Untodoify tests - these are not 'nice to have', they must work
[dbsrgits/DBIx-Class-Historic.git] / lib / DBIx / Class / Relationship / Base.pm
55e2d745 1package DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base;
3use strict;
4use warnings;
1edd1722 6use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
6298a324 7
8use Scalar::Util qw/weaken blessed/;
ed7ab0f4 9use Try::Tiny;
fd323bf1 10use namespace::clean;
55e2d745 11
75d07914 12=head1 NAME
55e2d745 13
8918977e 14DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base - Inter-table relationships
55e2d745 15
16=head1 SYNOPSIS
6c4f4d69 18 __PACKAGE__->add_relationship(
19 spiders => 'My::DB::Result::Creatures',
20 sub {
21 my $args = shift;
22 return {
23 "$args->{foreign_alias}.id" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.id" },
24 "$args->{foreign_alias}.type" => 'arachnid'
25 };
26 },
27 );
13523f29 28
55e2d745 29=head1 DESCRIPTION
30236e47 31This class provides methods to describe the relationships between the
32tables in your database model. These are the "bare bones" relationships
75d07914 33methods, for predefined ones, look in L<DBIx::Class::Relationship>.
55e2d745 34
35=head1 METHODS
8091aa91 37=head2 add_relationship
503536d5 38
27f01d1f 39=over 4
13523f29 41=item Arguments: 'relname', 'Foreign::Class', $condition, $attrs
27f01d1f 42
30236e47 44
6c4f4d69 45 __PACKAGE__->add_relationship('relname',
46 'Foreign::Class',
13523f29 47 $condition, $attrs);
49Create a custom relationship between one result source and another
50source, indicated by its class name.
503536d5 51
406734bb 52=head3 condition
6c4f4d69 54The condition argument describes the C<ON> clause of the C<JOIN>
55expression used to connect the two sources when creating SQL queries.
30236e47 56
13523f29 57To create simple equality joins, supply a hashref containing the
58remote table column name as the key(s), and the local table column
6c4f4d69 59name as the value(s), for example given:
503536d5 60
6c4f4d69 61 My::Schema::Author->has_many(
62 books => 'My::Schema::Book',
63 { 'foreign.author_id' => 'self.id' }
64 );
503536d5 65
6c4f4d69 66A query like:
68 $author_rs->search_related('books')->next
503536d5 69
6c4f4d69 70will result in the following C<JOIN> clause:
72 ... FROM author me LEFT JOIN book books ON books.author_id = me.id ...
503536d5 73
13523f29 74This describes a relationship between the C<Author> table and the
75C<Book> table where the C<Book> table has a column C<author_id>
76containing the ID value of the C<Author>.
6c4f4d69 78C<foreign> and C<self> are pseudo aliases and must be entered
13523f29 79literally. They will be replaced with the actual correct table alias
80when the SQL is produced.
5271499d 83
6c4f4d69 84 My::Schema::Book->has_many(
85 editions => 'My::Schema::Edition',
86 {
87 'foreign.publisher_id' => 'self.publisher_id',
88 'foreign.type_id' => 'self.type_id',
89 }
90 );
92 ...
94 $book_rs->search_related('editions')->next
5271499d 95
13523f29 96will result in the C<JOIN> clause:
5271499d 97
6c4f4d69 98 ... FROM book me
99 LEFT JOIN edition editions ON
100 editions.publisher_id = me.publisher_id
101 AND editions.type_id = me.type_id ...
5271499d 102
13523f29 103This describes the relationship from C<Book> to C<Edition>, where the
104C<Edition> table refers to a publisher and a type (e.g. "paperback"):
106As is the default in L<SQL::Abstract>, the key-value pairs will be
107C<AND>ed in the result. C<OR> can be achieved with an arrayref, for
6c4f4d69 108example a condition like:
13523f29 109
6c4f4d69 110 My::Schema::Item->has_many(
111 related_item_links => My::Schema::Item::Links,
112 [
113 { 'foreign.left_itemid' => 'self.id' },
114 { 'foreign.right_itemid' => 'self.id' },
115 ],
116 );
13523f29 117
6c4f4d69 118will translate to the following C<JOIN> clause:
13523f29 119
6c4f4d69 120 ... FROM item me JOIN item_relations related_item_links ON
121 related_item_links.left_itemid = me.id
122 OR related_item_links.right_itemid = me.id ...
13523f29 123
6c4f4d69 124This describes the relationship from C<Item> to C<Item::Links>, where
125C<Item::Links> is a many-to-many linking table, linking items back to
126themselves in a peer fashion (without a "parent-child" designation)
13523f29 127
6c4f4d69 128To specify joins which describe more than a simple equality of column
129values, the custom join condition coderef syntax can be used. For
13523f29 131
6c4f4d69 132 My::Schema::Artist->has_many(
133 cds_80s => 'My::Schema::CD',
13523f29 134 sub {
6c4f4d69 135 my $args = shift;
13523f29 136
6c4f4d69 137 return {
138 "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.artistid" },
139 "$args->{foreign_alias}.year" => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },
140 };
141 }
142 );
13523f29 143
6c4f4d69 144 ...
13523f29 145
6c4f4d69 146 $artist_rs->search_related('cds_80s')->next;
13523f29 147
6c4f4d69 148will result in the C<JOIN> clause:
13523f29 149
6c4f4d69 150 ... FROM artist me LEFT JOIN cd cds_80s ON
151 cds_80s.artist = me.artistid
152 AND cds_80s.year < ?
153 AND cds_80s.year > ?
13523f29 154
6c4f4d69 155with the bind values:
13523f29 156
6c4f4d69 157 '1990', '1979'
13523f29 158
6c4f4d69 159C<< $args->{foreign_alias} >> and C<< $args->{self_alias} >> are supplied the
160same values that would be otherwise substituted for C<foreign> and C<self>
161in the simple hashref syntax case.
163The coderef is expected to return a valid L<SQL::Abstract> query-structure, just
164like what one would supply as the first argument to
165L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/search>. The return value will be passed directly to
166L<SQL::Abstract> and the resulting SQL will be used verbatim as the C<ON>
167clause of the C<JOIN> statement associated with this relationship.
169While every coderef-based condition must return a valid C<ON> clause, it may
170elect to additionally return a simplified join-free condition hashref when
171invoked as C<< $row_object->relationship >>, as opposed to
172C<< $rs->related_resultset('relationship') >>. In this case C<$row_object> is
173passed to the coderef as C<< $args->{self_rowobj} >>, so a user can do the
176 sub {
177 my $args = shift;
179 return (
180 {
181 "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.artistid" },
182 "$args->{foreign_alias}.year" => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },
183 },
184 $args->{self_rowobj} && {
185 "$args->{foreign_alias}.artist" => $args->{self_rowobj}->artistid,
186 "$args->{foreign_alias}.year" => { '>', "1979", '<', "1990" },
187 },
188 );
13523f29 189 }
191Now this code:
193 my $artist = $schema->resultset("Artist")->find({ id => 4 });
194 $artist->cds_80s->all;
6c4f4d69 196Can skip a C<JOIN> altogether and instead produce:
13523f29 197
6c4f4d69 198 SELECT cds_80s.cdid, cds_80s.artist, cds_80s.title, cds_80s.year, cds_80s.genreid, cds_80s.single_track
199 FROM cd cds_80s
200 WHERE cds_80s.artist = ?
201 AND cds_80s.year < ?
202 AND cds_80s.year > ?
13523f29 203
204With the bind values:
206 '4', '1990', '1979'
6c4f4d69 208Note that in order to be able to use
209L<< $row->create_related|DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/create_related >>,
210the coderef must not only return as its second such a "simple" condition
211hashref which does not depend on joins being available, but the hashref must
212contain only plain values/deflatable objects, such that the result can be
213passed directly to L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base/set_from_related>. For
214instance the C<year> constraint in the above example prevents the relationship
215from being used to to create related objects (an exception will be thrown).
