Math::BigInt 1.35 from Tels.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / Math /
58cde26e 1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
4# is dead (math::BigInteger)
5# see: (contacted c. adam
6# on 2000/11/13 - but email is dead
8# todo:
9# - fully remove funky $# stuff (maybe)
10# - use integer; vs 1e7 as base
11# - speed issues (XS? Bit::Vector?)
12# - split out actual math code to Math::BigNumber
14# Qs: what exactly happens on numify of HUGE numbers? overflow?
15# $a = -$a is much slower (making copy of $a) than $a->bneg(), hm!?
16# (copy_on_write will help there, but that is not yet implemented)
18# The following hash values are used:
19# value: the internal array, base 100000
20# sign : +,-,NaN,+inf,-inf
21# _a : accuracy
22# _p : precision
23# _cow : copy on write: number of objects that share the data (NRY)
24# Internally the numbers are stored in an array with at least 1 element, no
25# leading zero parts (except the first) and in base 100000
27# USE_MUL: due to problems on certain os (os390, posix-bc) "* 1e-5" is used
28# instead of "/ 1e5" at some places, (marked with USE_MUL). But instead of
29# using the reverse only on problematic machines, I used it everytime to avoid
30# the costly comparisations. This _should_ work everywhere. Thanx Peter Prymmer
b4f14daa 31
58cde26e 32package Math::BigInt;
33my $class = "Math::BigInt";
35$VERSION = 1.35;
36use Exporter;
37@ISA = qw( Exporter );
38@EXPORT_OK = qw( bneg babs bcmp badd bmul bdiv bmod bnorm bsub
39 bgcd blcm
40 bround
41 blsft brsft band bior bxor bnot bpow bnan bzero
42 bacmp bstr bsstr binc bdec bint binf bfloor bceil
43 is_odd is_even is_zero is_one is_nan is_inf sign
44 length as_number
45 trace objectify _swap
46 );
48#@EXPORT = qw( );
49use vars qw/$rnd_mode $accuracy $precision $div_scale/;
50use strict;
52# Inside overload, the first arg is always an object. If the original code had
53# it reversed (like $x = 2 * $y), then the third paramater indicates this
54# swapping. To make it work, we use a helper routine which not only reswaps the
55# params, but also makes a new object in this case. See _swap() for details,
56# especially the cases of operators with different classes.
58# For overloaded ops with only one argument we simple use $_[0]->copy() to
59# preserve the argument.
61# Thus inheritance of overload operators becomes possible and transparent for
62# our subclasses without the need to repeat the entire overload section there.
a0d0e21e 63
a5f75d66 64use overload
58cde26e 65'=' => sub { $_[0]->copy(); },
67# '+' and '-' do not use _swap, since it is a triffle slower. If you want to
68# override _swap (if ever), then override overload of '+' and '-', too!
69# for sub it is a bit tricky to keep b: b-a => -a+b
70'-' => sub { my $c = $_[0]->copy; $_[2] ?
71 $c->bneg()->badd($_[1]) :
72 $c->bsub( $_[1]) },
73'+' => sub { $_[0]->copy()->badd($_[1]); },
75# some shortcuts for speed (assumes that reversed order of arguments is routed
76# to normal '+' and we thus can always modify first arg. If this is changed,
77# this breaks and must be adjusted.)
78'+=' => sub { $_[0]->badd($_[1]); },
79'-=' => sub { $_[0]->bsub($_[1]); },
80'*=' => sub { $_[0]->bmul($_[1]); },
81'/=' => sub { scalar $_[0]->bdiv($_[1]); },
82'**=' => sub { $_[0]->bpow($_[1]); },
84'<=>' => sub { $_[2] ?
85 $class->bcmp($_[1],$_[0]) :
86 $class->bcmp($_[0],$_[1])},
87'cmp' => sub {
88 $_[2] ?
89 $_[1] cmp $_[0]->bstr() :
90 $_[0]->bstr() cmp $_[1] },
92'int' => sub { $_[0]->copy(); },
93'neg' => sub { $_[0]->copy()->bneg(); },
94'abs' => sub { $_[0]->copy()->babs(); },
95'~' => sub { $_[0]->copy()->bnot(); },
97'*' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bmul($a[1]); },
98'/' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_);scalar $a[0]->bdiv($a[1]);},
99'%' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bmod($a[1]); },
100'**' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bpow($a[1]); },
101'<<' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->blsft($a[1]); },
102'>>' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->brsft($a[1]); },
104'&' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->band($a[1]); },
105'|' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bior($a[1]); },
106'^' => sub { my @a = ref($_[0])->_swap(@_); $a[0]->bxor($a[1]); },
108# can modify arg of ++ and --, so avoid a new-copy for speed, but don't
109# use $_[0]->_one(), it modifies $_[0] to be 1!
110'++' => sub { $_[0]->binc() },
111'--' => sub { $_[0]->bdec() },
113# if overloaded, O(1) instead of O(N) and twice as fast for small numbers
114'bool' => sub {
115 # this kludge is needed for perl prior 5.6.0 since returning 0 here fails :-/
116 # v5.6.1 dumps on that: return !$_[0]->is_zero() || undef; :-(
117 my $t = !$_[0]->is_zero();
118 undef $t if $t == 0;
119 return $t;
120 },
a0d0e21e 121
58cde26e 123"" bstr
1240+ numify), # Order of arguments unsignificant
a5f75d66 125;
a0d0e21e 126
58cde26e 127##############################################################################
128# global constants, flags and accessory
130# are NaNs ok?
131my $NaNOK=1;
132# set to 1 for tracing
133my $trace = 0;
134# constants for easier life
135my $nan = 'NaN';
136my $BASE_LEN = 5;
137my $BASE = int("1e".$BASE_LEN); # var for trying to change it to 1e7
138my $RBASE = 1e-5; # see USE_MUL
140# Rounding modes one of 'even', 'odd', '+inf', '-inf', 'zero' or 'trunc'
141$rnd_mode = 'even';
142$accuracy = undef;
143$precision = undef;
144$div_scale = 40;
146sub round_mode
147 {
148 # make Class->round_mode() work
149 my $self = shift || $class;
150 # shift @_ if defined $_[0] && $_[0] eq $class;
151 if (defined $_[0])
152 {
153 my $m = shift;
154 die "Unknown round mode $m"
155 if $m !~ /^(even|odd|\+inf|\-inf|zero|trunc)$/;
156 $rnd_mode = $m; return;
157 }
158 return $rnd_mode;
159 }
161sub accuracy
162 {
163 # $x->accuracy($a); ref($x) a
164 # $x->accuracy(); ref($x);
165 # Class::accuracy(); # not supported
166 #print "MBI @_ ($class)\n";
167 my $x = shift;
169 die ("accuracy() needs reference to object as first parameter.")
170 if !ref $x;
172 if (@_ > 0)
173 {
174 $x->{_a} = shift;
175 $x->round() if defined $x->{_a};
176 }
177 return $x->{_a};
178 }
180sub precision
181 {
182 my $x = shift;
184 die ("precision() needs reference to object as first parameter.")
185 unless ref $x;
187 if (@_ > 0)
188 {
189 $x->{_p} = shift;
190 $x->round() if defined $x->{_p};
191 }
192 return $x->{_p};
193 }
195sub _scale_a
196 {
197 # select accuracy parameter based on precedence,
198 # used by bround() and bfround(), may return undef for scale (means no op)
199 my ($x,$s,$m,$scale,$mode) = @_;
200 $scale = $x->{_a} if !defined $scale;
201 $scale = $s if (!defined $scale);
202 $mode = $m if !defined $mode;
203 return ($scale,$mode);
204 }
206sub _scale_p
207 {
208 # select precision parameter based on precedence,
209 # used by bround() and bfround(), may return undef for scale (means no op)
210 my ($x,$s,$m,$scale,$mode) = @_;
211 $scale = $x->{_p} if !defined $scale;
212 $scale = $s if (!defined $scale);
213 $mode = $m if !defined $mode;
214 return ($scale,$mode);
215 }
218# constructors
220sub copy
221 {
222 my ($c,$x);
223 if (@_ > 1)
224 {
225 # if two arguments, the first one is the class to "swallow" subclasses
226 ($c,$x) = @_;
227 }
228 else
229 {
230 $x = shift;
231 $c = ref($x);
232 }
233 return unless ref($x); # only for objects
235 my $self = {}; bless $self,$c;
236 foreach my $k (keys %$x)
237 {
238 if (ref($x->{$k}) eq 'ARRAY')
239 {
240 $self->{$k} = [ @{$x->{$k}} ];
241 }
242 elsif (ref($x->{$k}) eq 'HASH')
243 {
244 # only one level deep!
245 foreach my $h (keys %{$x->{$k}})
246 {
247 $self->{$k}->{$h} = $x->{$k}->{$h};
248 }
249 }
250 elsif (ref($x->{$k}))
251 {
252 my $c = ref($x->{$k});
253 $self->{$k} = $c->new($x->{$k}); # no copy() due to deep rec
254 }
255 else
256 {
257 $self->{$k} = $x->{$k};
258 }
259 }
260 $self;
261 }
263sub new
264 {
265 # create a new BigInts object from a string or another bigint object.
266 # value => internal array representation
267 # sign => sign (+/-), or "NaN"
269 # the argument could be an object, so avoid ||, && etc on it, this would
270 # cause costly overloaded code to be called. The only allowed op are ref()
271 # and definend.
273 trace (@_);
274 my $class = shift;
276 my $wanted = shift; # avoid numify call by not using || here
277 return $class->bzero() if !defined $wanted; # default to 0
278 return $class->copy($wanted) if ref($wanted);
280 my $self = {}; bless $self, $class;
281 # handle '+inf', '-inf' first
282 if ($wanted =~ /^[+-]inf$/)
283 {
284 $self->{value} = [ 0 ];
285 $self->{sign} = $wanted;
286 return $self;
287 }
288 # split str in m mantissa, e exponent, i integer, f fraction, v value, s sign
289 my ($mis,$miv,$mfv,$es,$ev) = _split(\$wanted);
290 if (ref $mis && !ref $miv)
291 {
292 # _from_hex
293 $self->{value} = $mis->{value};
294 $self->{sign} = $mis->{sign};
295 return $self;
296 }
297 if (!ref $mis)
298 {
299 die "$wanted is not a number initialized to $class" if !$NaNOK;
300 #print "NaN 1\n";
301 $self->{value} = [ 0 ];
302 $self->{sign} = $nan;
303 return $self;
304 }
305 # make integer from mantissa by adjusting exp, then convert to bigint
306 $self->{sign} = $$mis; # store sign
307 $self->{value} = [ 0 ]; # for all the NaN cases
308 my $e = int("$$es$$ev"); # exponent (avoid recursion)
309 if ($e > 0)
310 {
311 my $diff = $e - CORE::length($$mfv);
312 if ($diff < 0) # Not integer
313 {
314 #print "NOI 1\n";
315 $self->{sign} = $nan;
316 }
317 else # diff >= 0
318 {
319 # adjust fraction and add it to value
320 # print "diff > 0 $$miv\n";
321 $$miv = $$miv . ($$mfv . '0' x $diff);
322 }
323 }
324 else
325 {
326 if ($$mfv ne '') # e <= 0
327 {
328 # fraction and negative/zero E => NOI
329 #print "NOI 2 \$\$mfv '$$mfv'\n";
330 $self->{sign} = $nan;
331 }
332 elsif ($e < 0)
333 {
334 # xE-y, and empty mfv
335 #print "xE-y\n";
336 $e = abs($e);
337 if ($$miv !~ s/0{$e}$//) # can strip so many zero's?
