comments cannot be set in the constructor, must use external method
[dbsrgits/SQL-Translator-2.0-ish.git] / lib / SQL / Translator / Parser / DDL /
4f4fd192 1use MooseX::Declare;
2role SQL::Translator::Parser::DDL::PostgreSQL {
faff8d0e 3 use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str);
4 use MooseX::MultiMethods;
5 use SQL::Translator::Constants qw(:sqlt_types :sqlt_constants);
6 use SQL::Translator::Types qw(Schema);
7 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::Column';
8 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::Constraint';
9 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::ForeignKey';
10 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::Index';
11 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::PrimaryKey';
12 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::Table';
13 use aliased 'SQL::Translator::Object::View';
15 multi method parse(Schema $data) { $data }
17 multi method parse(Str $data) {
18 my $translator = $self->translator;
19 my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($self->grammar);
faff8d0e 21 unless (defined $parser) {
22 return $translator->error("Error instantiating Parse::RecDescent ".
23 "instance: Bad grammer");
24 }
26 my $result = $parser->startrule($data);
27 die "Parse failed.\n" unless defined $result;
d5f4c45f 28
faff8d0e 29 my $schema = $translator->schema;
30 my @tables =
d5f4c45f 31 sort { ( $result->{tables}{ $a }{'order'} || 0 ) <=> ( $result->{tables}{ $b }{'order'} || 0 ) }
faff8d0e 32 keys %{ $result->{tables} };
34 for my $table_name ( @tables ) {
35 my $tdata = $result->{tables}{ $table_name };
0621a167 36 my $table = Table->new({ name => $tdata->{table_name}, schema => $schema });
faff8d0e 37 $schema->add_table($table);
0410f55a 39 $table->extra({ temporary => 1 }) if $tdata->{'temporary'};
faff8d0e 40 $table->comments( $tdata->{'comments'} );
0621a167 42 my @fields = sort { $tdata->{'fields'}{ $a }{'order'} <=> $tdata->{'fields'}{ $b }{'order'} } keys %{ $tdata->{'fields'} };
faff8d0e 43
44 for my $fname ( @fields ) {
45 my $fdata = $tdata->{'fields'}{ $fname };
46 next if $fdata->{'drop'};
47 my $field = Column->new({
48 name => $fdata->{'name'},
49 data_type => $fdata->{'data_type'},
50 sql_data_type => $self->data_type_mapping->{$fdata->{data_type}} || -999999,
51 size => $fdata->{'size'},
52 default_value => $fdata->{'default'},
a3e69773 53 is_auto_increment => $fdata->{'is_auto_increment'},
faff8d0e 54 is_nullable => $fdata->{'is_nullable'},
faff8d0e 55 table => $table,
56 });
a3e69773 57 $field->comments($fdata->{comments});
d5f4c45f 58
faff8d0e 59 $table->add_column($field);
d5f4c45f 60 $table->primary_key($field->name) if $fdata->{is_primary_key};
faff8d0e 61
62 for my $cdata ( @{ $fdata->{constraints} } ) {
63 next unless $cdata->{type} eq 'foreign_key';
64 $cdata->{fields} ||= [ $field->name ];
65 push @{ $tdata->{constraints} }, $cdata;
66 }
67 }
69 for my $idata ( @{ $tdata->{indices} || [] } ) {
70 my $index = Index->new({
71 name => $idata->{name},
72 type => uc $idata->{type},
f350b918 73 table => $table,
faff8d0e 74 });
f350b918 75 $index->add_column($table->get_column($_)) for @{$idata->{fields}};
76 $table->add_index($index);
faff8d0e 77 }
79 for my $cdata ( @{ $tdata->{'constraints'} || [] } ) {
d5f4c45f 80 my $constraint;
81 if (uc $cdata->{type} eq 'PRIMARY_KEY') {
82 $constraint = PrimaryKey->new({ name => $cdata->{name} || '', table => $table });
83 $table->get_column($_)->is_primary_key(1) for @{$cdata->{fields}};
84 } elsif (uc $cdata->{type} eq 'FOREIGN_KEY') {
85 $constraint = ForeignKey->new({ name => $cdata->{name} || '',
86 table => $table,
87 reference_table => $cdata->{reference_table},
88 reference_columns => $cdata->{reference_fields},
89 on_delete => $cdata->{on_delete} || $cdata->{on_delete_do},
90 on_update => $cdata->{on_update} || $cdata->{on_update_do} });
91 $table->get_column($_)->is_foreign_key(1) for @{$cdata->{fields}};
92 $table->get_column($_)->foreign_key_reference($constraint) for @{$cdata->{fields}};
93 } else {
94 $constraint = Constraint->new({ name => $cdata->{name} || '', type => uc $cdata->{type}, table => $table });
95 }
96 $constraint->add_column($table->get_column($_)) for @{$cdata->{fields}};
faff8d0e 97 $table->add_constraint($constraint);
98 }
99 }
101 for my $vinfo (@{$result->{views}}) {
102 my $sql = $vinfo->{sql};
103 $sql =~ s/\A\s+|\s+\z//g;
104 my $view = View->new({
105 name => $vinfo->{view_name},
106 sql => $sql,
faff8d0e 107 });
109 $schema->add_view($view);
111 $view->extra ( temporary => 1 ) if $vinfo->{is_temporary};
112 }
77bdd3a8 114 return 1;
faff8d0e 115 }
4f4fd192 116}