button labels for action form
[catagits/Reaction.git] / lib / Reaction / InterfaceModel / Reflector / DBIC.pm
7adfd53f 1package Reaction::InterfaceModel::Reflector::DBIC;
3use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::Create';
b8faba69 4use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::ResultSet::DeleteAll';
7adfd53f 5use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Update';
6use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action::DBIC::Result::Delete';
8use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Collection::Virtual::ResultSet';
9use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Object';
10use aliased 'Reaction::InterfaceModel::Action';
11use Reaction::Class;
12use Class::MOP;
f670cfd0 14use Catalyst::Utils;
7adfd53f 16class DBIC, which {
de48f4e6 18 has make_classes_immutable => (isa => "Bool", is => "rw", required => 1, default => sub{ 1 });
f670cfd0 20 #user defined actions and prototypes
21 has object_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
22 has collection_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
24 #which actions to create by default
25 has default_object_actions => (isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
26 has default_collection_actions => (isa => "ArrayRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
28 #builtin actions and prototypes
29 has builtin_object_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
30 has builtin_collection_actions => (isa => "HashRef", is => "rw", lazy_build => 1);
89939ff9 32 implements _build_object_actions => as { {} };
33 implements _build_collection_actions => as { {} };
f670cfd0 34
89939ff9 35 implements _build_default_object_actions => as { [ qw/Update Delete/ ] };
36 implements _build_default_collection_actions => as { [ qw/Create DeleteAll/ ] };
f670cfd0 37
89939ff9 38 implements _build_builtin_object_actions => as {
f670cfd0 39 {
7b78a39d 40 Update => { name => 'Update', base => Update },
41 Delete => { name => 'Delete', base => Delete, attributes => [] },
f670cfd0 42 };
43 };
89939ff9 45 implements _build_builtin_collection_actions => as {
a4f82080 46 {
47 Create => {name => 'Create', base => Create },
c689b58e 48 DeleteAll => {name => 'DeleteAll', base => DeleteAll, attributes => [] }
a4f82080 49 };
f670cfd0 50 };
52 implements _all_object_actions => as {
89939ff9 53 my $self = shift;
f670cfd0 54 return $self->merge_hashes
55 ($self->builtin_object_actions, $self->object_actions);
56 };
7adfd53f 57
f670cfd0 58 implements _all_collection_actions => as {
59 my $self = shift;
60 return $self->merge_hashes
61 ($self->builtin_collection_actions, $self->collection_actions);
62 };
64 implements dm_name_from_class_name => as {
65 my($self, $class) = @_;
66 confess("wrong arguments") unless $class;
67 $class =~ s/::/_/g;
68 $class = "_" . lc($class) . "_store";
69 return $class;
7adfd53f 70 };
f670cfd0 72 implements dm_name_from_source_name => as {
73 my($self, $source) = @_;
74 confess("wrong arguments") unless $source;
75 $source =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ;
76 $source = "_" . lc($source) . "_store";
77 return $source;
7adfd53f 78 };
f670cfd0 80 implements class_name_from_source_name => as {
81 my ($self, $model_class, $source_name) = @_;
82 confess("wrong arguments") unless $model_class && $source_name;
83 return join "::", $model_class, $source_name;
84 };
86 implements class_name_for_collection_of => as {
7adfd53f 87 my ($self, $object_class) = @_;
f670cfd0 88 confess("wrong arguments") unless $object_class;
7adfd53f 89 return "${object_class}::Collection";
90 };
f670cfd0 92 implements merge_hashes => as {
93 my($self, $left, $right) = @_;
94 return Catalyst::Utils::merge_hashes($left, $right);
95 };
97 implements parse_reflect_rules => as {
98 my ($self, $rules, $haystack) = @_;
99 confess('$rules must be an array reference') unless ref $rules eq 'ARRAY';
100 confess('$haystack must be an array reference') unless ref $haystack eq 'ARRAY';
102 my $needles = {};
103 my (@exclude, @include, $global_opts);
104 if(@$rules == 2 && $rules->[0] eq '-exclude'){
105 push(@exclude, (ref $rules->[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$rules->[1]} : $rules->[1]));
106 } else {
107 for my $rule ( @$rules ){
108 if (ref $rule eq 'ARRAY' && $rule->[0] eq '-exclude'){
109 push(@exclude, (ref $rule->[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$rule->[1]} : $rule->[1]));
110 } elsif( ref $rule eq 'HASH' ){
111 $global_opts = ref $global_opts eq 'HASH' ?
