In Perl_vms_start_glob, when we don't have any matches and thus
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / File /
1fc4cb55 1package File::Path;
fed7345c 2
cac619e8 3use 5.005_04;
4use strict;
6use Cwd 'getcwd';
7use File::Basename ();
8use File::Spec ();
11 if ($] < 5.006) {
12 # can't say 'opendir my $dh, $dirname'
13 # need to initialise $dh
14 eval "use Symbol";
15 }
18use Exporter ();
19use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
351a5cfe 20$VERSION = '2.04';
cac619e8 21@ISA = qw(Exporter);
22@EXPORT = qw(mkpath rmtree);
24my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
25my $Is_MacOS = $^O eq 'MacOS';
27# These OSes complain if you want to remove a file that you have no
28# write permission to:
351a5cfe 29my $Force_Writeable = grep {$^O eq $_} qw(amigaos dos epoc MSWin32 MacOS os2);
cac619e8 30
31sub _carp {
32 require Carp;
33 goto &Carp::carp;
36sub _croak {
37 require Carp;
38 goto &Carp::croak;
41sub _error {
42 my $arg = shift;
43 my $message = shift;
44 my $object = shift;
46 if ($arg->{error}) {
47 $object = '' unless defined $object;
48 push @{${$arg->{error}}}, {$object => "$message: $!"};
49 }
50 else {
51 _carp(defined($object) ? "$message for $object: $!" : "$message: $!");
52 }
55sub mkpath {
56 my $old_style = (
57 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'ARRAY')
58 or (@_ == 2 and (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1))
59 or (@_ == 3
60 and (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1)
61 and (defined $_[2] ? $_[2] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1)
62 )
63 ) ? 1 : 0;
65 my $arg;
66 my $paths;
68 if ($old_style) {
69 my ($verbose, $mode);
70 ($paths, $verbose, $mode) = @_;
71 $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa($paths,'ARRAY');
72 $arg->{verbose} = defined $verbose ? $verbose : 0;
73 $arg->{mode} = defined $mode ? $mode : 0777;
74 }
75 else {
76 if (@_ > 0 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1], 'HASH')) {
77 $arg = pop @_;
78 exists $arg->{mask} and $arg->{mode} = delete $arg->{mask};
79 $arg->{mode} = 0777 unless exists $arg->{mode};
80 ${$arg->{error}} = [] if exists $arg->{error};
81 }
82 else {
83 @{$arg}{qw(verbose mode)} = (0, 0777);
84 }
85 $paths = [@_];
86 }
87 return _mkpath($arg, $paths);
90sub _mkpath {
91 my $arg = shift;
92 my $paths = shift;
94 local($")=$Is_MacOS ? ":" : "/";
95 my(@created,$path);
96 foreach $path (@$paths) {
97 next unless length($path);
98 $path .= '/' if $^O eq 'os2' and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT
99 # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow.
