Upgrade to Math::BigInt 1.40.
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / Math / BigInt / Calc.pm
0716bf9b 1package Math::BigInt::Calc;
3use 5.005;
4use strict;
574bacfe 5# use warnings; # dont use warnings for older Perls
0716bf9b 6
7require Exporter;
9use vars qw/ @ISA @EXPORT $VERSION/;
10@ISA = qw(Exporter);
12@EXPORT = qw(
13 _add _mul _div _mod _sub
14 _new
15 _str _num _acmp _len
16 _digit
17 _is_zero _is_one
18 _is_even _is_odd
19 _check _zero _one _copy _zeros
574bacfe 20 _rsft _lsft
0716bf9b 21);
574bacfe 22$VERSION = '0.09';
0716bf9b 23
24# Package to store unsigned big integers in decimal and do math with them
26# Internally the numbers are stored in an array with at least 1 element, no
27# leading zero parts (except the first) and in base 100000
29# todo:
30# - fully remove funky $# stuff (maybe)
31# - use integer; vs 1e7 as base
33# USE_MUL: due to problems on certain os (os390, posix-bc) "* 1e-5" is used
34# instead of "/ 1e5" at some places, (marked with USE_MUL). But instead of
35# using the reverse only on problematic machines, I used it everytime to avoid
b22b3e31 36# the costly comparisons. This _should_ work everywhere. Thanx Peter Prymmer
0716bf9b 37
39# global constants, flags and accessory
41# constants for easier life
42my $nan = 'NaN';
574bacfe 43
44my $BASE_LEN = 7;
0716bf9b 45my $BASE = int("1e".$BASE_LEN); # var for trying to change it to 1e7
574bacfe 46my $RBASE = abs('1e-'.$BASE_LEN); # see USE_MUL
49 {
50 # Daniel Pfeiffer: determine largest group of digits that is precisely
51 # multipliable with itself plus carry
52 my ($e, $num) = 4;
53 do {
54 $num = ('9' x ++$e) + 0;
55 $num *= $num + 1;
56 } until ($num == $num - 1 or $num - 1 == $num - 2);
57 $BASE_LEN = $e-1;
58 $BASE = int("1e".$BASE_LEN);
59 $RBASE = abs('1e-'.$BASE_LEN); # see USE_MUL
60 }
62# for quering and setting, to debug/benchmark things
63sub _base_len
64 {
65 my $b = shift;
66 if (defined $b)
67 {
68 $BASE_LEN = $b;
69 $BASE = int("1e".$BASE_LEN);
70 $RBASE = abs('1e-'.$BASE_LEN); # see USE_MUL
71 }
73 }
0716bf9b 74
76# create objects from various representations
78sub _new
79 {
80 # (string) return ref to num_array
81 # Convert a number from string format to internal base 100000 format.
82 # Assumes normalized value as input.
574bacfe 83 my $d = $_[1];
0716bf9b 84 # print "_new $d $$d\n";
85 my $il = CORE::length($$d)-1;
86 # these leaves '00000' instead of int 0 and will be corrected after any op
574bacfe 87 return [ reverse(unpack("a" . ($il % $BASE_LEN+1)
88 . ("a$BASE_LEN" x ($il / $BASE_LEN)), $$d)) ];
0716bf9b 89 }
91sub _zero
92 {
93 # create a zero
94 return [ 0 ];
95 }
97sub _one
98 {
99 # create a one
100 return [ 1 ];
101 }
103sub _copy
104 {
574bacfe 105 return [ @{$_[1]} ];
0716bf9b 106 }
109# convert back to string and number
111sub _str
112 {
113 # (ref to BINT) return num_str
114 # Convert number from internal base 100000 format to string format.