112 $self->merge_hashes($global_opts, $rule) : $rule;
113 } else {
114 push(@include, $rule);
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 my $check_exclude = sub{
119 for my $rule (@exclude){
120 return 1 if(ref $rule eq 'Regexp' ? $_[0] =~ /$rule/ : $_[0] eq $rule);
121 }
122 return;
123 };
125 @$haystack = grep { !$check_exclude->($_) } @$haystack;
126 $self->merge_reflect_rules(\@include, $needles, $haystack, $global_opts);
127 return $needles;
128 };
130 implements merge_reflect_rules => as {
131 my ($self, $rules, $needles, $haystack, $local_opts) = @_;
132 for my $rule ( @$rules ){
133 if(!ref $rule && ( grep {$rule eq $_} @$haystack ) ){
134 $needles->{$rule} = defined $needles->{$rule} ?
135 $self->merge_hashes($needles->{$rule}, $local_opts) : $local_opts;
136 } elsif( ref $rule eq 'Regexp' ){
137 for my $match ( grep { /$rule/ } @$haystack ){
138 $needles->{$match} = defined $needles->{$match} ?
139 $self->merge_hashes($needles->{$match}, $local_opts) : $local_opts;
140 }
141 } elsif( ref $rule eq 'ARRAY' ){
142 my $opts;
143 $opts = pop(@$rule) if @$rule > 1 and ref $rule->[$#$rule] eq 'HASH';
144 $opts = $self->merge_hashes($local_opts, $opts) if defined $local_opts;
145 $self->merge_reflect_rules($rule, $needles, $haystack, $opts);
146 }
147 }
148 };
150 implements reflect_schema => as {
7adfd53f 151 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
f670cfd0 152 my $base = delete $opts{base} || Object;
153 my $model = delete $opts{model_class};
154 my $schema = delete $opts{schema_class};
7adfd53f 155 my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
156 my $dm_args = delete $opts{domain_model_args} || {};
f670cfd0 157 $dm_name ||= $self->dm_name_from_class_name($schema);
159 #load all necessary classes
160 confess("model_class and schema_class are required parameters")
161 unless($model && $schema);
162 Class::MOP::load_class( $base );
163 Class::MOP::load_class( $schema );
89939ff9 164 my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($model); } ?
f670cfd0 165 $model->meta : $base->meta->create($model, superclasses => [ $base ]);
167 # sources => undef, #default to qr/./
168 # sources => [], #default to nothing
169 # sources => qr//, #DWIM, treated as [qr//]
170 # sources => [{...}] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, {...} ]
171 # sources => [[-exclude => ...]] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, [-exclude => ...]]
172 my $haystack = [ $schema->sources ];
174 my $rules = delete $opts{sources};
175 if(!defined $rules){
176 $rules = [qr/./];
177 } elsif( ref $rules eq 'Regexp'){
178 $rules = [ $rules ];
179 } elsif( ref $rules eq 'ARRAY' && @$rules){
180 #don't add a qr/./ rule if we have at least one match rule
181 push(@$rules, qr/./) unless grep {(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude')
182 || !ref $_ || ref $_ eq 'Regexp'} @$rules;
183 }
7adfd53f 184
f670cfd0 185 my $sources = $self->parse_reflect_rules($rules, $haystack);
7adfd53f 186
de48f4e6 187 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable || $self->make_classes_immutable;
7adfd53f 188 $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
f670cfd0 190 $meta->add_domain_model
191 ($dm_name, is => 'rw', isa => $schema, required => 1, %$dm_args);
193 for my $source_name (keys %$sources){
194 my $source_opts = $sources->{$source_name} || {};
195 $self->reflect_source(
196 source_name => $source_name,
197 parent_class => $model,
198 schema_class => $schema,
199 source_class => $schema->class($source_name),
200 parent_domain_model_name => $dm_name,
201 %$source_opts
202 );
7adfd53f 203 }
205 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
206 return $meta;
207 };
f670cfd0 209 implements _compute_source_options => as {
210 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
211 my $schema = delete $opts{schema_class};
212 my $source_name = delete $opts{source_name};
213 my $source_class = delete $opts{source_class};
214 my $parent = delete $opts{parent_class};
215 my $parent_dm = delete $opts{parent_domain_model_name};
217 #this is the part where I hate my life for promissing all sorts of DWIMery
218 confess("parent_class and source_name or source_class are required parameters")
219 unless($parent && ($source_name || $source_class));
221 OUTER: until( $schema && $source_name && $source_class && $parent_dm ){
222 if( $schema && !$source_name){
223 next OUTER if $source_name = $source_class->result_source_instance->source_name;
224 } elsif( $schema && !$source_class){
225 next OUTER if $source_class = eval { $schema->class($source_name) };
226 }
7adfd53f 227
f670cfd0 228 if($source_class && (!$schema || !$source_name)){
229 if(!$schema){
230 $schema = $source_class->result_source_instance->schema;
231 next OUTER if $schema && Class::MOP::load_class($schema);
232 }
233 if(!$source_name){
234 $source_name = $source_class->result_source_instance->source_name;
235 next OUTER if $source_name;
236 }
237 }
238 my @haystack = $parent_dm ?
