Calculate the reading ranks (that is, their aligned positions relative
1390to each other) for the graph. This can only be called on linear collations.
b365fbae 1392=begin testing
1394use Text::Tradition;
1396my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
1397my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
1398 'name' => 'inline',
1399 'input' => 'CollateX',
1400 'file' => $cxfile,
1401 );
1402my $c = $t->collation;
1404# Make an svg
bfcbcecb 1405my $table = $c->alignment_table;
1406ok( $c->has_cached_table, "Alignment table was cached" );
1407is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table returned upon second call" );
b365fbae 1408$c->calculate_ranks;
bfcbcecb 1409is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Cached table retained with no rank change" );
b365fbae 1410$c->add_relationship( 'n9', 'n23', { 'type' => 'spelling' } );
bfcbcecb 1411isnt( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Alignment table changed after relationship add" );
b365fbae 1412
1413=end testing
4e5a7b2c 1415=cut
910a0a6d 1417sub calculate_ranks {
1418 my $self = shift;
b365fbae 1419 # Save the existing ranks, in case we need to invalidate the cached SVG.
1420 my %existing_ranks;
910a0a6d 1421 # Walk a version of the graph where every node linked by a relationship
1422 # edge is fundamentally the same node, and do a topological ranking on
1423 # the nodes in this graph.
c9bf3dbf 1424 my $topo_graph = Graph->new();
910a0a6d 1425 my %rel_containers;
1426 my $rel_ctr = 0;
1427 # Add the nodes
1428 foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
3a2ebbf4 1429 next if exists $rel_containers{$r->id};
910a0a6d 1430 my @rels = $r->related_readings( 'colocated' );
1431 if( @rels ) {
1432 # Make a relationship container.
1433 push( @rels, $r );
c9bf3dbf 1434 my $rn = 'rel_container_' . $rel_ctr++;
1435 $topo_graph->add_vertex( $rn );
910a0a6d 1436 foreach( @rels ) {
3a2ebbf4 1437 $rel_containers{$_->id} = $rn;
910a0a6d 1438 }
1439 } else {
1440 # Add a new node to mirror the old node.
3a2ebbf4 1441 $rel_containers{$r->id} = $r->id;
1442 $topo_graph->add_vertex( $r->id );
910a0a6d 1443 }
4a8828f0 1444 }
3a1f2523 1445
3a2ebbf4 1446 # Add the edges.
910a0a6d 1447 foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
b365fbae 1448 $existing_ranks{$r} = $r->rank;
3a2ebbf4 1449 foreach my $n ( $self->sequence->successors( $r->id ) ) {
1450 my( $tfrom, $tto ) = ( $rel_containers{$r->id},
1451 $rel_containers{$n} );
4e5a7b2c 1452 # $DB::single = 1 unless $tfrom && $tto;
3a2ebbf4 1453 $topo_graph->add_edge( $tfrom, $tto );
910a0a6d 1454 }
1455 }
1457 # Now do the rankings, starting with the start node.
3a2ebbf4 1458 my $topo_start = $rel_containers{$self->start->id};
c9bf3dbf 1459 my $node_ranks = { $topo_start => 0 };
910a0a6d 1460 my @curr_origin = ( $topo_start );
1461 # A little iterative function.
1462 while( @curr_origin ) {
c9bf3dbf 1463 @curr_origin = _assign_rank( $topo_graph, $node_ranks, @curr_origin );
910a0a6d 1464 }
1465 # Transfer our rankings from the topological graph to the real one.
1466 foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
3a2ebbf4 1467 if( defined $node_ranks->{$rel_containers{$r->id}} ) {
1468 $r->rank( $node_ranks->{$rel_containers{$r->id}} );
67da8d6c 1469 } else {
63778331 1470 # Die. Find the last rank we calculated.
1471 my @all_defined = sort { $node_ranks->{$rel_containers{$a->id}}
1472 <=> $node_ranks->{$rel_containers{$b->id}} }
1473 $self->readings;
1474 my $last = pop @all_defined;
1475 throw( "Ranks not calculated after $last - do you have a cycle in the graph?" );
67da8d6c 1476 }
de51424a 1477 }
bfcbcecb 1478 # Do we need to invalidate the cached data?
1479 if( $self->has_cached_svg || $self->has_cached_table ) {
b365fbae 1480 foreach my $r ( $self->readings ) {
7c293912 1481 next if defined( $existing_ranks{$r} )
1482 && $existing_ranks{$r} == $r->rank;
c1915ab9 1483 # Something has changed, so clear the cache
bfcbcecb 1484 $self->_clear_cache;
c1915ab9 1485 # ...and recalculate the common readings.
1486 $self->calculate_common_readings();
b365fbae 1487 last;
1488 }
1489 }
c1915ab9 1490 # The graph calculation information is now up to date.