115 # internal format is always normalized (no leading zeros, "-0" => "+0")
574bacfe 116 my $ar = $_[1];
0716bf9b 117 my $ret = "";
118 my $l = scalar @$ar; # number of parts
119 return $nan if $l < 1; # should not happen
120 # handle first one different to strip leading zeros from it (there are no
121 # leading zero parts in internal representation)
122 $l --; $ret .= $ar->[$l]; $l--;
123 # Interestingly, the pre-padd method uses more time
574bacfe 124 # the old grep variant takes longer (14 to 10 sec)
125 my $z = '0' x ($BASE_LEN-1);
0716bf9b 126 while ($l >= 0)
127 {
574bacfe 128 $ret .= substr($z.$ar->[$l],-$BASE_LEN); # fastest way I could think of
0716bf9b 129 $l--;
130 }
131 return \$ret;
132 }
134sub _num
135 {
136 # Make a number (scalar int/float) from a BigInt object
574bacfe 137 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 138 return $x->[0] if scalar @$x == 1; # below $BASE
139 my $fac = 1;
140 my $num = 0;
141 foreach (@$x)
142 {
143 $num += $fac*$_; $fac *= $BASE;
144 }
145 return $num;
146 }
149# actual math code
151sub _add
152 {
153 # (ref to int_num_array, ref to int_num_array)
574bacfe 154 # routine to add two base 1eX numbers
0716bf9b 155 # stolen from Knuth Vol 2 Algorithm A pg 231
b22b3e31 156 # there are separate routines to add and sub as per Knuth pg 233
0716bf9b 157 # This routine clobbers up array x, but not y.
574bacfe 159 my ($c,$x,$y) = @_;
0716bf9b 160
161 # for each in Y, add Y to X and carry. If after that, something is left in
162 # X, foreach in X add carry to X and then return X, carry
163 # Trades one "$j++" for having to shift arrays, $j could be made integer
b22b3e31 164 # but this would impose a limit to number-length of 2**32.
0716bf9b 165 my $i; my $car = 0; my $j = 0;
166 for $i (@$y)
167 {
168 $x->[$j] -= $BASE
169 if $car = (($x->[$j] += $i + $car) >= $BASE) ? 1 : 0;
170 $j++;
171 }
172 while ($car != 0)
173 {
174 $x->[$j] -= $BASE if $car = (($x->[$j] += $car) >= $BASE) ? 1 : 0; $j++;
175 }
176 return $x;
177 }
179sub _sub
180 {
181 # (ref to int_num_array, ref to int_num_array)
574bacfe 182 # subtract base 1eX numbers -- stolen from Knuth Vol 2 pg 232, $x > $y
b22b3e31 183 # subtract Y from X (X is always greater/equal!) by modifying x in place
574bacfe 184 my ($c,$sx,$sy,$s) = @_;
0716bf9b 185
186 my $car = 0; my $i; my $j = 0;
187 if (!$s)
188 {
189 #print "case 2\n";
190 for $i (@$sx)
191 {
192 last unless defined $sy->[$j] || $car;
193 #print "x: $i y: $sy->[$j] c: $car\n";
194 $i += $BASE if $car = (($i -= ($sy->[$j] || 0) + $car) < 0); $j++;
195 #print "x: $i y: $sy->[$j-1] c: $car\n";
196 }
197 # might leave leading zeros, so fix that
198 __strip_zeros($sx);
199 return $sx;
200 }
201 else
202 {
203 #print "case 1 (swap)\n";
204 for $i (@$sx)
205 {
206 last unless defined $sy->[$j] || $car;
207 #print "$sy->[$j] $i $car => $sx->[$j]\n";
208 $sy->[$j] += $BASE
209 if $car = (($sy->[$j] = $i-($sy->[$j]||0) - $car) < 0);
210 #print "$sy->[$j] $i $car => $sy->[$j]\n";
211 $j++;
212 }
213 # might leave leading zeros, so fix that
214 __strip_zeros($sy);
215 return $sy;
216 }
217 }
219sub _mul
220 {
221 # (BINT, BINT) return nothing
222 # multiply two numbers in internal representation
b22b3e31 223 # modifies first arg, second need not be different from first
574bacfe 224 my ($c,$xv,$yv) = @_;
0716bf9b 225
226 my @prod = (); my ($prod,$car,$cty,$xi,$yi);
227 # since multiplying $x with $x fails, make copy in this case
574bacfe 228 $yv = [@$xv] if "$xv" eq "$yv"; # same references?
