Use $^O; don't use Config unless we need it
[p5sagit/p5-mst-13.2.git] / lib / ExtUtils /
4b6d56d3 1package ExtUtils::Install;
08ad6bd5 3use Exporter;
4use SelfLoader;
5use Carp ();
4b6d56d3 7@ISA = ('Exporter');
08ad6bd5 8@EXPORT = ('install','uninstall','pm_to_blib');
9$Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
11#use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $Is_VMS );
4b6d56d3 12#use strict;
08ad6bd5 141;
16sub ExtUtils::Install::install;
17sub ExtUtils::Install::uninstall;
18sub ExtUtils::Install::pm_to_blib;
19sub ExtUtils::Install::my_cmp;
4b6d56d3 23sub install {
24 my($hash,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
25 $verbose ||= 0;
26 $nonono ||= 0;
08ad6bd5 27
28 use Cwd qw(cwd);
29 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # to implement a MY class
30 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
31 use File::Copy qw(copy);
32 use File::Find qw(find);
33 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
34 # require "auto/ExtUtils/Install/"; # Hairy, but for the first
35 # time use we are in a different directory when autoload happens, so
36 # the relativ path to ./blib is ill.
4b6d56d3 38 my(%hash) = %$hash;
08ad6bd5 39 my(%pack, %write, $dir);
4b6d56d3 40 local(*DIR, *P);
41 for (qw/read write/) {
42 $pack{$_}=$hash{$_};
43 delete $hash{$_};
44 }
08ad6bd5 45 my($source_dir_or_file);
46 foreach $source_dir_or_file (sort keys %hash) {
4b6d56d3 47 #Check if there are files, and if yes, look if the corresponding
48 #target directory is writable for us
08ad6bd5 49 opendir DIR, $source_dir_or_file or next;
4b6d56d3 50 while ($_ = readdir DIR) {
51 next if $_ eq "." || $_ eq ".." || $_ eq ".exists";
08ad6bd5 52 if (-w $hash{$source_dir_or_file} || mkpath($hash{$source_dir_or_file})) {
4b6d56d3 53 last;
54 } else {
08ad6bd5 55 Carp::croak("You do not have permissions to install into $hash{$source_dir_or_file}");
4b6d56d3 56 }
57 }
58 closedir DIR;
59 }
60 if (-f $pack{"read"}) {
08ad6bd5 61 open P, $pack{"read"} or Carp::croak("Couldn't read $pack{'read'}");
4b6d56d3 62 # Remember what you found
63 while (<P>) {
64 chomp;
65 $write{$_}++;
66 }
67 close P;
68 }
69 my $cwd = cwd();
08ad6bd5 70 my $umask = umask 0 unless $Is_VMS;
4b6d56d3 71
72 # This silly reference is just here to be able to call MY->catdir
73 # without a warning (Waiting for a proper path/directory module,
08ad6bd5 74 # Charles!)
4b6d56d3 75 my $MY = {};
76 bless $MY, 'MY';
77 my($source);
78 MOD_INSTALL: foreach $source (sort keys %hash) {
79 #copy the tree to the target directory without altering
80 #timestamp and permission and remember for the .packlist
81 #file. The packlist file contains the absolute paths of the
82 #install locations. AFS users may call this a bug. We'll have
83 #to reconsider how to add the means to satisfy AFS users also.
84 chdir($source) or next;
85 find(sub {
86 my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
87 $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat;
88 return unless -f _;
89 return if $_ eq ".exists";
90 my $targetdir = $MY->catdir($hash{$source},$File::Find::dir);
91 my $targetfile = $MY->catfile($targetdir,$_);
92 my $diff = 0;
94 if ( -f $targetfile && -s _ == $size) {
95 # We have a good chance, we can skip this one
08ad6bd5 96 $diff = my_cmp($_,$targetfile);
4b6d56d3 97 } else {
98 print "$_ differs\n" if $verbose>1;
99 $diff++;
100 }
102 if ($diff){
08ad6bd5 103 if (-f $targetfile){
104 unlink $targetfile or Carp::croak("Couldn't unlink $targetfile");
105 } else {
106 mkpath($targetdir,0,0755) unless $nonono;
107 print "mkpath($targetdir,0,0755)\n" if $verbose>1;
108 }
4b6d56d3 109 copy($_,$targetfile) unless $nonono;
110 print "Installing $targetfile\n" if $verbose;
08ad6bd5 111 utime($atime,$mtime + $Is_VMS,$targetfile) unless $nonono>1;
4b6d56d3 112 print "utime($atime,$mtime,$targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
113 chmod $mode, $targetfile;
114 print "chmod($mode, $targetfile)\n" if $verbose>1;
115 } else {
116 print "Skipping $targetfile (unchanged)\n";