100 if ($Is_VMS) {
101 next if $path eq '/';
102 $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path);
103 }
104 next if -d $path;
105 my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path);
106 unless (-d $parent or $path eq $parent) {
107 push(@created,_mkpath($arg, [$parent]));
108 }
109 print "mkdir $path\n" if $arg->{verbose};
110 if (mkdir($path,$arg->{mode})) {
111 push(@created, $path);
112 }
113 else {
114 my $save_bang = $!;
115 my ($e, $e1) = ($save_bang, $^E);
116 $e .= "; $e1" if $e ne $e1;
117 # allow for another process to have created it meanwhile
118 if (!-d $path) {
119 $! = $save_bang;
120 if ($arg->{error}) {
121 push @{${$arg->{error}}}, {$path => $e};
122 }
123 else {
124 _croak("mkdir $path: $e");
125 }
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 return @created;
132sub rmtree {
133 my $old_style = (
134 UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'ARRAY')
135 or (@_ == 2 and (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1))
136 or (@_ == 3
137 and (defined $_[1] ? $_[1] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1)
138 and (defined $_[2] ? $_[2] =~ /\A\d+\z/ : 1)
139 )
140 ) ? 1 : 0;
142 my $arg;
143 my $paths;
145 if ($old_style) {
146 my ($verbose, $safe);
147 ($paths, $verbose, $safe) = @_;
148 $arg->{verbose} = defined $verbose ? $verbose : 0;
149 $arg->{safe} = defined $safe ? $safe : 0;
151 if (defined($paths) and length($paths)) {
152 $paths = [$paths] unless UNIVERSAL::isa($paths,'ARRAY');
153 }
154 else {
155 _carp ("No root path(s) specified\n");
156 return 0;
157 }
158 }
159 else {
160 if (@_ > 0 and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[-1],'HASH')) {
161 $arg = pop @_;
162 ${$arg->{error}} = [] if exists $arg->{error};
163 ${$arg->{result}} = [] if exists $arg->{result};
164 }
165 else {
166 @{$arg}{qw(verbose safe)} = (0, 0);
167 }
168 $paths = [@_];
169 }
171 $arg->{prefix} = '';
172 $arg->{depth} = 0;
174 $arg->{cwd} = getcwd() or do {
175 _error($arg, "cannot fetch initial working directory");
176 return 0;
177 };
178 for ($arg->{cwd}) { /\A(.*)\Z/; $_ = $1 } # untaint
180 @{$arg}{qw(device inode)} = (stat $arg->{cwd})[0,1] or do {
181 _error($arg, "cannot stat initial working directory", $arg->{cwd});
182 return 0;
183 };
185 return _rmtree($arg, $paths);
188sub _rmtree {
189 my $arg = shift;
190 my $paths = shift;
192 my $count = 0;
193 my $curdir = File::Spec->curdir();
194 my $updir = File::Spec->updir();
196 my (@files, $root);
198 foreach $root (@$paths) {
199 if ($Is_MacOS) {
200 $root = ":$root" unless $root =~ /:/;
201 $root .= ":" unless $root =~ /:\z/;
202 }
203 else {
204 $root =~ s{/\z}{};
205 }
207 # since we chdir into each directory, it may not be obvious
208 # to figure out where we are if we generate a message about
209 # a file name. We therefore construct a semi-canonical
210 # filename, anchored from the directory being unlinked (as
211 # opposed to being truly canonical, anchored from the root (/).
213 my $canon = $arg->{prefix}
214 ? File::Spec->catfile($arg->{prefix}, $root)
215 : $root
216 ;
218 my ($ldev, $lino, $perm) = (lstat $root)[0,1,2] or next ROOT_DIR;
220 if ( -d _ ) {
221 $root = VMS::Filespec::pathify($root) if $Is_VMS;
222 if (!chdir($root)) {
223 # see if we can escalate privileges to get in
224 # (e.g. funny protection mask such as -w- instead of rwx)
225 $perm &= 07777;
226 my $nperm = $perm | 0700;
227 if (!($arg->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or chmod($nperm, $root))) {
228 _error($arg, "cannot make child directory read-write-exec", $canon);
229 next ROOT_DIR;
230 }
231 elsif (!chdir($root)) {
232 _error($arg, "cannot chdir to child", $canon);
233 next ROOT_DIR;
234 }
235 }
237 my ($device, $inode, $perm) = (stat $curdir)[0,1,2] or do {
238 _error($arg, "cannot stat current working directory", $canon);
239 next ROOT_DIR;
240 };
242 ($ldev eq $device and $lino eq $inode)
243 or _croak("directory $canon changed before chdir, expected dev=$ldev inode=$lino, actual dev=$device ino=$inode, aborting.");
245 $perm &= 07777; # don't forget setuid, setgid, sticky bits
246 my $nperm = $perm | 0700;
248 # notabene: 0700 is for making readable in the first place,
249 # it's also intended to change it to writable in case we have
250 # to recurse in which case we are better than rm -rf for
251 # subtrees with strange permissions
253 if (!($arg->{safe} or $nperm == $perm or chmod($nperm, $curdir))) {
254 _error($arg, "cannot make directory read+writeable", $canon);
255 $nperm = $perm;
256 }
258 my $d;
259 $d = gensym() if $] < 5.006;
260 if (!opendir $d, $curdir) {
261 _error($arg, "cannot opendir", $canon);
262 @files = ();
263 }
264 else {
265 no strict 'refs';
266 if (!defined ${"\cTAINT"} or ${"\cTAINT"}) {
267 # Blindly untaint dir names if taint mode is
268 # active, or any perl < 5.006
269 @files = map { /\A(.*)\z/s; $1 } readdir $d;
270 }
271 else {
272 @files = readdir $d;
273 }
274 closedir $d;
275 }
277 if ($Is_VMS) {
278 # Deleting large numbers of files from VMS Files-11
279 # filesystems is faster if done in reverse ASCIIbetical order.