217In order to allow the user to go truly crazy when generating a custom C<ON>
218clause, the C<$args> hashref passed to the subroutine contains some extra
219metadata. Currently the supplied coderef is executed as:
221 $relationship_info->{cond}->({
222 self_alias => The alias of the invoking resultset ('me' in case of a row object),
223 foreign_alias => The alias of the to-be-joined resultset (often matches relname),
224 self_resultsource => The invocant's resultsource,
225 foreign_relname => The relationship name (does *not* always match foreign_alias),
226 self_rowobj => The invocant itself in case of $row_obj->relationship
227 });
8091aa91 228
406734bb 229=head3 attributes
231The L<standard ResultSet attributes|DBIx::Class::ResultSet/ATTRIBUTES> may
232be used as relationship attributes. In particular, the 'where' attribute is
233useful for filtering relationships:
235 __PACKAGE__->has_many( 'valid_users', 'MyApp::Schema::User',
236 { 'foreign.user_id' => 'self.user_id' },
237 { where => { valid => 1 } }
238 );
240The following attributes are also valid:
8091aa91 241
242=over 4
244=item join_type
246Explicitly specifies the type of join to use in the relationship. Any SQL
247join type is valid, e.g. C<LEFT> or C<RIGHT>. It will be placed in the SQL
248command immediately before C<JOIN>.
97c96475 250=item proxy =E<gt> $column | \@columns | \%column
252=over 4
254=item \@columns
8091aa91 255
30236e47 256An arrayref containing a list of accessors in the foreign class to create in
8091aa91 257the main class. If, for example, you do the following:
d4daee7b 258
27f01d1f 259 MyDB::Schema::CD->might_have(liner_notes => 'MyDB::Schema::LinerNotes',
260 undef, {
261 proxy => [ qw/notes/ ],
262 });
d4daee7b 263
30236e47 264Then, assuming MyDB::Schema::LinerNotes has an accessor named notes, you can do:
8091aa91 265
30236e47 266 my $cd = MyDB::Schema::CD->find(1);
267 $cd->notes('Notes go here'); # set notes -- LinerNotes object is
268 # created if it doesn't exist
d4daee7b 269
97c96475 270=item \%column
272A hashref where each key is the accessor you want installed in the main class,
273and its value is the name of the original in the fireign class.
275 MyDB::Schema::Track->belongs_to( cd => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD', 'cd', {
276 proxy => { cd_title => 'title' },
277 });
279This will create an accessor named C<cd_title> on the C<$track> row object.
283NOTE: you can pass a nested struct too, for example:
285 MyDB::Schema::Track->belongs_to( cd => 'DBICTest::Schema::CD', 'cd', {
286 proxy => [ 'year', { cd_title => 'title' } ],
287 });
8091aa91 289=item accessor
291Specifies the type of accessor that should be created for the relationship.
292Valid values are C<single> (for when there is only a single related object),
293C<multi> (when there can be many), and C<filter> (for when there is a single
294related object, but you also want the relationship accessor to double as
295a column accessor). For C<multi> accessors, an add_to_* method is also
296created, which calls C<create_related> for the relationship.
3d618782 298=item is_foreign_key_constraint
300If you are using L<SQL::Translator> to create SQL for you and you find that it
fd323bf1 301is creating constraints where it shouldn't, or not creating them where it
3d618782 302should, set this attribute to a true or false value to override the detection
303of when to create constraints.
