Upgrade to CPAN 1.58, from Andreas König.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / Pod / Text.pm
6055f9d4 1# Pod::Text -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
5cdeb5a2 2# $Id: Text.pm,v 2.6 2000/10/10 02:13:17 eagle Exp $
6055f9d4 3#
a3e04946 4# Copyright 1999, 2000 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
6055f9d4 5#
6# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7# under the same terms as Perl itself.
27f805f4 9# This module is intended to be a replacement for Pod::Text, and attempts to
10# match its output except for some specific circumstances where other
11# decisions seemed to produce better output. It uses Pod::Parser and is
12# designed to be very easy to subclass.
6055f9d4 13
15# Modules and declarations
69e00e79 17
6055f9d4 18package Pod::Text;
69e00e79 19
6055f9d4 20require 5.004;
27f805f4 22use Carp qw(carp croak);
2e20e14f 23use Exporter ();
27f805f4 24use Pod::Select ();
6055f9d4 25
26use strict;
2e20e14f 27use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT %ESCAPES $VERSION);
6055f9d4 28
27f805f4 29# We inherit from Pod::Select instead of Pod::Parser so that we can be used
30# by Pod::Usage.
2e20e14f 31@ISA = qw(Pod::Select Exporter);
6055f9d4 32
2e20e14f 33# We have to export pod2text for backward compatibility.
34@EXPORT = qw(pod2text);
a3e04946 36# Don't use the CVS revision as the version, since this module is also in
37# Perl core and too many things could munge CVS magic revision strings.
38# This number should ideally be the same as the CVS revision in podlators,
39# however.
5cdeb5a2 40$VERSION = 2.06;
6055f9d4 41
44# Table of supported E<> escapes
9741dab0 47# This table is taken near verbatim from Pod::PlainText in Pod::Parser,
27f805f4 48# which got it near verbatim from the original Pod::Text. It is therefore
49# credited to Tom Christiansen, and I'm glad I didn't have to write it. :)
a3e04946 50# "iexcl" to "divide" added by Tim Jenness.
6055f9d4 51%ESCAPES = (
52 'amp' => '&', # ampersand
53 'lt' => '<', # left chevron, less-than
54 'gt' => '>', # right chevron, greater-than
55 'quot' => '"', # double quote
ab1f1d91 56 'sol' => '/', # solidus (forward slash)
be3174d2 57 'verbar' => '|', # vertical bar
5cdeb5a2 58
6055f9d4 59 "Aacute" => "\xC1", # capital A, acute accent
60 "aacute" => "\xE1", # small a, acute accent
61 "Acirc" => "\xC2", # capital A, circumflex accent
62 "acirc" => "\xE2", # small a, circumflex accent
63 "AElig" => "\xC6", # capital AE diphthong (ligature)
64 "aelig" => "\xE6", # small ae diphthong (ligature)
65 "Agrave" => "\xC0", # capital A, grave accent
66 "agrave" => "\xE0", # small a, grave accent
67 "Aring" => "\xC5", # capital A, ring
68 "aring" => "\xE5", # small a, ring
69 "Atilde" => "\xC3", # capital A, tilde
70 "atilde" => "\xE3", # small a, tilde
71 "Auml" => "\xC4", # capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
72 "auml" => "\xE4", # small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
73 "Ccedil" => "\xC7", # capital C, cedilla
74 "ccedil" => "\xE7", # small c, cedilla
75 "Eacute" => "\xC9", # capital E, acute accent
76 "eacute" => "\xE9", # small e, acute accent
77 "Ecirc" => "\xCA", # capital E, circumflex accent
78 "ecirc" => "\xEA", # small e, circumflex accent
79 "Egrave" => "\xC8", # capital E, grave accent
80 "egrave" => "\xE8", # small e, grave accent
81 "ETH" => "\xD0", # capital Eth, Icelandic
82 "eth" => "\xF0", # small eth, Icelandic
83 "Euml" => "\xCB", # capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
84 "euml" => "\xEB", # small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
5cdeb5a2 85 "Iacute" => "\xCC", # capital I, acute accent
86 "iacute" => "\xEC", # small i, acute accent