239 $parent->meta->find_attribute_by_name($parent_dm) : $parent->domain_models;
241 #there's a lot of guessing going on, but it should work fine on most cases
242 INNER: for my $needle (@haystack){
243 my $isa = $needle->_isa_metadata;
244 next INNER unless Class::MOP::load_class( $isa->_isa_metadata );
245 next INNER unless $isa->isa('DBIx::Class::Schema');
246 if(!$parent_dm && $schema && $isa eq $schema){
247 $parent_dm = $needle->name;
248 next OUTER;
249 }
251 if( $source_name ){
252 my $src_class = eval{ $isa->class($source_name) };
253 next INNER unless $src_class;
254 next INNER if($source_class && $source_class ne $src_class);
255 $schema = $isa;
256 $parent_dm = $needle->name;
257 $source_class = $src_class;
258 next OUTER;
259 }
260 }
262 #do we even need to go this far?
263 if( !$parent_dm && $schema ){
264 my $tentative = $self->dm_name_from_class_name($schema);
265 $parent_dm = $tentative if grep{$_->name eq $tentative} @haystack;
266 }
268 confess("Could not determine options automatically from: schema " .
269 "'${schema}', source_name '${source_name}', source_class " .
270 "'${source_class}', parent_domain_model_name '${parent_dm}'");
271 }
273 return {
274 source_name => $source_name,
275 schema_class => $schema,
276 source_class => $source_class,
277 parent_class => $parent,
278 parent_domain_model_name => $parent_dm,
279 };
280 };
7adfd53f 281
7adfd53f 282
f670cfd0 283 implements add_source => as {
284 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
286 my $model = delete $opts{model_class};
287 my $reader = delete $opts{reader};
288 my $source = delete $opts{source_name};
289 my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
290 my $collection = delete $opts{collection_class};
291 my $name = delete $opts{attribute_name} || $source;
293 confess("model_class and source_name are required parameters")
294 unless $model && $source;
295 my $meta = $model->meta;
297 unless( $collection ){
298 my $object = $self->class_name_from_source_name($model, $source);
299 $collection = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($object);
300 }
301 unless( $reader ){
302 $reader = $source;
7adfd53f 303 $reader =~ s/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/${1}_${2}/g ;
a4f82080 304 $reader = lc($reader) . "_collection"; #XXX change to not use _collection ?
7adfd53f 305 }
f670cfd0 306 unless( $dm_name ){
307 my @haystack = $meta->domain_models;
308 if( @haystack > 1 ){
309 @haystack = grep { $_->_isa_metadata->isa('DBIx::Class::Schema') } @haystack;
310 }
311 if(@haystack == 1){
312 $dm_name = $haystack[0]->name;
313 } elsif(@haystack > 1){
314 confess("Failed to automatically determine domain_model_name. More than one " .