338 {
339 #print "NOI 3\n";
340 $self->{sign} = $nan;
341 }
342 }
343 }
344 $self->{sign} = '+' if $$miv eq '0'; # normalize -0 => +0
345 $self->_internal($miv) if $self->{sign} ne $nan; # as internal array
346 #print "$wanted => $self->{sign} $self->{value}->[0]\n";
347 # if any of the globals is set, round to them and thus store them insid $self
348 $self->round($accuracy,$precision,$rnd_mode)
349 if defined $accuracy || defined $precision;
350 return $self;
351 }
353# some shortcuts for easier life
354sub bint
355 {
356 # exportable version of new
357 trace(@_);
358 return $class->new(@_);
359 }
361sub bnan
362 {
363 # create a bigint 'NaN', if given a BigInt, set it to 'NaN'
b4f14daa 364 my $self = shift;
58cde26e 365 $self = $class if !defined $self;
366 if (!ref($self))
367 {
368 my $c = $self; $self = {}; bless $self, $c;
369 }
370 return if $self->modify('bnan');
371 $self->{value} = [ 0 ];
372 $self->{sign} = $nan;
373 trace('NaN');
374 return $self;
b4f14daa 375 }
58cde26e 376
377sub binf
378 {
379 # create a bigint '+-inf', if given a BigInt, set it to '+-inf'
380 # the sign is either '+', or if given, used from there
381 my $self = shift;
382 my $sign = shift; $sign = '+' if !defined $sign || $sign ne '-';
383 $self = $class if !defined $self;
384 if (!ref($self))
385 {
386 my $c = $self; $self = {}; bless $self, $c;
387 }
388 return if $self->modify('binf');
389 $self->{value} = [ 0 ];
390 $self->{sign} = $sign.'inf';
391 trace('inf');
392 return $self;
393 }
395sub bzero
396 {
397 # create a bigint '+0', if given a BigInt, set it to 0
398 my $self = shift;
399 $self = $class if !defined $self;
400 if (!ref($self))
401 {
402 my $c = $self; $self = {}; bless $self, $c;
403 }
404 return if $self->modify('bzero');
405 $self->{value} = [ 0 ];
406 $self->{sign} = '+';
407 trace('0');
408 return $self;
409 }
412# string conversation
414sub bsstr
415 {
416 # (ref to BFLOAT or num_str ) return num_str
417 # Convert number from internal format to scientific string format.
418 # internal format is always normalized (no leading zeros, "-0E0" => "+0E0")
419 trace(@_);
420 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
422 return $x->{sign} if $x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/;
423 my ($m,$e) = $x->parts();
424 # can be only '+', so
425 my $sign = 'e+';
426 # MBF: my $s = $e->{sign}; $s = '' if $s eq '-'; my $sep = 'e'.$s;
427 return $m->bstr().$sign.$e->bstr();
428 }
430sub bstr
431 {
432 # (ref to BINT or num_str ) return num_str
433 # Convert number from internal base 100000 format to string format.
434 # internal format is always normalized (no leading zeros, "-0" => "+0")
435 trace(@_);
436 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
437 # my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
439 return $x->{sign} if $x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/;
440 my $ar = $x->{value} || return $nan; # should not happen
441 my $es = "";
442 $es = $x->{sign} if $x->{sign} eq '-'; # get sign, but not '+'
443 my $l = scalar @$ar; # number of parts
444 return $nan if $l < 1; # should not happen
445 # handle first one different to strip leading zeros from it (there are no
446 # leading zero parts in internal representation)
447 $l --; $es .= $ar->[$l]; $l--;
448 # Interestingly, the pre-padd method uses more time
449 # the old grep variant takes longer (14 to 10 sec)
450 while ($l >= 0)
451 {
452 $es .= substr('0000'.$ar->[$l],-5); # fastest way I could think of
453 $l--;
a0d0e21e 454 }
58cde26e 455 return $es;
456 }
458sub numify
459 {
460 # Make a number from a BigInt object
461 # old: simple return string and let Perl's atoi() handle the rest
462 # new: calc because it is faster than bstr()+atoi()
463 #trace (@_);
464 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
465 #return $x->bstr(); # ref($x);
466 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
468 return $nan if $x->{sign} eq $nan;
469 my $fac = 1; $fac = -1 if $x->{sign} eq '-';
470 return $fac*$x->{value}->[0] if @{$x->{value}} == 1; # below $BASE
471 my $num = 0;
472 foreach (@{$x->{value}})
473 {
474 $num += $fac*$_; $fac *= $BASE;
475 }
476 return $num;
477 }
480# public stuff (usually prefixed with "b")
482sub sign
483 {
484 # return the sign of the number: +/-/NaN
485 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
486 return $x->{sign};
487 }
489sub round
490 {
491 # After any operation or when calling round(), the result is rounded by
492 # regarding the A & P from arguments, local parameters, or globals.
493 # The result's A or P are set by the rounding, but not inspected beforehand
494 # (aka only the arguments enter into it). This works because the given
495 # 'first' argument is both the result and true first argument with unchanged
496 # A and P settings.
497 # This does not yet handle $x with A, and $y with P (which should be an
498 # error).
499 my $self = shift;
500 my $a = shift; # accuracy, if given by caller
501 my $p = shift; # precision, if given by caller
502 my $r = shift; # round_mode, if given by caller
503 my @args = @_; # all 'other' arguments (0 for unary, 1 for binary ops)
505 unshift @args,$self; # add 'first' argument
507 $self = new($self) unless ref($self); # if not object, make one
509 # find out class of argument to round
510 my $c = ref($args[0]);
512 # now pick $a or $p, but only if we have got "arguments"
513 if ((!defined $a) && (!defined $p) && (@args > 0))
514 {
515 foreach (@args)
516 {
517 # take the defined one, or if both defined, the one that is smaller
518 $a = $_->{_a} if (defined $_->{_a}) && (!defined $a || $_->{_a} < $a);
519 }
520 if (!defined $a) # if it still is not defined, take p
521 {
522 foreach (@args)
523 {
524 # take the defined one, or if both defined, the one that is smaller
525 $p = $_->{_p} if (defined $_->{_p}) && (!defined $p || $_->{_p} < $p);
1f45ae4a 526 }
58cde26e 527 # if none defined, use globals (#2)
528 if (!defined $p)
529 {
530 no strict 'refs';
531 my $z = "$c\::accuracy"; $a = $$z;
532 if (!defined $a)
533 {
534 $z = "$c\::precision"; $p = $$z;
535 }
1f45ae4a 536 }
58cde26e 537 } # endif !$a
538 } # endif !$a || !$P && args > 0
539 # for clearity, this is not merged at place (#2)
540 # now round, by calling fround or ffround:
541 if (defined $a)
542 {
543 $self->{_a} = $a; $self->bround($a,$r);
544 }
545 elsif (defined $p)
546 {
547 $self->{_p} = $p; $self->bfround($p,$r);
548 }
549 return $self->bnorm();
550 }
552sub bnorm
553 {
554 # (num_str or BINT) return BINT
555 # Normalize number -- no-op here
556 my $self = shift;
558 return $self;
559 }
561sub babs
562 {
563 # (BINT or num_str) return BINT
564 # make number absolute, or return absolute BINT from string
565 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
566 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
567 return $x if $x->modify('babs');
568 # post-normalized abs for internal use (does nothing for NaN)
569 $x->{sign} =~ s/^-/+/;
570 $x;
571 }
573sub bneg
574 {
575 # (BINT or num_str) return BINT
576 # negate number or make a negated number from string
577 my ($self,$x,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(1,@_);
578 return $x if $x->modify('bneg');
579 # for +0 dont negate (to have always normalized)
580 return $x if $x->is_zero();
581 $x->{sign} =~ tr/+\-/-+/; # does nothing for NaN
582 # $x->round($a,$p,$r); # changing this makes $x - $y modify $y!!
583 $x;
584 }
586sub bcmp
587 {
588 # Compares 2 values. Returns one of undef, <0, =0, >0. (suitable for sort)
589 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return cond_code
590 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
591 return undef if (($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($y->{sign} eq $nan));
592 &cmp($x->{value},$y->{value},$x->{sign},$y->{sign}) <=> 0;
593 }
595sub bacmp
596 {
597 # Compares 2 values, ignoring their signs.
598 # Returns one of undef, <0, =0, >0. (suitable for sort)
599 # (BINT, BINT) return cond_code
600 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
601 return undef if (($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($y->{sign} eq $nan));
602 acmp($x->{value},$y->{value}) <=> 0;
603 }
605sub badd
606 {
607 # add second arg (BINT or string) to first (BINT) (modifies first)
608 # return result as BINT
609 trace(@_);
610 my ($self,$x,$y,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(2,@_);
612 return $x if $x->modify('badd');
613 return $x->bnan() if (($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($y->{sign} eq $nan));
615 # for round calls, make array
616 my @bn = ($a,$p,$r,$y);
617 # speed: no add for 0+y or x+0
618 return $x->bnorm(@bn) if $y->is_zero(); # x+0
619 if ($x->is_zero()) # 0+y
620 {
621 # make copy, clobbering up x
622 $x->{value} = [ @{$y->{value}} ];
623 $x->{sign} = $y->{sign} || $nan;
624 return $x->round(@bn);
625 }
627 # shortcuts
628 my $xv = $x->{value};
629 my $yv = $y->{value};
630 my ($sx, $sy) = ( $x->{sign}, $y->{sign} ); # get signs
632 if ($sx eq $sy)
633 {
634 add($xv,$yv); # if same sign, absolute add
635 $x->{sign} = $sx;
636 }
637 else
638 {
639 my $a = acmp ($yv,$xv); # absolute compare
640 if ($a > 0)
641 {
642 #print "swapped sub (a=$a)\n";
643 &sub($yv,$xv,1); # absolute sub w/ swapped params
644 $x->{sign} = $sy;
645 }
646 elsif ($a == 0)
647 {
648 # speedup, if equal, set result to 0
649 $x->{value} = [ 0 ];
650 $x->{sign} = '+';
651 }
652 else # a < 0
653 {
654 #print "unswapped sub (a=$a)\n";
655 &sub($xv, $yv); # absolute sub
656 $x->{sign} = $sx;
a0d0e21e 657 }
a0d0e21e 658 }
58cde26e 659 return $x->round(@bn);
660 }
662sub bsub
663 {
664 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return num_str
665 # subtract second arg from first, modify first
666 my ($self,$x,$y,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(2,@_);
668 trace(@_);
669 return $x if $x->modify('bsub');
670 $x->badd($y->bneg()); # badd does not leave internal zeros
671 $y->bneg(); # refix y, assumes no one reads $y in between
672 return $x->round($a,$p,$r,$y);
673 }
675sub binc
676 {
677 # increment arg by one
678 my ($self,$x,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(1,@_);
679 # my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x; my $self = ref($x);
680 trace(@_);
681 return $x if $x->modify('binc');
682 $x->badd($self->_one())->round($a,$p,$r);
683 }
685sub bdec
686 {
687 # decrement arg by one
688 my ($self,$x,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(1,@_);
689 trace(@_);
690 return $x if $x->modify('bdec');
691 $x->badd($self->_one('-'))->round($a,$p,$r);
692 }
694sub blcm
695 {
696 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
697 # does not modify arguments, but returns new object
698 # Lowest Common Multiplicator
699 trace(@_);
701 my ($self,@arg) = objectify(0,@_);
702 my $x = $self->new(shift @arg);
703 while (@arg) { $x = _lcm($x,shift @arg); }
704 $x;
705 }
707sub bgcd
708 {
709 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
710 # does not modify arguments, but returns new object
711 # GCD -- Euclids algorithm, variant C (Knuth Vol 3, pg 341 ff)
712 trace(@_);
714 my ($self,@arg) = objectify(0,@_);
715 my $x = $self->new(shift @arg);
716 while (@arg)
717 {
718 #$x = _gcd($x,shift @arg); last if $x->is_one(); # new fast, but is slower
719 $x = _gcd_old($x,shift @arg); last if $x->is_one(); # old, slow, but faster
720 }
721 $x;
722 }
724sub bmod
725 {
726 # modulus
727 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
728 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
730 return $x if $x->modify('bmod');
731 (&bdiv($self,$x,$y))[1];
732 }
734sub bnot
735 {
736 # (num_str or BINT) return BINT
737 # represent ~x as twos-complement number
738 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
739 return $x if $x->modify('bnot');
740 $x->bneg(); $x->bdec(); # was: bsub(-1,$x);, time it someday
741 $x;
742 }
744sub is_zero
745 {
746 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is zero (array '+', '0')
747 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
748 #trace(@_);
749 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
750 return (@{$x->{value}} == 1) && ($x->{sign} eq '+')
751 && ($x->{value}->[0] == 0);
752 }
754sub is_nan
755 {
756 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is NaN
757 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
758 #trace(@_);
759 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
760 return ($x->{sign} eq $nan);
761 }
763sub is_inf
764 {
765 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is +-inf
766 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
767 #trace(@_);
768 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
769 my $sign = shift || '';
771 return $x->{sign} =~ /^[+-]inf/ if $sign eq '';
772 return $x->{sign} =~ /^[$sign]inf/;
773 }
775sub is_one
776 {
777 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is +1 (array '+', '1')
778 # or -1 if signis given
779 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
780 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
781 my $sign = shift || '+'; #$_[2] || '+';
782 return (@{$x->{value}} == 1) && ($x->{sign} eq $sign)
783 && ($x->{value}->[0] == 1);
784 }
786sub is_odd
787 {
788 # return true when arg (BINT or num_str) is odd, false for even
789 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
790 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
791 return (($x->{sign} ne $nan) && ($x->{value}->[0] & 1));
792 }
794sub is_even
795 {
796 # return true when arg (BINT or num_str) is even, false for odd
797 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
798 #my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
799 return (($x->{sign} ne $nan) && (!($x->{value}->[0] & 1)));
800 }
802sub bmul
803 {
804 # multiply two numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 233
805 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
806 my ($self,$x,$y,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(2,@_);
807 #print "$self bmul $x ",ref($x)," $y ",ref($y),"\n";
808 trace(@_);
809 return $x if $x->modify('bmul');
810 return $x->bnan() if (($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($y->{sign} eq $nan));
812 mul($x,$y); # do actual math
813 return $x->round($a,$p,$r,$y);
814 }
816sub bdiv
817 {
818 # (dividend: BINT or num_str, divisor: BINT or num_str) return
819 # (BINT,BINT) (quo,rem) or BINT (only rem)
820 trace(@_);
821 my ($self,$x,$y,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(2,@_);
823 return $x if $x->modify('bdiv');
825 # NaN?
