[gitmo/Moose-Policy.git] / lib / Moose / Policy.pm
82cfc049 1package Moose::Policy;
4fe62f68 2use Moose 'confess', 'blessed';
82cfc049 3
4fe62f68 4our $VERSION = '0.03';
5our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
b9238462 6
2756232e 7sub import {
8 shift;
10 my $policy = shift || return;
95c5abfd 12 unless (Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($policy)) {
83d85197 13 # otherwise require it ...
4fe62f68 14 eval { Class::MOP::load_class($policy) };
15 confess "Could not load policy module '$policy' because : $@"
83d85197 16 if $@;
2756232e 17 }
19 my $package = caller();
20 $package->can('meta') and
09eff61e 21 croak("'$package' already has a meta() method, this is very problematic");
2756232e 22
23 my $metaclass = 'Moose::Meta::Class';
24 $metaclass = $policy->metaclass($package)
25 if $policy->can('metaclass');
27 my %options;
29 # build options out of policy's constants
4fe62f68 30 $policy->can($_) and $options{"$_"} = $policy->$_($package)
2756232e 31 for (qw(
32 attribute_metaclass
33 instance_metaclass
34 method_metaclass
35 ));
37 # create a meta object so we can install &meta
38 my $meta = $metaclass->initialize($package => %options);
39 $meta->add_method('meta' => sub {
40 # we must re-initialize so that it works as expected in
41 # subclasses, since metaclass instances are singletons, this is
42 # not really a big deal anyway.
43 $metaclass->initialize((blessed($_[0]) || $_[0]) => %options)
44 });
8e7059d6 53=head1 NAME
4fe62f68 55Moose::Policy - Moose-mounted police
8e7059d6 56
57=head1 SYNOPSIS
8e7059d6 59 package Foo;
09eff61e 61 use Moose::Policy 'Moose::Policy::FollowPBP';
8e7059d6 62 use Moose;
64 has 'bar' => (is => 'rw', default => 'Foo::bar');
65 has 'baz' => (is => 'ro', default => 'Foo::baz');
09eff61e 67 # Foo now has (get, set)_bar methods as well as get_baz
2756232e 69=head1 DESCRIPTION
8e7059d6 70
09eff61e 71This module allows you to specify your project-wide or even company-wide
72Moose meta-policy.
8e7059d6 73
09eff61e 74Most all of Moose's features can be customized through the use of custom
75metaclasses, however fiddling with the metaclasses can be hairy. Moose::Policy
76removes most of that hairiness and makes it possible to cleanly contain
77a set of meta-level customizations in one easy to use module.
2756232e 78
4fe62f68 79This is still an release of this module and it should not be considered to
1c037baf 80be complete by any means. It is very basic implemenation at this point and
09eff61e 81will likely get more feature-full over time, as people request features.
82So if you have a suggestion/need/idea, please speak up.
84=head2 What is a meta-policy?
86A meta-policy is a set of custom Moose metaclasses which can be used to
87implement a number of customizations and restrictions on a particular
88Moose class.
90For instance, L<Moose::Policy::SingleInheritence> enforces that all
91specified Moose classes can only use single inheritence. It does this
92by trapping the call to C<superclasses> on the metaclass and only allowing
93you to assign a single superclass.
95The L<Moose::Policy::FollowPBP> policy changes the default behavior of
96accessors to fit the recomendations found in Perl Best Practices.
98=head1 CAVEATS
8e7059d6 99
09eff61e 100=head2 Always load Moose::Policy first.
102You B<must> put the following line of code:
8e7059d6 103
104 use Moose::Policy 'My::Policy';
09eff61e 106before this line:
8e7059d6 107
108 use Moose;
09eff61e 110This is because Moose::Policy must be given the opportunity to set the
111custom metaclass before Moose has set it's default metaclass. In fact, if
112you try to set a Moose::Policy and there is a C<meta> method available,
113not only will kittens die, but your program will too.
115=head2 Policys are class scoped
117You must repeat the policy for each class you want to us it. It is B<not>
118inherited. This may change in the future, probably it will be a Moose::Policy
119itself to allow Moose policys to be inherited.
8e7059d6 120
09eff61e 121=head1 THE POLICY
8e7059d6 122
09eff61e 123A Policy is set by passing C<Moose::Polocy::import()> a package name. This
124package is then queried for what metaclasses it should use. The possible
125metaclass values are:
8e7059d6 126
09eff61e 129=item B<metaclass>
8e7059d6 130
09eff61e 131This defaults to C<Moose::Meta::Class>.
8e7059d6 132
09eff61e 133=item B<attribute_metaclass>
8e7059d6 134
09eff61e 135=item B<instance_metaclass>
8e7059d6 136
09eff61e 137=item B<method_metaclass>
8e7059d6 138
09eff61e 141For examples of what a Policy actually looks like see the examples in
142C<Moose::Policy::> and the test suite. More docs to come on this later (probably
143a cookbook or something).
8e7059d6 144
4fe62f68 145=head1 METHODS
147=over 4
149=item B<meta>
09eff61e 153=head1 FUTURE PLANS
8e7059d6 154
09eff61e 155As I said above, this is the first release and it is by no means feature complete.
156There are a number of thoughts on the future direction of this module. Here are
157some random thoughts on that, in no particular order.
8e7059d6 158
09eff61e 159=over 4
8e7059d6 160
09eff61e 161=item Make set of policy roles
8e7059d6 162
09eff61e 163Roles are an excellent way to combine sets of behaviors together into one, and
164custom metaclasses are actually better composed by roles then by inheritence.
165The ideal situation is that this module will provide a set of roles which can be
166used to compose you meta-policy with relative ease.
8e7059d6 167
09eff61e 168=back
8e7059d6 169
2756232e 170=head1 BUGS
8e7059d6 171
2756232e 172All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
173exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug
174to cpan-RT.
8e7059d6 175
2756232e 176=head1 AUTHOR
8e7059d6 177
2756232e 178Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
8e7059d6 179
83d85197 180Eric Wilhelm
8e7059d6 181
2756232e 182=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
8e7059d6 183
4fe62f68 184Copyright 2006-2007 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
b9238462 185
2756232e 186L<http://www.iinteractive.com>
82cfc049 187
2756232e 188This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
189it under the same terms as Perl itself.
82cfc049 190
2756232e 191=cut
bfacd619 192