1491 $self->_graphcalc_done(1);
8e1394aa 1492}
3a1f2523 1493
910a0a6d 1494sub _assign_rank {
c9bf3dbf 1495 my( $graph, $node_ranks, @current_nodes ) = @_;
910a0a6d 1496 # Look at each of the children of @current_nodes. If all the child's
1497 # parents have a rank, assign it the highest rank + 1 and add it to
c9bf3dbf 1498 # @next_nodes. Otherwise skip it; we will return when the highest-ranked
1499 # parent gets a rank.
910a0a6d 1500 my @next_nodes;
1501 foreach my $c ( @current_nodes ) {
c9bf3dbf 1502 warn "Current reading $c has no rank!"
1503 unless exists $node_ranks->{$c};
1504 # print STDERR "Looking at child of node $c, rank "
1505 # . $node_ranks->{$c} . "\n";
1506 foreach my $child ( $graph->successors( $c ) ) {
1507 next if exists $node_ranks->{$child};
910a0a6d 1508 my $highest_rank = -1;
1509 my $skip = 0;
c9bf3dbf 1510 foreach my $parent ( $graph->predecessors( $child ) ) {
1511 if( exists $node_ranks->{$parent} ) {
1512 $highest_rank = $node_ranks->{$parent}
1513 if $highest_rank <= $node_ranks->{$parent};
910a0a6d 1514 } else {
1515 $skip = 1;
1516 last;
1517 }
1518 }
1519 next if $skip;
c9bf3dbf 1520 my $c_rank = $highest_rank + 1;
1521 # print STDERR "Assigning rank $c_rank to node $child \n";
1522 $node_ranks->{$child} = $c_rank;
910a0a6d 1523 push( @next_nodes, $child );
1524 }
1525 }
1526 return @next_nodes;
4cdd82f1 1527}
910a0a6d 1528
c1915ab9 1529sub _clear_cache {
1530 my $self = shift;
1531 $self->wipe_svg if $self->has_cached_svg;
1532 $self->wipe_table if $self->has_cached_table;
4e5a7b2c 1536=head2 flatten_ranks
1538A convenience method for parsing collation data. Searches the graph for readings
1539with the same text at the same rank, and merges any that are found.
0e476982 1543sub flatten_ranks {
1544 my $self = shift;
1545 my %unique_rank_rdg;
bf6e338d 1546 my $changed;
0e476982 1547 foreach my $rdg ( $self->readings ) {
1548 next unless $rdg->has_rank;
1549 my $key = $rdg->rank . "||" . $rdg->text;
1550 if( exists $unique_rank_rdg{$key} ) {
1551 # Combine!
56eefa04 1552 # print STDERR "Combining readings at same rank: $key\n";
bf6e338d 1553 $changed = 1;
0e476982 1554 $self->merge_readings( $unique_rank_rdg{$key}, $rdg );
0ecb975c 1555 # TODO see if this now makes a common point.
0e476982 1556 } else {
1557 $unique_rank_rdg{$key} = $rdg;
1558 }
1559 }
bf6e338d 1560 # If we merged readings, the ranks are still fine but the alignment
1561 # table is wrong. Wipe it.
1562 $self->wipe_table() if $changed;
0e476982 1563}
4633f9e4 1564
d4b75f44 1566=head2 calculate_common_readings
1568Goes through the graph identifying the readings that appear in every witness
1569(apart from those with lacunae at that spot.) Marks them as common and returns
1570the list.
1572=begin testing
1574use Text::Tradition;
1576my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
1577my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
1578 'name' => 'inline',
1579 'input' => 'CollateX',
1580 'file' => $cxfile,
1581 );
1582my $c = $t->collation;
1584my @common = $c->calculate_common_readings();
1585is( scalar @common, 8, "Found correct number of common readings" );
1586my @marked = sort $c->common_readings();
1587is( scalar @common, 8, "All common readings got marked as such" );
1588my @expected = qw/ n1 n12 n16 n19 n20 n5 n6 n7 /;
1589is_deeply( \@marked, \@expected, "Found correct list of common readings" );
1591=end testing
1595sub calculate_common_readings {
1596 my $self = shift;
1597 my @common;
c1915ab9 1598 map { $_->is_common( 0 ) } $self->readings;
1599 # Implicitly calls calculate_ranks
1dd07bda 1600 my $table = $self->alignment_table;
d4b75f44 1601 foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
7f52eac8 1602 my @row = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx]
1603 ? $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx]->{'t'} : '' }
1604 @{$table->{'alignment'}};
d4b75f44 1605 my %hash;
1606 foreach my $r ( @row ) {
1607 if( $r ) {
1608 $hash{$r->id} = $r unless $r->is_meta;
1609 } else {
1610 $hash{'UNDEF'} = $r;
1611 }
1612 }
1613 if( keys %hash == 1 && !exists $hash{'UNDEF'} ) {
1614 my( $r ) = values %hash;
1615 $r->is_common( 1 );
1616 push( @common, $r );
1617 }
1618 }
1619 return @common;
861c3e27 1622=head2 text_from_paths
1624Calculate the text array for all witnesses from the path, for later consistency
1625checking. Only to be used if there is no non-graph-based way to know the
1626original texts.