280 # include '.' to '.;' from blead patch #31775
281 @files = map {$_ eq '.' ? '.;' : $_} reverse @files;
282 ($root = VMS::Filespec::unixify($root)) =~ s/\.dir\z//;
283 }
284 @files = grep {$_ ne $updir and $_ ne $curdir} @files;
286 if (@files) {
287 # remove the contained files before the directory itself
288 my $narg = {%$arg};
289 @{$narg}{qw(device inode cwd prefix depth)}
290 = ($device, $inode, $updir, $canon, $arg->{depth}+1);
291 $count += _rmtree($narg, \@files);
292 }
294 # restore directory permissions of required now (in case the rmdir
295 # below fails), while we are still in the directory and may do so
296 # without a race via '.'
297 if ($nperm != $perm and not chmod($perm, $curdir)) {
298 _error($arg, "cannot reset chmod", $canon);
299 }
301 # don't leave the client code in an unexpected directory
302 chdir($arg->{cwd})
303 or _croak("cannot chdir to $arg->{cwd} from $canon: $!, aborting.");
305 # ensure that a chdir upwards didn't take us somewhere other
306 # than we expected (see CVE-2002-0435)
307 ($device, $inode) = (stat $curdir)[0,1]
308 or _croak("cannot stat prior working directory $arg->{cwd}: $!, aborting.");
310 ($arg->{device} eq $device and $arg->{inode} eq $inode)
311 or _croak("previous directory $arg->{cwd} changed before entering $canon, expected dev=$ldev inode=$lino, actual dev=$device ino=$inode, aborting.");
313 if ($arg->{depth} or !$arg->{keep_root}) {
314 if ($arg->{safe} &&
315 ($Is_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !-w $root)) {
316 print "skipped $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
317 next ROOT_DIR;
318 }
319 if (!chmod $perm | 0700, $root) {
320 if ($Force_Writeable) {
321 _error($arg, "cannot make directory writeable", $canon);
322 }
323 }
324 print "rmdir $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
325 if (rmdir $root) {
326 push @{${$arg->{result}}}, $root if $arg->{result};
327 ++$count;
328 }
329 else {
330 _error($arg, "cannot remove directory", $canon);
331 if (!chmod($perm, ($Is_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root))
332 ) {
333 _error($arg, sprintf("cannot restore permissions to 0%o",$perm), $canon);
334 }
335 }
336 }
337 }
338 else {
339 # not a directory
cac619e8 340 $root = VMS::Filespec::vmsify("./$root")
8b0a9f85 341 if $Is_VMS
342 && !File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($root)
343 && ($root !~ m/(?<!\^)[\]>]+/); # not already in VMS syntax
cac619e8 344
345 if ($arg->{safe} &&
346 ($Is_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root)
347 : !(-l $root || -w $root)))
348 {
349 print "skipped $root\n" if $arg->{verbose};
350 next ROOT_DIR;
351 }
353 my $nperm = $perm & 07777 | 0600;
354 if ($nperm != $perm and not chmod $nperm, $root) {
355 if ($Force_Writeable) {
356 _error($arg, "cannot make file writeable", $canon);
357 }
358 }
359 print "unlink $canon\n" if $arg->{verbose};
360 # delete all versions under VMS
361 for (;;) {
362 if (unlink $root) {
363 push @{${$arg->{result}}}, $root if $arg->{result};
364 }
365 else {
366 _error($arg, "cannot unlink file", $canon);
367 $Force_Writeable and chmod($perm, $root) or
368 _error($arg, sprintf("cannot restore permissions to 0%o",$perm), $canon);
369 last;
370 }
371 ++$count;