0716bf9b 229 for $xi (@$xv)
230 {
231 $car = 0; $cty = 0;
574bacfe 232
233 # slow variant
234# for $yi (@$yv)
235# {
236# $prod = $xi * $yi + ($prod[$cty] || 0) + $car;
237# $prod[$cty++] =
238# $prod - ($car = int($prod * RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
239# }
240# $prod[$cty] += $car if $car; # need really to check for 0?
241# $xi = shift @prod;
243 # faster variant
244 # looping through this if $xi == 0 is silly - so optimize it away!
245 $xi = (shift @prod || 0), next if $xi == 0;
0716bf9b 246 for $yi (@$yv)
247 {
248 $prod = $xi * $yi + ($prod[$cty] || 0) + $car;
574bacfe 249## this is actually a tad slower
250## $prod = $prod[$cty]; $prod += ($car + $xi * $yi); # no ||0 here
0716bf9b 251 $prod[$cty++] =
574bacfe 252 $prod - ($car = int($prod * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
0716bf9b 253 }
254 $prod[$cty] += $car if $car; # need really to check for 0?
255 $xi = shift @prod;
256 }
0716bf9b 257 push @$xv, @prod;
258 __strip_zeros($xv);
259 # normalize (handled last to save check for $y->is_zero()
260 return $xv;
261 }
263sub _div
264 {
b22b3e31 265 # ref to array, ref to array, modify first array and return remainder if
0716bf9b 266 # in list context
b22b3e31 267 # no longer handles sign
574bacfe 268 my ($c,$x,$yorg) = @_;
0716bf9b 269 my ($car,$bar,$prd,$dd,$xi,$yi,@q,$v2,$v1);
271 my (@d,$tmp,$q,$u2,$u1,$u0);
273 $car = $bar = $prd = 0;
275 my $y = [ @$yorg ];
276 if (($dd = int($BASE/($y->[-1]+1))) != 1)
277 {
278 for $xi (@$x)
279 {
280 $xi = $xi * $dd + $car;
281 $xi -= ($car = int($xi * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
282 }
283 push(@$x, $car); $car = 0;
284 for $yi (@$y)
285 {
286 $yi = $yi * $dd + $car;
287 $yi -= ($car = int($yi * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
288 }
289 }
290 else
291 {
292 push(@$x, 0);
293 }
294 @q = (); ($v2,$v1) = @$y[-2,-1];
295 $v2 = 0 unless $v2;
296 while ($#$x > $#$y)
297 {
298 ($u2,$u1,$u0) = @$x[-3..-1];
299 $u2 = 0 unless $u2;
300 #warn "oups v1 is 0, u0: $u0 $y->[-2] $y->[-1] l ",scalar @$y,"\n"
301 # if $v1 == 0;
302 $q = (($u0 == $v1) ? 99999 : int(($u0*$BASE+$u1)/$v1));
574bacfe 303 --$q while ($v2*$q > ($u0*$BASE+$u1-$q*$v1)*$BASE+$u2);
0716bf9b 304 if ($q)
305 {
306 ($car, $bar) = (0,0);
307 for ($yi = 0, $xi = $#$x-$#$y-1; $yi <= $#$y; ++$yi,++$xi)
308 {
309 $prd = $q * $y->[$yi] + $car;
310 $prd -= ($car = int($prd * $RBASE)) * $BASE; # see USE_MUL
574bacfe 311 $x->[$xi] += $BASE if ($bar = (($x->[$xi] -= $prd + $bar) < 0));
0716bf9b 312 }
313 if ($x->[-1] < $car + $bar)
314 {
315 $car = 0; --$q;
316 for ($yi = 0, $xi = $#$x-$#$y-1; $yi <= $#$y; ++$yi,++$xi)
317 {
574bacfe 318 $x->[$xi] -= $BASE
0716bf9b 319 if ($car = (($x->[$xi] += $y->[$yi] + $car) > $BASE));
320 }
321 }
322 }
323 pop(@$x); unshift(@q, $q);
324 }
325 if (wantarray)
326 {
327 @d = ();
328 if ($dd != 1)
329 {
330 $car = 0;
331 for $xi (reverse @$x)
332 {