1630sub text_from_paths {
1631 my $self = shift;
1632 foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
5164a6f0 1633 my @readings = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end, $wit->sigil );
1634 my @text;
1635 foreach my $r ( @readings ) {
1636 next if $r->is_meta;
1637 push( @text, $r->text );
1638 }
861c3e27 1639 $wit->text( \@text );
1640 if( $wit->is_layered ) {
5164a6f0 1641 my @ucrdgs = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end,
1642 $wit->sigil.$self->ac_label );
1643 my @uctext;
1644 foreach my $r ( @ucrdgs ) {
1645 next if $r->is_meta;
1646 push( @uctext, $r->text );
1647 }
1648 $wit->layertext( \@uctext );
861c3e27 1649 }
1650 }
0e476982 1652
4e5a7b2c 1653=head1 UTILITY FUNCTIONS
1655=head2 common_predecessor( $reading_a, $reading_b )
8e1394aa 1656
4e5a7b2c 1657Find the last reading that occurs in sequence before both the given readings.
1659=head2 common_successor( $reading_a, $reading_b )
1661Find the first reading that occurs in sequence after both the given readings.
22222af9 1663=begin testing
1665use Text::Tradition;
1667my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
1668my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
1669 'name' => 'inline',
1670 'input' => 'CollateX',
1671 'file' => $cxfile,
1672 );
1673my $c = $t->collation;
4e5a7b2c 1675is( $c->common_predecessor( 'n9', 'n23' )->id,
22222af9 1676 'n20', "Found correct common predecessor" );
4e5a7b2c 1677is( $c->common_successor( 'n9', 'n23' )->id,
22222af9 1678 '#END#', "Found correct common successor" );
4e5a7b2c 1680is( $c->common_predecessor( 'n19', 'n17' )->id,
22222af9 1681 'n16', "Found correct common predecessor for readings on same path" );
4e5a7b2c 1682is( $c->common_successor( 'n21', 'n26' )->id,
22222af9 1683 '#END#', "Found correct common successor for readings on same path" );
1685=end testing
1689## Return the closest reading that is a predecessor of both the given readings.
1690sub common_predecessor {
1691 my $self = shift;
4e5a7b2c 1692 my( $r1, $r2 ) = $self->_objectify_args( @_ );
027d819c 1693 return $self->_common_in_path( $r1, $r2, 'predecessors' );
22222af9 1694}
1696sub common_successor {
1697 my $self = shift;
4e5a7b2c 1698 my( $r1, $r2 ) = $self->_objectify_args( @_ );
027d819c 1699 return $self->_common_in_path( $r1, $r2, 'successors' );
22222af9 1700}
027d819c 1702sub _common_in_path {
22222af9 1703 my( $self, $r1, $r2, $dir ) = @_;
1704 my $iter = $r1->rank > $r2->rank ? $r1->rank : $r2->rank;
1705 $iter = $self->end->rank - $iter if $dir eq 'successors';
1706 my @candidates;
1707 my @last_checked = ( $r1, $r2 );
1708 my %all_seen;
1709 while( !@candidates ) {
1710 my @new_lc;
1711 foreach my $lc ( @last_checked ) {
1712 foreach my $p ( $lc->$dir ) {
1713 if( $all_seen{$p->id} ) {
1714 push( @candidates, $p );
1715 } else {
1716 $all_seen{$p->id} = 1;
1717 push( @new_lc, $p );
1718 }
1719 }
1720 }
1721 @last_checked = @new_lc;
1722 }
1723 my @answer = sort { $a->rank <=> $b->rank } @candidates;
1724 return $dir eq 'predecessors' ? pop( @answer ) : shift ( @answer );
63778331 1727sub throw {
1728 Text::Tradition::Error->throw(
1729 'ident' => 'Collation error',
1730 'message' => $_[0],
1731 );
dd3b58b0 1734no Moose;
e867486f 1736
027d819c 1737=head1 LICENSE
e867486f 1738
027d819c 1739This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
1740or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
1741the same terms as Perl itself.
e867486f 1742
027d819c 1743=head1 AUTHOR
e867486f 1744
027d819c 1745Tara L Andrews E<lt>aurum@cpan.orgE<gt>