6055f9d4 87 "Icirc" => "\xCE", # capital I, circumflex accent
88 "icirc" => "\xEE", # small i, circumflex accent
89 "Igrave" => "\xCD", # capital I, grave accent
90 "igrave" => "\xED", # small i, grave accent
91 "Iuml" => "\xCF", # capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
92 "iuml" => "\xEF", # small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
93 "Ntilde" => "\xD1", # capital N, tilde
94 "ntilde" => "\xF1", # small n, tilde
95 "Oacute" => "\xD3", # capital O, acute accent
96 "oacute" => "\xF3", # small o, acute accent
97 "Ocirc" => "\xD4", # capital O, circumflex accent
98 "ocirc" => "\xF4", # small o, circumflex accent
99 "Ograve" => "\xD2", # capital O, grave accent
100 "ograve" => "\xF2", # small o, grave accent
101 "Oslash" => "\xD8", # capital O, slash
102 "oslash" => "\xF8", # small o, slash
103 "Otilde" => "\xD5", # capital O, tilde
104 "otilde" => "\xF5", # small o, tilde
105 "Ouml" => "\xD6", # capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
106 "ouml" => "\xF6", # small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
107 "szlig" => "\xDF", # small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
108 "THORN" => "\xDE", # capital THORN, Icelandic
109 "thorn" => "\xFE", # small thorn, Icelandic
110 "Uacute" => "\xDA", # capital U, acute accent
111 "uacute" => "\xFA", # small u, acute accent
112 "Ucirc" => "\xDB", # capital U, circumflex accent
113 "ucirc" => "\xFB", # small u, circumflex accent
114 "Ugrave" => "\xD9", # capital U, grave accent
115 "ugrave" => "\xF9", # small u, grave accent
116 "Uuml" => "\xDC", # capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
117 "uuml" => "\xFC", # small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
118 "Yacute" => "\xDD", # capital Y, acute accent
119 "yacute" => "\xFD", # small y, acute accent
120 "yuml" => "\xFF", # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
5cdeb5a2 121
a3e04946 122 "laquo" => "\xAB", # left pointing double angle quotation mark
123 "lchevron" => "\xAB", # synonym (backwards compatibility)
124 "raquo" => "\xBB", # right pointing double angle quotation mark
125 "rchevron" => "\xBB", # synonym (backwards compatibility)
127 "iexcl" => "\xA1", # inverted exclamation mark
128 "cent" => "\xA2", # cent sign
129 "pound" => "\xA3", # (UK) pound sign
130 "curren" => "\xA4", # currency sign
131 "yen" => "\xA5", # yen sign
132 "brvbar" => "\xA6", # broken vertical bar
133 "sect" => "\xA7", # section sign
134 "uml" => "\xA8", # diaresis
135 "copy" => "\xA9", # Copyright symbol
136 "ordf" => "\xAA", # feminine ordinal indicator
137 "not" => "\xAC", # not sign
138 "shy" => "\xAD", # soft hyphen
139 "reg" => "\xAE", # registered trademark
140 "macr" => "\xAF", # macron, overline
141 "deg" => "\xB0", # degree sign
142 "plusmn" => "\xB1", # plus-minus sign
143 "sup2" => "\xB2", # superscript 2
144 "sup3" => "\xB3", # superscript 3
145 "acute" => "\xB4", # acute accent
146 "micro" => "\xB5", # micro sign
147 "para" => "\xB6", # pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
148 "middot" => "\xB7", # middle dot = Georgian comma
149 "cedil" => "\xB8", # cedilla
150 "sup1" => "\xB9", # superscript 1
151 "ordm" => "\xBA", # masculine ordinal indicator
152 "frac14" => "\xBC", # vulgar fraction one quarter
153 "frac12" => "\xBD", # vulgar fraction one half
154 "frac34" => "\xBE", # vulgar fraction three quarters
155 "iquest" => "\xBF", # inverted question mark
156 "times" => "\xD7", # multiplication sign
157 "divide" => "\xF7", # division sign
6055f9d4 158);
69e00e79 159
69e00e79 160
6055f9d4 161############################################################################
162# Initialization
69e00e79 164
6055f9d4 165# Initialize the object. Must be sure to call our parent initializer.