826 return wantarray ? ($x->bnan(),bnan()) : $x->bnan()
827 if ($x->{sign} eq $nan || $y->{sign} eq $nan || $y->is_zero());
829 # 0 / something
830 return wantarray ? ($x,$self->bzero()) : $x if $x->is_zero();
832 # Is $x in the interval [0, $y) ?
833 my $cmp = acmp($x->{value},$y->{value});
834 if (($cmp < 0) and ($x->{sign} eq $y->{sign}))
835 {
836 return $x->bzero() unless wantarray;
837 my $t = $x->copy(); # make copy first, because $x->bzero() clobbers $x
838 return ($x->bzero(),$t);
839 }
840 elsif ($cmp == 0)
841 {
842 # shortcut, both are the same, so set to +/- 1
843 $x->_one( ($x->{sign} ne $y->{sign} ? '-' : '+') );
844 return $x unless wantarray;
845 return ($x,$self->bzero());
846 }
848 # calc new sign and in case $y == +/- 1, return $x
849 $x->{sign} = ($x->{sign} ne $y->{sign} ? '-' : '+');
850 # check for / +-1 (cant use $y->is_one due to '-'
851 if ((@{$y->{value}} == 1) && ($y->{value}->[0] == 1))
852 {
853 return wantarray ? ($x,$self->bzero()) : $x;
854 }
856 # call div here
857 my $rem = $self->bzero();
858 $rem->{sign} = $y->{sign};
859 ($x->{value},$rem->{value}) = div($x->{value},$y->{value});
860 # do not leave rest "-0";
861 $rem->{sign} = '+' if (@{$rem->{value}} == 1) && ($rem->{value}->[0] == 0);
862 if (($x->{sign} eq '-') and (!$rem->is_zero()))
863 {
864 $x->bdec();
865 }
866 $x->round($a,$p,$r,$y);
867 if (wantarray)
868 {
869 $rem->round($a,$p,$r,$x,$y);
870 return ($x,$y-$rem) if $x->{sign} eq '-'; # was $x,$rem
871 return ($x,$rem);
872 }
873 return $x;
874 }
876sub bpow
877 {
878 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
879 # compute power of two numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 233
880 # modifies first argument
881 #trace(@_);
882 my ($self,$x,$y,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(2,@_);
884 return $x if $x->modify('bpow');
886 return $x->bnan() if $x->{sign} eq $nan || $y->{sign} eq $nan;
887 return $x->_one() if $y->is_zero();
888 return $x if $x->is_one() || $y->is_one();
889 if ($x->{sign} eq '-' && @{$x->{value}} == 1 && $x->{value}->[0] == 1)
890 {
891 # if $x == -1 and odd/even y => +1/-1
892 return $y->is_odd() ? $x : $x->_set(1); # $x->babs() would work to
893 # my Casio FX-5500L has here a bug, -1 ** 2 is -1, but -1 * -1 is 1 LOL
894 }
895 # shortcut for $x ** 2
896 if ($y->{sign} eq '+' && @{$y->{value}} == 1 && $y->{value}->[0] == 2)
897 {
898 return $x->bmul($x)->bround($a,$p,$r);
899 }
900 # 1 ** -y => 1 / (1**y), so do test for negative $y after above's clause
901 return $x->bnan() if $y->{sign} eq '-';
902 return $x if $x->is_zero(); # 0**y => 0 (if not y <= 0)
904 # tels: 10**x is special (actually 100**x etc is special, too) but not here
905 #if ((@{$x->{value}} == 1) && ($x->{value}->[0] == 10))
906 # {
907 # # 10**2
908 # my $yi = int($y); my $yi5 = int($yi/5);
909 # $x->{value} = [];
910 # my $v = $x->{value};
911 # if ($yi5 > 0)
912 # {
913 # # $x->{value}->[$yi5-1] = 0; # pre-padd array (no use)
914 # for (my $i = 0; $i < $yi5; $i++)
915 # {
916 # $v->[$i] = 0;
917 # }
918 # }
919 # push @{$v}, int( '1'.'0' x ($yi % 5));
920 # if ($x->{sign} eq '-')
921 # {
922 # $x->{sign} = $y->is_odd() ? '-' : '+'; # -10**2 = 100, -10**3 = -1000
923 # }
924 # return $x;
925 # }
927 # based on the assumption that shifting in base 10 is fast, and that bpow()
928 # works faster if numbers are small: we count trailing zeros (this step is
929 # O(1)..O(N), but in case of O(N) we save much more time), stripping them
930 # out of the multiplication, and add $count * $y zeros afterwards:
931 # 300 ** 3 == 300*300*300 == 3*3*3 . '0' x 2 * 3 == 27 . '0' x 6
932 my $zeros = $x->_trailing_zeros();
933 if ($zeros > 0)
934 {
935 $x->brsft($zeros,10); # remove zeros
936 $x->bpow($y); # recursion (will not branch into here again)
937 $zeros = $y * $zeros; # real number of zeros to add
938 $x->blsft($zeros,10);
939 return $x;
940 }
942 my $pow2 = $self->_one();
943 my $y1 = $class->new($y);
944 my ($res);
945 while (!$y1->is_one())
946 {
947 #print "bpow: p2: $pow2 x: $x y: $y1 r: $res\n";
948 #print "len ",$x->length(),"\n";
949 ($y1,$res)=&bdiv($y1,2);
950 if (!$res->is_zero()) { &bmul($pow2,$x); }
951 if (!$y1->is_zero()) { &bmul($x,$x); }
952 }
953 #print "bpow: e p2: $pow2 x: $x y: $y1 r: $res\n";
954 &bmul($x,$pow2) if (!$pow2->is_one());
955 #print "bpow: e p2: $pow2 x: $x y: $y1 r: $res\n";
956 return $x->round($a,$p,$r);
957 }
959sub blsft
960 {
961 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
962 # compute x << y, base n, y >= 0
963 my ($self,$x,$y,$n) = objectify(2,@_);
965 return $x if $x->modify('blsft');
966 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/ || $y->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/);
968 $n = 2 if !defined $n; return $x if $n == 0;
969 return $x->bnan() if $n < 0 || $y->{sign} eq '-';
970 if ($n != 10)
971 {
972 $x->bmul( $self->bpow($n, $y) );
973 }
974 else
975 {
976 # shortcut (faster) for shifting by 10) since we are in base 10eX
977 # multiples of 5:
978 my $src = scalar @{$x->{value}}; # source
979 my $len = $y->numify(); # shift-len as normal int
980 my $rem = $len % 5; # reminder to shift
981 my $dst = $src + int($len/5); # destination
983 my $v = $x->{value}; # speed-up
984 my $vd; # further speedup
985 #print "src $src:",$v->[$src]||0," dst $dst:",$v->[$dst]||0," rem $rem\n";
986 $v->[$src] = 0; # avoid first ||0 for speed
987 while ($src >= 0)
988 {
989 $vd = $v->[$src]; $vd = '00000'.$vd;
990 #print "s $src d $dst '$vd' ";
991 $vd = substr($vd,-5+$rem,5-$rem);
992 #print "'$vd' ";
993 $vd .= $src > 0 ? substr('00000'.$v->[$src-1],-5,$rem) : '0' x $rem;
994 #print "'$vd' ";
995 $vd = substr($vd,-5,5) if length($vd) > 5;
996 #print "'$vd'\n";
997 $v->[$dst] = int($vd);
998 $dst--; $src--;
999 }
1000 # set lowest parts to 0
1001 while ($dst >= 0) { $v->[$dst--] = 0; }
1002 # fix spurios last zero element
1003 splice @$v,-1 if $v->[-1] == 0;
1004 #print "elems: "; my $i = 0;
1005 #foreach (reverse @$v) { print "$i $_ "; $i++; } print "\n";
1006 # old way: $x->bmul( $self->bpow($n, $y) );
1007 }
1008 return $x;
1009 }
1011sub brsft
1012 {
1013 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
1014 # compute x >> y, base n, y >= 0
1015 my ($self,$x,$y,$n) = objectify(2,@_);
1017 return $x if $x->modify('brsft');
1018 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/ || $y->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/);
1020 $n = 2 if !defined $n; return $x->bnan() if $n <= 0 || $y->{sign} eq '-';
1021 if ($n != 10)
1022 {
1023 scalar bdiv($x, $self->bpow($n, $y));
1024 }
1025 else
1026 {
1027 # shortcut (faster) for shifting by 10)
1028 # multiples of 5:
1029 my $dst = 0; # destination
1030 my $src = $y->numify(); # as normal int
1031 my $rem = $src % 5; # reminder to shift
1032 $src = int($src / 5); # source
1033 my $len = scalar @{$x->{value}} - $src; # elems to go
1034 my $v = $x->{value}; # speed-up
1035 if ($rem == 0)
1036 {
1037 splice (@$v,0,$src); # even faster, 38.4 => 39.3
1038 }
1039 else
1040 {
1041 my $vd;
1042 $v->[scalar @$v] = 0; # avoid || 0 test inside loop
1043 while ($dst < $len)
1044 {
1045 $vd = '00000'.$v->[$src];
1046 #print "$dst $src '$vd' ";
1047 $vd = substr($vd,-5,5-$rem);
1048 #print "'$vd' ";
1049 $src++;
1050 $vd = substr('00000'.$v->[$src],-$rem,$rem) . $vd;
1051 #print "'$vd1' ";
1052 #print "'$vd'\n";
1053 $vd = substr($vd,-5,5) if length($vd) > 5;
1054 $v->[$dst] = int($vd);
1055 $dst++;
1056 }
1057 splice (@$v,$dst) if $dst > 0; # kill left-over array elems
1058 pop @$v if $v->[-1] == 0; # kill last element
1059 } # else rem == 0
1060 # old way: scalar bdiv($x, $self->bpow($n, $y));
1061 }
1062 return $x;
1063 }
1065sub band
1066 {
1067 #(BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
1068 # compute x & y
1069 trace(@_);
1070 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
1072 return $x if $x->modify('band');
1074 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/ || $y->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/);
1075 return $x->bzero() if $y->is_zero();
1076 my $r = $self->bzero(); my $m = new Math::BigInt 1; my ($xr,$yr);
1077 my $x10000 = new Math::BigInt (0x10000);
1078 my $y1 = copy(ref($x),$y); # make copy
1079 while (!$x->is_zero() && !$y1->is_zero())
1080 {
1081 ($x, $xr) = bdiv($x, $x10000);
1082 ($y1, $yr) = bdiv($y1, $x10000);
1083 $r->badd( bmul( new Math::BigInt ( $xr->numify() & $yr->numify()), $m ));
1084 $m->bmul($x10000);
1085 }
1086 $x = $r;
1087 }
1089sub bior
1090 {
1091 #(BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
1092 # compute x | y
1093 trace(@_);
1094 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
1096 return $x if $x->modify('bior');
1098 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/ || $y->{sign} !~ /^[+-]$/);
1099 return $x if $y->is_zero();
1100 my $r = $self->bzero(); my $m = new Math::BigInt 1; my ($xr,$yr);
1101 my $x10000 = new Math::BigInt (0x10000);
1102 my $y1 = copy(ref($x),$y); # make copy
1103 while (!$x->is_zero() || !$y1->is_zero())
1104 {
1105 ($x, $xr) = bdiv($x,$x10000);
1106 ($y1, $yr) = bdiv($y1,$x10000);
1107 $r->badd( bmul( new Math::BigInt ( $xr->numify() | $yr->numify()), $m ));
1108 $m->bmul($x10000);
1109 }
1110 $x = $r;
1111 }
1113sub bxor
1114 {
1115 #(BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
1116 # compute x ^ y
1117 my ($self,$x,$y) = objectify(2,@_);
1119 return $x if $x->modify('bxor');
1121 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} eq $nan || $y->{sign} eq $nan);
1122 return $x if $y->is_zero();
1123 return $x->bzero() if $x == $y; # shortcut
1124 my $r = $self->bzero(); my $m = new Math::BigInt 1; my ($xr,$yr);
1125 my $x10000 = new Math::BigInt (0x10000);
1126 my $y1 = copy(ref($x),$y); # make copy
1127 while (!$x->is_zero() || !$y1->is_zero())
1128 {
1129 ($x, $xr) = bdiv($x, $x10000);
1130 ($y1, $yr) = bdiv($y1, $x10000);
1131 $r->badd( bmul( new Math::BigInt ( $xr->numify() ^ $yr->numify()), $m ));
1132 $m->bmul($x10000);
1133 }
1134 $x = $r;
1135 }
1137sub length
1138 {
1139 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
1141 return (_digits($x->{value}), 0) if wantarray;
1142 _digits($x->{value});
1143 }
1145sub digit
1146 {
1147 # return the nth digit, negative values count backward
1148 my $x = shift;
1149 my $n = shift || 0;
1151 my $len = $x->length();
1153 $n = $len+$n if $n < 0; # -1 last, -2 second-to-last
1154 $n = abs($n); # if negatives are to big
1155 $len--; $n = $len if $n > $len; # n to big?