372 last unless $Is_VMS && lstat $root;
373 }
374 }
375 }
377 return $count;
fed7345c 383=head1 NAME
12c2e016 385File::Path - Create or remove directory trees
387=head1 VERSION
351a5cfe 389This document describes version 2.04 of File::Path, released
fed7345c 391
392=head1 SYNOPSIS
8b87c192 394 use File::Path;
fed7345c 395
12c2e016 396 # modern
397 mkpath( 'foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang', {verbose => 1} );
399 rmtree(
400 'foo/bar/baz', '/zug/zwang',
91c4f65e 401 { verbose => 1, error => \my $err_list }
12c2e016 402 );
404 # traditional
8b87c192 405 mkpath(['/foo/bar/baz', 'blurfl/quux'], 1, 0711);
406 rmtree(['foo/bar/baz', 'blurfl/quux'], 1, 1);
fed7345c 407
0b3d36bd 410The C<mkpath> function provides a convenient way to create directories
411of arbitrary depth. Similarly, the C<rmtree> function provides a
412convenient way to delete an entire directory subtree from the
413filesystem, much like the Unix command C<rm -r>.
12c2e016 414
415Both functions may be called in one of two ways, the traditional,
416compatible with code written since the dawn of time, and modern,
417that offers a more flexible and readable idiom. New code should use
418the modern interface.
420=head2 FUNCTIONS
0b3d36bd 422The modern way of calling C<mkpath> and C<rmtree> is with a list
423of directories to create, or remove, respectively, followed by an
424optional hash reference containing keys to control the
425function's behaviour.
12c2e016 426
427=head3 C<mkpath>
0b3d36bd 429The following keys are recognised as parameters to C<mkpath>.
430The function returns the list of files actually created during the
12c2e016 432
433 my @created = mkpath(
434 qw(/tmp /flub /home/nobody),
435 {verbose => 1, mode => 0750},
436 );
437 print "created $_\n" for @created;
439=over 4
441=item mode
0b3d36bd 443The numeric permissions mode to apply to each created directory
444(defaults to 0777), to be modified by the current C<umask>. If the
445directory already exists (and thus does not need to be created),
446the permissions will not be modified.
448C<mask> is recognised as an alias for this parameter.
12c2e016 449
450=item verbose
452If present, will cause C<mkpath> to print the name of each directory
453as it is created. By default nothing is printed.
455=item error
457If present, will be interpreted as a reference to a list, and will
458be used to store any errors that are encountered. See the ERROR
0b3d36bd 459HANDLING section for more information.
12c2e016 460
0b3d36bd 461If this parameter is not used, certain error conditions may raise
462a fatal error that will cause the program will halt, unless trapped
463in an C<eval> block.
12c2e016 464
467=head3 C<rmtree>
469=over 4
471=item verbose
473If present, will cause C<rmtree> to print the name of each file as
474it is unlinked. By default nothing is printed.
5808899a 476=item safe
12c2e016 477
0b3d36bd 478When set to a true value, will cause C<rmtree> to skip the files
479for which the process lacks the required privileges needed to delete
5808899a 480files, such as delete privileges on VMS. In other words, the code
481will make no attempt to alter file permissions. Thus, if the process
482is interrupted, no filesystem object will be left in a more
483permissive mode.