166sub initialize {
167 my $self = shift;
69e00e79 168
6055f9d4 169 $$self{alt} = 0 unless defined $$self{alt};
170 $$self{indent} = 4 unless defined $$self{indent};
171 $$self{loose} = 0 unless defined $$self{loose};
172 $$self{sentence} = 0 unless defined $$self{sentence};
173 $$self{width} = 76 unless defined $$self{width};
69e00e79 174
ab1f1d91 175 # Figure out what quotes we'll be using for C<> text.
176 $$self{quotes} ||= "'";
177 if ($$self{quotes} eq 'none') {
178 $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = '';
179 } elsif (length ($$self{quotes}) == 1) {
180 $$self{LQUOTE} = $$self{RQUOTE} = $$self{quotes};
181 } elsif ($$self{quotes} =~ /^(.)(.)$/
182 || $$self{quotes} =~ /^(..)(..)$/) {
183 $$self{LQUOTE} = $1;
184 $$self{RQUOTE} = $2;
185 } else {
186 croak qq(Invalid quote specification "$$self{quotes}");
187 }
6055f9d4 189 $$self{INDENTS} = []; # Stack of indentations.
190 $$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent}; # Current left margin in spaces.
69e00e79 191
6055f9d4 192 $self->SUPER::initialize;
69e00e79 194
69e00e79 195
6055f9d4 196############################################################################
197# Core overrides
200# Called for each command paragraph. Gets the command, the associated
201# paragraph, the line number, and a Pod::Paragraph object. Just dispatches
202# the command to a method named the same as the command. =cut is handled
203# internally by Pod::Parser.
204sub command {
205 my $self = shift;
206 my $command = shift;
207 return if $command eq 'pod';
208 return if ($$self{EXCLUDE} && $command ne 'end');
209 $self->item ("\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
ab1f1d91 210 if ($self->can ('cmd_' . $command)) {
211 $command = 'cmd_' . $command;
212 $self->$command (@_);
213 } else {
214 my ($text, $line, $paragraph) = @_;
5cdeb5a2 215 my $file;
216 ($file, $line) = $paragraph->file_line;
ab1f1d91 217 $text =~ s/\n+\z//;
218 $text = " $text" if ($text =~ /^\S/);
219 warn qq($file:$line: Unknown command paragraph "=$command$text"\n);
220 return;
221 }
6055f9d4 222}
69e00e79 223
6055f9d4 224# Called for a verbatim paragraph. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
225# a Pod::Paragraph object. Just output it verbatim, but with tabs converted
226# to spaces.
227sub verbatim {
228 my $self = shift;
229 return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
230 $self->item if defined $$self{ITEM};
231 local $_ = shift;
232 return if /^\s*$/;
233 s/^(\s*\S+)/(' ' x $$self{MARGIN}) . $1/gme;
234 $self->output ($_);
69e00e79 236
6055f9d4 237# Called for a regular text block. Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
238# a Pod::Paragraph object. Perform interpolation and output the results.
239sub textblock {
27f805f4 240 my $self = shift;
6055f9d4 241 return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
27f805f4 242 $self->output ($_[0]), return if $$self{VERBATIM};
243 local $_ = shift;
244 my $line = shift;
6055f9d4 245
246 # Perform a little magic to collapse multiple L<> references. This is
27f805f4 247 # here mostly for backwards-compatibility. We'll just rewrite the whole
248 # thing into actual text at this part, bypassing the whole internal
249 # sequence parsing thing.
6055f9d4 250 s{
251 (
252 L< # A link of the form L</something>.
253 /
254 (
255 [:\w]+ # The item has to be a simple word...
256 (\(\))? # ...or simple function.
257 )
258 >
259 (
260 ,?\s+(and\s+)? # Allow lots of them, conjuncted.