333 $prd = $car * $BASE + $xi;
334 $car = $prd - ($tmp = int($prd / $dd)) * $dd; # see USE_MUL
335 unshift(@d, $tmp);
336 }
337 }
338 else
339 {
340 @d = @$x;
341 }
342 @$x = @q;
343 __strip_zeros($x);
344 __strip_zeros(\@d);
345 return ($x,\@d);
346 }
347 @$x = @q;
348 __strip_zeros($x);
349 return $x;
350 }
574bacfe 353# shifts
355sub _rsft
356 {
357 my ($c,$x,$y,$n) = @_;
359 if ($n != 10)
360 {
361 return; # we cant do this here, due to now _pow, so signal failure
362 }
363 else
364 {
365 # shortcut (faster) for shifting by 10)
366 # multiples of $BASE_LEN
367 my $dst = 0; # destination
368 my $src = _num($c,$y); # as normal int
369 my $rem = $src % $BASE_LEN; # reminder to shift
370 $src = int($src / $BASE_LEN); # source
371 if ($rem == 0)
372 {
373 splice (@$x,0,$src); # even faster, 38.4 => 39.3
374 }
375 else
376 {
377 my $len = scalar @$x - $src; # elems to go
378 my $vd; my $z = '0'x $BASE_LEN;
379 $x->[scalar @$x] = 0; # avoid || 0 test inside loop
380 while ($dst < $len)
381 {
382 $vd = $z.$x->[$src];
383 #print "$dst $src '$vd' ";
384 $vd = substr($vd,-$BASE_LEN,$BASE_LEN-$rem);
385 #print "'$vd' ";
386 $src++;
387 $vd = substr($z.$x->[$src],-$rem,$rem) . $vd;
388 #print "'$vd1' ";
389 #print "'$vd'\n";
390 $vd = substr($vd,-$BASE_LEN,$BASE_LEN) if length($vd) > $BASE_LEN;
391 $x->[$dst] = int($vd);
392 $dst++;
393 }
394 splice (@$x,$dst) if $dst > 0; # kill left-over array elems
395 pop @$x if $x->[-1] == 0; # kill last element if 0
396 } # else rem == 0
397 }
398 $x;
399 }
401sub _lsft
402 {
403 my ($c,$x,$y,$n) = @_;
405 if ($n != 10)
406 {
407 return; # we cant do this here, due to now _pow, so signal failure
408 }
409 else
410 {
411 # shortcut (faster) for shifting by 10) since we are in base 10eX
412 # multiples of $BASE_LEN:
413 my $src = scalar @$x; # source
414 my $len = _num($c,$y); # shift-len as normal int
415 my $rem = $len % $BASE_LEN; # reminder to shift
416 my $dst = $src + int($len/$BASE_LEN); # destination
417 my $vd; # further speedup
418 #print "src $src:",$x->[$src]||0," dst $dst:",$v->[$dst]||0," rem $rem\n";
419 $x->[$src] = 0; # avoid first ||0 for speed
420 my $z = '0' x $BASE_LEN;
421 while ($src >= 0)
422 {
423 $vd = $x->[$src]; $vd = $z.$vd;
424 #print "s $src d $dst '$vd' ";
425 $vd = substr($vd,-$BASE_LEN+$rem,$BASE_LEN-$rem);
426 #print "'$vd' ";
427 $vd .= $src > 0 ? substr($z.$x->[$src-1],-$BASE_LEN,$rem) : '0' x $rem;
428 #print "'$vd' ";
429 $vd = substr($vd,-$BASE_LEN,$BASE_LEN) if length($vd) > $BASE_LEN;
430 #print "'$vd'\n";
431 $x->[$dst] = int($vd);
432 $dst--; $src--;
433 }
434 # set lowest parts to 0
435 while ($dst >= 0) { $x->[$dst--] = 0; }
436 # fix spurios last zero element
437 splice @$x,-1 if $x->[-1] == 0;
438 #print "elems: "; my $i = 0;
439 #foreach (reverse @$v) { print "$i $_ "; $i++; } print "\n";
440 }
441 $x;
442 }
0716bf9b 445# testing
447sub _acmp
448 {
449 # internal absolute post-normalized compare (ignore signs)