117 }
119 $write{$targetfile}++;
121 }, ".");
08ad6bd5 122 chdir($cwd) or Carp::croak("Couldn't chdir to $cwd: $!");
4b6d56d3 123 }
08ad6bd5 124 umask $umask unless $Is_VMS;
4b6d56d3 125 if ($pack{'write'}) {
126 $dir = dirname($pack{'write'});
127 mkpath($dir,0,0755);
128 print "Writing $pack{'write'}\n";
08ad6bd5 129 open P, ">$pack{'write'}" or Carp::croak("Couldn't write $pack{'write'}: $!");
4b6d56d3 130 for (sort keys %write) {
131 print P "$_\n";
132 }
133 close P;
134 }
08ad6bd5 137sub my_cmp {
138 my($one,$two) = @_;
139 local(*F,*T);
140 my $diff = 0;
141 open T, $two or return 1;
142 open F, $one or Carp::croak("Couldn't open $one: $!");
143 my($fr, $tr, $fbuf, $tbuf, $size);
144 $size = 1024;
145 # print "Reading $one\n";
146 while ( $fr = read(F,$fbuf,$size)) {
147 unless (
148 $tr = read(T,$tbuf,$size) and
149 $tbuf eq $fbuf
150 ){
151 # print "diff ";
152 $diff++;
153 last;
154 }
155 # print "$fr/$tr ";
156 }
157 # print "\n";
158 close F;
159 close T;
160 $diff;
4b6d56d3 163sub uninstall {
164 my($fil,$verbose,$nonono) = @_;
165 die "no packlist file found: $fil" unless -f $fil;
166 local *P;
08ad6bd5 167 open P, $fil or Carp::croak("uninstall: Could not read packlist file $fil: $!");
4b6d56d3 168 while (<P>) {
169 chomp;
170 print "unlink $_\n" if $verbose;
08ad6bd5 171 unlink($_) || Carp::carp("Couldn't unlink $_") unless $nonono;
4b6d56d3 172 }
173 print "unlink $fil\n" if $verbose;
08ad6bd5 174 unlink($fil) || Carp::carp("Couldn't unlink $fil") unless $nonono;
177sub pm_to_blib {
178 my($fromto,$autodir) = @_;
180 use File::Basename qw(dirname);
181 use File::Copy qw(copy);
182 use File::Path qw(mkpath);
183 use AutoSplit;
185 my $umask = umask 0022 unless $Is_VMS;
186 mkpath($autodir,0,0755);
187 foreach (keys %$fromto) {
188 next if -f $fromto->{$_} && -M $fromto->{$_} < -M $_;
189 unless (my_cmp($_,$fromto->{$_})){
190 print "Skip $fromto->{$_} (unchanged)\n";
191 next;
192 }
193 if (-f $fromto->{$_}){
194 unlink $fromto->{$_} or Carp::carp("Couldn't unlink $fromto->{$_}");
195 } else {
196 mkpath(dirname($fromto->{$_}),0,0755);
197 }
198 copy($_,$fromto->{$_});
199 chmod((stat)[2],$fromto->{$_});
200 print "cp $_ $fromto->{$_}\n";
201 next unless /\.pm$/;
202 autosplit($fromto->{$_},$autodir);
203 }
204 umask $umask unless $Is_VMS;
4b6d56d3 205}
211=head1 NAME
213ExtUtils::Install - install files from here to there
215=head1 SYNOPSIS
217B<use ExtUtils::Install;>
08ad6bd5 223B<pm_to_blib($hashref);>
4b6d56d3 225=head1 DESCRIPTION
08ad6bd5 227Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way
4b6d56d3 228ExtUtils::MakeMaker handles the installation and deinstallation of
229perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools.
231install() takes three arguments. A reference to a hash, a verbose
232switch and a don't-really-do-it switch. The hash ref contains a
233mapping of directories: each key/value pair is a combination of
234directories to be copied. Key is a directory to copy from, value is a
235directory to copy to. The whole tree below the "from" directory will
236be copied preserving timestamps and permissions.
238There are two keys with a special meaning in the hash: "read" and
239"write". After the copying is done, install will write the list of
240target files to the file named by $hashref->{write}. If there is
241another file named by $hashref->{read}, the contents of this file will
242be merged into the written file. The read and the written file may be
243identical, but on AFS it is quite likely, people are installing to a
244different directory than the one where the files later appear.
246uninstall() takes as first argument a file containing filenames to be
247unlinked. The second argument is a verbose switch, the third is a
248no-don't-really-do-it-now switch.
08ad6bd5 250pm_to_blib() takes a hashref as the first argument and copies all keys
251of the hash to the corresponding values efficiently. Filenames with
252the extension pm are autosplit. Second argument is the autosplit
4b6d56d3 254
08ad6bd5 255=cut
4b6d56d3 256