5cdeb5a2 261 L<
6055f9d4 262 /
263 (
264 [:\w]+
265 (\(\))?
266 )
267 >
268 )+
269 )
270 } {
271 local $_ = $1;
272 s%L</([^>]+)>%$1%g;
273 my @items = split /(?:,?\s+(?:and\s+)?)/;
274 my $string = "the ";
275 my $i;
276 for ($i = 0; $i < @items; $i++) {
277 $string .= $items[$i];
278 $string .= ", " if @items > 2 && $i != $#items;
279 $string .= " and " if ($i == $#items - 1);
280 }
281 $string .= " entries elsewhere in this document";
282 $string;
283 }gex;
285 # Now actually interpolate and output the paragraph.
286 $_ = $self->interpolate ($_, $line);
287 s/\s+$/\n/;
288 if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
289 $self->item ($_ . "\n");
290 } else {
291 $self->output ($self->reformat ($_ . "\n"));
292 }
69e00e79 294
6055f9d4 295# Called for an interior sequence. Gets the command, argument, and a
296# Pod::InteriorSequence object and is expected to return the resulting text.
297# Calls code, bold, italic, file, and link to handle those types of
298# sequences, and handles S<>, E<>, X<>, and Z<> directly.
299sub interior_sequence {
300 my $self = shift;
301 my $command = shift;
302 local $_ = shift;
303 return '' if ($command eq 'X' || $command eq 'Z');
69e00e79 304
6055f9d4 305 # Expand escapes into the actual character now, carping if invalid.
306 if ($command eq 'E') {
2e20e14f 307 if (/^\d+$/) {
308 return chr;
309 } else {
310 return $ESCAPES{$_} if defined $ESCAPES{$_};
311 carp "Unknown escape: E<$_>";
312 return "E<$_>";
313 }
6055f9d4 314 }
69e00e79 315
6055f9d4 316 # For all the other sequences, empty content produces no output.
27f805f4 317 return if $_ eq '';
69e00e79 318
6055f9d4 319 # For S<>, compress all internal whitespace and then map spaces to \01.
320 # When we output the text, we'll map this back.
321 if ($command eq 'S') {
322 s/\s{2,}/ /g;
323 tr/ /\01/;
324 return $_;
325 }
69e00e79 326
6055f9d4 327 # Anything else needs to get dispatched to another method.
328 if ($command eq 'B') { return $self->seq_b ($_) }
329 elsif ($command eq 'C') { return $self->seq_c ($_) }
330 elsif ($command eq 'F') { return $self->seq_f ($_) }
331 elsif ($command eq 'I') { return $self->seq_i ($_) }
332 elsif ($command eq 'L') { return $self->seq_l ($_) }
333 else { carp "Unknown sequence $command<$_>" }
f02a87df 335
6055f9d4 336# Called for each paragraph that's actually part of the POD. We take
337# advantage of this opportunity to untabify the input.
338sub preprocess_paragraph {
339 my $self = shift;
340 local $_ = shift;
341 1 while s/^(.*?)(\t+)/$1 . ' ' x (length ($2) * 8 - length ($1) % 8)/me;
342 $_;
3ec07288 344
69e00e79 345
6055f9d4 346############################################################################
347# Command paragraphs
f2506fb2 349
6055f9d4 350# All command paragraphs take the paragraph and the line number.
69e00e79 351
6055f9d4 352# First level heading.
353sub cmd_head1 {
354 my $self = shift;
355 local $_ = shift;
356 s/\s+$//;
27f805f4 357 $_ = $self->interpolate ($_, shift);
6055f9d4 358 if ($$self{alt}) {
359 $self->output ("\n==== $_ ====\n\n");
360 } else {
361 $_ .= "\n" if $$self{loose};
362 $self->output ($_ . "\n");
363 }
69e00e79 365
6055f9d4 366# Second level heading.