1157 my $elem = int($n / 5); # which array element
1158 my $digit = $n % 5; # which digit in this element
1159 $elem = '0000'.$x->{value}->[$elem]; # get element padded with 0's
1160 return substr($elem,-$digit-1,1);
1161 }
1163sub _trailing_zeros
1164 {
1165 # return the amount of trailing zeros in $x
1166 my $x = shift;
1167 $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
1169 return 0 if $x->is_zero() || $x->is_nan();
1170 # check each array elem in _m for having 0 at end as long as elem == 0
1171 # Upon finding a elem != 0, stop
1172 my $zeros = 0; my $elem;
1173 foreach my $e (@{$x->{value}})
1174 {
1175 if ($e != 0)
1176 {
1177 $elem = "$e"; # preserve x
1178 $elem =~ s/.*?(0*$)/$1/; # strip anything not zero
1179 $zeros *= 5; # elems * 5
1180 $zeros += CORE::length($elem); # count trailing zeros
1181 last; # early out
1182 }
1183 $zeros ++; # real else branch: 50% slower!
1184 }
1185 return $zeros;
1186 }
1188sub bsqrt
1189 {
1190 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
1192 return $x->bnan() if $x->{sign} =~ /\-|$nan/; # -x or NaN => NaN
1193 return $x->bzero() if $x->is_zero(); # 0 => 0
1194 return $x if $x == 1; # 1 => 1
1196 my $y = $x->copy(); # give us one more digit accur.
1197 my $l = int($x->length()/2);
1199 $x->bzero();
1200 $x->binc(); # keep ref($x), but modify it
1201 $x *= 10 ** $l;
1203 # print "x: $y guess $x\n";
1205 my $last = $self->bzero();
1206 while ($last != $x)
1207 {
1208 $last = $x;
1209 $x += $y / $x;
1210 $x /= 2;
1211 }
1212 return $x;
1213 }
1215sub exponent
1216 {
1217 # return a copy of the exponent (here always 0, NaN or 1 for $m == 0)
1218 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
1220 return bnan() if $x->is_nan();
1221 my $e = $class->bzero();
1222 return $e->binc() if $x->is_zero();
1223 $e += $x->_trailing_zeros();
1224 return $e;
1225 }
1227sub mantissa
1228 {
1229 # return a copy of the mantissa (here always $self)
1230 my ($self,$x) = objectify(1,@_);
1232 return bnan() if $x->is_nan();
1233 my $m = $x->copy();
1234 # that's inefficient
1235 my $zeros = $m->_trailing_zeros();
1236 $m /= 10 ** $zeros if $zeros != 0;
1237 return $m;
1238 }
1240sub parts
1241 {
1242 # return a copy of both the exponent and the mantissa (here 0 and self)
1243 my $self = shift;
1244 $self = $class->new($self) unless ref $self;
1246 return ($self->mantissa(),$self->exponent());
1247 }
1250# rounding functions
1252sub bfround
1253 {
1254 # precision: round to the $Nth digit left (+$n) or right (-$n) from the '.'
1255 # $n == 0 => round to integer
1256 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
1257 my ($scale,$mode) = $x->_scale_p($precision,$rnd_mode,@_);
1258 return $x if !defined $scale; # no-op
1260 # no-op for BigInts if $n <= 0
1261 return $x if $scale <= 0;
1263 $x->bround( $x->length()-$scale, $mode);
1264 }
1266sub _scan_for_nonzero
1267 {
1268 my $x = shift;
1269 my $pad = shift;
1271 my $len = $x->length();
1272 return 0 if $len == 1; # '5' is trailed by invisible zeros
1273 my $follow = $pad - 1;
1274 return 0 if $follow > $len || $follow < 1;
1275 #print "checking $x $r\n";
1276 # old, slow way checking string for non-zero characters
1277 my $r = substr ("$x",-$follow);
1278 return 1 if $r =~ /[^0]/; return 0;
1280 # faster way checking array contents; it is actually not faster (even in a
1281 # rounding-only-shoutout, so I leave the simpler code in)
1282 #my $rem = $follow % 5; my $div = $follow / 5; my $v = $x->{value};
1283 # pad with zeros and extract
1284 #print "last part : ",'00000'.$v->[$div]," $rem = '";
1285 #print substr('00000'.$v->[$div],-$rem,5),"'\n";
1286 #my $r1 = substr ('00000'.$v->[$div],-$rem,5);
1287 #print "$r1\n";
1288 #return 1 if $r1 =~ /[^0]/;
1289 #
1290 #for (my $j = $div-1; $j >= 0; $j --)
1291 # {
1292 # #print "part $v->[$j]\n";
1293 # return 1 if $v->[$j] != 0;
1294 # }
1295 #return 0;
1296 }
1298sub fround
1299 {
1300 # to make life easier for switch between MBF and MBI (autoload fxxx()
1301 # like MBF does for bxxx()?)
1302 my $x = shift;
1303 return $x->bround(@_);
1304 }
1306sub bround
1307 {
1308 # accuracy: +$n preserve $n digits from left,
1309 # -$n preserve $n digits from right (f.i. for 0.1234 style in MBF)
1310 # no-op for $n == 0
1311 # and overwrite the rest with 0's, return normalized number
1312 # do not return $x->bnorm(), but $x
1313 my $x = shift; $x = $class->new($x) unless ref $x;
1314 my ($scale,$mode) = $x->_scale_a($accuracy,$rnd_mode,@_);
1315 return $x if !defined $scale; # no-op
1317 # print "MBI round: $x to $scale $mode\n";
1318 # -scale means what? tom? hullo? -$scale needed by MBF round, but what for?
1319 return $x if $x->is_nan() || $x->is_zero() || $scale == 0;
1321 # we have fewer digits than we want to scale to
1322 my $len = $x->length();
1323 # print "$len $scale\n";
1324 return $x if $len < abs($scale);
1326 # count of 0's to pad, from left (+) or right (-): 9 - +6 => 3, or |-6| => 6
1327 my ($pad,$digit_round,$digit_after);
1328 $pad = $len - $scale;
1329 $pad = abs($scale)+1 if $scale < 0;
1330 $digit_round = '0'; $digit_round = $x->digit($pad) if $pad < $len;
1331 $digit_after = '0'; $digit_after = $x->digit($pad-1) if $pad > 0;
1332 # print "r $x: pos:$pad l:$len s:$scale r:$digit_round a:$digit_after m: $mode\n";
1334 # in case of 01234 we round down, for 6789 up, and only in case 5 we look
1335 # closer at the remaining digits of the original $x, remember decision
1336 my $round_up = 1; # default round up
1337 $round_up -- if
1338 ($mode eq 'trunc') || # trunc by round down
1339 ($digit_after =~ /[01234]/) || # round down anyway,
1340 # 6789 => round up
1341 ($digit_after eq '5') && # not 5000...0000
1342 ($x->_scan_for_nonzero($pad) == 0) &&
1343 (
1344 ($mode eq 'even') && ($digit_round =~ /[24680]/) ||
1345 ($mode eq 'odd') && ($digit_round =~ /[13579]/) ||
1346 ($mode eq '+inf') && ($x->{sign} eq '-') ||
1347 ($mode eq '-inf') && ($x->{sign} eq '+') ||
1348 ($mode eq 'zero') # round down if zero, sign adjusted below
1349 );
1350 # allow rounding one place left of mantissa
1351 #print "$pad $len $scale\n";
1352 # this is triggering warnings, and buggy for $scale < 0
1353 #if (-$scale != $len)
1354 {
1355 # split mantissa at $scale and then pad with zeros
1356 my $s5 = int($pad / 5);
1357 my $i = 0;
1358 while ($i < $s5)
1359 {
1360 $x->{value}->[$i++] = 0; # replace with 5 x 0
1361 }
1362 $x->{value}->[$s5] = '00000'.$x->{value}->[$s5]; # pad with 0
1363 my $rem = $pad % 5; # so much left over
1364 if ($rem > 0)
1365 {
1366 #print "remainder $rem\n";
1367 #print "elem $x->{value}->[$s5]\n";
1368 substr($x->{value}->[$s5],-$rem,$rem) = '0' x $rem; # stamp w/ '0'
1369 }
1370 $x->{value}->[$s5] = int ($x->{value}->[$s5]); # str '05' => int '5'
1371 }
1372 if ($round_up) # what gave test above?