12c2e016 484
485=item keep_root
0b3d36bd 487When set to a true value, will cause all files and subdirectories
488to be removed, except the initially specified directories. This comes
489in handy when cleaning out an application's scratch directory.
12c2e016 490
491 rmtree( '/tmp', {keep_root => 1} );
493=item result
495If present, will be interpreted as a reference to a list, and will
496be used to store the list of all files and directories unlinked
497during the call. If nothing is unlinked, a reference to an empty
498list is returned (rather than C<undef>).
500 rmtree( '/tmp', {result => \my $list} );
501 print "unlinked $_\n" for @$list;
0b3d36bd 503This is a useful alternative to the C<verbose> key.
12c2e016 505=item error
507If present, will be interpreted as a reference to a list,
508and will be used to store any errors that are encountered.
0b3d36bd 509See the ERROR HANDLING section for more information.
12c2e016 510
0b3d36bd 511Removing things is a much more dangerous proposition than
512creating things. As such, there are certain conditions that
513C<rmtree> may encounter that are so dangerous that the only
514sane action left is to kill the program.
516Use C<error> to trap all that is reasonable (problems with
517permissions and the like), and let it die if things get out
518of hand. This is the safest course of action.
12c2e016 519
0b3d36bd 524The old interfaces of C<mkpath> and C<rmtree> take a reference to
525a list of directories (to create or remove), followed by a series
526of positional, numeric, modal parameters that control their behaviour.
528This design made it difficult to add additional functionality, as
529well as posed the problem of what to do when the calling code only
530needs to set the last parameter. Even though the code doesn't care
531how the initial positional parameters are set, the programmer is
532forced to learn what the defaults are, and specify them.
12c2e016 533
0b3d36bd 534Worse, if it turns out in the future that it would make more sense
535to change the default behaviour of the first parameter (for example,
536to avoid a security vulnerability), all existing code will remain
537hard-wired to the wrong defaults.
12c2e016 538
0b3d36bd 539Finally, a series of numeric parameters are much less self-documenting
540in terms of communicating to the reader what the code is doing. Named
541parameters do not have this problem.
543In the traditional API, C<mkpath> takes three arguments:
fed7345c 544
545=over 4
547=item *
0b3d36bd 549The name of the path to create, or a reference to a list of paths
550to create,
fed7345c 551
552=item *
0b3d36bd 554a boolean value, which if TRUE will cause C<mkpath> to print the
555name of each directory as it is created (defaults to FALSE), and
fed7345c 556
557=item *
0b3d36bd 559the numeric mode to use when creating the directories (defaults to
5600777), to be modified by the current umask.
fed7345c 561
037c8c09 564It returns a list of all directories (including intermediates, determined
cc61921f 565using the Unix '/' separator) created. In scalar context it returns
566the number of directories created.
fed7345c 567
070ed461 568If a system error prevents a directory from being created, then the
99c4c5e8 569C<mkpath> function throws a fatal error with C<Carp::croak>. This error
570can be trapped with an C<eval> block:
070ed461 571
572 eval { mkpath($dir) };
573 if ($@) {
574 print "Couldn't create $dir: $@";
575 }
0b3d36bd 577In the traditional API, C<rmtree> takes three arguments:
fed7345c 578
579=over 4
581=item *
0b3d36bd 583the root of the subtree to delete, or a reference to a list of
584roots. All of the files and directories below each root, as well
585as the roots themselves, will be deleted. If you want to keep
586the roots themselves, you must use the modern API.
fed7345c 587
588=item *
0b3d36bd 590a boolean value, which if TRUE will cause C<rmtree> to print a
591message each time it examines a file, giving the name of the file,
592and indicating whether it's using C<rmdir> or C<unlink> to remove
593it, or that it's skipping it. (defaults to FALSE)
fed7345c 594
595=item *
0b3d36bd 597a boolean value, which if TRUE will cause C<rmtree> to skip any
598files to which you do not have delete access (if running under VMS)
599or write access (if running under another OS). This will change
600in the future when a criterion for 'delete permission' under OSs
601other than VMS is settled. (defaults to FALSE)
fed7345c 602
cc61921f 605It returns the number of files, directories and symlinks successfully
606deleted. Symlinks are simply deleted and not followed.