367sub cmd_head2 {
368 my $self = shift;
369 local $_ = shift;
370 s/\s+$//;
27f805f4 371 $_ = $self->interpolate ($_, shift);
6055f9d4 372 if ($$self{alt}) {
373 $self->output ("\n== $_ ==\n\n");
374 } else {
375 $self->output (' ' x ($$self{indent} / 2) . $_ . "\n\n");
376 }
69e00e79 378
6055f9d4 379# Start a list.
380sub cmd_over {
381 my $self = shift;
382 local $_ = shift;
383 unless (/^[-+]?\d+\s+$/) { $_ = $$self{indent} }
384 push (@{ $$self{INDENTS} }, $$self{MARGIN});
385 $$self{MARGIN} += ($_ + 0);
69e00e79 387
6055f9d4 388# End a list.
389sub cmd_back {
390 my $self = shift;
391 $$self{MARGIN} = pop @{ $$self{INDENTS} };
392 unless (defined $$self{MARGIN}) {
393 carp "Unmatched =back";
394 $$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent};
395 }
69e00e79 396}
6055f9d4 398# An individual list item.
399sub cmd_item {
400 my $self = shift;
401 if (defined $$self{ITEM}) { $self->item }
402 local $_ = shift;
403 s/\s+$//;
404 $$self{ITEM} = $self->interpolate ($_);
69e00e79 406
27f805f4 407# Begin a block for a particular translator. Setting VERBATIM triggers
408# special handling in textblock().
6055f9d4 409sub cmd_begin {
410 my $self = shift;
411 local $_ = shift;
412 my ($kind) = /^(\S+)/ or return;
27f805f4 413 if ($kind eq 'text') {
414 $$self{VERBATIM} = 1;
415 } else {
416 $$self{EXCLUDE} = 1;
417 }
6055f9d4 418}
f2506fb2 419
6055f9d4 420# End a block for a particular translator. We assume that all =begin/=end
27f805f4 421# pairs are properly closed.
6055f9d4 422sub cmd_end {
423 my $self = shift;
27f805f4 424 $$self{EXCLUDE} = 0;
425 $$self{VERBATIM} = 0;
5cdeb5a2 426}
6055f9d4 427
428# One paragraph for a particular translator. Ignore it unless it's intended
27f805f4 429# for text, in which case we treat it as a verbatim text block.
6055f9d4 430sub cmd_for {
431 my $self = shift;
432 local $_ = shift;
433 my $line = shift;
27f805f4 434 return unless s/^text\b[ \t]*\n?//;
435 $self->verbatim ($_, $line);
6055f9d4 436}
f2506fb2 437
69e00e79 438
6055f9d4 439############################################################################
440# Interior sequences
69e00e79 442
6055f9d4 443# The simple formatting ones. These are here mostly so that subclasses can
444# override them and do more complicated things.
27f805f4 445sub seq_b { return $_[0]{alt} ? "``$_[1]''" : $_[1] }
27f805f4 446sub seq_f { return $_[0]{alt} ? "\"$_[1]\"" : $_[1] }
6055f9d4 447sub seq_i { return '*' . $_[1] . '*' }
ab1f1d91 448sub seq_c {
449 return $_[0]{alt} ? "``$_[1]''" : "$_[0]{LQUOTE}$_[1]$_[0]{RQUOTE}"
69e00e79 451
6055f9d4 452# The complicated one. Handle links. Since this is plain text, we can't
453# actually make any real links, so this is all to figure out what text we
454# print out.
455sub seq_l {
456 my $self = shift;
457 local $_ = shift;
69e00e79 458
6055f9d4 459 # Smash whitespace in case we were split across multiple lines.
460 s/\s+/ /g;
69e00e79 461
6055f9d4 462 # If we were given any explicit text, just output it.
463 if (/^([^|]+)\|/) { return $1 }
465 # Okay, leading and trailing whitespace isn't important; get rid of it.
466 s/^\s+//;
467 s/\s+$//;
6055f9d4 468
469 # Default to using the whole content of the link entry as a section
470 # name. Note that L<manpage/> forces a manpage interpretation, as does
471 # something looking like L<manpage(section)>. The latter is an
472 # enhancement over the original Pod::Text.