1373 {
1374 $pad = $len if $scale < 0; # tlr: whack 0.51=>1.0
1375 # modify $x in place, undef, undef to avoid rounding
1376 $x->badd( Math::BigInt->new($x->{sign}.'1'.'0'x$pad),
1377 undef,undef );
1378 # str creation much faster than 10 ** something
1379 }
1380 $x;
1381 }
1383sub bfloor
1384 {
1385 # return integer less or equal then number, since it is already integer,
1386 # always returns $self
1387 my ($self,$x,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(1,@_);
1389 # not needed: return $x if $x->modify('bfloor');
1391 return $x->round($a,$p,$r);
1392 }
1394sub bceil
1395 {
1396 # return integer greater or equal then number, since it is already integer,
1397 # always returns $self
1398 my ($self,$x,$a,$p,$r) = objectify(1,@_);
1400 # not needed: return $x if $x->modify('bceil');
1402 return $x->round($a,$p,$r);
1403 }
1406# private stuff (internal use only)
1408sub trace
1409 {
1410 # print out a number without using bstr (avoid deep recurse) for trace/debug
1411 return unless $trace;
1413 my ($package,$file,$line,$sub) = caller(1);
1414 print "'$sub' called from '$package' line $line:\n ";
1416 foreach my $x (@_)
1417 {
1418 if (!defined $x)
1419 {
1420 print "undef, "; next;
1421 }
1422 if (!ref($x))
1423 {
1424 print "'$x' "; next;
1425 }
1426 next if (ref($x) ne "HASH");
1427 print "$x->{sign} ";
1428 foreach (@{$x->{value}})
1429 {
1430 print "$_ ";
1431 }
1432 print ", ";
1433 }
1434 print "\n";
1435 }
1437sub _set
1438 {
1439 # internal set routine to set X fast to an integer value < [+-]100000
1440 my $self = shift;
1441 my $wanted = shift || 0;
1443 $self->{sign} = $nan, return if $wanted !~ /^[+-]?[0-9]+$/;
1444 $self->{sign} = '-'; $self->{sign} = '+' if $wanted >= 0;
1445 $self->{value} = [ abs($wanted) ];
1446 return $self;
1447 }
1449sub _one
1450 {
1451 # internal speedup, set argument to 1, or create a +/- 1
1452 my $self = shift;
1453 my $x = $self->bzero(); $x->{value} = [ 1 ]; $x->{sign} = shift || '+'; $x;
1454 }
1456sub _swap
1457 {
1458 # Overload will swap params if first one is no object ref so that the first
1459 # one is always an object ref. In this case, third param is true.
1460 # This routine is to overcome the effect of scalar,$object creating an object
1461 # of the class of this package, instead of the second param $object. This
1462 # happens inside overload, when the overload section of this package is
1463 # inherited by sub classes.
1464 # For overload cases (and this is used only there), we need to preserve the
1465 # args, hence the copy().
1466 # You can override this method in a subclass, the overload section will call
1467 # $object->_swap() to make sure it arrives at the proper subclass, with some
1468 # exceptions like '+' and '-'.
1470 # object, (object|scalar) => preserve first and make copy
1471 # scalar, object => swapped, re-swap and create new from first
1472 # (using class of second object, not $class!!)
1473 my $self = shift; # for override in subclass
1474 #print "swap $self 0:$_[0] 1:$_[1] 2:$_[2]\n";
1475 if ($_[2])
1476 {
1477 my $c = ref ($_[0]) || $class; # fallback $class should not happen
1478 return ( $c->new($_[1]), $_[0] );
1479 }
1480 else
1481 {
1482 return ( $_[0]->copy(), $_[1] );
1483 }
1484 }
1486sub objectify
1487 {
1488 # check for strings, if yes, return objects instead
1490 # the first argument is number of args objectify() should look at it will
1491 # return $count+1 elements, the first will be a classname. This is because
1492 # overloaded '""' calls bstr($object,undef,undef) and this would result in
1493 # useless objects beeing created and thrown away. So we cannot simple loop
1494 # over @_. If the given count is 0, all arguments will be used.
1496 # If the second arg is a ref, use it as class.
1497 # If not, try to use it as classname, unless undef, then use $class
1498 # (aka Math::BigInt). The latter shouldn't happen,though.
1500 # caller: gives us:
1501 # $x->badd(1); => ref x, scalar y
1502 # Class->badd(1,2); => classname x (scalar), scalar x, scalar y
1503 # Class->badd( Class->(1),2); => classname x (scalar), ref x, scalar y
1504 # Math::BigInt::badd(1,2); => scalar x, scalar y
1505 # In the last case we check number of arguments to turn it silently into
1506 # $class,1,2. (We can not take '1' as class ;o)
1507 # badd($class,1) is not supported (it should, eventually, try to add undef)
1508 # currently it tries 'Math::BigInt' + 1, which will not work.
1510 trace(@_);
1511 my $count = abs(shift || 0);
1513 #print caller(),"\n";
1515 my @a; # resulting array
1516 if (ref $_[0])
1517 {
1518 # okay, got object as first
1519 $a[0] = ref $_[0];
1520 }
1521 else
1522 {
1523 # nope, got 1,2 (Class->xxx(1) => Class,1 and not supported)
1524 $a[0] = $class;
1525 #print "@_\n"; sleep(1);
1526 $a[0] = shift if $_[0] =~ /^[A-Z].*::/; # classname as first?
1527 }
1528 #print caller(),"\n";
1529 # print "Now in objectify, my class is today $a[0]\n";
1530 my $k;
1531 if ($count == 0)
1532 {
1533 while (@_)
1534 {
1535 $k = shift;
1536 if (!ref($k))
1537 {
1538 $k = $a[0]->new($k);
1539 }
1540 elsif (ref($k) ne $a[0])
1541 {
1542 # foreign object, try to convert to integer
1543 $k->can('as_number') ? $k = $k->as_number() : $k = $a[0]->new($k);
e16b8f49 1544 }
58cde26e 1545 push @a,$k;
1546 }
1547 }
1548 else
1549 {
1550 while ($count > 0)
1551 {
1552 #print "$count\n";
1553 $count--;
1554 $k = shift;
1555 if (!ref($k))
1556 {
1557 $k = $a[0]->new($k);
1558 }
1559 elsif (ref($k) ne $a[0])
1560 {
1561 # foreign object, try to convert to integer
1562 $k->can('as_number') ? $k = $k->as_number() : $k = $a[0]->new($k);
e16b8f49 1563 }
58cde26e 1564 push @a,$k;
1565 }
1566 push @a,@_; # return other params, too
1567 }
1568 #my $i = 0;
1569 #foreach (@a)
1570 # {
1571 # print "o $i $a[0]\n" if $i == 0;
1572 # print "o $i ",ref($_),"\n" if $i != 0; $i++;
1573 # }
1574 #print "objectify done: would return ",scalar @a," values\n";
1575 #print caller(1),"\n" unless wantarray;
1576 die "$class objectify needs list context" unless wantarray;
1577 @a;
1578 }
1580sub import
1581 {
1582 my $self = shift;
1583 #print "import $self @_\n";
1584 for ( my $i = 0; $i < @_ ; $i++ )
1585 {
1586 if ( $_[$i] eq ':constant' )
1587 {
1588 # this rest causes overlord er load to step in
1589 overload::constant integer => sub { $self->new(shift) };
1590 splice @_, $i, 1; last;
1591 }
1592 }
1593 # any non :constant stuff is handled by our parent, Exporter
1594 # even if @_ is empty, to give it a chance
1595 #$self->SUPER::import(@_); # does not work
1596 $self->export_to_level(1,$self,@_); # need this instead
1597 }
1599sub _internal
1600 {
1601 # (ref to self, ref to string) return ref to num_array
1602 # Convert a number from string format to internal base 100000 format.
1603 # Assumes normalized value as input.
1604 my ($s,$d) = @_;
1605 my $il = CORE::length($$d)-1;
1606 # these leaves '00000' instead of int 0 and will be corrected after any op
1607 $s->{value} = [ reverse(unpack("a" . ($il%5+1) . ("a5" x ($il/5)), $$d)) ];
1608 $s;
1609 }
1611sub _strip_zeros
1612 {
1613 # internal normalization function that strips leading zeros from the array
1614 # args: ref to array
1615 #trace(@_);
1616 my $s = shift;
1618 my $cnt = scalar @$s; # get count of parts
1619 my $i = $cnt-1;
1620 #print "strip: cnt $cnt i $i\n";
1621 # '0', '3', '4', '0', '0',
1622 # 0 1 2 3 4
1623 # cnt = 5, i = 4
1624 # i = 4
1625 # i = 3
1626 # => fcnt = cnt - i (5-2 => 3, cnt => 5-1 = 4, throw away from 4th pos)
1627 # >= 1: skip first part (this can be zero)
1628 while ($i > 0) { last if $s->[$i] != 0; $i--; }
1629 $i++; splice @$s,$i if ($i < $cnt); # $i cant be 0
1630 return $s;
1631 }
1633sub _from_hex
1634 {
1635 # convert a (ref to) big hex string to BigInt, return undef for error
1636 my $hs = shift;
1638 my $x = Math::BigInt->bzero();
1639 return $x->bnan() if $$hs !~ /^[\-\+]?0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/;
1641 my $mul = Math::BigInt->bzero(); $mul++;
1642 my $x65536 = Math::BigInt->new(65536);
1644 my $len = CORE::length($$hs)-2; my $sign = '+';
1645 if ($$hs =~ /^\-/)
1646 {
1647 $sign = '-'; $len--;
1648 }
1649 $len = int($len/4); # 4-digit parts, w/o '0x'
1650 my $val; my $i = -4;
1651 while ($len >= 0)
1652 {
1653 $val = substr($$hs,$i,4);
1654 $val =~ s/^[\-\+]?0x// if $len == 0; # for last part only because
1655 $val = hex($val); # hex does not like wrong chars
1656 # print "$val ",substr($$hs,$i,4),"\n";
1657 $i -= 4; $len --;
1658 $x += $mul * $val if $val != 0;
1659 $mul *= $x65536 if $len >= 0; # skip last mul
1660 }
1661 $x->{sign} = $sign if !$x->is_zero();
1662 return $x;
1663 }
1665sub _from_bin
1666 {
1667 # convert a (ref to) big binary string to BigInt, return undef for error
1668 my $bs = shift;
1670 my $x = Math::BigInt->bzero();
1671 return $x->bnan() if $$bs !~ /^[\-\+]?0b[01]+$/;
1673 my $mul = Math::BigInt->bzero(); $mul++;
1674 my $x256 = Math::BigInt->new(256);
1676 my $len = CORE::length($$bs)-2; my $sign = '+';
1677 if ($$bs =~ /^\-/)
1678 {
1679 $sign = '-'; $len--;
1680 }
1681 $len = int($len/8); # 8-digit parts, w/o '0b'
1682 my $val; my $i = -8;
1683 while ($len >= 0)
1684 {
1685 $val = substr($$bs,$i,8);
1686 $val =~ s/^[\-\+]?0b// if $len == 0; # for last part only
1687 #$val = oct('0b'.$val); # does not work on Perl prior 5.6.0
1688 $val = ('0' x (8-CORE::length($val))).$val if CORE::length($val) < 8;
1689 $val = ord(pack('B8',$val));
1690 # print "$val ",substr($$bs,$i,16),"\n";
1691 $i -= 8; $len --;
1692 $x += $mul * $val if $val != 0;
1693 $mul *= $x256 if $len >= 0; # skip last mul
1694 }
1695 $x->{sign} = $sign if !$x->is_zero();
1696 return $x;
1697 }
1699sub _split
1700 {
1701 # (ref to num_str) return num_str
1702 # internal, take apart a string and return the pieces
1703 my $x = shift;
1705 # pre-parse input
1706 $$x =~ s/^\s+//g; # strip white space at front
1707 $$x =~ s/\s+$//g; # strip white space at end
1708 #$$x =~ s/\s+//g; # strip white space (no longer)
1709 return if $$x eq "";
1711 return _from_hex($x) if $$x =~ /^[\-\+]?0x/; # hex string
1712 return _from_bin($x) if $$x =~ /^[\-\+]?0b/; # binary string
1714 return if $$x !~ /^[\-\+]?\.?[0-9]/;
1716 $$x =~ s/(\d)_(\d)/$1$2/g; # strip underscores between digits
1717 $$x =~ s/(\d)_(\d)/$1$2/g; # do twice for 1_2_3
1719 # some possible inputs:
1720 # 2.1234 # 0.12 # 1 # 1E1 # 2.134E1 # 434E-10 # 1.02009E-2
1721 # .2 # 1_2_3.4_5_6 # 1.4E1_2_3 # 1e3 # +.2
1723 #print "input: '$$x' ";
1724 my ($m,$e) = split /[Ee]/,$$x;
1725 $e = '0' if !defined $e || $e eq "";
1726 # print "m '$m' e '$e'\n";
1727 # sign,value for exponent,mantint,mantfrac
1728 my ($es,$ev,$mis,$miv,$mfv);
1729 # valid exponent?
