fixed layout path for ArrayRef type
[catagits/Reaction.git] / lib / Reaction / UI /
7adfd53f 1package Reaction::UI::LayoutSet;
3use Reaction::Class;
4use File::Spec;
6class LayoutSet which {
f2fef590 8 has 'layouts' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { {} });
7adfd53f 9
10 has 'name' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
8a293e2e 12 has 'source_file' => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
e22de101 13
aa8c0c90 14 has 'widget_class' => (
15 is => 'rw', lazy_fail => 1, predicate => 'has_widget_class'
16 );
1c41e332 18 has 'widget_type' => (is => 'rw', lazy_build => 1);
aa8c0c90 20 has 'super' => (is => 'rw', predicate => 'has_super');
f2fef590 21
7adfd53f 22 implements 'BUILD' => as {
23 my ($self, $args) = @_;
24 my @path = @{$args->{search_path}||[]};
b269d2bf 25 confess "No skin object provided" unless $args->{skin};
8a293e2e 26 $self->_load_file($self->source_file, $args);
aa8c0c90 27 unless ($self->has_widget_class) {
f6b79841 28 $self->widget_class($args->{skin}->widget_class_for($self));
aa8c0c90 29 }
f2fef590 30 };
32 implements 'widget_order_for' => as {
33 my ($self, $name) = @_;
aa8c0c90 34 return (
35 ($self->has_layout($name)
36 ? ([ $self->widget_class, $self ]) #;
37 : ()),
38 ($self->has_super
39 ? ($self->super->widget_order_for($name))
40 : ()),
41 );
7adfd53f 42 };
aa8c0c90 44 implements 'layout_names' => as {
45 my ($self) = @_;
46 my %seen;
47 return [
48 grep { !$seen{$_}++ }
49 keys %{shift->layouts},
50 ($self->has_super
51 ? (@{$self->super->layout_names})
52 : ())
53 ];
54 };
f2fef590 55
56 implements 'has_layout' => as { exists $_[0]->layouts->{$_[1]} };
7adfd53f 58 implements '_load_file' => as {
aa8c0c90 59 my ($self, $file, $build_args) = @_;
7adfd53f 60 my $data = $file->slurp;
f2fef590 61 my $layouts = $self->layouts;
62 # cheesy match for "=for layout name ... =something"
7adfd53f 63 # final split group also handles last in file, (?==) is lookahead
f2fef590 64 # assertion for '=' so "=for layout name1 ... =for layout name2"
65 # doesn't have the match pos go past the latter = and lose name2
aa8c0c90 66 while ($data =~ m/=(.*?)\n(.*?)(?:\n(?==)|$)/sg) {
67 my ($data, $text) = ($1, $2);
aa8c0c90 68 if ($data =~ /^for layout (\S+)/) {
69 my $fname = $1;
cf272446 70 $text =~ s/^(?:\s*\r?\n)+//; #remove leading empty lines
71 $text =~ s/[\s\r\n]+$//; #remove trailing whitespace
72 $layouts->{$fname} = $text;
aa8c0c90 73 } elsif ($data =~ /^extends (\S+)/) {
74 my $super_name = $1;
68404faa 75 my $skin;
76 if ($super_name eq 'NEXT') {
77 confess "No next skin and layout extends NEXT"
78 unless $build_args->{next_skin};
79 $skin = $build_args->{next_skin};
80 $super_name = $self->name;
81 } else {
82 $skin = $build_args->{skin};
83 }
84 $self->super($skin->create_layout_set($super_name));
1c41e332 85 } elsif ($data =~ /^widget (\S+)/) {
86 my $widget_type = $1;
87 $self->widget_type($1);
aa8c0c90 88 } elsif ($data =~ /^cut/) {
89 # no-op
90 } else {
91 confess "Unparseable directive ${data}";
92 }
7adfd53f 93 }
7adfd53f 94 };
1c41e332 96 implements '_build_widget_type' => as {
7adfd53f 97 my ($self) = @_;
6ab43711 98 my $widget = join('', map { ucfirst($_) } split('_', $self->name));
99 $widget = join('::', map { ucfirst($_) } split('/', $widget));
e22de101 101 #print STDERR "--- ", $self->name, " maps to widget $widget \n";
6ab43711 102
103 return $widget;
7adfd53f 104 };
7b78a39d 105
7adfd53f 106};