fed7345c 607
12c2e016 608Note also that the occurrence of errors in C<rmtree> using the
609traditional interface can be determined I<only> by trapping diagnostic
610messages using C<$SIG{__WARN__}>; it is not apparent from the return
611value. (The modern interface may use the C<error> parameter to
0b3d36bd 612record any problems encountered).
12c2e016 613
616If C<mkpath> or C<rmtree> encounter an error, a diagnostic message
617will be printed to C<STDERR> via C<carp> (for non-fatal errors),
618or via C<croak> (for fatal errors).
620If this behaviour is not desirable, the C<error> attribute may be
621used to hold a reference to a variable, which will be used to store
622the diagnostics. The result is a reference to a list of hash
623references. For each hash reference, the key is the name of the
624file, and the value is the error message (usually the contents of
625C<$!>). An example usage looks like:
627 rmpath( 'foo/bar', 'bar/rat', {error => \my $err} );
628 for my $diag (@$err) {
629 my ($file, $message) = each %$diag;
630 print "problem unlinking $file: $message\n";
631 }
633If no errors are encountered, C<$err> will point to an empty list
634(thus there is no need to test for C<undef>). If a general error
635is encountered (for instance, C<rmtree> attempts to remove a directory
636tree that does not exist), the diagnostic key will be empty, only
637the value will be set:
639 rmpath( '/no/such/path', {error => \my $err} );
640 for my $diag (@$err) {
641 my ($file, $message) = each %$diag;
642 if ($file eq '') {
643 print "general error: $message\n";
644 }
645 }
647=head2 NOTES
0b3d36bd 649C<File::Path> blindly exports C<mkpath> and C<rmtree> into the
650current namespace. These days, this is considered bad style, but
651to change it now would break too much code. Nonetheless, you are
652invited to specify what it is you are expecting to use:
654 use File::Path 'rmtree';
12c2e016 656=head3 HEURISTICS
658The functions detect (as far as possible) which way they are being
659called and will act appropriately. It is important to remember that
660the heuristic for detecting the old style is either the presence
661of an array reference, or two or three parameters total and second
662and third parameters are numeric. Hence...
0b3d36bd 664 mkpath 486, 487, 488;
12c2e016 665
666... will not assume the modern style and create three directories, rather
667it will create one directory verbosely, setting the permission to
6680750 (488 being the decimal equivalent of octal 750). Here, old
669style trumps new. It must, for backwards compatibility reasons.
e2ba98a1 670
12c2e016 671If you want to ensure there is absolutely no ambiguity about which
672way the function will behave, make sure the first parameter is a
673reference to a one-element list, to force the old style interpretation:
e2ba98a1 674
0b3d36bd 675 mkpath [486], 487, 488;
12c2e016 676
677and get only one directory created. Or add a reference to an empty
678parameter hash, to force the new style:
0b3d36bd 680 mkpath 486, 487, 488, {};
12c2e016 681
682... and hence create the three directories. If the empty hash
683reference seems a little strange to your eyes, or you suspect a
684subsequent programmer might I<helpfully> optimise it away, you
685can add a parameter set to a default value:
0b3d36bd 687 mkpath 486, 487, 488, {verbose => 0};
12c2e016 688
12c2e016 690
0b3d36bd 691There were race conditions 1.x implementations of File::Path's
692C<rmtree> function (although sometimes patched depending on the OS
693distribution or platform). The 2.0 version contains code to avoid the
694problem mentioned in CVE-2002-0435.