1730 if ($e =~ /^([+-]?)0*(\d+)$/) # strip leading zeros
1731 {
1732 $es = $1; $ev = $2;
1733 #print "'$m' '$e' e: $es $ev ";
1734 # valid mantissa?
1735 return if $m eq '.' || $m eq '';
1736 my ($mi,$mf) = split /\./,$m;
1737 $mi = '0' if !defined $mi;
1738 $mi .= '0' if $mi =~ /^[\-\+]?$/;
1739 $mf = '0' if !defined $mf || $mf eq '';
1740 if ($mi =~ /^([+-]?)0*(\d+)$/) # strip leading zeros
1741 {
1742 $mis = $1||'+'; $miv = $2;
1743 #print "$mis $miv";
1744 # valid, existing fraction part of mantissa?
1745 return unless ($mf =~ /^(\d*?)0*$/); # strip trailing zeros
1746 $mfv = $1;
1747 #print " split: $mis $miv . $mfv E $es $ev\n";
1748 return (\$mis,\$miv,\$mfv,\$es,\$ev);
1749 }
1750 }
1751 return; # NaN, not a number
1752 }
1754sub _digits
1755 {
1756 # computer number of digits in bigint, minus the sign
1757 # int() because add/sub leaves sometimes strings (like '00005') instead of
1758 # int ('5') in this place, causing length to fail
1759 my $cx = shift;
1761 #print "len: ",(@$cx-1)*5+CORE::length(int($cx->[-1])),"\n";
1762 return (@$cx-1)*5+CORE::length(int($cx->[-1]));
1763 }
1765sub as_number
1766 {
1767 # an object might be asked to return itself as bigint on certain overloaded
1768 # operations, this does exactly this, so that sub classes can simple inherit
1769 # it or override with their own integer conversion routine
1770 my $self = shift;
1772 return $self->copy();
1773 }
1776# internal calculation routines
1778sub acmp
1779 {
1780 # internal absolute post-normalized compare (ignore signs)
1781 # ref to array, ref to array, return <0, 0, >0
1782 # arrays must have at least on entry, this is not checked for
1784 my ($cx, $cy) = @_;
1786 #print "$cx $cy\n";
1787 my ($i,$a,$x,$y,$k);
1788 # calculate length based on digits, not parts
1789 $x = _digits($cx); $y = _digits($cy);
1790 # print "length: ",($x-$y),"\n";
1791 return $x-$y if ($x - $y); # if different in length
1792 #print "full compare\n";
1793 $i = 0; $a = 0;
1794 # first way takes 5.49 sec instead of 4.87, but has the early out advantage
1795 # so grep is slightly faster, but more unflexible. hm. $_ instead if $k
1796 # yields 5.6 instead of 5.5 sec huh?
1797 # manual way (abort if unequal, good for early ne)
1798 my $j = scalar @$cx - 1;
1799 while ($j >= 0)
1800 {
1801 # print "$cx->[$j] $cy->[$j] $a",$cx->[$j]-$cy->[$j],"\n";
1802 last if ($a = $cx->[$j] - $cy->[$j]); $j--;
1803 }
1804 return $a;
1805 # while it early aborts, it is even slower than the manual variant
1806 #grep { return $a if ($a = $_ - $cy->[$i++]); } @$cx;
1807 # grep way, go trough all (bad for early ne)
1808 #grep { $a = $_ - $cy->[$i++]; } @$cx;
1809 #return $a;
1810 }
1812sub cmp
1813 {
1814 # post-normalized compare for internal use (honors signs)
1815 # ref to array, ref to array, return < 0, 0, >0
1816 my ($cx,$cy,$sx,$sy) = @_;
1818 #return 0 if (is0($cx,$sx) && is0($cy,$sy));
1820 if ($sx eq '+')
1821 {
1822 return 1 if $sy eq '-'; # 0 check handled above
1823 return acmp($cx,$cy);
1824 }
1825 else
1826 {
1827 # $sx eq '-'
1828 return -1 if ($sy eq '+');
1829 return acmp($cy,$cx);
1830 }
1831 return 0; # equal
1832 }
1834sub add
1835 {
1836 # (ref to int_num_array, ref to int_num_array)
1837 # routine to add two base 1e5 numbers
1838 # stolen from Knuth Vol 2 Algorithm A pg 231
1839 # there are separate routines to add and sub as per Kunth pg 233
1840 # This routine clobbers up array x, but not y.
1842 my ($x,$y) = @_;
1844 # for each in Y, add Y to X and carry. If after that, something is left in
1845 # X, foreach in X add carry to X and then return X, carry
1846 # Trades one "$j++" for having to shift arrays, $j could be made integer
1847 # but this would impose a limit to number-length to 2**32.
1848 my $i; my $car = 0; my $j = 0;
1849 for $i (@$y)
1850 {
1851 $x->[$j] -= $BASE
1852 if $car = (($x->[$j] += $i + $car) >= $BASE) ? 1 : 0;
1853 $j++;
1854 }
1855 while ($car != 0)
1856 {
1857 $x->[$j] -= $BASE if $car = (($x->[$j] += $car) >= $BASE) ? 1 : 0; $j++;
1858 }
1859 }
1861sub sub
1862 {
1863 # (ref to int_num_array, ref to int_num_array)
1864 # subtract base 1e5 numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 232, $x > $y
1865 # subtract Y from X (X is always greater/equal!) by modifiyng x in place
1866 my ($sx,$sy,$s) = @_;
1868 my $car = 0; my $i; my $j = 0;
1869 if (!$s)
1870 {
1871 #print "case 2\n";
1872 for $i (@$sx)
1873 {
1874 last unless defined $sy->[$j] || $car;
1875 #print "x: $i y: $sy->[$j] c: $car\n";
1876 $i += $BASE if $car = (($i -= ($sy->[$j] || 0) + $car) < 0); $j++;
1877 #print "x: $i y: $sy->[$j-1] c: $car\n";
1878 }
1879 # might leave leading zeros, so fix that
1880 _strip_zeros($sx);
1881 return $sx;
1882 }
1883 else
1884 {
1885 #print "case 1 (swap)\n";
1886 for $i (@$sx)
1887 {
1888 last unless defined $sy->[$j] || $car;
1889 #print "$sy->[$j] $i $car => $sx->[$j]\n";
1890 $sy->[$j] += $BASE
1891 if $car = (($sy->[$j] = $i-($sy->[$j]||0) - $car) < 0);
1892 #print "$sy->[$j] $i $car => $sy->[$j]\n";
1893 $j++;
1894 }
1895 # might leave leading zeros, so fix that
1896 _strip_zeros($sy);
1897 return $sy;
1898 }
1899 }
1901sub mul
1902 {
1903 # (BINT, BINT) return nothing
1904 # multiply two numbers in internal representation
1905 # modifies first arg, second needs not be different from first
1906 my ($x,$y) = @_;
1908 $x->{sign} = $x->{sign} ne $y->{sign} ? '-' : '+';
1909 my @prod = (); my ($prod,$car,$cty,$xi,$yi);
1910 my $xv = $x->{value};
1911 my $yv = $y->{value};
1912 # since multiplying $x with $x fails, make copy in this case
1913 $yv = [@$xv] if "$xv" eq "$yv";
1914 for $xi (@$xv)
1915 {
1916 $car = 0; $cty = 0;
1917 for $yi (@$yv)
1918 {
1919 $prod = $xi * $yi + ($prod[$cty] || 0) + $car;
1920 $prod[$cty++] =
1921 $prod - ($car = int($prod * 1e-5)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
1922 }
1923 $prod[$cty] += $car if $car; # need really to check for 0?
1924 $xi = shift @prod;
1925 }
1926 push @$xv, @prod;
1927 _strip_zeros($x->{value});
1928 # normalize (handled last to save check for $y->is_zero()
1929 $x->{sign} = '+' if @$xv == 1 && $xv->[0] == 0; # not is_zero due to '-'
1930 }
1932sub div
1933 {
1934 # ref to array, ref to array, modify first array and return reminder if
1935 # in list context
1936 # does no longer handle sign
1937 my ($x,$yorg) = @_;
1938 my ($car,$bar,$prd,$dd,$xi,$yi,@q,$v2,$v1);
1940 my (@d,$tmp,$q,$u2,$u1,$u0);
1942 $car = $bar = $prd = 0;
1944 my $y = [ @$yorg ];
1945 if (($dd = int($BASE/($y->[-1]+1))) != 1)
1946 {
1947 for $xi (@$x)
1948 {
1949 $xi = $xi * $dd + $car;
1950 $xi -= ($car = int($xi * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
1951 }
1952 push(@$x, $car); $car = 0;
1953 for $yi (@$y)
1954 {
1955 $yi = $yi * $dd + $car;
1956 $yi -= ($car = int($yi * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
1957 }
1958 }
1959 else
1960 {
1961 push(@$x, 0);
1962 }
1963 @q = (); ($v2,$v1) = @$y[-2,-1];
1964 $v2 = 0 unless $v2;
1965 while ($#$x > $#$y)
1966 {
1967 ($u2,$u1,$u0) = @$x[-3..-1];
1968 $u2 = 0 unless $u2;
1969 print "oups v1 is 0, u0: $u0 $y->[-2] $y->[-1] l ",scalar @$y,"\n"
1970 if $v1 == 0;
1971 $q = (($u0 == $v1) ? 99999 : int(($u0*$BASE+$u1)/$v1));
1972 --$q while ($v2*$q > ($u0*1e5+$u1-$q*$v1)*$BASE+$u2);
1973 if ($q)
1974 {
1975 ($car, $bar) = (0,0);
1976 for ($yi = 0, $xi = $#$x-$#$y-1; $yi <= $#$y; ++$yi,++$xi)
1977 {
1978 $prd = $q * $y->[$yi] + $car;
1979 $prd -= ($car = int($prd * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
1980 $x->[$xi] += 1e5 if ($bar = (($x->[$xi] -= $prd + $bar) < 0));
e16b8f49 1981 }
58cde26e 1982 if ($x->[-1] < $car + $bar)
1983 {
1984 $car = 0; --$q;
1985 for ($yi = 0, $xi = $#$x-$#$y-1; $yi <= $#$y; ++$yi,++$xi)
1986 {
1987 $x->[$xi] -= 1e5
1988 if ($car = (($x->[$xi] += $y->[$yi] + $car) > $BASE));
1989 }
1990 }
1991 }
1992 pop(@$x); unshift(@q, $q);
e16b8f49 1993 }
58cde26e 1994 if (wantarray)
1995 {
1996 @d = ();
1997 if ($dd != 1)
1998 {
1999 $car = 0;
2000 for $xi (reverse @$x)
2001 {
2002 $prd = $car * $BASE + $xi;
2003 $car = $prd - ($tmp = int($prd / $dd)) * $dd; # see USE_MUL
2004 unshift(@d, $tmp);
2005 }
2006 }
2007 else
2008 {
2009 @d = @$x;
2010 }
2011 @$x = @q;
2012 _strip_zeros($x);
2013 _strip_zeros(\@d);
2014 return ($x,\@d);
2015 }
2016 @$x = @q;
2017 _strip_zeros($x);
2018 return $x;
2019 }
2021sub _lcm
2022 {
2023 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
2024 # does modify first argument
2025 # LCM
2027 my $x = shift; my $ty = shift;
2028 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($ty->{sign} eq $nan);
2029 return $x * $ty / bgcd($x,$ty);
2030 }
2032sub _gcd_old
2033 {
2034 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
2035 # does modify first arg
2036 # GCD -- Euclids algorithm E, Knuth Vol 2 pg 296
2037 trace(@_);
2039 my $x = shift; my $ty = $class->new(shift); # preserve y
2040 return $x->bnan() if ($x->{sign} eq $nan) || ($ty->{sign} eq $nan);
2042 while (!$ty->is_zero())
2043 {
2044 ($x, $ty) = ($ty,bmod($x,$ty));
2045 }
2046 $x;
2047 }
2049sub _gcd
2050 {
2051 # (BINT or num_str, BINT or num_str) return BINT
2052 # does not modify arguments
2053 # GCD -- Euclids algorithm, variant L (Lehmer), Knuth Vol 3 pg 347 ff
2054 # unfortunately, it is slower and also seems buggy (the A=0, B=1, C=1, D=0
2055 # case..)