315 "possible match (".(join ", ", map{"'".$_->name."'"} @haystack).")");
316 } else {
317 confess("Failed to automatically determine domain_model_name. No matches.");
318 }
319 }
7adfd53f 320
321 my %attr_opts =
322 (
323 lazy => 1,
7adfd53f 324 required => 1,
f670cfd0 325 isa => $collection,
7adfd53f 326 reader => $reader,
f670cfd0 327 predicate => "has_${name}",
7adfd53f 328 domain_model => $dm_name,
f670cfd0 329 orig_attr_name => $source,
7adfd53f 330 default => sub {
f670cfd0 331 $collection->new(_source_resultset => shift->$dm_name->resultset($source));
7adfd53f 332 },
333 );
7adfd53f 334
f670cfd0 335 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable;
336 $meta->make_mutable if $make_immutable;
337 my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($name, %attr_opts);
7adfd53f 338 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
f670cfd0 339
7adfd53f 340 return $attr;
341 };
f670cfd0 343 implements reflect_source => as {
344 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
345 my $collection = delete $opts{collection} || {};
346 %opts = %{ $self->merge_hashes(\%opts, $self->_compute_source_options(%opts)) };
348 my $obj_meta = $self->reflect_source_object(%opts);
349 my $col_meta = $self->reflect_source_collection
350 (
351 object_class => $obj_meta->name,
352 source_class => $opts{source_class},
353 %$collection
354 );
356 $self->add_source(
357 model_class => $opts{parent_class},
358 source_name => $opts{source_name},
359 domain_model_name => $opts{parent_domain_model_name},
360 collection_class => $col_meta->name,
361 );
362 };
364 implements reflect_source_collection => as {
7adfd53f 365 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
7adfd53f 366 my $base = delete $opts{base} || ResultSet;
f670cfd0 367 my $class = delete $opts{class};
368 my $object = delete $opts{object_class};
369 my $source = delete $opts{source_class};
370 my $action_rules = delete $opts{actions};
372 confess('object_class and source_class are required parameters')
373 unless $object && $source;
374 $class ||= $self->class_name_for_collection_of($object);
7adfd53f 375
f670cfd0 376 Class::MOP::load_class( $base );
377 Class::MOP::load_class( $object );
7adfd53f 378 my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
f670cfd0 379 $class->meta : $base->meta->create( $class, superclasses => [ $base ]);
7adfd53f 380
de48f4e6 381 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable || $self->make_classes_immutable;;
f670cfd0 382 $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
89939ff9 383 $meta->add_method(_build__im_class => sub{ $object } );
f670cfd0 384 #XXX as a default pass the domain model as a target_model until i come up with something
385 #better through the coercion method
386 my $def_act_args = sub {
387 my $super = shift;
388 return { (target_model => $_[0]->_source_resultset), %{ $super->(@_) } };
389 };
390 $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $def_act_args);
393 {
394 my $all_actions = $self->_all_collection_actions;
395 my $action_haystack = [keys %$all_actions];
396 if(!defined $action_rules){
397 $action_rules = $self->default_collection_actions;
398 } elsif( (!ref $action_rules && $action_rules) || (ref $action_rules eq 'Regexp') ){
399 $action_rules = [ $action_rules ];
400 } elsif( ref $action_rules eq 'ARRAY' && @$action_rules){
401 #don't add a qr/./ rule if we have at least one match rule
402 push(@$action_rules, qr/./)
403 unless grep {(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude')
404 || !ref $_ || ref $_ eq 'Regexp'} @$action_rules;
7adfd53f 405 }
7adfd53f 406
f670cfd0 407 # XXX this is kind of a dirty hack to support custom actions that are not
408 # previously defined and still be able to use the parse_reflect_rules mechanism
409 my @custom_actions = grep {!exists $all_actions->{$_}}
410 map{ $_->[0] } grep {ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude'} @$action_rules;
411 push(@$action_haystack, @custom_actions);
412 my $actions = $self->parse_reflect_rules($action_rules, $action_haystack);
413 for my $action (keys %$actions){
414 my $action_opts = $self->merge_hashes
415 ($all_actions->{$action} || {}, $actions->{$action} || {});
7b78a39d 416
417 #NOTE: If the name of the action is not specified in the prototype then use it's