12c2e016 695
0b3d36bd 696See the following pages for more information:
12c2e016 697
0b3d36bd 698
12c2e016 701
5808899a 702Additionally, unless the C<safe> parameter is set (or the
37b1cd44 703third parameter in the traditional interface is TRUE), should a
0b3d36bd 704C<rmtree> be interrupted, files that were originally in read-only
705mode may now have their permissions set to a read-write (or "delete
706OK") mode.
96e4d5b1 707
b8d5f521 708=head1 DIAGNOSTICS
0b3d36bd 710FATAL errors will cause the program to halt (C<croak>), since the
711problem is so severe that it would be dangerous to continue. (This
712can always be trapped with C<eval>, but it's not a good idea. Under
713the circumstances, dying is the best thing to do).
715SEVERE errors may be trapped using the modern interface. If the
716they are not trapped, or the old interface is used, such an error
717will cause the program will halt.
719All other errors may be trapped using the modern interface, otherwise
720they will be C<carp>ed about. Program execution will not be halted.
b8d5f521 722=over 4
37b1cd44 724=item mkdir [path]: [errmsg] (SEVERE)
0b3d36bd 725
726C<mkpath> was unable to create the path. Probably some sort of
727permissions error at the point of departure, or insufficient resources
728(such as free inodes on Unix).
730=item No root path(s) specified
732C<mkpath> was not given any paths to create. This message is only
733emitted if the routine is called with the traditional interface.
734The modern interface will remain silent if given nothing to do.
736=item No such file or directory
738On Windows, if C<mkpath> gives you this warning, it may mean that
739you have exceeded your filesystem's maximum path length.
741=item cannot fetch initial working directory: [errmsg]
743C<rmtree> attempted to determine the initial directory by calling
744C<Cwd::getcwd>, but the call failed for some reason. No attempt
745will be made to delete anything.
747=item cannot stat initial working directory: [errmsg]
749C<rmtree> attempted to stat the initial directory (after having
750successfully obtained its name via C<getcwd>), however, the call
751failed for some reason. No attempt will be made to delete anything.
753=item cannot chdir to [dir]: [errmsg]
755C<rmtree> attempted to set the working directory in order to
756begin deleting the objects therein, but was unsuccessful. This is
757usually a permissions issue. The routine will continue to delete
758other things, but this directory will be left intact.
760=item directory [dir] changed before chdir, expected dev=[n] inode=[n], actual dev=[n] ino=[n], aborting. (FATAL)
762C<rmtree> recorded the device and inode of a directory, and then
763moved into it. It then performed a C<stat> on the current directory
764and detected that the device and inode were no longer the same. As
765this is at the heart of the race condition problem, the program
766will die at this point.
768=item cannot make directory [dir] read+writeable: [errmsg]
770C<rmtree> attempted to change the permissions on the current directory
771to ensure that subsequent unlinkings would not run into problems,
772but was unable to do so. The permissions remain as they were, and
773the program will carry on, doing the best it can.
775=item cannot read [dir]: [errmsg]
777C<rmtree> tried to read the contents of the directory in order
778to acquire the names of the directory entries to be unlinked, but
779was unsuccessful. This is usually a permissions issue. The
780program will continue, but the files in this directory will remain
781after the call.
783=item cannot reset chmod [dir]: [errmsg]
cac619e8 785C<rmtree>, after having deleted everything in a directory, attempted
786to restore its permissions to the original state but failed. The
787directory may wind up being left behind.
12c2e016 788
cac619e8 789=item cannot chdir to [parent-dir] from [child-dir]: [errmsg], aborting. (FATAL)
12c2e016 790
cac619e8 791C<rmtree>, after having deleted everything and restored the permissions
792of a directory, was unable to chdir back to the parent. This is usually
793a sign that something evil this way comes.
fed7345c 794
cac619e8 795=item cannot stat prior working directory [dir]: [errmsg], aborting. (FATAL)
0b3d36bd 796
cac619e8 797C<rmtree> was unable to stat the parent directory after have returned
798from the child. Since there is no way of knowing if we returned to
799where we think we should be (by comparing device and inode) the only
800way out is to C<croak>.