473 my ($manpage, $section) = ('', $_);
474 if (/^"\s*(.*?)\s*"$/) {
475 $section = '"' . $1 . '"';
476 } elsif (m/^[-:.\w]+(?:\(\S+\))?$/) {
477 ($manpage, $section) = ($_, '');
478 } elsif (m%/%) {
479 ($manpage, $section) = split (/\s*\/\s*/, $_, 2);
8c634b6e 480 }
6055f9d4 482 # Now build the actual output text.
483 my $text = '';
484 if (!length $section) {
485 $text = "the $manpage manpage" if length $manpage;
486 } elsif ($section =~ /^[:\w]+(?:\(\))?/) {
487 $text .= 'the ' . $section . ' entry';
488 $text .= (length $manpage) ? " in the $manpage manpage"
489 : " elsewhere in this document";
490 } else {
491 $section =~ s/^\"\s*//;
492 $section =~ s/\s*\"$//;
493 $text .= 'the section on "' . $section . '"';
494 $text .= " in the $manpage manpage" if length $manpage;
69e00e79 495 }
6055f9d4 496 $text;
69e00e79 497}
6055f9d4 499
501# List handling
504# This method is called whenever an =item command is complete (in other
505# words, we've seen its associated paragraph or know for certain that it
506# doesn't have one). It gets the paragraph associated with the item as an
507# argument. If that argument is empty, just output the item tag; if it
508# contains a newline, output the item tag followed by the newline.
509# Otherwise, see if there's enough room for us to output the item tag in the
510# margin of the text or if we have to put it on a separate line.
511sub item {
512 my $self = shift;
513 local $_ = shift;
514 my $tag = $$self{ITEM};
515 unless (defined $tag) {
516 carp "item called without tag";
517 return;
69e00e79 518 }
6055f9d4 519 undef $$self{ITEM};
520 my $indent = $$self{INDENTS}[-1];
521 unless (defined $indent) { $indent = $$self{indent} }
522 my $space = ' ' x $indent;
523 $space =~ s/^ /:/ if $$self{alt};
524 if (!$_ || /^\s+$/ || ($$self{MARGIN} - $indent < length ($tag) + 1)) {
27f805f4 525 my $margin = $$self{MARGIN};
526 $$self{MARGIN} = $indent;
527 my $output = $self->reformat ($tag);
528 $output =~ s/\n*$/\n/;
529 $self->output ($output);
530 $$self{MARGIN} = $margin;
6055f9d4 531 $self->output ($self->reformat ($_)) if /\S/;
532 } else {
533 $_ = $self->reformat ($_);
534 s/^ /:/ if ($$self{alt} && $indent > 0);
535 my $tagspace = ' ' x length $tag;
536 s/^($space)$tagspace/$1$tag/ or warn "Bizarre space in item";
537 $self->output ($_);
69e00e79 538 }
69e00e79 541
6055f9d4 542############################################################################
543# Output formatting
69e00e79 545
6055f9d4 546# Wrap a line, indenting by the current left margin. We can't use
547# Text::Wrap because it plays games with tabs. We can't use formline, even
548# though we'd really like to, because it screws up non-printing characters.
549# So we have to do the wrapping ourselves.
550sub wrap {
551 my $self = shift;
552 local $_ = shift;
553 my $output = '';
554 my $spaces = ' ' x $$self{MARGIN};
555 my $width = $$self{width} - $$self{MARGIN};
556 while (length > $width) {
557 if (s/^([^\n]{0,$width})\s+// || s/^([^\n]{$width})//) {
558 $output .= $spaces . $1 . "\n";
559 } else {
560 last;
561 }
69e00e79 562 }
6055f9d4 563 $output .= $spaces . $_;
564 $output =~ s/\s+$/\n\n/;
565 $output;
69e00e79 566}
6055f9d4 568# Reformat a paragraph of text for the current margin. Takes the text to
569# reformat and returns the formatted text.