450 # ref to array, ref to array, return <0, 0, >0
b22b3e31 451 # arrays must have at least one entry; this is not checked for
0716bf9b 452
574bacfe 453 my ($c,$cx, $cy) = @_;
0716bf9b 454
455 #print "$cx $cy\n";
456 my ($i,$a,$x,$y,$k);
457 # calculate length based on digits, not parts
574bacfe 458 $x = _len('',$cx); $y = _len('',$cy);
0716bf9b 459 # print "length: ",($x-$y),"\n";
574bacfe 460 my $lxy = $x - $y; # if different in length
461 return -1 if $lxy < 0;
462 return 1 if $lxy > 0;
0716bf9b 463 #print "full compare\n";
464 $i = 0; $a = 0;
465 # first way takes 5.49 sec instead of 4.87, but has the early out advantage
b22b3e31 466 # so grep is slightly faster, but more inflexible. hm. $_ instead of $k
0716bf9b 467 # yields 5.6 instead of 5.5 sec huh?
468 # manual way (abort if unequal, good for early ne)
469 my $j = scalar @$cx - 1;
470 while ($j >= 0)
471 {
472 # print "$cx->[$j] $cy->[$j] $a",$cx->[$j]-$cy->[$j],"\n";
473 last if ($a = $cx->[$j] - $cy->[$j]); $j--;
474 }
574bacfe 475 return 1 if $a > 0;
476 return -1 if $a < 0;
477 return 0; # equal
0716bf9b 478 # while it early aborts, it is even slower than the manual variant
479 #grep { return $a if ($a = $_ - $cy->[$i++]); } @$cx;
480 # grep way, go trough all (bad for early ne)
481 #grep { $a = $_ - $cy->[$i++]; } @$cx;
482 #return $a;
483 }
485sub _len
486 {
487 # computer number of digits in bigint, minus the sign
b22b3e31 488 # int() because add/sub sometimes leaves strings (like '00005') instead of
0716bf9b 489 # int ('5') in this place, causing length to fail
574bacfe 490 my $cx = $_[1];
0716bf9b 491
574bacfe 492 return (@$cx-1)*$BASE_LEN+length(int($cx->[-1]));
0716bf9b 493 }
495sub _digit
496 {
497 # return the nth digit, negative values count backward
498 # zero is rightmost, so _digit(123,0) will give 3
574bacfe 499 my ($c,$x,$n) = @_;
0716bf9b 500
574bacfe 501 my $len = _len('',$x);
0716bf9b 502
503 $n = $len+$n if $n < 0; # -1 last, -2 second-to-last
504 $n = abs($n); # if negative was too big
505 $len--; $n = $len if $n > $len; # n to big?
574bacfe 507 my $elem = int($n / $BASE_LEN); # which array element
508 my $digit = $n % $BASE_LEN; # which digit in this element
0716bf9b 509 $elem = '0000'.@$x[$elem]; # get element padded with 0's
510 return substr($elem,-$digit-1,1);
511 }
513sub _zeros
514 {
515 # return amount of trailing zeros in decimal
516 # check each array elem in _m for having 0 at end as long as elem == 0
517 # Upon finding a elem != 0, stop
574bacfe 518 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 519 my $zeros = 0; my $elem;
520 foreach my $e (@$x)
521 {
522 if ($e != 0)
523 {
574bacfe 524 $elem = "$e"; # preserve x
525 $elem =~ s/.*?(0*$)/$1/; # strip anything not zero
526 $zeros *= $BASE_LEN; # elems * 5
527 $zeros += CORE::length($elem); # count trailing zeros
528 last; # early out
0716bf9b 529 }
574bacfe 530 $zeros ++; # real else branch: 50% slower!