5f7ac523 305=item cascade_copy
307If C<cascade_copy> is true on a C<has_many> relationship for an
308object, then when you copy the object all the related objects will
fd323bf1 309be copied too. To turn this behaviour off, pass C<< cascade_copy => 0 >>
310in the C<$attr> hashref.
b7bbc39f 311
312The behaviour defaults to C<< cascade_copy => 1 >> for C<has_many>
5f7ac523 314
315=item cascade_delete
b7bbc39f 317By default, DBIx::Class cascades deletes across C<has_many>,
318C<has_one> and C<might_have> relationships. You can disable this
fd323bf1 319behaviour on a per-relationship basis by supplying
b7bbc39f 320C<< cascade_delete => 0 >> in the relationship attributes.
5f7ac523 321
322The cascaded operations are performed after the requested delete,
323so if your database has a constraint on the relationship, it will
324have deleted/updated the related records or raised an exception
325before DBIx::Class gets to perform the cascaded operation.
327=item cascade_update
b7bbc39f 329By default, DBIx::Class cascades updates across C<has_one> and
5f7ac523 330C<might_have> relationships. You can disable this behaviour on a
b7bbc39f 331per-relationship basis by supplying C<< cascade_update => 0 >> in
332the relationship attributes.
5f7ac523 333
cee0c9b1 334This is not a RDMS style cascade update - it purely means that when
335an object has update called on it, all the related objects also
336have update called. It will not change foreign keys automatically -
337you must arrange to do this yourself.
5f7ac523 338
e377d723 339=item on_delete / on_update
341If you are using L<SQL::Translator> to create SQL for you, you can use these
fd323bf1 342attributes to explicitly set the desired C<ON DELETE> or C<ON UPDATE> constraint
343type. If not supplied the SQLT parser will attempt to infer the constraint type by
e377d723 344interrogating the attributes of the B<opposite> relationship. For any 'multi'
fd323bf1 345relationship with C<< cascade_delete => 1 >>, the corresponding belongs_to
346relationship will be created with an C<ON DELETE CASCADE> constraint. For any
e377d723 347relationship bearing C<< cascade_copy => 1 >> the resulting belongs_to constraint
348will be C<ON UPDATE CASCADE>. If you wish to disable this autodetection, and just
fd323bf1 349use the RDBMS' default constraint type, pass C<< on_delete => undef >> or
e377d723 350C<< on_delete => '' >>, and the same for C<on_update> respectively.
13de943d 352=item is_deferrable
354Tells L<SQL::Translator> that the foreign key constraint it creates should be
355deferrable. In other words, the user may request that the constraint be ignored
356until the end of the transaction. Currently, only the PostgreSQL producer
357actually supports this.
2581038c 359=item add_fk_index
361Tells L<SQL::Translator> to add an index for this constraint. Can also be
362specified globally in the args to L<DBIx::Class::Schema/deploy> or
363L<DBIx::Class::Schema/create_ddl_dir>. Default is on, set to 0 to disable.
8091aa91 365=back
87c4e602 367=head2 register_relationship
27f01d1f 369=over 4
ebc77b53 371=item Arguments: $relname, $rel_info
27f01d1f 372
71e65b39 374
30236e47 375Registers a relationship on the class. This is called internally by
71f9df37 376DBIx::Class::ResultSourceProxy to set up Accessors and Proxies.
71e65b39 377
55e2d745 378=cut
71e65b39 380sub register_relationship { }
27f01d1f 382=head2 related_resultset
384=over 4
ebc77b53 386=item Arguments: $relationship_name
27f01d1f 387
d601dc88 388=item Return Value: $related_resultset
27f01d1f 389
30236e47 391
27f01d1f 392 $rs = $cd->related_resultset('artist');
30236e47 393
27f01d1f 394Returns a L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> for the relationship named
30236e47 396
399sub related_resultset {
400 my $self = shift;
bc0c9800 401 $self->throw_exception("Can't call *_related as class methods")
402 unless ref $self;
30236e47 403 my $rel = shift;
164efde3 404 my $rel_info = $self->relationship_info($rel);
bc0c9800 405 $self->throw_exception( "No such relationship ${rel}" )
164efde3 406 unless $rel_info;
d4daee7b 407
30236e47 408 return $self->{related_resultsets}{$rel} ||= do {
409 my $attrs = (@_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {});
164efde3 410 $attrs = { %{$rel_info->{attrs} || {}}, %$attrs };
30236e47 411
bc0c9800 412 $self->throw_exception( "Invalid query: @_" )
413 if (@_ > 1 && (@_ % 2 == 1));
30236e47 414 my $query = ((@_ > 1) ? {@_} : shift);
68f3b0dd 416 my $source = $self->result_source;
d419ded6 417
418 # condition resolution may fail if an incomplete master-object prefetch
34b6b86f 419 # is encountered - that is ok during prefetch construction (not yet in_storage)
a126983e 420
421 # if $rel_info->{cond} is a CODE, we might need to join from the
422 # current resultsource instead of just querying the target
423 # resultsource, in that case, the condition might provide an
424 # additional condition in order to avoid an unecessary join if
425 # that is at all possible.