570sub reformat {
571 my $self = shift;
572 local $_ = shift;
69e00e79 573
6055f9d4 574 # If we're trying to preserve two spaces after sentences, do some
575 # munging to support that. Otherwise, smash all repeated whitespace.
576 if ($$self{sentence}) {
577 s/ +$//mg;
578 s/\.\n/. \n/g;
579 s/\n/ /g;
580 s/ +/ /g;
69e00e79 581 } else {
6055f9d4 582 s/\s+/ /g;
69e00e79 583 }
6055f9d4 584 $self->wrap ($_);
69e00e79 585}
6055f9d4 587# Output text to the output device.
588sub output { $_[1] =~ tr/\01/ /; print { $_[0]->output_handle } $_[1] }
69e00e79 589
69e00e79 590
6055f9d4 591############################################################################
27f805f4 592# Backwards compatibility
595# The old Pod::Text module did everything in a pod2text() function. This
596# tries to provide the same interface for legacy applications.
597sub pod2text {
598 my @args;
600 # This is really ugly; I hate doing option parsing in the middle of a
601 # module. But the old Pod::Text module supported passing flags to its
602 # entry function, so handle -a and -<number>.
603 while ($_[0] =~ /^-/) {
604 my $flag = shift;
605 if ($flag eq '-a') { push (@args, alt => 1) }
606 elsif ($flag =~ /^-(\d+)$/) { push (@args, width => $1) }
607 else {
608 unshift (@_, $flag);
609 last;
610 }
611 }
613 # Now that we know what arguments we're using, create the parser.
614 my $parser = Pod::Text->new (@args);
616 # If two arguments were given, the second argument is going to be a file
617 # handle. That means we want to call parse_from_filehandle(), which
618 # means we need to turn the first argument into a file handle. Magic
619 # open will handle the <&STDIN case automagically.
620 if (defined $_[1]) {
ab1f1d91 621 my @fhs = @_;
27f805f4 622 local *IN;
ab1f1d91 623 unless (open (IN, $fhs[0])) {
624 croak ("Can't open $fhs[0] for reading: $!\n");
27f805f4 625 return;
626 }
ab1f1d91 627 $fhs[0] = \*IN;
628 return $parser->parse_from_filehandle (@fhs);
27f805f4 629 } else {
630 return $parser->parse_from_file (@_);
631 }
6055f9d4 636# Module return value and documentation
69e00e79 638
6055f9d4 6391;
69e00e79 641
6055f9d4 642=head1 NAME
69e00e79 643
6055f9d4 644Pod::Text - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
69e00e79 645
6055f9d4 646=head1 SYNOPSIS
69e00e79 647
6055f9d4 648 use Pod::Text;
649 my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
69e00e79 650
6055f9d4 651 # Read POD from STDIN and write to STDOUT.
652 $parser->parse_from_filehandle;
69e00e79 653
6055f9d4 654 # Read POD from file.pod and write to file.txt.
655 $parser->parse_from_file ('file.pod', 'file.txt');
69e00e79 656
6055f9d4 657=head1 DESCRIPTION
5491a304 658
27f805f4 659Pod::Text is a module that can convert documentation in the POD format (the
660preferred language for documenting Perl) into formatted ASCII. It uses no
661special formatting controls or codes whatsoever, and its output is therefore
662suitable for nearly any device.
69e00e79 663
27f805f4 664As a derived class from Pod::Parser, Pod::Text supports the same methods and
665interfaces. See L<Pod::Parser> for all the details; briefly, one creates a
666new parser with C<Pod::Text-E<gt>new()> and then calls either
667parse_from_filehandle() or parse_from_file().
6055f9d4 668
27f805f4 669new() can take options, in the form of key/value pairs, that control the
6055f9d4 670behavior of the parser. The currently recognized options are:
672=over 4
674=item alt
676If set to a true value, selects an alternate output format that, among other
677things, uses a different heading style and marks C<=item> entries with a
678colon in the left margin. Defaults to false.
680=item indent
682The number of spaces to indent regular text, and the default indentation for
683C<=over> blocks. Defaults to 4.