418 #hash key as the name. I think this is sane beahvior, but I've actually been thinking
419 #of making Action prototypes their own separate objects
f670cfd0 420 $self->reflect_source_action(
421 name => $action,
422 object_class => $object,
423 source_class => $source,
424 %$action_opts,
425 );
427 # XXX i will move this to use the coercion method soon. this will be
428 # GoodEnough until then. I still need to think a little about the type coercion
429 # thing so i don't make a mess of it
430 my $act_args = sub { #override target model for this action
431 my $super = shift;
432 return { %{ $super->(@_) },
433 ($_[1] eq $action ? (target_model => $_[0]->_source_resultset) : () ) };
434 };
435 $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $act_args);
436 }
437 }
7adfd53f 438 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
439 return $meta;
440 };
f670cfd0 442 implements reflect_source_object => as {
443 my($self, %opts) = @_;
444 %opts = %{ $self->merge_hashes(\%opts, $self->_compute_source_options(%opts)) };
446 my $base = delete $opts{base} || Object;
447 my $class = delete $opts{class};
448 my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
449 my $dm_opts = delete $opts{domain_model_args} || {};
451 my $source_name = delete $opts{source_name};
452 my $schema = delete $opts{schema_class};
453 my $source_class = delete $opts{source_class};
454 my $parent = delete $opts{parent_class};
455 my $parent_dm = delete $opts{parent_domain_model_name};
457 my $action_rules = delete $opts{actions};
458 my $attr_rules = delete $opts{attributes};
460 $class ||= $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent, $source_name);
462 Class::MOP::load_class($parent);
463 Class::MOP::load_class($schema) if $schema;
464 Class::MOP::load_class($source_class);
7adfd53f 466 my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
f670cfd0 467 $class->meta : $base->meta->create($class, superclasses => [ $base ]);
7adfd53f 468
469 #create the domain model
f670cfd0 470 $dm_name ||= $self->dm_name_from_source_name($source_name);
7adfd53f 471
f670cfd0 472 $dm_opts->{isa} = $source_class;
7adfd53f 473 $dm_opts->{is} ||= 'rw';
474 $dm_opts->{required} ||= 1;
7adfd53f 475
de48f4e6 476 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable || $self->make_classes_immutable;;
f670cfd0 477 $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
479 my $dm_attr = $meta->add_domain_model($dm_name, %$dm_opts);
480 my $dm_reader = $dm_attr->get_read_method;
482 unless( $class->can('inflate_result') ){
7adfd53f 483 my $inflate_method = sub {
484 my $class = shift; my ($src) = @_;
485 $src = $src->resolve if $src->isa('DBIx::Class::ResultSourceHandle');
486 $class->new($dm_name, $src->result_class->inflate_result(@_));
487 };
488 $meta->add_method('inflate_result', $inflate_method);
489 }
f670cfd0 491 #XXX this is here to allow action prototypes to work with ListView
492 # maybe Collections hsould have this kind of thing too to allow you to reconstruct them?
493 #i like the possibility to be honest... as aset of key/value pairs they could be URId
494 #XXX move to using 'handles' for this?
495 $meta->add_method('__id', sub {shift->$dm_reader->id} )
496 unless $class->can('__id');
497 #XXX this one is for ActionForm, ChooseOne and ChooseMany need this shit
498 $meta->add_method('__ident_condition', sub {shift->$dm_reader->ident_condition} )
499 unless $class->can('__ident_condition');
501 #XXX this is just a disaster
502 $meta->add_method('display_name', sub {shift->$dm_reader->display_name} )
503 if( $source_class->can('display_name') && !$class->can('display_name'));
505 #XXX as a default pass the domain model as a target_model until i come up with something
506 #better through the coercion method
507 my $def_act_args = sub {
508 my $super = shift;
509 confess "no dm reader: $dm_reader on $_[0]" unless $_[0]->can($dm_reader);
510 return { (target_model => $_[0]->$dm_reader), %{ $super->(@_) } };
511 };
512 $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $def_act_args);
514 {
515 # attributes => undef, #default to qr/./
516 # attributes => [], #default to nothing
517 # attributes => qr//, #DWIM, treated as [qr//]
518 # attributes => [{...}] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, {...} ]
519 # attributes => [[-exclude => ...]] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, [-exclude => ...]]