9aae3566 426 my ($cond, $extended_cond) = try {
52b420dd 427 $source->_resolve_condition( $rel_info->{cond}, $rel, $self )
428 }
ed7ab0f4 429 catch {
34b6b86f 430 if ($self->in_storage) {
ed7ab0f4 431 $self->throw_exception ($_);
34b6b86f 432 }
52b420dd 433
434 $DBIx::Class::ResultSource::UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION; # RV
ed7ab0f4 435 };
d419ded6 436
68f3b0dd 437 if ($cond eq $DBIx::Class::ResultSource::UNRESOLVABLE_CONDITION) {
438 my $reverse = $source->reverse_relationship_info($rel);
439 foreach my $rev_rel (keys %$reverse) {
b82c8a28 440 if ($reverse->{$rev_rel}{attrs}{accessor} && $reverse->{$rev_rel}{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
2c5c07ec 441 $attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel} = [ $self ];
6298a324 442 weaken $attrs->{related_object}{$rev_rel}[0];
2c5c07ec 443 } else {
444 $attrs->{related_objects}{$rev_rel} = $self;
6298a324 445 weaken $attrs->{related_object}{$rev_rel};
2c5c07ec 446 }
68f3b0dd 447 }
448 }
9aae3566 449
7689b9e5 450 if (ref $rel_info->{cond} eq 'CODE' && !$extended_cond) {
451 # since we don't have the extended condition, we need to step
452 # back, get a resultset for the current row and do a
453 # search_related there.
f3cfaac6 454
7689b9e5 455 my $row_srcname = $source->source_name;
f3cfaac6 456 my $base_rs_class = $source->resultset_class;
457 my $base_rs_attr = $source->resultset_attributes;
458 my $base_rs = $base_rs_class->new
459 ($source,
460 {
461 %$base_rs_attr,
462 alias => $source->storage->relname_to_table_alias(lc($row_srcname).'__row',1)
463 });
2235a951 464 my $alias = $base_rs->current_source_alias;
465 my %identity = map { ( "${alias}.${_}" => $self->get_column($_) ) } $source->primary_columns;
466 my $row_rs = $base_rs->search(\%identity);
f3cfaac6 467 my $related = $row_rs->related_resultset($rel, { %$attrs, alias => 'me' });
468 $related->search($query);
7689b9e5 469
470 } else {
471 # when we have the extended condition or we have a simple
472 # relationship declaration, it can optimize the JOIN away by
473 # simply adding the identity in WHERE.