2056 trace(@_);
2058 my $u = $class->new(shift); my $v = $class->new(shift); # preserve u,v
2059 return $u->bnan() if ($u->{sign} eq $nan) || ($v->{sign} eq $nan);
2061 $u->babs(); $v->babs(); # Euclid is valid for |u| and |v|
2063 my ($U,$V,$A,$B,$C,$D,$T,$Q); # single precision variables
2064 my ($t); # multiprecision variables
2066 while ($v > $BASE)
2067 {
2068 #sleep 1;
2069 ($u,$v) = ($v,$u) if ($u < $v); # make sure that u >= v
2070 #print "gcd: $u $v\n";
2071 # step L1, initialize
2072 $A = 1; $B = 0; $C = 0; $D = 1;
2073 $U = $u->{value}->[-1]; # leading digits of u
2074 $V = $v->{value}->[-1]; # leading digits of v
2076 # step L2, test quotient
2077 if (($V + $C != 0) && ($V + $D != 0)) # div by zero => go to L4
2078 {
2079 $Q = int(($U + $A)/($V + $C)); # quotient
2080 #print "L1 A=$A B=$B C=$C D=$D U=$U V=$V Q=$Q\n";
2081 # do L3? (div by zero => go to L4)
2082 while ($Q == int(($U + $B)/($V + $D)))
2083 {
2084 # step L3, emulate Euclid
2085 #print "L3a A=$A B=$B C=$C D=$D U=$U V=$V Q=$Q\n";
2086 $T = $A - $Q*$C; $A = $C; $C = $T;
2087 $T = $B - $Q*$D; $B = $D; $D = $T;
2088 $T = $U - $Q*$V; $U = $V; $V = $T;
2089 last if ($V + $D == 0) || ($V + $C == 0); # div by zero => L4
2090 $Q = int(($U + $A)/($V + $C)); # quotient for next test
2091 #print "L3b A=$A B=$B C=$C D=$D U=$U V=$V Q=$Q\n";
2092 }
2093 }
2094 # step L4, multiprecision step
2095 # was if ($B == 0)
2096 # in case A = 0, B = 1, C = 0 and D = 1, this case would simple swap u & v
2097 # and loop endless. Not sure why this happens, Knuth does not make a
2098 # remark about this special case. bug?
2099 if (($B == 0) || (($A == 0) && ($C == 1) && ($D == 0)))
2100 {
2101 #print "L4b1: u=$u v=$v\n";
2102 ($u,$v) = ($v,bmod($u,$v));
2103 #$t = $u % $v; $u = $v->copy(); $v = $t;
2104 #print "L4b12: u=$u v=$v\n";
2105 }
2106 else
2107 {
2108 #print "L4b: $u $v $A $B $C $D\n";
2109 $t = $A*$u + $B*$v; $v *= $D; $v += $C*$u; $u = $t;
2110 #print "L4b2: $u $v\n";
2111 }
2112 } # back to L1
e16b8f49 2113
58cde26e 2114 return _gcd_old($u,$v) if $v != 1; # v too small
2115 return $v; # 1
2116 }
2119# this method return 0 if the object can be modified, or 1 for not
2120# We use a fast use constant statement here, to avoid costly calls. Subclasses
2121# may override it with special code (f.i. Math::BigInt::Constant does so)
2123use constant modify => 0;
2125#sub modify
2126# {
2127# my $self = shift;
2128# my $method = shift;
2129# print "original $self modify by $method\n";
2130# return 0; # $self;
2131# }
e16b8f49 2132
a0d0e21e 21331;
a5f75d66 2134__END__
2136=head1 NAME
2138Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package
2140=head1 SYNOPSIS
2142 use Math::BigInt;
58cde26e 2143
2144 # Number creation
2145 $x = Math::BigInt->new($str); # defaults to 0
2146 $nan = Math::BigInt->bnan(); # create a NotANumber
2147 $zero = Math::BigInt->bzero();# create a "+0"
2149 # Testing
2150 $x->is_zero(); # return whether arg is zero or not
2151 $x->is_nan(); # return whether arg is NaN or not
2152 $x->is_one(); # return true if arg is +1
2153 $x->is_one('-'); # return true if arg is -1
2154 $x->is_odd(); # return true if odd, false for even
2155 $x->is_even(); # return true if even, false for odd
2156 $x->bcmp($y); # compare numbers (undef,<0,=0,>0)
2157 $x->bacmp($y); # compare absolutely (undef,<0,=0,>0)
2158 $x->sign(); # return the sign, either +,- or NaN
2159 $x->digit($n); # return the nth digit, counting from right
2160 $x->digit(-$n); # return the nth digit, counting from left
2162 # The following all modify their first argument:
2164 # set
2165 $x->bzero(); # set $x to 0
2166 $x->bnan(); # set $x to NaN
2168 $x->bneg(); # negation
2169 $x->babs(); # absolute value
2170 $x->bnorm(); # normalize (no-op)
2171 $x->bnot(); # two's complement (bit wise not)
2172 $x->binc(); # increment x by 1
2173 $x->bdec(); # decrement x by 1
2175 $x->badd($y); # addition (add $y to $x)
2176 $x->bsub($y); # subtraction (subtract $y from $x)
2177 $x->bmul($y); # multiplication (multiply $x by $y)
2178 $x->bdiv($y); # divide, set $x to quotient
2179 # return (quo,rem) or quo if scalar
2181 $x->bmod($y); # modulus (x % y)
2182 $x->bpow($y); # power of arguments (x ** y)
2183 $x->blsft($y); # left shift
2184 $x->brsft($y); # right shift
2185 $x->blsft($y,$n); # left shift, by base $n (like 10)
2186 $x->brsft($y,$n); # right shift, by base $n (like 10)
2188 $x->band($y); # bitwise and
2189 $x->bior($y); # bitwise inclusive or
2190 $x->bxor($y); # bitwise exclusive or
2191 $x->bnot(); # bitwise not (two's complement)
2193 $x->bsqrt(); # calculate square-root
2195 $x->round($A,$P,$round_mode); # round to accuracy or precision using mode $r
2196 $x->bround($N); # accuracy: preserve $N digits
2197 $x->bfround($N); # round to $Nth digit, no-op for BigInts
2199 # The following do not modify their arguments in BigInt, but do in BigFloat:
2200 $x->bfloor(); # return integer less or equal than $x
2201 $x->bceil(); # return integer greater or equal than $x
2203 # The following do not modify their arguments:
2205 bgcd(@values); # greatest common divisor
2206 blcm(@values); # lowest common multiplicator
2208 $x->bstr(); # normalized string
2209 $x->bsstr(); # normalized string in scientific notation
2210 $x->length(); # return number of digits in number
2211 ($x,$f) = $x->length(); # length of number and length of fraction part
2213 $x->exponent(); # return exponent as BigInt
2214 $x->mantissa(); # return mantissa as BigInt
2215 $x->parts(); # return (mantissa,exponent) as BigInt
a5f75d66 2216
2217=head1 DESCRIPTION
58cde26e 2219All operators (inlcuding basic math operations) are overloaded if you
2220declare your big integers as
a5f75d66 2221
58cde26e 2222 $i = new Math::BigInt '123_456_789_123_456_789';
a5f75d66 2223
58cde26e 2224Operations with overloaded operators preserve the arguments which is
2225exactly what you expect.
a5f75d66 2226
2227=over 2
2229=item Canonical notation
58cde26e 2231Big integer values are strings of the form C</^[+-]\d+$/> with leading
a5f75d66 2232zeros suppressed.
58cde26e 2234 '-0' canonical value '-0', normalized '0'
2235 ' -123_123_123' canonical value '-123123123'
2236 '1_23_456_7890' canonical value '1234567890'
a5f75d66 2238=item Input
58cde26e 2240Input values to these routines may be either Math::BigInt objects or
2241strings of the form C</^\s*[+-]?[\d]+\.?[\d]*E?[+-]?[\d]*$/>.
2243You can include one underscore between any two digits.
2245This means integer values like 1.01E2 or even 1000E-2 are also accepted.
2246Non integer values result in NaN.
2248Math::BigInt::new() defaults to 0, while Math::BigInt::new('') results
2249in 'NaN'.
2251bnorm() on a BigInt object is now effectively a no-op, since the numbers
2252are always stored in normalized form. On a string, it creates a BigInt
a5f75d66 2254
2255=item Output
58cde26e 2257Output values are BigInt objects (normalized), except for bstr(), which
2258returns a string in normalized form.
2259Some routines (C<is_odd()>, C<is_even()>, C<is_zero()>, C<is_one()>,
2260C<is_nan()>) return true or false, while others (C<bcmp()>, C<bacmp()>)
2261return either undef, <0, 0 or >0 and are suited for sort.
a5f75d66 2262
58cde26e 2265=head2 Rounding
a5f75d66 2266
58cde26e 2267Only C<bround()> is defined for BigInts, for further details of rounding see
2270=over 2
a5f75d66 2271
58cde26e 2272=item bfround ( +$scale ) rounds to the $scale'th place left from the '.'
a5f75d66 2273
58cde26e 2274=item bround ( +$scale ) preserves accuracy to $scale sighnificant digits counted from the left and paddes the number with zeros
2276=item bround ( -$scale ) preserves accuracy to $scale significant digits counted from the right and paddes the number with zeros.
2280C<bfround()> does nothing in case of negative C<$scale>. Both C<bround()> and
2281C<bfround()> are a no-ops for a scale of 0.
2283All rounding functions take as a second parameter a rounding mode from one of
2284the following: 'even', 'odd', '+inf', '-inf', 'zero' or 'trunc'.
2286The default is 'even'. By using C<< Math::BigInt->round_mode($rnd_mode); >>
2287you can get and set the default round mode for subsequent rounding.
2289The second parameter to the round functions than overrides the default
2292=head2 Internals
2294Actual math is done in an internal format consisting of an array of
2295elements of base 100000 digits with the least significant digit first.
2296The sign C</^[+-]$/> is stored separately. The string 'NaN' is used to
2297represent the result when input arguments are not numbers, as well as
2298the result of dividing by zero.
2300You sould neither care nor depend on the internal represantation, it might
2301change without notice. Use only method calls like C<< $x->sign(); >> instead
2302relying on the internal hash keys like in C<< $x->{sign}; >>.
2304=head2 mantissa(), exponent() and parts()
2306C<mantissa()> and C<exponent()> return the said parts of the BigInt such
2309 $m = $x->mantissa();
2310 $e = $x->exponent();
2311 $y = $m * ( 10 ** $e );
2312 print "ok\n" if $x == $y;
2314C<($m,$e) = $x->parts()> is just a shortcut that gives you both of them in one
2315go. Both the returned mantissa and exponent do have a sign.