520 my $attr_haystack =
521 [ map { $_->name } $source_class->meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes ];
523 if(!defined $attr_rules){
524 $attr_rules = [qr/./];
525 } elsif( (!ref $attr_rules && $attr_rules) || (ref $attr_rules eq 'Regexp') ){
526 $attr_rules = [ $attr_rules ];
527 } elsif( ref $attr_rules eq 'ARRAY' && @$attr_rules){
528 #don't add a qr/./ rule if we have at least one match rule
529 push(@$attr_rules, qr/./) unless
530 grep {(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude')
531 || !ref $_ || ref $_ eq 'Regexp'} @$attr_rules;
532 }
534 my $attributes = $self->parse_reflect_rules($attr_rules, $attr_haystack);
535 for my $attr_name (keys %$attributes){
536 $self->reflect_source_object_attribute(
537 class => $class,
538 source_class => $source_class,
539 parent_class => $parent,
540 attribute_name => $attr_name,
541 domain_model_name => $dm_name,
542 %{ $attributes->{$attr_name} || {}},
543 );
544 }
7adfd53f 545 }
f670cfd0 547 {
548 my $all_actions = $self->_all_object_actions;
549 my $action_haystack = [keys %$all_actions];
550 if(!defined $action_rules){
551 $action_rules = $self->default_object_actions;
552 } elsif( (!ref $action_rules && $action_rules) || (ref $action_rules eq 'Regexp') ){
553 $action_rules = [ $action_rules ];
554 } elsif( ref $action_rules eq 'ARRAY' && @$action_rules){
555 #don't add a qr/./ rule if we have at least one match rule
556 push(@$action_rules, qr/./)
557 unless grep {(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude')
558 || !ref $_ || ref $_ eq 'Regexp'} @$action_rules;
559 }
561 # XXX this is kind of a dirty hack to support custom actions that are not
562 # previously defined and still be able to use the parse_reflect_rules mechanism
563 my @custom_actions = grep {!exists $all_actions->{$_}} map{ $_->[0] }
564 grep {ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude'} @$action_rules;
565 push(@$action_haystack, @custom_actions);
566 my $actions = $self->parse_reflect_rules($action_rules, $action_haystack);
567 for my $action (keys %$actions){
568 my $action_opts = $self->merge_hashes
569 ($all_actions->{$action} || {}, $actions->{$action} || {});
7b78a39d 570
571 #NOTE: If the name of the action is not specified in the prototype then use it's
572 #hash key as the name. I think this is sane beahvior, but I've actually been thinking
573 #of making Action prototypes their own separate objects
f670cfd0 574 $self->reflect_source_action(
575 name => $action,
576 object_class => $class,
577 source_class => $source_class,
578 %$action_opts,
579 );
581 # XXX i will move this to use the coercion method soon. this will be
582 # GoodEnough until then. I still need to think a little about the type coercion
583 # thing so i don't make a mess of it
584 my $act_args = sub { #override target model for this action
585 my $super = shift;
586 confess "no dm reader: $dm_reader on $_[0]" unless $_[0]->can($dm_reader);
587 return { %{ $super->(@_) },
588 ($_[1] eq $action ? (target_model => $_[0]->$dm_reader) : () ) };
589 };
590 $meta->add_around_method_modifier('_default_action_args_for', $act_args);
7adfd53f 591 }
7adfd53f 592 }
594 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
595 return $meta;
596 };
598 # needs class, attribute_name domain_model_name
f670cfd0 599 implements reflect_source_object_attribute => as {
7adfd53f 600 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
f670cfd0 601 unless( $opts{attribute_name} && $opts{class} && $opts{parent_class}
602 && ( $opts{source_class} || $opts{domain_model_name} ) ){
603 confess( "Error: class, parent_class, attribute_name, and either " .
604 "domain_model_name or source_class are required parameters" );
605 }
7adfd53f 607 my $meta = $opts{class}->meta;
f670cfd0 608 my $attr_opts = $self->parameters_for_source_object_attribute(%opts);
7adfd53f 609
610 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable;
611 $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
f670cfd0 612
7adfd53f 613 my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($opts{attribute_name}, %$attr_opts);
7adfd53f 614
f670cfd0 615 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
7adfd53f 616 return $attr;
617 };
619 # needs class, attribute_name domain_model_name
f670cfd0 620 implements parameters_for_source_object_attribute => as {
7adfd53f 621 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
f670cfd0 623 my $class = delete $opts{class};
624 my $attr_name = delete $opts{attribute_name};
625 my $dm_name = delete $opts{domain_model_name};
626 my $source_class = delete $opts{source_class};
627 my $parent_class = delete $opts{parent_class};
628 confess("parent_class is a required argument") unless $parent_class;
629 confess("You must supply at least one of domain_model_name and source_class")
630 unless $dm_name || $source_class;
632 my $source;
633 $source = $source_class->result_source_instance if $source_class;
634 #puke! dwimery
635 if( !$source_class ){
636 my $dm = $class->meta->find_attribute_by_name($dm_name);
637 $source_class = $dm->_isa_metadata;
638 $source = $source_class->result_source_instance;
639 } elsif( !$dm_name ){