685=item loose
687If set to a true value, a blank line is printed after a C<=head1> heading.
688If set to false (the default), no blank line is printed after C<=head1>,
689although one is still printed after C<=head2>. This is the default because
690it's the expected formatting for manual pages; if you're formatting
691arbitrary text documents, setting this to true may result in more pleasing
ab1f1d91 694=item quotes
696Sets the quote marks used to surround CE<lt>> text. If the value is a
697single character, it is used as both the left and right quote; if it is two
698characters, the first character is used as the left quote and the second as
699the right quoted; and if it is four characters, the first two are used as
700the left quote and the second two as the right quote.
702This may also be set to the special value C<none>, in which case no quote
703marks are added around CE<lt>> text.
6055f9d4 705=item sentence
27f805f4 707If set to a true value, Pod::Text will assume that each sentence ends in two
708spaces, and will try to preserve that spacing. If set to false, all
6055f9d4 709consecutive whitespace in non-verbatim paragraphs is compressed into a
710single space. Defaults to true.
712=item width
714The column at which to wrap text on the right-hand side. Defaults to 76.
27f805f4 718The standard Pod::Parser method parse_from_filehandle() takes up to two
6055f9d4 719arguments, the first being the file handle to read POD from and the second
720being the file handle to write the formatted output to. The first defaults
721to STDIN if not given, and the second defaults to STDOUT. The method
27f805f4 722parse_from_file() is almost identical, except that its two arguments are the
723input and output disk files instead. See L<Pod::Parser> for the specific
6055f9d4 725
728=over 4
27f805f4 730=item Bizarre space in item
732(W) Something has gone wrong in internal C<=item> processing. This message
733indicates a bug in Pod::Text; you should never see it.
735=item Can't open %s for reading: %s
737(F) Pod::Text was invoked via the compatibility mode pod2text() interface
738and the input file it was given could not be opened.
ab1f1d91 740=item Invalid quote specification "%s"
742(F) The quote specification given (the quotes option to the constructor) was
743invalid. A quote specification must be one, two, or four characters long.
745=item %s:%d: Unknown command paragraph "%s".
747(W) The POD source contained a non-standard command paragraph (something of
748the form C<=command args>) that Pod::Man didn't know about. It was ignored.
6055f9d4 750=item Unknown escape: %s
27f805f4 752(W) The POD source contained an C<EE<lt>E<gt>> escape that Pod::Text didn't
753know about.
6055f9d4 754
755=item Unknown sequence: %s
27f805f4 757(W) The POD source contained a non-standard internal sequence (something of
758the form C<XE<lt>E<gt>>) that Pod::Text didn't know about.
6055f9d4 759
760=item Unmatched =back
27f805f4 762(W) Pod::Text encountered a C<=back> command that didn't correspond to an
6055f9d4 763C<=over> command.
27f805f4 767=head1 RESTRICTIONS
769Embedded Ctrl-As (octal 001) in the input will be mapped to spaces on
770output, due to an internal implementation detail.
6055f9d4 772=head1 NOTES
27f805f4 774This is a replacement for an earlier Pod::Text module written by Tom
775Christiansen. It has a revamped interface, since it now uses Pod::Parser,
776but an interface roughly compatible with the old Pod::Text::pod2text()
777function is still available. Please change to the new calling convention,
6055f9d4 779
780The original Pod::Text contained code to do formatting via termcap
781sequences, although it wasn't turned on by default and it was problematic to
27f805f4 782get it to work at all. This rewrite doesn't even try to do that, but a
783subclass of it does. Look for L<Pod::Text::Termcap|Pod::Text::Termcap>.
6055f9d4 784
785=head1 SEE ALSO
27f805f4 787L<Pod::Parser|Pod::Parser>, L<Pod::Text::Termcap|Pod::Text::Termcap>,
6055f9d4 789
790=head1 AUTHOR
792Russ Allbery E<lt>rra@stanford.eduE<gt>, based I<very> heavily on the
793original Pod::Text by Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt> and
794its conversion to Pod::Parser by Brad Appleton