2317Currently, for BigInts C<$e> will be always 0, except for NaN where it will be
2318NaN and for $x == 0, then it will be 1 (to be compatible with Math::BigFlaot's
2319internal representation of a zero as C<0E1>).
2321C<$m> will always be a copy of the original number. The relation between $e
2322and $m might change in the future, but will be always equivalent in a
2323numerical sense, e.g. $m might get minized.
2325=head1 EXAMPLES
2327 use Math::BigInt qw(bstr bint);
2328 $x = bstr("1234") # string "1234"
2329 $x = "$x"; # same as bstr()
2330 $x = bneg("1234") # Bigint "-1234"
2331 $x = Math::BigInt->bneg("1234"); # Bigint "-1234"
2332 $x = Math::BigInt->babs("-12345"); # Bigint "12345"
2333 $x = Math::BigInt->bnorm("-0 00"); # BigInt "0"
2334 $x = bint(1) + bint(2); # BigInt "3"
2335 $x = bint(1) + "2"; # ditto (auto-BigIntify of "2")
2336 $x = bint(1); # BigInt "1"
2337 $x = $x + 5 / 2; # BigInt "3"
2338 $x = $x ** 3; # BigInt "27"
2339 $x *= 2; # BigInt "54"
2340 $x = new Math::BigInt; # BigInt "0"
2341 $x--; # BigInt "-1"
2342 $x = Math::BigInt->badd(4,5) # BigInt "9"
2343 $x = Math::BigInt::badd(4,5) # BigInt "9"
2344 print $x->bsstr(); # 9e+0
a5f75d66 2345
b3ac6de7 2346=head1 Autocreating constants
58cde26e 2348After C<use Math::BigInt ':constant'> all the B<integer> decimal constants
2349in the given scope are converted to C<Math::BigInt>. This conversion
b3ac6de7 2350happens at compile time.
2352In particular
58cde26e 2354 perl -MMath::BigInt=:constant -e 'print 2**100,"\n"'
2356prints the integer value of C<2**100>. Note that without conversion of
2357constants the expression 2**100 will be calculated as floating point
2360Please note that strings and floating point constants are not affected,
2361so that
2363 use Math::BigInt qw/:constant/;
2365 $x = 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
2366 + 123456789123456789;
2367 $x = '1234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
2368 + '123456789123456789';
b3ac6de7 2369
58cde26e 2370do both not work. You need a explicit Math::BigInt->new() around one of them.
2372=head1 PERFORMANCE
2374Using the form $x += $y; etc over $x = $x + $y is faster, since a copy of $x
2375must be made in the second case. For long numbers, the copy can eat up to 20%
2376of the work (in case of addition/subtraction, less for
2377multiplication/division). If $y is very small compared to $x, the form
2378$x += $y is MUCH faster than $x = $x + $y since making the copy of $x takes
2379more time then the actual addition.
2381With a technic called copy-on-write the cost of copying with overload could
2382be minimized or even completely avoided. This is currently not implemented.
2384The new version of this module is slower on new(), bstr() and numify(). Some
2385operations may be slower for small numbers, but are significantly faster for
2386big numbers. Other operations are now constant (O(1), like bneg(), babs()
2387etc), instead of O(N) and thus nearly always take much less time.
2389For more benchmark results see
b3ac6de7 2390
a5f75d66 2391=head1 BUGS
58cde26e 2393=over 2
2395=item :constant and eval()
2397Under Perl prior to 5.6.0 having an C<use Math::BigInt ':constant';> and
2398C<eval()> in your code will crash with "Out of memory". This is probably an
2399overload/exporter bug. You can workaround by not having C<eval()>
2400and ':constant' at the same time or upgrade your Perl.
2404=head1 CAVEATS
2406Some things might not work as you expect them. Below is documented what is
2407known to be troublesome:
2409=over 1
2411=item stringify, bstr(), bsstr() and 'cmp'
2413Both stringify and bstr() now drop the leading '+'. The old code would return
2414'+3', the new returns '3'. This is to be consistent with Perl and to make
2415cmp (especially with overloading) to work as you expect. It also solves
2416problems with, it's ok() uses 'eq' internally.
2418Mark said, when asked about to drop the '+' altogether, or make only cmp work:
2420 I agree (with the first alternative), don't add the '+' on positive
2421 numbers. It's not as important anymore with the new internal
2422 form for numbers. It made doing things like abs and neg easier,
2423 but those have to be done differently now anyway.
2425So, the following examples will now work all as expected:
2427 use Test;
2428 BEGIN { plan tests => 1 }
2429 use Math::BigInt;
2431 my $x = new Math::BigInt 3*3;
2432 my $y = new Math::BigInt 3*3;
2434 ok ($x,3*3);
2435 print "$x eq 9" if $x eq $y;
2436 print "$x eq 9" if $x eq '9';
2437 print "$x eq 9" if $x eq 3*3;
2439Additionally, the following still works:
2441 print "$x == 9" if $x == $y;
2442 print "$x == 9" if $x == 9;
2443 print "$x == 9" if $x == 3*3;
2445There is now a C<bsstr()> method to get the string in scientific notation aka
2446C<1e+2> instead of C<100>. Be advised that overloaded 'eq' always uses bstr()
2447for comparisation, but Perl will represent some numbers as 100 and others
2448as 1e+308. If in doubt, convert both arguments to Math::BigInt before doing eq:
2450 use Test;
2451 BEGIN { plan tests => 3 }
2452 use Math::BigInt;
2454 $x = Math::BigInt->new('1e56'); $y = 1e56;
2455 ok ($x,$y); # will fail
2456 ok ($x->bsstr(),$y); # okay
2457 $y = Math::BigInt->new($y);
2458 ok ($x,$y); # okay
2460=item int()
2462C<int()> will return (at least for Perl v5.7.1 and up) another BigInt, not a
2463Perl scalar:
2465 $x = Math::BigInt->new(123);
2466 $y = int($x); # BigInt 123
2467 $x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.45);
2468 $y = int($x); # BigInt 123
2470In all Perl versions you can use C<as_number()> for the same effect:
2472 $x = Math::BigFloat->new(123.45);
2473 $y = $x->as_number(); # BigInt 123
2475This also works for other subclasses, like Math::String.
2477=item bdiv
2479The following will probably not do what you expect:
2481 print $c->bdiv(10000),"\n";
2483It prints both quotient and reminder since print calls C<bdiv()> in list
2484context. Also, C<bdiv()> will modify $c, so be carefull. You probably want
2485to use
2487 print $c / 10000,"\n";
2488 print scalar $c->bdiv(10000),"\n"; # or if you want to modify $c
2492The quotient is always the greatest integer less than or equal to the
2493real-valued quotient of the two operands, and the remainder (when it is
2494nonzero) always has the same sign as the second operand; so, for
2497 1 / 4 => ( 0, 1)
2498 1 / -4 => (-1,-3)
2499 -3 / 4 => (-1, 1)
2500 -3 / -4 => ( 0,-3)
2502As a consequence, the behavior of the operator % agrees with the
2503behavior of Perl's built-in % operator (as documented in the perlop
2504manpage), and the equation
2506 $x == ($x / $y) * $y + ($x % $y)
2508holds true for any $x and $y, which justifies calling the two return
2509values of bdiv() the quotient and remainder.
2511Perl's 'use integer;' changes the behaviour of % and / for scalars, but will
2512not change BigInt's way to do things. This is because under 'use integer' Perl
2513will do what the underlying C thinks is right and this is different for each
2514system. If you need BigInt's behaving exactly like Perl's 'use integer', bug
2515the author to implement it ;)
2517=item Modifying and =
2519Beware of:
2521 $x = Math::BigFloat->new(5);
2522 $y = $x;
2524It will not do what you think, e.g. making a copy of $x. Instead it just makes
2525a second reference to the B<same> object and stores it in $y. Thus anything
2526that modifies $x will modify $y, and vice versa.
2528 $x->bmul(2);
2529 print "$x, $y\n"; # prints '10, 10'
2531If you want a true copy of $x, use:
2533 $y = $x->copy();
2535See also the documentation in L<overload> regarding C<=>.
2537=item bpow
2539C<bpow()> (and the rounding functions) now modifies the first argument and
2540return it, unlike the old code which left it alone and only returned the
2541result. This is to be consistent with C<badd()> etc. The first three will
2542modify $x, the last one won't:
2544 print bpow($x,$i),"\n"; # modify $x
2545 print $x->bpow($i),"\n"; # ditto
2546 print $x **= $i,"\n"; # the same
2547 print $x ** $i,"\n"; # leave $x alone
2549The form C<$x **= $y> is faster than C<$x = $x ** $y;>, though.
2551=item Overloading -$x
2553The following:
2555 $x = -$x;
2557is slower than
2559 $x->bneg();
2561since overload calls C<sub($x,0,1);> instead of C<neg($x)>. The first variant
2562needs to preserve $x since it does not know that it later will get overwritten.
2563This makes a copy of $x and takes O(N). But $x->bneg() is O(1).
2565With Copy-On-Write, this issue will be gone. Stay tuned...
2567=item Mixing different object types
2569In Perl you will get a floating point value if you do one of the following:
2571 $float = 5.0 + 2;
2572 $float = 2 + 5.0;
2573 $float = 5 / 2;
2575With overloaded math, only the first two variants will result in a BigFloat:
2577 use Math::BigInt;
2578 use Math::BigFloat;
2580 $mbf = Math::BigFloat->new(5);
2581 $mbi2 = Math::BigInteger->new(5);
2582 $mbi = Math::BigInteger->new(2);
2584 # what actually gets called:
2585 $float = $mbf + $mbi; # $mbf->badd()
2586 $float = $mbf / $mbi; # $mbf->bdiv()
2587 $integer = $mbi + $mbf; # $mbi->badd()
2588 $integer = $mbi2 / $mbi; # $mbi2->bdiv()
2589 $integer = $mbi2 / $mbf; # $mbi2->bdiv()
2591This is because math with overloaded operators follows the first (dominating)
2592operand, this one's operation is called and returns thus the result. So,
2593Math::BigInt::bdiv() will always return a Math::BigInt, regardless whether
2594the result should be a Math::BigFloat or the second operant is one.
2596To get a Math::BigFloat you either need to call the operation manually,
2597make sure the operands are already of the proper type or casted to that type
2598via Math::BigFloat->new():
2600 $float = Math::BigFloat->new($mbi2) / $mbi; # = 2.5
2602Beware of simple "casting" the entire expression, this would only convert
2603the already computed result:
2605 $float = Math::BigFloat->new($mbi2 / $mbi); # = 2.0 thus wrong!
2607Beware of the order of more complicated expressions like:
2609 $integer = ($mbi2 + $mbi) / $mbf; # int / float => int
2610 $integer = $mbi2 / Math::BigFloat->new($mbi); # ditto
2612If in doubt, break the expression into simpler terms, or cast all operands
2613to the desired resulting type.
2615Scalar values are a bit different, since:
2617 $float = 2 + $mbf;
2618 $float = $mbf + 2;
2620will both result in the proper type due to the way the overloaded math works.
2622This section also applies to other overloaded math packages, like Math::String.
2624=item bsqrt()
2626C<bsqrt()> works only good if the result is an big integer, e.g. the square
2627root of 144 is 12, but from 12 the square root is 3, regardless of rounding
2630If you want a better approximation of the square root, then use:
2632 $x = Math::BigFloat->new(12);
2633 $Math::BigFloat::precision = 0;
2634 Math::BigFloat->round_mode('even');
2635 print $x->copy->bsqrt(),"\n"; # 4
2637 $Math::BigFloat::precision = 2;
2638 print $x->bsqrt(),"\n"; # 3.46
2639 print $x->bsqrt(3),"\n"; # 3.464
2643=head1 LICENSE
2645This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
2646the same terms as Perl itself.
a5f75d66 2647
58cde26e 2648=head1 AUTHORS
a5f75d66 2649
58cde26e 2650Original code by Mark Biggar, overloaded interface by Ilya Zakharevich.
2651Completely rewritten by Tels in late 2000, 2001.
a5f75d66 2652