640 ($dm_name) = map{$_->name} grep{$_->_isa_metadata eq $source_class}
641 $class->meta->domain_models;
642 if( !$dm_name ){ #last resort guess
643 my $tentative = $self->dm_name_from_source_name($source->source_name);
644 ($dm_name) = $tentative if grep{$_->name eq $tentative} $class->domain_models;
645 }
646 }
648 my $from_attr = $source_class->meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
7adfd53f 649
650 #default options. lazy build but no outsider method
651 my %attr_opts = ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, required => 1,
652 clearer => "_clear_${attr_name}",
653 predicate => "has_${attr_name}",
654 domain_model => $dm_name,
655 orig_attr_name => $attr_name,
656 );
658 #m2m / has_many
659 my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
660 $from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
661 $from_attr->type_constraint->is_subtype_of('ArrayRef');
663 if( my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($attr_name) ){
664 my $rel_accessor = $rel_info->{attrs}->{accessor};
f670cfd0 665 my $rel_moniker = $rel_info->{class}->result_source_instance->source_name;
7adfd53f 666
667 if($rel_accessor eq 'multi' && $constraint_is_ArrayRef) {
668 #has_many
f670cfd0 669 my $sm = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $rel_moniker);
7adfd53f 670 #type constraint is a collection, and default builds it
f670cfd0 671 $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
7adfd53f 672 $attr_opts{default} = sub {
673 my $rs = shift->$dm_name->related_resultset($attr_name);
674 return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
675 };
676 } elsif( $rel_accessor eq 'single') {
677 #belongs_to
678 #type constraint is the foreign IM object, default inflates it
f670cfd0 679 $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class, $rel_moniker);
7adfd53f 680 $attr_opts{default} = sub {
681 shift->$dm_name
682 ->find_related($attr_name, {},{result_class => $attr_opts{isa}});
683 };
684 }
f670cfd0 685 } elsif( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/ ) {
7adfd53f 686 #m2m magic
687 my $mm_name = $1;
688 my $link_table = "links_to_${mm_name}_list";
689 my ($hm_source, $far_side);
690 eval { $hm_source = $source->related_source($link_table); }
691 || confess "Can't find ${link_table} has_many for ${mm_name}_list";
692 eval { $far_side = $hm_source->related_source($mm_name); }
693 || confess "Can't find ${mm_name} belongs_to on ".$hm_source->result_class
694 ." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
f670cfd0 696 my $sm = $self->class_name_from_source_name($parent_class,$far_side->source_name);
697 $attr_opts{isa} = $self->class_name_for_collection_of($sm);
7adfd53f 698
699 #proper collections will remove the result_class uglyness.
700 $attr_opts{default} = sub {
2e2afc48 701 my $rs = shift->$dm_name->related_resultset($link_table)->related_resultset($mm_name);
7adfd53f 702 return $attr_opts{isa}->new(_source_resultset => $rs);
703 };
704 } else {
705 #no rel
706 my $reader = $from_attr->get_read_method;
707 $attr_opts{isa} = $from_attr->_isa_metadata;
708 $attr_opts{default} = sub{ shift->$dm_name->$reader };
709 }
710 return \%attr_opts;
711 };
f670cfd0 714 implements reflect_source_action => as{
7adfd53f 715 my($self, %opts) = @_;
f670cfd0 716 my $name = delete $opts{name};
717 my $class = delete $opts{class};
718 my $base = delete $opts{base} || Action;
719 my $object = delete $opts{object_class};
720 my $source = delete $opts{source_class};
722 confess("name, object_class and source_class are required arguments")
723 unless $source && $name && $object;
725 my $attr_rules = delete $opts{attributes};
726 $class ||= $object->_default_action_class_for($name);
728 Class::MOP::load_class( $base );
729 Class::MOP::load_class( $object );
730 Class::MOP::load_class( $source );
732 #print STDERR "\n\t", ref $attr_rules eq 'ARRAY' ? @$attr_rules : $attr_rules,"\n";
733 # attributes => undef, #default to qr/./
734 # attributes => [], #default to nothing
735 # attributes => qr//, #DWIM, treated as [qr//]
736 # attributes => [{...}] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, {...} ]
737 # attributes => [[-exclude => ...]] #DWIM, treat as [qr/./, [-exclude => ...]]
738 my $attr_haystack = [ map {$_->name} $object->meta->parameter_attributes ];
739 if(!defined $attr_rules){
740 $attr_rules = [qr/./];
741 } elsif( (!ref $attr_rules && $attr_rules) || (ref $attr_rules eq 'Regexp') ){
742 $attr_rules = [ $attr_rules ];
743 } elsif( ref $attr_rules eq 'ARRAY' && @$attr_rules){
744 #don't add a qr/./ rule if we have at least one match rule
745 push(@$attr_rules, qr/./) unless
746 grep {(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] ne '-exclude')
747 || !ref $_ || ref $_ eq 'Regexp'} @$attr_rules;
748 }
7adfd53f 749
f670cfd0 750 #print STDERR "${name}\t${class}\t${base}\n";
751 #print STDERR "\t${object}\t${source}\n";
752 #print STDERR "\t",@$attr_rules,"\n";
7adfd53f 753
f670cfd0 754 my $o_meta = $object->meta;
755 my $s_meta = $source->meta;
756 my $attributes = $self->parse_reflect_rules($attr_rules, $attr_haystack);
7adfd53f 757
758 #create the class
759 my $meta = eval { Class::MOP::load_class($class) } ?