0716bf9b 531 }
532 return $zeros;
533 }
536# _is_* routines
538sub _is_zero
539 {
540 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is zero (array '+', '0')
574bacfe 541 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 542 return (((scalar @$x == 1) && ($x->[0] == 0))) <=> 0;
543 }
545sub _is_even
546 {
547 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is even
574bacfe 548 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 549 return (!($x->[0] & 1)) <=> 0;
550 }
552sub _is_odd
553 {
554 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is even
574bacfe 555 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 556 return (($x->[0] & 1)) <=> 0;
557 }
559sub _is_one
560 {
561 # return true if arg (BINT or num_str) is one (array '+', '1')
574bacfe 562 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 563 return (scalar @$x == 1) && ($x->[0] == 1) <=> 0;
564 }
566sub __strip_zeros
567 {
568 # internal normalization function that strips leading zeros from the array
569 # args: ref to array
0716bf9b 570 my $s = shift;
572 my $cnt = scalar @$s; # get count of parts
573 my $i = $cnt-1;
574 #print "strip: cnt $cnt i $i\n";
575 # '0', '3', '4', '0', '0',
576 # 0 1 2 3 4
577 # cnt = 5, i = 4
578 # i = 4
579 # i = 3
580 # => fcnt = cnt - i (5-2 => 3, cnt => 5-1 = 4, throw away from 4th pos)
581 # >= 1: skip first part (this can be zero)
582 while ($i > 0) { last if $s->[$i] != 0; $i--; }
583 $i++; splice @$s,$i if ($i < $cnt); # $i cant be 0
584 return $s;
585 }
588# check routine to test internal state of corruptions
590sub _check
591 {
592 # no checks yet, pull it out from the test suite
574bacfe 593 my $x = $_[1];
0716bf9b 594
0716bf9b 595 return "$x is not a reference" if !ref($x);
597 # are all parts are valid?
598 my $i = 0; my $j = scalar @$x; my ($e,$try);
599 while ($i < $j)
600 {
601 $e = $x->[$i]; $e = 'undef' unless defined $e;
602 $try = '=~ /^[\+]?[0-9]+\$/; '."($x, $e)";
603 last if $e !~ /^[+]?[0-9]+$/;
604 $try = ' < 0 || >= $BASE; '."($x, $e)";
605 last if $e <0 || $e >= $BASE;
606 # this test is disabled, since new/bnorm and certain ops (like early out
607 # in add/sub) are allowed/expected to leave '00000' in some elements
608 #$try = '=~ /^00+/; '."($x, $e)";
609 #last if $e =~ /^00+/;
610 $i++;
611 }
612 return "Illegal part '$e' at pos $i (tested: $try)" if $i < $j;
613 return 0;
614 }
619=head1 NAME
621Math::BigInt::Calc - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
623=head1 SYNOPSIS
625Provides support for big integer calculations. Not intended
626to be used by other modules. Other modules which export the
627same functions can also be used to support Math::Bigint
631In order to allow for multiple big integer libraries, Math::BigInt
632was rewritten to use library modules for core math routines. Any
633module which follows the same API as this can be used instead by
634using the following call:
574bacfe 636 use Math::BigInt lib => BigNum;
0716bf9b 637
638=head1 EXPORT
640The following functions MUST be exported in order to support
641the use by Math::BigInt:
643 _new(string) return ref to new object from ref to decimal string
644 _zero() return a new object with value 0
645 _one() return a new object with value 1
647 _str(obj) return ref to a string representing the object
648 _num(obj) returns a Perl integer/floating point number
649 NOTE: because of Perl numeric notation defaults,
650 the _num'ified obj may lose accuracy due to
651 machine-dependend floating point size limitations
653 _add(obj,obj) Simple addition of two objects
654 _mul(obj,obj) Multiplication of two objects
655 _div(obj,obj) Division of the 1st object by the 2nd
b22b3e31 656 In list context, returns (result,remainder).