0b3d36bd 801
cac619e8 802=item previous directory [parent-dir] changed before entering [child-dir], expected dev=[n] inode=[n], actual dev=[n] ino=[n], aborting. (FATAL)
0b3d36bd 803
cac619e8 804When C<rmtree> returned from deleting files in a child directory, a
805check revealed that the parent directory it returned to wasn't the one
806it started out from. This is considered a sign of malicious activity.
0b3d36bd 807
cac619e8 808=item cannot make directory [dir] writeable: [errmsg]
ee79a11f 809
cac619e8 810Just before removing a directory (after having successfully removed
811everything it contained), C<rmtree> attempted to set the permissions
812on the directory to ensure it could be removed and failed. Program
813execution continues, but the directory may possibly not be deleted.
0b3d36bd 814
cac619e8 815=item cannot remove directory [dir]: [errmsg]
0b3d36bd 816
cac619e8 817C<rmtree> attempted to remove a directory, but failed. This may because
818some objects that were unable to be removed remain in the directory, or
819a permissions issue. The directory will be left behind.
0b3d36bd 820
cac619e8 821=item cannot restore permissions of [dir] to [0nnn]: [errmsg]
0b3d36bd 822
cac619e8 823After having failed to remove a directory, C<rmtree> was unable to
824restore its permissions from a permissive state back to a possibly
825more restrictive setting. (Permissions given in octal).
0b3d36bd 826
cac619e8 827=item cannot make file [file] writeable: [errmsg]
b5400373 828
cac619e8 829C<rmtree> attempted to force the permissions of a file to ensure it
830could be deleted, but failed to do so. It will, however, still attempt
831to unlink the file.
0b3d36bd 832
cac619e8 833=item cannot unlink file [file]: [errmsg]
0b3d36bd 834
cac619e8 835C<rmtree> failed to remove a file. Probably a permissions issue.
0b3d36bd 836
cac619e8 837=item cannot restore permissions of [file] to [0nnn]: [errmsg]
0b3d36bd 838
cac619e8 839After having failed to remove a file, C<rmtree> was also unable
840to restore the permissions on the file to a possibly less permissive
841setting. (Permissions given in octal).
0b3d36bd 842
cac619e8 843=back
12c2e016 844
cac619e8 845=head1 SEE ALSO
037c8c09 846
cac619e8 847=over 4
0b3d36bd 848
cac619e8 849=item *
0b3d36bd 850
351a5cfe 851L<File::Remove>
853Allows files and directories to be moved to the Trashcan/Recycle
854Bin (where they may later be restored if necessary) if the operating
855system supports such functionality. This feature may one day be
856made available directly in C<File::Path>.
858=item *
cac619e8 860L<File::Find::Rule>
0b3d36bd 861
cac619e8 862When removing directory trees, if you want to examine each file to
863decide whether to delete it (and possibly leaving large swathes
864alone), F<File::Find::Rule> offers a convenient and flexible approach
865to examining directory trees.
0b3d36bd 866
cac619e8 867=back
0b3d36bd 868
cac619e8 869=head1 BUGS
0b3d36bd 870
cac619e8 871Please report all bugs on the RT queue:
b5400373 872
cac619e8 873L<>
b5400373 874
cac619e8 875=head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
0b3d36bd 876
cac619e8 877Paul Szabo identified the race condition originally, and Brendan
878O'Dea wrote an implementation for Debian that addressed the problem.
879That code was used as a basis for the current code. Their efforts
880are greatly appreciated.
fed7345c 881
cac619e8 882=head1 AUTHORS
fed7345c 883
cac619e8 884Tim Bunce <F<>> and Charles Bailey
885<F<>>. Currently maintained by David Landgren
888=head1 COPYRIGHT
890This module is copyright (C) Charles Bailey, Tim Bunce and
891David Landgren 1995-2007. All rights reserved.
893=head1 LICENSE
895This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
896it under the same terms as Perl itself.