760 $class->meta : $base->meta->create($class, superclasses => [$base]);
de48f4e6 761 my $make_immutable = $meta->is_immutable || $self->make_classes_immutable;
7adfd53f 762 $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
f670cfd0 764 for my $attr_name (keys %$attributes){
765 my $attr_opts = $attributes->{$attr_name} || {};
766 my $o_attr = $o_meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
767 my $s_attr_name = $o_attr->orig_attr_name || $attr_name;
768 my $s_attr = $s_meta->find_attribute_by_name($s_attr_name);
769 next unless $s_attr->get_write_method; #only rw attributes!
771 my $attr_params = $self->parameters_for_source_object_action_attribute
772 (
773 object_class => $object,
774 source_class => $source,
775 attribute_name => $attr_name
776 );
7adfd53f 777 $meta->add_attribute( $attr_name => %$attr_params);
778 }
780 $meta->make_immutable if $make_immutable;
781 return $meta;
782 };
f670cfd0 784 implements parameters_for_source_object_action_attribute => as {
7adfd53f 785 my ($self, %opts) = @_;
f670cfd0 787 my $object = delete $opts{object_class};
788 my $attr_name = delete $opts{attribute_name};
789 my $source_class = delete $opts{source_class};
790 confess("object_class and attribute_name are required parameters")
791 unless $attr_name && $object;
793 my $o_meta = $object->meta;
794 my $dm_name = $o_meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name)->domain_model;
795 $source_class ||= $o_meta->find_attribute_by_name($dm_name)->_isa_metadata;
796 my $from_attr = $source_class->meta->find_attribute_by_name($attr_name);
7adfd53f 797
798 confess("${attr_name} is not writeable and can not be reflected")
799 unless $from_attr->get_write_method;
801 my %attr_opts = (
802 is => 'rw',
803 isa => $from_attr->_isa_metadata,
804 required => $from_attr->is_required,
805 predicate => "has_${attr_name}",
806 );
808 if ($attr_opts{required}) {
809 $attr_opts{lazy} = 1;
810 $attr_opts{default} = $from_attr->has_default ? $from_attr->default :
811 sub{confess("${attr_name} must be provided before calling reader")};
812 }
814 #test for relationships
815 my $constraint_is_ArrayRef =
816 $from_attr->type_constraint->name eq 'ArrayRef' ||
817 $from_attr->type_constraint->is_subtype_of('ArrayRef');
f670cfd0 819 my $source = $source_class->result_source_instance;
7adfd53f 820 if (my $rel_info = $source->relationship_info($attr_name)) {
821 my $rel_accessor = $rel_info->{attrs}->{accessor};
823 if($rel_accessor eq 'multi' && $constraint_is_ArrayRef) {
824 confess "${attr_name} is a rw has_many, this won't work.";
825 } elsif( $rel_accessor eq 'single') {
826 $attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
827 shift->target_model->result_source->related_source($attr_name)->resultset;
828 };
829 }
830 } elsif ( $constraint_is_ArrayRef && $attr_name =~ m/^(.*)_list$/) {
831 my $mm_name = $1;
832 my $link_table = "links_to_${mm_name}_list";
833 my ($hm_source, $far_side);
834 eval { $hm_source = $source->related_source($link_table); }
835 || confess "Can't find ${link_table} has_many for ${mm_name}_list";
836 eval { $far_side = $hm_source->related_source($mm_name); }
837 || confess "Can't find ${mm_name} belongs_to on ".$hm_source->result_class
838 ." traversing many-many for ${mm_name}_list";
840 $attr_opts{default} = sub { [] };
841 $attr_opts{valid_values} = sub {
f670cfd0 842 shift->target_model->result_source->related_source($link_table)
7adfd53f 843 ->related_source($mm_name)->resultset;
844 };
845 }
f670cfd0 846 #use Data::Dumper;
89939ff9 847 #print STDERR "\n" .$attr_name ." - ". $object . "\n";
f670cfd0 848 #print STDERR Dumper(\%attr_opts);
7adfd53f 849 return \%attr_opts;
850 };