657 NOTE: this is integer math, so no
658 fractional part will be returned.
659 _sub(obj,obj) Simple subtraction of 1 object from another
0716bf9b 660 a third, optional parameter indicates that the params
661 are swapped. In this case, the first param needs to
662 be preserved, while you can destroy the second.
663 sub (x,y,1) => return x - y and keep x intact!
665 _acmp(obj,obj) <=> operator for objects (return -1, 0 or 1)
667 _len(obj) returns count of the decimal digits of the object
668 _digit(obj,n) returns the n'th decimal digit of object
670 _is_one(obj) return true if argument is +1
671 _is_zero(obj) return true if argument is 0
672 _is_even(obj) return true if argument is even (0,2,4,6..)
673 _is_odd(obj) return true if argument is odd (1,3,5,7..)
675 _copy return a ref to a true copy of the object
677 _check(obj) check whether internal representation is still intact
678 return 0 for ok, otherwise error message as string
680The following functions are optional, and can be exported if the underlying lib
681has a fast way to do them. If not defined, Math::BigInt will use a pure, but
b22b3e31 682slow, Perl function as fallback to emulate these:
0716bf9b 683
684 _from_hex(str) return ref to new object from ref to hexadecimal string
685 _from_bin(str) return ref to new object from ref to binary string
687 _rsft(obj,N,B) shift object in base B by N 'digits' right
688 _lsft(obj,N,B) shift object in base B by N 'digits' left
690 _xor(obj1,obj2) XOR (bit-wise) object 1 with object 2
691 Mote: XOR, AND and OR pad with zeros if size mismatches
692 _and(obj1,obj2) AND (bit-wise) object 1 with object 2
693 _or(obj1,obj2) OR (bit-wise) object 1 with object 2
695 _sqrt(obj) return the square root of object
696 _pow(obj,obj) return object 1 to the power of object 2
697 _gcd(obj,obj) return Greatest Common Divisor of two objects
b22b3e31 699 _zeros(obj) return number of trailing decimal zeros
0716bf9b 700
701 _dec(obj) decrement object by one (input is >= 1)
702 _inc(obj) increment object by one
b22b3e31 704Input strings come in as unsigned but with prefix (i.e. as '123', '0xabc'
0716bf9b 705or '0b1101').
b22b3e31 707Testing of input parameter validity is done by the caller, so you need not
574bacfe 708worry about underflow (f.i. in C<_sub()>, C<_dec()>) nor about division by
709zero or similar cases.
711The first parameter can be modified, that includes the possibility that you
712return a reference to a completely different object instead. Although keeping
713the reference the same is prefered.
715Return values are always references to objects or strings. Exceptions are
716C<_lsft()> and C<_rsft()>, which return undef if they can not shift the
717argument. This is used to delegate shifting of bases different than 10 back
718to BigInt, which will use some generic code to calculate the result.
720=head1 WRAP YOUR OWN
722If you want to port your own favourite c-lib for big numbers to the
723Math::BigInt interface, you can take any of the already existing modules as
724a rough guideline. You should really wrap up the latest BigInt and BigFloat
725testsuites with your module, and replace the following line:
727 use Math::BigInt;
731 use Math::BigInt lib => 'yourlib';
733This way you ensure that your library really works 100% within Math::BigInt.
0716bf9b 734
735=head1 LICENSE
737This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
738the same terms as Perl itself.
740=head1 AUTHORS
742Original math code by Mark Biggar, rewritten by Tels L<http://bloodgate.com/>
743in late 2000, 2001.
744Seperated from BigInt and shaped API with the help of John Peacock.
746=head1 SEE ALSO
574bacfe 748L<Math::BigInt>, L<Math::BigFloat>, L<Math::BigInt::BitVect> and
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