475 if (ref $rel_info->{cond} eq 'CODE' && $extended_cond) {
9aae3566 476 $cond = $extended_cond;
9aae3566 477 }
9aae3566 478
7689b9e5 479 if (ref $cond eq 'ARRAY') {
480 $cond = [ map {
481 if (ref $_ eq 'HASH') {
482 my $hash;
483 foreach my $key (keys %$_) {
484 my $newkey = $key !~ /\./ ? "me.$key" : $key;
485 $hash->{$newkey} = $_->{$key};
486 }
487 $hash;
488 } else {
489 $_;
370f2ba2 490 }
7689b9e5 491 } @$cond ];
492 } elsif (ref $cond eq 'HASH') {
493 foreach my $key (grep { ! /\./ } keys %$cond) {
494 $cond->{"me.$key"} = delete $cond->{$key};
370f2ba2 495 }
30236e47 496 }
a126983e 497
7689b9e5 498 $query = ($query ? { '-and' => [ $cond, $query ] } : $cond);
499 $self->result_source->related_source($rel)->resultset->search(
500 $query, $attrs);
501 }
30236e47 502 };
8091aa91 505=head2 search_related
503536d5 506
5b89a768 507 @objects = $rs->search_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
508 $objects_rs = $rs->search_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
30236e47 509
510Run a search on a related resultset. The search will be restricted to the
511item or items represented by the L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> it was called
512upon. This method can be called on a ResultSet, a Row or a ResultSource class.
503536d5 513
55e2d745 516sub search_related {
ff7bb7a1 517 return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search(@_);
b52e9bf8 518}
5b89a768 520=head2 search_related_rs
522 ( $objects_rs ) = $rs->search_related_rs('relname', $cond, $attrs);
fd323bf1 524This method works exactly the same as search_related, except that
48580715 525it guarantees a resultset, even in list context.
5b89a768 526
529sub search_related_rs {
530 return shift->related_resultset(shift)->search_rs(@_);
b52e9bf8 533=head2 count_related
7be93b07 535 $obj->count_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
b52e9bf8 536
bc0c9800 537Returns the count of all the items in the related resultset, restricted by the
538current item or where conditions. Can be called on a
27f01d1f 539L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary/"ResultSet"> or a
bc0c9800 540L<DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary/"Row"> object.
30236e47 541
b52e9bf8 542=cut
544sub count_related {
545 my $self = shift;
546 return $self->search_related(@_)->count;
55e2d745 547}
30236e47 549=head2 new_related
551 my $new_obj = $obj->new_related('relname', \%col_data);
553Create a new item of the related foreign class. If called on a
fd323bf1 554L<Row|DBIx::Class::Manual::Glossary/"Row"> object, it will magically
555set any foreign key columns of the new object to the related primary
556key columns of the source object for you. The newly created item will
479b2a6a 557not be saved into your storage until you call L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert>
30236e47 558on it.
562sub new_related {
563 my ($self, $rel, $values, $attrs) = @_;
564 return $self->search_related($rel)->new($values, $attrs);
8091aa91 567=head2 create_related
503536d5 568
30236e47 569 my $new_obj = $obj->create_related('relname', \%col_data);
571Creates a new item, similarly to new_related, and also inserts the item's data
572into your storage medium. See the distinction between C<create> and C<new>
573in L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> for details.
503536d5 574
55e2d745 577sub create_related {
3842b955 578 my $self = shift;
fea3d045 579 my $rel = shift;
1115a421 580
8d656b21 581 $self->throw_exception("Can't call *_related as class methods")
582 unless ref $self;
1115a421 584 # we need to stop and check if this is at all possible. If this is
585 # an extended relationship with an incomplete definition, we should
586 # just forbid it right now.
587 my $rel_info = $self->result_source->relationship_info($rel);
588 if (ref $rel_info->{cond} eq 'CODE') {
589 my ($cond, $ext) = $rel_info->{cond}->({ self_alias => 'me',
2235a951 590 foreign_alias => $rel,
1115a421 591 self_rowobj => $self
592 });
593 $self->throw_exception("unable to set_from_related - no simplified condition available for '${rel}'")
594 unless $ext;
2235a951 595
596 # now we need to make sure all non-identity relationship
597 # definitions are overriden.
598 my ($argref) = @_;
599 while ( my($col, $value) = each %$ext ) {
600 $col =~ s/^$rel\.//;
601 my $vref = ref $value;
602 if ($vref eq 'HASH') {
603 if (keys(%$value) && (keys %$value)[0] ne '=' &&
604 !exists $argref->{$col}) {
605 $self->throw_exception("unable to set_from_related via complex '${rel}' condition on column(s): '${col}'")
606 }
607 }
608 }
1115a421 609 }
64acc2bc 611 my $obj = $self->search_related($rel)->create(@_);
612 delete $self->{related_resultsets}->{$rel};
613 return $obj;
55e2d745 614}
8091aa91 616=head2 find_related
503536d5 617
30236e47 618 my $found_item = $obj->find_related('relname', @pri_vals | \%pri_vals);
620Attempt to find a related object using its primary key or unique constraints.
27f01d1f 621See L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/find> for details.
503536d5 622
1a14aa3f 625sub find_related {
626 my $self = shift;
627 my $rel = shift;
716b3d29 628 return $self->search_related($rel)->find(@_);
1a14aa3f 629}
b3e1f1f5 631=head2 find_or_new_related
633 my $new_obj = $obj->find_or_new_related('relname', \%col_data);
635Find an item of a related class. If none exists, instantiate a new item of the
636related class. The object will not be saved into your storage until you call
637L<DBIx::Class::Row/insert> on it.
641sub find_or_new_related {
642 my $self = shift;
e60dc79f 643 my $obj = $self->find_related(@_);
644 return defined $obj ? $obj : $self->new_related(@_);
b3e1f1f5 645}
8091aa91 647=head2 find_or_create_related
503536d5 648
30236e47 649 my $new_obj = $obj->find_or_create_related('relname', \%col_data);
27f01d1f 651Find or create an item of a related class. See
b3e1f1f5 652L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/find_or_create> for details.
503536d5 653
55e2d745 656sub find_or_create_related {
657 my $self = shift;
9c2c91ea 658 my $obj = $self->find_related(@_);
659 return (defined($obj) ? $obj : $self->create_related(@_));
55e2d745 660}
045120e6 662=head2 update_or_create_related
664 my $updated_item = $obj->update_or_create_related('relname', \%col_data, \%attrs?);
666Update or create an item of a related class. See
f7e1846f 667L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/update_or_create> for details.
045120e6 668
671sub update_or_create_related {
672 my $self = shift;
673 my $rel = shift;
674 return $self->related_resultset($rel)->update_or_create(@_);
8091aa91 677=head2 set_from_related
503536d5 678
30236e47 679 $book->set_from_related('author', $author_obj);
ac8e89d7 680 $book->author($author_obj); ## same thing
30236e47 681
682Set column values on the current object, using related values from the given
683related object. This is used to associate previously separate objects, for
684example, to set the correct author for a book, find the Author object, then
685call set_from_related on the book.
ac8e89d7 687This is called internally when you pass existing objects as values to
48580715 688L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet/create>, or pass an object to a belongs_to accessor.
ac8e89d7 689
27f01d1f 690The columns are only set in the local copy of the object, call L</update> to
691set them in the storage.
503536d5 692
55e2d745 695sub set_from_related {
696 my ($self, $rel, $f_obj) = @_;
164efde3 697 my $rel_info = $self->relationship_info($rel);
698 $self->throw_exception( "No such relationship ${rel}" ) unless $rel_info;
699 my $cond = $rel_info->{cond};
bc0c9800 700 $self->throw_exception(
701 "set_from_related can only handle a hash condition; the ".
702 "condition for $rel is of type ".
703 (ref $cond ? ref $cond : 'plain scalar')
704 ) unless ref $cond eq 'HASH';
2c037e6b 705 if (defined $f_obj) {
164efde3 706 my $f_class = $rel_info->{class};
2c037e6b 707 $self->throw_exception( "Object $f_obj isn't a ".$f_class )
6298a324 708 unless blessed $f_obj and $f_obj->isa($f_class);
2c037e6b 709 }
a126983e 710
711 # _resolve_condition might return two hashrefs, specially in the
712 # current case, since we know $f_object is an object.
713 my ($condref1, $condref2) = $self->result_source->_resolve_condition
714 ($rel_info->{cond}, $f_obj, $rel);
716 # if we get two condrefs, we need to use the second, otherwise we
717 # use the first.
718 $self->set_columns($condref2 ? $condref2 : $condref1);
55e2d745 720 return 1;
8091aa91 723=head2 update_from_related
503536d5 724
30236e47 725 $book->update_from_related('author', $author_obj);
27f01d1f 727The same as L</"set_from_related">, but the changes are immediately updated
728in storage.
503536d5 729
55e2d745 732sub update_from_related {
733 my $self = shift;
734 $self->set_from_related(@_);
735 $self->update;
8091aa91 738=head2 delete_related
503536d5 739
30236e47 740 $obj->delete_related('relname', $cond, $attrs);
742Delete any related item subject to the given conditions.
503536d5 743
55e2d745 746sub delete_related {
747 my $self = shift;
64acc2bc 748 my $obj = $self->search_related(@_)->delete;
749 delete $self->{related_resultsets}->{$_[0]};
750 return $obj;
55e2d745 751}
ec353f53 753=head2 add_to_$rel
755B<Currently only available for C<has_many>, C<many-to-many> and 'multi' type
758=over 4
760=item Arguments: ($foreign_vals | $obj), $link_vals?
764 my $role = $schema->resultset('Role')->find(1);
765 $actor->add_to_roles($role);
766 # creates a My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles linking table row object
768 $actor->add_to_roles({ name => 'lead' }, { salary => 15_000_000 });
769 # creates a new My::DBIC::Schema::Role row object and the linking table
770 # object with an extra column in the link
772Adds a linking table object for C<$obj> or C<$foreign_vals>. If the first
773argument is a hash reference, the related object is created first with the
774column values in the hash. If an object reference is given, just the linking
775table object is created. In either case, any additional column values for the
776linking table object can be specified in C<$link_vals>.
778=head2 set_$rel
780B<Currently only available for C<many-to-many> relationships.>
782=over 4
ac36a402 784=item Arguments: (\@hashrefs | \@objs), $link_vals?
ec353f53 785
788 my $actor = $schema->resultset('Actor')->find(1);
fd323bf1 789 my @roles = $schema->resultset('Role')->search({ role =>
debccec3 790 { '-in' => ['Fred', 'Barney'] } } );
ec353f53 791
4d3a827d 792 $actor->set_roles(\@roles);
793 # Replaces all of $actor's previous roles with the two named
ec353f53 794
ac36a402 795 $actor->set_roles(\@roles, { salary => 15_000_000 });
796 # Sets a column in the link table for all roles
4d3a827d 799Replace all the related objects with the given reference to a list of
800objects. This does a C<delete> B<on the link table resultset> to remove the
801association between the current object and all related objects, then calls
802C<add_to_$rel> repeatedly to link all the new objects.
bba68c67 803
804Note that this means that this method will B<not> delete any objects in the
805table on the right side of the relation, merely that it will delete the link
806between them.
ec353f53 807
4d3a827d 808Due to a mistake in the original implementation of this method, it will also
809accept a list of objects or hash references. This is B<deprecated> and will be
810removed in a future version.
ec353f53 812=head2 remove_from_$rel
814B<Currently only available for C<many-to-many> relationships.>
816=over 4
818=item Arguments: $obj
822 my $role = $schema->resultset('Role')->find(1);
823 $actor->remove_from_roles($role);
824 # removes $role's My::DBIC::Schema::ActorRoles linking table row object
826Removes the link between the current object and the related object. Note that
827the related object itself won't be deleted unless you call ->delete() on
828it. This method just removes the link between the two objects.
55e2d745 830=head1 AUTHORS
daec44b8 832Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcatsystems.co.uk>
55e2d745 833
834=head1 LICENSE
836You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.
4d87db01 8401;